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Nov 28, 2009 2:24 AM

Oct 2009
Lisa Oakwood...another person that goes to my graveyard blog....T_T A episode that tells the past of Luke and it was time to know. The promise in the begining was with Luke and Oakwood was very cute and liked the scenery. Cecily looks better with her dress than a maid dress/armor....she should be Luke's wife. :D Elza is interesting but she is another demon sword....was fooled into thinking she was some innocent girl knight...apparently not. Lisa Oakwood's tragic death was worth T_T She died of a monster took her and killed her. Is it possible that Luke got his eye around that time? His grave visit was much he took Cecily's hand (did not see him do that nor getting so emotional) and got some support from her. Guess this episode made me like Cecily again. Last moments of Lisa Oakwood before she attacks the monster and the her Katana breaks.....such a beautiful waste she looked like Cecily but was better for Luke and he loved her...Luke.....sad is sad and am least she tried to protect Luke. and a new demon sword that can shoot balls of lightning from the sky or on the ground....can it create the weather for it also like Claudette from Queen's blade does? It sure looks like it needs to absorb lightning first then shoot it but it can do it from ground and sky...interesting demon sword and the guy looks like Highlander=>
Hope Lisa does not die in the next episode......*_* Dear God, I just noticed the monster that took her crushed her inside of that cocoon with blood splatter....that makes it even more T_T she was so young.....really sad for Luke.
francismeunierNov 28, 2009 3:06 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Nov 28, 2009 11:35 PM

Dec 2008
this show is so shit i dont even know why i watch it anymore
Nov 29, 2009 12:55 AM

Oct 2009
Syllen said:
this show is so shit i dont even know why i watch it anymore

You don't like cute Lisa Oakwood? I felt bad for her death and new demon sword is great!

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Nov 29, 2009 3:42 AM

Aug 2008
better episode, thank god it went back to Luke's side, ain't much better and even Cecily is better in Luke type episodes haha
Nov 29, 2009 3:51 AM

May 2009
Lisa Oakwood is like a mix between Cecily and Lisa. I wonder who Lisa really is? Luke just found her and picked her up? I doubt that. There's got to be more. Her eyes and hair look similar to Oakwood.
Nov 29, 2009 6:12 AM
Dec 2008
Glad that Luke is now in the spotlight, but his past is kinda 'meh" and I didn't really feel sorry for him and his childhoodfriend. I guess the best part was Lisa turning out to be Valbanill
Nov 29, 2009 6:56 AM

Jul 2009
This arc seems promising
Nov 29, 2009 9:19 AM

Nov 2008
OftheFlesh said:
I guess the best part was Lisa turning out to be Valbanill
Huh, I guess I seriously must have missed something.
Nov 29, 2009 9:20 AM

May 2009
desolato said:
OftheFlesh said:
I guess the best part was Lisa turning out to be Valbanill
Huh, I guess I seriously must have missed something.
Well.. That man with the lightning demon sword called out "Valbanill" and attacked Lisa. He could be delusional.. :P
Nov 29, 2009 9:38 AM

Apr 2009
This show should have been about Luke from the beginning. Even though this episode was decent, it still doesn't do justice to everything preceding...
Nov 29, 2009 10:12 AM

Oct 2008
Yep, it feels like Backsmith just started.
Nov 29, 2009 10:31 AM

Sep 2007
stAtic91 said:
desolato said:
OftheFlesh said:
I guess the best part was Lisa turning out to be Valbanill
Huh, I guess I seriously must have missed something.
Well.. That man with the lightning demon sword called out "Valbanill" and attacked Lisa. He could be delusional.. :P

I somehow doubt that Lisa is really Valbanill. After all, it was "the man in black" who told the guy that Lisa was Valbanill. Lisa is surely special, but I don't believe she is the great demon villain cave troll that she's accused of being.
Nov 29, 2009 12:14 PM

Sep 2009
Wasabi said:
stAtic91 said:
desolato said:
OftheFlesh said:
I guess the best part was Lisa turning out to be Valbanill
Huh, I guess I seriously must have missed something.
Well.. That man with the lightning demon sword called out "Valbanill" and attacked Lisa. He could be delusional.. :P

I somehow doubt that Lisa is really Valbanill. After all, it was "the man in black" who told the guy that Lisa was Valbanill. Lisa is surely special, but I don't believe she is the great demon villain cave troll that she's accused of being.

Wow if Lisa is Valbanill ...the shows really awesome then though i dont anything happening to Lisa , but guess Lisa is somehow connected to Valbanill because in this ep Luke talked about protecting Lisa and at the same time showed Valbanill who killed his childhood friend = these events must be related somehow...or maybe i am just thinking too much into it..XD

Keeping Luke as a subject in this ep made me like it...he really was cute when he was little.

~ Luke fights in the next ep *yay*...oh wait forgot have to wait for a week..damnation.
Nov 29, 2009 12:58 PM
Nov 2008
Ahahaha *_* A Luke episode , finally :X.

Anyway , besides the fact that now i'm curious about Lisa even more , did we get to see a little luke x cecily thingie there ? [ it looked better than i expected -.- ]

But still : they better make a season 2 , it's IMPOSSIBLE at this point [ episode 9 ] to conclude the story , not even lightly.
Nov 29, 2009 1:24 PM

Jul 2008
so we finally hear about the other lisa, and cecily is pushed to be with luke. and what a cliffhanger, obviously luke will be hurt or fine, but lisa is another thing, she could be dead!
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Nov 29, 2009 2:15 PM
Nov 2009
I really liked this episode, finally we got some information about Luke`s past which I have been looking forward too. But Lisa`s past is still unclear and even tho the man with the lightning demon sword belive that she is Valbanill I seriously doubt that she is(The man in black can not be trusted!). BUT I belive that there is some sort of connection between her and Valbanill, and one of the reasons for that is 1. after 11 min of the episode it looks like the girl(demon sword) is going to strangle Lisa, but she stops in the last sec. 2 Luke said in episode 5 that he "found" Lisa, but where did he find her? And 3, Lisa does not join Luke on his way to the graveyard but normally she follow Luke all the time(what chould be the reason for this?)
PS I agree with the others that say that this anime is way to short, I mean just 12 episodes? If you look at the plot and the characters in the anime Im sure they chould make houndres of episodes and to just make 12 would kinda ruin this great anime, a lot of this will be shortened and the anime would look very unfinished if you ask me. So I really hope that they add season 2 or something so we can see more of Cecily and Luke`s epic adventures.(I have not read the manga for this anime, so I might be wrong in many of my thoughts about the things I have written here)
GazandoomNov 30, 2009 3:18 AM
Nov 29, 2009 2:17 PM

Aug 2008
Good episode. Getting somewhere again.
Nov 29, 2009 3:54 PM

Oct 2009
Linalee-Stratos said:
Wasabi said:
stAtic91 said:
desolato said:
OftheFlesh said:
I guess the best part was Lisa turning out to be Valbanill
Huh, I guess I seriously must have missed something.
Well.. That man with the lightning demon sword called out "Valbanill" and attacked Lisa. He could be delusional.. :P

I somehow doubt that Lisa is really Valbanill. After all, it was "the man in black" who told the guy that Lisa was Valbanill. Lisa is surely special, but I don't believe she is the great demon villain cave troll that she's accused of being.

Wow if Lisa is Valbanill ...the shows really awesome then though i dont anything happening to Lisa , but guess Lisa is somehow connected to Valbanill because in this ep Luke talked about protecting Lisa and at the same time showed Valbanill who killed his childhood friend = these events must be related somehow...or maybe i am just thinking too much into it..XD

Keeping Luke as a subject in this ep made me like it...he really was cute when he was little.

~ Luke fights in the next ep *yay*...oh wait forgot have to wait for a week..damnation.

About Lisa...does not the OP show some clue also?
Gazandoom said:
I really liked this episode, finally we got some information about Luke`s past which I have been looking forward too. But Lisa`s past is still unclear and even tho the man with the lightning demon sword belive that she is Valbanill I seriously doubt that she is(The man in black can not be trusted!). BUT I belive that there is some sort of connection between her and Valbanill, and one of the reasons for that is 1. after 11 min of the episode it looks like the girl(demon sword) is going to strangle Lisa, but she stops in the last sec. 2 Luke said in episode 4 that he "found" Lisa, but where did he find her? And 3, Lisa does not join Luke on his way to the graveyard but normally she follow Luke all the time(what chould be the reason for this?)

Your points are good at raising doubts about Lisa being Valbanill but I was thinking monster eating her made her like that....maybe he never ate Lisa but made her into another person? I am really curious about this Valbanill

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Nov 29, 2009 4:59 PM

Feb 2009
I'm so confused....they aren't going to kill of Lisa, right? Because that would be just awful, she's my favorite along with Luke.

But I'm really glad the plot is starting to move forward, we're getting somewhere and the suspense was really well done this episode!

Nov 29, 2009 5:31 PM

Jun 2007
well now we know why Luke's eye is messed up or possibly fake. Valbanill destroyed it for some reason.

Not really sure why Lisa would be Valbanill or even a descendant of his. I mean there are hints at it being true but it just seems too convenient for me. Luke's whole purpose is to find a sword that can kill a god with the current Lisa has been helping with. I'm guessing he wants to kill the demon Valbanill in the mountain. It would be weird if Lisa was the "new" Valbanill.
Nov 29, 2009 6:04 PM

Sep 2008
Ok.. that was interesting.
Some of the questions about Luke were answered. Including what his problem is with Cecily.

Thought the dress was a nice look for Cecily, particularly because her bust didn't stand out quite as much.

Looks like the demon swords are human reincarnations? Since Lisa appears to be reincarnated Oakwood, the girl this episode talked about her own death and then appears to be a demon sword..
BastionNov 29, 2009 6:13 PM

"You're such an idiot."
~Celty (Durarara)

"How many seconds until the boy confesses his love to the girl?"

Should it be sad now that twice in a season I've been glad that subs scrolls by to quickly for me to process?

Nov 29, 2009 6:32 PM

Mar 2009
Well.. I like how they didn't go dwelling pointless story time by allowing Luke to tell Cecily about his past without doing the whole "being cold" act.

Nov 29, 2009 7:45 PM

Oct 2009
Bastion said:
Ok.. that was interesting.
Some of the questions about Luke were answered. Including what his problem is with Cecily.

Thought the dress was a nice look for Cecily, particularly because her bust didn't stand out quite as much.

Looks like the demon swords are human reincarnations? Since Lisa appears to be reincarnated Oakwood, the girl this episode talked about her own death and then appears to be a demon sword..

Actually that is quite interesting about these Demon sword reincarnations but why those people become demon swords and not human beings again? Then who was Aria before and does Oakwood sword exists somewhere. It does say why Luke is looking for a demon sword...who would not want to be with his beloved even if she was a sword? Question is who is Lisa with him? Can she be some special sword but it does not show it yet? Many more questions arised again.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Nov 29, 2009 8:01 PM

May 2008
Yep definitely an interesting episode, i was wondering who the black-haired girl is, and i still am. Well hopefully Lisa wont die or else we will probably have an episode of Luke emoing and Cecily telling him to be a man

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Nov 29, 2009 8:05 PM

Nov 2008
Well, finally some progression!
Nov 29, 2009 9:59 PM
Feb 2009
since that elza/elsa is dead but now there r a demon sword look like elsa, so i personally believe the demon sword will take the human form that the wielder desire when the demon sword is born; that applied to lisa who took the form of lisa oakwood.

well, no matter what the caste, i dont believe lisa valbanill at all. why? coz it is the man in black's saying ;p

greenmush said:
Well hopefully Lisa wont die or else we will probably have an episode of Luke emoing and Cecily telling him to be a man
oblivious is a bliss
Nov 29, 2009 10:08 PM

Aug 2008
Bastion said:
Ok.. that was interesting.
Some of the questions about Luke were answered. Including what his problem is with Cecily.

Thought the dress was a nice look for Cecily, particularly because her bust didn't stand out quite as much.

Looks like the demon swords are human reincarnations? Since Lisa appears to be reincarnated Oakwood, the girl this episode talked about her own death and then appears to be a demon sword..

This. Except I don't think they're reincarnations, but that the demons that kill these girls take over their bodies and become swords. Since Luke is looking for a specific demon sword, I'd guess that he is already aware of this, but he could be ignorant of the fact.

Besides that good little nugget, this show proves to be the dress-up anime of the year with its vapid attempts at pandering.
Nov 29, 2009 10:09 PM

Jul 2007
Maximatum99 said:
Well, finally some progression!

Agreed, lets hope the anime doesn't fail on us.
Nov 29, 2009 11:09 PM
Feb 2009

oO Luke's gf???

Nov 30, 2009 1:22 AM

Jun 2009
Yes! Finaly some good episode with plot and character developement.
Nov 30, 2009 2:24 AM

Aug 2009
At least there was some plot progression in this episode.
Nov 30, 2009 5:58 AM

Nov 2008
Luke sure had a sad past. And I guess that's the reason for him being such a badass, lol
Tosi ystävyys ei jäädy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Nov 30, 2009 1:14 PM

Sep 2009
This show will have just more 3 episodes? Really?? Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Nov 30, 2009 2:40 PM

Jul 2009
So, we get loli fried steak in teh next ep? Yum....=d

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Nov 30, 2009 3:31 PM

Apr 2009
That black haired girl is demon sword that controls lightning. I think Luke found Lisa in the cave. Cuz black haired girl said Lisa has same blood with Valbanill. That makes me guess Lisa is the daughter of Valbanill >.<
Nov 30, 2009 7:58 PM
Oct 2009
Did this episode just barely get by without a (direct) mention of Cecily's boobs?

Well, only 3 episodes to go...
Nov 30, 2009 9:55 PM

Nov 2009
Fatentity said:
Good episode. Getting somewhere again.


FINALLY. hopefully the rest of the eps are as enjoyable and not a waste of space like ep 7 o.e

Nov 30, 2009 11:49 PM

May 2008
Lisa Oakwood, wow sad story, but man she looks like cecily, sad past story since he lost his father and lisa, anyway i thought that elsa was going to strangle lisa for a second, but offf.

cecily looked good in that clothes ^^ but i guess didnt make progress after what luke told her. but one thin that is suprising is that the knight clled him kanilabile etc O.o
just when it was getting exciting, it finished, cant wait for the next one.
Dec 1, 2009 12:40 AM
Jun 2008
New demon sword is interesting. Lighting balls is something new.
Bleach is everything, other anime is meaningless.

Dec 1, 2009 4:59 AM

Sep 2007
Oh really good episode.
Liked the past.
Dec 1, 2009 6:50 AM

Oct 2009
Noticed something...Lisa Oakwood and Cecily have similar personalities by a lot. Valbanill can turn young girls that it kills into demon swords? Elsa is a good example if her story is true. Is it possible Valbanill can be Lisa because it ate Lisa Oakwood and took a similar shape to her? Luke did find her but where? Maybe Valbanill can take form of people it eats? BTW is it me or this part is drawn badly?=>

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 1, 2009 8:59 AM

Feb 2009
I liked this episode, not only because we got to know a bit more about Luke, but it actually furthered the plot. However I still can't see how this series can be concluded in the next 3 episodes. O_O I enjoyed the fact that Cecily and Luke got a bit close to eachother, that was sweet. It was odd how he just grabbed her and told her to go with him. Looks like those two will be getting together at the end of this series. XD
Dec 1, 2009 9:00 AM

Sep 2007
That can't be conclued ...
The light novel continue ...
So if that good, we can have a second season after ?
Dec 1, 2009 9:12 AM

Jul 2009
omg...the next ep is called "Lovers Suicide -Tragedy-" i hope nobody dies...maybe that white hair guy and the sword died?hm..i hope its not lisa or cecily or luke
Dec 1, 2009 6:14 PM

May 2009
A very interesting episode. It's been watchable throughout, but I've only started to warm up to the series recently as Cecily has become less annoying and even somewhat likable. The focus on Luke certainly helps and especially since the story is finally headed somewhere now.
ArcticMechDec 1, 2009 6:42 PM
Dec 1, 2009 6:31 PM

Oct 2009
snowteddy said:
omg...the next ep is called "Lovers Suicide -Tragedy-" i hope nobody dies...maybe that white hair guy and the sword died?hm..i hope its not lisa or cecily or luke

O_O I missed that title. This looks bad, I wonder what it could be about?

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 3:04 PM
Jun 2009
Well, if Lisa is the "new" Valbanill, it would both be interesting, and boring.
I hope nothing gets...too cliche. Though I do highly doubt she is, perhaps this anime will surprise me, yes? (:
Dec 2, 2009 9:43 PM

Apr 2009
Ahh, so much Luke! I looooooved it. Ive been wanting an episode like this since this show started. I hope Lisa doesnt get hurt. That would hurt Luke so much. :(
Ahh, Luke you are the only reason im watching this.
Dec 3, 2009 1:55 AM

Jul 2009
ShiroiRyu said:
That can't be conclued ...
The light novel continue ...
So if that good, we can have a second season after ?
I just wanted to see Cecily's bad ass mode in manga here in anime XD
Dec 3, 2009 2:36 PM

Aug 2009
To tell u guys the truth, this show is a mess and the slowest show I've ever watched. What about those 3 villain-looking in the OP? It's ep 9 now and they never show up (well, they are more like a cameo). And I believe this anime only has 12 episodes. Damn! :(
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