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- Total Entries1,714
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- Episodes17,207
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- Total Entries673
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- Chapters9,385
- Volumes2,141
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All Comments (604) Comments
While our tastes might not be entirely compatible, I don't see anything outrageous AND I see Watashi in your list of favorites.
a most astute salesperson has been seen
treading skillfully while surveying comfy carpets
going all in on his passions and impressions
spending and saving money both in intriguing ways
following his secret credo of YAPPARI ECONOMI(SH)
Anime can be tough sledding at times, but you have to take what you can get. Not sure about the excuse being good enough, but thanks for elaborating there! Unfortunately, I've become distant over time to Key works so Kaginado would be a hard sell on paper.
Don't get your hopes too far up with the fantasy stuff! haha I'm not sure what I'm looking for with anime outside of the "certain" sequels like Takagi-san. I just go into each season blind and build my hype on the fly. Before the Fall season started I had Selection Project eyed out as a show I thought I would see through, yet I dropped it relatively swiftly. Meanwhile, thanks to a friend I saw through Mieruko-chan and was surprisingly fond of it. On my own, I think that show would've been gone after the first episode with the weird ghoul designs and seemingly aimless nature of what I saw then. Anyway, the fanservice was nice to enjoy and joke around about, but the atmosphere of the serious and tense moments was the real selling point there. Hope to see another season, as it was one of the more unique anime experiences for me in recent times.
I actually haven't been reading manga *that* much in the process of learning Japanese, as you maybe can see, but I've been watching/listening tons - and for the last several months I've been reading novels and light novels, including following along with audiobooks, some from those chosen by a learners' book club on Discord😅
I do want to look into Japanese-language textbooks, soon-ish...
That sounds rather ambitious. Is this going to be driven mostly by your career or field of interests? Or is it for a fresh start and new scenery? With that thought of yours, I guess what really matters is that you analyze the potential risks and rewards and make any move (or hold off from a move) with confidence. If you're bored with no real goals or ambitions, a change in scenery probably isn't going to do much for you.
Interesting. I'm not sure how I would approach Kaginado, since the chibi-style really isn't my thing at all. Mushoku Tensei is certainly difficult for me as well, as I find some characters and aspects of the show to be ridiculous. The quality production values are usually offset by all the awkward sexual humor and suggestive content, and a lot of times I wish the show had a greater focus on the more compelling fantasy, magic, and traveling elements. It was on a roll with building up and resolving the Greyrat family conflict, but with the latest episode and the princes just seemed to remind me of why I honestly can't take this show seriously. Now with Aquatope, it moves at a nice pace, but I feel like at the end of it all it really might not have too much to say about Kukuru's and Fuuka's motives and progression throughout the series. I feel like the drama at times is too timely and even routine, but I like how it feels as a coming-of-age story and seeing all the aquarium folks clashing and bonding together. The Senpai one has the type of adult setting and humor that I crave, paired with such a relaxing and upbeat atmosphere. I'm not one to care about age differences in potential romantic relationships, but height differences? That young woman is as vertically-challenged as they come! haha
Anyway, feel free to make use of Discord. I'm not sure how quickly I'll respond, but I will respond!