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Jun 1, 2021 9:27 AM

Nov 2011
I'm not even surprised that betrayal is part of this episode at all. Seems almost no one is trustworthy anymore.

A chilling episode imo. We got a guy who had to take on the name 'Jin'. It justifies that anyone can make a choice and path for their life. It's still a cruel world to be in when you think about it though.
Jun 1, 2021 9:27 AM

Jul 2017
Jin Kuzuhara has no intention of going back to his old days, and so does Sawa in her final mission sent by the former Nue commander.

Jin's backstory of almost being used as experimental dogs for the Tokugawa government and ultimately for Janome's barbaric plans, he was taken in by a Nue agent (Kotodama), one devoured of snake venom, and a secret service of the Shogun (think of it like Yoshinobu Tokugawa's Kingsmen).

What a life of Jin, given a mission by Kotodama to protect Sawa's clan 24/7 because of the enemies from Janome wanting the blue blood of immortality, to exterminating the clan before Janome could get to the village that houses the Karasumori clan. No wonder when Jin looked at Sawa and her bird partner, it reminds him of the meeting between him and her mom Towa in the same manner.

Defiance against the Tokugawa regime spells death, and Jin does the one thing unthinkable for plot: kill the entire clan, including Sawa's family, but at the behest of memories, he takes in Sawa to train her to be part of the Nue regime.

People will betray you, friend or foe. What a revengeful and betraying episode this is though.
Jun 1, 2021 9:27 AM

Jun 2019
This is something that looks like illegal experimentation on prisoners. Some are so burnt out of their life there, that the only escape they can find is taking their own lives and some are trying to escape. And one of the victims is Kuzuhara Jin who ran away from Janome and got chosen by Shogun.

"People will betray you, Friend or Foe". That's one hell of a statement. Kuzuhar's past was pretty dark as well. Meeting Karasumori clan's Towa and her family and then looking over them from the shadows and then having to kill the whole clan leaving just Yuki behind to be a Nue executioner. It's a really dark past if you think about it.
Jun 1, 2021 9:40 AM

Feb 2019
Damn, Jin’s backstory was pretty tragic but when they had him lick the wine off the floor.. you would’ve had to kill me. Fuck that. Him killing kotodama was meant to be a big twist, but the dude deserved it. Fuck em. The episode did give some valuable insight into Jin though. At the end of the last episode we were suspicious of him, but after this I’m sure he’s on Sawa side
Jun 1, 2021 10:07 AM

Jan 2021
Well that definitely put some weight behind the upcoming fight. Jin finally got the characterization (or backstory) that he needed. Even so, this show is still mediocre at best lol
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Jun 1, 2021 10:33 AM

Aug 2020
So it wasnt Janome who killed the Karasumori Clan. Sawa was only brainwashed..
Jun 1, 2021 11:52 AM

Jul 2015
Jin is Itachi confirmed.

Anyway, Nue being responsible for culling the village was beyond predicable, so no gasps of suprise there.
PiromyslJun 1, 2021 11:55 AM

Jun 1, 2021 12:41 PM

Apr 2017
Necessary background information provided. A solid episode overall, and key in hyping the upcoming fight.
Jun 1, 2021 12:58 PM

Jul 2011
Tragic story of Jin

So......Jin was very close to become Sawa's stepfather.

I wanted to say that im surprised that was Jin that massacred the village by shogun orders, but was expected. <insert Sarcastically Surprised Kirk meme>
Jun 1, 2021 2:05 PM

Sep 2019
Jin’s backstory was sad. I didn’t think that he was the one who killed Sawa’s parents. It looks like it was made to just surprise the viewers, it did surprise me but didn’t manage to do anything further. Well, whatever. I don’t even care about this show anymore tbh
Jun 1, 2021 2:24 PM

Nov 2020
Every episode of this anime is a Masterpiece, one of the best of this season.
[Translator's note: "Keikaku" means plan]

Just according to keikaku...
-Raito "Light" Yagami
Jun 1, 2021 7:29 PM

Jun 2019
So the head executioner watched over Yuki’s clan and killed them. Ok. I can’t say it was surprising or original, but at least they’re trying to tie it all together I guess. Since he is already dying I bet she won’t kill him and they kill the shogun to end it.
Jun 1, 2021 8:51 PM
Apr 2021
Ever since the first arc ended and Sawa thought she'd got her revenge, Jin became my favourite character because he was freed from the management role he previously had and just became a badass killing machine. What kind of pissed me off is all the times we were lead to believe he'd killed people only for it to be revealed he faked their deaths. Now we get his backstory, and it is probably my favourite episode so far.
He's such a great character, trapped in a life he knows is wrong, but his ties to this life are too strong, he's sacrificed too much to ever go back. Jin rationalises it by saving Sawa, but at the end of the day all of it is just an excuse. He knows deep down that what he's doing is wrong, that he's living a life of contradiction, but he just can't break the cycle.

The only issue here is that Sawa is Sasuke levels of revenge-filled idiot, and all she does is mope around and cry for pity. She's honestly such an unlikeable character that it does kind of ruin the show. Having an episode where she was sidelined let the show really tell an interesting and engaging story (if somewhat predictable)
Jun 1, 2021 10:52 PM

Jan 2021
Girvent13 said:
Every episode of this anime is a Masterpiece, one of the best of this season.
haha that’s funny lol lmaooooo........ jk
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Jun 2, 2021 12:01 AM

Oct 2016
Solid episode, definitely the best one of the show so far. His backstory was pretty sad and now we know why he is the way he is. When he cried while eating he rice ball, that honestly hit pretty hard. You really can't trust anyone in this show. They really ended the episode on the same cliffhanger as last episode lmao but, this time we have more context.
Jun 2, 2021 2:44 AM
Jul 2018
Past Revealed had many strange things including that man in the hat, but this ending was already very suspicious about Jin.
Jun 2, 2021 4:18 AM

Jul 2016
BlichoBoy said:
Tragic story of Jin

So......Jin was very close to become Sawa's stepfather.

I wanted to say that im surprised that was Jin that massacred the village by shogun orders, but was expected. <insert Sarcastically Surprised Kirk meme>

Not stepfather. More like step brother.
Jun 2, 2021 4:41 AM
May 2021
I am not a big fan of this anime's plot but this episode was very well done. For sure the best episode of the series so far.
Jun 2, 2021 5:42 AM
Mar 2021
Its now episode 10 and its good, this time, its jins story to tell on what really happened.. tho whether he will tell sawa or not, it will depend on him, and of sawas judgement if she can really kill him.. thus, is the workings when ur at the mercy of darkness, there will never be any escape from it.. there may be different paths one may take, but none may escape from the darkness.. even if the person may have the mental capacity to withstand the darkness, there will always be times when one cant handle no more.. specially when they will experience a bit of the light.. and even if sawas clan was cursed, or has cursed blood, they all lived in the light a bit.. unlike in the past where it was either gray or black.. anyways, i rate the episode a 4.5 of 5, 4.5 for both story and art.. :)
Jun 2, 2021 5:44 AM
Mar 2021
Its now episode 10 and its good, this time, its jins story to tell on what really happened.. tho whether he will tell sawa or not, it will depend on him, and of sawas judgement if she can really kill him.. thus, is the workings when ur at the mercy of darkness, there will never be any escape from it.. there may be different paths one may take, but none may escape from the darkness.. even if the person may have the mental capacity to withstand the darkness, there will always be times when one cant handle no more.. specially when they will experience a bit of the light.. and even if sawas clan was cursed, or has cursed blood, they all lived in the light a bit.. unlike in the past where it was either gray or black.. anyways, i rate the episode a 4.5 of 5, 4.5 for both story and art.. :)
Jun 2, 2021 6:06 AM

Aug 2020
Jin had no choice at that time, I completely understand Sawa's anger towards him, I would probably want to kill Jin if I were her, but seeing as an outsider, I feel bad for Jin, his mother was killed when he was just a child, he was Janome's guinea pig and after that he joined Nue with no other choice, his life was terrible and I really feel bad for him.
Jun 2, 2021 9:46 AM

Jan 2019
Probably the best episode so far because it finishes tying all the dots in a decent way. Obviously, nothing about this plot is surprising or exceptional, but it seems this anime pretty much aims for what it is: an ok story. Although the writer could have definitely put in some extra effort to be more creative or have a more unique narrative style, there isn't much to complain about it as a whole rather than that it's often boring because of the predictability. Well, the anime isn't a complete waste of time, but I wouldn't consider it worth rewatching either.
Jun 2, 2021 4:14 PM

Feb 2021
Joran has really redeemed itself with this and the previous episode. I was waiting for Jin's story for a while.
Jun 2, 2021 5:02 PM

Sep 2020
Jin's backstory definitely makes up for the lack of Makoto's.
Jun 3, 2021 10:47 AM

Dec 2016
Oh...That person that Jin mentioned in the previous episode was actually Sawa's mother. So, Jin was in love with Sawa's mother....I thought the story was going to make Sawa and Jin end up together.

I wanted them to show Jin lick the statue too (◐∇◐*)
Jun 3, 2021 5:22 PM

Feb 2019
A entirely on Jin's backstory, and it's not even full of twists and turns. He was experimented on by Dr Crazy Snake, recruited by the evil empire, sent off to protect Sawa's village from Snakey McSnakeface and monsters in general, then immediately changed to killing them all right as Team Snake showed up. The only big twist here being that there was a village of helpless idiots with widely desired and known superpowers and frequent monster attacks that was also somehow hidden, except from the government. It's not even like Janome was a one man operation either. The informational security of that massive compound of human torture is quite impressive.

And… yeah, that's about the sum total of the big reveals here, that Jin killed her village, not Janome, literally minutes before Janome's goon squad arrived to… also kill them, but more horribly. I think that's how you could have salvaged this episode; spent less time on the domination porn aspect with the emperor, and had Jin actually try to stop Janome's attack on the village until he became increasingly desperate to save them from the suffering that he was put through, and so he mercy killed them. Instead, we get a vauge "they're coming, uh, sometime" and he leaps straight to genocide, but sheds a single corny tear, and then abruptly changes his mind partway. Back him into a corner and force him to make an emotional choice. It was missing the frantic, anguished, hopeless despair that would make it actually tragic instead of an almost silly shedding of a single tear as he mows down old people and children.
Jun 3, 2021 9:19 PM

Oct 2008
i think it's fitting for Yukimura to end Jin...he has killed too much!

Jun 4, 2021 9:25 PM
Dec 2020
"People will betray you, friend or foe. There's no ruling someone's heart". A strong message getting thrown around this week.

Betrayals left and right. A strong episode in my opinion, now that annoying Sawa isn't the main focus
Jun 5, 2021 5:19 AM

May 2015
Birds death > people death.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jun 5, 2021 10:03 PM

Oct 2017
Finally the truth is out, it was Jin who killed Sawa's clan. Time for Jin to die.
Jun 8, 2021 1:02 PM

Jul 2020
Janome is the best character in this show. He's not good or bad, it's like he's out of any trial. He looks like Ned Stark from GOT, he does the job and is only loyal to it (mostly).
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Jun 10, 2021 3:35 AM

Apr 2018
Jin's backstory with a lot of revelations with Saya's mother and the death of the clan... it was still boring even though it makes the story more interesting xD
Jun 15, 2021 12:02 PM

Nov 2017
I would have preferred dying than lick the wine on the fucking floor. Anyway, sad backstory.
"he has it big as a cactus
but he won't let go of my head
and I puke on his cock bitch" - Boy by Fishball 
Jun 16, 2021 4:40 PM

Jan 2019
(English) Unlike what I imagined, Jun was one of the people used in Dr. Janome's experiments. Charged with protecting the Yukimaru clan, he indirectly became Sawa's closest person. It was an episode about the past, and with that Jouran evolves through small events.

(Portuguese/Português) Diferente do que eu imaginava, Jun foi uma das pessoas usadas nos experimentos do Dr. Janome. Encarregado de proteger o clã Yukimaru, ele se tornou indiretamente a pessoa mais próxima de Sawa. Foi um episódio sobre o passado, e com isso Jouran se evolui por meio dos pequenos acontecimentos.
Aug 6, 2021 1:35 AM

Jul 2015
Tragic backstory of Jin, never expected him to be behind the clan slaughter even killing Sawa's mother who he was in love in (although she saw him as another son). I kinda wonder why Janome has the snake tattoo (he died to early for me to remember if he actually did)

Aug 9, 2021 11:12 AM
Jan 2018
So the shogun wanted them dead now he wants there blood dude make up your mind
Dec 17, 2021 3:30 PM
Dec 2017
pretty sad story about Jin huh.

May 12, 2022 5:11 AM

Jul 2021
Jin got more decisive choices ahead and glad to see his tragedy and perspective
Jan 5, 2023 12:56 PM
Nov 2015
هذه الحلقة جعلتني اقيم هذا العمل ب 9

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