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Pages (3) « 1 [2] 3 »
Jul 10, 2021 11:36 AM
Jul 2018
I haven't seen this episode yet but I've heard people say it spoils MVA. So should I watch this or wait
Jul 10, 2021 11:36 AM
Mar 2021
it was great and i loved it but i hate the fact they switched the arcs to much to give it 5
Jul 10, 2021 11:37 AM
Mar 2021
Patosaurus72 said:
I haven't seen this episode yet but I've heard people say it spoils MVA. So should I watch this or wait
it spoils mva but i'm not sure if you would be able to avoide spoilers if you wait
Jul 10, 2021 11:40 AM
Mar 2021
Maxxzs said:
Minerrr said:
filler episode next....... perfect.

thats mva rushed then

I wouldn’t say so, they’re doing around 3 chapters an episode now. And they already knocked out 2 chapters from directly after MVA. With seven episodes they can adapt the arc without feeling rushed. I mean, the Endeavor vs Nomu was like 4 chapters and it came together perfectly.

I hope MVA is done justice though.
they are already spoiling mva, so it would never get true justice
Jul 10, 2021 11:43 AM
Jul 2018
TheGeekSqaude said:
Patosaurus72 said:
I haven't seen this episode yet but I've heard people say it spoils MVA. So should I watch this or wait
it spoils mva but i'm not sure if you would be able to avoide spoilers if you wait

I might just suck it up and watch, MVA has been the sole reason I've been keeping up with this weekly so it sucks to have it partially ruined like this but what do you do
Jul 10, 2021 11:45 AM
Jan 2018
TheGeekSqaude said:
Maxxzs said:

I wouldn’t say so, they’re doing around 3 chapters an episode now. And they already knocked out 2 chapters from directly after MVA. With seven episodes they can adapt the arc without feeling rushed. I mean, the Endeavor vs Nomu was like 4 chapters and it came together perfectly.

I hope MVA is done justice though.
they are already spoiling mva, so it would never get true justice

I don’t really think it’s to the extent everybody is making it out to be.

It was clear the League of Villains is still a thing well into the future, with future manga volume covers themselves having Shigaraki on it as well as other characters.

I feel as though knowing that the League of Villains is with the Liberation army provides a transition to MVA, almost like a heist story starting with the protagonists sitting on a huge haul of loot, with narration flashing back to what they went through to gain such an abundance.
Jul 10, 2021 11:47 AM
Mar 2021
MoonStar9 said:
Lol 6 hours since discussion started and still on the 1st page. Interest in this season is dead. At this point I don't think even MLA can save it.
they already spoiled mva so it wouldnt be surprising if it wont save the season
Jul 10, 2021 1:26 PM

Mar 2017
Endeavour is a fantastic mentor; the way he listened to what each of the boys wanted from this internship, plus the easy-to-understand examples he used to explain the methods he applies to hero work and driving home the realities of being a hero in the real world, not in a classroom environment, were all signs of a great teacher.

The Commission is making the same mistake they made before; they're putting all the pressure and strain on a single hero. Before it was All Might and now it's Hawks, who is carrying a massive burden that a veteran hero would strain under and he's only 22 years old! Also, their backup plan is to use a bunch of kids if all else fails? Madness.
Jul 10, 2021 2:12 PM

Apr 2018
It's been a while since we've seen so many members of the League of the Villians. As we know, they'll destroy everything in 4 monhts. Shit will go down then. Can't wait for *that* arc..

Pretty sad that they need to use kids as their back up plans but oh well.. a lot of heroes are working for the liberation xD

Endavour listening to Deku's rant was probably the funniest part of the episode. It was funny but also pretty amazing that he understood everything that Deku said. He's the n1 hero afterall. Well this arc is pretty fun, everyone's evolving and it'll be handy later on. They have to power up in order to defeat the MVA.

Good ep.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jul 10, 2021 3:03 PM
Jan 2021
This why I love My hero academia. I forgot how good it is.
Jul 10, 2021 4:18 PM
Dec 2020
I think the episode was so so for the length or the episode :).
Jul 10, 2021 4:34 PM
Jul 2018
in thinking that hero number 2 were on the side of villain union was surprised great episode.
Jul 10, 2021 4:51 PM
Apr 2020
Nah how could theyπŸ˜€

How could they steal the dinner scene. I was so excited cause it’s nice to see them interact like that and for what happens next…but they just add a filler. Why? How could they πŸ₯² are they going to just squish together the next awaited arc?? What is going on!!
Jul 10, 2021 5:23 PM

Dec 2018
Pretty good episode of Endeavor teaching the boys how to be a hero, and about life in general, I really liked the comparison to learning to drive, the way we learn is very interesting lol. I also liked the buildup to whatever the Meta Liberation Army is planning, but I’m not surprised to see the League of Villains once again, although I’m glad there are some new villains mixed in to make it more interesting.

Seeing what the side characters were up to in slideshow format was also great, I’m glad to see Yui again even if it’s only for one shot lol. Lastly, Burnin got some good bits in this episode, I require more Burnin!
TheColonel76Jul 10, 2021 5:30 PM
Jul 10, 2021 5:28 PM

Jul 2015
I heard they're currently working with a new key-animator or something (correct me if I'm wrong) that's why the quality suddenly improved so much.

This episode is interesting! Idc for those who said it's boring. this is a much needed break after that joint training arc. also more screentime for our trio. well, I don't like Enji the father but I have respect for Endeavor the hero. He actually listened to deku's rambling and provided conclusion (todoroki & bakugou deadpanned in the background lol). I thought he was just a himbo but he figured hawks hidden message.

Also every bakugou and todoroki's interaction is always so funny, they have compatible quirks as well, the explosion and the fire side. I love these two.
Jul 10, 2021 5:30 PM

Dec 2018
Maxxzs said:
TheGeekSqaude said:
they are already spoiling mva, so it would never get true justice

I don’t really think it’s to the extent everybody is making it out to be.

It was clear the League of Villains is still a thing well into the future, with future manga volume covers themselves having Shigaraki on it as well as other characters.

I feel as though knowing that the League of Villains is with the Liberation army provides a transition to MVA, almost like a heist story starting with the protagonists sitting on a huge haul of loot, with narration flashing back to what they went through to gain such an abundance.

I agree with you, I’m an anime only and I don’t think I would have been surprised in the slightest if they waited till later to reveal the League is once again behind the big bad guy event lol.
Jul 10, 2021 5:43 PM

Jun 2015
Haha they nailed the comedy of Deku's rambling about Air Force in the anime
Jul 10, 2021 5:44 PM

Jun 2015
Florent3571 said:
I'm so torn.

I enjoyed the hell outta this episode, it might've actually been the best directed one this whole season lol, every scene worked immensly.

But I'm now 100% convinced that the order they chose to adapt sucks, I won't get into detail as to why to avoid spoilers (because clearly the anime doesn't lmaoooo), but this is just hurting both this arc and the next one.

Yeah, I wonder what the director was thinking
Jul 10, 2021 5:47 PM
May 2020
Too many people worried about MVA. Let it play out and complain after if you don’t like it. Who the hell complains before.
Jul 10, 2021 6:02 PM
Aug 2020
Krissilva12 said:
Too many people worried about MVA. Let it play out and complain after if you don’t like it. Who the hell complains before.

It’s mainly the manga fans who are worried and freaking out or doomposting, i see most anime onlies enjoying this episode cause the storyboarding was fantastic imo.
Jul 10, 2021 6:45 PM
Nov 2016
This episode was decent, Bakugo always gets on my nerves though, can't he do nothing else besides screaming and using his quirk? because apparently he can't do nothing else besides those things, boring 1 dimensional character he is, goddamn.

Next episode is filler so I'm not looking forward for it. So far this season has been mid so no wonder it's still stuck with a rating of 7, the only arc that might improve that rating is the villain arc.
Jul 10, 2021 7:33 PM
Jul 2021
Whole season has dragged for me tbh and struggling to keep invested at this stage. Nothing interesting has happened apart from black whip. Only hanging on for MVA which everyone seems to be hyping up ( I’m anime only). I’m even enjoying boruto more than this atm which is saying something…
Jul 10, 2021 7:34 PM
Jul 2021
xZabuzax said:
This episode was decent, Bakugo always gets on my nerves though, can't he do nothing else besides screaming and using his quirk? because apparently he can't do nothing else besides those things, boring 1 dimensional character he is, goddamn.

Next episode is filler so I'm not looking forward for it. So far this season has been mid so no wonder it's still stuck with a rating of 7, the only arc that might improve that rating is the villain arc.

Yeah he’s so bloody one dimensional and really annoying. Don’t know how anyone can be a fan of him
Jul 10, 2021 7:57 PM

Mar 2019
IS next weeks ep anime only? I don't recall seeing any of the preview stuff in the manga.
Jul 10, 2021 8:14 PM

Nov 2015
I still think it's very strange that this Liberation Army just popped up out of nowhere with a League of Villains partnership. From what I've been told in a previous episode thread, they had a whole arc before this one in the manga to actually establish this group within the series' universe, which I really feel like it's missing here. Everything that has to do with them just leaves me with a "something is missing here" feeling. From my anime-only perspective, they went from literally nonexistent to apparently a major threat in the span of a single episode and I'm just not feeling it.
Jul 10, 2021 8:44 PM

Jan 2020
I'm not too interested in this whole agency stuff. I'm just sick and tired and wanna get to the mva arc.

Next episode looks better though. It looks a little fillerish (I know it's not) but hopefully it'll be nice seeing what some of the other characters are up to. Though as I stated, it's not ideal for me

Jul 10, 2021 8:50 PM

Jul 2013
Absolutely loved this episode even if I wasn't ready for the beginning. Hawks really has to watch out. The smallest wrong step could end up in a disaster. But as he said, if the villains underestimate Deku and the rest of the students it could end in a big surprise for the villains and advantage for the heroes when it comes to a big fight. It's obviously risky because neither of the students have a lot of experience and they're also still very young but on the other side this internship will help them to close that gap, even if it's just by a little.

God damn do I love Endeavor. He's such a great teacher. It also shows his true character and how hard he had to train himself to get on this level, always in mind to overcome All Might one day. Just the couple things he told Deku, Bakugo and Todoroki brought every single one of them a big step further. From not knowing how to get better in controlling their power or what they're bad at, to having an exact plan how to train for it. Therefor "One thing at a time" is a great title for this episode.

Jul 10, 2021 8:56 PM

Jan 2009
Parallel Processing is explained better here than in the manga imo

and next episode is filler? wtf
Jul 10, 2021 9:02 PM

Jun 2021
Meta Liberation War in 4 months everything going to be baam!The students of the Hero academics are insurance for pro heroes for fighting against villians if they failed. Endeavour Agreed to teach hero studies to Bakugou,Deku and Shojo.In the beginning This anime series used to be go in speed.Now this season is little bit of slow though..I am anxiously waiting for next week episode.
Jul 10, 2021 9:07 PM
Nov 2019
I need whatever The Mha team at Bones are smoking.This rearrangement was a horrible ideal. the already spoiled Mva And why the F are the trying to hide Destro when he's in the opening? Lmao.
Jul 10, 2021 9:50 PM

Jan 2013
What a fantastic episode this was, oww, i am speechless.
Endeavor can be a good teacher if he's motivated at it, this time i guess Hawks helped a lot xD

The whole car analogy was such a great example, can't wait for Deku to use his skills at will without any injuries.

I guess this whole mess will start soon...
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jul 10, 2021 10:07 PM

Jul 2016
Not gonna lie, I didn't expect Endeavor to be such a wise mentor. Really enjoyed listening to him talking about how a hero should be from his perspective.

Pretty good episode overall.
Jul 10, 2021 10:10 PM

Aug 2020
Pretty understandable Midoya's explanation as always, 4 months before the big battle to begin. I really can't wait for that.
free candies: premium candies:
Jul 10, 2021 11:20 PM

Jan 2021
TBH It's a filler episode and I think they are planning take it as a Shonen series ,cause if it's a Shonen it's definitely gonna blow...

I suggest to move the storyline quickly and stop doing filler episodes.

Jul 10, 2021 11:40 PM

Mar 2021
Just thinking what the League of Villain is planning.
Jul 11, 2021 12:27 AM

Aug 2016
Really not happy with Bones' reordering. This episode they straight up spoiled MVA and next episode is filler. I can't even enjoy the Endeavor Agency arc (which they're doing well) because of the mess that is their restructuring,

Jul 11, 2021 1:18 AM

May 2015
Damn Truck-kun almost killed another person. :(
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 11, 2021 3:25 AM

Jan 2018
This was probably one of the better episodes of MHA in a long time. It had exposition that didn't completely bore me to death.
Is the next episode filler tho? Edit- Yes, it is indeed a filler, as suspected. Looks like Bones want to fill the 25 episode each season quota at any cost. Kind of a shame after this episode which I liked.
Jul 11, 2021 3:40 AM
Apr 2020
I actually like this season so far and as an anime only watcher I'm getting really annoyed at all the manga readers complaining about everything. No manga/book to on screen adaptation is ever going to be the same. Never has been, never will be. They're always going to change things or reorder or completely miss huge important chunks out.

Also, even though the next episode will be filler, I thin it will be nice to see what the other students are doing and it will probably give us insight when they will undoubtedly come together in 4 months about what others have been doing. focusing on the same characters all the time gets boring.
Jul 11, 2021 4:36 AM
Feb 2021
thebrentinator24 said:
Decent episode with us getting to see more of Endeavor training Deku, Bakugo, and Shoto. But man next week's we really need a filler right now. Next week will be wasted, then I'm assuming Endeavor Agency will finish in episode 17, which leaves the last 8 episodes for MVA. Hope it doesn't get rushed.

If they don't give any recap or preview and add an episode (make season 5 26 episode long) then the pacing will not feel rushed
Jul 11, 2021 4:44 AM
Feb 2021
dokidoki_bean said:
Endeavour is a fantastic mentor; the way he listened to what each of the boys wanted from this internship, plus the easy-to-understand examples he used to explain the methods he applies to hero work and driving home the realities of being a hero in the real world, not in a classroom environment, were all signs of a great teacher.

The Commission is making the same mistake they made before; they're putting all the pressure and strain on a single hero. Before it was All Might and now it's Hawks, who is carrying a massive burden that a veteran hero would strain under and he's only 22 years old! Also, their backup plan is to use a bunch of kids if all else fails? Madness.

The hero commission has been useless forever ,the last antagonist in the manga was also a part of hero commission
Jul 11, 2021 6:32 AM

Jun 2020
Omg that was hilarious when Deku was explaining the % of his power to Endeavor lolllllolllll. I love how Endeavor listened to what they had to say seriously & didnt shit all over what they said.

Also the ED is so fucking good it’s been so long yet still not available on Spotify me cries

κ•€ but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Jul 11, 2021 6:50 AM

Oct 2017
Nerd Deku is hilarious.
Jul 11, 2021 7:26 AM

Mar 2010
Its great to feel such pressure. Their responsibility just got serious.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jul 11, 2021 10:44 AM

Jul 2020
I feel like,this whole episode could've finished like,in 12 minutes while removing unnecessary overused jokes and flashbacks.
The hype is really dead huh?One day passed and the replies didn't even cross a hundred.I'm laughing right now as well as feeling sad.
Tiagura said:
Good job Bones, Not only you did spoil the ending of MVA, But the next episode is a filler!
wouldn't it make sense to shorten that garbage arc (Joint Training) instead of MVA?!
But I guess the movie, and the Japanese fanbase that only like to wank on the Main cast is more important than the plot and the writing!

Lmao you're forgetting that Anime is made for Japanese audience in the first place and the Japanese fanbase don't like villains that much.You can barely see any villains in the top 10 except for maybe Shigaraki,Dabi,etc.I feel like Bones are dragging this arc because they are afraid they'll lose viewership if they start the villains arc.The main reason why anime like JJK,One pice,Detective conan,etc are doing so well in Japan is because the heroes are constantly winning.Welp,money comes first before the actual story when we talk about business.
Patosaurus72 said:
I haven't seen this episode yet but I've heard people say it spoils MVA. So should I watch this or wait

You won't know what happened as it was out of context.So I'd say watch it.Waiting doesn't make a difference.
ScordoloJul 11, 2021 10:48 AM

Scordolo's Recent Reviews
To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Jul 11, 2021 12:00 PM
Sep 2020
Am I the only one who thinks that Hawks will die by the end of the liberation war arc? 😒
Jul 11, 2021 12:36 PM
May 2021
It was pretty good and i like how Bakugo's character is developing
Jul 11, 2021 12:48 PM
May 2018
Mostly construction episode and kind of drag on at that. The joke about Deku going on and on could have been shortened by half, it wasn't so long all the other times, why now?
Pratyush_ said:
Am I the only one who thinks that Hawks will die by the end of the liberation war arc? 😒

He's being raising some death flags for a while now, being a traitor and all that, I just hope it will be well handled.
Jul 11, 2021 1:44 PM

Dec 2010
Shiro0347 said:
David08 said:
And with this episode they completely spoiled the end of MVA and removed almost all the stakes. Great.
David08 said:
And with this episode they completely spoiled the end of MVA and removed almost all the stakes. Great.
what do you mean by that?

In a future arc, that is supposed to be taking place right now, it follows the perspective of the League of Villains, so it's being called My Villain Academia. In that arc, fights happen, and certain characters lives are threatened, it seems that some of them might die.

During the meeting in this episode, they revealed several characters, 1 new one that hopefully people who want to remain spoiler free didn't get a good look at, but it also showed some League of Villain characters who survived the arc.

I'm not the type to care about spoilers, I willingly read the manga specifically because I wanted spoilers, but when I read that arc I was super into it and burned through it in 1 night, all to see if any of the dying characters survived. It was intense and really didn't let me stop because I had to experience it in full.

If I had seen the meeting scene ahead of reading that, it would have lost all it's intensity. Would have been boring.

There is nothing we can do to prevent spoilers for people who watch todays episode, but the best advice to avoid them, is not to re-watch, especially the meeting scene. I like spoilers and even I think it's better to forget that scenes characters and go into the villain arc as blind as possible.
Jul 11, 2021 6:31 PM
Mar 2019
Snailoverlord said:
I actually like this season so far and as an anime only watcher I'm getting really annoyed at all the manga readers complaining about everything. No manga/book to on screen adaptation is ever going to be the same. Never has been, never will be. They're always going to change things or reorder or completely miss huge important chunks out.

Also, even though the next episode will be filler, I thin it will be nice to see what the other students are doing and it will probably give us insight when they will undoubtedly come together in 4 months about what others have been doing. focusing on the same characters all the time gets boring.

As a manga reader, I'm right there with you. WAY too much complaining about it. It's gonna be fine. Sit back and enjoy, because it's gonna be really good!
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