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SPOILERS AHEAD, Honestly one of the, if not most, overrated anime this year and Its pretty bad, here's why

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Oct 10, 2022 11:33 AM
May 2022
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

Reviews exist. my brain after reading the first 2 sentence doesn’t exist anymore.
Oct 10, 2022 11:50 AM

Aug 2017
Nice rant, OP. I agree with most of what ya said.
If the Yoshi situation changed to having Chisato killing him, it would be a huge character development for her. But that also goes against her beliefs. If she did kill him, she would experience trauma or ptsd of some sort because Yoshi was her “savior.” Chisato is too pure for that. I think Chisato sacrificing herself or dying would be more realistic as it fits her character.
The Majima battle was kind of disappointing but it is what it is. Majima had his chance but blew it. It felt more likely a friendly brawl with Chisato to let off steam. It stalled to the point that Takina joined in. It was kind of a water down version of the Psycho pass battle at the climax but without the killing.
And you’re absolutely right about the plot armor. Most of the girl lycoris should’ve gotten killed during Majima’s “purge” but nope. There were few casualties. I think one girl Lycoris got shot by a pedestrian in public but that’s about it.
Overall, Lycoris Recoil left much to be desired. With its power of friendship and buddy cop moments.
NaroomakiOct 10, 2022 11:54 AM

Oct 10, 2022 11:55 AM

Jul 2017
half of your arguments are invalid and the rest is imo nitpicks, didnt really catch me
Oct 10, 2022 11:57 AM

Sep 2020
I agree with you but what's the point of making this long post that will inevitably get locked? You've gotta moderate your titles to be more subtle.

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Oct 10, 2022 12:48 PM
Jan 2021
I agree it’s over rated, most anime on MAL is, I gave it a 6.0 which imo is accurate. It’s a fine show but terribly over rated
Oct 10, 2022 12:49 PM
Aug 2022
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

U literally have angel beats as one of your fav anime.. ain’t no way I’m listening to ur opinion ๐Ÿ’€
Oct 10, 2022 12:50 PM
Ooga Booga

Jul 2020
tldr: you disliked the show?

smoochie smoochie[/center]
Oct 10, 2022 1:06 PM
Jan 2021
Your first problem, Chisato is made to have a choice about whether she kills Yoshi or dies. She chose to die instead of giving up her resolve, thats her development. Yeah Mika kills him but thats because they needed to have some closure for their storyline, and because she let him go.

Your second problem, I dont get how Majima is a pawn. He was doing his own thing the entire time and Yoshi was just an opportunist.

The thrid problem of plot armour I agree with but it should'nt bring down your opinion if the entire show.

And the final problem, Takina interrupts twice. Both times is literally to save Chisato. If she hadnt interrupted the fight, it would've been plot armour for Chisato to survive.

I think you went into it looking for something darker if you are comparing it to Psycho Pass, but the show just isnt that. A lot of the critiques aren't really that critical, you seem to like a lot of the elements
Oct 10, 2022 1:38 PM

Jun 2022
This show is nothing like Death Note or Code Geass so they don’t make good comparisons to Lycoris.
Oct 10, 2022 2:05 PM
Dec 2021
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

chisato did make a decision tho, she chose to die and she shot yoshi to protect takina. i do think she should have died but her living brought a satisfying conclusion to yoshi and the cafe owners story.

i dont think majimas schemes were too easily prevented. i think the crowd reaction was a lil stupid but at the end they showed the unrest he created in the citezens. he did feel like a hired hand at the start but i definatly felt boss vibes from him halfway through.

majima plot armor is real, he should have died or at least lost a limb. but it didnt feel like that much of a problem for takina and chisato for me.

idk in my opinion it is one of the best shows this year, i would go into more depth but i dont have time lol. its ez better than death note based ob story alone tho (ive only read most of the manga) and i think its top 3 shows this year so far (with summertime render and call of the night). i can understand your angle but i dont really agree with your arguements.
Oct 10, 2022 2:15 PM

Aug 2020
Wait, so how does all of this make it a bad show? I agree with most of them, but it sounds like only complaints about the ending.
Keep scrolling
Oct 10, 2022 2:37 PM
Feb 2018
mucho texto, no leere eso
Oct 10, 2022 3:40 PM
Dec 2021
Hmm if only there was a section where you can voice your REVIEW of the anime
Oct 10, 2022 3:47 PM
Aug 2019
A review, huh? Isn’t there a specific section for these?

I’m upset at the amount of recognition these get in the forums.
Oct 10, 2022 3:51 PM

Feb 2017
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

what do you expect? its CGDCT anime that focuses in CGDCT, where everyone gets the happily ever after.
you should've seen this coming from miles away
Oct 10, 2022 3:53 PM

Feb 2017
Ionliosite2 said:
The most overrated of the year? I think you are talking about Spy x Family or Kaguya-sama S3 or Chainsaw Man

lol Im so flabbergasted
Oct 10, 2022 5:06 PM
Sep 2021
I almost agree with everything you said. For me the show had so much potential and could have been something really special. But the last few episodes just killed it imo. I feel like the two greatest flaws of this show was plot armor and lack of consequences. It’s just off putting that this whole plot ended with what was basically a slice of life ending. After that whole shootout none of the girls died, after all that video evidence people just accept it was part of a movie? Even after there were random people who found guns and used them. Hell they even shot some of the agents in one of the scenes too. Like how are people just going to accept all of that as promotional material.
Oct 10, 2022 6:59 PM
Feb 2021
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

lmao I kinda agree with your last point about takina interruption to me she is kinda irritating throughout series and about the plot armor for Majima maybe we can get answers to it next season

other points I more or less disagree like in the first part isn't it more good if character stick to their ideology?(I'm referring to chisato) It would make them pretty unique and she was already a likeable character from the beginning
Oct 10, 2022 9:35 PM
Mar 2019
To people who post they don't bother reading: What the fuck is your problem? If you're not going to bother reading, don't bother posting. All it shows is how close-minded you individuals are, so go back to your echo chambers since you can't formulate a civil discussion here. Not that you'll read this anyway.


The biggest problem for me is after everything that happened in the final moments of the anime, we don't get some kind of significant payoff. Lycoris wasn't disbanded, the people didn't doubt the government or thrown into a fit of panic, neither did we see any inner values changed in Chisato or Takina. Everything kinda went back to normal, just like any other day for them. In other words, there were no adequate changes to the effect after the cause.

Also the fight at the tower. What should not have happened was the break between the duel of Chisato vs. Majima because it broke the stakes rising and didn't disillusion the fact that Chisato wasn't going to die.

Now I was just thinking what instead this happens:
Chisato collapsed due to heart mechanically failing on her. Majima picked this up, talk and laugh for a bit, and then about finish her off there since he became disappointed. Takina comes in, quickly assess the situation, and start shooting Majima to get him away from Chisato. Majima decides there was no point anymore continuing so he leaves, but Chisato tells Takina about the bomb and insists on stopping Majima destroying the old tower. THEN the whole act of Chisato sacrificing herself to stop him happens.

I think it would have been better in keeping the stakes high to the point that we start doubting the fact Chisato isn't going to die. But instead they tried to do the 2-in-1 action gunfight SoL which totally ruined the intense showdown.


Responding to your problems you had:

- Your first point, I do not agree that Chisato should've died because then everything will end. I also do not agree that Chisato should have killed Yoshi because then it will not be the Chisato we know and love anymore.

- Your second point I also can't really agree because Majima did put up a good fight. He's a cool guy and not some tier trash terrorist, but if he fought fair and square he would've lost because Chisato was just that good. I don't think he's a villan though, just that he filled in those shoes because DA said he was. Shinji was the true villan.

- Your third point I totally agree. Huge amounts of plot armor everywhere. We even didn't get confirmation whether Mika killed Shinji.


This leaves me a HUGE desire for some follow-up to the Lycoris Recoil universe. I do agree that this show is overrated, but there's a lot of licorice to indulge in and action scenes that A-1 studio did beautifully well. However, they need to at least expand this universe since it reflects our real-life universe as well, and they left a LOT of background stories unexplored for the sake of ChisaTaki. Like for example where are these terroists popping up from, or why did Japan have so many orphans that they decided to create DA?

To sum it up: What the hell happened, Japan?
Kinkyou012Oct 10, 2022 10:05 PM
Oct 10, 2022 10:03 PM
May 2022
I mean I thought it was pretty enjoyable for the most part, definitely not the best anime I’ve seen, and although there are some things I wish they did differently I wasn’t too upset with how things played out. Although, I am incredibly disappointed that we never got to see what the hacker guy looked like without his robot helmet on.
Oct 10, 2022 10:20 PM
Apr 2021
Bro while I do agree with some of the stuff you said (plot armour wise) you just looking too much into the show it’s an enjoyable show not one that needs to be dissected for every little detail๐Ÿ’€ and at the end no one’s gonna argue with you about those shows in comparison bc they’re goated
Oct 10, 2022 10:31 PM

Mar 2015
I agree with the points but you can't make everyone content so you try to appeal to the majority. most people liked the show being fluffy and not too deep and dark. so consider lycoris as k-on with guns, not some action drama and then it kinda fits
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Oct 10, 2022 10:59 PM
Jan 2022
Your points are not valid actually. It's just that you've posted your views on MAL where no one cares enough to argue. Go ahead and post this same thread on r/anime or something and you'll be clowned on immediately. Even I can clearly see that all your points aren't valid and infact they're quite childish, saying killing Yoshi was a missed character development and such. But I don't care enough to debate why you're wrong
Oct 10, 2022 11:09 PM
Oct 2015
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

one of the, if not most, overrated anime in its year?

are you talking about RE:Shit?
subaru is one of the worst characters in fiction i've ever seen, and the side characters are all cardboard cuttouts, almost everything that happens in that series is relying on shocking the reader with no substance. (and yes in the LN as well)

the fact that you have RE:shit
in your favorites makes it hard to take a single thing you type seriously

Oct 10, 2022 11:41 PM

Feb 2017
Neostorm-X said:
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

one of the, if not most, overrated anime in its year?

are you talking about RE:Shit?
subaru is one of the worst characters in fiction i've ever seen, and the side characters are all cardboard cuttouts, almost everything that happens in that series is relying on shocking the reader with no substance. (and yes in the LN as well)

the fact that you have RE:shit
in your favorites makes it hard to take a single thing you type seriously

its rare to see someone who doesn't like re;zero, I heard so many people calling it a masterpiece

I also heard even side characters play a big role in the story, they say there are no redundant characters in re;zero. best isekai, best light novel of all time, no plot hole no question asked
Oct 11, 2022 1:38 AM
Apr 2021
And yet you still gave it a 7
My candy:
Oct 11, 2022 2:49 AM
Jul 2018
i have one question: why, just why?
Oct 11, 2022 3:33 AM
Mar 2022
I'm not reading all that bs.
Oct 11, 2022 5:33 AM
Oct 2015
Lab_Rat_0978 said:
Neostorm-X said:

one of the, if not most, overrated anime in its year?

are you talking about RE:Shit?
subaru is one of the worst characters in fiction i've ever seen, and the side characters are all cardboard cuttouts, almost everything that happens in that series is relying on shocking the reader with no substance. (and yes in the LN as well)

the fact that you have RE:shit
in your favorites makes it hard to take a single thing you type seriously

its rare to see someone who doesn't like re;zero, I heard so many people calling it a masterpiece

I also heard even side characters play a big role in the story, they say there are no redundant characters in re;zero. best isekai, best light novel of all time, no plot hole no question asked

>naming an isekai as best light novel

lol what a fucking joke, you realize most award givers and contests ban all isekai genres because of how lowquality they are? isekai are the reason why light novels have had such a bad reputation amongst novel readers.

the best light novel would be far from any isekai, it would be something non isekai and writen with prose almost like a novel, stuff like baccano, zaregoto, umineko, Katanagatari, Spice and Wolf, Kino’s Journey etc.

and even the highest rated series in japanese surveys japan have almost no generic isekais,
stuff like
Haruhi Suzumiya, monogatari, A Certain Magical Index, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl

to say ANY isekai light novel is the best in its medium is a far stretch lol, even if there are occasionally very good ones, like "the otherside picnic" that had its anime butchered but even then its based on the non isekai russian classic roadside picnic.
Neostorm-XOct 12, 2022 1:18 PM
Oct 11, 2022 5:39 AM
Oct 2015
Lab_Rat_0978 said:
Neostorm-X said:

one of the, if not most, overrated anime in its year?

are you talking about RE:Shit?
subaru is one of the worst characters in fiction i've ever seen, and the side characters are all cardboard cuttouts, almost everything that happens in that series is relying on shocking the reader with no substance. (and yes in the LN as well)

the fact that you have RE:shit
in your favorites makes it hard to take a single thing you type seriously

its rare to see someone who doesn't like re;zero, I heard so many people calling it a masterpiece

I also heard even side characters play a big role in the story, they say there are no redundant characters in re;zero. best isekai, best light novel of all time, no plot hole no question asked

also. i almost spit my drink laughing when you said "I also heard even side characters play a big role in the story"
as if THATS not supposed to be the case by default, like seriously, any series that just completely ignore side characters (just forgetting them instead of at least killing them off) as if the author just forgot should not be considered anything worth their salt (unless you are reading it to laugh at the insanelly bad writing for comedic purposes which is what i do for stuff like firepunch, or maho shojo site "so bad its good" case)

re:shit does not even slightly colloborate on side characters, they are all tools to get the protagonists to do things, they are written like cardboard cutouts, not people with personal interests, thrown in light the villain of the week to fuck with subarus time loop. they basicly treat the writing as a video game, throwing mooks at your character untill they eventually solve it, unfortuneately it doesn't work in novel or anime format, perhaps in a video game.

have you read baccano?
side characters don't even exist, their main cast in the light novels number in the hundreds, and each of them are fleshed out. they all have their own motivations and the stories intersect organicly, there is no set protagonist each cast member is some one you root for, villains don't even really exist.

Oct 11, 2022 6:05 AM

Feb 2017

Im not re;zero supporter so Im not that knowledgeable about it, I only watched S1 and couldn't watch s2 becuz Im tired of seeing subaru sufferings for too many times lol as I stated before "I only heard so many people said those stuff" mainly on social media

what do you think about overlord? it sold like hotcakes everytime, meaning many japanese bought the LN, right? it also happens quite often to re;zero, and especially SAO, I know SAO isn't exactly isekai but it sold like hotcakes as well

one more thing, what do you think about jobless reincarnation? its an isekai isn't? I also heard so many people said its the best of all time, it might rival even re;zero lol
btw do you knom chibi review on YT? I heard many reviewers like him, and many others said that re:zero and jobless are great
Lab_Rat_0978Oct 11, 2022 6:12 AM
Oct 11, 2022 9:01 AM

Jul 2020
Review section exists bruh/

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Oct 11, 2022 9:07 AM
Jan 2020
here's one more person telling you this is a review and not a discussion, feel free to have your problems with a show over there
Oct 11, 2022 9:42 AM

Jul 2016
Oct 11, 2022 11:45 AM

May 2020
bro even made the title as damn essay
Oct 11, 2022 2:45 PM
Dec 2021
RimuruTari said:
itsrj20 said:
Oh well, according to you it is badly written, but I somehow enjoyed it, as it's wholesome, and that's what matters.

Thanks for your rant.

Things can be okay-ish written but very enjoyable, like Konosuba, for example

Okay-ish? Konosuba and Lycoris are both utter garbage!

Additionally, those who think Lycoris is wholesome and lighthearted, it just isn’t. Child soldiers raised into a hidden government agency and put in life-threatening situations is just not wholesome in the slightest. The creators saying that it was planned to be darker, makes us horrified that it somehow could have been even worse.
GreyStoneFlingerOct 11, 2022 2:55 PM
Oct 11, 2022 3:22 PM
Jul 2018
ngl i struggled to watch it because it got boring after the 8th episode.. also tldr
Oct 11, 2022 9:13 PM

Jan 2018
Yeah haven't watched it but yuri bait = trash for me
Oct 11, 2022 10:03 PM
Apr 2022
Hmm agreeable point. But hey, cute girls sell. It's okay to be disappointed. The replies to this thread are funny tho. Well you can see the 'unsuspecting dumb public' from the anime here in this chat so.
Oct 12, 2022 1:58 AM

Feb 2011
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

Both have a strong rivalry?
I think you should watch the end again.
Chisato never really wanted to fight Majima, even at the end she just wanted to disable the timer.
This even made Majima say that she was a disappointment.
As many have said Chisato is not interested in his rivalry at all.
Just wanted to make that clear, thanks xD
Oct 12, 2022 2:22 AM

Feb 2017
Nuckel-Cell said:
RimuruTari said:
Before people sending offensive messages, just know it is my opinion and Its not something to bring up hate or anything, just listen and maybe share your opinion if you agree or disagree

I have a few problems with this series:

-My first problem is the character development of Chisato, Chisato's main problem is that it feels like she missed a lot of development moments in the series. One of those moments is episode 11/12, the moment where Yoshi wanted her to kill him, but it instead was done by the owner of the coffee shop, it wouldve been an way better development for Chisato if she had to make the though decision to either kill Yoshi or die at the end of the first season, so the Yoshi situation had an actual impact on Chisato.

My second problem is the build up but failure of the villain: Majima
He had a great introduction, great build up and his ability with echolocation and hearing sound very good was a good thing. But at the final fights, he seemed like he was just a pawn, and not that big of a tread.
He got very beated up easily, gets easily shot and his plan got stopped too easy

My third problem with the series is the amount of plot armor
I feel like the characters got way too much plot armor just because they're girls. At the last arc, none of the girls got killed. Another problem is Majima's plot armor because it BARELY makes sense how he survived things such as an explosion and falling of the building

My last problem is the Chisato and Majima situation.
Chisato and Majima had a great backstory, relation imo throughout the series, but for the love of god, why does Takano have to interrupt every fight of them, they had a rivalry for years so why does Takano have to interrupt their problems of their past. The second fight of Chisato and Majima got ruined in my opinion because Chisato had to interrupt. He got beaten too easy in that fight because Takano had to come in, make light and ruin Majimas strategy, and with the ultimate power of girls, Majima was defeated

Do I think this is a bad anime, yes and no, It has Its originallity but just so many things are bad that I have to mention. Its honestly just a worse version of very good organisation/police anime like Psycho Pass or death note, code geass etc. But I guess the story quality has been dropping since then. Not for every anime ofc since there are really well written anime which have been made since then, but just not anything god like written like Psycho pass, code geass or a silent voice

Thank you for your time and have a nice day

Both have a strong rivalry?
I think you should watch the end again.
Chisato never really wanted to fight Majima, even at the end she just wanted to disable the timer.
This even made Majima say that she was a disappointment.
As many have said Chisato is not interested in his rivalry at all.
Just wanted to make that clear, thanks xD

some people even went out of their way comparing chisato majima rivalry with
joker batman from the dark knight xD

this is just too far, far too ridiculous. we're talking about batman and joker, the goats
Oct 12, 2022 2:35 AM

Dec 2012
I was just here for the wholesome relationship between Chisato and Takina

The ending definitely had room for improvement though I agree
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Oct 12, 2022 3:53 AM

Jan 2013
Boobsftw said:
Yeah haven't watched it but yuri bait = trash for me
Yeah, but it has nothing to do with yuri unless you're delusional. lol
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 12, 2022 3:59 AM

Jan 2018
LostSpectre said:
Boobsftw said:
Yeah haven't watched it but yuri bait = trash for me
Yeah, but it has nothing to do with yuri unless you're delusional. lol

That's why it's a yuri bait lol
Oct 12, 2022 4:06 AM

Jan 2013
Boobsftw said:
LostSpectre said:
Yeah, but it has nothing to do with yuri unless you're delusional. lol

That's why it's a yuri bait lol
Well, I refuse to classify a close female friendship as "bait" just because people are thirsty for lesbians, but I digress.
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Oct 12, 2022 1:31 PM
Oct 2015
Lab_Rat_0978 said:

Im not re;zero supporter so Im not that knowledgeable about it, I only watched S1 and couldn't watch s2 becuz Im tired of seeing subaru sufferings for too many times lol as I stated before "I only heard so many people said those stuff" mainly on social media

what do you think about overlord? it sold like hotcakes everytime, meaning many japanese bought the LN, right? it also happens quite often to re;zero, and especially SAO, I know SAO isn't exactly isekai but it sold like hotcakes as well

one more thing, what do you think about jobless reincarnation? its an isekai isn't? I also heard so many people said its the best of all time, it might rival even re;zero lol
btw do you knom chibi review on YT? I heard many reviewers like him, and many others said that re:zero and jobless are great

I watch overlord purely to pass time with my friends, i wouldn't call it a master piece by any means,

the way i rate series on MAL for example is purely out of personal temporary enjoyment i've had with the series, i'm the type of person to switch around the scores of certain animes and mangas on My mal regularly.
for example, while watching with friends only half paying attention, i could say that it was pretty entertaining, because it is one of the only villain protagonist isekais etc. same with kumo desu ka, i would give it like a 8/10 in pure enjoyment, however once i rewatch, i predict it will not be the case at all.
if im going to rate them objectively as in writing, or readability, i would give like a 5/10 or something, because the pacing is so horrendously bad for overlord, even more so for kumo desu ka but i hear the light novel was far better.

frankly its ok if you enjoy a show like fairy tale or re:zero, but to absolutely shit on a series while seemingly holding it as a masterpiece.

is like proclaiming that canned spam is superior to wagyu beef is just delusional, even if your personal preference is spam.

Oct 12, 2022 1:31 PM
Oct 2015
Neostorm-X said:
Lab_Rat_0978 said:

Im not re;zero supporter so Im not that knowledgeable about it, I only watched S1 and couldn't watch s2 becuz Im tired of seeing subaru sufferings for too many times lol as I stated before "I only heard so many people said those stuff" mainly on social media

what do you think about overlord? it sold like hotcakes everytime, meaning many japanese bought the LN, right? it also happens quite often to re;zero, and especially SAO, I know SAO isn't exactly isekai but it sold like hotcakes as well

one more thing, what do you think about jobless reincarnation? its an isekai isn't? I also heard so many people said its the best of all time, it might rival even re;zero lol
btw do you knom chibi review on YT? I heard many reviewers like him, and many others said that re:zero and jobless are great

I watch overlord purely to pass time with my friends, i wouldn't call it a master piece by any means,

the way i rate series on MAL for example is purely out of personal temporary enjoyment i've had with the series, i'm the type of person to switch around the scores of certain animes and mangas on My mal regularly.
for example, while watching with friends only half paying attention, i could say that it was pretty entertaining, because it is one of the only villain protagonist isekais etc. same with kumo desu ka, i would give it like a 8/10 in pure enjoyment, however once i rewatch, i predict it will not be the case at all.
if im going to rate them objectively as in writing, or readability, i would give like a 5/10 or something, because the pacing is so horrendously bad for overlord, even more so for kumo desu ka but i hear the light novel was far better.

frankly its ok if you enjoy a show like fairy tale or re:zero, but to absolutely shit on a series while seemingly holding it as a masterpiece.

is like proclaiming that canned spam is superior to wagyu beef is just delusional, even if your personal preference is spam.

and about chibi reviews? i don't find him reliable, he is too much of a hype beast,
there is almost not a single manga he doesn't like, basicly every popular thing he praises, i don't trust some one that shits on absolutely everything like young defiant, but I also don't trust reviewers that hype and praise everything.

if you play a game like yugioh let me give you an example, hes like TEAMSAMURAIX a yugioh youtuber, that makes every video about "HOLY SHIT THIS DECK IS BUSTED BANN IT NOW BUY THIS NOW" in order to jack up the price of a certain deck or cards etc...
chibi is like that but for manga.
Oct 12, 2022 9:11 PM
Apr 2022
not every anime can be ur dream anime instead of ranting just stick to reviews
Oct 13, 2022 3:57 AM

Mar 2015
when takina disobeyed orders and opened fire in like the first ep that was pretty cool
Oct 13, 2022 2:32 PM

Aug 2022
Why LycoReco community get along together in any way
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