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Apr 14, 2023 11:51 AM

Jul 2020
Holo Interviews; the Number One Interviews Club in the world, today had the pleasure of interviewing the leader of Cat Nation and one of the biggest Digimon fans in all of MAL. We got to better know our friend here. And did we possibly uncover Digicat as the mastermind behind MyKittyList? Read her story to find out, and be sure to check out the links, lists and videos


Q: Tell us a little bit about yourself

A: Hi, I'm DigiCat, you can also call me Fangs.
Why Fangs? In 6th grade I chewed up my own homework, true story, I didn't have a cat or dog to chew it up for me at the time and I totally forgot to do it, so I resorted to the next best thing.

I also turn into this annoying little critter every time I'm overexcited vv

Real life footage of me 24 hours before vacation: 

I love anime, manga, Star Wars, superheroes, and cats 🐱
I also enjoy drawing, and occasionally writing, you be the judge if i'm any good at those 😂

(drawings and poems in profile)

Speaking of writing, i also love making reviews, and recently reached 50 reviews 🥳


Q: What makes Digimon have such a special place in your heart?

A: It's the first anime i watched i really got attached to, i absolutely loved the characters and got so immersed in the world.
I still re-watch Adventure, Adventure 02, and Frontier, which are the seasons i grew up with, almost yearly.


Q: How did you get into anime and manga?

A: One word, DIGIMON! This is what started it all.
I've actually been watching anime ever since i can remember, as soon as i learnt how the remote controll worked i had free rein of the TV, just to name a few of the anime i grew up with, HamtaroPokémonDragon BallCat's EyeRanma 1/2, there was actually a channel which showed tons of reruns of 70s and 80s anime, one i finally found the name of hear on MAL which i really loved was Tondemo Senshi Muteking, i always vividly remembered the characters, specifically the little black aliens, but could never remember the title, now i can finally re-watch it :D

But Digimon was the first anime i was completely hooked on, actually the true start of it all was Digimon Frontier when i was 5, since i was too young to remember any plot when i first watched Adventure (i mean that did first air when i was 1).
I just loved everything about it, the world, the characters. 
I later watched reruns of Adventure and Adventure 02 and the magic was still there.

Other stand out anime from when i was a kid are Detective Conan, i literally wanted to be a detective after watching this, Futari wa Precure, which was the first (and i think only) anime series i managed to watch every episode of as it was airing on TV, every morning before school, and every morning i was late.
Konjiki no Gash Bell!!, i first watched this while on vacation at my great-grandma's place and it became an instant favorite, and because this was before the age of streaming, i had to wait a whole 2 years before randomly finding it again on Cartoon Network, the joy of finally being able to watch it again was indescribable.
And Fullmetal Alchemist, the first anime i watched that aired after midnight and cemented my status as a nightowl, it aird on Cartoon Network when i was finishing 4th greade, and ever since i've alomost never gone to sleep before midnight, actually this cycle was only broken because of jetlag ('cause being an adult sucks), but before that, since watching FMA, i hadn't gone to sleep before midnight for 15 years straight, this is not a joke.

Honorable mention has to go to the 3rd Pokémon movie, which is the first movie i rememberd in detail beginning to end long after watching it, i still remember watching it on a little box TV in my room, i was 3, it might've even been the first time it aired where i was, and of course the Pikachu And Pichu special that came before it <3
And Hamtaro, this was the pre-Digimon anime that was starting to set off the sparks of anime insanity.

Unfortunately after Fullmetal a lot less anime aired on TV where i was, and it wasn't untill about 10 years later that i got back into it with streaming, by re-watching nonother than Fullmetal Alchemist.
From there i started to explore more (and would soon discover free streaming), the first few anime i ventured in where Noragami (also one of the first series i watched subbed along with Digimon Adventure 2020), Neon Genesis EvangelionCode GeassDemon SlayerTokyo Ghoul (the first dropped anime), and Sword Art Online, which i was watching when i discovered MAL.

Manga, the first manga i picked up was actually a random horror manga about a chicken apocalypse, 'cause who wouldn't want to read a manga about man-eating chickens? It turned out to be chicken shit.

But the start of the manga craze is attributed again to Fullmetal Alchemist.


Q: Everyone who's a fellow regular on the harshly judge threads have noticed your rather hot and spicy takes when it comes to anime, what exactly makes an anime worthwhile to watch to you?

A: I'm sorry if it's gonna be a boring-ass answer, but it's plain and simple personal interest.
If i had to pick one aspect that's most important to me it'd be the characters, for me characters can make or break a show, second to that is story, also how it deals with different themes, and third the more technical stuff, pace, animation, character design.


Q: What do you think explains your tendency to prefer shounen anime over other anime types of genres?

A: That is another question i don't really have an explanation to.
I guess i could say i'm drawn to the style? I tend to prefere shows that a faster paced and more action packed, and shounen has more shows with those elements, but it's not something exclusive to the demographic.


Q: How did you become such a Sasuke simp? What event or moment sold you on the character? Same thing for the Tokyo Revengers characters.

A: Oh, Sasuke, there's no special moment, he's one of my first anime crushes from when i was 7, i've had a crush on almost every anime guy with long black hair ever since i watched Digimon Frontier.
But i do also like him as a character and his story.

Tokyo Revengers, i assume you're reffering to Mikey and Draken who are currently in my favs.
Mikey, i can relate to him, we have quite similar personalities, wanting to look tough on the outside, but also being a total kid on the inside, and since i'm similar to Mikey, i also need someone like Draken to rein me in when i go wild.


Q: What are some of your favorite shows and who are your favorite characters/waifus?

A: Well i already mentioned some of my favorites in your previous question, to list a few others

Tokyo Revengers, the newest adition to my favorites, this along with Attack On Titan and Vinland Saga, immersive worlds that got me hooked on them from episode 1, relatable and well developed characters, and also great psychological elements.

Hunter x Hunter, the 1999 version, i love the darker tone it has, and personally think it does a better job at character developement than it's 2011 counterpart.
Also i can really relate to Killua.

Buddy Daddies, i know Spy x Family came first, and i love it just as much, but this surprise 2023 hit struck my heart like a thunder bolt.
Watching it i just felt "yup, that's what i'm gonna be like when i become a parent", i'd have Rei's parenting style but with Kazuki's personality 🤣
The story has just the right balence of comedy, action, and an emotional side that hits you right in the feels.
I can also really relate to Rei, with the sheltered upbringing and having no idea whatsoever how adult life works.

Yes it's just a coincidence that the 2 characters i can super relate to were trained from birth to be assassins...

Cool Doji Danshi, now why is this super chill anime about clumsy dudes on here? That is simply because, i am clumsy as fuck.
I swear, every clumsy mishap the MCs have done in Coll Doji Danshi, i have done, minus the glasses ones, and that is only 'cause i don't wear glasses.

Now waifus husbandos, if you still haven't put the pieces of the puzzle together, my very first anime crush was Koji from Digimon Frontier.

For current husbandos, probably the anime guy i'm most into is Rengoku (Demon Slayer), we'd go on a date to an all you can eat restaurant.

It's a pretty easy guess who my other Demon Slayer hubando is ;3

For the full favorite characters list just go to my profile, it's way too long 😅


Q: As a fellow Digimon lover, what do you think explains your general affection towards the series?

A: I'm not sure there is an explanation, it just happened, i was just awestruck.

Q: Do you think that there will ever be some other anime that can surpass the appreciation you have for it?

A: Surpass? No way!
I find that's the case with most childhood favorites, they're unbeatable.

If i have to say which anime comes the closest to Digimon level appreciation, that spot has to go to Attack On Titan, this also in terms of rewatchebility (i mean i'm on the verge of my second re-watch and i only first watched it just under 2 years ago)

I tend to be drawn to characters i can either really relate to or that are the complete oposite to me (aka the sound of reason), and with AOT Levi is the fusion of both those types of characters. There's some things i can so relate to him on, but others in which we're just so different.

(spoiler alert: if Levi saw my room he'd get a heart attack)

Ok aside from the fact i need a couple kicks in the butt to clean my post-apocalyptic looking room up...

There is one particular scene that cemented my already love for AOT to superfan status (don't worry i'm not spoiling anything)

It's in the beginning of season 2 when Levi says this to Eren before a battle "Learn how to restrain yourself, don’t succumb to rage".
Very simple words that worked wonders (for the most part, i'm still ewok-hulk), watching that scene for the first time it felt like he was telling this to both Eren and me, 'cause it was exactly what i needed to hear at the time, i know it's something that sounds so obvious, but it's not only what he's saying, but how he says it, his tone of voice, it sounds like it's both a lecture and an encouragement at the same time, too much one way or too much the other and it just becomes something in itself rage inducing.


Q: Why do you dislike ecchi anime?

A: I don't dislike ecchi anime, I don't have a problem with nudity in anime, so long as it makes sense for the scene, i mean my fav episode of Binbogama ga! is the bath episode, and what do humans wear in the bath? Nothing, zero, naked.

Speaking of Binbogami ga! I have to share this musical masterpiece 

What I absolutely hate isn't nudity, but fetishizing or glorifying abuse, this regardless of if it's an ecchi or not, also rape jokes 🤮


Q: Alright, so my question is: "Who are your LEAST favorite anime characters?"

A: Oooo, wait, do you mean as in characters i think are ok but just don't really like, or characters i absolutely hate?

For don't really like but they're ok, they can even be good characters that i can even understand why they're like that, i just probably would never get along with them irl

  1. Mikasa (AOT)
  2. Izumi (Digimon Frontier)
  3. Maka (Soul Eater)
  4. Nebra & Solid (Black Clover)
  5. Nishimiya (JJK)
  6. Yukio (Blue Exorcist)

Actually when i was a kid, Naruto would've been on this list, but the more i understand him the less annoying he is, i still think we'd fight like cat and dog irl.

And characters i hate and wanna beat up

  1. Endeavor (MHA), though he is showing some signs of redemption, so he might in future graduate to disliked characters
  2. Kisaki (Tokyo Revengers)
  3. Makima (CSM)
  4. Askeladd (Vinland Saga)
  5. Zeke (AOT)
  6. Muzan (Demon Slayer)
  7. Dante (FMA03)
  8. Medusa (Soul Eater)

And basically any shitty parent


Q: What are your favorite books, if you have any (both fiction - western comicbooks also count here - and non-fiction)? And in terms of fiction in general, what genres do you like most and least?

A: I actually started with collecting Marvel and DC comics, but recently the quality of those has dropped and the prices shot up, so i mostly stick to manga now, i do still collect some vintage comics every now and then.
Books, i'm a super slow reader so i don't read as much as i'd like to...
But i do have a childhood favorite, Horrid Henry, i know most of the books off by heart and am still trying to complete my collection, and going back to comics i also love The Beano (i'm part brit if you couldn't tell)

Fiction in general

Fav genres: Action, Psychological, Sci-Fi

Least fav: Romance

Yeah... this is my idea of romantic

As you can see i didn't exactly pick the right role model for dating advice.


Q: You've told me that you don't read pirated manga online unlike the majority of the users on this site. Have you ever wanted to read a series so bad that you tweaked that policy?

A: I try to avoid reading online, 1) I just love collecting physical copies of manga, and 2) i'm such a slow reader that reading on a computer/phone screen multiple chapters (or even just one if you thinking long chapters like Noragami) will literally burn my eyeballs out!
But there are manga that are near impossible to find physically that i'll probably pirate one day, still i'd even favor bootleg copies over online pirating, and if the former's not available i'd put the downloads on kindel, or even be crazy enough to print the whole thing out.


Q: You said you were into psychology, how did get into it and what aspects of that particular field are you interested in?

A: How did i get into it? Probably 'cause most of the humans around me growing up were insane, so the interest was partly fueled by questioning "why?"

I've just always been interested in human behavior in general, what makes a person the way they are.

I guess if i had to say one thing in particular, it'd be how trauma can affect a person, probably a telling sign of my own issues i need to solve.

That's also why i'm usually drawn to darker anime, if you've noticed, most of the characters in my favorites are traumatized AF.


Q: We sometimes chat about the Show's we watch. You don't really like fanservice or nudity in Anime.Is that just personal taste or do you think it comes from your upbringing/the country you live in?

A: For fanservice and nudity, go to the answer to Gween's first question.

As for personal taste, irl i am no prude! I dress in mini shorts/skirts and crop-tops like 5 months a year, for 1) i absolutely hate the heat, i melt at 20°c, and for 2) i like clothes that reveal some skin, they look nice, and i find them comfortable, i also like more tomboyish styles, usually for cooler weather, like bermuda shorts and loose t-shirts, yes, i said bermuda shorts, for cool weather, i belong in the ice-age, and sometimes a fusion of both, maybe bermuda shorst with a tight t-shirt and a nice belt, or mini shorts with a basket ball jersey and coulorful sports bra.

Upbrining, oh no, the clothes i like to wear were mocked and ridiculed as being whore clothes, to which i said 🖕
It's a surprisingly effective way to shut people up.


Q: What's your opinion on the current state of anime? Do you like it, or do you think it's disappointing? Are there any improvements you think could and should be made?

A: I'd say neither, there's always gonna be shows i like and show's i'll be disappointed by, but that's more than normal with such a vast media.

The only thing i hope is that anime never becomes 100% CGI, i'm ok with having different animation styles, but i never want to lose the classic style, even if with innovation there'll be different ways to make it.


Q: How much joy do you get from harshly judging people based on their last list updates?

A: I love it! It's my favorite forum game.


Q: When you're not browsing the harshly judge list, what could we see you doing on your free times?

A: Working (FINALLY!!), i just got a job at a comic shop 😁
Other then that, i love going to the cinema, i'll try and catch as many movies as i can in theaters, though with a limited budget (aka i'm not the one who pays for most of the tickets) i'll mostly stick to stuff i'm 99% sure i'll enjoy, anime obviously, i also love action and sci-fi, and some animation.

I've actually been keeping a list of all the movies i've watched in theaters since 2015

The next movies i wanna watch at the cinema are Shazam: Fury Of The Gods, Dungeons And Dragons, and Super Mario.

I also really enjoy doing cosplay, 'cause what better way to immerse oneself in a loved anime than getting all decked up in costume?
Cons and halloween are some of my favorite times of year 'cause of this.
Cosplays i've done up to now are Tsuyu (MHA) in UA uniform and cheerleader outfit, Emilia (Re:zero), Power (CSM), and Nami (One Piece), next cosplays i have in line are Sasha (AOT) Tsuyu's Froppy hero costume, and Menchi (HxH) this should be an easy one since i have the same taste in clothes as her and already own an almost identical outfit 😂

But i have a whole list of cosplays i wanna do in future, i just have to save up enough money 💸💸💸

  1. Mew Ichigo and Mew Mint (Tokyo Mew Mew)
  2. Yor (Spy x Family)
  3. Sakura (Naruto)
  4. Asuna (SAO)
  5. Noelle and Nero (Black Clover)
  6. Cure Black (Precure)
  7. Akame (Akame ga Kill)
  8. Angewomon (Digimon)
  9. Bakugo (MHA) hero costume, yes i wanna do some guy cosplays too
  10. Envy (FMA)
  11. Kurapika (HxH)


Q: What's your opinion of anime fans in general? What do you think of Otaku culture?

A: I work in a comic shop, all my collegues are anime fans, they're great!

I'f you're talking specifically about the MAL comunity, like any other comunity, there's always gonna be some a-holes, but they're just the loud minority.


Q: What kind of music do you usually listen to? What are your favorite genres/artists? Also what specific music tracks do you like the most (if any)?

A: Right now? Anime music. I'm literally obsessed, i'm constantly blasting anime OPs EDs in my car.
I also really like rock music, and some k-pop.

My favorite song of all time is Life On Mars? by David Bowie.

Q: Do you play videogames, and if so what are your favorite game genres (and also what specific videogames are your favorites, if any)?

A: Yes, but i'm pretty shit at most of them.

Favorites are Mario Kart (from N64 to Switch), Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (PS2), Snafu (Intellivision), and Galaga (classic arcade)

I really wanna save money to buy a PS5 so i can play Stray, you play as a cat in it 😻

Q: And (even in the case you might not play videogames anymore), do you have any standout gaming-related memories?

A: My record gaming time is 7 hours straight, i remember clearly i was trying to complete the final level of Super Mario on Wii, started at midnight, finished at 7am, and straight after i watched Spider-Man Homecoming, i was re-watching all the Marvel movies in preparation for Avengers Endgame at the time 🤣


Q: Do you see yourself watching anime and/or reading manga until you become an older person? Or do you think this hobby is only going to be temporary?

A: I am going to watch anime and read manga for ever and ever.


Q: The people need to know, are you an actual cat?

A: Yes, i meow, purr, and always land on my feet, i also have supersonic hearing


Q: Can you make an anime cat tierlist?

A: No, 'cause they'd all be in GOD tier 😻


Q: My sources tell me that you were conspiring about changing MAL to MKL(MyKittyList). Was it all your plan? If yes, how did you put it into practice?

A: You have unmasked me. Yes. I trained my cats for a whole year in computer hacking (nevermind that i don't even know how a basic WindowsXP laptop works), at midnight on the dot they uploaded the kibble virus, and MyKittyList was born.


Q: Your profile is full of cat characters, Meow's and even your Name is cat related.
How did that start and why do you love these animals so much?

A: How can you not love cats?? They're fluffy, they're cuddly, and they pee on beds... oh wait no, that's the wrong question for this
I've always loved cats, all animals actually, but i have 3 cats (actually had 4 when i started MAL)


Q: If you could live in the world of an anime you've seen or manga you've read, which would it be and why?

A: Obviously Digiworld!

Q: Anything you would like to say to our readers?

A: Yes i burnt my eyeballs out typing this
Please appreciate it 😜

In memory of my dear kitty @_Sweet-Tooth_ who left us while I was participating in Holo Interviews

HoloisHoloApr 15, 2023 11:52 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Apr 14, 2023 8:26 PM
Jul 2018
Apr 14, 2023 10:05 PM

Oct 2020
Apr 14, 2023 10:50 PM

Jul 2020
The Shashashashasha video is hilarious lol.

And we welcome that you were behind the MyKittylist plot
Apr 15, 2023 2:13 AM

May 2020
Congrats on the interview @DigiCat :-) (is congrats the right thing to say for this sort of thing btw? not sure, as english isn't my native language, so I hope it applies at least)
As is probably the case for most others asking questions, some things I already knew, others (especially those I asked questions on) I didn't, so learning these new things was nice.

P.S. Also RIP for your recently departed cat :-(
Apr 15, 2023 4:45 AM
Jun 2022
You certainly outperformed yourself. Still waiting for the day when you'd put the same effort into your "Harshly judge" posts.
Apr 15, 2023 1:04 PM
May 2021
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