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Summertime Rendering
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Oct 31, 2022 4:46 AM
Oct 2022
AwokenStroken said:
How do you watch anime without being okay with oversexualized teenage girls?
Aot and Berserk existe Bro πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
Oct 31, 2022 4:49 AM
Mar 2022
there is like zero fanservice after that
Oct 31, 2022 4:59 AM
Jul 2018
Dafrek said:
AwokenStroken said:
How do you watch anime without being okay with oversexualized teenage girls?

You sound insecure tbh. If you like it, good for you, no reason to be triggered if someone else doesn't like it.

There are a lot of anime fans who can't stand Mechas, and despite I love mechas, I don't go around telling them how do they watch animes without liking mechas.
I don't feel the need to force others into what I like to validate what I like. Only insecure people do this.
Anime is not a genre. To each their own.

I'm not forcing anybody to do anything, and I don't even like it lol. I was just making a joke about how the medium is oversaturated with "fanservice," and that it's hard to like one and to fully avoid the other. But I guess "insecure" is the new most common thing to call people on the internet I guess.
Oct 31, 2022 5:52 AM
Feb 2016
*Has Kill La Kill in favorites*

"oh noooo panty shots, my eyes!!"

something ain't adding up here chief
Oct 31, 2022 6:28 AM

Jul 2015
Dafrek said:
Nirinbo said:
No, it doesn't get better.

I also have Kill la Kill in my favorites, but there's no contradiction. Fanservice & ecchi only work in comedies (in the broader sense of the term, as the opposite of drama), since ecchi = playful erotic content. KLK has both comedy and drama elements. On the other hand, Summertime Render is a 100% serious mystery thriller story and that's why it's literally the only anime I've ever seen in which fanservice is detrimental.

Thank you, finally a mature answer. I don't get why so many people got triggered by that question in the first place.
KLK has a different tone, and it could be argued that it was literally mocking fanservice.
On the other hand, this is not what I expected from Summer Time, given the premise I read..

A lot of people answered your question in civil manner, yet the only one (misleading, on top of that) that fits your bias is supposedly "mature"?


Nirinbo said:
No, it doesn't get better.

I also have Kill la Kill in my favorites, but there's no contradiction. Fanservice & ecchi only work in comedies (in the broader sense of the term, as the opposite of drama), since ecchi = playful erotic content. KLK has both comedy and drama elements. On the other hand, Summertime Render is a 100% serious mystery thriller story and that's why it's literally the only anime I've ever seen in which fanservice is detrimental.

Summertime Rendering also has plenty of comic relief used brilliantly to relieve tension between arcs.
Both of those instance of ecchi, Hizuru's boob pillow and Mio's pantsu are properly played off in comedic manner, so there is a huge contradiction here.

There is no such thing here like in Isekai Labirynth Harem, such as busty, naked girl being brutally murdered on screen or anything like we have seen in Highschool of the Dead.
PiromyslOct 31, 2022 7:26 AM

Oct 31, 2022 6:58 AM
Jun 2021
Ever heard about the word "patience"? Stop complaining and watch the first episode atleast for the god's sake!
Oct 31, 2022 7:50 AM
Sep 2020
Dafrek said:
Just started watching Summer Time Render. 5 minutes in, already 2 distasteful fanservice scenes. Including showing the underwear of a girl that looks like 14yo. Had to pause it and come here to check.... Is it going to be like that during the whole show?

Actually at first i thought that too, but it's not the case the fanservice scene you're talking about is actually significant and will prove why it was significant in the very last episode. Also from episode 3 there was absolutely zero fanservice in this anime and it was purely mystery and suspense. I suggest you continue with it
Oct 31, 2022 7:54 AM
Feb 2016
Volts71 said:
Dafrek said:
Just started watching Summer Time Render. 5 minutes in, already 2 distasteful fanservice scenes. Including showing the underwear of a girl that looks like 14yo. Had to pause it and come here to check.... Is it going to be like that during the whole show?

Actually at first i thought that too, but it's not the case the fanservice scene you're talking about is actually significant and will prove why it was significant in the very last episode. Also from episode 3 there was absolutely zero fanservice in this anime and it was purely mystery and suspense. I suggest you continue with it

wait i just remembered you're actually on point with that, it is actually relevant in the ending
Oct 31, 2022 8:00 AM
Sep 2020
bro just because mio showed her pantsu doesn't mean it's going to be full fanservice. even what you call "fanservice" can help progress the story at some point. not all fan services are bad imo
melody_melon23Oct 31, 2022 8:04 AM
Oct 31, 2022 8:59 AM

Sep 2018
Piromysl said:
Dafrek said:

Thank you, finally a mature answer. I don't get why so many people got triggered by that question in the first place.
KLK has a different tone, and it could be argued that it was literally mocking fanservice.
On the other hand, this is not what I expected from Summer Time, given the premise I read..

A lot of people answered your question in civil manner, yet the only one (misleading, on top of that) that fits your bias is supposedly "mature"?


Nirinbo said:
No, it doesn't get better.

I also have Kill la Kill in my favorites, but there's no contradiction. Fanservice & ecchi only work in comedies (in the broader sense of the term, as the opposite of drama), since ecchi = playful erotic content. KLK has both comedy and drama elements. On the other hand, Summertime Render is a 100% serious mystery thriller story and that's why it's literally the only anime I've ever seen in which fanservice is detrimental.

Summertime Rendering also has plenty of comic relief used brilliantly to relieve tension between arcs.
Both of those instance of ecchi, Hizuru's boob pillow and Mio's pantsu are properly played off in comedic manner, so there is a huge contradiction here.

There is no such thing here like in Isekai Labirynth Harem, such as busty, naked girl being brutally murdered on screen or anything like we have seen in Highschool of the Dead.


The fact that the fanservice in Summertime Render bothered us is undeniable; we may discuss about the reasons as much as we want, but they'll always be subjective. I even like the ecchi genre, which makes this case particularly unique.

Good point, High School of the Dead. It didn't bother me in that case due to the trashy/cartoonish tone of the show (bullet through boobs, stuff like that).
Oct 31, 2022 9:41 AM
Nov 2021
Dafrek said:
Just started watching Summer Time Render. 5 minutes in, already 2 distasteful fanservice scenes. Including showing the underwear of a girl that looks like 14yo. Had to pause it and come here to check.... Is it going to be like that during the whole show?

No.. Just wait. Shxt hits the fan and you’ll be hooked
Oct 31, 2022 11:57 AM
Jan 2022
There’s no unnecessary fan service. That’s one of the two only panty shots in the entire anime, and both of them serve to the plot, I’m not even lying. Please watch it.
Shadow_Master8Oct 31, 2022 12:03 PM
Oct 31, 2022 12:05 PM

Apr 2016
Shadow_Master8 said:
There’s no unnecessary fan service. That’s one of the two only panty shots in the entire anime, and both of them serve to the plot, I’m not even lying. Please watch it.

Thank you! will do. The art style is fantastic so i really wanted to watch it
Oct 31, 2022 12:17 PM

Sep 2014
Kill la Kill fans no longer try to make their purely fanservice-bait show look deeper than it actually is. Now they simulate fanservice overdose to other anime.
Oct 31, 2022 12:34 PM

Apr 2016
Piromysl said:
A lot of people answered your question in civil manner, yet the only one (misleading, on top of that) that fits your bias is supposedly "mature"?

Half the replies are pointing out that I have KLK in my favs, so I shouldn't be bothered by a panty shot or even call me a clown.
A mature reply is to give a clear answer to my concerns, without trying to lecture me or sound clever by pointing out my favorite anime.

Maybe it's the way I came up with this thread. But this was an honest question. It wasn't intended to diss the show. I don't know anything about it, except there's time travel involved. And I just watched 5 minutes...
I remember asking the same about Gurren Lagan, for example, because the first couple episodes bothered me, people gave me a heads up about how fanservice goes and was toned down after a couple episodes, and it helped me.

Piromysl said:
There is no such thing here like in Isekai Labirynth Harem, such as busty, naked girl being brutally murdered on screen or anything like we have seen in Highschool of the Dead.

This was exactly my concern. The fact that I don't know ANYTHING about SummerTime, the start caught me off guard. I just needed to know if this was "that kind" of anime. I wasn't saying it was...
Oct 31, 2022 12:42 PM

Apr 2016
KryzakamiHrybami said:
Kill la Kill fans no longer try to make their purely fanservice-bait show look deeper than it actually is. Now they simulate fanservice overdose to other anime.

lmao, "fanservice-bait show" XD that's a good one, tabarnak !!
Oct 31, 2022 12:46 PM

Jul 2015
Nirinbo said:

The fact that the fanservice in Summertime Render bothered us is undeniable; we may discuss about the reasons as much as we want, but they'll always be subjective. I even like the ecchi genre, which makes this case particularly unique.

Good point, High School of the Dead. It didn't bother me in that case due to the trashy/cartoonish tone of the show (bullet through boobs, stuff like that).

Saying, that "Summertime Render is a 100% serious mystery thriller" is an overt lie, because it has quite a lot of comic relief, so your statement is completely misleading. Also, both of those instances of fanservice are played off in comedic manner.

Dafrek said:
Half the replies are pointing out that I have KLK in my favs, so I shouldn't be bothered by a panty shot or even call me a clown.
A mature reply is to give a clear answer to my concerns, without trying to lecture me or sound clever by pointing out my favorite anime.

Maybe it's the way I came up with this thread. But this was an honest question. It wasn't intended to diss the show. I don't know anything about it, except there's time travel involved. And I just watched 5 minutes...
I remember asking the same about Gurren Lagan, for example, because the first couple episodes bothered me, people gave me a heads up about how fanservice goes and was toned down after a couple episodes, and it helped me.

Yes. Doing such a thread only five minutes into first episode is unwise. You should not rush or act surprised, when people will point out KLK in your favorites, when subject of fanservice is brought up. Especially since you literally called this fanservice "distasteful", which is just a blasphemy.

Oct 31, 2022 1:52 PM

Sep 2018
Piromysl said:
Saying, that "Summertime Render is a 100% serious mystery thriller" is an overt lie, because it has quite a lot of comic relief, so your statement is completely misleading. Also, both of those instances of fanservice are played off in comedic manner.

Yes, they were played off in a comedic manner and that didn't fit with the overall tone of the show, in our opinion. I'm not going to say that you're wrong, this is subjective.
Nov 1, 2022 5:04 AM
Aug 2021
Dafrek said:
Just started watching Summer Time Render. 5 minutes in, already 2 distasteful fanservice scenes. Including showing the underwear of a girl that looks like 14yo. Had to pause it and come here to check.... Is it going to be like that during the whole show?

no, that's the first and last fanservice you'll see
Nov 2, 2022 8:03 PM
May 2022
they somehow Integrated those scenes into the plot. Though the fan service aside this is one of the best anime of the year and is completely worth a watch. You'll forget about the fan service shot after an episode or 2
Nov 3, 2022 8:11 AM
Aug 2021
Dafrek said:
Just started watching Summer Time Render. 5 minutes in, already 2 distasteful fanservice scenes. Including showing the underwear of a girl that looks like 14yo. Had to pause it and come here to check.... Is it going to be like that during the whole show?

nope. fan service is not the main focus. just a sprinkle on top to keep it exciting though it's exciting without it. it's a must watch 10/10.
Nov 15, 2022 5:34 PM

Apr 2016
Update : Just finished watching the show. Started strong, was a good 8/10 until ep 11/12. Then it went downhill until the terrible last couple of episodes.
What a letdown!!

Still a 6/10 because the art is beautiful, got attached to the characters and the concept was great. But wow, what a waste.
I had the wrong idea about the "fanservice" and the romances are actually pretty well done for once...
Why do so many animes tend to go trippy and messy in the end? Conclusion of a story is so crucial, it's like mangakas don't know how to end a story properly...
Mar 4, 2024 9:07 AM

Aug 2018
Yo, I know this thread is old but I just wanted to say thanks for asking the question; I was asking myself the exact same thing about whether it was "that" kind of anime and went looking on google to see if it was worth continuing. The older I get, the less I can tolerate unnecessary fanservice.

I appreciate all the answers that get straight to the point in answering your question and refrain from immature or rude remarks. I'll keep going then! πŸ‘
Mar 7, 2024 8:25 AM
Apr 2021
Profile picture checks out πŸ’€
Mar 8, 2024 5:48 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to justbenedict1908
Profile picture checks out πŸ’€
@justbenedict1908 That's right, I'm not here to enjoy animes anymore. I'm here for the thrill of seeing the downfall of new promising/overhyped shows. The best feeling is when those shows don't get renewed for a 2nd season, then all light fades away from the fanbase's eyes, replaced by despair. It's particulary delightful when it's a younger fanbase still full of hope and delusion, like the Solo Leveling one. Can't wait to see that happening.
You can call me the rookie anime crusher. >:)
Consider yourself lucky that I didn't put my eyes on Dangers in my Heart yet!
Mar 8, 2024 6:20 AM

Apr 2020
"Overdose" is a simple pantyshot.

While I can see what you mean. I think this is really just a girl falling into the sea, with a skirt on^^ It happens.
It's not meant to make you horny, lusting for more of that - and it's not a fanservice heavy Show, in general.
Mar 8, 2024 10:04 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to Merve2Love
"Overdose" is a simple pantyshot.

While I can see what you mean. I think this is really just a girl falling into the sea, with a skirt on^^ It happens.
It's not meant to make you horny, lusting for more of that - and it's not a fanservice heavy Show, in general.
@Merve2Love There was also the scene right before it with Shinpei throwing himself into Hizuru's boobs. They're both not necessarily "overdose", but they did both happen within the first 5 minutes, so it was pretty frequent. Typically with anime that indicates that it'd be a common thing going forward.

I think it's perfectly valid for someone with a distaste for fanservice or even someone who isn't accustomed to anime's tropes to ask the question OP asked at that point. If you like that kind of thing or it simply doesn't bother you, then that's cool too.
pastelfeelingsMar 8, 2024 10:15 AM
Mar 8, 2024 10:36 AM

May 2021
My god who revived this shit-storm of a thread??

pastelfeelings said:
Yo, I know this thread is old but I just wanted to say thanks for asking the question; I was asking myself the exact same thing about whether it was "that" kind of anime and went looking on google to see if it was worth continuing. The older I get, the less I can tolerate unnecessary fanservice

Oh there you are

Radical_Orion said:
Just started watching Summer Time Render. 5 minutes in, already 2 distasteful fanservice scenes. Including showing the underwear of a girl that looks like 14yo. Had to pause it and come here to check.... Is it going to be like that during the whole show?

And to both of you, if you don't like something, don't watch it!

Dafrek said:
But how was I supposed to know in advance?

And no, you're not suppost to know in advance, you try watching it, and if you see it has stuff you don't like, you stop watching it and move on to the next thing

pastelfeelings said:
There was also the scene right before it with Shinpei throwing himself into Hizuru's boobs

And wow, accidently falling on a woman while you were sleeping is equal to throwing yourself onto her boobs, what has this world come to??
Mar 8, 2024 11:55 AM

Apr 2016
Reply to Merve2Love
"Overdose" is a simple pantyshot.

While I can see what you mean. I think this is really just a girl falling into the sea, with a skirt on^^ It happens.
It's not meant to make you horny, lusting for more of that - and it's not a fanservice heavy Show, in general.
@Merve2Love I think the "overdose" came from an overall sentiment watching multiple shows.
I was able to finish the show, thanks to the helpful replies on this thread, and wrote a small review.
Turned out fanservice was the least of Summer Time Rendering problem to me.
The show had a great start but the second half of the season was forgettable at best...
Mar 8, 2024 12:02 PM

Apr 2016
Reply to pastelfeelings
Yo, I know this thread is old but I just wanted to say thanks for asking the question; I was asking myself the exact same thing about whether it was "that" kind of anime and went looking on google to see if it was worth continuing. The older I get, the less I can tolerate unnecessary fanservice.

I appreciate all the answers that get straight to the point in answering your question and refrain from immature or rude remarks. I'll keep going then! πŸ‘
@pastelfeelings Yeah I agree with both your comments. I'm not sure why some people take it personally. It's not even a morals thing, it's just personal preference from an artistic standpoint.
I recently found out that Imdb has a good nudity rating system (+ a description of the scenes you can expect) for most shows/movies/animes if that can help. I think it's pretty neutral and not judgy.
Dec 3, 2024 5:07 AM
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
Overdose of fanservice? Lmfao, kids these days would not survive a single episode of early 2010s animes.
Dec 21, 2024 3:23 PM
Jan 2023
Silence, everyone. A Frieren fan wants to talk about "consistency in 2nd half" ('philosophical' drama x battle shounen) and "sexual fanservice x show's tone" (Fern breast jokes, foot fetish triggers)!
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