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Aug 11, 2021 1:47 PM

Jun 2012
I just finished Gou and caught up with Sotsu, so I can say with certainty (haha) that the whole "world without Rika" thing was never established before. We knew Rika had to die first in order for Satoko to follow that specific version, but otherwise the consequences of Satoko dying first were never made clear. I had just assumed she'd start with a fresh Rika or something and have to start the whole dumbass torture plan from scratch.
Aug 12, 2021 3:39 PM

Mar 2009
This series is trying so hard to redeem Teppei. So ludicrous. Nice try. It's not working on me.

Looking forward to the next Higurashi in 2030. Satoko redemption arc lmao.
Aug 13, 2021 12:54 AM

Jul 2012
Hulio said:
Danpmss said:
Sotsu actually adapted Rena's character arc from the VN and her most intimate issues, Deen's anime skipped those completely.
And which ones are these?
When ever someone mentions this I start thinking about the Ibaraki flashback scene, and there wasn't any meaningful difference.

For other not easily pinpointed parts I would need to rewatch Deen and reread the VN, which I'm not going to do at this point.

Take a look on Tsumi's VN whenever you have the time, you will have a pleasant surprise on how more developed she is overall, and how Sotsu expanded that for an anime only perspective.
Well it was the best chapter so I'll definitely eventually read it again.. But what are these good Sotsu expansions?

As for the strawman discourse, you are sorta combating me as if i was this aforementioned strawman "fanboy" that I'm not
Well you definitely don't feel like that guy, but it's peculiar we get the usage of these terms only from one side of the aisle.

Hell, I tried to interact sometimes when you guys seemed to have an interesting speculation about something here and there
Well... I guess there was a short time when we could try speculating things. But those haven't been around for a long time. There's really barely been any room for speculation.

but it usually just devolved into you turning into a glaring negative point to be bashed
Personally I don't see why bashing negative points is any worse as a comment/argument than praising the positive parts. It's not as if the negative parts/pointing them out are inherently worse because they are about the negatives.
Maybe it makes some people feel bad, but what about it.. We're supposed to make everyone feel good?

that's sorta obnoxious, it just really makes it feel like no matter what the show comes up with, you people will try to see it in a bad way
And this really goes both ways. Not pointing at you specifically, but that's how it is in general, and especially was.

and if it isn't what you expected, it's "even worse".
If only did I ever want this show to surprise me and not be what I was expecting, lol.

Yo, my bad for taking so long. Life isn't going too easy on me, I barely have time to maintain text heavy discussions for more than a day per week honestly lol

Anyway, I'll go straight to the point and just skip the doomposting argument, it won't go anywhere honestly.

You were asking about Tsumi and what are the elements each element have on it that makes for a better display in Sotsu compared to the first anime.

Let's say that the Deen anime rushed through those aforementioned 7 or so minutes displayed in Sotsu with her backstory, family relations and just how much this is hurting her in 2 minutes or so haha (it's an entire monologue heavy, depressing hour long chapter in the visual novel dedicated to that, and the way it was displayed and executed in Sotsu was just SO MUCH more like how it felt in the visual novel and what it described using a shit ton of words.

The "show don't tell" in those seven minutes are much better of a representation and a legit and welcomed adaptation expansion than the blazing fast summary Rena gets in a timeframe the OG anime adaptation, it's a given. Even Sotsu distilling so much from the VNs anyway (you read the VNs, which is cool, as I don't have to shill over how well written Rena was established in there lol).

Deen show you the basic plot, a little bit of her conversation with her mom and her breaking things at home, the end. Her dad is basically a non-character in her life that she is incredibly angry for and happen to matter a lot even if you don't even have a grasp of how much (unlike Sotsu), while in the VNs it's made clear just how much he means to her. Makes her resolve to kill for him feel as rushed and forced as K1 in Tatarigoroshi's anime (while in the VN, kinda difficult to forget, it's a maddening spiral of frustration that slowly drives him to a breaking point).

Sotsu managed to get us this very intimate side of Rena towards her family just, a LOT better, similar to how the the VN buildups usually go for.

To prove that point, unfortunately, I would either have to quote a shit ton of text and a shit ton of screenshots if I were to display, so that you wouldn't have to reread or rewatch yourself, and honestly that would be a pain in the ass, so I won't. I didn't have time to even comment on the latest episode yet LOL
DanpmssAug 13, 2021 12:59 AM
Aug 13, 2021 1:05 PM

Oct 2014
Danpmss said:
Yo, my bad for taking so long. Life isn't going too easy on me, I barely have time to maintain text heavy discussions for more than a day per week honestly lol

Let's say that the Deen anime rushed through those aforementioned 7 or so minutes displayed in Sotsu with her backstory, family relations and just how much this is hurting her in 2 minutes or so haha
Well I can't argue Deen's feeling rushed.. that's just how animes in general feel in comparison.
But I don't remember having any problems understanding the situation either.

In here, there might have been couple scenes which I don't remember if they were shown in Deen's (or in VN to that matter) for example Dad slapping her and the aftermath.

More minutes is always more minutes, but even in here, some of those 7 were void, as if prolonged to get more minutes - Rena scene eating all parfaits with mom was relatively longer than it needed to be.

The "show don't tell" in those seven minutes are much better of a representation and a legit and welcomed adaptation expansion than the blazing fast summary Rena gets in a timeframe the OG anime adaptation, it's a given.
For the most part it comes down to our feelings and understanding. And gotta say, I just didn't feel this one. Not saying that Deen did the background characterization better, but neither did Sotsu in a manner it deserves the absolute praise in comparison.
Sotsu however does do some other not so good characterization choices.

(while in the VN, kinda difficult to forget, it's a maddening spiral of frustration that slowly drives him to a breaking point).
Like all of them were really. Too bad neither "adaptation" really taps on it.

Sotsu managed to get us this very intimate side of Rena towards her family just, a LOT better, similar to how the the VN buildups usually go for.
Iiii dunno, I wouldn't call Sotsu anything close to how the VNs where... Not even similar no.

I guess the biggest and simplest difference between Deen & GouSotsu is that Deen had episodes that were rushed, but the other one not being better by simply just wasting episodes to nothing.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Aug 15, 2021 12:37 PM

Jul 2008
oh this arc....I was wondering how this would work.....Satoko you are depraved indeed.
Aug 21, 2021 6:41 AM

Oct 2016
The club's antics are, as always, a lot of fun. Keiichi's reaction when he saw Satoko ran to Rena for help and realized his doom is so priceless.

Just as I expected. Satoko used her uncle to pretend victim.

Satoko being the victim of the village's bully is actually true, but to think that she used it to crush her friend is just cruel. If Satoko's crying happened before Gou-Sotsu, I would've been sympathetic. But now, nah...
Aug 22, 2021 12:08 PM
May 2018
meh waiting to see the next tragedy
Sep 26, 2021 8:11 AM

Mar 2010
Haha she could have fooled me xD but yea funny how Satako wants Rikka to stay but then again she has more terrible memories there than good if you think about it.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Oct 3, 2021 8:57 PM

Sep 2021
That talk between Satoko and Rika about leaving/staying in Hinamizawa iirc took place somewhere else and in another time? unless that was another out-of-context fragment from some random time and Satoko proceeds to kill Rika off-screen after seeing how Rika still wants to leave Hinamizawa...

didn't expect that Rika would not be around in the next fragment if Satoko dies first. I assumed it would be a different Rika if Satoko died first but whatever; the specifics of how everything (lore, abilities, etc.) works seems to just be: [I say this is how things work so that is the way things work now, everything else, I shall add-on or explain later if necessary LOL] as far as I can tell for this anime

Teppei being all nice is still giving me the creeps. if Satoko was really being bullied, she could have asked to stay with Teppei in Okonomiya and transfer schools (if there are any) there if you think about it...oh, then again she might manifest Hinamizawa syndrome if she leaves huh (i don't know the lore too deeply so please don't blame me for any mistakes in my conjecture here)
yhagniOct 3, 2021 9:02 PM
Dec 27, 2021 11:18 AM
Nov 2010
I wonder how Rika can figure out the way to beat Satoko. Unlike Satoko, I don't think she has what it takes to kill her.

At that point Satoko is good enough to join the NPB. She has more experience than your average batter. lol

Aww, I feel bad for Teppei. Damn, Satoko is such a master manipulator thinking back to those episodes in Gou. She really made it seem like she was being abused again. Interesting.
Jun 21, 2022 8:47 AM

Jun 2011
I knew there was a reason they never showed us the Hojo household situation back in Gou.. Satoko is such a bitch. She told her uncle everyone in Hanamizawa bullied her for.. yeah no reason. She's trying to get everyone killed for.. I don't know. Remember when her motive was to get Rika to not leave Hanamizawa? She's trying to accomplish that by getting everyone killed. 10/10

Everyone in this series is a tier S actress who are better than Meryl Streep, they know how to summon tears on command and switch their mood 180 in an instant. Truly incredible. They're also conveniently at the right place stalking 80% of the time when the plot demanded them to.

This is terrible. As much as I appreciate Sotsu for filling in the blanks of the events in Gou, it's really not necessary and I just want to know how this is all gonna end.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Nov 29, 2022 2:38 AM
Oct 2022
Danpmss said:
PinkShibaInu said:

Give it a rest R07 isn't gonna give you his phone number.

I was praising Gou at the start but halfway it just genuinely hasn't felt great at all, then up to now it's only become more clear to me why. It just FEELS shallow and the only people praising it so far are just "ooh ah look at this it's like walking through a spooky mansion with jumpscares 10/10 I'm easily impressed!"

Well not EVERYONE is so easily impressed just because psycho yandere bitch continues being pure trash. Also stop acting like everyone in the world who DOESN'T treat this like it's a masterpiece is some kind of filthy pleb who just isn't high IQ enough to get it.

It's a show reduced to loli torture porn that sells merchandise like half-naked Rena/Mion now. BRUH, it's not that deep anymore give it a rest. Any deeper meaning to this show was gone from the start.

You are generalizing, there's clearly more thought put into this than it seems, not that it matters, you are missing my point. This series has its flaws, I point the ones I find myself. You are arguing a strawman as well, nobody is calling this a masterpiece (I myself point out several lacks in execution in big chunks of text, why don't you check my posts before implying I'm a fanboy blindly defending this). I'm explicitly talking about the few people in here every week shitting on this anime, sometimes accidentally shitting on the OH so sacred OG series they so much love, since several portions are straight adapted from the VN, since the first anime skipped a lot of stuff including essential characterization, which said doomposters don't even try commenting upon either because they don't know, as they never touched the source material, or because they are just trying to blindly hate on EVERYTHING that may come from this.

Do tell me, how ironic do you think it is to me, someone going as far as to screenshot and quote from the source material and properly analyzing side by side character threads every week while doing my theorizing with other folks in other social media platforms, when I see people writing this amount of unfounded criticism while having the shitty anime adaptation as a 10/10 and favorite on their lists?

At least my 10 for this is temporary to combat the 1/10s this gets gratuitously, and is subject to change to even a 3-4/10 in case this sucks, I don't sincerely this a perfect score because I think it has little to no flaws. Then again, I wasn't even talking about you (hell, I don't remember discussing with you, and yet you assumed yourself to fit the doomposting criteria), but if the shoe fits, I guess that's on you.

You aren't free from being called a doomposter just because you initially hated a thing btw. It's more about how you address the series in your posts than what you think of it yourself, and from the moment you are actively just shitting on it with literally nothing new to add, to the point of complaining about inconsistencies that aren't there and that any people with knowledge about the series can point you why is it now, you ARE doomposting about it.

The same way someone ignoring anything else and deeming it perfect with no criticisms to be said, praising it and glorifying it without batting an eye to anything else, they are fanboying flatterers, just as binarily blind, like little kids making boys vs girls competitions since you can only be in one of those sides. You know how stupid the reply comment above yours sound when trying to parallel me as following suit?

And yours, implying the very same?

No wonder people said anime communities have gone to shit. So glad I left this toxic community. It's worse than Reddit and Twitter combined.
Dec 7, 2022 7:05 AM

Jul 2012
MaverickIceman said:
Danpmss said:

You are generalizing, there's clearly more thought put into this than it seems, not that it matters, you are missing my point. This series has its flaws, I point the ones I find myself. You are arguing a strawman as well, nobody is calling this a masterpiece (I myself point out several lacks in execution in big chunks of text, why don't you check my posts before implying I'm a fanboy blindly defending this). I'm explicitly talking about the few people in here every week shitting on this anime, sometimes accidentally shitting on the OH so sacred OG series they so much love, since several portions are straight adapted from the VN, since the first anime skipped a lot of stuff including essential characterization, which said doomposters don't even try commenting upon either because they don't know, as they never touched the source material, or because they are just trying to blindly hate on EVERYTHING that may come from this.

Do tell me, how ironic do you think it is to me, someone going as far as to screenshot and quote from the source material and properly analyzing side by side character threads every week while doing my theorizing with other folks in other social media platforms, when I see people writing this amount of unfounded criticism while having the shitty anime adaptation as a 10/10 and favorite on their lists?

At least my 10 for this is temporary to combat the 1/10s this gets gratuitously, and is subject to change to even a 3-4/10 in case this sucks, I don't sincerely this a perfect score because I think it has little to no flaws. Then again, I wasn't even talking about you (hell, I don't remember discussing with you, and yet you assumed yourself to fit the doomposting criteria), but if the shoe fits, I guess that's on you.

You aren't free from being called a doomposter just because you initially hated a thing btw. It's more about how you address the series in your posts than what you think of it yourself, and from the moment you are actively just shitting on it with literally nothing new to add, to the point of complaining about inconsistencies that aren't there and that any people with knowledge about the series can point you why is it now, you ARE doomposting about it.

The same way someone ignoring anything else and deeming it perfect with no criticisms to be said, praising it and glorifying it without batting an eye to anything else, they are fanboying flatterers, just as binarily blind, like little kids making boys vs girls competitions since you can only be in one of those sides. You know how stupid the reply comment above yours sound when trying to parallel me as following suit?

And yours, implying the very same?

No wonder people said anime communities have gone to shit. So glad I left this toxic community. It's worse than Reddit and Twitter combined.

Agreed. This one series was a pain in the ass to theorize about, particularly.
Dec 9, 2022 8:18 PM
Oct 2022
Danpmss said:
MaverickIceman said:

No wonder people said anime communities have gone to shit. So glad I left this toxic community. It's worse than Reddit and Twitter combined.

Agreed. This one series was a pain in the ass to theorize about, particularly.

Danpmss, your posts are among the toxicity I was referring to. Arguing with people by attacking them even though they weren't attacking you as a person (merely attacking the show), coming up with unfounded criticisms that hold no grounds yet continuing insisting you were in the right without compromise or thought. Don't agree with me; I was criticizing you too and the entire MAL community. So glad I left for Anilist. Much more peaceful there without this kind of drama.

I only came back to check this particular thread out of morbid curiosity what kind of toxic reply I'd get. lol See you again in another month or more.
Dec 10, 2022 6:13 AM

Jul 2012
MaverickIceman said:
Danpmss said:

Agreed. This one series was a pain in the ass to theorize about, particularly.

Danpmss, your posts are among the toxicity I was referring to. Arguing with people by attacking them even though they weren't attacking you as a person (merely attacking the show), coming up with unfounded criticisms that hold no grounds yet continuing insisting you were in the right without compromise or thought. Don't agree with me; I was criticizing you too and the entire MAL community. So glad I left for Anilist. Much more peaceful there without this kind of drama.

I only came back to check this particular thread out of morbid curiosity what kind of toxic reply I'd get. lol See you again in another month or more.

I agree with you precisely because what you are calling me out on was the thing I was defending myself of from the start. and also calling it out being the case for weeks on end.

It's rather ironic that you are saying that I was the one doing as such, since I actually advocate against ad hominems in nearly every single reply I gave in a discussion for this series in particular, and usually criticize the fact someone's lack of knowledge about the canon itself for not bothering to read the original VN, which pushed them to go full doomposter for the remaining of the show, rather than them as individuals, which is what I'd guess is what you are considering to be ad-hominem, when it really isn't, per definition of the word.

Do quote whatever post of mine you feel like anyway, and see for yourself if that's not the case (heated arguments being, of course, a given). I posted my positive impressions and my personal criticism, and at every corner I got toxic replies of people wanting to tear this apart for even existing lol
Jan 10, 2023 2:45 AM

Apr 2016
Satoko is crazy!!! kekeke
Jan 28, 2023 3:27 AM

Apr 2013
This arc is not that interesting, since it's pretty easy to figure out how things will go. But once again the whole time travelling thing does not make a lot of sense. If Rika has 100 years experience, why is she so surprised how this world will turn out? She should know already.
Jun 19, 2023 11:16 AM
Oct 2022
Satoko is so much worse than all the ''villains'' before her. Most of them more or less had pretty valid reasons to take the questionable moral actions they did, but Satoko doesn't really have much of a good reason anymore. 
She says she wants Rika to stay in Hinamizawa, but in reality, she wants Rika to be utterly dependent on her, and from what I'm seeing, she will destroy the lives of everyone around her so she can have her for herself. 
If this isn't an abusive relationship, I'm not sure what is. Clearly, Satoko didn't learn from her experiences if she repeated everything she's been through and projected it onto others to satisfy her insecurities.
At least, this is what I got from my current observations.

On another note, it's interesting to see Teppei as a protagonist in his own right, considering he was one of the major antagonists. It seems Satoko took his place and is much worse than he is. I can finally understand why the thread "Do you hate Satoko" exists. 

Overall, the episode was solid, and this season despite being a little repetitive, is fascinating in its own right.
Oct 12, 2023 9:23 AM

Oct 2013
Woaw Satoko's even worse than I thought.

Since now her uncle is a kind man in every new shard (how convenient) she basically faked all her trauma in Gou. And Keichii & co got ALL THE VILLAGE to help her for nothing, and no one actually spoke to the uncle and realized he wans't a bad guy anymore ?

Now I feel bad for the "sos children" guys and their administration, of course the case wasn't moving since there's no real abuse at all here!

I swear watching this season is like watching a car crash in slowmotion.
Oct 15, 2023 12:15 AM
Sep 2013
Rewatching. Isn't there a huge plothole here? In this episode Eua says that Satoko will be transported to fragment where Rika is never born if she dies before Rika. But in Gou it was shown when Satoko first started looping that Satoko always killed herself before Rika (when she was trying to stop Rika from studying to St. Lucia exams and always failed) yet she was always transported to fragment where Rika is born as well. So why did this change?
Dec 15, 2023 5:06 PM

Jan 2020
Man, Sotsu is reaching such levels of ridiculousness that I am laughing right now xD

Satoko is extremely evil and it's making herself being the most hateable person in the universe, but their motives are so bad it's funny. I cannot take this seriously at this point.

Feb 22, 2024 3:05 AM

Dec 2018
Reply to eblf2013
Man, Sotsu is reaching such levels of ridiculousness that I am laughing right now xD

Satoko is extremely evil and it's making herself being the most hateable person in the universe, but their motives are so bad it's funny. I cannot take this seriously at this point.
@eblf2013 It's so goofy cuz why did she take years to learn to shoot a gun, studied Rika's trauma, commit atrocious crimes just cuz she couldn't be bothered to accustom to a posh school. It's always so hypocritcal whenever she says "you're so stubborn Rika" as if she isn't the most stubborn character ever
Feb 21, 12:50 PM

Dec 2018
Satoko is quite literally the biggest bitch ever ngl
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