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Oct 11, 2021 11:29 AM

Apr 2010
I love this ending purely because it makes the normies seethe
Oct 11, 2021 1:20 PM

Apr 2020
It was shit. It was total shit. It gave me Kodomo no Jikan flashbacks. in fact the endings to both these series were the same. The guy ends up marrying the girl when she becomes a teenager. No thank you.

I'm a father myself so when I first started Usagi Drop I enjoyed how the MC was trying his best to raise this girl, you can see he wanted to be the father figure or general parent she needed. She was stubborn though. But then it started hinting that she likes him in a romantic sense until ultimately the infamous moment where she wants to actually marry him and this poor guy just goes along with it just so she can be happy.

It never even said if he felt ANYTHING romantic for HER! It was JUST "to make her happy" and nothing else!

I basically went "throw the whole series away". I don't know why people say that the ending was "refreshing" or whatever bullshit, the father/daughter relationship it seemed to have was the TRUE refreshing thing because guess what? This is actually a very rare thing!

This ain't the first time a series had grown man being put together with a little girl and eventually getting together with her only after a few years later when she's a teen. Whether they are related or not, it's not new for these kinds of endings to happen. So I don't know what the hell some people are talking about saying "it was refreshing" and all that crap. Obviously they haven't seen/read enough series to realise the fact that it's common.
Nov 3, 2021 6:18 PM

Jul 2011
I personally really don't like it, and the term for it is "grooming" morally and ethically its messed up to date someone you have known since they were a kid and you were an adult, but the father daughter relationship makes it even more disgusting.

Weirdly enough a lot of my Japanese coworkers and friends I have talked to over the years really love the ending and find it sweet, so I think it's also a cultural thing but that doesn't mean we can't find it gross or dislike it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 20, 2022 6:02 AM
Jan 2022
Asturaetus said:
I never understood these grooming accusations. It completely disregards that we've seen him bring up Rin. That's what the first part of the manga was all about. Were there any signs or acts of his that show him bringing her up to be his future wife? Any signs of him manipulating her? Of course not! A lot of the same people who throw around that accusation even said that the first part of the manga was great. But that's contradictory to your accusation. Wouldn't that be the part where the grooming happened that you all are so outraged about?

Hell even after the timeskip there were no signs of him doing any acts of grooming. And Daikichi was as shocked as you to receive that confession from Rin. He didn't jump onto it. He needed time to process it. He even said to her that if she found someone in this time she should rather pursue that relationship. How does that fit with grooming?

What you're essentially doing is you cut out all of the context and just look at where the story started and where it ended. You say: he brought her up and later he married her - so it has to be grooming. That's bullshit.


If people hate the ending or find it gross that's fine, but get the facts straight. All the idiots calling it grooming are so outraged to even think properly and realize that there was no grooming happening whatsoever and want to overblow the controversy more than necessary

LostSpectre said:
HiatusXHiatus said:
A more serious perception.

It's all about personal value of life, me myself really like Bunny Drop ending, one of the most heartwarming manga ending. In my perception, Daikichi and Rin wasn't incest, they have no blood related (except Rin is the daughter of Daikichi's father). That's a normal thing in my family, my own dad marriage with his second wife (my stepmother) have 25 years old difference.

And for the opposite of, I hate LGBT very much, for example Shinsekai Yori no matter how good it is, I never appreciate it because my personal value of life prohibit it, don't care if people call me homophobe or whatever.

No offense for everyone, anime/manga just for enjoyment but life is serious thing. Peace...

Damn. No one even noticed this dudes straight up homophobia? lol

Oh, and the manga ending is complete dogshit. No wait, that's an insult to dogshit.

Who care if he doesn't like LGBT series. I'm much the same and there are also LGBT fans I've met that hate straight people. Don't act like it's a one way street.
Jan 20, 2022 9:02 PM

Jan 2013
3ds1234 said:
Asturaetus said:
I never understood these grooming accusations. It completely disregards that we've seen him bring up Rin. That's what the first part of the manga was all about. Were there any signs or acts of his that show him bringing her up to be his future wife? Any signs of him manipulating her? Of course not! A lot of the same people who throw around that accusation even said that the first part of the manga was great. But that's contradictory to your accusation. Wouldn't that be the part where the grooming happened that you all are so outraged about?

Hell even after the timeskip there were no signs of him doing any acts of grooming. And Daikichi was as shocked as you to receive that confession from Rin. He didn't jump onto it. He needed time to process it. He even said to her that if she found someone in this time she should rather pursue that relationship. How does that fit with grooming?

What you're essentially doing is you cut out all of the context and just look at where the story started and where it ended. You say: he brought her up and later he married her - so it has to be grooming. That's bullshit.


If people hate the ending or find it gross that's fine, but get the facts straight. All the idiots calling it grooming are so outraged to even think properly and realize that there was no grooming happening whatsoever and want to overblow the controversy more than necessary

LostSpectre said:

Damn. No one even noticed this dudes straight up homophobia? lol

Oh, and the manga ending is complete dogshit. No wait, that's an insult to dogshit.

Who care if he doesn't like LGBT series. I'm much the same and there are also LGBT fans I've met that hate straight people. Don't act like it's a one way street.
This is what you dedicated your first post to, really...?
If you reply back to me and I never respond, I lost interest and don't care. Sorry about that.
Feb 21, 2022 9:50 PM

Feb 2017
I like the ending though, for me bad ending is if rin is with that annoying friend.
and since the beginning i can't see it as parent-daughter relationship either.

Rin adopted -> Never call him dad and even worse just call him by his name without any honorifics like close friends do.
Daikichi -> Always treat her like his own daughter.
It's like one side want love relationship(Rin) and another side want father-daughter relationship (Daikichi).

Later on they make a deal, and Rin is the winner so like it or not Daikichi must stop treating her like his own daughter.
Feb 21, 2022 10:31 PM

Oct 2021
LostSpectre said:
3ds1234 said:


If people hate the ending or find it gross that's fine, but get the facts straight. All the idiots calling it grooming are so outraged to even think properly and realize that there was no grooming happening whatsoever and want to overblow the controversy more than necessary

Who care if he doesn't like LGBT series. I'm much the same and there are also LGBT fans I've met that hate straight people. Don't act like it's a one way street.
This is what you dedicated your first post to, really...?

the internet in a nutshell, pretty much.
Luc36 said:
I like the ending though, for me bad ending is if rin is with that annoying friend.
and since the beginning i can't see it as parent-daughter relationship either.

Rin adopted -> Never call him dad and even worse just call him by his name without any honorifics like close friends do.
Daikichi -> Always treat her like his own daughter.
It's like one side want love relationship(Rin) and another side want father-daughter relationship (Daikichi).

Later on they make a deal, and Rin is the winner so like it or not Daikichi must stop treating her like his own daughter.
Luc36 said:
I like the ending though, for me bad ending is if rin is with that annoying friend.
and since the beginning i can't see it as parent-daughter relationship either.

Rin adopted -> Never call him dad and even worse just call him by his name without any honorifics like close friends do.
Daikichi -> Always treat her like his own daughter.
It's like one side want love relationship(Rin) and another side want father-daughter relationship (Daikichi).

Later on they make a deal, and Rin is the winner so like it or not Daikichi must stop treating her like his own daughter.

damn, this synopsis-like description reminds me of another work

RedLycanScurge said:
It was shit. It was total shit. It gave me Kodomo no Jikan flashbacks. in fact the endings to both these series were the same. The guy ends up marrying the girl when she becomes a teenager. No thank you.

I'm a father myself so when I first started Usagi Drop I enjoyed how the MC was trying his best to raise this girl, you can see he wanted to be the father figure or general parent she needed. She was stubborn though. But then it started hinting that she likes him in a romantic sense until ultimately the infamous moment where she wants to actually marry him and this poor guy just goes along with it just so she can be happy.

It never even said if he felt ANYTHING romantic for HER! It was JUST "to make her happy" and nothing else!

I basically went "throw the whole series away". I don't know why people say that the ending was "refreshing" or whatever bullshit, the father/daughter relationship it seemed to have was the TRUE refreshing thing because guess what? This is actually a very rare thing!

This ain't the first time a series had grown man being put together with a little girl and eventually getting together with her only after a few years later when she's a teen. Whether they are related or not, it's not new for these kinds of endings to happen. So I don't know what the hell some people are talking about saying "it was refreshing" and all that crap. Obviously they haven't seen/read enough series to realise the fact that it's common.

kodomo noi jikan, now that's a title that brings memories of the old days of the internet and 4chan.

it seems japan is moving away from making works like that any longer, haha.

but yeah, him going with the flow of it was quite...weird, like you can't go ''for her sake'' and call it a day? what are your thoughts about this, man! let her know how you truly about it feel about it to clear it out or otherwise, it will seem wrong and exploitive since you are just playing along with a teenager's wishlist when you are supposed to be the grown up.
Mar 12, 2022 2:18 AM

Feb 2017

I am aware about that manga too and yes i treat it same like usagi drop, but because the settings is not in japan so i'am not sure they will follow japan culture system or not, but sadly people complain and spread/spoil the ending everywhere and that make me drop the manga.
Jul 2, 2022 3:30 AM
Oct 2015
liveanime said:
the authors end to the the manga was totally unexpected but was refreshing and good the only thing in the manga that didnot fit was author's dealing about daikichi and yukari's relationship apart from that whole story was a nice read.

because burgerstans from burgerland can't stand when anyone doesn't have a relationship in their preferred method which is a artificial nuclear family,
which the rest of the world doesn't have.
Jul 2, 2022 4:05 PM
Jul 9, 2022 6:09 PM

Apr 2020
Neostorm-X said:

lol im not even into lolis but I don't go into some crazy outrage tirade over some fictional story or video game, i fucking hate it when white knight twitter progressives start having a huge tirade against japanese authors for some stupid shit over a fictional character, not just over some loli shit, but also literally "fixing" their artwork, or thinking they are racist or their skin isn't dark enough or and just pointing out "problematic" shit, every day i see garbage like this around, and now its spreading to my anime list, a place where people are well adverse to anime and are usually smarter than this.
, seriously get a life instead of insulting the author over fictional shit. I literally see like 6 threads on the discussion list with people like you constantly insulting the author and saying they hope that all japanese authors never get married and die alone or some retarded shit (even though the author is female).

also i wasn't even only referring to you, but everyone in this stupid thread which is why i referred to americans since they are the ones that get absolutely but hurt over this shit, europeans usually don't give a damn about this ether, but the whole progressive culture is slowly spreading there as well due to american cancer.

go virtue signal on twitter if you can't handle it.

Pfft, kid I'm not even American, first of all.

Second, All that other shit I never even brought up nor mentioned- sounds like you're projecting something here.

Third, do you believe every created anime/manga/game is automatically worshiped like some Bible? That's honestly some newbie weeb shit to say. Every series has its critics, mainly from specific content that no one ever expected. That's why people are mad at Usagi Drop's ending. It was heartwarming and sweet and then the relationship took a turn nobody expected or liked. What part of that is not processing through your head, kid?

Lastly, you're basically admitting that you actively look for threads like these about stuff you hate to see just to bitch and moan about nothing. What a joke you are kid. A complete joke. Grow up.
Jul 10, 2022 8:47 AM

Jul 2021
It's disgusting to see people defending this series when I revisit this thread, and I can express my opinion as strongly as I want. The story had potential, but the relationship between Daikichi and Rin feels forced. Daikichi raises Rin as a child, and their bond as a father and daughter is well portrayed in the story's childcare theme. However, after a time-skip, they develop romantic feelings for each other, which is an abrupt change that clashes with their initial father-daughter relationship. Some may view this as incestuous, and it's unclear how the story can progress without compromising its original premise. Although the ending is not terrible, the latter part of the story falls short and does not contribute much to the narrative.

CQLLISTMar 28, 2023 6:15 PM
Jul 10, 2022 10:53 AM
Oct 2015
Raratah said:
I love this ending purely because it makes the normies seethe

based beyond belief.

the seething would be tremendous if spy x family did something similar lol
Aug 15, 2022 1:27 PM

Dec 2014
Loved the journey, hated the end. I feel so fucking robbed. It was such a great father/daughter relationship, turned into an almost incestuous one.

I had so many expectations. I thought the story would talk about fatherhood, about how a 40-yo single dad is seen in Japan, about japanese society in general... Many interesting points.

But no. It showed how to raise your future wife.

imma pretend this end never happened and Rin married Kouki.
Oct 11, 2022 8:58 AM

Sep 2013
Anama said:
Loved the journey, hated the end. I feel so fucking robbed. It was such a great father/daughter relationship, turned into an almost incestuous one.

I had so many expectations. I thought the story would talk about fatherhood, about how a 40-yo single dad is seen in Japan, about japanese society in general... Many interesting points.

But no. It showed how to raise your future wife.

imma pretend this end never happened and Rin married Kouki.
It's actually not an "almost incestuous" ending, it is full-blown incest lol. The kid is technically MCs aunt.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Oct 12, 2022 5:40 PM

Aug 2022
Personally I'm neutral with the ending in principle (kinda?), if it makes sense for the story, but it just felt super forced.
It felt like Daikichi was fully against it and just gave up because she wanted it. Honestly it's sad.

But ending aside, the whole part after time skip was just boring, that was my main problem.
First part is wholesome and great, I was totally engaged, and then after the skip it's just flat and a chore to get through.
AsianKungFu said:
It's actually not an "almost incestuous" ending, it is full-blown incest lol. The kid is technically MCs aunt.

Nah, near the end we find out...

**SPOILER** (but is it a spoiler since we're in the thread about the ending?)

that she wasn't technically grandpa's kid, he adopted her and was looking out for her just like Daikichi, technically no blood. But to me it doesn't matter tbh, he still raised her, so it does feel like incest 100%.
Oct 12, 2022 6:05 PM

Sep 2013
host_ said:
Personally I'm neutral with the ending in principle (kinda?), if it makes sense for the story, but it just felt super forced.
It felt like Daikichi was fully against it and just gave up because she wanted it. Honestly it's sad.

But ending aside, the whole part after time skip was just boring, that was my main problem.
First part is wholesome and great, I was totally engaged, and then after the skip it's just flat and a chore to get through.
AsianKungFu said:
It's actually not an "almost incestuous" ending, it is full-blown incest lol. The kid is technically MCs aunt.

Nah, near the end we find out...

**SPOILER** (but is it a spoiler since we're in the thread about the ending?)

that she wasn't technically grandpa's kid, he adopted her and was looking out for her just like Daikichi, technically no blood. But to me it doesn't matter tbh, he still raised her, so it does feel like incest 100%.
It's been years since I read this but from what I remember, she is his granpa's biological kid.?

Edit: Okay I remember the twist now, MC not blood-related to gramps. Nice way by the author to make them be married legally 😂 I guess it is considered "almost incestuous". But yeah, I think everyone can agree this was suppose to be a father-daughter manga.
AsianKungFuOct 12, 2022 6:12 PM
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Oct 12, 2022 6:07 PM

Aug 2022
AsianKungFu said:
host_ said:
Personally I'm neutral with the ending in principle (kinda?), if it makes sense for the story, but it just felt super forced.
It felt like Daikichi was fully against it and just gave up because she wanted it. Honestly it's sad.

But ending aside, the whole part after time skip was just boring, that was my main problem.
First part is wholesome and great, I was totally engaged, and then after the skip it's just flat and a chore to get through.

Nah, near the end we find out...

**SPOILER** (but is it a spoiler since we're in the thread about the ending?)

that she wasn't technically grandpa's kid, he adopted her and was looking out for her just like Daikichi, technically no blood. But to me it doesn't matter tbh, he still raised her, so it does feel like incest 100%.
It's been years since I read this but from what I remember, she is his granpa's biological kid.

I just finished it today, her Mom reveals that grandpa is not the father, trust.
Unless she's lying, but we don't have any reason to think that.

Edit: Oh, and Daikichi also confirms it later, since he read it in the grandpa's will, which we didn't see before the Mom's reveal.
Oct 12, 2022 6:15 PM

Sep 2013
host_ said:
AsianKungFu said:
It's been years since I read this but from what I remember, she is his granpa's biological kid.

I just finished it today, her Mom reveals that grandpa is not the father, trust.
Unless she's lying, but we don't have any reason to think that.

Edit: Oh, and Daikichi also confirms it later, since he read it in the grandpa's will, which we didn't see before the Mom's reveal.
Yeah I edited my comment. I erased the manga-ending in my memory, I already forgot about it.
AsianKungFuOct 12, 2022 6:26 PM
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Oct 12, 2022 6:19 PM

Aug 2022
AsianKungFu said:
host_ said:

I just finished it today, her Mom reveals that grandpa is not the father, trust.
Unless she's lying, but we don't have any reason to think that.

Edit: Oh, and Daikichi also confirms it later, since he read it in the grandpa's will, which we didn't see before the Mom's reveal.
Yeah I edited my comment. I erased the manga-ending in my memory, I already forgot about it.

Yeah, sorry to remind you. I wish I didn't read it, but I was so hyped after the wholesomeness of anime...
Next to read is Kimi ni Todoke. Hope Sawako doesn't become a Hitler or an animal abuser, I'm apprehensive to ruin all my favorite animes with manga now lol.
Oct 20, 2022 3:14 PM
Oct 2021
I can't believe the top replies are somewhat accepting of the manga ending. One thing is for sure, it couldn't matter less whether they were related or not. It doesn't change the fact that he raised her and only thought of her as a daughter, (Obviously?) He even said to Rin that the fact she could ever say that to him is just cruel, which I could argue is true. Even if you're okay with this relationship the initial tone of the story was completely changed, character development was also thrown away and unnecessary drama was added to what was thought to be a wholesome anime about PARENTHOOD. I just can't believe this is what the author had in mind this whole time and I and many others were hurt to see it end this way.
Oct 20, 2022 3:56 PM

Aug 2022
Astroli said:
character development was also thrown away and unnecessary drama was added to what was thought to be a wholesome anime about PARENTHOOD

It's like the genre changed mid-story, I agree it felt super weird and out of place. Not only that, it became super boring.
And the ending was shoved down our throat, AND down the throat of Daikichi, who's obviously not okay with any of this.
Not sure why author forced it upon everyone.
Dec 4, 2022 9:04 PM

Dec 2014
It feels like someone killed the mangaka after he did chapter 25, and he was replaced by an evil twin who wanted to destroy everything his/her sibling worked for. Really stupid direction. In the anime culture, we tolerate a lot of things that are morally reprehensible, simply because the stories are absurd and unrealistic. We don't fully empathize with most anime characters, because they don't act as humans, they act as anime characters. Is a surrealist experience that creates a border between reality and fiction that can't be passed. So if you would have had some father marry his former loli step-daughter, we will be like ''incest is wincest'' make memes about it and move on. But Usagi Drop is a Josei work. Is realistic and mature. This couldn't make the ending further away from a meme. This is a story, that makes us emotionally invested in a struggle of a man who learns how to be a single father - we empathize with him, we learn from him, and root for him... and then the story ends in a way that makes us realize that we rooted and got invested into the story of a child groomer ... because that's what he is... or that is what he is made to be by the author ... he raised a wife, since she was like 6yo. Is absolutely disgusting, and morally reprehensible. The story betray's us, because we are sold a different story initially.
And beyond the morality issues of the story, the writing itself is horrible. Daichi is ruined by the way the story evolves. He walks over all his development. He goes from a man that learns to accept to make sacrifices for the sake of his beloved daughter, growing up and making mature decisions, to a man that accepts his 16yo's daughter feelings - sure, he struggled to accept it, but that was only a plot device, to try to not make him a total creep - He goes from learning how to help her not wet her bed at night, to making children with her. All the growth and maturation process he went through in the first part, was wiped off by the second. Meanwhile, all the other characters in the story, act like mentally challenged idiots. Everyone accepts the direction the story goes - her mother is fine with it, her friends are all accepting... Plus, Yukari's plot device is solved by remarking her out of the blue off-screen. Out of the blue, they are also not related by blood. I don't know, is like the mangaka just gave up on everything and was like 'whatever man'.

Is a garbage ending... And the ending in particular 'I want to have your child... I am sure we can make it happy, just like me...' *vomits* L-Let me guess if they have a daughter he is going to marry her too and have children with her? And if the have a son, is her who is going to marry him, right?
Is fucking atrocious.
Dec 22, 2022 6:56 PM
May 2016
For the same reason people would probably hate if at the end of Spy X Family, Loid ends everything with Yor and then marry Anya and has a child because she suddenly fell in love with him becasue... reasons.

It's fucked up
Jan 1, 2023 5:44 PM

Apr 2021
Wtf there's people who doesn't hate it?!
Dude it was plain disgusting
Jan 6, 2023 9:22 AM
Mar 2013
Because people cant seem to chill this days? i hate the last of us 2 but dont comment on it (well now i did) The story is fine there is nothing wrong imo it is just not for everybody and since people this days break like snowflakes it is even hard to have freedom in art. In the end i repeat it IS JUST FANTASY
Jan 13, 2023 4:41 AM
Apr 2021
From what I got from everyone's comments: every one who hated the ending are either too busy frothing at the mouth to realize that Daikichi didn't even groom anybody, or are just not very used to shocking endings like this (fair reaction, however), or is a snowflake.

Everyone who liked it or are indifferent are either: presumptuous no-lifers who hate normies for being too normal, people who watch too much softcore porn and therefore, hate Kouki because he is a "annoying" person and a man (lmao), people who read too little manga, or have never read this story at all and wanted to troll. 

Please realize everyone came in to read this manga expecting a father/daughter relationship, so it's fair to have such a flabbergasted reaction to the complete 180 the manga took. 

Story could've been wayyyy better in the 2nd part if they doubled down on the depravity and made it more fucked up. That would've been whimsical and wouldn't get as much hate. It's so weird trying to integrate your kinks in this kind of manga. I'm not disgusted, just disturbed and confused. The (non existent) blood relation isn't what makes it weird, it's the familial bond which makes it so. Don't get it mixed up.
Jan 13, 2023 11:57 PM
Apr 2014
when I read this manga years ago, I don't remember the terrible ending! it wasn't until I saw a tiktok about it that I reread the ending. wtf, I think my brain erased any memory of the end. I even rated the manga pretty high, that's now dropped to 1 haha
Mar 9, 2023 8:35 PM

Sep 2008
as someone who married his double cousin, a person I babysat for several years, I agree with the hate. Its absolutely disgusting. People like me should be cancelled. Okay, I'm just projecting my self-loathing, but I get it. It is a BIG NO. 
"...our faces marked by toil, by deceptions, by success, by love; our weary eyes looking still, looking always, looking anxiously for something out of life, that while it is expected is already gone – has passed unseen, in a sigh, in a flash – together with the youth, with the strength, with the romance of illusions.” - Joseph Conrad ('Youth')
Apr 3, 2023 9:51 PM

Sep 2020
I'm pretty much indifferent to it. Can't say I actually hated it or liked it for being unique/unexpected.

Honestly, from all the doom & gloom, "avoid the manga at all costs," spiels after I watched the anime last year, I imagined much worse: mainly Masako coming back fighting for custody and the stress and drama straining Rin & Daikichi's relationship. Then later on, a rebellious, drug-addled, teenage Rin gets pregnant and she struggles with keeping it or not.

So by those measures, the 2nd half and ending were "good".

But for me, the whole 2nd half was just boring:

- Rin was no longer the carefree, lovable girl. She basically had no interests or cares, and by extension, no personality
- Kouki was a whiny pushover
- Daikichi had nothing to learn anymore or contribute, and was, for all intents and purposes, furniture
- The relationship with Kouki's mom vanished for no good reason. Not even a "they tried, it didn't work out," it just never happened.
- Masako has another baby but so what? She's been out of the picture for so long that she didn't matter anymore.

For the actual twist and ending:

Not what I wanted to see but I can accept it. I don't find it creepy or sick, but then again, I don't find things like incest (which it wasn't anyway) in fiction a bad thing. As others have said:

- Rin never saw Daikichi as her dad or parent (she never took his family name). He was simply her caretaker.
- They weren't blood related (I never believed the grandpa was really her father either)
- Wasn't grooming since Daikichi didn't do this on purpose
- everybody complaining about the age gap seemingly forgot that the whole time we were led to believe that an 80-something y/o man had a child with a teenager, but somehow 40 y/o is bad. If that didn't bother you enough to stop reading in the beginning then this shouldn't be a problem either.

The only thing I truly didn't like was how easily he went along with it. There weren't any real deliberations on it, no multi-chapter struggle questioning the moral implications, and no consequences were shown. It was only "this might look bad but ok!" He gave her 2 years to graduate but they just skipped ahead anyway so it didn't even matter. Then when they brought the beds together and started talking about having his child, I thought they were going to bone at that instant cuz why the hell not at that point.

All in all, I don't regret finishing it but it wasn't worth it. Was it a bait & switch? Sure.
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz
Apr 9, 2023 2:55 PM
Dec 2021
There are many people who defend the ending because it was "refreshing," "unexpected," or because they're trying to be contrarian, but the fact is that the ending is plain bad writing. Regardless of how disgusting it is for a father to date their own daughter, blood-related or not, Rin wanting to marry Daikichi completely undermines the first half of the story. It just comes out of nowhere and is not properly set up by foreshadowing, earlier hints, or clues, which makes it unearned. Their whole relationship was building up to be a father-daughter relationship, not marriage. I don't like incest but it can be done right. Including hints at the beginning of the story would have served as a notice for people who don't like any depiction of incestuous relationships before they become attached to the characters and story, and would've honestly resulted in much less hate.
Apr 9, 2023 5:24 PM

Apr 2018
It felt unnatural. The second part seemed soulless as Daikichi accepted Rin's feelings without much judgment, as well as being an unexpected event that didn't age well at all. I will not go into moral issues that seek to exaggerate the facts without impartiality about it.
ishinashi72 said:
liveanime said:
the authors end to the the manga was totally unexpected but was refreshing and good the only thing in the manga that didnot fit was author's dealing about daikichi and yukari's relationship apart from that whole story was a nice read.
ahahhaahha you are sick
This is a waste of time but I'll do it anyway: why do you have so much free time to create multi-accounts and also to shit on the opinion of a user from 9 years ago?

You and the rose are connected. Know the weight of your own life
May 2, 2023 3:55 AM
Aug 2018
AsianKungFu said:
host_ said:
Personally I'm neutral with the ending in principle (kinda?), if it makes sense for the story, but it just felt super forced.
It felt like Daikichi was fully against it and just gave up because she wanted it. Honestly it's sad.

But ending aside, the whole part after time skip was just boring, that was my main problem.
First part is wholesome and great, I was totally engaged, and then after the skip it's just flat and a chore to get through.

Nah, near the end we find out...

**SPOILER** (but is it a spoiler since we're in the thread about the ending?)

that she wasn't technically grandpa's kid, he adopted her and was looking out for her just like Daikichi, technically no blood. But to me it doesn't matter tbh, he still raised her, so it does feel like incest 100%.
It's been years since I read this but from what I remember, she is his granpa's biological kid.?

Edit: Okay I remember the twist now, MC not blood-related to gramps. Nice way by the author to make them be married legally 😂 I guess it is considered "almost incestuous". But yeah, I think everyone can agree this was suppose to be a father-daughter manga.

Bueno si te fijas al comienzo del manga cuando lee su testamento ,te dan la impresion de que rin no es la hija de su abuelo. Asi que supongo que la mangaka ya lo penso desde el comienzo del manga este final
May 2, 2023 3:58 AM
Aug 2018
Bueno si se fijan al comienzo del manga cuando Daichi lee su testamento ,te dejan con la impresion de que rin no es la hija de su abuelo. Asi que supongo que la mangaka ya lo penso desde el comienzo del manga este final. Lo que lo hace un giro no sacado del culo,pero es raro culturalmente hablando para el publico de occidente pensar ¿que quiso decir la mangaka con este manga? Quitando las implicaciones obvias sobre lo dificil que es cuidar a niños
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