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The Devil Is a Part-Timer! (light novel)
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Nov 6, 2022 6:42 PM

Dec 2020
Not as good as s1. New art direction def took some getting used to. Couldn't understand the baby half the time. When their house got wreck and they were off doing nonsense I thought were the worst eps.

Still enjoyed it but a downgrade for sure.
Nov 13, 2022 3:00 AM

May 2015
It's over. But I just think it was alright. Something was definitely missing here compared to season 1. I liked the beach episodes though.
Nov 15, 2022 7:56 AM
Feb 2019
meh ending or my expectation to high
Nov 19, 2022 8:43 PM

Nov 2009
hmm, another question filled open ended last episode of the season.

I wonder where Emi's mom gone tho... is she still in the hospital?

She gave the ring to Chiho, which is the thing that the angels was tracking, and not Emi's mom herself.

Also, looks like Chiho's now a power user and possibly communicator for Emi's mom, lol.
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Nov 21, 2022 8:18 PM

Feb 2021
Finally it's ended, I think they will come back to Heaven and Hell world to finish off the problem on there in the next season. It was a great story after those years XD
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Nov 22, 2022 12:48 AM

Oct 2008
This last fight really showed everything that is wrong with the second season, a complete drop in animation quality. While I still enjoyed the story almost as much as in the first season, the derpy faces and overall poor animation quality really hurt the enjoyment for me.
Nov 23, 2022 11:27 PM
Feb 2020
Really good season. Hopefully there will be a season 3 because there's so much story that still needs to be developed re: Emi's mom, dad and Da'at.
Nov 25, 2022 11:56 PM
Sep 2016
Anyone who says this is sub 6/10 has clearly not seen enough 6/10 shows to know how much better this show has it. The issue is that we all had such high hopes, and the quality was noticeably just a little bit worse, especially in the animation.
I enjoyed it. The animation was definitely a disappointment, but the story was fine, and I had a good time. I rewatched the first season for this, since I hadn't seen it since 2015, and then I went right into the second season as if it was one big season. It honestly didn't feel like a huge drop in quality, at least as far as the story, and the characters go. The only noticeable decline was the animation. If they could have given the fights the impact and flow that they deserved, I think everyone would have been far happier with this season. I give it a personal rating of 9/10, and the an objective rating of 6.8/10. Looking forward to season 3.
Dec 11, 2022 11:50 AM
Apr 2021
I love this series so much! this episode was so great
Dec 23, 2022 5:58 AM
Sep 2021
Dec 25, 2022 12:18 PM
Sep 2017
Huge quality drop compared to previous season, we waited for to long to get an adaptation like this, hope things can get better for 3rd season.
Jan 3, 2023 7:48 PM
May 2020
Well, it was GREAT that Chiho FINALLY had a power-up but that finale was waaayyy too rushed!
Jan 19, 2023 6:29 PM

Apr 2020
I liked it. There were plenty of funny moments. Solid 7/10. Maybe other people set themselves up with too high expectations?
ow + nw = 90-2000s

Jan 24, 2023 4:00 PM

Nov 2016
man so much hate

the art style sure changed dramatically but meh, im here for the gameplay (story), not the graphics (shiny blingy mcblingerson)

htms is literally my fav anime cuz it brought me over to the dark side (prolly among with angel beats). its a fun, funny, family friendly chillaxing franchise. ive got tons of fondness for this

it was a fun ending to the 2nd season, and they still have a ton of content for more. it feels like theyre putting in more info into laila more than the manga. im prolly old and rusty but yeah its been a long time since i read some chapters. i dont remember em mentioning laila so much, nor giving much info. hope this is a nice gamble

anime/manga version of steam would be awesome -
Jan 28, 2023 3:52 PM

Jan 2013
Pretty underwhelming final episode

It's not that this season was bad honestly but I just felt no connection with the characters or the story itself anymore. - Felt like there was hardly any emotion from the characters.
The animation and art despite being a downgrade is acceptable imo, it had a few funny moments but overall the comedy wasn't really there.

I remember really liking the comedy and the fights of the first season (even though it's been 8 years since I've seen it).
This season however just kinda felt like nothing happened, we had some slice of life moments and that's it.

I understand the people rating it pretty low when you've come to expect the same quality from season 1 but it was still decent.
Feb 4, 2023 9:50 PM
Apr 2022
legal esse carai porra vai tomar no cu
Mar 12, 2023 7:00 AM
Nov 2010
12:05 That's nice to see. Emi is running out of reasons to hate Sadao. It's only a matter of time before this show turns into a romantic comedy.
19:15 Sariel lost weight so quickly. I'm envious. In my case, I have to work out hard to maintain my lean weight.
Interesting development at the end. I am looking forward to S3. 7/10
I wish the fights were better animated, at least.
Mar 23, 2023 5:28 PM
Dec 2018
Great last episode, would love to see story progression like this in every episode but pickers can't be choosers I guess.
Mar 23, 2023 6:18 PM
Sep 2022
I liked season one the most and how it was done but the second was decently good, in my opinion.
Apr 11, 2023 8:40 PM

Sep 2013
Lackluster ending. It didn't have the charm from the first season. 

Apr 29, 2023 12:29 PM
Nov 2019
not as good as season 1
May 8, 2023 9:15 AM

May 2020
pretty decent second season
wasn't really as good as s1
prolly will watch s3 as well

May 9, 2023 8:21 PM
Jan 2022
Didnt like the art direction the new studio went with
May 15, 2023 4:31 PM
Dec 2014
Not good.
As LN reader, I don't like what happened with plot when Alas Ramus appeared, story became weaker and less interesting, but LN still had it's own selling points (like what is sepiroths, angels, demons, Amane and Shiba family, Olba plotting, mysterious Emi mother, many other things and humor). For me, it look like 3Hz not even trying recreate it.
May 23, 2023 6:58 AM
Aug 2021
season 1 was a solid 8/10 i enjoyed it a lot but this season was so boring all the way through. debating whether it deserves a 6 or even a 5
Jun 29, 2023 8:00 PM
Oct 2021
Different hype from the first season, but it is still watchable.
Jul 11, 2023 6:34 AM
Dec 2013
So, was it worth the 9 year wait?

Anyway, I actually prefer the second season over the first season. At least the second season didn't have any moments that pissed me off.
wildhoodJul 11, 2023 6:45 AM
Jul 16, 2023 2:09 PM
Nov 2015
This was a good ending and I can't wait to start the next season.
Jul 20, 2023 7:37 AM
Feb 2016
Me gusto el anime, a seguir con la segunda parte de esta segunda temporada. Que también la llaman tercera temporada.

Jul 20, 2023 4:16 PM
Jul 2020
I know on MAL, I got the series mixed up. So I know they're making a sequel to season 2 which they're calling season 3? I guess...?

Anyway--the comedy is gold. I love laughing at all the relative jokes they make in this series. I mean, Maou is SATAN so I guess that adds to it. And I love their immediate connection to Ramus in the beginning. But is it safe for me to assume that they rushed this season or added too much filler? Because it felt mostly like filler up until the end.

I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this...
Jul 20, 2023 4:18 PM
Jul 2020
Pre_Yum said:
Hmm... some things were revealed in this episode regarding Raguel and his sonar and then Emi's hero identity. Also, Chiho woke up which was totally expected. Maou looked cool. It was a decent wrap-up to the season with little action in the end. The only good thing about this season was 'Alas Ramus' and her adorable tantrum about her parents. But, I'm just happy that we even got a second season after nine freaking years. So... yeah. It was a give-or-take situation all around.

But, in the end, this season was too underwhelming tbh. It felt like nothing happened in the story. The plot and story didn't move that much tho new characters were being introduced. Also, the production issues, I feel like were some of the reasons why it felt a little soft. From White Fox in the first season to 3Hz in the second. I feel like 3Hz were way too rushed on this season by KADOKAWA. I hope they don't do the same for the next season and let them take their time, but since the rumors have already been surfacing about a Season 3 in 2023, it doesn't feel that this is going to be any better than 2nd season.

*fingers crossed* anyway
I feel the EXACT same way that you do. I waited SO LONG for this season to come out and it feels like it was just a bunch of filler. Maybe the next half of S2 will have more action??
Jul 21, 2023 12:14 AM
Aug 2022
I really dont see the reason why people are calling the sequel reboot "utter trash" and "the biggest failure to ever air on TV" when i dont see the issues besides the obvious story downgrade. It felt a bit underwhelming at first but it really picked up in scale near the end, but it is by all means not perfect in the slightest. I'll keep watching this for the shits and giggles but im not gonna take the story super serious since I already heard this was a disaster in terms of the story.
Aug 28, 2023 12:45 PM

Jan 2011
This shit was genuinely cringe. 5/10 is my score for a show that does the bare minimum, nothing particularly good but nothing particularly bad either, and this didn't even come close to meeting that requirement. Animations are bad, music is somehow worse than generic, the story sucks, and it wasn't funny at all. I liked season 1 a lot so I kept hoping it would get better but no dice.

It's been a very long time since I rated something a 3 but this definitely earned it.
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Sep 17, 2023 2:57 AM
Mar 2012
often exposition & plot pacing rushed again. so Raguel needs mom to save heaven, but she got a bigger goal.
Besides weak animation & comedy directing, was still ok.
It did better at working tourism & parenting sol. from round episode 8 kept improving & funnier.
Major twist with both parents alive, and touched on certain Sephirots branches.
lol Alas wanna be Rilakkuma!
Oct 14, 2023 4:26 AM

Apr 2013
Those fighting scenes man... so bad. And what's with Suzuno, did they just forget about her and Lucifer fighting those other dudes? lol

I wasn't a huge fan of season 1, but season 2 was definitely worse. Comedy barely hit, animation and art were medicore at best and the story was pretty generic as well. 5/10
Oct 26, 2023 7:30 AM
Mar 2022
cool cool cool I hope the next season is released soon
Jan 11, 2024 4:30 AM

May 2020
See Chi-chan with her power is another thing. Sadly Emi can't meet her mom, not as i expected. Also no intense fight, sad. But this one season was not bad at all. The end seems cliffhanging, can't wait for the next season.
sharosharoJan 11, 2024 11:29 AM
Jan 14, 2024 5:29 PM
Aug 2018
its a great sequel loooking for more
Feb 9, 2024 2:47 AM

Nov 2019
I guess it's not just me that felt this season was lacking. It hinted to so much throughout the season like love affairs, possible father mother with Emilia, Ramus birth origins, even the end battle which was meant to be Gabriel and Rauel was cut short having no substance this episode. The first encounter of Gabriel trying to take away Ramus had some suspense but I think the approach this season feels more like a slice of life than action comedy. The farming arc also felt a little unnecessary if you look at how this episode occurred. Need more action since this originally hooked me because of its action scenes of MC transforming
Jul 4, 2024 3:28 PM

Nov 2012
This is the biggest fall off I have ever personally experienced.

So glad to finally be done with it, i honestly dunno what it would take for me to even consider watching the next part
I have a third testicle that gives me psychic powers
Oct 13, 2024 12:54 AM

Jan 2020
So, that ends this season's part 1.

Raguel and Gabriel being conflict in this one was quite a suprise, especially with Gabriel's inclusion.

It appears that Chiho has become the communication between Maou (aka Satan Jacob) and Lailah. Or at least the ring she wears is useful in that regard.

Ngl, I really did wish for more Lailah in this episode but that will have to wait, it seems for now.

And overall and tbh, this series' 2nd season wasn't really all that great, but the comedy was still there and there were definitely good moments here and there, and we got to see more of Maou and Emilia's past, well, mostly with Maou. It just felt like this series' follow-up on this, was still feeling mostly like filler.

While I like the build up now with Emi's past, now with the reveal that her father's still alive, I would have liked it if they didn't tease us that early if it all wasn't going to be answered with this yet but that's why there's a Part 2. It just really did feel like they were trying to build anticipation for the next part of this season and was already planning on it. So yeah, NEEDED more is the best way to explain this season's Part 1, and it would have been better to just have it ALL answered rather than just splitting it and having a part 2 at all.

And the most noticeable decrease is the animation. Holy moly, it was really that distracting, but I have seen worse than this. This season's Part 1 didn't really have that much "fights or conflict", mostly a lot of discussion and resolution without any of the conflict at all, which is a bit underwhelming tbh considering this series had a literal 9-year wait.

With that though, we do have now the Part 2 of Season 2. Considering I've not seen it, hopefully the animation will be much better.
KiroTheAssassinOct 13, 2024 1:04 AM
Nov 25, 2024 12:51 AM
Oct 2014
Binging the entire show. Just finished S2.

If this was the last arc made into an anime, or if I wasn't able to watch S3 / S2-Part2 straight away, I'd be very disappointed and the entire show would leave a sour aftertaste. I can definitely understand people who weren't exactly impressed, watching it as it came out.

But since this is basically just a toilet break for me, I'm more than pleased. This season was great fun, with a bit of lore sprinkled here and there. The interpersonal relationships and interactions are brilliant. Characters feel consistent and lovable. Can't help but join Chi-chan with her wish to see everyone getting along and be happy together.

The combat segmetns were kinda lackluster though. Especially this "final battle" of S2 was very basic and barely serviceable. Although, none of the character really means to fight, and none of the MCs and main-supports aim to kill anyone, so it actually makes a lot of sense, given the context. In fact, forcing the characters into an epic battle out of the blue just because "protekkuto balansu ikenakya", which sometimes happens, would probably feel a lot more out of place. This was very human. Too bad we didn't see Raguel with Cola up his nose though.

Unlike what other people say, I had zero issues with animation. Some of my favorite anime had much more siplistic art, and I would greatly enjoy this even as a VN. I was kinda shocked to see so many people complain about animation... you guys seem too demanding. There wasn't any jarring CG (although I don't mind that either, as long as it is used to fill spaces around camera's focus, e.g., buffing army numbers with CG clones), I never noticed any dramatic changes in faces like some complain about, I was satisfied.

I definitely prefer being able to watch various anime and longer shows over a tiny handful of high-profile anime requiring huge investments and thus posing a real danger for a studio, should the anime flop. It's not like reception is a logical thing, and I would hate seeing all studios aim for the least common denominator just to keep the risk at a minimum. Be careful what you wish for.

Now, if you excuse me, トイレートイレー
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