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Aug 14, 2021 9:59 AM

Nov 2011
Whoa, this episode actually had adventurers dealing with some monsters and trying to escape that underground dungeon. Kind of unusual for this particular show.

Liscia's feelings towards Kazuya seems more and more direct now. With every episode, they're growing closer. Speaking of which, it looks like he is also moving forward with his plan to expand more into building for their nation.
Aug 14, 2021 10:30 AM

Apr 2010
The city building finally started and it was funny to see the old man's reaction when he realised he was talking to the king.
It seems things are progressing smoothly now.

The part with the adventures was also nice to watch something else from the usually overpowered adventures parties we usually see.
Aug 14, 2021 10:56 AM

Apr 2018
I'd love to see more of our custome friend going on adventure. That was pretty fun. Of course, it was just Souma playing around with his ability.
The project started and it's time to build a port that connects the whole kingdom.
Oh and that little kiss from Lisica was sweet.

A good ep.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 14, 2021 10:58 AM

Jul 2017
Kazuya's got his sortie eyes in adventuring through a magic familiar, but the quest wiith the group adventurers almost got them scathed. Well regardless, it's nice to see some side action.

The major Project Venetinova to build a new port town by the sea, that's one of many firsts for Kazuya to rebuild the kingdom and rally the ministers below him. Together with Liscia, of which their relationship is getting stronger and closer as well.

Hitting a snag at this point of construction isn't a surprise to the people who oppose the construction due to certain legends of the fantasy world, and quite a well-founded tradition at that. The old man Urup sure got a shock of his life meeting Kazuya, the king in person, and the story telling him of the sea god legend sounds like nothing but balderdash, instead a calamity at the most precise at their project site of Venetinova.

So what does Kazuya do? Use that to relocate and continue his plan, while providing warnings for evacuation routes and vice versa. No matter how much difficult the task, there is no stopping Kazuya's reforms for the better of the kingdom.

Keep supporting Kazuya, he's gonna need all the help he could get.
Aug 14, 2021 10:59 AM

Feb 2019
Instead of having urban planning courses, they should just require you to watch this show. I’m liking Liscia and Aisha more and more every week. Great chemistry with the trio.
Aug 14, 2021 11:02 AM
Mar 2021
This Was A Really Good Episode
One Piece Gintama Jojos Bizzare Adventure Are My Favorite Anime
Aug 14, 2021 11:05 AM

Nov 2019
That intro with the elements felt like a tutorial in Gacha games, explaining type advantages over others.

So his living poltergeist has that much potency, I like that adventurer was somehow able to understand what the mascot was saying.

Aug 14, 2021 11:07 AM
Oct 2016
The start was super adorable with the mascot being controlled by Souma to go on that quest. Wanting to see the underground tunnels himself but obviously not having the fighting skills or time. The mascot being controlled by his living poltergeist did some great work. Cutting up monsters and guarding against the acid saliva from that giant salamander. Funny the girl whom was against mascot coming with them fell in love by the end after they saved each other. I wonder whay Souma plans to do with the underground tunnels. We do know what he's goal was with all those workers allocating funds, to build a new port city! Which after he explained it to Liscia made perfect sense. They need to establish better distribution of food and create a happy medium between supply and demand so that food costs go down so that citizens have more money to spend on other things and not just on food leaving them very poor. Souma is really trying to turn not only the economy around but the lived of the people he's responsible for. Sucks that the site for his proposed city is within a tsunami zone. I thought the old man was just out of his mind but it does makes sense. Souma thinking long term even if a tsunami comes hundreds of years from now you still have to prepare. So moving the site is the best option, appease the villages around there while also fortifying the new planned city.
Aug 14, 2021 11:08 AM

Jun 2019
That Mascot guy might look funny but damn he's strong. Obviously, cuz he's built differently. LOL. It was fun seeing them going on adventures like that. Kazuya has to take care of it. It's like Kazuya is his guardian.

Still, it's fun to see Kazuya handling this kingdom so well. Everything seems to work so fluidly under his command. His words of motivation and his way of bringing the output from the people are really impressive to me. Liscia is getting closer to Kazuya with each episode. You love to see it.
Aug 14, 2021 11:08 AM

Apr 2018
I find it epic/hilarious that thanks to his power he has a totally different ninja character who's doing quests with group of adventurers even though it's just a mascot xD
Venetinova is really interesting, and since it's a risk because of natural disasters (earthquake, tsunami) they have to take preventive measures, it's really realistic I love this part.
And of course Liscia is totally falling for Souma haha, more and more.
Aug 14, 2021 11:13 AM

Jan 2017
The first half came outta nowhere, seems like Kazuya got bored of paperwork so he went on adventures with his familiar instead

The second half however shows him doing what he does best, this time in the form of city planning. Very smart of him to deduce it's a tsunami from the folklore of the locals
Aug 14, 2021 11:18 AM

Apr 2014
There is also a tsunami in an isekai. o.0
Kazuya is like playing Cities: Skylines, but that's the good city planning anyways by preparing the escape routes and the shelters at the higher level ground and also planning to place the residential area and the important facilities inland away from the ocean.
Aug 14, 2021 11:21 AM

Jun 2015
Aside from direct attack spells being able to infuse magic into one's weapon serves to add extra flexibility to one's offence. Still using that as a means to determine in which branch of the military they serve sure is an interesting idea. Damm that mascot sure has some impressive skill. So the mascot was actually Souma in disguise huh. Makes it easy to stir up hearts of female adventurers i guess. Expanding one's ability to supply more recourses is always a good move especially considering the fact that the nation's ability to feed its people is far outstripping supply. Souma really is pushing himself to the limit though. The old mans reaction to Souma was priceless. Given its the coast Tsunami's are not exactly impossible to have. With things like towns being cautious is always a good idea. Overall a well rounded ep that while serving to introduce a new side of souma via the mascot also did well to show Liscia's growing feelings for him as well. Its nice to see how life is like outside of the gov via the adventurers foray into the depths. Curious whether will we get to see them again though.
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Aug 14, 2021 11:33 AM

Apr 2010
Urup actually does specify that the tsunami hits around every 100years and it did happen when he was a kid in the LN/manga.
Aug 14, 2021 11:53 AM

Dec 2020
I think it's good that he himself talks to the people and he listens to their stories.
Oh Liscia just wants him how cute was that from her.
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Aug 14, 2021 11:53 AM

Oct 2017
Building a city is fine and all but uh I want to see more harem members getting introduced.
Aug 14, 2021 12:31 PM

Jan 2021
I'm sorry, but I just find it funny that she falls in love with a Minion-shaped doll ._.

Honestly, I almost fell asleep this episode, the most interesting thing was to see Liscia's feelings progressing more. About the tsunami, well who would guess it, but our Kazuya has 200iq so there's no need to worry xd
Aug 14, 2021 12:33 PM
Aug 2021
Great episode but worried with how faithful this adaptation is it will not get season two
Aug 14, 2021 12:46 PM
Sep 2015
This episode reminds me of Million Lives, if you watch its latest episode, you know what I mean.

Souma has no plan to adapt democratic system in this country. He seems to think that he can handle all of these problems by himself. Because all of these problems are not so complicated with many stakeholders that require the majority voice.
Aug 14, 2021 1:02 PM
Aug 2018
I think this anime (or writer ?) has a problem.

Instead of introducing stuff and then build upon it, it does random stuff (like the ninja in this episode), use "coincidence" (out of nowhere discussion with the fox girl in episode 5), throw some "secret stuff" (end of episode 6 where we don't know what they're saying). It's lacking focus and taking the easy way of "hiding information" instead of being smart about it.

Also, in this episode, instead of telling you about the actual plot of building back the kingdom, you get (with no foreshadowing), Souma congratulating people you've never seen, for a plan you've never heard about and they have to show us a flashback to tell us "what happened" after three minutes of congratulation of random old dude...

And I can only hope subplots will not be forgotten (Tomoe for instance).

For now, it's quite boring (but I guess that's why not a lot of Isekai go for the "realistic" way).
Aug 14, 2021 1:06 PM
May 2014
Rukodaime91 said:
I think this anime (or writer ?) has a problem.

Instead of introducing stuff and then build upon it, it does random stuff (like the ninja in this episode), use "coincidence" (out of nowhere discussion with the fox girl in episode 5), throw some "secret stuff" (end of episode 6 where we don't know what they're saying). It's lacking focus and taking the easy way of "hiding information" instead of being smart about it.

Also, in this episode, instead of telling you about the actual plot of building back the kingdom, you get (with no foreshadowing), Souma congratulating people you've never seen, for a plan you've never heard about and they have to show us a flashback to tell us "what happened" after three minutes of congratulation of random old dude...

And I can only hope subplots will not be forgotten (Tomoe for instance).

For now, it's quite boring (but I guess that's why not a lot of Isekai go for the "realistic" way).

it's like the ep 6 cliffhanger didn't existed in the first place
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Aug 14, 2021 1:26 PM
Mar 2021
This Was A Really Good Episode😄
One Piece Gintama Jojos Bizzare Adventure Are My Favorite Anime
Aug 14, 2021 2:07 PM

Mar 2021
The costumed adventurer is like a character in a video game you can control freely on your behalf haha. On the other hand, it's good to hear that Liscia and Aisha will be supporting Souma on his endeavours.
RavaresAug 15, 2021 11:24 PM
Aug 14, 2021 3:35 PM
Jul 2018
Episode with something nicer is everything in the episode, Souma talking about interesting things is good in relation to the city.
Aug 14, 2021 4:26 PM
Jul 2018
Hilarious bechdel test moment with that closing conversation. Glad the girls, and everyone else, continue to be absolutely worthless so Souma can do everything.

Not even addressing the absurd notion that he could unilaterally construct a new port city that would change the face of Goods distribution for the entire nation. I'm sure the nobles and rulings elite are fine with upsetting the status quo.

Also, how about the moral implications of you endangering the lives of others as they attempt to rescue a fucking puppet? The adventurers, who think your doll is an actual person, further endager themselves to save a doll. WTF
removed-userAug 14, 2021 4:36 PM
Aug 14, 2021 4:36 PM
Aug 2018
According to the kazuya theory
I don't know if the anime is going in that direction in the final episode?

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
ShadowMonkeyAug 15, 2021 7:39 AM
Aug 14, 2021 5:13 PM

Apr 2010
character345 said:
Also, how about the moral implications of you endangering the lives of others as they attempt to rescue a fucking puppet? The adventurers, who think your doll is an actual person, further endager themselves to save a doll. WTF

Wasn't said in the anime, but they (the adventurers) believe there's someone inside the doll controlling it.
Aug 14, 2021 5:24 PM
Jul 2018
antonn said:
character345 said:
Also, how about the moral implications of you endangering the lives of others as they attempt to rescue a fucking puppet? The adventurers, who think your doll is an actual person, further endager themselves to save a doll. WTF

Wasn't said in the anime, but they (the adventurers) believe there's someone inside the doll controlling it.

Which is my point. It's just a doll but they are risking their lives to save what they think is a person.
Aug 14, 2021 5:41 PM

Apr 2010
character345 said:
antonn said:

Wasn't said in the anime, but they (the adventurers) believe there's someone inside the doll controlling it.

Which is my point. It's just a doll but they are risking their lives to save what they think is a person.

For some reason I thought you were criticizing the adventurers when I first read it. My bad.
Aug 14, 2021 6:24 PM

Apr 2015
Transported to a new world and still not safe from earthquakes and tsunamis... sounds like a nice challenge to build a city with port that can face such natural disasters.

Liscia showing more of her true feelings towards Souma!
Aug 14, 2021 8:00 PM
Oct 2015
It was ok but I want the MC badass and very powerful but I'm guessing it taking another path anyway I liked it
Aug 14, 2021 8:15 PM

Feb 2020
Looks like there's something missing too here
Oh right, here:
cristinacke28 said:

it's like the ep 6 cliffhanger didn't existed in the first place

Like, wtf? For real, yeah, whats goin on? I feel like am i watching the wrong episode, and then people visiting this episode discussion also just ignore that whole things, except this one person and one another, kinda make me feels weird in the first place, ngl.

Ah, whatever reason that think its wise to jumping around and jumbling it into another random event, from those previous cliffhanger into this, which kinda feel like its really weird me so much. However, i am just an anime only watcher, so there's nothing i can do about that, rather than commenting some shit here.

Anyway, ugh, back to the episode, master ninja mascot, yeah. Okay, idk why its important. But okay, its cool, Souma, good i guess. Another project into making another city port. I don't get why its still matters toward the previous episode. Because the cut from the previous episode cliffhanger really can't convince me into feels weird about this whole episode objective. However, yeah, like before, fine for now i guess. Lets see if the next episode will be make more sense than this.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Aug 14, 2021 8:36 PM

Jan 2013
Souma's powers have indeed improved a lot!

Also, the Liscia x Souma ship is getting real with every episode.
I am actually pretty hyped for the building of the city, and the whole fact that they mentioned tsunamis it means that it gotta happen!
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Aug 14, 2021 11:42 PM

Oct 2016
Pretty good episode! Souma's living poltergeist power really do be handy and cool. Even his doll managed to snag a lady's heart lmao.

Really enjoyed the city planning they were doing this episode and of course the sweet Liscia and Souma progression. Looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 15, 2021 2:43 AM

Apr 2010
badabass said:
Looks like there's something missing too here
Oh right, here:
cristinacke28 said:

it's like the ep 6 cliffhanger didn't existed in the first place

Like, wtf? For real, yeah, whats goin on? I feel like am i watching the wrong episode, and then people visiting this episode discussion also just ignore that whole things, except this one person and one another, kinda make me feels weird in the first place, ngl.

Ah, whatever reason that think its wise to jumping around and jumbling it into another random event, from those previous cliffhanger into this, which kinda feel like its really weird me so much. However, i am just an anime only watcher, so there's nothing i can do about that, rather than commenting some shit here.

Anyway, ugh, back to the episode, master ninja mascot, yeah. Okay, idk why its important. But okay, its cool, Souma, good i guess. Another project into making another city port. I don't get why its still matters toward the previous episode. Because the cut from the previous episode cliffhanger really can't convince me into feels weird about this whole episode objective. However, yeah, like before, fine for now i guess. Lets see if the next episode will be make more sense than this.

Because it wasn't a supposed to be a cliffhanger to begin with, just a bad decision on the anime's part.
In the source everyone who's meaningful (Aisha, Hakuya, etc.) is present for what Glaive has to say. After he (off screen) says his piece is when Souma makes Kaede 2nd in command in the Forbidden Army (the King's personal troops) and reassigns Hal from the duke's army to work under Kaede, then the meeting ends. What was actually said doesn't get revealed until later in the story.
Aug 15, 2021 6:57 AM

Nov 2011
I enjoyed this episode a lot. Very detailed in regards to Souma's plans.
I liked Liscia opening up her feelings towards Souma a lot more. I also liked when she asked Aisha if she liked Souma and Aisha said Yes, she wasn't too flustered about it.
I think she knows just how much of an impact he has on those around him.

Very nice episode.
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Aug 15, 2021 9:18 AM

Jun 2020
I can listen to Souma mansplaining everything to me forever. Lololllllll

Liscia and him are so cute tgt. They spend so much time together alone. Are they not banging alr. And that kiss was so cute!

LOL @ Aisha wanting Ludwin to acknowledge her and her goofy smile after.

Ludwin, Hakuya and Souma should start a boy band in Elfrieden ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Aug 15, 2021 11:03 AM
Jul 2021
Excellent episode. A little bit different from the usual, but really refreshing. Things are starting to get spicy with Liscia, and his harem seems to be growing. Can't wait for next episode
Aug 15, 2021 10:54 PM

Dec 2020
A kiss?? Wow, I also read the light novel and still I envy seeing it. Souma, there is someone who loves you sincerely and you are not sensitive? Well, for harem anime it's normal. I'm still waiting for the next episode
Aug 15, 2021 11:40 PM
Feb 2021
7 episodes in and i still feel like Souma is JUST getting the hang of the world he’s in, sending out his ninja costume to scout a bit and have some fun while he’s at it. A poor show would have exposition dumped and made the mc know EVERYTHING in one episode, but Souma still has a lot to learn and much to do and it SHOWS. I also appreciate the time the show is taking in developing the relationship Liscia is building with Souma. That kiss on the cheek felt so earned and wholesome lol. Great show so far and definitely looking forward to next week’s episode. Still can’t really think of any legitimate criticism for the show (if you have any PLEASE lmk) .
Aug 17, 2021 10:15 AM

May 2018
Lol even the adventurers fall in love with Kazuya's mascot
Aug 17, 2021 10:15 AM

May 2018
neftmn1970 said:
7 episodes in and i still feel like Souma is JUST getting the hang of the world he’s in, sending out his ninja costume to scout a bit and have some fun while he’s at it. A poor show would have exposition dumped and made the mc know EVERYTHING in one episode, but Souma still has a lot to learn and much to do and it SHOWS. I also appreciate the time the show is taking in developing the relationship Liscia is building with Souma. That kiss on the cheek felt so earned and wholesome lol. Great show so far and definitely looking forward to next week’s episode. Still can’t really think of any legitimate criticism for the show (if you have any PLEASE lmk) .

Kazuya needs to marry all of his waifus that's my criticism
Aug 17, 2021 3:30 PM
Jul 2019
Ok, so it was just al about making a port in an earthquake prone area.
Aug 18, 2021 6:46 AM

Oct 2013
antonn said:
Urup actually does specify that the tsunami hits around every 100years and it did happen when he was a kid in the LN/manga.
yeah dude the way they portrayed that whole convo in the manga was 100% better.

Having Urup on site yelling for the construction to stop when the king shows up, to urup telling the story about his childhood and you can see what he went through and even having the king specify that urup will now become a storyteller to spread the teachings about kaijin-sama.... All of it just went over better in the manga!

Disappointing, but that's basically been this whole season to me, My niece and younger brother watch it with me and every episode I basically have to tell them how better the manga was!

Collins89Aug 18, 2021 6:50 AM
Aug 18, 2021 7:01 AM

Oct 2013
MegamiRem said:
Building a city is fine and all but uh I want to see more harem members getting introduced.
Riiiiight!!! I need harem members now! when I see new girls for harem!

Well we already got some good ones and I know there are many more to come!
Hey even Liscia is waiting for more waifus by saying she's good with another 8! So MC needs to become the Chad and pull one of these....

Aug 18, 2021 7:22 PM
Feb 2021
Byniavo said:
neftmn1970 said:
7 episodes in and i still feel like Souma is JUST getting the hang of the world he’s in, sending out his ninja costume to scout a bit and have some fun while he’s at it. A poor show would have exposition dumped and made the mc know EVERYTHING in one episode, but Souma still has a lot to learn and much to do and it SHOWS. I also appreciate the time the show is taking in developing the relationship Liscia is building with Souma. That kiss on the cheek felt so earned and wholesome lol. Great show so far and definitely looking forward to next week’s episode. Still can’t really think of any legitimate criticism for the show (if you have any PLEASE lmk) .

Kazuya needs to marry all of his waifus that's my criticism
lol valid criticism
Aug 27, 2021 1:40 PM

Mar 2016
The supply and demand diagrams, econ majors where yall at?

just wanna feel wanted by someone other than the police 😫
Sep 10, 2021 10:28 AM

Aug 2013
I liked the adventure part with the mascot.

The plan to build a new city got changed a bit which makes sense. You don't want it to get hit by a tsunami.

Sep 20, 2021 2:35 AM

Jan 2018
Goblin Slayer kind of ruined these types of adventure anime episodes for me. Fuck.
Oct 2, 2021 3:48 AM

Apr 2009
Wow he went as an adventurer using Master Mascot. LOL

Hmm, why not move the capital on the new port city too?
You see there's no need to wonder where your god is,
Coz he's right here! ...and he's fresh out of mercy.
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