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Nov 12, 2021 10:23 PM

Dec 2013
Imagine if Muv Luv and Muv Luv Alternative was made with budget and love as other great LN/VN adaption? Look at Steins;Gate, Clannad, 86, and the other beautiful anime that have been made with care, love, and budget. If Muv Luv had the same level of those anime this would easily be top 3 or even surpass Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood finally.

I know everyone feels the same but I just can not understand how Age gave the green light to this anime. It is so pathetically sad and under represents the VN. If anything it did harm because anyone watching the first few episodes wont even bother buying the VN anymore. Gosh what a huge mistake.

"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
-Oreki Houtarou
Nov 13, 2021 12:21 AM
Jan 2021
86 is a LN adaptation though and not a VN adaptation
Nov 13, 2021 12:33 AM

Jun 2012
Don't let me hope.
Nov 13, 2021 12:41 AM
Jan 2019
It's not about the budget - they are pouring money into the things that will in the end stick out the most, the action scenes. The problem is that the source material is fundamentally difficult to adapt from a story perspective. In order to make it work as an anime only experience for new viewers they would have had to very extensively rewrite it - which I think would probably have been the right call but would probably have angered certain fans as well.

Also it would never get into the Top 3 because it lacks mass appeal. MAL ratings were never really about quality but more of a popularity contest.
Nov 13, 2021 8:24 AM

Feb 2016
Incognimous said:
Also it would never get into the Top 3 because it lacks mass appeal. MAL ratings were never really about quality but more of a popularity contest.

Are you saying you don't think VNDB and ErogameScape are like popularity contests?
Nov 13, 2021 9:32 AM
Jan 2019
Lucifrost said:

Are you saying you don't think VNDB and ErogameScape are like popularity contests?

I don't think I am?
Nov 13, 2021 10:49 AM

Feb 2016
Then what makes VNDB different from MAL, in your opinion? How did Alternative become the #1 visual novel if it "lacks mass appeal?"
Nov 13, 2021 11:00 AM
Jan 2019
Lucifrost said:
Then what makes VNDB different from MAL, in your opinion? How did Alternative become the #1 visual novel if it "lacks mass appeal?"

It's a different medium altogether and a much smaller one than anime at that, especially outside of Japan. Media have different target demographics so different works of fiction can have a different appeal.
Nov 13, 2021 11:57 PM

Feb 2014
Incognimous said:
In order to make it work as an anime only experience for new viewers they would have had to very extensively rewrite it

I don't see why they would have to rewrite a lot. Just trim things down to a single route and tweak the pacing for 25 minute episodes. That much is standard fare for any visual novel adaptation.

The issue here is probably just risk. A proper adaptation would require at least two seasons, and probably three. Muv-luv Extra and Unlimited could be compressed into 12 episodes each, but Alternative would really need 48 episodes to do it proper justice.

Committing to a task that large is a huge financial risk, which evidently was calculated to be not worth it. After all, there's already several Muv-luv universe anime out there, all of which got mediocre reception. So this time they went for the minimal amount of brand recognition with an anime that is worthless by itself but makes for decent marketing material for the rest of the franchise.

The creators must know that absolutely no one will be satisfied by this kind of adaptation. Leaving you unsatisfied is the point... so you'll buy the game.

Unfortunately, that just isn't going to work for a massive potential audience. It's a disservice to humanity that this story will remain exclusive to a medium that only a few will experience.
Nov 14, 2021 2:08 AM
May 2021
Imo, it must've been made before 2013.
Nov 14, 2021 2:27 AM
Feb 2015
Thinking back if the anime plans for Muv-Luv wasn't cancelled in 2004, Muv-Luv may be very different now.
Nov 14, 2021 3:08 AM
Jan 2019

Of course the "ideal" scenario would have been to have a straight up adaptation of everything - to a degree at least, an anime would have to be paced very differently of course and have the stakes presented at certain points in time, for cliffhangers and all that. What we would end up with is two pretty mediocre seasons before actually getting to more interesting events.
That would probably be a hard sell to sponsors though - and it was, several deals fell through in the end to adapt Muv-Luv because sponsors backed out.

What I mean is that it takes rewriting to realistically make Muv-Luv Alternative work as a stand alone one cour (for now) anime experience. It is a very slow burner, even without the previous entries, and frankly the first few hours are just not very exciting, especially when disconnected from Unlimited. It's just speedrunning events to show his growth, which isn't very interesting. To me, a stand-alone Muv-Luv Alternative needs to do three things. a) Have an interesting hook in the beginning b) end at a point in the story that works as a climax and c) do not depend on knowledge of previous parts of the franchise.

Take Attack on Titan for instance (I only read the manga but I assume the anime works similarly so bear with me). It puts the action and drama up front and center. A Muv-Luv anime needs to do something similar, to hook people in. The way they tried to do that was with an anime original episode here which... works I guess, but there is a disconnect with the main narrative. Could have been better but I don't think it is a huge problem.

Then there is the fact that the early parts of Alternative depend a lot on events than transpired in Unlimited and that is really the part where I think rewriting is necessary. The main point of contention I have seen from anime onlies is that they cannot connect to Takeru's emotional state and that they are confused as to what is a mystery for the viewer and what is a mystery for Takeru. That's the problem with an adaptation of Alternative that is straight as an arrow - which this one is.

Regarding the end point of the season... well, unless you want to shift things around a lot, the 12/5 incident - which seems to be what they are going for - is really the earliest point in the story that works so unless you want to rush even more, this is it.

The way I would have done it personally is to not have Takeru remember things from his previous life (so the beginning would adapt things as they were in Unlimited) and only slowly have him remember things and discover that he has actually done this before, leading to him actually changing things. This serves three purposes, first we get to see him be a burden for his squad until he finally grows, second the audience has the same level of knowledge as he does and discovers stuff has he himself remembers it, and third there is an opportunity to show important character development moments for the other squad mates that are not seen in Alternative. At the very least I would have let things more or less happen as in Unlimited until Tama shoots down the HSST. The manga does this with more extensive flashbacks, but I think it would be more interesting to see events actually happen. Would still have to cover a ton of content though to make it work as a one cour.
Nov 14, 2021 3:11 AM
Jul 2018
That could have happened if it was done in the lat 00s or early 10s, but instead we got Muv Luv Total Eclipse cause Age was in need for cash.
Nov 15, 2021 5:35 AM

Jul 2014
Yes they could, oh I don't know, GO WITH THE ORIGINAL TIME LINE FROM THE BEGINNING ALA EXTRA/UNLIMITED. Alternative is just spoiler central from the beginning because it is essentially Groundhog Day for Takeru.

Death to Anime. 🙏
Nov 15, 2021 8:28 PM
Feb 2015
OppaiSugoi said:
Yes they could, oh I don't know, GO WITH THE ORIGINAL TIME LINE FROM THE BEGINNING ALA EXTRA/UNLIMITED. Alternative is just spoiler central from the beginning because it is essentially Groundhog Day for Takeru.

Death to Anime. 🙏

They could've done something much worse, like combine & rewrite the entire Muv-Luv trilogy from Extra, Unlimited & Alternative into 2 cour.
Nov 16, 2021 12:56 PM

Jan 2016
Who said it wasn't made with love? You literally assume things based on what the upper authorities have decided, that is that it's only going to be an alternative adaptation and that it's gonna be 24 episodes max. This is something that the developer "Age" themself have greenlit

The ones who've made the show are the staff which includes animators, directors, etc. who have in my opinion done their best with the budget and episodes restriction they're given.

It's not a good adaptation but it still feels very much like Muv Luv and most anime onlys aren't confused as to what's happening and are enjoying it
Nov 16, 2021 2:04 PM

Dec 2013
FireFistYK said:
Who said it wasn't made with love? You literally assume things based on what the upper authorities have decided, that is that it's only going to be an alternative adaptation and that it's gonna be 24 episodes max. This is something that the developer "Age" themself have greenlit

The ones who've made the show are the staff which includes animators, directors, etc. who have in my opinion done their best with the budget and episodes restriction they're given.

It's not a good adaptation but it still feels very much like Muv Luv and most anime onlys aren't confused as to what's happening and are enjoying it

sure thing buddy. whatrever helps you sleep at night.

"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
-Oreki Houtarou
Nov 16, 2021 2:06 PM

Jan 2016
Hyuse said:
FireFistYK said:
Who said it wasn't made with love? You literally assume things based on what the upper authorities have decided, that is that it's only going to be an alternative adaptation and that it's gonna be 24 episodes max. This is something that the developer "Age" themself have greenlit

The ones who've made the show are the staff which includes animators, directors, etc. who have in my opinion done their best with the budget and episodes restriction they're given.

It's not a good adaptation but it still feels very much like Muv Luv and most anime onlys aren't confused as to what's happening and are enjoying it

sure thing buddy. whatrever helps you sleep at night.

Lol, at least try to prove me wrong before trying to start up a conversation/discussion
Nov 17, 2021 8:16 AM

Jul 2014
FireFistYK said:
Who said it wasn't made with love? You literally assume things based on what the upper authorities have decided, that is that it's only going to be an alternative adaptation and that it's gonna be 24 episodes max. This is something that the developer "Age" themself have greenlit

The ones who've made the show are the staff which includes animators, directors, etc. who have in my opinion done their best with the budget and episodes restriction they're given.

It's not a good adaptation but it still feels very much like Muv Luv and most anime onlys aren't confused as to what's happening and are enjoying it

Lol, this is 2021 and we're given early 2000's FSN Deen quality 2D animation. And this is with THREE studios. Where did you get 24? Mal states 12. There's no further annoucement so none of us know if there is even another season, which may be be unlikely given how poor this is doing.

Death to Anime.
Nov 17, 2021 8:26 AM

Jan 2016
OppaiSugoi said:
FireFistYK said:
Who said it wasn't made with love? You literally assume things based on what the upper authorities have decided, that is that it's only going to be an alternative adaptation and that it's gonna be 24 episodes max. This is something that the developer "Age" themself have greenlit

The ones who've made the show are the staff which includes animators, directors, etc. who have in my opinion done their best with the budget and episodes restriction they're given.

It's not a good adaptation but it still feels very much like Muv Luv and most anime onlys aren't confused as to what's happening and are enjoying it

Lol, this is 2021 and we're given early 2000's FSN Deen quality 2D animation. And this is with THREE studios. Where did you get 24? Mal states 12. There's no further annoucement so none of us know if there is even another season, which may be be unlikely given how poor this is doing.

Death to Anime.

The animation is hardly F/SN Deen quality but we all have our own opinions

With the current pacing, they will probably end at
so it's pretty much guaranteed to be a split cour. One of the staff members also accidentally shared a picture with "episode 17 script" in the background so that's that.

3 studios doesn't mean it's 3 full staffed studios either and Age only wanted this as a quick cash grab before their new Muv Luv games
Nov 17, 2021 8:36 AM
Oct 2020
FireFistYK said:
OppaiSugoi said:

Lol, this is 2021 and we're given early 2000's FSN Deen quality 2D animation. And this is with THREE studios. Where did you get 24? Mal states 12. There's no further annoucement so none of us know if there is even another season, which may be be unlikely given how poor this is doing.

Death to Anime.

The animation is hardly F/SN Deen quality but we all have our own opinions

With the current pacing, they will probably end at
so it's pretty much guaranteed to be a split cour. One of the staff members also accidentally shared a picture with "episode 17 script" in the background so that's that.

3 studios doesn't mean it's 3 full staffed studios either and Age only wanted this as a quick cash grab before their new Muv Luv games

What makes you think this will have a 2nd cour? They had no problem ending TE midway through.
Nov 17, 2021 8:39 AM

Jan 2016
dailybread said:
FireFistYK said:

The animation is hardly F/SN Deen quality but we all have our own opinions

With the current pacing, they will probably end at
so it's pretty much guaranteed to be a split cour. One of the staff members also accidentally shared a picture with "episode 17 script" in the background so that's that.

3 studios doesn't mean it's 3 full staffed studios either and Age only wanted this as a quick cash grab before their new Muv Luv games

What makes you think this will have a 2nd cour? They had no problem ending TE midway through.

One of the staff members accidentally shared a picture with "episode 17 script" in the background
Nov 17, 2021 8:43 AM
Oct 2020
FireFistYK said:
dailybread said:

What makes you think this will have a 2nd cour? They had no problem ending TE midway through.

One of the staff members accidentally shared a picture with "episode 17 script" in the background

Not accidentally. You thought they'd have a script of the whole episode lying around in their desktop? They are just fucking with you.
Nov 17, 2021 8:59 AM

Jan 2016
dailybread said:
FireFistYK said:

One of the staff members accidentally shared a picture with "episode 17 script" in the background

Not accidentally. You thought they'd have a script of the whole episode lying around in their desktop? They are just fucking with you.

Sure, let's wait and see
Nov 17, 2021 9:09 AM
Oct 2020
FireFistYK said:
dailybread said:

Not accidentally. You thought they'd have a script of the whole episode lying around in their desktop? They are just fucking with you.

Sure, let's wait and see

Just reminding you that they've pulled this same exact thing with KimiNozo but sure. Let's wait and see.
Nov 17, 2021 9:11 AM

Jan 2016
dailybread said:
FireFistYK said:

Sure, let's wait and see

Just reminding you that they've pulled this same exact thing with KimiNozo but sure. Let's wait and see.

Yes I'm very much aware of that, they teased it at the end of Akane Maniax. I really don't think that they're not gonna fully adapt it, but as you said let's wait and see
Nov 17, 2021 9:16 AM
Oct 2020
FireFistYK said:
dailybread said:

Just reminding you that they've pulled this same exact thing with KimiNozo but sure. Let's wait and see.

Yes I'm very much aware of that, they teased it at the end of Akane Maniax. I really don't think that they're not gonna fully adapt it, but as you said let's wait and see

No? I'm talking about kiminozo localization script "accidentally" being in the background of a photonmelodies(was it photonmelodies?) post on muvluv's twitter. No kiminozo for us obviously.
Nov 17, 2021 9:18 AM

Jan 2016
dailybread said:
FireFistYK said:

Yes I'm very much aware of that, they teased it at the end of Akane Maniax. I really don't think that they're not gonna fully adapt it, but as you said let's wait and see

No? I'm talking about kiminozo localization script "accidentally" being in the background of a photonmelodies(was it photonmelodies?) post on muvluv's twitter. No kiminozo for us obviously.

Ah you meant that, my bad i thought you were referring to when they ended Akane Maniax with the start of Muv Luv (hence teasing an upcoming muv luv anime)
Nov 17, 2021 9:17 PM

Feb 2016
dailybread said:
No? I'm talking about kiminozo localization script "accidentally" being in the background of a photonmelodies(was it photonmelodies?) post on muvluv's twitter. No kiminozo for us obviously.

A translation was explicitly confirmed, multiple times. It's not a leak.
Nov 17, 2021 11:01 PM
Oct 2020
Lucifrost said:
dailybread said:
No? I'm talking about kiminozo localization script "accidentally" being in the background of a photonmelodies(was it photonmelodies?) post on muvluv's twitter. No kiminozo for us obviously.

A translation was explicitly confirmed, multiple times. It's not a leak.
This is when evan was first recruited into alternative localization project. At this point, it wasn't even confirmed at all. hence all the polls about which should get localized next. TDA obviously got chosen despite the popular vote screaming at kiminozo.
This is in october. The "leak" is in July.

And now the only way you can find the script is by looking for it at evan's bin
dailybreadNov 17, 2021 11:05 PM
Nov 18, 2021 5:28 AM

Jul 2014
dailybread said:
Lucifrost said:

A translation was explicitly confirmed, multiple times. It's not a leak.
This is when evan was first recruited into alternative localization project. At this point, it wasn't even confirmed at all. hence all the polls about which should get localized next. TDA obviously got chosen despite the popular vote screaming at kiminozo.
This is in october. The "leak" is in July.

And now the only way you can find the script is by looking for it at evan's bin

kiminozo official TL is considered dead/vaporware, its been at least a year with no status updates. I went ahead and MTL'd.
Nov 18, 2021 8:07 AM
Oct 2020
OppaiSugoi said:
dailybread said:
This is when evan was first recruited into alternative localization project. At this point, it wasn't even confirmed at all. hence all the polls about which should get localized next. TDA obviously got chosen despite the popular vote screaming at kiminozo.
This is in october. The "leak" is in July.

And now the only way you can find the script is by looking for it at evan's bin

kiminozo official TL is considered dead/vaporware, its been at least a year with no status updates. I went ahead and MTL'd.

There was a status update. Evan left the TL team with the script.
Nov 18, 2021 9:41 AM

Jul 2014
dailybread said:
OppaiSugoi said:

kiminozo official TL is considered dead/vaporware, its been at least a year with no status updates. I went ahead and MTL'd.

There was a status update. Evan left the TL team with the script.

yeah thats what I consider the project being dead.
Nov 18, 2021 11:15 AM

Oct 2010
if you want a good muv luv anime, just go to sleep and dream about it, the way things are today it's impossible and not because the VN is hard to adapt, it's just that people in the biz don't wanna do it, it's too time consuming and it doesn't guarantee big cash.
And I don't think it'll be top 3 on MAL, at the end of the day, it's just a sci fi sentimental harem with some robots and the ending is trash. I get why the fans are hyping it and loving it but you usual watcher won't be impressed
Nov 22, 2021 8:09 PM
Mar 2019
Catalano said:
if you want a good muv luv anime, just go to sleep and dream about it, the way things are today it's impossible and not because the VN is hard to adapt, it's just that people in the biz don't wanna do it, it's too time consuming and it doesn't guarantee big cash.
And I don't think it'll be top 3 on MAL, at the end of the day, it's just a sci fi sentimental harem with some robots and the ending is trash. I get why the fans are hyping it and loving it but you usual watcher won't be impressed

Very true, maybe if it was released before the isekai boom—late 2000's at most—it could have been a classic. But from the beginning there was no real iniciative from anyone to make it a good adaptation, they just wanted whatever they could get out there.
Nov 23, 2021 8:58 PM
Aug 2020
Catalano said:
at the end of the day, it's just a sci fi sentimental harem with some robots and the ending is trash.
trash opinion
[15 character]
Nov 24, 2021 8:28 AM

Jul 2019
Catalano said:
the ending is trash.

I wouldn't call it trash, just a bit disappointing and rushed, i expected at least 1 more chapter.

Catalano said:
it's just a sci fi sentimental harem

You could say the same about Steins;Gate but look at how popular it is.

Fax001sNov 24, 2021 8:31 AM
Dec 2, 2021 1:32 PM

Jan 2009
the budget meme again, the truth is there is an animator shortage crisis going on due to overproduction of anime this past decades, you can have all the budget you want but if you cannot find any new talented animators enough to animate all the anime out there this days then its useless

thats why im fine if this goes all full 3DCG show instead of seeing poor drawings and poor 2D animation quality
Dec 3, 2021 7:41 AM
May 2016
deg said:
the budget meme again, the truth is there is an animator shortage crisis going on due to overproduction of anime this past decades, you can have all the budget you want but if you cannot find any new talented animators enough to animate all the anime out there this days then its useless

thats why im fine if this goes all full 3DCG show instead of seeing poor drawings and poor 2D animation quality

The 3DCG will take a nosedive once they reintroduced the BETA back. No convenient low light background to hide the shoddy 3D job since humans never attack the BETA at night.
Btw did you really make over 70k posts.
Dec 3, 2021 8:35 AM
Oct 2020
lanphung said:
deg said:
the budget meme again, the truth is there is an animator shortage crisis going on due to overproduction of anime this past decades, you can have all the budget you want but if you cannot find any new talented animators enough to animate all the anime out there this days then its useless

thats why im fine if this goes all full 3DCG show instead of seeing poor drawings and poor 2D animation quality

The 3DCG will take a nosedive once they reintroduced the BETA back. No convenient low light background to hide the shoddy 3D job since humans never attack the BETA at night.
Btw did you really make over 70k posts.

>humans never attack the BETA at night.

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