they already finished upgrading the home, it's quite big
there's his room, theres a main hall for gatherings, there the kitchen (and more stoves outside), there's the eating room, there's a cellar to store food and wood... and in the 2nd floor there's the 2 girls rooms and... there's also one room a double bed, i wonder what for lol
everyone was excited to see the new house, it's a normal feeling
he also decided to put the 2 dog statues guarding the door, iwonder if he was thinking about the 2 1st dogs that appeared, or if he just had that idea
time to eat, and curry it is, a difficult one to master
don't put poor Ru in the pot LOL
more crops are being planted, and the almighty tool doesn't give a damn about weather, who cares if we want to plant stuff in the middle of the snow season?
5.56, yay that fun animation is back, that's one of my favorite things in this anime
i didn't know making curry needed 20 different plants lmfao
oh, there's a plant that thedogs hate, the girls are interested in that, so they instantly left
Lea is here to help with the curry, she has some cute reactions, like when she put the meat in the oil
it was already looking like it was ready, apart from waiting a little longer, but he forgot something ... naan?
8:52 - that part was funny tho "nan nan dayo" "sou nan desuka?"
after all the wait and people spying , the food is ready
everyone was kinda scared before trying, but they ended up eating at elast 2 plates each lol as usual, they take it all and mc doesn't get anything :D
the dogs running again, Ru is having fun
11:50 another super cute mid episode art
the winter is coming, so better get some extra blankets from zabuton, in exchange for some potatoes? do spiders eat potatoes?
they also need to preserve meat and vegetables, since they won't hunt during the winter
the elves are going to work on other stuff even during the winter, such as a blacksmith place
Tia getting scared of the dogs and making the meat fly into them, the one that was sleeping didn't take his meat tho lols
next, talking about magic, mc can'tuseit no matter how many times he tries, and tia is awesome for being able to control multiple golems at once, so Ru is jealous when he says that lol
speaking of Ru, her night hairstyle is also pretty nice
mc talking like what he does is not as good as what the girls do, just farming and cooking is more than good enough lol nice of Ru to tell him just that, no one else in that world ever did what he does ... and withthat, we get her cute smile (15.07)
with winter, comes a time when they need to stay inside, so making games for fun, like mahjong, chess, reversi
they played a reversi gam right away, in an attempt to settle their rivalry, and Tia won the game, but Ru sent the pieces flying, tia restored it and Ru did it again LOL that's so funny
next, Ria and Lafa are playing Reversi as well, and ... Kuro came and told her the winning move, Kuro smart lols
next, achess game between 2 of the dogs, what the hell
Ru challenged Kuro and lost, and she didn't have the courage to "reset" the game vs the dog lols
next, mahjong, i'll never understand that game :D
since board games make you sit, better make some games where you need to move, so bowling it is, and they must take down the bad guys, those names tho lol
poor Lu tho, she lost a lot of games
and.. just like the other episode, multiple seasons pass in 1 episode, they will be old by the time the anime ends
lastly, before the episode ends, there's the intruder bell, so i'd expect a new girl is tied at a random tree lol
unfortunately that's not the case, it's a wyvern, that's bad news
i wonder if that's the dragon girl from the op song |