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Jun 16, 2023 3:57 AM
Apr 2022
So each time im about to drop an anime i tend to ask the community for an advice beforehand. There is my concern so far:
Im on episode 14 and i must really say that the anime has a ''nothing'' vibe to it , i understand the story revolves around a girl with no social skills and her journey on finding friends and eventually a relationship but the slow pacing , cosntant repetitive comedy which is hardly fun, the ''meme'' face she is wearing most of the time alternating to pointless crying and the melodrama that just tries to make the most trivial things a matter of life and death are just pushing me away so much. Till now the girl has nothing of a personality beside being cute and shy , i think tsundere was the word (correct me if im wrong) , and the guy has nothing of a personality beside being a nice guy , maybe a little jealous. So please tell me if  investing my time into this story would eventually yield fruit meaning that it does eventually get better or if i didnt like it by now i would probably not like the rest. Looking forward to your answers! :3
Jun 16, 2023 4:07 AM

Jul 2015
This IMO the best generic shoujo romance anime ever. By generic, I mean plain girl meets popular boy formula. It is generic by today's standards, but back then it was perceived as not that really common. And it being generic, definitely compensates with it's quality.
I'd say, that besides being wholesome (two gyaru girls Sawako befriends early on are so supportive and help her gain confidence is pure joy to watch), this one focuses more on character development of main girl, who eventually breaks out of her shell and becomes much less awkward as well as relationship between two main leads.
If you'll be patient, you'll be rewarded big time.
In short, it is very comfy, wholesome and cute show, which actually has some quality character progression.
PiromyslJun 16, 2023 6:59 AM

Jun 16, 2023 4:08 AM
Jan 2021
BunnySenpaiii1 said:
So each time im about to drop an anime i tend to ask the community for an advice beforehand. There is my concern so far:
Im on episode 14 and i must really say that the anime has a ''nothing'' vibe to it , i understand the story revolves around a girl with no social skills and her journey on finding friends and eventually a relationship but the slow pacing , cosntant repetitive comedy which is hardly fun, the ''meme'' face she is wearing most of the time alternating to pointless crying and the melodrama that just tries to make the most trivial things a matter of life and death are just pushing me away so much. Till now the girl has nothing of a personality beside being cute and shy , i think tsundere was the word (correct me if im wrong) , and the guy has nothing of a personality beside being a nice guy , maybe a little jealous. So please tell me if  investing my time into this story would eventually yield fruit meaning that it does eventually get better or if i didnt like it by now i would probably not like the rest. Looking forward to your answers! :3

Honestly, I almost dropped this one as well. I liked it in the beginning, but then it got kinda boring and I felt the story wasn‘t really progressing. I forced myself to finish it and then the ending wasn‘t satisfying.
A lot of people praise this anime, but to me it was a waste of time. So if you don‘t like it, just drop it.
Jun 16, 2023 4:42 AM
Mar 2021
this is currently my third favorite anime of all time

1. horimiya
2. relife
3. kimi ni todoke

high school
slice of life
coming of age

I identify with sawako very much
so I have my own reasons for loving this
I can say
that this story hits notes that quite surprised me
I plan on reading the manga after I finish
the one for horimiya ♡

I don't know you
so I can't say how this would work out for you
but if wanna take a peek at fae...dats me ♡
click on my profile
my about me shows my top 20 favorite anime
and you can get an idea on my tastes

whatever you choose
I hope you have a beautiful magical
rest of your anime life ♡
Jun 16, 2023 4:46 AM
Feb 2022
It really is. I started this anime by my friends suggestion, welp at the first epsiode i thought this anime would be boring....but if you start watching 2-3 eps of it, iʼm sure you'll love the show!
Jun 16, 2023 5:09 AM
Feb 2021
Is it worth finishing....Yes? ish. I recently finished it, didn't think it was anything to write home about, at times Kazehaya and Sadako get really annoying, but the side characters are kinda worth it. But if you're not enjoying it that drop it. That's the advice I always give.
Jun 16, 2023 6:25 AM
Oct 2022
one of the most amazing romantic shows I've ever watched. it's so pure and good like it will feel good.
Story, characters, Animation, art style.
Jun 16, 2023 6:33 AM
Aug 2020
That has to be one of best confession ever in animes, long ride was def worth it
Jun 16, 2023 6:35 AM
Jan 2021
I mean, tbh I would watch it all if you kind of want a general taste of that genre. That being said, I think it’s mind blowingly overrated.

The male MC is really selfish and annoying, but is glorified. And the drama is not even good but is spread through multiple episodes even though there would have been quick fixes.

I think if you merely watching for enjoyment, it’s a waste of time. But if you want to stick it out due to wanting to see why everyone likes it so much, I would continue.
The right mindset when watching an anime is hoping that it will break your top 10
Jun 16, 2023 6:43 AM

Apr 2022
I completely understand where you are coming from. I will say that it gets a little better by the end. It’s by no means a bad anime, but it’s very generic and a little slow paced.

The last stretch is good, you will find the characters endearing and root for them.

What I will say is that, IMO, S2 really falls short compared to S1 and it’s a real shame. There are many aspects of character development that S2 “negates” from the first season and made the season really frustrating.

I hope my comment helps you out

I can recommend at least 8 romance anime that are much stronger IMO
Jun 16, 2023 6:52 AM
Jan 2021
There are better romance animes, I had the same thing but I finished.... was dissapointed by the ending. I heard manga is better. If you're sick of it just drop it
Jun 16, 2023 6:52 AM
Apr 2021
I wouldn’t say “nothing” vibe

I would say “comforting”

This series is simple, but I mean that is the best way possible. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. Drop it, and maybe come back to it when you have a different mindset maybe that’s what I do when I kinda wanna stop watching something
Jun 16, 2023 6:55 AM
Apr 2022
Vergz said:
I completely understand where you are coming from. I will say that it gets a little better by the end. It’s by no means a bad anime, but it’s very generic and a little slow paced.

The last stretch is good, you will find the characters endearing and root for them.

What I will say is that, IMO, S2 really falls short compared to S1 and it’s a real shame. There are many aspects of character development that S2 “negates” from the first season and made the season really frustrating.

I hope my comment helps you out

I can recommend at least 8 romance anime that are much stronger IMO

Please go ahead , romance is my favourite genre but i really prefer heavy drama over melodrama so if you have something in mind i havent watched ill gladly take a look!
Jun 16, 2023 6:56 AM
Apr 2022
faery_wish said:
this is currently my third favorite anime of all time

1. horimiya
2. relife
3. kimi ni todoke

high school
slice of life
coming of age

I identify with sawako very much
so I have my own reasons for loving this
I can say
that this story hits notes that quite surprised me
I plan on reading the manga after I finish
the one for horimiya ♡

I don't know you
so I can't say how this would work out for you
but if wanna take a peek at fae...dats me ♡
click on my profile
my about me shows my top 20 favorite anime
and you can get an idea on my tastes

whatever you choose
I hope you have a beautiful magical
rest of your anime life ♡

Very cute comment , same to you ♥️
Jun 16, 2023 6:58 AM

Apr 2022
BunnySenpaiii1 said:
Vergz said:
I completely understand where you are coming from. I will say that it gets a little better by the end.  It’s by no means a bad anime, but it’s very generic and a little slow paced.

The last stretch is good,  you will find the characters endearing and root for them.

What I will say is that, IMO, S2 really falls short compared to S1 and it’s a real shame. There are many aspects of character development that S2 “negates” from the first season and made the season really frustrating.

I hope my comment helps you out

I can recommend at least 8 romance anime that are much stronger IMO

Please go ahead , romance is my favourite genre but i really prefer heavy drama over melodrama so if you have something in mind i havent watched ill gladly take a look!

I like heavy drama romance too. Let me take a look at your list and see what I can recommend that you haven't watched.

Edit: You have Kouko as one of your favorite characters! You are the best lol
Jun 16, 2023 7:02 AM
Dec 2021
Beware: This anime is not for dumb people.
If you are into romance anime to just watch a hot female main character and her big tits and ass this is not for you. 
Move on.

Hint: Kimi ni todoke is not really about romance. It's about teaching young girls important concepts that are not really talked about in high school or in their homes.

Kimi ni Todoke will teach girls about shyness, ostracism, bullying, loneliness, depression, friendship, how to communicate with others, etc.
Damn boy I could go on for hours...

Just watch Oshi no Ko or whatever dumb shit you are currently following.
Jun 16, 2023 7:14 AM

Apr 2022
Vergz said:
BunnySenpaiii1 said:

Please go ahead , romance is my favourite genre but i really prefer heavy drama over melodrama so if you have something in mind i havent watched ill gladly take a look!

I like heavy drama romance too. Let me take a look at your list and see what I can recommend that you haven't watched.

Edit: You have Kouko as one of your favorite characters! You are the best lol

You've watched a few already so here are a few other recommendations:

Spice & Wolf
Violet Evergarden Movie
Josee the Tiger & the Fish
Jun 16, 2023 7:50 AM

Dec 2021
If you like it, you like it. If you start to fall off, then just drop it. I personally loved every episode of this anime (Minus episode 16, skip that one, it's literally just a recap episode), but I've had this sort of dilemma with other anime, and those I just drop once the going gets tough.
Jun 16, 2023 8:10 AM
Jan 2022
its really such a wholesome anime,currently i am reading the manga of it. U should not drop the anime its really amazing 😭💗
Jun 16, 2023 8:35 AM
Mar 2022
pinku_pantsu69 said:
BunnySenpaiii1 said:
So each time im about to drop an anime i tend to ask the community for an advice beforehand. There is my concern so far:
Im on episode 14 and i must really say that the anime has a ''nothing'' vibe to it , i understand the story revolves around a girl with no social skills and her journey on finding friends and eventually a relationship but the slow pacing , cosntant repetitive comedy which is hardly fun, the ''meme'' face she is wearing most of the time alternating to pointless crying and the melodrama that just tries to make the most trivial things a matter of life and death are just pushing me away so much. Till now the girl has nothing of a personality beside being cute and shy , i think tsundere was the word (correct me if im wrong) , and the guy has nothing of a personality beside being a nice guy , maybe a little jealous. So please tell me if  investing my time into this story would eventually yield fruit meaning that it does eventually get better or if i didnt like it by now i would probably not like the rest. Looking forward to your answers! :3

Honestly, I almost dropped this one as well. I liked it in the beginning, but then it got kinda boring and I felt the story wasn‘t really progressing. I forced myself to finish it and then the ending wasn‘t satisfying.
A lot of people praise this anime, but to me it was a waste of time. So if you don‘t like it, just drop it.

yea me too in the mid I was getting bored but still finished it
Jun 16, 2023 8:47 AM
Apr 2023
You shouldn't force yourself because others opinions. If you feel bored and not worth your time, just drop it. It's subjective and even if somebody say it was worthy to finish it, you still can have opposite opinion at the end.
Jun 16, 2023 9:04 AM
Jul 2022
if youre already at episode 14 and you cant bring yourself to like the characters progressions its probably not for you
while its slow the progression of Sawako was my favorite thing about season 1
its not like there is an epic finale worth waiting for and season 2 killed everything they built up in the first season anyway
Jun 16, 2023 9:11 AM
Apr 2022
Vergz said:
Vergz said:

I like heavy drama romance too. Let me take a look at your list and see what I can recommend that you haven't watched.

Edit: You have Kouko as one of your favorite characters! You are the best lol

You've watched a few already so here are a few other recommendations:

Spice & Wolf
Violet Evergarden Movie
Josee the Tiger & the Fish

Thanks a lot for the suggestions! ♥️

Edit: Yes the anime was mid at best but i love Kouko!
BunnySenpaiii1Jun 16, 2023 10:26 AM
Jun 16, 2023 10:09 AM
Feb 2023
BunnySenpaiii1 said:
So each time im about to drop an anime i tend to ask the community for an advice beforehand. There is my concern so far:
Im on episode 14 and i must really say that the anime has a ''nothing'' vibe to it , i understand the story revolves around a girl with no social skills and her journey on finding friends and eventually a relationship but the slow pacing , cosntant repetitive comedy which is hardly fun, the ''meme'' face she is wearing most of the time alternating to pointless crying and the melodrama that just tries to make the most trivial things a matter of life and death are just pushing me away so much. Till now the girl has nothing of a personality beside being cute and shy , i think tsundere was the word (correct me if im wrong) , and the guy has nothing of a personality beside being a nice guy , maybe a little jealous. So please tell me if  investing my time into this story would eventually yield fruit meaning that it does eventually get better or if i didnt like it by now i would probably not like the rest. Looking forward to your answers! :3

As for the anime it does have a good drama arc in season 2 (I think), but Kimi ni todoke is one of my favorite romance mangas of all time, the anime ends at a good point to not make it feel incomplete but important character development like for kazehaya and miura is missing because it’s way later into the manga where the anime doesn’t adapt.
Jun 16, 2023 11:34 AM
Mar 2020
Yes please finish. Also finish the manga if you can. It’s available online in a variety of ways. It’s the pinnacle of wholesome shoujo manga and everything pails by comparison. Even if you don’t love it that much, you’ll have experienced the masterpiece that many can’t come close to making.
Jun 16, 2023 5:37 PM

Apr 2021
i mean i personally liked s1 but s2 was a big letdown. Tbh reading the reasons of why you are not liking the series, i think you should drop it now cuz those things doesnt change that much, at least in the anime.

Jun 16, 2023 7:29 PM
Feb 2018
I think the comedy is the best part of the show, if you don't like it, i don't think is for you.
It does have a little shift in tone when it goes full romance.
Jun 16, 2023 10:11 PM
Jan 2017
Yes, it's simple, but very lovely. One of my favorite romances, because of how cute they are. It actually had progress if I remember correctly.
Jun 17, 2023 2:14 AM
Jan 2013
BunnySenpaiii1 said:
So each time im about to drop an anime i tend to ask the community for an advice beforehand. There is my concern so far:
Im on episode 14 and i must really say that the anime has a ''nothing'' vibe to it , i understand the story revolves around a girl with no social skills and her journey on finding friends and eventually a relationship but the slow pacing , cosntant repetitive comedy which is hardly fun, the ''meme'' face she is wearing most of the time alternating to pointless crying and the melodrama that just tries to make the most trivial things a matter of life and death are just pushing me away so much. Till now the girl has nothing of a personality beside being cute and shy , i think tsundere was the word (correct me if im wrong) , and the guy has nothing of a personality beside being a nice guy , maybe a little jealous. So please tell me if  investing my time into this story would eventually yield fruit meaning that it does eventually get better or if i didnt like it by now i would probably not like the rest. Looking forward to your answers! :3

IMO it’s not worth. Nothing happens in the end. Really boring for me.
Jun 17, 2023 12:54 PM
Apr 2020
I finished 1st season but it was so boring that I didn't even started 2nd season
Jun 17, 2023 9:06 PM
Mar 2022
Yes yes yes 100x yes. That is all
Jun 21, 2023 6:49 PM
Apr 2021
Yes. It took me like a year to finish it (cause of school 😭😭) but it kept me interested for some reason. Its like your classic heartwarming romance, fits every criteria 😍
Jul 17, 2023 1:43 PM
Dec 2022
Absolutely. The confession episodes are amazing. The Christmas/new years episodes at the end of season 1 are beautiful. I’d say you’re at my least favourite part in the whole show. Episode 17 is hilarious though. I don’t like Chizuru’s love arc, but after that, oh my goodness. It’s so good.

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