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Aug 5, 2023 5:14 PM

Nov 2016
The Warrior of Liberation is here. Joy Boy. Nika. Awakening. Gear 5th. It's not just Luffy's peak, this is a peak for One Piece as well, in terms of hyping this up like the greatest event of all time, lol. I hardly was able to wait for this myself tbh. When I read 1044 I was wondering how they would adapt this. The Drums of Liberation were still going hard. Gorosei narration with Whitebeard's OST(GOAT OST for GOAT debut) was on point as well. It's actually insane that after 25 years Oda revealed that Luffy didn't eat the Gum Gum Fruit.

Tatsuya Nagamine, the man who started as director for Wano is back for his most important episode(only dislike him for the auras xD) Along with Shida, Chansard and other big animators it's an epic line-up again. Too bad we didn't get a new opening for this occasion, but there's an ending.

The Orochi segment had only one panel I was looking really forward to

Delivery of emotions was good, but manga clearly and I repeat CLEARLY better.

Really nitpicking hard here.

Luffy in Gear 5th was One Piece at it's silliest. His laugh, the animation and all the goofy cartoon sounds, what did I even watch? Lmao. It's somewhere between yikes and awesome. The Overtaken remix was definitely the latter. Returning the Boro Breath was also a highlight. And again plenty of cool easter eggs in the frames. Such details show the level of enthusiasm of the animators.

Great episode overall. Not the best of all time kind of great. There were One Piece episodes which had more to offer storytelling and directionwise. Lazy flashbacks or reused animation to pad should be a no go for this kind of episode. 1015 showed how it's done. Best aspect here is that 1071 got many people into One Piece. Next episode will be better in terms of quality and "fighting" and ridiculousness for sure.
FMmatronAug 6, 2023 7:11 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 5, 2023 5:23 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016

Welcome to One Piece's

The drums of liberation have sounded, and the white warrior has descended...

This is quite possible or is literally the most mind-numbing, insane, bombshell of a revelation and evolution that One Piece has gone through in its history, and I'm experiencing it for the 2nd time! The manga then the anime. I have waited for over a year since chapter 1044 was released and now in ep 1071, we finally get to see it...

GEAR 5!!! Mythical Zoan: Hito-Hito no mi model Sun God NIKA!!!

This is a devil fruit so ancient and so immensely wanted by the World government, that they've tried and tried again and again to attain the fruit for over 800 years, yet still failing to this day. It seems that the fruit's innate will compels itself to find a host that would be compatible with its philosophy of freedom. And what better host than Luffy to be in right now? Now that the fruit is fully awakened, and Luffy is at his peak with Gear 5, the long-awaited upgrade, Luffy has the ability to not only be stretchy like rubbers are but physically mend and mold himself along with everything else around him to be whatever he wanted it to be, an ability to shape his imagination into reality, a power so ridiculous, it invokes Looney Toon's art style to be implemented in One Piece. Absolutely bonkers and silly though and though and I wholeheartedly loved it!

If Luffy already stood an equal chance against Kaido with his advanced use of armament, observation and conqueror's haki... By awakening his devil fruit and unlocking Gear 5th, he is no longer Kaido's equal. In fact... Can you really call Luffy's fight just now to be a fight at all? If anything, Luffy was just playing with Kaido! XD. Such is the absurdity of this newfound ability.

The animation, the shift in art style, the OSTs oh God, I was just sensing goosebumps after goosebumps... Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins, and Oxytocin are being pumped endlessly into my bloodstream, just typing these out causes my hearbeat to go DOOM DUT DA DA🎡 DOOM DUT DA DA🎡. I am so fucking thankful to be alive, so blessed to be able to witness this glorious occasion and so utterly happy to be watching One Piece.
This is peak fiction

Aug 5, 2023 5:28 PM

Apr 2018
Watching the japanese broadcast without subtitles is definitly worth it for this masterpiece of an episode, so hyped up that everyone in the world tries to catch up in order to be here, for this very moment. Luffy who has obtained Gear 5th, a piece of freedom, is his new power. The drums of liberation have finally been heard and here comes the Warrior of Liberation.

SideCharacterKalAug 5, 2023 5:36 PM

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 5, 2023 5:28 PM

Jul 2020
give my idol puffy a fifth gear or he will retire πŸ₯Ί puffy is NOT my goat πŸ™…‍♂️

this gotta one of the most hyped up anime episodes oat

glad they were able to bring back vincent chansard last minute but bro needs a break 😭 he rly is the goat of one piece animation. any episode dude touches is so tuff. wonder if it would've turned out even better if he was originally called to work on the episode n wasn't as rushed for time

still dk why they decided to drop a teaser for the ep. weird decision n brought down the hype for me icl. hope that ep1072 is even more gas than this one. been hearing a lot of info/talk ab it since ages back but not sure how valid those claims are

inb4 ppl start saying luffy has toon force
Aug 5, 2023 5:29 PM

Dec 2021
From Gear 2, to Gear 3, to Gear 4, and now "Sun God Nika" GEAR 5! THE MOST RIDICULOUS POWER OF ALL TIME!

As Luffy's heart pounds like a drum. Despite losing to Kaidou, he stands strong, questioning his joy and resilience. Meanwhile, Momonosuke reveals to Yamato: Luffy is Joy Boy. Meanwhile, In Mary Geoise's Holy Land, the Five Elders question sacrificing a top agent against Kaidou, fearing it angered him. Despite this, they believe it's necessary to eliminate the troublesome situation. They confess pursuing the Gomu Gomu no Mi for 800 years, but it eludes them as if sentient. They reveal the truth: the fruit is the "Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika," a Mythical Zoan type. It grants rubber abilities limited only by imagination, spreading smiles and liberation. Awakening it enhances the rubbery body massively, elevating it to the world's most formidable power. On the rooftop, Luffy declares his world renowned "Gear 5" form. Using it, he releases a powerful Haki blast, incapacitating Beasts Pirates. He then seizes Kaidou's dragon form, pulling him back onto the rooftop. Despite Kaidou's counterattack, Luffy bounces back his attack, injuring Kaidou. One thing's for sure, and that it's time for Kaidou to get his ass whopped by Sun God Nika.

First ED in 17 years eh? Shit man that hiatus was worth it cause they came back with a fucking banger man. Chilli Beans goes in with this song and the visuals have the ep 1015 art direction feel. No OP or Recap this episode and somehow I didn't feel like it was rushed nor stretched out for time for only a chapter worth of content.

Toei did Gear 5 justice. Luffy's appearance in his fifth Gear was a mix of cool and goofy, just like I'd imagined it to be when it was to be adapted into the anime. You can just see the love they put into those last couple of minutes. Toei has assembled everyone they know so they can satisfy us One Piece fans and if they keep this up, we may be on the brink of experiencing the best five-week stretch of anime ever ahead. Thank you Toei, Thank you Nagamine-san, Thank you to everyone who worked on this phenomenal episode. 

"I feel like I'm able to do anything!", "I'm having so much fun!!!"
IzanaSolosAug 5, 2023 6:05 PM

Aug 5, 2023 5:30 PM

Sep 2015
The director of this episode is Tatsuya Nagamine, his previous works were One Piece Film: Z , Dragon Ball Super: Broly Film, and Zoro vs Killer. Having watched Film Z myself before, it was the best directed movie out of all, and Dragon Ball Broly from what I heard was the best one too out of other Dragon Ball Films.

This is one of the biggest episodes ever made in One Piece history, and we're witnessing it now ! The animations were absolutely stellar this episode!!

For this episode we finally got an ending after 17 years later since the last one! This makes it the 19th ending.

August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023

One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox

Aug 5, 2023 5:34 PM

Apr 2021
"Look at that brilliant form, there can be no doubt, this is the true power, complete in all its majesty…… this is GEAR 5!!!!" ~ DBZ reference

I'm a 1000 episodes behind, but I just had to watch the most anticipated one piece episode yet, that is to say, the anime adaptation of chapter 1044. This is just the beginning of Luffy's peak guys. My boy's going places. I loved the episode!!!!
Aug 5, 2023 5:46 PM

Oct 2017
And here it is, after all these years and episodes we get Luffy using a new gear. Gear 5 is pretty insane but it's way too silly and cartoonish. Also was it really necessary to show Luffy dancing and jumping for half the episode? The actual fight looked pretty nice though but once again too silly for me. The highlight of the episode was definitely the gorosei revealing Luffy's fruit true name. The hito hito nomi model sungod nika. Btw an ED after so many years, it was decent.
MegamiRemAug 5, 2023 9:46 PM
Aug 5, 2023 5:48 PM
Apr 2017
The warrior of freedom.. Cant wait for the peak of luffy. This is literally peak fiction one piece is currently the best anime
Aug 5, 2023 5:56 PM

May 2020
this was such an amazing episode
probably the best one-piece episode ever
waited so long for this to be adapted and it's finally here
it was peak fiction
the art anime and music were perfect
and another bombshell f info was dropped this ep
fluffy doesn't have the gomu gomu no mi but actually has the hito htio no mi zoan fruit
oda is the goat 
we really believed luffy had the gomu gomu no mi for 20 years 
and we got a new ending song after so many years
this was a historic one piece episode
Homura24Aug 6, 2023 1:57 AM

Aug 5, 2023 5:58 PM

Jul 2021
Watched in a stream for once. The Gorosei have long been eyeing the Devil Fruit owned by Luffy, even this Devil Fruit has been targeted by the Gorosei for 800 years but always failed.  After having a hard time dying, due to the Yamata no Orochi demon fruit that he consumed, it seems that this time Orochi really died, after his body was stuck with sea stone spikes that made him unable to use the power of his demon fruit. At this moment, Hiyori finally shows her true face by removing the mask she is wearing. There was a flashback moment of how Hiyori cared so much about what Oden did. Always trying to avoid spoilers (even though I know, but not in an anime form)  for GEAR 5 previews but RAAAAAAAAAAAH IT’S FINALLY HERE. Dead ass speechless about the animation, Luffy bouncing around getting all excited in this form and beating the shit out of that fraud Kaido for good, 2nd half of their fight is straight cinema, kudos to all the animators who've put so much love and go beyond the manga as per usual but in the most innovative way possible. I love that they some kind of flashback when spelling out GEAR 5. Also the electric guitar in the end. AND FINALLY AN ENDING, it’s been such a long decade, and visuals are pretty, love the characters just having some fun. Literally on the floor with this 10/10 episode. 
Aug 5, 2023 5:59 PM

Apr 2013
Even in one of One Piece's biggest episode we cannot escape CGI Kaido, at least it was only a few seconds of it. I liked the art of gear 5th, but the animation & choreography itself had way too many closeup shots which made some moments hard to follow. One of the rare instances in Wano where the manga storyboard was better than the adaptation; boro breath was a visual mess.

Also, the flashbacks at the end and the Orochi & Hiyori scene were not meshed well at all with gear 5th. People will gas the episode because of the moment it adapts, but the directing underdelivered big time. Comparing this to how MAPPA handled Vinland Saga S2's adaptation by moving scenes around in order to make a more cohesive story is night and day. Do not let Nagamine direct any more central episodes, thank you. 

Overall I found the episode disappointing especially after all the hype Toei kept generating for it. Hoping next week's episode is where the goods are. This wasn't even a top 5 episode from Wano even though it adapted one of the biggest moments and yet this cringe fandom is calling it the best episode in history lmfao.
KneelBeforeMeAug 6, 2023 9:38 AM
Aug 5, 2023 6:01 PM

Nov 2018
Great episode. Absolutely gutted that most of the action is left for next week's episode, but it was honestly so funny to see Luffy in his G5 form.

I expect next week's episode to be even better than this one.
_cjessop19_Aug 5, 2023 6:15 PM
MAL EMOJIS - Get your specially formatted emojis for MAL forums.

Aug 5, 2023 6:06 PM

Jul 2007
18 replies at 6:08 PM PST lol, That has to be a freaken record for one piece discussion on a single episode. Anyways I have not even seen the ep yet im just making this comment. Regarding the opening/ending, its already been confirmed were getting a new opening, but it will come a bit later. The ending theme song returns though today in this episode. Anyways I am going to go watch it now. 

Also just a little teaser, but watch out for 1072 coming next week. This episode will become immportalized in the minds of many fans, as one of the best episodes ever released and is said to be the most expensive production in the series. 
ArtimesGamerAug 5, 2023 6:11 PM

Aug 5, 2023 6:09 PM

Jun 2017
Sun God Nika, a form of the Mugi Mugi no Mi - No wonder why the top brass on the World Govt. panicked like that, lol. Luffy's goofiness has gone to a new level and it was amusing to watch him jumping around and the team bringing out their creativity. Absolutely manhandled Kaido too, for the most bit. I was honestly expecting the fight to finish this episode but judging from the next ep preview, it looks like we've got a decent chunk of the next 20 or so minutes for that, so I'll take it. 

Kaido being pulled into the roof was hilarious, honestly. Just in the nick of time, phew. Yamato figured out Zunesha's cryptic message and the transition to Luffy's gear 5 transformation was a pretty epic series of events. Nice to see Sanji sensing Luffy's return from a ways away, got to give him credit for that. Maybe just a me thing, but the Komurasaki bit took too long, lol. Good thing it was Kunjuro that did the finishing, he finally got a taste of the 20-years womanly revenge. 

No Op this time but say hello to a OP ED in 17 years. Strange feeling, for sure, lmao. But it's top notch! Gorgeous animation style and a nice track. Dragon appears for a second too, that's hype.
_MushiRock11_Aug 5, 2023 6:13 PM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 5, 2023 6:14 PM

Dec 2011
Mix feeling for this episode as as expected they adapt just chapter 1044. So they need to put quite  a lot of flashback to fill this episode..
The positive is i like all the Gear 5 part and the sound effect is totally what i imagine it would be like a Tom & Jerry one and the new ending song is really nice.
Episode 1072 will have more action and heard a rumor that it is Megumi Ishitani episode.
Aug 5, 2023 6:16 PM

Jun 2014
Peak. Just absolute peak. Idgaf what anyone nitpicks to complain about, because there are ALWAYS going to be those people, this was definitely worth the wait and the hype. Sure, there were some weaker parts of the episode, but my excitement for this makes me quite frankly not give a shit about any of that. Gear 5 was the perfect mix of epic and goofy as hell, this felt like being a kid again watching goofy Saturday morning cartoons. The Looney Tunes-esque vibe was great, from the cartoonish atmosphere to the sound effects they used, and the OST throughout the fight was *chefs kiss*. They really gave this the adaptation it deserved. And I'm glad we got a new ED after so many years without ending songs.

We will be FEASTING for the next few episodes my friends. PRAISE THE WARRIOR OF LIBERATION πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯πŸ₯
thebrentinator24Aug 5, 2023 6:22 PM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Aug 5, 2023 6:17 PM

Jul 2012
I like how they matched the sound effects with the old cartoon-like style. The animation was crazy. Luffy looks crazy.

What a milestone moment. Gear 5 is finally here!
Aug 5, 2023 6:18 PM
Dec 2015
Joyboy is back!!!
Aug 5, 2023 6:21 PM

Apr 2015
Can't believe I watched this episode on a freaking YT Livestream. But it was worth it. This is a monumental episode like no other. They managed to blend the goofyness and toonyness very well and I love how Luffy just bounces around endlessly. My heart was beating all the way through. Truly one of the greatest moments as a fan of the series. Can't wait to watch this back in higher resolution.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Aug 5, 2023 6:31 PM

Nov 2014
While not bad, it definitely wasn't as good as i wanted the adaptation to be, but perhaps all the hype got to me..
Aug 5, 2023 6:38 PM

Jul 2007
Yeah, this episode was absolutely Peak. Director Nagamine did a fantastic job of representing the cartoony elements and change of styles well still providing special effects and modern visuals to emphasis luffy's new from with such dramatics. The animation felt very Free which coincides with the style and art of this and the story surrounding sun god nika. Also, VERY special shout out to Luffy's Voice actress, Mayumi Tanaka for creating a chilling but also amazing Gear 5 Laugh. It was important to distinctly show a change in the laugh from luffy's normal laugh and I think Mayami nailed it.

Don't get to excited though guys and save some of your antipiciation, because 1072 is going to be storyboarded by none other then  Megumi Ishitani next week. Yes, we are getting 2 back to back legendary episodes.
ArtimesGamerAug 5, 2023 6:42 PM

Aug 5, 2023 6:43 PM
Jan 2021
August 5 2023. I was here
Aug 5, 2023 6:44 PM

Apr 2022
we fuckin did it boys. the sun god is finally here and he looks so divine!! historical moment, glad to be alive.
and it ain't even the half of it, we're getting even higher next week.
Aug 5, 2023 6:53 PM
Jan 2021
It was perfection
Aug 5, 2023 7:02 PM

Jul 2021
For all of those fighting with Crunchyroll, stay stong soldiers
Aug 5, 2023 7:02 PM
May 2019
This is EPIC! I Was here ♥
Aug 5, 2023 7:03 PM

Mar 2021
Aug 5, 2023 7:06 PM

Aug 2019
Eww, why did they waste like a whole minute with a flashback of something that happened just two episodes ago...? And the Gorosei scene and Orochi scene, while beautifully animated, lasted way too long. As for Gear 5, it seemed like Toei wasted half the budget just showing Luffy bouncing around. It wasn't until like the last few minutes that the animation went crazy; some shots looked great, but there was a lot of flashing colors and sloppiness which made it hard to even process. Overall I still think episode 1015 looked better than this, but at least Gear 5 is finally here.
Aug 5, 2023 7:10 PM
Jun 2023
Peak fiction this episode was epic asf
Aug 5, 2023 7:11 PM

Nov 2014
Early_Morning said:
Eww, why did they waste like a whole minute with a flashback of something that happened just two episodes ago...? And the Gorosei scene and Orochi scene, while beautifully animated, lasted way too long. As for Gear 5, it seemed like Toei wasted half the budget just showing Luffy bouncing around. It wasn't until like the last few minutes that the animation went crazy; some shots looked great, but there was a lot of flashing colors and sloppiness which made it hard to even process. Overall I still think episode 1015 looked better than this, but at least Gear 5 is finally here.
Thats exactly why i didn't like it. They had the oportunity and hype buildup to do something actually great here, make a double episode from start to end with only the fight.
But instead they did what they do, 1 chapter per episode, slow AF. Even if they had the best animators, voice actors and all the people working on it..
Aug 5, 2023 7:12 PM
Oct 2022
The greatest episode in the history of the anime, the most iconic transformation peak fiction peak animation peak build-up, and peak fluffy and Oda
Aug 5, 2023 7:15 PM

Apr 2022
he's so goofy, i love it. i'll be rewatching this for years. oda had fun writing this, the animators had fun, luffy's voice actor had fun, luffy had fun, and i had fun watching this. truly what joyboy is all about, nobody does it like luffy, he's HIM.
the sakuga was godly, fluidity was nuts and easily clears every seasonal airing right now. crunchyroll already crashed lmao and 1072 isn't even here yet.

just beautiful. definitely my favorite transformation of all time, this shit is heavenly. i couldn't help but smile the whole episode :)
i was worried but this lived up to the hype. simply peak shounen things.
Aug 5, 2023 7:22 PM

Apr 2013
satorogojo__ said:
The greatest episode in the history of the anime, the most iconic transformation peak fiction peak animation peak build-up, and peak fluffy and Oda
truly a one of a kind fandom
Aug 5, 2023 7:23 PM
Jan 2020
from now on I will not stop until everyone is free and can eat as much as they want!!
Aug 5, 2023 7:24 PM

Sep 2014
Man I rarely get goosebumps but this ep was peak. The wait was worth it.

They handled this episode perfectly. Thank you Tatsuya Nagamine. 

Aug 5, 2023 7:26 PM

Jul 2021
This was fucking crazy
Aug 5, 2023 7:26 PM
Mar 2022
Aug 5, 2023 7:27 PM

Jul 2020
KneelBeforeMe said:
satorogojo__ said:
The greatest episode in the history of the anime, the most iconic transformation peak fiction peak animation peak build-up, and peak fluffy and Oda
truly a one of a kind fandom
one piece fans try not to glaze it to most extreme lengths possible challenge (impossible)

"most iconic transformation" foh πŸ˜‚
Aug 5, 2023 7:27 PM
Sep 2020
goated af I love one piece
Aug 5, 2023 7:30 PM
Jun 2023
Aug 5, 2023 7:31 PM
Apr 2022
Finally tom and Jerry piece is animated.
Aug 5, 2023 7:33 PM
Apr 2021
most crazy shit ive ever seen
Aug 5, 2023 7:35 PM

Nov 2012
Wait, have I been waiting around for nothing? Was it aired early?  CR is buffering so hard. It won't even play.  

Gear 5 broke the internet. CR anyway.

20 minutes later.... Never thought I'd be laughing at a OP episode.  When Kaidou's eyes popped out, I cracked up. The sound effects were fantastic as was the orchestration. My GOD THE DRUMS!!! Loved it!  G5 most definitely got the Looney Toons treatment.  I wish they hadn't interrupted with Orochi and Hiyori. Ok time to re-watch it. :D
dragynfaerieAug 5, 2023 8:00 PM
Aug 5, 2023 7:35 PM

Mar 2016
That f-ing scumbag is gone for real this time, I hope so. Gear 5 was sooooooo damn good! Yes narrator-san, this is peak indeed! And on a last note, I love the opening, both the song and visuals.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Aug 5, 2023 7:35 PM
Mar 2021
It was ok, I wanna see some more fighting scenes hopefully next week we will.
Aug 5, 2023 7:38 PM
Oct 2022
The animation was top tier, they did justice for the manga with the adaptations imo.
The cartoonish animation is fitting with gear 5
Aug 5, 2023 7:39 PM
May 2021
Fuckn insane man, Luffy’s has come this far man. Joyboy is fckn sick man πŸ”₯😭 JOYBOYYYY
Aug 5, 2023 7:39 PM
Nov 2020
Aug 5, 2023 7:39 PM
Dec 2014
GEAR 5, What more needs to be said!!!!!

Amazing episode revealing Luffy's Peak form!

Couldn't ask for more!
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