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Jan 24, 2022 9:36 PM

Oct 2012
AbuHumaid said:
Doughkey said:
Kit and Jack are so good at this game, fuck me
Why did you never vote me/Scarlet? We thought you're the traitor.

I scum read and voted you a bunch. I wasn't confident in your claim but ultimately thought you would be vig shot or copped to save us the hassle. I always pick town in vegetables case so I am incorrect in slight leaning that other people would choose the same.

I also thought my ability had infinite shots from D3 until I offed myself so I was saving a shot for you.

D4 I told pyro to shoot Phraze and he said "kek it's a one shot". Read my role for the first real time and what do you know? I can't read. When I told Gwen I thought skeptic had infinite shots I wasn't lying. You would have been my d5 shot.

As for Scarlet she just out played me until her cop claim, I did not scum read her until then. And I forgot if I voted her or not, I figured there was already a million people on the train the fuck does it matter if I add to it.
Jan 24, 2022 10:59 PM

Jan 2016
im retired
Jan 24, 2022 11:07 PM

Jan 2016
just wanted to say that i enjoyed my time in this game and enjoyed playing with many people i have not gotten to play with in years

setup was kind of a cluster but i knew that going in

generally just treated this game as a way to shoot the shit, hang out with people i haven't played with in years, and dunk on some wolves. glad i was able to accomplish all three

Jan 25, 2022 3:14 AM

Apr 2014
Crossbell said:
just wanted to say that i enjoyed my time in this game and enjoyed playing with many people i have not gotten to play with in years

setup was kind of a cluster but i knew that going in

generally just treated this game as a way to shoot the shit, hang out with people i haven't played with in years, and dunk on some wolves. glad i was able to accomplish all three

Thar was generally the point of it tbh, so a bit sad it ended like so. I understand the effort argument, but when I'm arguably putting in the most from a no win situation I find it a hard pill to take lol. This was never going to be MU, but I honestly am at a point where elite game play is a hassle. This is a hobby and should be for fun. It's a game of seeing how smooth of a talker someone is and how tactical they are. At a point I feel like I lost the view of why I started playing this in the first play, which was to have fun and make friends not berate people and the host. Who was just trying to keep a dead game interesting for people like me and others who miss the old days that is selfish in a way, but anyone who paid attention would of knew that going in.
JackritoJan 25, 2022 4:46 AM
Jan 25, 2022 4:22 AM

Feb 2014
Well, what a sad way to end this.
We all knew it wasn't going to be a textbook mafia game. We all knew shit was going to happen. Those who didn't know were warned from those who did. We talked about it a lot before the sign-ups was posted. Some of us came for that old feeling from non-professional games.

I'm still glad I played. It had been a few years since my last game, and even longer on MAL. It was fun while it lasted. And I died right at the perfect time, haha.
(I was cop, by the way)

Jackrito said:
Crossbell said:
just wanted to say that i enjoyed my time in this game and enjoyed playing with many people i have not gotten to play with in years

setup was kind of a cluster but i knew that going in

generally just treated this game as a way to shoot the shit, hang out with people i haven't played with in years, and dunk on some wolves. glad i was able to accomplish all three

Thar was generally the point of it tbh, so a bit sad it ended like so. I understand the effort argument, but when I'm agruabld putting in the most from a no win situation I find it q hard pill to take lol. This was never going to be MU, but I honestly am at a point where elite game play is a hassle. This is a hobby and should be for fun. It's a game of seeing how smooth of a talker someone is and how tactical they ate. At a point I feel like I lost the view if ehy I started playing this in the first play, which was to have fun and make friends not berate people and the host. Who was just trying to keep a dead game interesting for people like me and others who miss the old dags that us selfish in a way, but anyone who paid attention would of knew that going in.

I agree with you there. And seeing so many familiar names I hadn't seen in so long was really nice and in a game that supposedly would have been more laid back. I think the last time I played was during a Summer/Winter event, and I mostly did it because the team was missing a player.
Although I was really surprised when I learned you were mafia. When I saw the playerbase, I was a bit afraid to see you or Lucian as scums, turned out you both rolled mafia lol.

Anyway, thanks for putting up with my still complete inability to do social deduction, thanks Pyro for hosting. A bit sad we didn't get to see Pyrounga. And the other shitstorm he would have brought.

Crossbell said:
im retired

Time to retire again.
Jan 25, 2022 11:06 AM

Oct 2013
@Jackrito Ah shit, so you were scum all along xD I knew you were pocketing me, but in the end I was doubting myself and just accepted you as town lol I'm glad my scum radar is still on point tho!

So wait .. Who was the traitor, who was Cell?
Jan 25, 2022 11:10 AM

Oct 2013
_Wisp said:
AbuHumaid said:
I thought you didn't take the game seriously? Now you're all frustrated...
welcome to my anxiety and stressed filled life, coupled with a host that decides he can do w/e he wants, and u self-voting regardless of your alignment, and people just never posting, and the hosts solve, is to yeet them, and then punish town by not telling us their alignment, for god knows what fucking reason other than, "hurr durr, town too good"

I can only hope that was cell's ability, and not some kinda of anti-claim mechanic, because that is hands down one of the utterly most broken anti-claim mechanics I have ever seen, that was needed, because this game was literally breakable, and it baffles me, that this wasn't a problem noticed in the original setup, if it was also completely open

we've killed 3 wolves in a row, and in worst case, if ruu and beeboy are both town, we can reach parity tmr, because the 3p just wolf sides, if we don't stop the kill tonight.

and if there are 3 wolves alive right now, that is almost impossible to do, especially if the traitor can now hold the factional kill

whoever said this game was town sided, is crazy, this game is just a swingy mess, where even mislynching once, given bad vig shots, just spirals the game into an inevitable town loss

but that didn't need to be a problem, if vegeta wasn't a poorly designed role, and the fucking traitor wasn't randomly added to mafia chat, because, "hurr durr, town too good"


Allthough everyone needs to calm down a bit, post 2020 has taken a toll on us and made everyone more sensitive it seems ol
Jan 25, 2022 12:56 PM

Jul 2016
Gwendolly said:
@Jackrito Ah shit, so you were scum all along xD I knew you were pocketing me, but in the end I was doubting myself and just accepted you as town lol I'm glad my scum radar is still on point tho!

So wait .. Who was the traitor, who was Cell?

phraze, jack, in that order
Jan 25, 2022 6:46 PM

Oct 2012
Gwendolly said:
_Wisp said:
welcome to my anxiety and stressed filled life, coupled with a host that decides he can do w/e he wants, and u self-voting regardless of your alignment, and people just never posting, and the hosts solve, is to yeet them, and then punish town by not telling us their alignment, for god knows what fucking reason other than, "hurr durr, town too good"

I can only hope that was cell's ability, and not some kinda of anti-claim mechanic, because that is hands down one of the utterly most broken anti-claim mechanics I have ever seen, that was needed, because this game was literally breakable, and it baffles me, that this wasn't a problem noticed in the original setup, if it was also completely open

we've killed 3 wolves in a row, and in worst case, if ruu and beeboy are both town, we can reach parity tmr, because the 3p just wolf sides, if we don't stop the kill tonight.

and if there are 3 wolves alive right now, that is almost impossible to do, especially if the traitor can now hold the factional kill

whoever said this game was town sided, is crazy, this game is just a swingy mess, where even mislynching once, given bad vig shots, just spirals the game into an inevitable town loss

but that didn't need to be a problem, if vegeta wasn't a poorly designed role, and the fucking traitor wasn't randomly added to mafia chat, because, "hurr durr, town too good"


Allthough everyone needs to calm down a bit, post 2020 has taken a toll on us and made everyone more sensitive it seems ol

Ive heard the whole "everyone's more sensitive now" bit from a few people now.

That is actually just not true. At all. People complained about setups and hosting constantly. Every single game I hosted/co-hosted I have had players complain to me and the other hosts regarding EVERYTHING from not nodkilling players who made 2 posts instead of 3, not giving vote lists frequently enough, roles not being describes thuroghly and me catering towards a specific faction. Half of my games ended in arguments with these people.

Nearly every game I have won people have belittled my victory because they say the game was broken. Every game I lost I've wanted to think the same.

People have always, and will continue to bitch about setups. And honestly? Most of the time it is perfectly justifiable. It is their right. The people who take it and pretend there is not a problem are the biggest issue.

Just because Pyro is a historically and very notably bad host does not mean he is exempt from the rules. Nobody comes to play a pyro game, they are here for the players, the fact pyro is the one who organized it is just an unfortunate circumstance.

What I'm trying to say is, we all signed up to play with our homies, pyro made that as difficult as possible.

If this happened 6 years ago, people would have had just as much if not more of a shit storm. You are lying if you say otherwise.
Jan 25, 2022 11:09 PM

Oct 2011
Okay. Game ended. MU made me lazy.
Jan 26, 2022 1:14 PM

Jan 2010
Apologies for my lack of participation. Life got in the way and reminded why it has been nearly 2 years since I was able to truly participate in a game.
When I started catching up and posting I did not know I was mafia and was still getting flack for my posts, so it seems i have regressed a lot. Hopefully the next time i sign up for a game I will be able to contribute in a meaningful manner.
@Pyromaani Thank you for hosting, I appreciate your effort to resurrect this forum, but mafia here just isn't what it used to be. I want to say that even though many are giving you flack for how things went down I respect and appreciate your efforts. You are still one of my favorite hosts and I look forward to seeing a future pyro game.

@ MafiaTeam sorry for making you guys do all the heavy lifting.

@ Town fucking cry me a river. You guys are some sad sore players and should really treat your host much better than what I saw here. Bad showing for most of you (i will not name names or shame you) just know it was sad an unbecoming to read some of your posts.
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 26, 2022 2:19 PM

Jan 2014
@logic340 no worries! It was nice to see you after long time! Maybe we meet again in the future! :D
~I am just one sadist who supports friends~
Jan 26, 2022 2:36 PM

Apr 2014
Doughkey said:
Gwendolly said:


Allthough everyone needs to calm down a bit, post 2020 has taken a toll on us and made everyone more sensitive it seems ol

Ive heard the whole "everyone's more sensitive now" bit from a few people now.

That is actually just not true. At all. People complained about setups and hosting constantly. Every single game I hosted/co-hosted I have had players complain to me and the other hosts regarding EVERYTHING from not nodkilling players who made 2 posts instead of 3, not giving vote lists frequently enough, roles not being describes thuroghly and me catering towards a specific faction. Half of my games ended in arguments with these people.

Nearly every game I have won people have belittled my victory because they say the game was broken. Every game I lost I've wanted to think the same.

People have always, and will continue to bitch about setups. And honestly? Most of the time it is perfectly justifiable. It is their right. The people who take it and pretend there is not a problem are the biggest issue.

Just because Pyro is a historically and very notably bad host does not mean he is exempt from the rules. Nobody comes to play a pyro game, they are here for the players, the fact pyro is the one who organized it is just an unfortunate circumstance.

What I'm trying to say is, we all signed up to play with our homies, pyro made that as difficult as possible.

If this happened 6 years ago, people would have had just as much if not more of a shit storm. You are lying if you say otherwise.

I disagree I only came because pyro asked we all knew it was going to be a shit show and anyone expecting otherwise was going to have a bad time. I was in a shitty situation this entire game because if setup and hosting. I never complained once publicly or in private. I was just here to have a good time and play with people I enjoy.

This went a lot worse then I predicted because people did change. We had bad timed 6 years ago but rarely to this degree,so I disagree it would be worse because our games back then had dumb crazy shit. . I never wanted mods to get involved with this that is why we did it back here. This was never going to be a perfect game if it was planned to be it would go on out dying site.
Jan 26, 2022 5:13 PM

Oct 2012
Jackrito said:
Doughkey said:

Ive heard the whole "everyone's more sensitive now" bit from a few people now.

That is actually just not true. At all. People complained about setups and hosting constantly. Every single game I hosted/co-hosted I have had players complain to me and the other hosts regarding EVERYTHING from not nodkilling players who made 2 posts instead of 3, not giving vote lists frequently enough, roles not being describes thuroghly and me catering towards a specific faction. Half of my games ended in arguments with these people.

Nearly every game I have won people have belittled my victory because they say the game was broken. Every game I lost I've wanted to think the same.

People have always, and will continue to bitch about setups. And honestly? Most of the time it is perfectly justifiable. It is their right. The people who take it and pretend there is not a problem are the biggest issue.

Just because Pyro is a historically and very notably bad host does not mean he is exempt from the rules. Nobody comes to play a pyro game, they are here for the players, the fact pyro is the one who organized it is just an unfortunate circumstance.

What I'm trying to say is, we all signed up to play with our homies, pyro made that as difficult as possible.

If this happened 6 years ago, people would have had just as much if not more of a shit storm. You are lying if you say otherwise.

I disagree I only came because pyro asked we all knew it was going to be a shit show and anyone expecting otherwise was going to have a bad time. I was in a shitty situation this entire game because if setup and hosting. I never complained once publicly or in private. I was just here to have a good time and play with people I enjoy.

This went a lot worse then I predicted because people did change. We had bad timed 6 years ago but rarely to this degree,so I disagree it would be worse because our games back then had dumb crazy shit. . I never wanted mods to get involved with this that is why we did it back here. This was never going to be a perfect game if it was planned to be it would go on out dying site.
"I was just here to have a good time and play with people I enjoy" is directly contradictory to "I disagree I only came because pyro asked".

Anyone who expected more from this game simply forgot how badly a poor host can affect a game. And the player list out weighed pyro being the host.

You are lying if you think games didn't get this bad on the regular. The difference is we had moderators who atleast pretended to do their job and not just try to power play on people. Old MS never would have allowed this to happen for as long as it did. I know the old school players enough to know they are not bitch made enough to just sit and take such a blatant disregard for rules.

Games also became this dramatic literally every single time Grave was in a player list.

If you try to blame anyone except for pyro for the disaster that is this game- you are a dillusional.
Jan 26, 2022 5:15 PM

Oct 2012
logic340 said:
Apologies for my lack of participation. Life got in the way and reminded why it has been nearly 2 years since I was able to truly participate in a game.
When I started catching up and posting I did not know I was mafia and was still getting flack for my posts, so it seems i have regressed a lot. Hopefully the next time i sign up for a game I will be able to contribute in a meaningful manner.
@Pyromaani Thank you for hosting, I appreciate your effort to resurrect this forum, but mafia here just isn't what it used to be. I want to say that even though many are giving you flack for how things went down I respect and appreciate your efforts. You are still one of my favorite hosts and I look forward to seeing a future pyro game.

@ MafiaTeam sorry for making you guys do all the heavy lifting.

@ Town fucking cry me a river. You guys are some sad sore players and should really treat your host much better than what I saw here. Bad showing for most of you (i will not name names or shame you) just know it was sad an unbecoming to read some of your posts.

Jan 26, 2022 5:19 PM

Oct 2012
Nah those last two posts were rough to read. The few people who have DM'd me in support of not being bitch-made was nice but lads... They got a point. The people here have changed, we've outgrown them.

Trying to argue about pyro is a waste of time. It's something nobody would change their mind on clearly.

I can only put myself out there and explain it to them so many times before I realize it's a losing battle.
Jan 26, 2022 8:25 PM

Apr 2014
Doughkey said:
Nah those last two posts were rough to read. The few people who have DM'd me in support of not being bitch-made was nice but lads... They got a point. The people here have changed, we've outgrown them.

Trying to argue about pyro is a waste of time. It's something nobody would change their mind on clearly.

I can only put myself out there and explain it to them so many times before I realize it's a losing battle.

I don't disagree they was mistakes my mafia teammates know I was anti a lot of his changes. So I do blame him also, but I also don't like when people get others involved who should not of being. This could of potentially being fixed through discussion rather then the nuke option.

They are multiple factors at blame for what happened here I'm not going to railroad one person. Using words like outgrown is so disrespectful also, you could just call it a difference in view. I have always tried my best to be straight with people so don't appreciate this better then others view.
Jan 26, 2022 8:58 PM

Jan 2008
this argument is getting old already, both sides are correct

-hosts should be allowed to host what they want without forcing mods to come in to manhandle the community members (both hosts and players)

-players should be allowed to criticize hosting choices because they are the ones primarily being affected by those choices. you slap someone in the face, you're going to get yelled at.

neither of those freedoms should be stifled by mods (or players going to complain to mods), and everyone using ad hominem attacks are missing the point of having fun in a forum game and hanging out with the community.

if this was an explicitly, officially "moderated" game then it would be different.. but this is a for-fun game.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 26, 2022 8:59 PM

Jan 2014
Pyro did a terrible job at hosting, and his response to everything is, "back in my time, this was ok"

but at the same time, I don't expect Pyro to know the fine lines of mafia hosting, lets be honest here, in terms of hosting, there was nothing to grow out of, because he never experienced anything beyond the original fun anime mafia games, which were lax at best.

one throws shit, the other throws shit, nobody wants to take responsibility
The rules were already being treaded on, especially by u anyways Doki, since talking about replacing, or anyone advocating for replacements in thread, or asking someone to be modkilled, goes beyond the game thread, the hosting talking in thread, all of it breaks the game, whether people believe it or not

there was a lot going on in this game that was scuffed, but at the end of the day, it was a game, and im moving on, regardless of the outcome

she was never awake
even with her eyes wide open
never where she longed to be
and if you’d meet her
just know
you were on a
blind date with a dreamer
Jan 26, 2022 9:03 PM

Jan 2008
hosts and players are equal members of a community. mods are there for serious behavioral offenses and to help people who want to host and play balanced and fair games.

i see people either putting pyro on a pedestal, or berating him like he should bow down to his players. remember that we are all members of a community, not servants to each other.

i've seen mod interference with small to medium game infractions that should be dealt with by a host if they care to enforce their rules (maybe they dont!). remember that players and hosts should have freedoms unless they choose otherwise, with the exception of serious offense (see: MAL terms of service). unless you want this to be like a strictly/heavily moderated community.
KitJan 26, 2022 9:13 PM

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jan 26, 2022 9:07 PM

Jan 2014
Kit said:
hosts and players are equal members of a community. mods are there for serious behavioral offenses and to help people who want to host and play balanced and fair games.

i see people either putting pyro on a pedestal, or berating him like he should bow down to his players. remember that we all all members of a community, not servants to each other.

i've seen mod interference with small to medium game infractions that should be dealt with by a host if they care to enforce their rules (maybe they dont!). remember that players and hosts should have freedoms unless they choose otherwise, with the exception of serious offense (see: MAL terms of service). unless you want this to be like a strictly/heavily moderated community.
that two, we are all humans, but you are half correct, we will remove people for OGI related reasons as well, but the behavioral side of things should be the focus, because the point of a game, is to have fun

she was never awake
even with her eyes wide open
never where she longed to be
and if you’d meet her
just know
you were on a
blind date with a dreamer
Jan 26, 2022 9:10 PM

May 2013
I still want to play a game with you guys though.
Jan 26, 2022 10:12 PM

Jan 2016
i don't play mafia super actively anymore, but i've been playing on Fortress of Lies occasionally and I like the community/forum software there
Jan 26, 2022 10:13 PM

Oct 2012
Jack, I didn't mean to say I've outgrown you, I meant for you to interpret it as we have outgrown each other. Maybe I have grown out of this place 'personally'?

I have outgrown Pyros stunted ass, and I have outgrown a period in my life where I could ever allow a babbling toddler like Osie pretend to have power over me.

I wrote a massive spiel about my thoughts on MS and the obvious people and problems that have caused the community to die but that's not how I want to go out. It would be too classic of MS for me to write up something nobody cares to do anything more than disagree with.

I got a lot out of this place, but I can't see myself getting anything more out of it. I am genuinely happy this is how it all ended, I haven't done this before because I didn't want to have any stray regrets- but MS ain't it anymore.

GG's everyone
Jan 26, 2022 10:52 PM
Jul 2018
Doughkey said:
I wrote a massive spiel about my thoughts on MS and the obvious people and problems that have caused the community to die
Where did you write that? I want to read it.
Jan 26, 2022 11:03 PM
Jul 2018
Also, I thought I only liked playing mafia on MAL, but now that I've finally played one on MAL after a long hiatus, I've come to the realization that I've grown out of mafia.
Jan 26, 2022 11:52 PM

Apr 2014
Doughkey said:
Jack, I didn't mean to say I've outgrown you, I meant for you to interpret it as we have outgrown each other. Maybe I have grown out of this place 'personally'?

I have outgrown Pyros stunted ass, and I have outgrown a period in my life where I could ever allow a babbling toddler like Osie pretend to have power over me.

I wrote a massive spiel about my thoughts on MS and the obvious people and problems that have caused the community to die but that's not how I want to go out. It would be too classic of MS for me to write up something nobody cares to do anything more than disagree with.

I got a lot out of this place, but I can't see myself getting anything more out of it. I am genuinely happy this is how it all ended, I haven't done this before because I didn't want to have any stray regrets- but MS ain't it anymore.

GG's everyone

If I'm being honest say your issues, or dm at least on discord. I have various issues of mine also. I don't think anyone is truly happy with the current situation. The website condition is a sign of that. I oy got annoyed because of my awn annoyance at the situation and where we are at
Jan 27, 2022 2:18 AM

Oct 2011
Wow, peoples. Honestly glad I wasn't too heavily invested in the game. MAL is still my site, even if not this club anymore. I still admin the site-wide profile design contest.

It's true that this club isn't what it was years ago though.. I had the taste of ISOs, vote counts, and serious gameplay on MU. Keeping up is a struggle for lurkers.

Would love to play a game on MAL with you again sometime. Maybe in another club lol.
Jan 27, 2022 5:56 AM

Jan 2014
Phraze said:
Wow, peoples. Honestly glad I wasn't too heavily invested in the game. MAL is still my site, even if not this club anymore. I still admin the site-wide profile design contest.

It's true that this club isn't what it was years ago though.. I had the taste of ISOs, vote counts, and serious gameplay on MU. Keeping up is a struggle for lurkers.

Would love to play a game on MAL with you again sometime. Maybe in another club lol.
there is a difference between having a problem, and not even posting at all
she was never awake
even with her eyes wide open
never where she longed to be
and if you’d meet her
just know
you were on a
blind date with a dreamer
Jan 27, 2022 7:22 AM

Oct 2011
_Wisp said:
Phraze said:
Wow, peoples. Honestly glad I wasn't too heavily invested in the game. MAL is still my site, even if not this club anymore. I still admin the site-wide profile design contest.

It's true that this club isn't what it was years ago though.. I had the taste of ISOs, vote counts, and serious gameplay on MU. Keeping up is a struggle for lurkers.

Would love to play a game on MAL with you again sometime. Maybe in another club lol.
there is a difference between having a problem, and not even posting at all

Eh. True, I guess.
Jan 27, 2022 3:23 PM

Aug 2013
Sad to see it end this way. Despite rolling scum, I still had fun interacting with everyone D1 just like old times. I would say I'd be down for a re-roll or a salty runback, but I'm about to get terribly busy with classes and a potential new job, so all in all GGs everyone.

And special ggs to Cross for catching me in two posts, made me do a double take.

Despite the turn out for this game, I still think this old club has some life to it, and it would warm my heart to see a stand-up moderator take the reigns and host a good, normal game where both sides are having fun, but that might just be a pipe dream.

Props to my scumteam for making the most out of a tricky D1 situation, and special props to Jack for giving this game his all despite the situation that arose.

This is the part where I'd shill for my game, but I don't think I have the time or energy to host a good one these days.

Thanks for hosting Pyro.
"If you look for a ghost, you'll find one."
Jan 27, 2022 10:10 PM

Feb 2014
Seems i missed some nice drama in this game. @yurkin @lycanroy i regret not joining. Can someone give me TL:DR; of the drama? 17 words or less please!
Jan 29, 2022 3:16 PM

Jan 2016
LucianRoy said:
Sad to see it end this way. Despite rolling scum, I still had fun interacting with everyone D1 just like old times. I would say I'd be down for a re-roll or a salty runback, but I'm about to get terribly busy with classes and a potential new job, so all in all GGs everyone.

And special ggs to Cross for catching me in two posts, made me do a double take.

Despite the turn out for this game, I still think this old club has some life to it, and it would warm my heart to see a stand-up moderator take the reigns and host a good, normal game where both sides are having fun, but that might just be a pipe dream.

Props to my scumteam for making the most out of a tricky D1 situation, and special props to Jack for giving this game his all despite the situation that arose.

This is the part where I'd shill for my game, but I don't think I have the time or energy to host a good one these days.

Thanks for hosting Pyro.
was a pleasure playing with you too my man

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