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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Apr 10, 2021 8:30 AM

Nov 2011
This was interesting. There's the world conflict with the machines an Lena's character introduction from the first episode. She seems like a complex character and I'm quite curious on how the show will develop her.

The lives of the 86ers looks pretty tough. Personally, I think the first episode serves as a nice way to introduce the show's ideas, the world setting, and Lena. Animation quality of the show also looks solid, at least so far. Story wise, looks like the show is prepared for a lot of battles ahead.
Apr 10, 2021 8:30 AM

Feb 2019
FINALLY ITS GAME DAY BOYS. I have waited YEARS for this day. Pushing the agenda on twitter since 2018. I cried no lie.

I love how the first episode of the anime portrayed the duality of reality with the Alba living in comfort, able to party and get drunk safely, while the 86 have to battle to see a new day.

The voice acting and art were PHENOMENAL. I love the expressions on the faces, the designs are great. Set up episode, but it did a good job introducing you to the world of 86. Pacing was good too. Only one chapter so not too rushed. A-1, please keep feeding us.

I think the OP is too upbeat for volume 1, personally. But I still like it. Main event for me is of course the Yamamoto/Sawano ED.
Marinate1016Apr 10, 2021 8:42 AM
Apr 10, 2021 8:30 AM

Apr 2020
Vladilena is very beautiful, Vladilena's thighs are very naughty lmao, and that Ahoge suits her very well, also many people have silver hair.

Episode 1 ends with the encounter between Lena and Shinei. Looks like It gets interesting from here.
Apr 10, 2021 8:30 AM

Jul 2017
One of the most highly acclaimed LNs that doesn't have enough recognition, and with this premiere episode of a split-cour, I have high expectations going into 86, and it did not disappoint.

Getting to understand Major Vladilena Milizé (or Lena for easy remembering) will take some time, but she's a strong girl of justice for one hell of a MC. And the certainty of oddball beings labelled the 86-ers (or the Spearhead Squadron of an ace unit) in an environment just like real life that's full of scorn and disgust, being sacrifical pawns in the battlefield, this feels real in just about every way.

Another high quality production of A-1 Pictures, and I'm stoked to watch more of this. After re-watching this a 2nd time with subs, I must say that going in blind is the best experience.
KANLen09Apr 10, 2021 1:02 PM
Apr 10, 2021 8:30 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
I’ve been waiting for this premiere for what feels like an eternity, and now it’s finally here!

The directing was really cool in this episode. I liked how they did the first couple of mins of the episode with Lena’s morning routine. In general, I liked how they cut down the heavy exposition from the LN and presented it in the episode in a way where you can infer what the setting of the series is like. And the way the scenes are storyboarded, it makes the conversations feel engaging because everything looks so lively.

The episode basically covered chapter 1 and some of the end bit of the episode was anime-original, since Kujo was already dead when the novel jumped to Shin’s perspective. Fairly good pacing! They might actually spend 5-6 episode for the first volume.

Also, “Fuckin’ Glory to the Spearhead Squadron!!!”

This episode looks visually great! The character animation was fairly dynamic and filled with expression. And the CG mecha fights are quite nice looking. The CG itself looks great, partly due to great composition.

I’m really glad that this isn’t just some cashed-in adaptation, but an adaptation that tried to bring the most out of its source material. Visuals are great, music’s really good, directing and storyboarding was excellent, and the pacing was fairly good. All in all, a nearly perfect adaptation!

Also, the OP was great! Based Hitorie, they’ve still got it! Also, that shot near the end of the OP with some Spearhead squadron soldiers standing in a field of flowers, I think the OP will add more and more soldiers on the field as more characters start to die.

Here's the OP:
GoldenDevilGamerApr 10, 2021 8:50 AM
Apr 10, 2021 8:56 AM

Jul 2015
They better not ruin this anime. It's the one I have most hope for this season.

Give me the full ED... now!

Apr 10, 2021 9:03 AM

Mar 2016
I didn’t expect them to animate kujo’s death. I guess they wanted to set up and showcase their daily routine, which is basically go to battle, get killed and lose someone, return home, and continue your lives just to repeat the process again and again. Basically the fate they’ve been resigned to for a long time.
Lena had some nice scenes. Best girl.
Rewatched it with subs, and I’ll say it’s a solid start. Fuckin’ Glory to the Spearhead Squadron.
Shishou_23Apr 10, 2021 11:35 AM
Apr 10, 2021 9:38 AM

Nov 2008
This really has the potential of being as brutal and tragic as IBO, in fact it's already up there and it's only the 1st episode.

Apr 10, 2021 9:39 AM

Jul 2019
those transitions between happy scenes to the battlefield, damn
great first episode so far. soundtracks slap
Apr 10, 2021 9:51 AM

Jan 2016
Really good pacing and the VAs are spot on! Can't believe I can hear Lena voiced, we're truly blessed

I'm very dissapointed in with the OP but the OSTs are bound to be amazing so I'll forgive them.

They adapted around 1 chapter which is what I expected, which semi confirms most fans theory that the first cour will end with volume 3 and the 2nd cour will adapt until volume 6

I'll admit I might've screamed like a girl when we saw the spearhead squadron
Apr 10, 2021 9:52 AM

Jan 2014
What an interesting start for the first episode. Honestly got me hooked on it already, and I'm ready for the wild ride that is seeming to come.
Apr 10, 2021 9:58 AM

Oct 2017
Damn what a messed up world, I already felt pain watching this episode. The transitions between happy and brutal moments were done so well. Animation, visuals were nice and I like the characters. Both Undertaker and Miriźe seems like likeable protagonists. OST was great and the OP at the end was nice too.

The death scene at the end was pretty impactful. Also I wonder why all the citizens have same hair colour. Thou they are ignorant and brainwashed af.

Amazing premise, loved it. Looks like it'll be a painful ride but a great one for sure.
Apr 10, 2021 9:59 AM

Jul 2019
and those CGi juggernauts look surprisingly good
Apr 10, 2021 10:01 AM

Feb 2016
I had a feeling that this was the only anime this season that'll adapt the LNs perfectly and so far I'm glad to see it's all going so well
The animation is great and Sawano will handle the music perfectly
I just hope the quality remains same throughout the season
Apr 10, 2021 10:03 AM
Oct 2016
This premiere introducing us to everything about the world the story is set. How there's a horrible class system with those silver haired people on top and the rest treated like disposable pigs to the slaughter. Regarding them as so less than their deaths aren't even officially counted as casualties in the battles. Lena, our main girl, becoming the new Handler for this elite squadron. The Spearhead since they're the best of the best and guard the most valuable district number one. Lena not having the best experience being a handler with her previous squadron but wanting to serve as best she can even in this tough position. With all their earlier handlers leaving, going insane or committing suicide the Spearhead squadron has an unsavoury reputation. The battles in this show are super intense. Those unmanned, in name only, drones can zip around the battlefield like its nothing. Shin, aka undertaker, being their leader on the ground. Excited to see this great story unfold in the anime, it will be a great one this season.
Apr 10, 2021 10:09 AM

Dec 2015
With Sawano alone, this was already the favorite to be AOTS, but both direction and screenwriting were top notch in this episode. By far best debut of this Season. Just hope it stays interesting until the end.
Apr 10, 2021 10:10 AM
Dec 2020
Watched the first ep without any prior knowledge of the ln, it was interesting ngl.
Gave a good idea of how they live, there daily routine amd all. Liked Lena's character, and looking forward to the development.
So in short pretty interesting ep, have high hopes for the anime
Apr 10, 2021 10:21 AM

Dec 2019
Fantastic; A1 has done it great job encapsulating the environment and tension of the world of 86. Looking forward to more.
Here we go again...
Apr 10, 2021 10:24 AM

Jun 2019
A pretty interesting start imo. I like Lena's personality quite a lot. She's a caring girl and cute as well.
Those transitions were super cool. Loved it. From dining hall to battlefield. Looking forward to more of this show. Definitely caught my attention.
Apr 10, 2021 10:25 AM

Aug 2020
Not bad the art is fine and good. The plot is interesting thou and Lena as new waifu °_°
free candies: premium candies:
Apr 10, 2021 10:31 AM

Jul 2017
The actual drawings looked a tad cheap, but the animation and direction cuts of the battles do look sick indeed. I've grown quite attached to the 86 novel series as a whole even if there are some issues there (will also be rereading the volumes I own today as well), so I was excited for this anime and overall, the premiere was solid. Not quite the best since visually could have been better and the pacing could have been a little better too but still, good stuff is to come.

Lena is also a great character for me too and I'm excited to see how the anime handles the progression of her character and the story in general. Great design in the books, decent enough in the anime although could be better imo.
Apr 10, 2021 10:31 AM

Aug 2019
The ep was a great introduction both to the 86's world and the characters. Good animation and excellent music. Pacing is well done, i hope A1 to continue doing a good job and make this a masterful adaptation.

Apr 10, 2021 10:31 AM
Jul 2018
It was a decent episode. Lena would make a great waifu ngl.

Shin, the undertaker is the pretty serious. He is a bit cold as excepted.

Apr 10, 2021 10:32 AM

Jan 2021
I haven't familiarised myself with the terms yet, but it is very interesting.
I feel like it's going to be one of my favourites this season
New Waifu? 0.0

Apr 10, 2021 10:32 AM

Oct 2013

It's finally here. I've been waiting for this for quite some time. Great first ep. The way they used similar sounding object to cut from the SoL scenes to the brutal fight scenes was a great directional choice. I'm never dropping my food again.

I like how the exposition were kept to a minimal. Instead the worldbuilding was done through the visuals.

Lena a cutie. Dat quick scene of her changing clothes tho. New waifu of the season for sure

I'm excited for the rest. If done right we might have our Anime of the Season.
Apr 10, 2021 10:36 AM

Apr 2014
Solid start. I would agree that Lena is cute. New waifu??! maybe...
The death scene was pretty sad when you need to kill your comrade.
I really looking forward to the next episode.
Apr 10, 2021 10:38 AM

Nov 2013
My most antecipated anime to air in this season and what a start we had! Animation and CGI were looking pretty decent already in the trailers, and on this premiere they kept on delivering by being consistent. As for the OST we have Sawano in it, so we will surely be in good hands. Can´t wait for the hype tracks when the action really starts.

Content-wise I also liked the pacing they went with, and I was particularly pleased with how they handed the infodumps and the transitions between scenes, especially when the tone shifted. When it comes to the characters maybe I am not remember correctly from the books, but I don´t think that they foreshadowed that early Shin´s goal, so it was a nice touch how they did it in the anime. As for Lena, as much as I don´t like to see my girl suffering, I loved her breakdown scene, which showcased pretty well how much she values human life in the battlefield and how impotent she is atm. Can´t wait for all that sweet development to come.

Finally and not wanting to sound too picky, but I didn´t like the OP song (even the visuals were kind of meh). Maybe it will grow on me as the time goes, but yeah, I am more looking forward to the ED song, since that one is amazing.
KaitonApr 10, 2021 11:14 AM

Apr 10, 2021 10:38 AM

Jul 2020
I had extremely high expectations for this and it even suprassed that lmao. Best first episode of the season no doubt.
I gave up on character of the week since it takes too much thinking. I'll just change my forum pfp to whoever I want every week lol.
Apr 10, 2021 10:40 AM

Jul 2016
Toshimasa Ishii beautiful directing enhanced the scenes in the LN. The pacing and the detail they adapt it faithfully. The VAs are very good too, especially Lena, she captures her role nicely.

The art and animation is consistent and its blends in the beautiful backgrounds. So far the CGI is not jarring and its good. Overall strong premier

Apr 10, 2021 10:41 AM
Dec 2018
Great start! The series looks very promising!
I like dub more than sub because I am not a weeb.
Apr 10, 2021 10:48 AM
Feb 2021
I have only 1 thing to say.. That opening was horrible❗️
Apr 10, 2021 10:48 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
What an excellent start, top tier intro, great character designs, interesting world and set up, besides all this I love the soundtrack. Definitely a show I will watch all the way.
Apr 10, 2021 10:49 AM

Aug 2013
The one anime I anticipated the most is here. Whoa!!! As I person who is currently reading the light novel, I'm on Volume 4 currently, this was a great way to start this series, especially the way they did the setting in anime format.

The OP was okay I guess. All I'm waiting for is the ED.
Finally got to see and hear Lena animated. It was good to see the 86s who are members of the Spearhead Squadron.

Also, Fuckin’ Glory to the Spearhead Squadron!!!
LeoApr 10, 2021 10:52 AM

Apr 10, 2021 10:54 AM

Sep 2010
The atmosphere, music, and animation is fantastic. Hopefully the quality stays consistent. I'm very happy its getting 2 cours.
Apr 10, 2021 11:06 AM

Mar 2018
So this is basically Sci-fi WW2 but Germany sends in jews as soldiers
Apr 10, 2021 11:06 AM

Aug 2020
The characters seem complicated, I'll be sure to enjoy this show.
Apr 10, 2021 11:07 AM

Oct 2020
This might be my favourite show this season if this keeps up. The premise is very cool. VAs are exceptional and A-1's in charge. Excited to hear the OP. I wonder where it goes from here...

Apr 10, 2021 11:09 AM
Dec 2020
Damn that was some good cgi. Undertaker seems like he’ll be interesting moving forward, I hope he’s not just some badass sad boy and gets some depth later on. At first I didn’t like the happy first half but after seeing the second half I understood it was important to show the contrast. This world is interesting as hell. I wonder if it was a nazi pure blood situation and the 86 are all the non “aryans” in this show and I wonder where they’ll end up in the end. It feels a bit like attack on titan where anyone could die in any battle, I can’t wait for the pain.
said the lolicon bastard
Apr 10, 2021 11:11 AM

Jun 2019
Finally, 86 is here

soundtrack is amazing
animation is crisp

but most importantly, the pacing is good. it looks like it's going to take its actual time to build the atmosphere of the world instead of going into the action.

I can't wait to see more Lena and Shin

Also, the Lena with here hair up tho

One thing I dislike is the character design. Shin just feels off for some reason.
DeN11Apr 10, 2021 11:17 AM

Apr 10, 2021 11:14 AM

Jul 2017
Well one things for sure the art looks amazing, sasuga A1 as usual. Though have to say the action scenes seem very confusing so far, seems like they're going for the classic ufotable and just throw in random explosions everywhere and hope for the best :P

but one thing that I'm curious with regards to the different pov's is how the focus is gonna be divided between the 86 guys. There seem to be a loooot of characters that have some sort of attention drawn to them. At least with the FeMC it only seems to be her and maybe the scientist lady
Apr 10, 2021 11:15 AM
Jan 2021
I really liked first episode, nice introduction to the universe.
Characters are pretty cool, the designs aren't unique, but that's ok.
Idk why everyone have white hair, cause I haven't read the light novel, but I guess we will find out.
Animation is nice, CG wasn't bad, only explosions seemed off to me.
Sound is really good throughout as expected.
Nothing more to say.
Apr 10, 2021 11:18 AM
Jan 2019
What happened here, anime only didn't understood completely what was going on they used some vague terms and left a lot undefined.
Apr 10, 2021 11:19 AM

Jun 2019
Groenboys said:
So this is basically Sci-fi WW2 but Germany sends in jews as soldiers

It's more similar to the executive order 9066 signed during the WW2 to keep Japanese people in concentration camps in the United States.
They were given the option to fight for the United States back then just like in the show.

Of course, this is way more exaggerated

Apr 10, 2021 11:21 AM

Jan 2020
This first episode is great. It was better than I thought it would be for a first episode. The story is very interesting, I like the animation, direction looks solid and the art is captivating. It reminds me a little of KyoAni art. Sawano is the composer? I'm sold!

I am looking forward to more of this every week.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Apr 10, 2021 11:22 AM

Mar 2018
My most anticipated of the season and it doesn't disappoint.

Loved the opening scene, and the combat scenes in general, but showing those of (in?) 86 living their daily lives, then going into battle and dying was also really well done.
Apr 10, 2021 11:23 AM

Sep 2017
Pretty good first episode. Really like the world building. Feel like they did a good job of explaining the state of the world, the politics, how the military works with the handler system an shit without using any annoying exposition. This has potential to be a good story. Let's hope the characters also pull their weight.
Apr 10, 2021 11:23 AM
Oct 2020
Code Geass + Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans = 86, not that I'm complaining. So far, so good. I love the pacing.
Apr 10, 2021 11:25 AM

Dec 2014
This was great, really good premiere. Very interesting setting with huge potential to be great.

First of all, Lena is cute, I love her design. Ticks all the right marks for me. XD

So all the military soldiers just pretend that they have unmanned drones in battles to public, they sit inside their big buildings living the life while the people of eighty six fight for their survival each day. It's tragic and hard to watch give how apathetic they seem, I'm glad Lena is different and I hope the Spearhead squadron comes to see that as well.

Too early to comment on anything else but the production seems top notch, I have high hopes.
Apr 10, 2021 11:28 AM

Jun 2015
Quite a action packed opening but one that showed well how command treats them. Peace as usual in the other 85 sectors of the republic huh. Silver hair must be genetic within the republic. High command's disregard of lives though was disgusting. Still you have to admire Lena's determination to treat the members of her unit with respect when everyone treats them like trash. Her weakness to real food was adorable though. The role of handler though always from the field is also one that features quite the amount of pain as well due to the shared comms. Love the fact that the series switches between the viewpoints of the command level and the grunt level though. The mercy killing though necessary in that situation must weight heavily on Shinn's mind. But the atmosphere of the unit in the aftermath represented well that this was a far too common occurrence to them. Overall a pretty good opening ep that did well to introduce both the different worlds in which Lena and Shinn operate in and the brutal nature that warfare in this world brings to those to fight in it. So far everything seems to be on point and as long as quality remains unchanged through the season this should be a worthy adaptation of the LN.
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Apr 10, 2021 11:37 AM

Jun 2019
They threw a lot at us in this first episode, but it looks promising. The world and politics look like it will be very interesting to explore in-depth. Plus it looks like it will be a great adaptation with it being clear how much effort they put into making it almost movie quality.
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