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Dec 1, 2009 11:38 AM
Oct 2008
Ahh, really cute episode!
And Yano is doing great^^ Love how Kazuhaya reacts XD

Really want those KimiTodo-items! ><
Dec 1, 2009 12:21 PM

Jun 2008
What a football game.. Sawako kicks the ball in the right direction and everybody clusters around her as if the game is over.
Kurumi may be very nice or very sly - we'll see.
maji_saikou said:
Really want those KimiTodo-items! ><
You can't be serious - that's just totally generic rip-off merchandise.
Dec 1, 2009 2:51 PM

Sep 2008
Okay admit it, Kurumi would totally be the perfect girlfriend. Cute, charming and like really bright and stuff. Even her hairstyle is great!

I love delinquent girl Sadako though, so cute.

Ok, lets count the Kurumi-Hate posts as they come.
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Dec 1, 2009 5:18 PM

Nov 2007
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 1, 2009 10:32 PM
Aug 2009
I like where this is going...
Dec 1, 2009 11:01 PM

Oct 2009
Great episode for Sawako x Kazehaya if only Kurumi did not interrupt! I hate Kurumi more now. She has complete poker face and is too nice, if she betrays will hurt so much I don't even know how to deal with's like a father/mother trying to kill their son//daughter after taking care of it for 10 years. I loved Sawako's kick...shows how much Kazehaya taught her in soccer. Absolutely loved Sawako strange movements in class here
/Ryuu getting her name wrong and Yano's forcing of Kazehaya saying Sawako...the blush and reactions were cute and perfect! Absolutely liked the Pin+Yoshida duo....another funny moment here
. Another funny thing was the fuwawa thing of Sawako telling it to Yano/Yoshida here
. Uh oh to Sawako being jealous of Kazehaya x Kurumi.... Best was this part but the problem once again was Kurumi....this is bad that she interrupted I could see Kazehaya almost saying her name Sawako. The worst is that Kurumi wants to be friends with Sawako....could be bad or good. Kurumi taking sweat off Sawako was nice but I feel something else in her intentions.
HawthorneKitty said:
Okay admit it, Kurumi would totally be the perfect girlfriend. Cute, charming and like really bright and stuff. Even her hairstyle is great!

I love delinquent girl Sadako though, so cute.

Ok, lets count the Kurumi-Hate posts as they come.

This is what the USA president has to say to Kurumi x Sawako:

tsubasalover said:

Ryuu is not good at remembering names. He said Sawako's name incorrectly and Yano is making chance to force Kazehaya to call Sawako's name. Kazehaya cannot! They are nervous at each other now.

That was a great part!
tsubasalover said:
Outside the hall, Sawako heard people saying about Kazehaya and Kurumi together and they match together. She wants to copy Kurumi. She asked them if she is suitable for perm. They imagine every hairstyles as possible and they think the corrent hairstyle is the best. Yano asked why she asked all of the sudden about perm.

Big NO! Sawako should never change her hair color. I reject that! My Sawako does not get permission for that! No!
tsubasalover said:
Hirano and Endo called for Sawako who was thinking. They chat for a bit while Yoshida and Yano are borrowing the ball.

For some time I like a lot their expressions here
They were heartwarming and nice.
tsubasalover said:
Sawako heard Kazehaya's conversation and how he can call Kurumi naturally and she's jealous. Kazehaya shocked Sawako by calling her when she feels her heart not feeling well. Kurumi broke the moment.

Yeah that I could feel and it was good because Sawako has more emotions but Kurumi breaking the moment was another "Oh no" moment! It was terrible!
francismeunierDec 2, 2009 8:10 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 2:22 AM
Oct 2007
"My chest ... hurts ..."

So does mine, Sawako, so does mine. That was a really doki doki moment near the end of the episode. But my favorite was Sawako, Ayane, and Chizu sitting together discussing Sawako's hair.

Kurumi will show her true colors next episode.
Dec 2, 2009 2:50 AM
Feb 2009
I liked the hair discussion.
Dec 2, 2009 3:13 AM

Oct 2009
Annisa said:
"My chest ... hurts ..."

So does mine, Sawako, so does mine. That was a really doki doki moment near the end of the episode. But my favorite was Sawako, Ayane, and Chizu sitting together discussing Sawako's hair.

Kurumi will show her true colors next episode.

I was afraid of that about the poker face gets to the real face....I am sure Kurumi is using that war tactic to get closer to her rival (Sawako) to know her weaknesses....I have bad feeling about Kurumi's harm to Sawako next episode. Kazehaya should save her again.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 3:30 AM
Mar 2009
Hair part was the best! Im surprised that I actually found the brown haired sawako + "bar girl" pretty hot, didnt think it would fit her
Dec 2, 2009 4:24 AM

Oct 2009
The whole hair part was hilarious, and OMG, everytime Sawako says fluffy I aww'ed so hard.

Loved the Kazehaya and Sawako moments, the end.. so cute! Kurumi was lovely this episode, but from the looks of the preview i'll be changing my tune soon.

Looked forward to this all week, and enjoyed it so much I can't believe i've only been rating this a nine so far, it totally deserves the ten!
Dec 2, 2009 4:42 AM

Jul 2009
Wow..Kurumi has already get a hater? lol
Ah c'mon she is cute and..Fuwa-fuwa
She hasn't do anything that hurt Sawako.., she only wanted Sawako's cooperation that's all XD
Dec 2, 2009 4:53 AM

Oct 2009
Kurumi's a wolf in a sheep's clothing *RAGE*

Oh well, the thought of Sawako getting jealous over Kurumi and Kazehaya was REAAAAAAAAALY cute. As well as the moment where Kazehaya blushes while trying to say 'Sawako' <3
Dec 2, 2009 5:21 AM

Oct 2009
Laevantein said:
Wow..Kurumi has already get a hater? lol
Ah c'mon she is cute and..Fuwa-fuwa
She hasn't do anything that hurt Sawako.., she only wanted Sawako's cooperation that's all XD
Go see what noteDhero has to say about that. If Kurumi will not do anything to Sawako then I will declare my sorry for the hate but people told she is going to betray Sawako somehow...besides that evil eye last episode was not something a friend would do to one.....I smell a backstab that Sawako does not deserve....hoping Kazehaya will save her.
Nia9001 said:
Kurumi's a wolf in a sheep's clothing *RAGE*
Yes, let's rage over that but more when she does something to Sawako or Kazehaya.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 5:37 AM

Apr 2009
She called her Creepy japanese doll? (ningyō) that bitch kurumi! lol
poor sawako...

seems that kurumi is starting to set up her evil game...
Dec 2, 2009 5:48 AM
Oct 2009
This episode went by wayyyyy to fast. And now I have to wait a whole week before I get to see the next episode D:

Dec 2, 2009 5:54 AM

Jul 2009
francismeunier said:
Laevantein said:
Wow..Kurumi has already get a hater? lol
Ah c'mon she is cute and..Fuwa-fuwa
She hasn't do anything that hurt Sawako.., she only wanted Sawako's cooperation that's all XD
Go see what noteDhero has to say about that. If Kurumi will not do anything to Sawako then I will declare my sorry for the hate but people told she is going to betray Sawako somehow...besides that evil eye last episode was not something a friend would do to one.....I smell a backstab that Sawako does not deserve....hoping Kazehaya will save her.
Lol..well indirectly yes she has hurt Sawako maybe..but not yet directly..and i should wrote Cooperation boldly, and i bashed her out in manga too..XD yikes noteDhero already outwin me in Cross Game with his joke..*running away*
Dec 2, 2009 5:58 AM

May 2009
The more sparkles and bubbles they put in this the more i feel something is gonna go terribly wrong , and the treachery and backstabbing will be that more horrible !

Also on a side-note , maybe it`s just me, but i have a hard time visualizing what Kurumi`s hair would look like in real life. It`s like she a ball of hair on her left side, can`t quite see what that would look like on a person
Dec 2, 2009 8:07 AM

Oct 2009
hallioe said:
The whole hair part was hilarious, and OMG, everytime Sawako says fluffy I aww'ed so hard.
Yeah I did not get that part in RAW but now I do understand and laughed hard at it. Personally I still prefer Sawako with her hair as they are....hey how come Kazehaya can say Kurumi and not Sawako with more ease...guess he is that shy and really in love. Can't wait

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 8:38 AM

May 2008
francismeunier said:
hallioe said:
The whole hair part was hilarious, and OMG, everytime Sawako says fluffy I aww'ed so hard.
Yeah I did not get that part in RAW but now I do understand and laughed hard at it. Personally I still prefer Sawako with her hair as they are....hey how come Kazehaya can say Kurumi and not Sawako with more ease...guess he is that shy and really in love. Can't wait

funny episode haha

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Dec 2, 2009 8:41 AM

Oct 2009
greenmush said:
francismeunier said:
hallioe said:
The whole hair part was hilarious, and OMG, everytime Sawako says fluffy I aww'ed so hard.
Yeah I did not get that part in RAW but now I do understand and laughed hard at it. Personally I still prefer Sawako with her hair as they are....hey how come Kazehaya can say Kurumi and not Sawako with more ease...guess he is that shy and really in love. Can't wait

funny episode haha

Oh yeah that's Homer says Doh >_<

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 8:51 AM

Jun 2009
So cool and so shooort! Again a week of waiting, I can't stand it, I'll continue with manga. Want moar Sawako and Kazehaya!
Dec 2, 2009 8:53 AM
Nov 2008
I just can't get enough of watching Sawako's reactions to her own little victories. Always leaves that big stupid smile on my face throughout the show.

Kurumi can't be doing all this without a malicious plot in the works. I'm trying really hard to brace myself for the impact, but I just know I'm gonna end up a complete mess when it happens.

I hope the entire show isn't pre-Kazehaya/Sawako silliness. They're so blatantly destined for each other, and I'd actually like to see what they're like as a couple.
Dec 2, 2009 9:31 AM

Jan 2009
This FTW!

Dec 2, 2009 10:11 AM

Jul 2008
Lame Kurumi bitch starts to role more on her game LMAO.

And Sawako, no need to admire her, your pretty just like this. Your not a boring French doll at least! XDD
Dec 2, 2009 10:25 AM

Apr 2008
wow, Kurumi is pretty and charming--and definitely evil--but she's lost the game already. I don't think there's anything she can do to change Kazehaya's mind.
Dec 2, 2009 12:22 PM

Oct 2009
ManInBlack said:
This FTW!

Yes! This is the teleportation of Sawako....was a good part too. I liked the effect of it.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 12:29 PM
Oct 2009
bitch kurumi needs to STEP DOWN. Goddam phony.
Dec 2, 2009 12:35 PM

May 2008
francismeunier said:
ManInBlack said:
This FTW!

Yes! This is the teleportation of Sawako....was a good part too. I liked the effect of it.
That was pretty good.
Dec 2, 2009 1:32 PM
Jul 2009
I get the feeling Kurumi is a bitch. She'll betray Sawako! I know it! :O

Also, she called her a voodoo doll! That's not very nice.
Dec 2, 2009 1:55 PM

Nov 2007
i loved the part where kazehaya practically squealed an italy squeal. :'3 & OH MY GOD, SAWAKO'S FUWA FUWA MOMENTS. she was so cute. >//////<
Dec 2, 2009 2:25 PM

Jun 2009
Kurumi is awesome, hopefully we will see some blood and real drama.
Dec 2, 2009 2:46 PM

Apr 2008
i want more Kazehaya x Sawako!! aslkdjaskd forget Kurumi! Loved it when Kazehaya tried calling out Sawako by her first name... Although it didn't reach her cause of Kurumi TT.TT

♥ Fuwa Fuwa and Hair cut moments
Dec 2, 2009 2:54 PM

Dec 2008
Kurumi is such a manipulative bitch, it's ridiculous. The thing that really irritates me about her is that there are actually people like that. Garr! However, she wasn't as manipulative and bitchy as she was in the last episode, although I have a feeling it will increase from this point on.

I really hope the development between Kuronuma and Kazehaya picks up speed. If every episode focuses on the same close-ups and blush-worthy moments that every episode thus far has focused on, it's going to quickly lose it's charm. I also wish we'd see more of the Yano-Yoshida-Kuronuma friendship.
Dec 2, 2009 2:57 PM

Sep 2009
Jigoku-n3ko said:
wow, Kurumi is pretty and charming--and definitely evil--but she's lost the game already. I don't think there's anything she can do to change Kazehaya's mind.

This is exactly what i was going to say.

Glad Kurumi didnt say Voodoo doll to sawako directly..atleast shes a little decent.

Guess Kazehaya sort of suspects Kurumi because he looked sort of surprised when Kurumi held sawakos hand and said "we are freinds"

It took me an hour to watch this ep---kept rewatching Kazehayas shy expressions , hes so cute i feel like hugging him...lets all get married to him XD

"Kuruyama Takako" ---ryuu is hilarious ...

"maybe i care too much about Kazehaya"---yes a little step away from " maybe i love Kazehaya"~~when am i going to hear those words..*hits head*

This ep left me giddy and smiley , now my cheeks hurt...
So alot of Kurumi delimmas in the next ep..just hope she doesnt hurt sawako
Dec 2, 2009 3:15 PM

Feb 2009
I literally held my breath when Kazehaya was about to say her name, and then Kurumi had to go and ruin it! Darn that pretty face and manipulative words!

If only she weren't so cute, then I could hate her. >.<

But the best part was them trying to so many hairstyles on Sawako that they ended up making her look like Yoshida, ahaha.

Dec 2, 2009 3:40 PM

Sep 2009
Another great episode. Loved the teleportation and haircut part. Kurumi is obviously going to be an obstacle at some point...the question is if she is purposefully doing this or if she is just in self denial or something.
Dec 2, 2009 4:31 PM

Mar 2009
Yes, kind of worried that Kurumi is going to end up being a two-faced bitch :P

Dec 2, 2009 4:36 PM

Nov 2007
Hands down, this was leagues ahead of all the previous episodes. The humor was actually quite funny for once, and especially the last Sawako x Kazehaya moment was heart-wrenchingly cute, making me a little teary-eyed. :'(
Dec 2, 2009 4:40 PM

Oct 2009
LOL well, personally, I like my characters with a bit of inner-snark and depth, so I think that Kurumi is amazing. Cute as fuck and all multilayered and shit.

Anyway, good episode here. Kazehaya is so sweet that it makes my head explode. I wish there would be more Pin, tho, really. (And by Pin, I suppose I mean Ayane x Pin because u kno.)

And Sawakooo ~ you're beautiful just the way you are T_T
Dec 2, 2009 4:59 PM

Apr 2008
I really liked this episode Sawako's adorable "Goodbye fluffy hair~..."
And I love how Yano always messes with Kazehaya, it always makes me laugh.

Dec 2, 2009 5:11 PM

Apr 2008
Yes this was a great episode.
Dec 2, 2009 5:24 PM

Nov 2007
I would have never imagined that Mamiko Noto and aya hirano will be in an anime together.

I hope the next episode is when Kurumi shows her true face, since I really want to see

Dec 2, 2009 5:35 PM

Jul 2009
I love kurumi xD
Dec 2, 2009 6:15 PM

Feb 2009
I like Kurumi, so far... ^^"
Probably because I like her character design, and her seiyuu (Hirano Aya). She is especially cute when she smiles.

Would be somewhat disappointed if she shows her true color. But I guess that's the way life is.
Dec 2, 2009 8:27 PM

Jun 2009
another good episode!
hah i loved the teleportation and the fluffy hair part (:

Dec 2, 2009 8:58 PM

Nov 2008
Loved the episode. I was holding my breath when he was saying 'Sawako...' and here comes Kurumi, coming to ruin the moment. When I heard 'Kazehaya' I literally screamed going "AAHH!!! GET OUT!!!!"

To everyone that doesn't mind being spoiled... (seriously this will spoil so don't watch unless you read the manga... I mean it!!)

I'm really defensive about Sawako's feelings I guess!!
Dec 2, 2009 9:10 PM
Oct 2009
such a cute episode
but im not sure what Kurumi is planning but i know she is up to no good
Dec 2, 2009 10:14 PM
Nov 2009
heart warming as always, i love this anime =)

most kawai scene from the episode imo =D
Dec 2, 2009 10:34 PM
May 2009
The background music was perfect this episode. Great balance between humor and drama.

I shall have to do a whole marathon of this series once it's over. Anyone have any rumors on how many episodes this is going to be?
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