[Oshi No Ko]
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Apr 27, 2023 5:20 AM
SomeNewGuy said: Nah it is just a cheap plot device. If the intent was to show how messed up he is then they should of had the attempt end in failure [as it realistically should have] and simply have had some other way of him getting information. Cold storage is quite literally the safest bet so they could've easily made it that he simply discovered a combination to a safe and some written information was in there.I feel like people are missing the point here. The reason why it was written like this is to convey to the audience just how decicated he really is about getting revenge and how far he is willing to go in order to achieve it. While it's true the author could've easily incorporated a "hacking" element here, it wouldn't have had the same impact nor conveyed the same message. As the whole point of this scene is to get the viewer/reader to react and realise just how mentally screwed up Aqua has become due to Ai's passing where he wouldn't mind "wasting" 4 years of his life just to break into a phone that may or may not contain useful information, this is messed up, it doesn't make any sense and that's the whole point. Or heck since AI is kind of portrayed as a ditz why not have him do that for four years only to accidentally find the passcode for the phone written down somewhere? That would also be a better writing move to show how messed up his psyche is that he would rather focus entirely on brute forcing a phone like that instead of considering other options [and yet this would still make a more believable plot device and still highlight that aspect of his character]. |
Apr 27, 2023 5:36 AM
It’s an anime where storytelling-wise the ends justify the goals, there are quite a few statements about acting (for example) that are just false as well. This is a revenge plot where the technicalities aren’t really the focus. That being said I totally expected the lock to be something like 12345678. |
uh oh! |
Apr 27, 2023 5:51 AM
Htun__ said: yea that seems so easy it's weird that he wouldn't have thought of that. I considered that maybe the SIM had a PIN code (they usually do, right?) but then that would have either been a second code input (which he didn't get) or the original input WAS for the PIN... but that's impossible because entering that wrong 3 times doesn't make you wait 30s, it makes you wait until you enter the 8-digit PUK. At least that's how it has always worked for me.If it's a old phone it must've a SIM card in which contacts are stored i.e Old phones didn't used to store Data in phone's memory, They used to store data in the SIM card itself, Which means that if you take that SIM out and plug in into another device you can just view your saved contacts, there's no need to unlock the phone, just take the SIM out. if i was there i would just do the same. On the other hand, maybe it just wasn't such an old phone? flip phones are still being produced for one purpose or another, so maybe AI still had a relatively recent model? which could store the contacts internally, so the SIM trick wouldn't help. Or maybe the SIM did have a PIN, but the phone would auto-enter that once unlocked? in that case removing the SIM card wouldn't help either. To everyone else saying "ancient phones can't be hacked" or "how should he know how to do that", there are people whose job it is to recover data from embedded devices like crypto wallets. Reading out the (almost certainly unencrypted) flash drive of a flip phone would be a piece of cake for such an expert. But maybe Aqua couldn't afford to use such a service, for money or secrecy reasons or something... and also Japan is REALLY insane, so maybe they've just made that kind of service illegal. Still, first thing I would look for personally. |
Apr 27, 2023 5:57 AM
Apr 27, 2023 6:00 AM
Thread cleaned, uncivile posts and spam removed. |
Apr 27, 2023 6:17 AM
Can we not assume that he was not a kid, he didn't had school, he didn't had to do other stuff than to keep on typing the passcode every 30 second 24 hours a day meaning no sleep, Baaah! |
Apr 27, 2023 6:35 AM
Htun__ said: If it's a old phone it must've a SIM card in which contacts are stored i.e Old phones didn't used to store Data in phone's memory, They used to store data in the SIM card itself, Which means that if you take that SIM out and plug in into another device you can just view your saved contacts, there's no need to unlock the phone, just take the SIM out. if i was there i would just do the same. My old flip phone had the option to save contacts to SIM, Phone or both. Considering the lengths Ai went through to keep this a secret, she most likely didn't save the contacts on the SIM card. |
Apr 27, 2023 6:45 AM
I'm upset. I got loads of responses but -DxP- deleted them. No problem with -DxP- doing their job, just would have enjoyed seeing those responses :-) Still lots of fun posts to read though. This has been a great display of the gulf between fiction and reality |
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra |
Apr 27, 2023 9:46 AM
Apr 27, 2023 9:59 AM
I think so..The password could be broken in a phone servicing centre.. It would take only 10 minutes as that anime showed us that the era of that anime is the modern world.. |
Apr 27, 2023 10:06 AM
He is very determined to do it. And with his body, i dont think getting the facilities to hack would be possible and bein a doctor got nothing to do with HACKING!!!! |
Apr 27, 2023 10:15 AM
So how would you do it? Honestly his method is the only method unless you wanna format the phone and lose info. |
Apr 27, 2023 10:23 AM
that's realistic. plus it's an old model, which are usually harder to play around with. |
Apr 27, 2023 10:37 AM
Manually brute force hacking a cell phone has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen in anime Still not as dumb, as "My Home Hero" plot. |
Apr 27, 2023 10:53 AM
This is one of the stupidest posts I've ever read, he was a doctor, he had nothing to do with hacking, not to mention he was a flip Phone, you'll hardly find any bibliography about it, he could seek expert help, but he was visually a child and it's very likely that he didn't want to give that phone to anyone else. |
Apr 27, 2023 12:13 PM
Honestly, this is exactly what the average person would try if they had no idea how to hack into it. It's really not as dumb as you think, it's the simplest and most straightforward way to gain access to the phone. And it's not like he doesn't have a lot of time on his hands. And sure, there are likely otherwise to get into the phone that he could probably have looked up on the internet, but they generally involve opening up the device and unless you have a lot of experience you could end up damaging something and losing your only chance to obtain that data. As for the keypad getting worn with all those key presses. I doubt it. Pretty sure buttons like that are rated for way more presses than would have been required. Though, suppose that would depend on the manufacturing quality of the phone. But it's not hard to assume it was a decent phone, right? As a well known idol she probably got some amazing deals on that kind of stuff, if not got them for free. As for why he didn't want to give it to an expert. It's because Ai having children isn't known to the public. So it would be pretty strange if a child showed up asking for it to be broken into, only to find out it's the idol Ai's phone. He also has no idea what is on the phone. Texts, images, personal info, etc. That's just not the kind of thing you can trust some random person with. |
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds. |
Apr 27, 2023 12:19 PM
RobertsahDHDA said: Okay. Lets say that SOMEHOW. You are right about the "math" being off on this one plot point. WHAT DOES THIS CHANGE ABOUT THE PLOT?????????? it's stupid, it changes nothing about the plot because it's a stupid contrivance, it makes it silly, like the writer is forcing this to go through to make it work instead of making it work naturally |
Apr 27, 2023 12:20 PM
Shiro_Kusaki said: luckyowl10 said: How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough. It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years. mhm and it was a 5 digit passcode in the anime so that just makes it worse, but he did get it in 4 years tho all it takes is google and a computer it's not that hard |
Apr 27, 2023 12:58 PM
Confused_100 said: daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: Nmasih8193 said: Confused_100 said: I don’t know who is defending this. But yeah this is one of the very poorly written scenes. Is it the stupidest thing in anime history? Nope. Is it one of the stupidest though? Yes. Edit: As I saw some responses, which don’t make sense and I really want to respond to them. E.g: It’s written this way to show how desperate he is. Answer: Then the writer could have made him see a set of numbers not all numbers but let’s say 4 of them (and he doesn’t remember the order) and he just tries all combinations, that would have showed how observant and desperate at the same time he is. Another e.g: He is just a doctor, he wouldn’t know how to hack. Answer: He doesn’t need to hack, the scene itself makes zero sense. It has nothing to do with his profession either. He could have just searched for another way to do it better. It’s just a writing problem. There’s no other way to spin/defend it. Bro just watch the actual show like damn. Ain’t gotta talk about something that’s shown in a 1 minute scene that changes basically nothing. If anything it displays Aqua’s godly persistence, it’s a scene that anyone can be intrigued with. For 4 literal years every day he was on the grind and figuring out the password. Not only that but the number has symbolism too and a short story named after it. Just watch the show and wait for what happens instead of nitpicking 1 scene And I said that he could have shown Aqua’s persistence better. I even said a better example. I also explained why it is almost impossible for him to do it, if we are talking logically and realistically. Like it however you want though. It's only "impossible" if you don't know the difference between minutes or seconds. Over 4 years it's literally 15-20 minutes a day, it's easily possible. You just can't do math for some reason. 15-20 minutes a day, okay let’s try with the logic you presented: 20 minutes: means 1200 seconds, and then we need to know how many tries, divide it by 30. Gives us 40 tries max per day. Now realistically, it’s impossible he can’t do that again as “incrementation” exists even in old phones. And even worse old phones had a kind of lock out which could remove all data. So Aqua didn’t try to even think that he could lose everything. Or author didn’t use a phone ever. Is Aqua not “smart” or did author just get lazy and write it without even searching for one second on the internet? Which is it? Lol, you're able to figure out how many how many tries per day, but not how many tries in four years. Basic math 40 tries per day, 365 days in a year means 58,400 tries in 4 years. Easily enough to get to 45,510 as shown in the Anime. Also this "all phones will lock if you enter the password wrong" thing. Lmfao. Why would I trust someone who can't do basic arithmetic about how phones worked before they were born. If you say it's easy to google then go find an actual source. |
Apr 27, 2023 1:02 PM
Htun__ said: The data on a SIM card is encrypted if you use a pin. If it's a old phone it must've a SIM card in which contacts are stored i.e Old phones didn't used to store Data in phone's memory, They used to store data in the SIM card itself, Which means that if you take that SIM out and plug in into another device you can just view your saved contacts, there's no need to unlock the phone, just take the SIM out. if i was there i would just do the same. |
Apr 27, 2023 1:12 PM
daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: Nmasih8193 said: Confused_100 said: I don’t know who is defending this. But yeah this is one of the very poorly written scenes. Is it the stupidest thing in anime history? Nope. Is it one of the stupidest though? Yes. Edit: As I saw some responses, which don’t make sense and I really want to respond to them. E.g: It’s written this way to show how desperate he is. Answer: Then the writer could have made him see a set of numbers not all numbers but let’s say 4 of them (and he doesn’t remember the order) and he just tries all combinations, that would have showed how observant and desperate at the same time he is. Another e.g: He is just a doctor, he wouldn’t know how to hack. Answer: He doesn’t need to hack, the scene itself makes zero sense. It has nothing to do with his profession either. He could have just searched for another way to do it better. It’s just a writing problem. There’s no other way to spin/defend it. Bro just watch the actual show like damn. Ain’t gotta talk about something that’s shown in a 1 minute scene that changes basically nothing. If anything it displays Aqua’s godly persistence, it’s a scene that anyone can be intrigued with. For 4 literal years every day he was on the grind and figuring out the password. Not only that but the number has symbolism too and a short story named after it. Just watch the show and wait for what happens instead of nitpicking 1 scene And I said that he could have shown Aqua’s persistence better. I even said a better example. I also explained why it is almost impossible for him to do it, if we are talking logically and realistically. Like it however you want though. It's only "impossible" if you don't know the difference between minutes or seconds. Over 4 years it's literally 15-20 minutes a day, it's easily possible. You just can't do math for some reason. 15-20 minutes a day, okay let’s try with the logic you presented: 20 minutes: means 1200 seconds, and then we need to know how many tries, divide it by 30. Gives us 40 tries max per day. Now realistically, it’s impossible he can’t do that again as “incrementation” exists even in old phones. And even worse old phones had a kind of lock out which could remove all data. So Aqua didn’t try to even think that he could lose everything. Or author didn’t use a phone ever. Is Aqua not “smart” or did author just get lazy and write it without even searching for one second on the internet? Which is it? Lol, you're able to figure out how many how many tries per day, but not how many tries in four years. Basic math 40 tries per day, 365 days in a year means 58,400 tries in 4 years. Easily enough to get to 45,510 as shown in the Anime. Also this "all phones will lock if you enter the password wrong" thing. Lmfao. Why would I trust someone who can't do basic arithmetic about how phones worked before they were born. If you say it's easy to google then go find an actual source. I know how to calculate. I literally did it lol. I am making fun of 40 tries per day because it’s impossible. And you didn’t even try to answer my question but I will keep repeating it then; Is Aqua not “smart” or did Aka not use a mobile phone ever (lazy writing)? Which is it? Edit: And you are only dismissing and not actually admitting any valid criticisms. Anyways answer the question; which is it? And if you don’t trust me, just google it. You will see that I am objectively correct realistically speaking ofcourse. “Incrementation” exists and locking out limits exists. And most limits are around 10 tries btw. |
Confused_100Apr 27, 2023 1:19 PM
Apr 27, 2023 1:45 PM
ilonachan said: Htun__ said: yea that seems so easy it's weird that he wouldn't have thought of that. I considered that maybe the SIM had a PIN code (they usually do, right?) but then that would have either been a second code input (which he didn't get) or the original input WAS for the PIN... but that's impossible because entering that wrong 3 times doesn't make you wait 30s, it makes you wait until you enter the 8-digit PUK. At least that's how it has always worked for me.If it's a old phone it must've a SIM card in which contacts are stored i.e Old phones didn't used to store Data in phone's memory, They used to store data in the SIM card itself, Which means that if you take that SIM out and plug in into another device you can just view your saved contacts, there's no need to unlock the phone, just take the SIM out. if i was there i would just do the same. On the other hand, maybe it just wasn't such an old phone? flip phones are still being produced for one purpose or another, so maybe AI still had a relatively recent model? which could store the contacts internally, so the SIM trick wouldn't help. Or maybe the SIM did have a PIN, but the phone would auto-enter that once unlocked? in that case removing the SIM card wouldn't help either. To everyone else saying "ancient phones can't be hacked" or "how should he know how to do that", there are people whose job it is to recover data from embedded devices like crypto wallets. Reading out the (almost certainly unencrypted) flash drive of a flip phone would be a piece of cake for such an expert. But maybe Aqua couldn't afford to use such a service, for money or secrecy reasons or something... and also Japan is REALLY insane, so maybe they've just made that kind of service illegal. Still, first thing I would look for personally. I know right, people assume that it's much easier to hack new phones. |
Apr 27, 2023 1:48 PM
Lawrencw said: So how would you do it? Honestly his method is the only method unless you wanna format the phone and lose info. Just read the thread, we came up with multiple methods. |
Apr 27, 2023 2:47 PM
animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. |
Apr 27, 2023 2:48 PM
MadanielFL said: Bro didn't even have a notebook to write down all the combinations he already tried. Well we don’t know that for sure, maybe that wasn’t shown to us |
Apr 27, 2023 2:51 PM
most people wouldn't even try unlock it, and if i had to this is the only way i could |
Apr 27, 2023 3:08 PM
Everytime.... can we stop giving trolls maximum attention, guys? xD What are you doing, actually discussing what someone wrote on the internet just to trigger you .... Dayum... |
Apr 27, 2023 4:00 PM
luckyowl10 said: How else do you expect him to break the password of a basic phone? You can't hack that dumb phone, it's too basic, brute force is the only way...But there are smart ways to brute force by using combinations in a particular order to not try the same code more than once. 3 years to break a damn password is a strench for sure, that's the worst case situation, a few weeks-months s should have been more than enough. It probably had a 4 digit password, which has 10000 maximum combinations. Considering a failed try gives 30 minutes cooldown, he would need 5000 hours to cover all combinations in the worst case situation. So if tried passwords for 5 hours a day (10 tries per day) it would take maximum 1000 days to cover all combinations, which is almost 3 years. It was a 30 second cooldown not minutes |
Apr 27, 2023 4:23 PM
IamNiimbus said: animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. Nope not possible if you have basic knowledge of how mobile phones work. This is a valid criticism. Bad take for you though |
Apr 27, 2023 4:35 PM
kabiskac said: Lawrencw said: So how would you do it? Honestly his method is the only method unless you wanna format the phone and lose info. Just read the thread, we came up with multiple methods. Taking it to a professional? YouTube videos? Yeah, those are possible options. He just have to hope the info don’t get leaked by the professional and the YouTube video ain’t an Indian guy trying to make bucks off a fake video. Yeah, there may be other ways but I don’t know if the country he is in, would have someone like that, or he would be able to get someone to help in the first place. Someone who wouldn’t ask questions and wouldn’t try to look into the device contents. Clues don’t show up often either. Hence, It’s not reliable. Brute-forcing seems like the obvious solution for the author to choose, rather than making him find a pro. I’m not saying I have as much patience as to keep typing numbers to find the password, that is hard. I know that cause I learn a lil bit of hacking(methods like XSS scripts, Phishing, BruteForcing). They were basically softwares to help try the combinations for you if you want to login into another account, but they don’t work half of the time(cause the account gets locked). I don’t know if small phones have a software like that but I doubt anyone would sell it at low price even if they do. So yeah, try the combinations till your hair turns white. |
Apr 27, 2023 5:03 PM
SunsetBlink said: Aqua is actually not smart at all. He always uses bruteforce to achieve his goals. There'll be a smart character and he'll be using her so she figures stuff out instead of him Isn’t this a spoiler… |
Apr 27, 2023 5:06 PM
Confused_100 said: IamNiimbus said: animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. Nope not possible if you have basic knowledge of how mobile phones work. This is a valid criticism. Bad take for you though You haven't linked to a single source to back up your claim w.r.t 20 year old phones dude. You're just claiming it with no evidence. |
Apr 27, 2023 6:17 PM
SomeNewGuy said: THIS. Folks need to realize that authors often write subjects they are not experts in- not because they are trying to write an accurate portrayal of that subject, but because that subject conveys meaning for the story. of course the author isn't gonna go into minute detail about how this kid hacked into a cell phone. because it literally doesn't matter at all. the purpose is to convey meaning to the viewer- that Aqua is still obsessed with Ai and has literally dedicated his new life to avenging her. he is a messed up man with an unhealthy obsession reinforced by trauma. it doesn't matter that the hacking is "unrealistic," it does what it needs to do.I feel like people are missing the point here. The reason why it was written like this is to convey to the audience just how decicated he really is about getting revenge and how far he is willing to go in order to achieve it. While it's true the author could've easily incorporated a "hacking" element here, it wouldn't have had the same impact nor conveyed the same message. As the whole point of this scene is to get the viewer/reader to react and realise just how mentally screwed up Aqua has become due to Ai's passing where he wouldn't mind "wasting" 4 years of his life just to break into a phone that may or may not contain useful information, this is messed up, it doesn't make any sense and that's the whole point. EDIT: long rant ahead, put it under a spoiler cuz it's long lol HOWEVER, i do understand that when you are an expert in something, seeing Your Thing depicted unrealistically in a piece of media can really take you out of it. I am a sonographer and the ultrasound images in the first episode kinda took me aback (the images are INSANELY bright, the overall gain needs to be taken waaaaaay down. also, the images are really blurry looking, though that also might just be due to how overgained the images are. the depth seems kind of off as well, too low to capture the images presented, but maybe 8 cm is enough to capture the images in someone small and skinny like Ai. i'm not an OB sonographer so i'm not too sure. on top of that, even though these are what i would assume to be "fun pictures" of the fetuses, there isn't any identifying information on the images given, not even a date or clinic name. finally, the images have this like... brown filter over them? instead of being grayscale? i understand there are color overlays but i haven't seen anyone ever use a brown one, i've only seen the red/blue/green ones used. i did appreciate the inclusion of all the measurements though, like femur length and biparietal diameter). but i got over it quickly and enjoyed the rest of the episode because i recognized that the accuracy of the ultrasound depicted literally didn't matter at all. because the episode wasn't about ultrasound!!! (also this one is a nitpick of mine that doesn't really apply to Oshi no Ko, but i have to say it anyways to get it off my chest- it frustrates me that sonographers are hardly ever included in media that features medical ultrasound. in countries that have them, professional sonographers are waaaay better at doing ultrasound studies than doctors are. watching doctors in TV shows pull up the ultrasound machine and perform a study like it's nothing drives me insane. like.... your run-of-the-mill family doctor or whatever should not be doing your abdomen complete exam. /endrant) |
SquishyPiesApr 27, 2023 6:25 PM
Apr 27, 2023 6:59 PM
daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: IamNiimbus said: animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. Nope not possible if you have basic knowledge of how mobile phones work. This is a valid criticism. Bad take for you though You haven't linked to a single source to back up your claim w.r.t 20 year old phones dude. You're just claiming it with no evidence. Where’s the answer to my question and why are you running away from it? Is Aqua not “smart” or Did Aka not have any mobile phones (lazy writing)? Which is it? You want factual basic knowledge of how a mobile phone’s security works? When you admit flaws and valid criticisms, tell me. I won’t waste my time. |
Apr 27, 2023 7:08 PM
Until now I wonder, what is so special about this anime. I didn't see anything too much. |
Apr 27, 2023 7:18 PM
Confused_100 said: daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: IamNiimbus said: animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. Nope not possible if you have basic knowledge of how mobile phones work. This is a valid criticism. Bad take for you though You haven't linked to a single source to back up your claim w.r.t 20 year old phones dude. You're just claiming it with no evidence. Where’s the answer to my question and why are you running away from it? Is Aqua not “smart” or Did Aka not have any mobile phones (lazy writing)? Which is it? You want factual basic knowledge of how a mobile phone’s security works? When you admit flaws and valid criticisms, tell me. I won’t waste my time. What question? The whole basis of your question depends on something you've declared, progressive lockout even on phones from 20 years ago, that you haven't proven. You just keep claiming anyone who disagrees with you "doesn't know how phones work." It seems like you don't know how google works since you haven't been able to provide a single link to back up your point. Why would I bother answering "questions" from someone who doesn't even know how to use google? |
Apr 27, 2023 7:33 PM
daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: IamNiimbus said: animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. Nope not possible if you have basic knowledge of how mobile phones work. This is a valid criticism. Bad take for you though You haven't linked to a single source to back up your claim w.r.t 20 year old phones dude. You're just claiming it with no evidence. Where’s the answer to my question and why are you running away from it? Is Aqua not “smart” or Did Aka not have any mobile phones (lazy writing)? Which is it? You want factual basic knowledge of how a mobile phone’s security works? When you admit flaws and valid criticisms, tell me. I won’t waste my time. What question? The whole basis of your question depends on something you've declared, progressive lockout even on phones from 20 years ago, that you haven't proven. You just keep claiming anyone who disagrees with you "doesn't know how phones work." It seems like you don't know how google works since you haven't been able to provide a single link to back up your point. Why would I bother answering "questions" from someone who doesn't even know how to use google? And I told you to google it even. But you turned it around on me. And you literally see the question. You try to dismiss facts. Mine can be seen in google, you are the one here who should give me evidence of not being in old phones eventhough they were in very old Nokia model phones but let’s ignore that, right? Google is your friend even. Lock out was a thing in the past as well as erasure of data after a selected number of tries. You want to fight realistic facts here, cool. But then you are giving in to an ultimatum: Is Aqua not “smart”? Or did Aka never use a mobile phone ever (lazy writing)? Which is it? You are making this not progressive, you just want to dismiss it. And you are making this into an argument other than a debate. Finally all you said was a point to provoke not to challenge like “the calculations” part which I literally calculated and you acted like I didn’t. So your motive here is clear: you aren’t here to debate and prove this wrong, you are here to provoke and just dismiss. Now if you aren’t going to progress this debate further, please stop replying to me as it is a waste of time. |
Apr 27, 2023 8:19 PM
so I don't think it's dumb but it sure is very slow way, boring and dull anyways he went like 00001- 99999 ( he found passcode midway tho) and he said - it took him 45510th try, meanwhile the passcode itself was 45510 and i don't think he need notebook for that also my logic as to why he didn't go for a faster way- well he is a doctor, he have no knowledge of hacking etc then why not go to someone for help? well there is a risk of his secret being found out ( imagine a kid coming to u asking to hack someone's phone with dead serious face) also it was Ai's personal phone (who knows what could be the content) I think if someone is complaining about it I guess they were expecting too much from Aqua - maybe turning into a flawless genius after reincarnation, shocking us with his smart a$$ moves everytime anyways he might have been smarter as a kid but now he has grew up and catching up to his previous life age - it might have been a different story if he would have taught himself tons of skills as a kid but from what I can see he has only spent his time mostly with director after Ai's death - so the skills he learned with director will only help him to get closer to the suspects in the industry and many people for some reason believes the older the person the smarter they are but that's not true at all they might have emotional intelligence and some important skills they learned along the way....but I don't think being smart has something to do with age |
PUHPUHPUHPOWERApr 27, 2023 8:22 PM
Apr 27, 2023 8:20 PM
Apr 27, 2023 8:34 PM
HatTrkPatrk said: no thanks, that would be the dumbest way to waste my precious timeIf that's the dumbest you've seen in anime you need to see more anime |
Apr 27, 2023 8:37 PM
This is definitely one of the dumbest OPs I've seen on here |
Apr 27, 2023 8:39 PM
aditwes said: Who the fuck was talking to you?HatTrkPatrk said: no thanks, that would be the dumbest way to waste my precious timeIf that's the dumbest you've seen in anime you need to see more anime |
Apr 28, 2023 12:29 AM
Confused_100 said: daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: daiotaku said: Confused_100 said: IamNiimbus said: animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? Yea this was a pretty bad take, it’s definitely possible to do what he did. it also took YEARS lol anyone could do it with that kind of dedication. Nope not possible if you have basic knowledge of how mobile phones work. This is a valid criticism. Bad take for you though You haven't linked to a single source to back up your claim w.r.t 20 year old phones dude. You're just claiming it with no evidence. Where’s the answer to my question and why are you running away from it? Is Aqua not “smart” or Did Aka not have any mobile phones (lazy writing)? Which is it? You want factual basic knowledge of how a mobile phone’s security works? When you admit flaws and valid criticisms, tell me. I won’t waste my time. What question? The whole basis of your question depends on something you've declared, progressive lockout even on phones from 20 years ago, that you haven't proven. You just keep claiming anyone who disagrees with you "doesn't know how phones work." It seems like you don't know how google works since you haven't been able to provide a single link to back up your point. Why would I bother answering "questions" from someone who doesn't even know how to use google? And I told you to google it even. But you turned it around on me. And you literally see the question. You try to dismiss facts. Mine can be seen in google, you are the one here who should give me evidence of not being in old phones eventhough they were in very old Nokia model phones but let’s ignore that, right? Google is your friend even. Lock out was a thing in the past as well as erasure of data after a selected number of tries. You want to fight realistic facts here, cool. But then you are giving in to an ultimatum: Is Aqua not “smart”? Or did Aka never use a mobile phone ever (lazy writing)? Which is it? You are making this not progressive, you just want to dismiss it. And you are making this into an argument other than a debate. Finally all you said was a point to provoke not to challenge like “the calculations” part which I literally calculated and you acted like I didn’t. So your motive here is clear: you aren’t here to debate and prove this wrong, you are here to provoke and just dismiss. Now if you aren’t going to progress this debate further, please stop replying to me as it is a waste of time. Aqua is smart and Aka has used a mobile phone. Which is why you can't seem to google anything to back up your claim, it doesn't exist. Why should anyone believe what you're saying, just because you're saying it? It's totally pointless. What you're saying is wrong and you also can't even do basic math. Google some proof of what you're saying, or just admit you made it up based on nothing. |
Apr 28, 2023 12:48 AM
animeIs4Children said: Even more if you consider this dude (Aqua) is a 30-something years old DOCTOR that reincarnated lmao He was close to 40 at the time... Character is supposed to be "smart" too. What do you think? What would you do? You need to watch more anime There is no mentions of Aqua being smart and being adult or doctor doesn't necessarily means that you will solve each problem with merit The plot armour is not always present to save the day |
shash_sama18Apr 28, 2023 12:53 AM
Apr 28, 2023 5:16 AM
PUHPUHPUHPOWER said: This will be the conclusion of someone with actual reading comprehension.so I don't think it's dumb but it sure is very slow way, boring and dull anyways he went like 00001- 99999 ( he found passcode midway tho) and he said - it took him 45510th try, meanwhile the passcode itself was 45510 and i don't think he need notebook for that also my logic as to why he didn't go for a faster way- well he is a doctor, he have no knowledge of hacking etc then why not go to someone for help? well there is a risk of his secret being found out ( imagine a kid coming to u asking to hack someone's phone with dead serious face) also it was Ai's personal phone (who knows what could be the content) I think if someone is complaining about it I guess they were expecting too much from Aqua - maybe turning into a flawless genius after reincarnation, shocking us with his smart a$$ moves everytime |
Apr 28, 2023 5:20 AM
em_doubleyou said: PUHPUHPUHPOWER said: This will be the conclusion of someone with actual reading comprehension.so I don't think it's dumb but it sure is very slow way, boring and dull anyways he went like 00001- 99999 ( he found passcode midway tho) and he said - it took him 45510th try, meanwhile the passcode itself was 45510 and i don't think he need notebook for that also my logic as to why he didn't go for a faster way- well he is a doctor, he have no knowledge of hacking etc then why not go to someone for help? well there is a risk of his secret being found out ( imagine a kid coming to u asking to hack someone's phone with dead serious face) also it was Ai's personal phone (who knows what could be the content) I think if someone is complaining about it I guess they were expecting too much from Aqua - maybe turning into a flawless genius after reincarnation, shocking us with his smart a$$ moves everytime Wait someone with reading comprehension ignores 00000 and just starts with 00001… Ahhh okay. |
Apr 28, 2023 6:45 AM
SquishyPies said: Probably the smartest comment on this thread that understands how writing works, big ups. SomeNewGuy said: THIS. Folks need to realize that authors often write subjects they are not experts in- not because they are trying to write an accurate portrayal of that subject, but because that subject conveys meaning for the story. of course the author isn't gonna go into minute detail about how this kid hacked into a cell phone. because it literally doesn't matter at all. the purpose is to convey meaning to the viewer- that Aqua is still obsessed with Ai and has literally dedicated his new life to avenging her. he is a messed up man with an unhealthy obsession reinforced by trauma. it doesn't matter that the hacking is "unrealistic," it does what it needs to do.I feel like people are missing the point here. The reason why it was written like this is to convey to the audience just how decicated he really is about getting revenge and how far he is willing to go in order to achieve it. While it's true the author could've easily incorporated a "hacking" element here, it wouldn't have had the same impact nor conveyed the same message. As the whole point of this scene is to get the viewer/reader to react and realise just how mentally screwed up Aqua has become due to Ai's passing where he wouldn't mind "wasting" 4 years of his life just to break into a phone that may or may not contain useful information, this is messed up, it doesn't make any sense and that's the whole point. EDIT: long rant ahead, put it under a spoiler cuz it's long lol HOWEVER, i do understand that when you are an expert in something, seeing Your Thing depicted unrealistically in a piece of media can really take you out of it. I am a sonographer and the ultrasound images in the first episode kinda took me aback (the images are INSANELY bright, the overall gain needs to be taken waaaaaay down. also, the images are really blurry looking, though that also might just be due to how overgained the images are. the depth seems kind of off as well, too low to capture the images presented, but maybe 8 cm is enough to capture the images in someone small and skinny like Ai. i'm not an OB sonographer so i'm not too sure. on top of that, even though these are what i would assume to be "fun pictures" of the fetuses, there isn't any identifying information on the images given, not even a date or clinic name. finally, the images have this like... brown filter over them? instead of being grayscale? i understand there are color overlays but i haven't seen anyone ever use a brown one, i've only seen the red/blue/green ones used. i did appreciate the inclusion of all the measurements though, like femur length and biparietal diameter). but i got over it quickly and enjoyed the rest of the episode because i recognized that the accuracy of the ultrasound depicted literally didn't matter at all. because the episode wasn't about ultrasound!!! (also this one is a nitpick of mine that doesn't really apply to Oshi no Ko, but i have to say it anyways to get it off my chest- it frustrates me that sonographers are hardly ever included in media that features medical ultrasound. in countries that have them, professional sonographers are waaaay better at doing ultrasound studies than doctors are. watching doctors in TV shows pull up the ultrasound machine and perform a study like it's nothing drives me insane. like.... your run-of-the-mill family doctor or whatever should not be doing your abdomen complete exam. /endrant) I'm a photographer, I don't lose my mind every time there's something technically fucky about taking pictures in an anime or tv show because that would be dumb. What matters is that its emotional core is understandable to the viewer. Writers write things (usually) to convey something, in this case, that Aqua is obsessed and methodical. People are like "there should have been a clue somewhere else that he pieced together!! It would have shown that he was smart!!" except the point wasn't to show that he was smart, and would have changed the tone of his character and the scene writ large. He's not designed to be a sort of super-smart power fantasy you project onto, he's supposed to be a weird, sick and twisted little dude. |
PraxisCatApr 28, 2023 6:48 AM
Apr 28, 2023 9:12 AM
the only thing dumb in this scene is that. the phones normally get permanently locked if yu fail multiple times, as the phone thinks an unknown person is tryin to get a hand on to your phone. Then the only way to unlock it is by doing a full format factory cleanup which will remove all the things in its memory unless the contacts are saved in gmail account. So maybe he could have done that, but he wanted to keep it secret so what he did was the only choice he was left with |
You all have to undrestand that Chainsaw man is impossible to adapt without CG. |
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