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Summertime Rendering
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Sep 30, 2022 11:27 AM
Aug 2013
Neaow said:
UaEfAlCoN83 said:
From 10/10 to 9/10 ... I hated the final fight.
Going to the realm of shadows was so random, and suddenly Ushio was able to go to the past and change it ...

Still I wouldn't say it was so bad ..

Sir you forgot to give your full attention, Ushio didn't go back in time to past by her own will, it was the black shadow haine who took them, Ushio herself said it just before she went close to the whale to erase it, she said "Even if I erase her(the black shadow haine) nothing will change, that's why she(black shadow haine) brought us back in time, in past to deal with the situation from the root cause(the whale)", did you even watch it my guy ?

Being confused about this part is even another reason why the ending is not that good. Haine lost her power to control time how dis she bring them back? Also, how did Shinpei get his eye to begin with? And how did Hizuru get that voice mail from Ushio? It is all because of the time-control eye which wasn’t explained well.

Also, it was still sudden you didn’t even refute what I was saying you are just complaining about my comment lol … get over it
Sep 30, 2022 11:38 AM
Jul 2011
It was amazing to see how the things went well after so many tragedies, the final part that they got all their memories back was great too. This was an incredible anime we all had the opportunite to watch. I really loved it. ^^
My candies:
Sep 30, 2022 11:52 AM
Jul 2022
Sep 30, 2022 11:55 AM
Nov 2018
I'm so glad they did an ep to show what happens after all the problems. Usually they just end right after the final battle. This is how every show should end
Sep 30, 2022 12:03 PM
Sep 2022
last scene was cute
Sep 30, 2022 12:05 PM

Jun 2021
hahahaha goat

fireworks were so pretty n they reunited
deep fried lettuce

^i snitched this from a dude's forum signature^

Sep 30, 2022 12:25 PM
Aug 2020
so i just not expecting a episode like this on top of that the ending of this episode when they remembered what happened i just got one surprise after another
Sep 30, 2022 12:25 PM
Jun 2021
amagirinomikoto said:
good episode & satisfying close to the show, but i was expecting there to be more (more of what exactly, i don't know). felt like a typical fairy tale ending where everyone lives happily ever after. not that i have a problem with the ending, i like a happy ending. it just fellllt like something was missing?

kinda crazy to see karikiri as an old man. especially nice to see ryuu grown up and with his own family :)

this series would make a good visual novel, i'd love to see multiple endings as well

It is getting a visual novel in January 2023 on ps4 and switch and think.. Don’t know the details in the story but it is getting one
Sep 30, 2022 12:27 PM
Dec 2021
Great!!!!! Methylophilus Methylotrophus.
Sep 30, 2022 12:39 PM

Dec 2015
So anybody else confused by this ending? Because I sure as hell am! What did Ushio do to make it so Shadows never existed?... Oh wait nevermind, I just realized it myself as I am writing this. She ereased Haine (the whale) in that other episode, so I guess this ending kinda makes sense? But it feels kinda underwhelming / unsatisfying to me tbh...
Sep 30, 2022 1:05 PM
Dec 2019
The entire season was incredible. Must say it was my favorite anime this year. The final seconds, retrieving their memories… Surely a must watch!
Sep 30, 2022 3:00 PM

Feb 2019
after so much darkness, confusion, and death it was really nice to see everyone live a happier life, even shide and haine. no idea if there's gonna be more after this
"Do you believe in gravity?"
Sep 30, 2022 3:20 PM

Feb 2012
It's nice when things end with a bow on top.

I was sure that this anime will end with a bitter-sweet ending, I was even emotionally preparing for it but it turned out to be vanilla sweet, the only thing bitter in this ending is that this is the last episode. I love this anime, it's a masterpiece, but the only reason why I gave this a 9/10 than a 10/10 is due to a few plot holes but without that, this would be a 10/10; well for me anyways.
Sep 30, 2022 3:21 PM

Dec 2018
It’s been a long summer my friends, but we’re finally here at the finale episode. I loved it, I wish more shows allowed for time to have a wholesome final episode like this lol, it was a bit uncanny and anxiety inducing at first because you’re left wondering if there’s a bad catch to having a perfect world like this but no, all the way to the end it’s a good time getting to see the characters not fighting for their lives and actually enjoying the festival, what a festival is actually meant for lol. This last episode was also reminiscent of the first episode, taking us back to the beginning literally, it was nostalgic while also feeling new at the same time, I love it lol.

There’s a few things I wanna point out, first is Ryuunosuke and Hizuru’s friend having another kid to go with Shiori (so weird seeing her not evil lol) and of course they named her Haine, she’s now cursed for life lol, but she’s like a mini Hizuru and I love her anyway. Also Hizuru’s book at the end being named after the show lol, I just finished a show with a similar ending recently, it was funny how she was aggressively writing it at the festival lol. And wholesome old man Karikiri was odd to see too lol, and lastly the real Ushio being alive was nice to see, and all her moments with Shinpei were fantastic, especially that final scene on the beach when they both remembered their promise together to a fireworks show, loved it, a direct contrast to Ushio’s goodbye last episode. And ending on Ushio’s birthday on July 25th was a nice way to end it, actually progressing past the festival.

What a fantastic show. I think I preferred it in the first half when it was more of a horror mystery but the entire show was awesome, this final episode was satisfying for me, it wrapped up all the craziness we went through to get here nicely and just having a happy ending is nice. It was definitely one of the best shows of both the Spring and Summer seasons this year, it was such a great ride. I’ll also add some homage to the great Higurashi in this post, while overall a completely different show this definitely had similar vibes and I loved it for that as well. Both OPs and EDs were great too, they fit the respective halves of the show nicely and were all great songs, nice visuals as well. I would say more but I don’t want this post to get too big lol, so I’ll end it by saying I loved this one and I definitely look forward to the rewatch in the future!
TheColonel76Sep 30, 2022 3:33 PM
Sep 30, 2022 3:47 PM

Jun 2017
lordarthur said:
_MushiRock11_ said:
To be frankly honest, I think it ended a little too nicely for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I'm very satisfied in the sense that the characters got their happy endings and whatnot, but that rendered the time travel and sacrifice aspect quite a bit so I'm a little bummed by that.

Ushio spreading the word of Shinpei's return but trying to keep up her cold game in front of him by addressing him as "Ajiro" was kind of funny and endearing at the same time. Add the ED 2 theme song in the background and the fireworks from the matsuri scene, and what else could I ask for lol? It was nice to see Sou-kun take his chances too, credits to him for mustering up the courage to do so. Seeing Ryounosuke become a full-fledged adult and have a daughter named Haine shook me for a sec but thankfully there wasn't any deep meaning behind it (or at least what I'd in mind). I was surprised to see someone resembling Karikiri-san though, is that like a grandson who looks awfully like his grandfather or something? Don't think he could've survived that long, otherwise.

Regardless, it was an enjoyable 6 months of viewing. I watched the entirety of Deen's Higurashi adaption in Summer '20 and I was very impressed with that. Didn't think there'd be something similar to it airing in modern times, so it was a plus in that aspect too. Some of the early and mid episodes of this show were easy 9/10 quality though. Got to thank the wonderful staff and everyone working behind the scenes for making this experience a reality in animated form.

Solid 8/10 from here.

I think Haine being Ryuunosuke daughter has some meaning at least, you see, Ryuunosuke was the first person Haine killed before she split. She took the boy's life and later the boy gave life to the girl.

if that makes sense lol 😂

Fair point, lol. Maybe there was some deep thought put into it, after all.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Sep 30, 2022 4:04 PM
Sep 2021
One of my best watches over these past 6 months.
Sep 30, 2022 4:08 PM
Jan 2022
I loved it, and I loved how we actually got to see the results of all the hard work and suffering they went through. I’m also glad at least Shinpei and Ushio remembered. Some people may disagree they remembered, but it’s definitely implied they remembered at the end of the episode
Sep 30, 2022 4:14 PM

May 2015
i find it hard to believe that the day would be almost exactly the same considering now tens/hundreds of people never died over the few hundred years. butterfly effect would really fuck hard with that. but ok...... this show was not one to watch weekly.
ciggy butt brain
Sep 30, 2022 4:31 PM

Feb 2018
Was surprisingly happy with the way this one ended.
Apart from a few episodes I'd say its been a pretty consistent series overall.
Sep 30, 2022 4:34 PM
Sep 30, 2022 4:54 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
This wasn't the ending I was expecting at the beginning yet I probably should have thought about it. I'm usually not a very big fan of "reset endings" but in this case it made sense and it made me happy after all that the cast had gone through.

This series was certainly a ride, huh. So many revelations episode to episode that made me wait patiently for next week to see how the truth got more and more complicated or the situation turned more and more difficult to solve. Even if one knew that everything would be ok by the end, the method of how they were going to achieve that is what got me hooked, to the point where I purposely avoided the last few to watch them in a row and now I feel like it was the right decision.

In any case, I have to say that there were certainly a lot of characters suffering, Re:Zero levels of it, maybe even more. Every now and then we also got to see some of their childish sides but unfortunately the density of each episode didn't leave much to be developed on that front. Same thing happened with the main villain since even if he was introduced early on, he felt somewhat disconnected from the rest in terms of a relationship. Aside from that, I think we got to witness as much as we could have.

Also, in terms of the animation I didn't notice any frame drops, not even during the various fights with the shadows with all the twists and movements that were involved. Each hit landed as well as the music for each scene, and the opening and ending songs. Regarding the latter, I prefer the first of each since they fit better with a mystery show. What I would gladly forget are the cicadas.

Overall, this was a very solid option that suffered a bit in terms of pacing leaving the explanations and deductions to suffer a bit. However, I certainly enjoyed it and will probably look up the source material at some point.
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Sep 30, 2022 5:00 PM
Jun 2021
Gran cierre a este buen anime, me encantó, pero algunas cosas no entendí. De lo mejor del 2022.
Great close chapter of this anime, i love it, but few things I don't understad of all. 2022's Best.
Sep 30, 2022 5:18 PM

Mar 2012
Phenomenal ending. I loved just about everything here.
Sep 30, 2022 5:33 PM
Apr 2021
One of the best animes of the year
Sep 30, 2022 5:36 PM
Apr 2021
This was an excellent series, had me at the edge of my seat,from episode 1 to 24. had me watching episode 25 with a side eye wondering if something ominous was going to happen even till the end credits. But I was glad that everyone had a good ending. They had it rough the whole series... whew 😅😅😅
Sep 30, 2022 5:58 PM

Mar 2010
Damn that alt reality is too good for Shipie can't say I'm not a bit jelly, but damn I thought they would get their memories of all the happenings somehow.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 30, 2022 5:58 PM
Oct 2021
The best anime in 2022
Sep 30, 2022 6:05 PM
Apr 2019
That was a great ending, im gonna miss this anime.
godavid10 said:
First of all, I absolutely hate the chapter counter, which now seems to rate it as it increases, and I inadvertently gave it a 3 when I was going to give it a 5.

Second, one of the best animes out there has ended.

I have only found 2 errors (or at least create controversy):

If Haine and Shide didn't kill Shinpei's parents, why did he end up in Ushio's family? If Shinpei didn't know Hizuru, how did he meet his brother Ryunosuke to make it look like he knew him at the bar?

The first doubt can be resolved in the sense that if it wasn't Haine or Shide, they died at that moment of something else (drowning in the sea?), but they don't make it clear and it leads to a terrible plot hole. In any case, as I said, there may be a way out, it is not something that you look at how you look at it, there is no way out.

The second question may be because Ryunosuke stayed on the island and met Shinpei before going to Tokyo.

In short, every living being should see this work of art. I'm going to try to figure out how to repair this sentimental void.

Shinpei texted his parents when he went to the cafe so theyre still alive and probably left the island since they were marine biologists or something and were researching something on the island?, i assumed they all knew each other before, i mean thats why they took in shinpei in the timeline with shadows. Shinpei and ushio still being close in this timeline.
Most likely they were all good friends and hung out at the cafe and ryuunosuke is alive in this timeline he wouldve met shinpei in the past
Sep 30, 2022 6:29 PM
Jun 2021
Whew!. So good. I'm so glad they had this last episode wrap things up.
Sep 30, 2022 6:42 PM
Jul 2018
Thank you for great ending!
I'm so so grad no one died, especially Ushio, Hizuru and Nezu's wife. Of course, Shinpei and Ushio can get along together.
And, I was surprised Haine become Ryunosuke's daughter. But I misunderstood Ryunosuke and Asako get married, Shiori and Haine are sister. LoL
Sep 30, 2022 6:49 PM
Jun 2015
Awn, it was a cute ending and I was bracing myself to a sad one for nothing lol
Kinda funny that they had their memories back at the end, but I sure would prefer to live without all that trauma
Not gonna complain tho, I'm just glad Hizuru is alive and going Stephen King on coc4ine for her new novel lol.

Also interesting how Shide kept talking about video games and Shinpei was able to reach the "true ending".
Sep 30, 2022 7:07 PM

Jan 2011
hey man they gave us a whole episode epilogue that's just a nice blessing to a very very happy ending that i couldn't really believe was a happy ending till the last scene lol my brain has been trained not to believe everything is right till it is

what a wild ride of despair with the light at the end of the tunnel this show really did try to go all out with a looping plot and mostly landed it despite a few bumps of convoluted-ness but overrall really enjoyable with a good cast and nice visuals (for the most part)

8/10! shame it was banished to a place hardly any anime fans go thanks Disney
Sep 30, 2022 7:12 PM

Mar 2019
this was a good ending , man we all needed this break this show was dark and brutal
never thought it would get happy ending but i'm really glad it did
changing the far past like that really made life pretty easy and bright to everyone in the present
what a beautiful and relaxing episode this was i loved every bit of it a solid 8/10 show
Sep 30, 2022 7:26 PM

Jul 2020
Fantastic final episode! I do think the first half was overall better, but episode 25 specifically was in my opinion probably the best one; it nailed the atmosphere and was extremely satisfying.

"Truth is always a cruel thing."

Sep 30, 2022 8:12 PM

Apr 2015
I was not a big fan of the last episodes, but i really like the happy end and i appreciate when they give an entire episode just for epilogue.

Happy to see g-cup-sensei alive and all into write the story. 9/10
Sep 30, 2022 8:43 PM
Aug 2018
love this anime man
Sep 30, 2022 10:46 PM

Apr 2021
The ending was beautiful, love it.
Sep 30, 2022 11:32 PM
Feb 2021
Did they get their memories back in the end? it looked like there was a moment of realization but it wasn't fully conclusive. anyway very good ending in general but I need to know if they got them back.
Oct 1, 2022 12:10 AM

Dec 2016
It was OK.

I know the ending makes sense since they rewrote the history so everything that was done by the shadows didn't happen in this timeline. I'm happy everyone's alive but still somehow I find this a little disappointing, like so many things has happened but in the end it's like nothing has happened. I'm not really a fan of stories with this type of ending. It would've been better if the living ones just moved on with what was left after this huge battle.

From episode 1 to episode 24, I loved this anime. It could give me those goosebumps that I haven't felt for so long. It's still the anime of the season for me even tho the ending wasn't satisfying.

Overall 8/10.
Oct 1, 2022 2:46 AM
Jul 2017
So satisfying on a number of levels. Loved how it went through the loops but as the final route. The fireworks scene stuck the landing perfectly. Very good series, confusing at some points but nonetheless a great watch.
Oct 1, 2022 2:56 AM
Oct 2021
ahh sad i forgot to watch it but i had read the manga, so yep ik how much of a relief it is to have everyone alive lol
Oct 1, 2022 2:57 AM

Sep 2012
I loved it so much !

Is there anything to be understood from the last scene with Mio and the sugar ?
Oct 1, 2022 3:03 AM
Mar 2021
Thank u author to give us such a good and wholesome ending 😊. Glad to see everyone have happy ending with big smile
Oct 1, 2022 3:55 AM
Aug 2014
Really enjoyed this show. I'm a bit confused about one thing, does this mean shinpei's parents didn't die from shide?
Oct 1, 2022 4:22 AM
Apr 2022
liked the mystery aspect in the first half, second half was a bit shouneny to my liking. i generally enjoyed watching it. good show 7/10
Oct 1, 2022 4:24 AM
Feb 2018
UaEfAlCoN83 said:
Neaow said:

Sir you forgot to give your full attention, Ushio didn't go back in time to past by her own will, it was the black shadow haine who took them, Ushio herself said it just before she went close to the whale to erase it, she said "Even if I erase her(the black shadow haine) nothing will change, that's why she(black shadow haine) brought us back in time, in past to deal with the situation from the root cause(the whale)", did you even watch it my guy ?

Being confused about this part is even another reason why the ending is not that good. Haine lost her power to control time how dis she bring them back? Also, how did Shinpei get his eye to begin with? And how did Hizuru get that voice mail from Ushio? It is all because of the time-control eye which wasn’t explained well.

Also, it was still sudden you didn’t even refute what I was saying you are just complaining about my comment lol … get over it

Complaining ? Sir this is a discussion page, you asked question, I answered you, that's all, why are you saying I am complaining when you're the one who is complaining after being confused by not giving attention to details, it's very easy to miss important information, I just don't feel like explaining in paragraphs because it takes alot of time and I have to think and recall stuff that happened 2-3 months ago, Ep 22, 22:50 and 21:15 look at Shimpei's and Ushio's eyes, my guess is she copied/stole Hiruko Sama's eyes when she was about to kill the original her, but didn't finish her off completely, as Mio said sis you held back right, their eyes are same colors when they went back to the past to erase the whale too, Shadow Ushio tried to erase Hiruko Sama but it was not going to work so through Hiruko Sama through Ushio through Shinpei went back to the past, when shadow Ushio placed her hand on Hiruko Sama's forehead(it glitched), seems like shadow Ushio is connected with Shinpei or something like that , once again I am just answering/explaining to you my guy because to me it seems like you didn't even watch it properly or you may have forgotten about some scenes, first why Ushio is different, during her cleaning the beach, there was a flash, Ushio and shadow Ushio saw each other, my guess is the shadow who copied Ushio is a stray shadow who is not being controlled by Haine(A.k.a Hiruko Sama), why other shadows are hostile towards humans ? Well because they are being brainwashed/mind controlled by Hiruko Sama who is being manipulated by karikiri(A.k.a four-arms), there are two ways you can copy someone either by scanning which makes them vulnerable for some time, or by giving birth, karikiri is making haine/Hiruko sama give birth to himself over and over again and transferring his soul/mind to the newer bodies, in the end you saw right there was a hidden old karikiri in the real world(Ep 24, 14:50 " Yamerou...if you erase hiruko now my Armor will be broken and I will not be able to move or do anything with this body"), his old body disintegrates/dies as his newer body plus his four-arms got destroyed, since his old body is old and can't host the soul/mind back to itself it died, there are three karikiri(old body, new body, four-arms who is a copy of new kaririri body), the stray shadow(Ushio's shadow) was probably not under the control of haine/hiruko sama just wondering around and during ushio's beach cleanup she copied her completely, her memories and everything else, and escapes I guess because she thought real Ushio was the shadow Ushio, but later when Ushio went back home the shadow Ushio was hiding in the bathroom, real human Ushio was about to expose to rest of the family about it's existence but shadow Ushio stopped her, they went back to their own room and talked it out, Shinpei got the eyes of Hiruko Sama through Ushio, you know what happened to the brother of Hizuru sensei, during that time Haine lost her going back in time eye, it's said that shadow Ushio gift Shinpei the going back in time eye during first episode, they going to the shadow realm is not random or weird, it was the original plan until karikiri decided that if he is not going to live forever to see through the ending of the world then he himself will bring end to the world, Hiruko Sama's original plan was to collect those people who are close to her in the form of shadow and go back to shadow realm where time is non-existent to live forever happily. Shadow realm existed from the very start of the show.

And this is why I asked you to not complain about anime because it's anime.

Oh about the how Hizuru got the mail well during idk but in an episode shadow Ushio and Ushio were recording video, they sent mail to her during that time I guess, they played the pre-recorded video in the episode 9, after that beach event happened where they went back in the past, Ushio and shadow Ushio tried to save the little girl but Human Ushio drowned followed by Shadow Ushio who was turned into black blob of jelly, she probably scanned the real dead human Ushio to get her full form back and was later washed away by the ocean currents, Hiruko sama then makes the real shiori kid dissapear and pretends to be her until Mio and Sou saved her.
Oct 1, 2022 4:51 AM

Sep 2012
RedLychee said:
Did they get their memories back in the end? it looked like there was a moment of realization but it wasn't fully conclusive. anyway very good ending in general but I need to know if they got them back.
I think they did indeed, with the Okaeri/Taidaima moment ahah
Oct 1, 2022 4:51 AM
Dec 2020
I don't hate happy endings, but for a show like this I didn't expect it
Either way an episode long epilogue was just chef's kiss
Was a nice journey 7/10
Oct 1, 2022 5:02 AM
Jun 2017
now we have able to witness what happened in the said festival... love the ending as we have seen how they have enjoyed the said festival...

overall this is one of my fave anime this year, and im going to miss this one...
Oct 1, 2022 5:32 AM
Jan 2021
Goosebumps literal goosebumps.
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