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Dec 31, 2020 8:45 PM
Mar 2015
An d they all lived happily ever after until the Union and the werewolves screwed things up
Jan 1, 2021 1:31 AM

Jul 2017
Amazing last episode. Raskreia fighting against Raziel and the realization that she truly wasn't alone warmed my heart. I'm glad the two Ragnarok swords merged, and she got to know the truth. Her sorrow toward losing her father broke my heart. Raskreia's laugh was cute.


Jan 1, 2021 2:44 AM
Apr 2018
"Yes, Master!"

I expected to see more of what happened after that. But what's important is It concluded well & a satisfying ending.
Jan 1, 2021 7:10 AM

Mar 2017
This was such a disappointment for me. I love the concept and the characters so I waited for the plot to get better... and it never did. The first half of the season felt really slow, like it was entirely made up of filler content and then the second half seemed to be leading up to this epic battle and big reveal and then it just kinda fizzled out cause the reveal was meh and the battle was so lacklustre.

I might check out the manhwa cause as I said, I like the concept and I've heard it's better than the anime.
Jan 1, 2021 8:13 AM

May 2019
Probably the best episode of this season, and coincidentally it's the one that follows the Manwha most closely (up until THAT plothole... I'm looking at you, Ragnarok).

Still, I'm a little annoyed the scene was changed a bit, where in the Manwha Raizel tells Raskreia the reason the previous Lord wanted him to succeed him, in order to save his daughter from a life in chains as the Lord, instead of just having Raizel reminisce on that memory. I think realising her deepest hatred was born from fatherly love was the reason Raskreia could grow so much, and it feels a little unnatural to have the anime end it like this.

Okay, so now for the plothole:

overall, a solid 6/10; decent animation, good soundtrack and mediocre characterisation, plot development and choreography and horrendous pacing. Probably would have been close to a 7/10 if I hadn't read the Manwha, but as it stands it's barely a 6.2.

katie_potaty said:
This was such a disappointment for me. I love the concept and the characters so I waited for the plot to get better... and it never did. The first half of the season felt really slow, like it was entirely made up of filler content and then the second half seemed to be leading up to this epic battle and big reveal and then it just kinda fizzled out cause the reveal was meh and the battle was so lacklustre.

I might check out the manhwa cause as I said, I like the concept and I've heard it's better than the anime.

I PROMISE it's 1000x better. For starters, they don't compress the first 60 chapters into a 20 minute OVA. Yeah, you heard that right lmao.

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anime-primeJan 2, 2021 8:59 AM

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Jan 1, 2021 5:48 PM

Jan 2020
This was a good episode, but I felt Noblesse was a bit boring at times. God of Highschool was all action and was entertaining for what it was, but I think both series were still inferior to Tower of God. Oh well, I wonder if any of these 3 will get another season, especially ToG.
Jan 1, 2021 8:16 PM

Dec 2016
This was a really enjoyable ride.

It is the first anime of fall 2020 which had a really proper ending that I'm satisfied with.

It had nice animation compared to Tower of God and not at all confusing like God of High School. I hope it gets a sequel.

Overall 8/10.
Jan 1, 2021 9:39 PM

Oct 2008
Enjoyed the first half much more, didn't like this last nobles arc at all, though at least it did feel conclusive. All the content they skipped was fatal for the series imo. I enjoyed the Union and humans side much more when I was reading it. The nobles side just didn't feel like the author knew what he wanted to do.
Jan 2, 2021 7:04 AM
Jun 2019
This ends the crunchyroll and webtoons colabs. I found that this show had the best pacing of the three and overall felt really well done. Although I enjoy TOG source material more Noblesse was really good. This last episode ended exactly how I thought it would and finished on a good note. It was nice seeing Rai finally show what he can do and its nice to have a happy ending every once in a while. I really hope we get sequels for both Noblesse and TOG. I'm not sure about GOH though I'll probably just read the manwha.
Jan 2, 2021 6:55 PM
Oct 2015
phantomfandom said:
I want to see more! I also want to confirm of my suspicious that M-21 is the same person as .... in Noblesse: The Beginning of Destruction, they kinda loot the same, even scars too.
I haven't finished the manwha but i agree with you if i got it right about what you mean that maybe he is his son or clone of that particular ''werewolf'' .. ?

Mmm pity such an amazing manwha and they didn't do it justice , they just passed so many chapters , really average work ..

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anime-primeJan 3, 2021 8:23 AM
Jan 3, 2021 4:36 AM
Oct 2019
What a good season finale...
Problem was solved....
It was all just misunderstanding...

Nobody can touch Raizel....
Noblesse just too powerful even more than a Lord....

All the main characters was cool, it successfully make me care about them...
At least it was better than the abomination of God of Highschool...

Overall Solid 7/10
Jan 3, 2021 12:47 PM

Apr 2018
The final episode was really good. I like how they resolved the problem in the end.

Overall I would say that this season was pretty good except for the slow beginning. If all the ep were almost like this it would have been a banger but since the beginning was pretty slow I would say 8/10

Jan 3, 2021 4:15 PM

Jun 2012
This was bad... Why did the Lord died again? What's the deal with the swords? Why is Raizel always feeling weak? There's so many things unexplained not even a decent foreshadowing. Slow paced at the beginning rushed at the end, the pacing is all over the place. I don't get how people can rate this as good when it's objectively bad...
Jan 3, 2021 10:10 PM
Jun 2013
Great finale and a pretty good series overall, yes, it started slow but it's because of this that the second half became so interesting, because different than GOHS, this series took the time to introduce and develop these characters and main points of the story before going to the neat stuff which makes everything feels more natural, characters are charming and cool, the lore of the story is nice and interesting and everything felt at least coherent/connected instead of that hot mess that was GOHS were no one understand what was happening, also couldn't care less if the animation was average, the art was mostly consistent and on model, the animation per se was competent when it was supposed to be, i also don't care if skipped 1 or 100 chapters from the webtoon, the story of the "anime" was well developed and explained, you don't need to read a single chapter of the webtoon (i didn't read) in order to perfectly understand 99% in the anime and this is a sign of a good adaptation (unless you're just dumb and need to be spoon feed about every little detail...)
Jan 4, 2021 2:07 AM
Apr 2019
I liked the anime tho I wasn't satisfied with the graphics plus the fact that they changed the story quite a lot didn't really set with me. I mean wasn't Ragnarok's power supposed to be divided between Raizel and Raskeria, there were so many pointless changes.
Yeah so that's it! Let's just hope the second season won't take too long to come out and would be much better than this season
Shirayuki_HinataJan 4, 2021 2:14 AM
Jan 4, 2021 6:56 PM

Jul 2013
That was a solid episode to end on. Seeing Rai in action was always something I really enjoyed. The other clan leaders and even Raskreia just looked like toys to him. I have to admit it started slow, then it got better and the end felt like it would have fit better in 2 episodes. But I guess I first have to read the source material to be able to judge how big of an difference there is between manhwa and anime.

From my perspective as an anime only watcher even with how much happened in the finale it was a fitting ending and things definitely felt resolved. I had a feeling it must have been some kind of missunderstanding with Rai and Raskreia but the reason why the Lord went into eternal sleep was still a little surprising. Who thought he would take Frankensteins comment in their conversation so serious? At least Raskreia and the other clan leaders grew with this experience.

Storywise I'm still interested to see more, just not under the production of Crunchyroll. Not a single of the manhwa adaptations were as good as I wanted it to be. It's sad to see to much wasted potential. But even with that I would say Noblesse > TGoH and equal to ToG or maybe a little bit above. I guess we have to wait and see if there will be a second season in the future.


Jan 5, 2021 10:38 AM

Aug 2020
just when I get attached to the characters it has to end. I have no interest in the webtoon and this probably won't get a season 2. If only all episodes were this good. Solid ending to the show. The slice of life ep were kinda enjoyable and this last arc has been quite good.

Jan 5, 2021 2:04 PM
Mar 2018
What a fantastic ending. Despite all the hate towards this series, I still found it entertaining enough to continue watching.

No sign of another season, but there's enough interest to reading the manhwa now.

Jan 5, 2021 9:40 PM

Apr 2009
Hey a happy ending for everyone! 7/10

landofthekwt said:
An d they all lived happily ever after until the Union and the werewolves screwed things up
I haven't read the source material and what I saw from the anime prequels I feel like that might be the case. *sigh*
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
Jan 7, 2021 3:51 PM

May 2009
I hope crunchy will stop with manhwa adaptations. We have enough shitty anime based on their sources and originals.
Jan 8, 2021 10:45 AM

Aug 2013
It was fine to me (6/10).
But I don't know exactly what to say about the end... I felt it a little bit fast.

Sadly the story didn't interest me so maybe never will read the original manhwa.
Jan 8, 2021 5:25 PM

Jul 2017
I will be going for the unpopular opinion here.

So, out of all the 3 webtoon adaptations that came out during 2020, i will say that Noblesse was the best one, while not being something that entirely amazing. The story, i won't lie, i didn't really like it at first, it just felt weak and had nothing of value to give. But, around half of the show, it managed to spark my interest somehow, and Raizel and Frankenstein started growing on me as characters, they are both savage badasses. It did feel a bit rushed sometimes, especially during the ending, wich i thought was still satisfactory nevertheless, but hey, i really enjoyed this, can't lie to myself.

7/10, wouldn't mind seeing more of this.
Jan 11, 2021 1:31 PM

Jun 2015
I was afraid this would end on a cliffhanger. Luckily it didn't.
Will there be more? I want more seasons. Raizel is so awesome.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Jan 14, 2021 9:51 AM
Jan 2009
Sadly disappointed with the ending, it went all super cheesy with the Lord's change of heart.. otherwise the characters themselves I like.
Jan 15, 2021 2:03 AM

Oct 2008
ah... the season ended! hope for more continuation and more fights against the Union vs Nobles!

Jan 15, 2021 9:07 AM
Jan 2021
Just had a great time watching. This was the very first webtoon, I ever read. So, this was complete nostalgia trip. Really sad, there is no mention of season 2. But gonna keep on hoping, just like No game, no life. There is so much story yet mentioned.
Jan 16, 2021 5:10 PM

Nov 2018
One of the worst adaption slaughterings I have witnessed. It could have be done better. Many cut scenes.

This was a disgrace to manhwa.
Feb 3, 2021 6:35 AM
Jan 2020
It’s a 7/10. The real story began after episode 5, some people would have dropped it if they would have npt watched further. The story was good overall. Funny thing is that nobody dies… the whole gang gets back together and there are no bad guys as such. A good ending, but they could have made the anime a bit better, after episode 5, things felt rushed and lots of new info was given. They could have started that a little early. This is my second webtoon anime after the god of high school. It was good overall; I would recommend it to not all people but just limited people who like this genre
Feb 5, 2021 9:15 AM

Dec 2018
Why I had a feeling that ending was off? was this the same "ending" in the webmanga? I was hoping for some type development between Rai and Raskreia since appearance of her father.
Feb 24, 2021 3:35 PM

Jul 2015
Really had a good time with the jokes especially funny to see Raizel do stuff you never expect from an overpowered being with emotionless expression. Not the best anime (with animation bit lacking) but still good, some episodes felt lackluster (especially the first half was kinda boring) while others were quite solid.

Feb 26, 2021 5:11 AM
Feb 2021
Didn't really enjoy it because it was entirely different in the manga.He asserted his dominance without fighting the clan leaders and humiliated raskreia in battle.Plus he just spill some blood after that fight .He never fell down from exhaustion.
And the appearance of the memory of the cool Lord was funny af.
May 18, 2021 4:30 PM
Feb 2021
kinda confuse here, what chapter in the manga is the last episode of Noblesse?
Jun 14, 2021 12:02 PM

Aug 2018
Actually a pretty damn good anime. The characters weren't overly good nor was the plot, but Raizel being such a badass really makes this anime good.

Dec 12, 2021 9:19 PM

Jun 2012
The anime did feel rushed I could tell even though I didn't read the manwha. But honestly, the animation and fights were SO SO SO fucking good. Also, another issue was the lack of personality the MC had but I mean.. I guess that's also his personality?


If this anime didn't have this good animation and/or fights it would be 1 of the worst anime ever prob. The fights and the powers the MC had were incredibly badass.
Jan 5, 2023 1:44 PM
Apr 2022
i'm so sad that its last ep
Jan 17, 2023 12:44 PM
Sep 2020
Rating comes by comparing it to the webtoon
Jun 4, 2023 2:43 AM

Dec 2022
What an anti-climatic were those bodyguards decorations? Seemed lame in terms of anime action.
May 3, 2024 5:29 PM

Mar 2014
Decent but a bit lackluster. The funny bits at the end of the eps were the best.
Sep 13, 2024 12:05 PM

Jun 2008
Nakama are power! Power is freedom! Luffy docet.

This hella corny and predictable bishie vampire show will never be a masterpiece (and has no intention to), still - after being kinda baffled by all the school & comedy 'filler' - I found it entertaining and amusing throughout, growing attached to most characters, even the OP lead, equally enjoying the humour and the action. Music, animation and voice acting are all solid. I had low expectations from a manwha adaptation, it was actually a pleasant watch, especially if you're looking for something not mentally or emotionally challenging, but still having some grip. With more blood and depth, Noblesse would be deserving of praise and higher ratings. My teenage self would have absolutely LOVED it, that's for sure. I'm kinda curious about the source material.

Overall an okay episode, far from the best. The recycled sequences montage at the end, okay I get it, the budget is gone, but can't stand when they do that.
RenaPsychoKillerSep 13, 2024 12:09 PM

watching, waiting, commiserating
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