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Oct 20, 2021 7:38 PM
Apr 2021
SchizoidRonin said:
theGodde said:
I never said it was the SOLE foundation. This is a result of your inability to provide actual arguments to back up your own point of view - instead having to resort to making blanket statements about me having a lack of comprehension.

Well actually that's exactly what you said, multiple times and that was my point. That it's not the foundation. The foundation of a house consists of multiple areas that each take a part of the load.
Here's some examples:
theGodde said:
Such a shame that a show with an awesome premise, awesome animation, and unique musical identity could be let down in arguably the most important area.

writing is the foundation for every show. Even if the hook is music, that doesn't change the fact that the writing is essential - more essential even than the premise itself

You care to elaborate on why good writing being the most important foundation for tv and movies of all mediums is subjective and not an objective statement that can be proved or disproved?

Not only did you say it you said it was an objective statement lol.

This is why I don't need to provide any "argument" because my point was made. Especially after you backpedaled and made your initial post and argument invalid.
You said that the show is bad even though you also stated that it was a "show with an awesome premise, awesome animation, and unique musical identity".
Clearly contradicting yourself in your last point of saying there are multiple facets that make a show good and invalidating your entire point you were trying to make in the initial post..
what? I said writing is the most essential part of a show. How is that any different to what I've been saying the entire time?
It is an objective statement. Whether it's right or wrong it's based on objective concepts surrounding media analysis and criticism - not subjective feeling.

where did I say it was bad? I said it was a disappointment because I could see potential within the story that was never explored. That aspect you can consider subjective - since disappointment is a relativistic statement directly tied to your expectations.

Just how can you read something so simple so wrong?
do you have fourth grader comprehension?

SchizoidRonin said:
You seem to be interested solely in arguments and I'm not. So have a nice day
And still you've managed to one-up yourself with ridiculous statements.
if you're not going to engage logically within a discussion and provide reasonable arguments then don't come back
Oct 20, 2021 8:03 PM

Apr 2018
theGodde said:

do you have fourth grader comprehension?

Well thanks for proving another point of mine. Basically all you've done is establish my points for me.

theGodde said:
Yeah. How do you like that Ad Hominem. See I'm being a cool kid - ignoring your arguments and just going for a personal attack.

anyone can do it kiddo. It takes intelligence to actually engage with a discussion, which you clearly aren't capable of doing.

Contradictory, hypocritical, argumentative. Good luck with your future "discussions" :)
My taste is trash. So is yours.
Oct 20, 2021 8:08 PM
Apr 2021
SchizoidRonin said:
theGodde said:

do you have fourth grader comprehension?

Well thanks for proving another point of mine. Basically all you've done is establish my points for me.

theGodde said:
Yeah. How do you like that Ad Hominem. See I'm being a cool kid - ignoring your arguments and just going for a personal attack.

anyone can do it kiddo. It takes intelligence to actually engage with a discussion, which you clearly aren't capable of doing.

Contradictory, hypocritical, argumentative. Good luck with your future "discussions" :)
you're literally just taking random things out of context and forming a vague and nonexistent web of connections so you don't have to do any debating of your own.

seriously just leave if you can't actually be bothered to do anything other than waste my time with conspiracy theories
Oct 20, 2021 8:19 PM
Feb 2021
Ok darn it, i make the choice to drop this series until i get bored and will watch this again

Oct 20, 2021 8:40 PM

Jan 2020
Eh. I can understand the take

I'm still enjoying it and when it comes to animation, it's as good as I expected

Oct 20, 2021 8:42 PM
Feb 2021
I agree to this one, the show doesn't rrally do that much especially in the story telling. Let's see if they could improve it but I have low hopes for the anime right now
Oct 20, 2021 9:08 PM
Dec 2020
For me, I enjoyed the story thus far, but thats personal honestly.

I havent seen any anime that used music to their advantage of the story (ignoring the band animes ive watched) and it seems to be working in my opinion, but the explanation of characters seems off. When Lenny was talking about the stone, why didnt Takt or Anna bring up that Cosette literally wore it around her neck? Plus the topic of Takt’s dad (?) is brushed over fairly quickly even though he seemed to be an important figure.

I know i just talked about odd things I noticed, but overall i enjoyed it a lot over some other fall 2021 anime. I dont personally focus on the writing aspect too much unless it catches my attention thus i mainly base ratings on enjoyment
Oct 20, 2021 10:15 PM
May 2017
Mildly disagree. I wouldn't call this a disappointment because this is exactly what I expected from this show. Your criticisms are valid, but I don't know why you had such lofty expectations. Game-inspired anime are usually ass at worst, mid at best. So far it's just mid with it's aesthetic character design and nice animation with an alright story. Like other people said, this is going to be 25 episodes so there is a lot of room for improved story line and needed character development. Not that I expect any of that after all
Oct 20, 2021 10:29 PM
Feb 2021
theGodde said:
I don't mean in terms of hype. This story has so much unexplored potential. There's so much opportunity for great, nuanced characters. But this script is just bad. The dialogue is cringe inducing at times, and the character development is so incredibly surface level.

Most people are going to say "it's only the third episode, just give it a chance". But this isn't one of those things that improves with time. What we're seeing here is a fundamental writing problem that won't improve unless they hire a new screenwriter for the remaining episodes. Such a shame that a show with an awesome premise, awesome animation, and unique musical identity could be let down in arguably the most important area.

What do the rest of you think about this show?
Also I'd love if I am proven wrong further down the track, but realistically thinking I'd say this ship is already sinking.
it's cute and I like it
Oct 20, 2021 10:35 PM
Apr 2021
Domswii said:
Mildly disagree. I wouldn't call this a disappointment because this is exactly what I expected from this show. Your criticisms are valid, but I don't know why you had such lofty expectations. Game-inspired anime are usually ass at worst, mid at best. So far it's just mid with it's aesthetic character design and nice animation with an alright story. Like other people said, this is going to be 25 episodes so there is a lot of room for improved story line and needed character development. Not that I expect any of that after all
It's coming from a big studio, so I'm hoping that they actually wrote a completely separate script from the game. There is some evidence of that based on what little we've seen of the game itself so far that would suggest this.

As for 25 episodes, it's been confirmed here in multiple places throughout the thread from external sources that this will be 12/3 episodes not 25.
Oct 20, 2021 10:50 PM

Jul 2015
I don't think that this anime is a massive disappointment, mostly because it is pretty much what I was expecting since I saw the trailer, one average, plain and somewhat poorly written story with average (Destiny), boring (Takt) and somewhat annoying (Anna) characters with great animation to impress people like me that likes to see a good sakuga (animation is the sole reason why I tried this anime), there's not much to say about the anime in general yet, just 3 episodes, so I don't think it's fair to go too deep criticizing, but for me Takt Op is pretty much what I was expecting.
Oct 21, 2021 12:25 AM

Oct 2020
Well said, it's been pretty lack luster so far. Has a lot of potential, but based off how things are going I don't see that being executed well.
Oct 21, 2021 12:37 AM
Jul 2018
Hahahaha it's only been FKIN 3 EPISODES

😂It's like judging One Piece by its first 100 Episodes
Oct 21, 2021 1:46 AM
Apr 2021
RealKurapikaTard said:
Hahahaha it's only been FKIN 3 EPISODES

😂It's like judging One Piece by its first 100 Episodes
pretty sure it's been confirmed to be single cour
and like I said before, these aren't the kinds of issues that improve with time. If character development doesn't happen here, what makes you think it will happen later on? It's more important now especially than it is later on since we need to firmly establish the characters.
Oct 21, 2021 1:48 AM

Dec 2020
Oh my gosh, literally three episodes have been released. You expect it to tell you everything from that? It's just getting started, why the hell are you guys so impatient. This is why we can't have nice things on Mal cause new people just be complaining.

Oct 21, 2021 2:19 AM

Oct 2017
Weird how the same people say "it's only 3 episodes in" whilst attacking other anime for only being 1 episode in and KNOWING how to score it just from that.
Oct 21, 2021 3:15 AM
Jul 2018
I've only watched epi 1 so far, and they didn't really explain anything at all so I do get why people are kinda disappointed. At least it's not generic looking and it felt like the studios actually put effort into it.
Oct 21, 2021 3:16 AM

Jun 2010
With just three episodes so far, we are only getting the introduction and having acquainted with the characters. It appears that more will be introduced. Plot line is still very raw at this moment and characters are still in development process.

Depending on the number of episodes the anime is sponsored for, the speed of the story will differ. If there are 12 or 13 episodes, the story line will be accelerated faster than if it is a 25-episode series.

There are two things that are quite good at this point and that is the music and the animation. The sound effect that compliments the battle is quite good and the animation is pretty too. However the battle scenes are not very impressive and they appear to pass on very quickly and end with a rush. Perhaps it may be too soon to comment but I will wait for more episodes to see how it goes. Likewise for the rest.
Oct 21, 2021 5:29 AM

Aug 2021
i totally agree with you its just way overhyped
Stawberry Milk Supremacy
Oct 21, 2021 5:40 AM

May 2012
This anime is insanely overrated.... Story and characters are all average...

That Assassin isekai anime is way better than this anime.....
Oct 21, 2021 6:03 AM
Jul 2018
it's good, if you understand...
Oct 21, 2021 8:16 AM

Aug 2014
well, this is an anime based on games. No one should have a high expectation in the first place.
Please allow me to point you to Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis and FGO Babylonia as good anime that were based on games. The former was made by MAPPA themselves.
Oct 21, 2021 10:32 AM

Nov 2016
The way I would describe this show so far is a slow burning show with some dinamic action to spice it up week by week and I have been quite liking it.

We have known the general plot for this since ep.1 (Get to NY) but we are barely getting to know why they are doing this, who these characters are, and how the world works. It is probably gonna be 24 episodes long (split cour because that is how most studios do it now I guess). At least that is what this pacing suggests

It's still too early to be making threads like this IMO. For me it is still at the "silent drop if not interested" phase

Without Love, the truth cannot be seen.
Oct 21, 2021 10:34 AM

Jan 2019
SSL443 said:
Character development refers primarily to fleshing out of things like traits, personality, motivations, and relationships. It also encompass character progression, or character arcs, but it isn't limited to these latter concepts.

You're right. And what I said still stands. This show is not focused on characters, not so far. It's main focus is the musical theme and the futuristic fantastical elements related to it, which are still being developed. The show gains value mostly from production, yes. This is fine. It's what it's trying to be.

SSL443 said:
Second, Takt and Cosette have a superficial relationship. She seems drawn to him because he can play the piano (badly, I might add) (...)

Do you play piano?
Oct 21, 2021 12:36 PM
Oct 2018
theGodde said:
RealKurapikaTard said:
Hahahaha it's only been FKIN 3 EPISODES

😂It's like judging One Piece by its first 100 Episodes
pretty sure it's been confirmed to be single cour
and like I said before, these aren't the kinds of issues that improve with time. If character development doesn't happen here, what makes you think it will happen later on? It's more important now especially than it is later on since we need to firmly establish the characters.
You're the writer? To really know what'll happen in the future eps

And bruh, you expect a chara development within 5 eps? Really? What anime you've been watch this whole time? What kinda thinking is that
Oct 21, 2021 4:23 PM

Sep 2019
Yeah it’s pretty basic so far tbh, and I don’t see it getting any better as it goes, you don’t need 11 or 24 episodes or however many episodes this show will have to know if you’ll like a show or not, one is enough to get a good idea. I was just trying to be optimistic and hopefully be proven wrong…but alas that’s not the case. -g-
Oct 21, 2021 6:20 PM

Jul 2020
When I first watched episode 1, ngl. The Animation was phenomenal but right after episode 2, the choreography got old and boring pretty fast. Hope they make some changes or my score will go down from a 6 to a 5 or even a 4,

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Oct 21, 2021 7:17 PM

Jul 2017
The fact that I find this show visually disappointing and underwhelming compared to expectations for the 3 episodes released out of all things, tells the tale of my feelings on the show, let alone how I'm bored out of my mind about everything else in the series. Hope it gets better with time but not a start that won me over by any means.
Oct 21, 2021 8:00 PM
Dec 2017
yep this is why i don't have high hopes for anyhting cause of threads like this.

Oct 21, 2021 8:43 PM

Jun 2019
SSL443 said:

The biggest disappointment for me, though, was how horribly they underutilize the premise of the show. Hey, combat via music, sounds like a cool if not totally original concept. But the fight scenes are nothing more than generic video game cutscene swill, except the MC is waving a baton in the background like a clown. By the latest episode, they've given up even trying to do something creative with the concept.

Tbh I didn’t even realize that they fight using music until the 3rd episode. What a missed opportunity to have the fights sync up with the music kind of in a Baby Driver way.
Oct 21, 2021 8:54 PM

Feb 2016
THANK YOU. how in the hell does this show get a score of 8 i dont even know
Oct 21, 2021 10:32 PM

Mar 2016
This is an anime original. I've yet to be given enough reason to think it'll definitely end up mediocre in the end, but the expectations were definitely set too high cause of the MAPPA label. I think it can be at least a decent show, but with everyone's standards for animation quality through the roof nowadays, it's hard to really live up to things consistently unless your studio name is ufotable or KyoAni. Hell, even Shaft and Bones can't always keep up with demands.
Oct 22, 2021 12:34 AM
Apr 2020
Cottard29 said:
I absolutely agree! For a 12 episode show I really don't see it getting too extraordinary. Which doesn't surprise me as it's hyped (mostly by newer anime fans, in my opinion they don't know which animes are actually good. They seem to watch for animation only) I wrote on a discussion elsewhere "I feel like people only watch this show for the action." And someone wrote "Well it is an action anime." DO PEOPLE ONLY WATCH ACTION ANIME FOR THE ACTION AND NOT THE PLOT, CHARACTERS, ETC!?!?! Because I'm beginning to think so. Because this show is one of the most bland I've ever seen. "Well maybe it isn't your thing." You know what? It isn't. But I can tell whether an anime is decent or not. 🤷🏼‍♂️
I'm not watch the anime just for the animation 🤷‍♂️
Oct 22, 2021 12:52 AM

Dec 2016
Sheklon said:
You're right. And what I said still stands. This show is not focused on characters, not so far. It's main focus is the musical theme and the futuristic fantastical elements related to it, which are still being developed. The show gains value mostly from production, yes. This is fine. It's what it's trying to be.

This is incorrect. The story is focused squarely on Takt and Cosette/Destiny and their relationship. This has provided the impetus for the plot at every stage. Music is heavily interwoven with their characters, but regardless they are the framework the rest of the narrative hangs upon.

Sheklon said:
Do you play piano?

I've played piano since middle school and went to college to study piano performance. To put that into context, it means having a weekly private lesson with your studio professor, plus two weekly studio classes, one with your professor's studio, and one with the whole piano department. In both cases you have your own playing critiqued, as well as having the opportunity to listen to and critique your peers.

And when I say the playing in the show is bad, I mean I don't hear it as serving the storytelling in any way. In a vacuum, sure, it's probably nice enough to listen to if there's nothing else available. But in the context of the show, it isn't doing anything to inform the characterization or enhance the emotional content of the story. The sound quality, technical proficiency, and especially the expressiveness are all lacking for what I believe is the intended role of music in the narrative. Like, is his playing troubled because he is damaged emotionally? Or is the music an emotional outlet or form of expression? I can't say because I'm getting nothing from the performances.

The animation is also a problem, because while they might have rotoscoped the hands, it looks like they didn't do the same with the rest of the characters bodies. As a result, the physicality of the performance doesn't match the music, which further undermines the emotional content of these scenes. It's also just visually jarring to see the shoulders and upper body not reflecting the notes as they are played.

Blue_Maroon said:
Tbh I didn’t even realize that they fight using music until the 3rd episode. What a missed opportunity to have the fights sync up with the music kind of in a Baby Driver way.

Exactly. It would be easy to forgive a lot of the flaws if they took the core concept and went all out with it. It could have made for some really badass action sequences.
SSL443Oct 22, 2021 12:56 AM
Oct 22, 2021 4:25 AM
Oct 2020
It may be a huge disappointment but the soundtrack is amazing
Oct 22, 2021 4:37 AM
Jul 2020
Do people have a hate boner for anythong popular goddamn its original anime with only 3 eps.
Oct 22, 2021 7:18 AM

Jan 2019
SSL443 said:
This is incorrect. The story is focused squarely on Takt and Cosette/Destiny and their relationship. This has provided the impetus for the plot at every stage. Music is heavily interwoven with their characters, but regardless they are the framework the rest of the narrative hangs upon.

You're basically saying they are the main characters of the show. That doesn't automatically mean the story is character driven. The characters exist because every story needs characters, but they serve here as a mean to represent different postures towards music. The show is about music, not about Takt and Cosette/Destiny, and the lack of focus and depth on these characters by itself indicates that.

SSL443 said:
I've played piano since middle school and went to college to study piano performance. To put that into context, it means having a weekly private lesson with your studio professor, plus two weekly studio classes, one with your professor's studio, and one with the whole piano department. In both cases you have your own playing critiqued, as well as having the opportunity to listen to and critique your peers.

And when I say the playing in the show is bad, I mean I don't hear it as serving the storytelling in any way. In a vacuum, sure, it's probably nice enough to listen to if there's nothing else available. But in the context of the show, it isn't doing anything to inform the characterization or enhance the emotional content of the story. The sound quality, technical proficiency, and especially the expressiveness are all lacking for what I believe is the intended role of music in the narrative. Like, is his playing troubled because he is damaged emotionally? Or is the music an emotional outlet or form of expression? I can't say because I'm getting nothing from the performances.

The animation is also a problem, because while they might have rotoscoped the hands, it looks like they didn't do the same with the rest of the characters bodies. As a result, the physicality of the performance doesn't match the music, which further undermines the emotional content of these scenes. It's also just visually jarring to see the shoulders and upper body not reflecting the notes as they are played.

Alright. Sounds fair to me. I don't think the show has done anything really commendable musically either, so far.

I also don't like how they use frequent background soundtracks in a show that talks about censorship/the non-popularization of music. Silence could be used as a powerful tool to make plays stand out more in contrast.

Animation has its limitations, and unless they invest heavily towards anatomic perfection with a long production time, it will always come off as a bit unsettling if you're too keen on observing it. It's up to the viewer how demanding they are, or how much they're willing to suspend their criticism.
Oct 22, 2021 9:30 AM

Aug 2018
You can say that you don't think this show will go far which is fair but to criticise it for not having nuanced characters while the show is only 3 episodes is kind of reaching for criticism, while you can have nuanced in only 3 episodes it feels like your criticism is "these characters don't yet have a whole cour worth of development".

While I'm not expecting this show to have the most nuanced characters from this series I would at least wait to critique its characters.

It's like if you made a loaf of bread and used all the wrong ingredients and then tried to eat it before you have even mixed the dough, even if you know that it is going to taste bad criticising it before it has even started to bake just makes you look like a clown.
_______I like rocks__
Oct 22, 2021 10:37 AM

Jul 2019
I didn’t even understand this show’s praise to begin with. Well, animation was the only notable praise it got.

-[ ~♫~ ll Credit ]-
Oct 22, 2021 11:57 AM

Sep 2011
Well, I'm totally enjoying this anime and the art is also beautiful.
Oct 22, 2021 2:28 PM

Dec 2016
Sheklon said:
Animation has its limitations, and unless they invest heavily towards anatomic perfection with a long production time, it will always come off as a bit unsettling if you're too keen on observing it. It's up to the viewer how demanding they are, or how much they're willing to suspend their criticism.

Uh, no. Solid animation of people playing instruments is not hard to find in anime. I'm just pointing out that, in this show supposedly about music, the animation is lacking. This is not a subjective evaluation that is "up to the viewer." Bad animation is bad animation.

Sheklon said:
You're basically saying they are the main characters of the show. That doesn't automatically mean the story is character driven. The characters exist because every story needs characters, but they serve here as a mean to represent different postures towards music. The show is about music, not about Takt and Cosette/Destiny, and the lack of focus and depth on these characters by itself indicates that.

That is... a stretch. Maybe that's what the show is trying to do, maybe they will steer further in that direction in future episodes, but right now that angle is incredibly weak. I think Cosette is the only character to explicitely explore the "what is music" question. Otherwise, most characters haven't really had much to say about it, and aside from episode 2 it hasn't been a central theme.

Let's discuss a real example from the anime. The kid who we never see again at the start of the first episode is curious about the piano, sure. But he doesn't know what music is, and after the fight scene, it doesn't immediately cut back to him looking at the piano wit ha newfound understanding (like, basic filmic language stuff). Why? Because the way characters react to music isn't that important in the concept in the story.

Later on, we do get a scene where the kid wants to "touch" the piano, while randoms NPCs stand around discussing how much they like music, apparently. Then Cosette comes and yoinks the piano, putting an end to that.

All that aside, even if the show was about music, what you're saying makes no sense. If you look at films about music, like Amadeus, Moulin Rouge, or Whiplish, all have strong characters that get development right from the start. SE is the only music-themed anime I've seen, but again, no lack of character development there, either. Meanhile, this anime falls on its face with both characters and music. It sucks at exploring both.
Oct 23, 2021 10:48 AM

Jan 2019
SSL443 said:
This is not a subjective evaluation that is "up to the viewer." Bad animation is bad animation.

I would ask for examples, but now that I know you're one of those guys, I don't care. Don't feel like wasting time talking to someone who has that opinion.

If something is truly factual, only mad men or fools would have a "debate" over it. Scientists don't need to debate facts, only study them with method. This is not what art and entertainment are.

SSL443 said:
That is... a stretch. Maybe that's what the show is trying to do, maybe they will steer further in that direction in future episodes, but right now that angle is incredibly weak. I think Cosette is the only character to explicitely explore the "what is music" question. Otherwise, most characters haven't really had much to say about it, and aside from episode 2 it hasn't been a central theme.

I didn't say they represent music, but postures towards music. Takt is a "tryhard" that has technique, but can't imprint emotion on his music, which is why he doesn't believe that his plays can reach the public. And Cosette is more aligned with the unbind and pure love for music that arises from simple enjoyment with the art. She explains how her relative (I can't remember if she was an aunt now) taught her to look for the message behind the piece. They contrast as different postures towards music, Takt more aligned with an elitist who forgot about the joy of music, while Cosette makes a point for the popularization of music.

The premise revolves around music being taken from the people. We may interpret that as an act of censorship, or we may relate it to elites gatekeeping music with a "erudite" status. It could be talking about the devaluation of music in popular culture as well, however, I don't think that's the main direction they're heading, since the folks seems to wish to have music again in this universe.

There is still more information to come, more to be developed. We have a theme (music), a value (accessibility/reaching people) and a context/premise (music is inaccessible). We have yet to find what is the end result of this story, and the message can still be interpreted in different ways.
Oct 23, 2021 2:18 PM

Dec 2016
Sheklon said:
I didn't say they represent music, but postures towards music. Takt is a "tryhard" that has technique, but can't imprint emotion on his music, which is why he doesn't believe that his plays can reach the public. And Cosette is more aligned with the unbind and pure love for music that arises from simple enjoyment with the art. She explains how her relative (I can't remember if she was an aunt now) taught her to look for the message behind the piece. They contrast as different postures towards music, Takt more aligned with an elitist who forgot about the joy of music, while Cosette makes a point for the popularization of music.

The premise revolves around music being taken from the people. We may interpret that as an act of censorship, or we may relate it to elites gatekeeping music with a "erudite" status. It could be talking about the devaluation of music in popular culture as well, however, I don't think that's the main direction they're heading, since the folks seems to wish to have music again in this universe.

There is still more information to come, more to be developed. We have a theme (music), a value (accessibility/reaching people) and a context/premise (music is inaccessible). We have yet to find what is the end result of this story, and the message can still be interpreted in different ways.

Where are we getting the idea that Takt can't play expressively from?

I'm not seeing evidence for the dichotomy in perspective you're suggesting between these characters. I also fail to see where the impetus would come from to even explore that as a theme. Music is popular and touches a lot of people very deeply. Even within the niche of classical music, there is really no such thing as "elites" who only understand the technical side of performance. Such a perspective would be recognized as flawed with little controversy.

The real issue here is that the writing in this show is bad, and hasn't presented a coherent picture of what the themes of the narrative are supposed to be. It's just a pretentious attempt to seem artsy by only revealing information in fragments and keeping the audience in the dark as long as possible. Sadly, this is a common tactic of shows that want to appear to have more substance than they really do.

The only thing that I can think of at this point is that Takt is drawing a parallel between music and his father, a conductor. His father died and the world "abandoned" music in his eyes. Unfortunately, the anime hasn't deigned to elaborate, because it would rather have fight scenes with generic cartoon monsters while ripping off plot points from Darling in the Franxx.
Oct 23, 2021 4:36 PM
Jul 2021
mc just bad thats all.

plot is really good a music combine monster fight is fresh idea but sadly shit MC.

egoistic ignorance less emotions trash mc that only care about him self, but i wonder will our mc will change ?

if not the anime desserve rating 6 because story and character progression is the core of anime, not just flex " oh good grafics " that will taste very bland.

so anyone drop at episode 2 is very understand able.
RedCobra75Oct 23, 2021 4:47 PM
Oct 23, 2021 7:04 PM

Mar 2020
That why I still doesn't understand how this shit overhyped bland plot, concept and boring characters has a >8 scores. Surely this trash shit has animation and music carried.
Oct 23, 2021 7:14 PM

May 2019
I was thinking in start this series, but can someone tell, is this the "Detective is already dead" of this season?

The score of each episode in the threads here is continuously falling until 3rd ep.
Oct 24, 2021 1:03 AM

May 2018
I see it as another SAO. People hype it because of animation and after it ends they have clarity that it's actually not that good.
Oct 24, 2021 10:12 AM
Nov 2020
mfs who dont watch popular anime be thinking they got a masters degree in maturity
Oct 24, 2021 12:40 PM

Nov 2014
I think the "cringe" part might be subjective, because i really didn't ever feel like that about any dialogue in the episode to be honest.

Also, can you explain the screenwriting part? because i have no idea why you think its bad or how you came to that conclusion. I mean not every story is for everyone, and i can get people just thinking this is the typical "post apocaliptic anime with mandatory thematical nuance", but i think the scripting from the episode was quite good and easy to follow (didnt liked the fight escene very much though). I admit, im not an expert on the subject though.
Oct 26, 2021 3:53 PM
Apr 2021
error5000 said:
I think the "cringe" part might be subjective, because i really didn't ever feel like that about any dialogue in the episode to be honest.

Also, can you explain the screenwriting part? because i have no idea why you think its bad or how you came to that conclusion. I mean not every story is for everyone, and i can get people just thinking this is the typical "post apocaliptic anime with mandatory thematical nuance", but i think the scripting from the episode was quite good and easy to follow (didnt liked the fight escene very much though). I admit, im not an expert on the subject though.
I explained it in the first page or two of responses. I've re-explained it enough times that I'm not exactly keen on doing it again unless you have further questions based on what I have explained in the rest of the thread
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152 by Saikoutnt »»
Jan 22, 12:42 PM

Poll: » Takt Op. Destiny Episode 5 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Nov 2, 2021

137 by Akatsuki_2006 »»
Jan 10, 12:53 PM

Poll: » Takt Op. Destiny Episode 12 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Dec 21, 2021

281 by waldy713 »»
Jan 9, 4:41 PM

Poll: » Takt Op. Destiny Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Dec 14, 2021

128 by waldy713 »»
Jan 9, 4:29 PM

Poll: » Takt Op. Destiny Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Dec 7, 2021

118 by waldy713 »»
Jan 9, 4:25 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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