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Dec 25, 2016 7:37 AM
Dec 2016
Made an account just for this, you sly dog.

This might just be me but i hate anything to do with this shit, not ntr in general but the fact that the MC didn't kill the wife and child yet
Or at least the old cunts
Like, What. The. Fuck.
How? How is he so god-like and nice? If it were me (or hopefully any other sane human) and my wife at the time had a child with another man/men, and on top of all of that fucking shit she's having ANOTHER ONE
If it were me i'd kill them both (i mean if they're fucking the child, it goes too)
and i'd kill the old cucks
I'd try to flee the country and if that fails I'd get caught and jailed, I wouldn't plead guilty because I'd want the world to know that my whore of a wife did this to herself

//:| Just my two cents|://
Apr 22, 2017 11:48 PM

Jun 2011
Episode 2 was better than episode 1. Episode 2 redeemed everything I hated about episode 1. Finally a hentai with guts to make all the bad things happen for real. >:)

But no really, I needed a hentai like this. I loved the ending. I kept thinking all through episode 1, THIS PROTAG IS AN IDIOT! And I hated him. And then the ending happened and I was like FUCK YES.
The anime community in a nutshell.
May 14, 2017 7:05 AM

May 2017
First, I am going to say that I hate NTR with passion... because i was a victim of real life NTR and this opens old wounds... but I am a critic...
I didn't think this film was going to be this bad... this is the second anime that introduced me with netorare.
I got angry, so much angry the first time i saw this.
I had to repeat to my self "is not real is just entertainment" many times over.
But i could not convince myself... because these things do happen for real
Not only the thing about a girl cheating on her lover behind his back but mostly that innocent women get trapped by a plot and enslaved as sex slaves, and/or whores with broken minds, in japan and around the world.
This film, and another one were the ones to jump started me to read articles about rape and sexual harassment in Japan and how they are handled... and it is true!
These things DOES happen and the thing is that Japanese people doesn't care, they are cold hearted and let it happen.
Hell not even the police cares! Everyone blames the victim and says that she did something to deserve it.
Japan is a society of shame you see, and women prefer to let themselves be raped before calling for help and expose themselves to the public that they were victim of. because it will ruin their reputation for the rest of their lives. Society will shove them aside and give cold shoulder and will be viewed as worthless humans. The police will public humiliate them and blame the victim of the incident as if it was their fault.
They are also forced to shut up and blackmailed that "If you say anything, your reputation and the company/family/people you know 's reputation also tarnish."
So they can't just speak up. Because Japanese people have a phobia of embarrassment.

Women who fall victim to this have 3 options:
1) Commit suicide to escape the torment.
2) Become whores and/or prostitutes because they feel worthless and have no other choice for their future.
3) Become sex slaves to anyone, specially the perpetrator. Get their mind broken and submit, most become sex addicts and never learn what true love is since they only love sex and will go to who ever gives it best.
And some of them just go crazy.
This is why you see women shutting up while being groped on trains. They are forced to stay quiet because if they complain the police scold them for disturbing harmony and people will frown and scold them and blame them for it, say that she did something to deserve it.
Old people are worst... they can get away with almost anything while blaming it on old age. They can harass young women and if the women complains and protest, people will scold them and tell them "He is a senile old man, he doesn't know better."
So why fight it off if there will be no help?
I just could not believe how women just let themselves lead this way until i researched on it... Japan is a machist society and women has no say on the matter.
(Luckily, last night i read reports that some women are actually raising a campaign to stop groping and/or sexual harassment of women.)

Now to the story
I will assume that by now you all saw this film and/or know the story so will not use spoilers.
This story made me cry in anger, because I thought of the real life victims out there and how unfair Japan treats women.
Also because it opened old wounds.
It made me sad how the pink haired girl got broken down by a com plot of revenge.
But it also angers me how easily the pink haired girl went with all this, even if she said she loved the MC!
It makes me angry how easily she got broken minded and submit and not fought against hard enough.
But what angers me the most is that there was no justice. If there was justice then i would not had minded but there was none and the pink haired girl continue on and on years after.
Everything was a plot of revenge by an obsessive brother complex sister who was extremely jealous and did it so she could fuck her brother and have him... but ended up insane in the end by the brother's rejects...
But i call bullshit because the sister herself was a whore. She said she loved the brother but also fucked the old guys...
Also, she was the first victim to these guys and she used the pink haired girl as a scapegoat as well so she killed 2 birds with one stone.

I believe that by the end, the pink haired girl became insane. And even if she married the MC and made everything look like a dream... she herself continued doing the videos because perhaps after discovering that he watched those videos and jerked to them, she got aroused by knowing her husband masturbates when seen her getting banged by other men.
And the Mc also went insane, thought it was all a dream until he saw that last CD... and ended up being a man who gets turned on by watching his lover getting fucked by other people.
Funny, there are man around the world with this fetish... cheating fetish... they get sexually aroused when seing their lovers getting banged by other men and viceversa.

So, neither of the kids are his... and he knows about it... and he is forced to take care of them.
The pink haired girl married him out of convenience and to cover her acts so she is just using him as a piggy bank and don't love him at all.
Because she is a sex addict... she loves sex and will go to who ever gives it best. And will never know what true love is again.
I believe the sister ended up in a shrink house. This I just heard I did not bother reading the manga.
God, I hate when scumbags win and there is no justice.
But even if she was rescued from that nightmare, her mind was already broken and she would never have a normal life again (Unless she seeks professional help, something Japan lacks because they view psychologist/psychiatrist as taboo. A true Japanese person holds it within and endures.)

In conclusion:
My only wish.. is that the kids get spared... but knowing these type of hentai... and author... they will not.
Sep 18, 2017 5:30 AM
Sep 2017
Too many NTR hentai with a "forced" stupid plot.

I mean in real life I know some girls who became a sex addict because they got raped or feels betrayed by their loved one, etc. Most of them were not stable emotionally, then they consume drugs to make their mind intact, later on they do sex, or anything for the drugs - most of them i think. In the end they seems cant enjoy sex anymore. Most of this "broken" type became a hooker or her "trainer" sells them..

Well some still enjoy sex in this case they met a partner that can accept that and they openly tell their partner about thier problems. In other words they reach some consensus with their partner, or in this case their main partner. Or still loose by joining some club or community that fits their sexual urges.

The rarest case were they stop being sex addict and devoted their focus to something else.

Because in real life living like that had consequence either from law (in some country) or from the society itself.

Back to the stories.

The most typical sex addict because of rape Hentai Plot. This kind of plot usually very common, the difference is, in real life the victims usually never do it again with the culprit, well I know this stuff because i once work in an organization that deals with rape victims trauma counseling. After the rape they will experiencing trauma that usually make them shut in and afraid to go out or interact to other people.

Well repeatedly rape case usually happens only in closed enviroment, in this case Domestic Rape. Or like this hentai plot.. school, but this case usually only happens to a minor under 15. Another possibility this thing happen is through kidnapping.

There are in matter of fact some rare case when the victims of rape form some kind of bond with the culprit. It seems likes rape victim tries to justify what happened. Some even marry them.

Back to the story again. I think Otome is a psychopath rather then to say she got "cheating fetish" because in general fetishism doesnt go to far like that. She keeps fucking the rapist and then marry her "love," rather then make an open relationship with the rapist because she was addicted or feel that she had somekind of bond with them, and just leave the "love".. She loose her sanity by marrying her "love" knowing that it will hurt him when he knows, and she did tell him indirectly with keeping all those videos. She hates the MC, because all of this shit happens to her because she love the MC.

Oh yea when people say the MC got NTR Fetish because he jerks and to his wives fuck videos, i think that was not the case. I mean he can and still enjoy sex normally without that.

The most sickening part from this story in my opinion are.. There are children that comes from their act. That was sick seriously. I can imagine those kids going to get in their life.
Oct 4, 2017 6:51 PM
Oct 2017
From what I've been told by my friend who is from Japan she said that the guys in Netorare who have the girl stolen from them, and then they do absolutely nothing but pout, and cry for the girl who was stolen.
My friend told me that the guys in Japan who were born there are basically like a bunch of fucking women minus the pussy.
They are not the go getters like we are in America. They will wait for the girl to make the first move, and she also said that hell would freeze over before they make any attempt to get the girl into bed with them.
Then they get upset when a Japanese guy that spent a couple of years in the western countries, and speaking game to the girl that only a westernized Japanese guys are capable of because the ones that only have lived in the east where men are lkke
Oct 8, 2017 4:57 PM
*hug noises*

May 2013
So was there any real reason why the MC had to wait fucking 10+ DVDs before even thinking about confronting Otome about the issue to some extent? Then he suddenly starts complaining about it. Give me a fucking break lol

It was cool to see the imouto actually going all the way with her revenge there; if they'd just ended the episode with the first credits' screen I think it would've been better. But with the post-credits part added... I mean it was kind of predictable I guess but I would've liked to see what actually happened to the imouto in their future rather than just the MC, Otome and the child
Nov 28, 2017 6:04 AM

Dec 2012
WTF! Too much zetsubou.You know shit is serious when you throw your Gamecube through your monitor.
To top it off, it wasn't a dream. He still got in a relationship with Otome after that. Then it wasn't even his kids. LMAO At that point, I would have killed her, the kid, and the baby. Not only do you have me falling into darkest depths of zetsubou, but you lived off my hard money and wasted my life.

Anyway, the ED song is fire.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Mar 3, 2018 11:01 PM

Oct 2013
HaXXspetten said:
So was there any real reason why the MC had to wait fucking 10+ DVDs before even thinking about confronting Otome about the issue to some extent?

He was waiting for the whole season to be released.
Best Anime of All Time: Otome Dori
Best Manga of All Time: ShindoL Henshin -emergence-
Apr 8, 2018 3:45 PM
Apr 2018
Wat we saw was a possibility of happening,you could say its your fear coming to life, like when he was dreaming of himself as a teen. And if it did happen that meaning the second child is not his and how would she not get caught with the ammount of people living in the building somebody would have said something cause the noise they were making would have got them caught and in trouble. So that means her cheating on him is his BIGGEST fear and his imagination ran wild while he was sleeping. Like when you get in trouble your mind comes up with possibilities of it happening.
Sep 3, 2018 11:57 PM
Sep 2018
Serious case might happen if a man heard his wife said (I was glad not my husband's child, I'll find time to sneak out from my husband so my girl will meet her real Papa ok?) with satisfied face. If a man that love so much about his wife and heard that, that man will go beyond breaking point and berserk which a very serious case might happen. Probably after the story he will kick his wife out of the house including the daughter and he hv high probability to hang himself few days after the things happened. After he dead, his wife gone crazy anyway and mind break of course because her heart still love him but her pussy control her mind. Otome has nowhere to go and turn out to be prostitute and sex like worst than animal in order to survive cuz she was once a housewife without job. While her daughter probably live in very dark life and Otome doesn't care about her daughter anymore bcuz of mind break about her husband. Otome can just go back to her parent's house? What do you think after the parents heard the whole story and found out the disc contain? Yeah there you go.
Sep 20, 2018 12:57 PM
Apr 2017
WTF did I watch. When I first watch this hentai I was feeling so sad and umm lonely maybe... I don't know but just empty. This was my first NTR and I wasn't even aware what NTR actually means. It took 3-4 days to get over with this shit. I am sad for MC and at the same time angry too, I just don't like any MCs being toyed with and cursing myself for exploring after credits( I was satisfied it being a dream though) but fuck my curiosity. Anyway I think I got over with it, XD
Me(first time watching NTR): What is this shit!?
Me (again after three months): F..k I am out of Good NTR hentai. (poker face)
Oct 7, 2018 8:06 PM
Oct 2018
I do not despise the netorare, but the endings where the guy is exploited to the end, even if he is masochistic, irritate me. It is already cruel to betray it and then traumatize it with the classic comparison dialogue when the woman and the corruptor are discovered, but keeping the husband / friend / boyfriend as a puppet is even worse. At least the guy sooner or later you can redo a life, maybe. Always thought that ending it with the yandere sister's scene was better, this morbid attachment increases the sadness factor, which is the purpose of the NTR gener, but does not make much sense and see how much it does not matter to Otome, even for the growth of her children, end up hating her. She is no longer a victim but one of the executioners.

However I like this "Baku Ane" style, it makes the ahegao effective, even if some movements are funny and unnatural.
SasizzaOct 8, 2018 2:27 AM
May 11, 2019 2:05 AM

Nov 2015
Yeah they had us of course..
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 3, 2019 6:40 AM

Sep 2012
FenikkusuFumetsu said:
WTF did I watch. When I first watch this hentai I was feeling so sad and umm lonely maybe... I don't know but just empty. This was my first NTR and I wasn't even aware what NTR actually means. It took 3-4 days to get over with this shit. I am sad for MC and at the same time angry too, I just don't like any MCs being toyed with and cursing myself for exploring after credits( I was satisfied it being a dream though) but fuck my curiosity. Anyway I think I got over with it, XD
Me(first time watching NTR): What is this shit!?
Me (again after three months): F..k I am out of Good NTR hentai. (poker face)

i hate it to, thats netore

there is also type called netori, its reverse, there mc lost the woman to a duesh but takes her back in netore way, by fking her brains out, fk her so hard that she only sees him after that

Jul 3, 2019 7:13 AM
Apr 2017
Sugram22 said:
FenikkusuFumetsu said:
WTF did I watch. When I first watch this hentai I was feeling so sad and umm lonely maybe... I don't know but just empty. This was my first NTR and I wasn't even aware what NTR actually means. It took 3-4 days to get over with this shit. I am sad for MC and at the same time angry too, I just don't like any MCs being toyed with and cursing myself for exploring after credits( I was satisfied it being a dream though) but fuck my curiosity. Anyway I think I got over with it, XD
Me(first time watching NTR): What is this shit!?
Me (again after three months): F..k I am out of Good NTR hentai. (poker face)

i hate it to, thats netore

there is also type called netori, its reverse, there mc lost the woman to a duesh but takes her back in netore way, by fking her brains out, fk her so hard that she only sees him after that

Now, I'm really good fan of hentai. Of course I won't let even this genre slip.
Jul 3, 2019 7:34 AM

Sep 2012
FenikkusuFumetsu said:
Sugram22 said:

i hate it to, thats netore

there is also type called netori, its reverse, there mc lost the woman to a duesh but takes her back in netore way, by fking her brains out, fk her so hard that she only sees him after that

Now, I'm really good fan of hentai. Of course I won't let even this genre slip.

one is Aniyome one netori
u half to pay attention to details there or u misunderstand it, on phone its hard to list them, but sadly netori is rare

second is Rensa Byoutou

remembered 2currently

Sugram22Jul 3, 2019 7:37 AM
Aug 7, 2019 7:12 AM

Oct 2013

Overall, showed off the sluttiness very well. The bodies were lewd and shown off erotically with lovely expressive movement. showed the feeling during the plays well and the plays were lewd and intense with erotic loveliness of both girls. Also The craziness of imouto and his suffering was fun as well.
User-sanAug 8, 2019 6:08 AM
Feb 23, 2020 10:18 PM
Mar 2016
A-Knight said:
I find it funny how hentai fans go batshit insane over NTR considering the general nature of hentai. Probably because most hentai watchers are exactly like the pussy NTR "male leads." NTR really teaches a valuable lesson if you're willing to learn from it on why being a doormat nice guy generally makes you a loser in the end.

woow are you fucking kid ? ntr does not exist in real life it's either rape or just plain cheating if it's plain cheating I saw this happen real life not for me but the one who did cheating was my friend and his ex gf and gf current boyfriend . i knew it's confusing then again cheating victim I didn't feel any sympathy for him because I don't even know the dude . basically ntr does not exist either it's rape if its rape victim usually killed them self or they will be killed . that how it is in real life

don't spout fucking bullshit like you know everything 😂😂
Nov 10, 2020 11:12 AM

Feb 2018
So it's not a dream, pls wake up meeee
Mar 12, 2021 12:25 AM
Dec 2020
Ok so, ive come to the terms that i STILL HATE this ntr.I wish there was an revenge ep.Anyways les get to the talking.I watched it again and i feel so dumb.I thought it was only otome's fault she did that.Lets do a recap real quick.So,otome and saiki(i think this was his name) are childhood friends,and they became more closer to eachother to the point that they got married.But here's the catch,his sister wasn't happy about that,so she thought the BEST thing that she would do to get her brother back is to put him in pain by his wife getting banged by older men when she didin't want too.But little does his siter know the she fell into her own trap.BTW: I don't think the MC is inoccent here beacuse MY GUY masturbated to the first tape.Disgusting.Anyways il give this a F or C- for rating.Il give it F cuz i dont like it and C- beacuse the MC finally realises that he has to do something at the end.
Aug 20, 2021 6:44 AM
Dec 2020
A-Knight said:
I find it funny how hentai fans go batshit insane over NTR considering the general nature of hentai. Probably because most hentai watchers are exactly like the pussy NTR "male leads." NTR really teaches a valuable lesson if you're willing to learn from it on why being a doormat nice guy generally makes you a loser in the end.

You know I learned some lessons like
1. Girls prefer big thick dick, so if you don't have don't hope girl will not cheat and eventually leave you.
2. Atleast try to get out of your comfort zone in sexual intercourse with rough way or toys role plays, don't be afraid because if you are dating then you can just make it upto her later.
3. Try to take stand and don't say due to circumstances own the fuckup.
4. Just don't wait if you want to confess and tell her if she feels lacking say it on the face then cheat or leave.

I have more but still this much is sufficient means see point 1 how Japanese people can do that even for whole asian community it's a scientific fact.
But rest are upto you not god, or situation man-up fuck!!!!!
Aug 24, 2021 5:33 AM
Aug 2021
I think the ending is not real maybe because I don't read the manga before but...He just .....

1. Everything He see is not real its just his anxiety paranoid doing

2.She is a slut but willing to love him but He need a lesson in life to control his life and start looking for job already. Because if not She will do this again and again so... basically She just playing mind games with him.
Sep 28, 2021 9:07 AM
Sep 2021
I still wondering why otome cheated on Kazuki, and kazuki's lil sis tho, how did kazuki little sister be that naughty bro, like... Damnnnnnn
Nov 2, 2021 7:21 AM
Oct 2021
A-Knight said:
I find it funny how hentai fans go batshit insane over NTR considering the general nature of hentai. Probably because most hentai watchers are exactly like the pussy NTR "male leads." NTR really teaches a valuable lesson if you're willing to learn from it on why being a doormat nice guy generally makes you a loser in the end.
Noice "NTR really teaches a valuable lesson" wtf dude ??? You want to fap or learn watching hentai ?? And yeah I don't like NTR and Uglybastard bullshit and I am proud about it. At first I also used to watch NTR but it just leaves a shit feeling in my heart so I stopped and became a vanilla fag and it's better.
Dec 27, 2021 9:48 PM

Aug 2021
She is a sinner. It will sprout horns on its rear.
May 20, 2022 12:13 AM

Sep 2012
for ppl who hate NTR like me

list of good NTR i know, i mean NTR'S with good end, also know as reverse NTR'S/Netori
Aniyome, revange & taking back woman he loves
Tsuma no Haha Sayuri, more similar to Aniyome then others in this list
Rensa Byoutou, also revenge & getting back woman he loves
Mejoku, this one is more about revange
Otome Chibaku Yuugi, also about revenge for girls who raped mane char, so more about revenge, mane guy makes his revenge
Rensa Byoutou
guy came back to hes town to avenge hes fathers death and take the woman he loves from the killer doctor, well not actually killer but incompetent who covered up hes mistake

Sugram22May 20, 2022 12:50 AM
May 23, 2022 8:36 PM
Dec 2019
Why are there so many internet tough guys here?
Jul 14, 2022 11:11 AM
Jul 2018
I still say the MC deserved to get NTR'd. Like damn dude, man up and say something to your girl! Very twisted hentai, but I found caring for any of the characters difficult.

Also, this may be overly nitpicky, but I didn't like how the porn video scenes were handled for the majority of this hentai. If the MC is watching a video, why are we hearing Otome-nee's thoughts? In my opinion, this episode's final scene handled the "porn DVD discovery" concept much better.
Aug 1, 2022 12:48 PM
Oct 2021
Spineless Person Like MC In NTR If Snapped
Will Go To the rapist's Sex den And Kill Them all
And Burn them all after.
Kill Otome
Kill that Loli Bitch Who Destroy His Lovelife Out of Jealousy.
And Then Commit Suicide After
Jan 20, 2023 12:51 AM
May 2020
Why Why Why Why Why Why Why
Mar 8, 2023 11:56 AM

Jan 2017
I think the MC shut his brain as a coping mechanism to forget all of that which happened in his past.
Felt sad for to him relive the experience again ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

Also wasn't there a Japanese pornstar named Marina Shiraishi who had a husband and child without them knowing she was a pornstar xD
(⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞ YouTube @ The Pirate Collector ԅ⁠(⁠ ͒⁠ ⁠۝ ͒⁠ ⁠)⁠ᕤ
Jun 17, 2023 6:52 AM
Apr 2023
I have no words for something so disgusting. I have to say the author need help!!
Jun 29, 2023 7:29 PM
Dec 2022
Hello to all the users of this forum on the subject of the second volume of the animation "Otome Dori". Please kindly answer my questions. 

The most irritating thing about this animation is the time jump where it leaves certain situations unfinished plus a confusing ending.

What happened to Rinka?

What happened with Rinka's pregnancy?

Waking up Kazuki, he assumes that it was all a nightmare. but when playing a DVD video, he discovers that Otome continues to hang out with those miserable ephebophiles. becoming or accepting to be a shameless prostitute and the heartbreak of his Otome wife and that her unborn little daughter and son are not hers genetically. 

It is not clear if after waking up from his nightmare he partially or totally destroys or erases the tragedy experienced by the characters in adolescence. 

I would like to know what is the average age of the characters, so what environments, places and locations in Japan are used by the author in the manga and animation. 

The clothes or clothing worn by the main characters in adolescence and adulthood in which year it is located. 

Jul 8, 2023 7:52 PM
Nov 2010
That was hilarious! There's no escape from NTR hell for him.

Anyway, I love the double pen during Otome's first sex scene. That got me so hard! It's too bad the rest was lame. I didn't like the sister since she's a flat chest and a kid. The last one was preggy sex; I do not like that.

I wish it were a non-stop gangr*pe of Otome instead. That would've been an excellent fap!
Jul 10, 2023 7:33 PM
Dec 2022
Greetings to all the users and Internet users of this great forum, and about this Hentai animation of the NTR genre (Adultery, Infidelity or Deceit). "Otome Dori" one of the animations that cause rejection, indignation, aversion, sadness, sorrow, etc. In short, this hentai animation causes divergence of opinions and tastes, however, it has permeated the interest of user groups in the network. 

I don't know how much this sordid animation can reflect or reveal in the life of the Japanese population. Since, in my opinion, infidelity, whether by adolescent girls, couples in love, boyfriends, married people, affects some in a tragic, dramatic, or sad way, or for some who, with dates with friends and consensual or paid sexual encounters with other women, usually solve the bad moment And if pride prevails and who is skillful and cold on nerves can achieve their revenge. 

But in NTR animations, they do not imply revenge in the plot, but rather a traumatic ending where the male protagonist ends up mocked or deceived by what is supposed to be the girl, girlfriend or wife he loves and trusts. Both female and male characters tend to be fragile and weak in character where they are pressured, drugged, threatened and blackmailed and then give in to consented lust. It is in the case of other NTR animations such as "Mesu Nochi Torare" another animation derived from one of the chapters of the manga "Otome Dori", as well as the animations "Netokano", "Akane wa Tsumare Somerareru" and many other animations. That in my opinion at least they have a clear understandable plot and in which the protagonist suffers or suffers a martyrdom, but leaves it to the deduction that the male protagonist makes the decision to move away from his tragedy, abandoning and leaving the female protagonist to be surrender fully to his sodomite or sodomites 

Otome Dori, in my opinion, more than a hentai animation, it is a drama or tragedy where three characters "Otome Sakuragi", "Kazuki Okino" and "Rinka Okino" are introduced, where the friendship between them begins and a beautiful childhood friendship , but denoting Rinka's attachment to her brother and the illusion of Kazuki and Otome as a couple in the future. But the sordid tragedy covers and interrupts the happiness of the protagonists. Rinka being the first to be constantly approached and raped, which Rinka develops a grudge or hatred for her brother Kazuki's happiness with Otome. Since because of that happiness or bliss, Kazuki neglects and stops paying attention to his younger sister, this is reflected in the constant calls that Rinka makes to Kazuki. 

Rinka consumes her rancor and hatred, colluding with the miserable ephebophiles who raped her, who in exchange for their freedom and support would give them Otome. An acquisition that is better for them and by Rinka's agreement and recommendation they hire Otome for a job at a Hotel and it is there that she is raped by a disgusting old man and his eldest son, to later be blackmailed by the videos filmed, since It is not explained that very apart from Otome's fragility, giving in to the constant rapes and orgies to which she is subjected and tortured, for which Otome complacently gives in to her perpetrators or rapists. 

Kazuki has a cheerful personality, a fragile and weak character, behaving like a complete jerk. Since before the videos that Rinka sends, it causes him a traumatic situation where he develops a voyeuristic attitude. And to top the tragedy. Kazuki discovers the truth of her sister Rinka's collusion and her perpetrators. In which after kazuki takes a blow to the head that knocks him out. Rinka reveals to Kazuki that Otome is pregnant by one of her rapists and to which Kazuki gives in to Rinka's manipulation, having an incestuous sexual relationship and as a result getting her pregnant. 

In the irritating, annoying and confusing time skip, Kazuki wakes up and assumes that it was all a nightmare, in which it is not known that he happened to Rinka. Kazuki with an adulthood and supposedly married to Otome with a little girl and pregnant waiting for a boy. He plunges back into tragedy and depression upon discovering a video, where Otome continues to hang out with his rapists, expressing her heartbreak for Kazuki and complacent lust for him. And for the icing on the cake, the unborn girl and son are not his. 

Regarding the epilogue of the animation, it may be an alternate line. Since, if it were only before the time skip, it would be understood that Kazuki would stay with her sister Rinka of hers and Otome would fall even more into the tragedy of living pleasing her rapists. 

A very sordid and tragic plot where the author "CARN" wants to see the world burn, a goal that he achieves or consummates in his manga. I would like it if there was a possibility of a manga continuation. Serious revenge against the mob of miserable ephebophiles. A cold, violent and merciless revenge towards the degenerates who disgraced the life and innocence of kazuki, Otome and Rinka. Since the weight of all the misfortune and tragedy is carried by Otome, who will lead a promiscuous life and prostitution with children of different fathers. Kazuki has the opportunity to rebuild his life with what little sanity he has, walking away and giving up on Otome completely. As well as Rinka, a certain possibility of getting away from her and living from her, if they do not continue to blackmail her or she, by her decision, continues to comply with her rapists as similar as Otome. 

Jul 19, 2023 2:11 PM
Dec 2022
I hereby request all users and Internet users of this forum to kindly help me by answering my questions about the hentai animation "Otome Dori".

I want to know according to the author "CARN", official manga and animation.The scene in the epilogue where Kazuki wakes up from his nightmare has a connection to the previous scene where Kazuki is tied up on a bed and learns the whole truth from Rinka, as it is confirmed in the manga after Rinka's revelation. Otome has his first baby boy which he calls Kazuki. Situation that in the epilogue of both the manga and the animation, Otome appears with a little girl named Megumi, which is assumed to be his first baby. contradicting the previous scene from both the manga and the animation. 

And if there is a direct and official connection to the mentioned scenes, then what happened in the time jump. According to the author "CARN" and the developers of the animation. I appreciate the kind attention, help and prompt response from him.
Jan 20, 2024 8:11 AM
Mar 2017
The hentai was good. Nowadays this is just your typical ntr and nothing over the top. Only ntrs I have a problem with is when the mc is
treated extra maliciously. At least here the mc knew what was happening and was shown love by his sister.
If you want EVIL ntr these 2 are WAY worse:
Natsu ga Owaru made
Hajimete no Hitozuma

In the first one mc got cheated on for YEARS without ever finding out. She does with a disgusting teacher and continues to do it while marrying him and taking all his money.
Oh and she lies about the kid being mc's too so while mc is a baseball pro he has to raise another man's child. THAT is evil

In the 2nd one mc's fiance screwed his father when she was young and continues to srcew the father in secret while living in the same house. Then mc's father is activly trying to
get her pregnant and make it so it the son believes it is his. She is fine with this and the continue to have unprotected sex for the purpose of having a child behind the mc's back.

Compared to those stories this is nothing. Sad that Otome's chance to have a somewhat normal life is over though.
Feb 4, 2024 10:05 AM
Sep 2023
ntr you can not forget for whole of your life just amazing
Feb 5, 2024 3:00 AM
Jul 2022
So umm who agree to make this anime like good and revenge ending cuz just for who hate ntr so yeah
Kev2505Feb 5, 2024 3:05 AM
Feb 5, 2024 3:07 AM
Jul 2022
I hereby request all users and Internet users of this forum to kindly help me by answering my questions about the hentai animation "Otome Dori".

I want to know according to the author "CARN", official manga and animation.The scene in the epilogue where Kazuki wakes up from his nightmare has a connection to the previous scene where Kazuki is tied up on a bed and learns the whole truth from Rinka, as it is confirmed in the manga after Rinka's revelation. Otome has his first baby boy which he calls Kazuki. Situation that in the epilogue of both the manga and the animation, Otome appears with a little girl named Megumi, which is assumed to be his first baby. contradicting the previous scene from both the manga and the animation. 

And if there is a direct and official connection to the mentioned scenes, then what happened in the time jump. According to the author "CARN" and the developers of the animation. I appreciate the kind attention, help and prompt response from him.
@LORD_RADEL Soo if I ask creator of this manga like it's ok if everyone create there own ending like revenge ending so yeah I also hate the tag like I realized this is true of betrayed but beside of that becuz I like how carn draw manga like cute and whole some about it so yeah
Sep 9, 2024 11:17 PM
Mar 2024
Little sister took lots of screentime this episode. We don't want to see you bitch. As for Otome, she is a perfect cumdumpster. Seeing her getting pregnant was feast in my eyes. Love this hentai a lot.
Nov 26, 2024 9:58 PM
Jun 2023
It got sad a little too fast...shit was still hot though. Not as good as the first episode though.
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