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Feb 9, 2021 12:04 PM
Apr 2017
Based Rika being best girl once again. Neiru's scar makes it look as it her sister tried to rip her fucking spine lmao. Interesting to see how she breaks the "mold" that the puppets and Rika use to generalize them; she is much more goal-oriented than emotionally reactive.
LuckezioFeb 9, 2021 12:08 PM
Feb 9, 2021 12:06 PM
Jan 2011
I can appreciate Rika but irl she's the type that I hate the most. Manipulative. Speculative. Dishonest. Like a leech.

But I can see the appeal in the anime and she's grown on me. That said, you need to have a strong will to deal with Rika or she will pull you to her level and pace.
Feb 9, 2021 12:09 PM
Aug 2018
I fucking love how the show just put all of its cards on the table. A ton of things I didn't expect to come out until later, like Ai realizing the teacher might have had a relationship with Koito (I assumed she was too naive to think that, given the dialogue by text in the second episode where she says "bedroom stuff" equals "Pillow Fighting", lol), or the fact that these girls are actually in a game where they can walk out any second they want. I was expecting that later on in the series, and yet WEP keeps just going straight to the point, and I love it for that.

So NOW I really have no fucking idea where they taking this. Btw, I loved the villainous laugh of Acca at the end. It didn't feel forced for a villainous laugh, it just felt utterly cruel and childlike. And I was praising the series for its dialogue since the beginning, so the fact this was the most dialogue-heavy episode till now kind of makes it my favorite this far.

It's unreal how much I'm enjoying this damn anime. It's so well done.
Feb 9, 2021 12:49 PM

Jun 2020
This anime is becoming one of my favorites ngl. Things are progressing nicely story-wise. Even though I wasn't a fan of Rika when she first showed up, I kinda like all of the characters now. The group as a collective just functions really well, and that's always a good sign.
Feb 9, 2021 1:56 PM
Oct 2019
Just a thought, but what happens if at one point they have to protect a girl and the "trauma" is one of the other MCs?
Feb 9, 2021 2:10 PM
Nov 2018
I was expecting them to tackle the issue of not reviving their close ones near the end of the show, but it's already happening now. This episode was really good, and I loved how the most rowdy of the gang was the most mature. It really fleshed her out and felt real. Taking a realistic look at things and expanding on the clues whilst you're at it: that is what's making this show so interesting!
Feb 9, 2021 2:11 PM
May 2020
it was so nice to see the girls just have some fun together i hope there are more episodes like this one coming
Feb 9, 2021 2:14 PM

Feb 2015
cameronm34 said:
Just a thought, but what happens if at one point they have to protect a girl and the "trauma" is one of the other MCs?

That's a thought that actually crossed my mind as well. I'm pretty sure there are some crazy twists ahead.
I also believe the entire Koito x Sensei narrative is a giant red herring. I doubt they would just say it out loud in episode 5, cause the reason why Koito killed herself seems to be the main question the anime wants to answer and I doubt that would happen before the climax is near.

Rika slowly being brainwashed by the mannequins is also a bit concerning.
Really excited to see where all of this is going, definitely aots so far!
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Feb 9, 2021 2:19 PM

Jul 2019
ERGIC said:
i think their dream locations are the locations where the person they're trying to save killed themselves but i don't understand rika's dream location.
anyone have any theories?
Dont quote me on this, but i believe they said the girl she is trying to save killed herself by jumping a cliff close to the sea.
Feb 9, 2021 2:28 PM

Apr 2015
So Momoe is related to the teacher after all, just a more distant family member, I expected it to be closer, like a daughter. Still have a really bad gut feeling about that teacher.

Quite a relaxing episode, with the girls having fun, together but also discussing why they are fighting. Neiru's backstory is quite shocking, not only did her sister stab her in the back, she killed herself afterwards. Talk about harsh, no wonder Neiru is doing it for herself, that scar will always remind her of what her sister did.

Now I wonder what direction this show will go, something tells me shit will be dark really soon...

That gif is so misleading but I love it!
Feb 9, 2021 2:35 PM

Feb 2019
eastsip said:
Kosmonaut said:
I personally understand what's the purpose of Rika's character (to be the against the grain, proactive character that's a direct counterpoint to the others' wallowing self-indulgence) and it doesn't bother me a whole lot, but yeah, I can see how she can come across as annoying, although I don't see how she's messing up with the 'atmosphere'.

I mean, I know it's really damning evidence towards a Kyuubey remix, but I hope they stray away from it in one way or another or, at least, give it a new spin. Although, hitting part of the premise, red herring or not, over our heads isn't really a good sign.

Rika's character is whatever the show wants or needs it to be at that moment but in the most out of place way possible. It bothers me the way she blurts out things to the audience and not to the others. This is what I wanted to say by atmosphere. Wonder Egg uses a subtle narrative to show backstories but Rika is there to just... blurt it all out in case the audience didn't understand what was going on.
Hm, I see what your complaint is and I don't exactly think it's completely unwarranted. I wouldn't say she's exactly a plot device to explicitly tell the audience what's going on. Rather, I'd say she seems to be the carrier of red herrings and throw-away lines that don't go anywhere, precisely because of her impulsiveness in spur-of-the-moment interactions. She basically uses the other girls as sounding boards for whatever came up in her mind, to gauge others' reactions, they could very well be anyone, sure.

In a way, I guess one could see that as 'being whatever the show wants or needs her to be at the moment', however I'd have to disagree, because that impetuous, borderline brazen 'rudeness' has been the focal point of her personality from the start, as a means to distract others from how she actually feels and thinks. Not all spontaneous characters are necessarily a sign of poor character writing, specially when there's in-universe reasons for it to believed fake or exaggerated. I mean, isn't that the character flaw that lead her to overreact to finding out about her fan's shoplifting? It might be annoying to you and others, but it isn't exactly far from her estabilished character so far.
KosmonautFeb 9, 2021 2:39 PM
Feb 9, 2021 3:13 PM
Oct 2019
Awesome episode and gotta say Rika sort of had a point. Why are they risking their life for someone who is gone. And why feel over the person's death plus what if the person doesn't want to come back? But Rika's rant felt more like she was asking herself that rather than the girls.
But I kinda understand why the girls would still want to go on.I feel like this task of them helping the wonder egg girls fight their trauma is not just that, but it's also about them overcoming their own trauma and moving on.
The talking mannequins are still Suspicious af to me.
And damn neiru's scar is terrifying kinda wonder what sort of stab wound was that? Was it really even a stab wound....
Feb 9, 2021 3:53 PM

May 2020
CeddyyBearr said:
So Momoe is related to the teacher after all, just a more distant family member, I expected it to be closer, like a daughter. Still have a really bad gut feeling about that teacher.

Quite a relaxing episode, with the girls having fun, together but also discussing why they are fighting. Neiru's backstory is quite shocking, not only did her sister stab her in the back, she killed herself afterwards. Talk about harsh, no wonder Neiru is doing it for herself, that scar will always remind her of what her sister did.

Now I wonder what direction this show will go, something tells me shit will be dark really soon...

That gif is so misleading but I love it!

Thank u mate, that was the purpose ;)
Feb 9, 2021 4:39 PM

Sep 2020
I'm also becoming a huge fan of Neiru.
Her story seems to be the most melodramatic, and that's quite a feat all things considered.

pint said:
This episode was chill, but still just as good as the rest. Seeing these 4 interact and be normal was fun.

this reminded me of adachi "元気" from last season lol

Feb 9, 2021 5:05 PM

Sep 2019
Damn, Neiru’s back. Those scars look pretty intimidating to watch ngl. Another great episode, can’t wait for next week.
Feb 9, 2021 5:14 PM

Aug 2014
i really liked the episode and i was really glad to see the girls having fun together. although not confirmed the vibes that the teacher is giving me is that this man is really bad LOL but besides that what rika was saying is true in my opinion it just wasnt the nicest way of saying it. glad to see more of neiru and her backstory and im excited to see whats next to come
Feb 9, 2021 5:16 PM

Jan 2020
Damn this episode is the best so far , now I'm optimistic this series will get better to next episodes . Rika development would be a turning point of this series , just see. The sensei gesture might hint something important too
TierraRobadaFeb 9, 2021 5:22 PM
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
Feb 9, 2021 5:46 PM

Apr 2019
Avvenirista said:
I'm also becoming a huge fan of Neiru.
Her story seems to be the most melodramatic, and that's quite a feat all things considered.

pint said:
This episode was chill, but still just as good as the rest. Seeing these 4 interact and be normal was fun.

this reminded me of adachi "元気" from last season lol

adachi is so cute here


Feb 9, 2021 5:46 PM

Mar 2016
we finally see neiru's world! "i'm going to blow your mind."

it's as if the writers predicted our theories and put them in this episode to throw us off our game :o

i love the slice of life elements to this show :) i didn't realise the egg shop had a whole gaming centre

i can't get enough of this ost, especially when neiru was buying her egg.

Feb 9, 2021 5:51 PM

Apr 2020
This is turning out as well as I thought. It's still visually stunning and the characters are just as compelling as I expected them to be. Also the OST is just great :)

beep boop bop pow
Feb 9, 2021 6:07 PM

Jan 2011
almost half way done and not a single bad episode,while mostly chill it really liked playing my emotions by going to 0 to 100 back to 0 between the Neiru cuts

funny how well this works as a SoL without it's more serious plot and themes but i fear we might be getting to a bad turn the flags are high and many.

Rika wasn't really wrong but its hard to trust her words from what we know
Feb 9, 2021 6:40 PM

Sep 2020
I wonder if Neiru wanted to bring back her sister to life so she will be the one to kill her. Those scars are no joke.
The dark psycho of this series is pretty amazing. And Im curious as well why did Koito end her life, was it because of Ai?
Well, my best girl Rika raised amazing points here. The "bad guy of the group" but my best girl no matter what.
Great episode, more like Neiru episode. She's cool on that opening scene.
BeauxiteFeb 9, 2021 6:44 PM
it’s never too late for life ... to go horribly wrong. . . afff~
Feb 9, 2021 7:35 PM

Oct 2015
I feel like Rika's worries are completely valid tbh... I'm honestly feeling like by the end of the show none of the people they want to save will come back, as the story will likely be them maturing and confiding in each other as new friends.

It seems many people are disliking Rika but I feel like her place in the story is refreshing. Although she's blunt, she says the things most people are thinking, and what how she says things and reveals more about her home life and past lets us see why she acts the way she does. But I truly do love every one of these girls ! :D
kyuniekaiFeb 9, 2021 7:41 PM
Feb 9, 2021 8:01 PM
Feb 2021
neiru's fight scenes were probably the most badass of this series. i think it's kinda obvious that sawaki-sensei is the reason for koito's death; rika mentioned that sawaki couldve gotten koito pregnant and honestly it's not the most bullcrap theory lol. sawaki's probs going for ohto ai next ngl
Feb 9, 2021 8:02 PM

Jan 2020
A really nice episode like usual. I LOVE the slice of life moments with the 4 of them and it honestly made the episode for me. The dynamics as well as the characters themselves are all top tier imo. My only issue with the episode would be the weird tone shift at the end with Rika. Other than that, I loved this episode.

Feb 9, 2021 8:02 PM

Apr 2020
As usual, I didn't understand any of the fight scene. There's just so much random stuff that maybe important but I can't handle it. The squad is already uniting, but so fast it broke because of Rika. From my view, Rika is reasonable cus it's a dangerous ride. She's also right that they don't know the dead want to be resurrected or not. Stand Rika.
Feb 9, 2021 8:15 PM

Mar 2019
Koito is Gorgeous... but Neiru is a GODDESS!!...

She is a Full 10/10 in Mind and Body...
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Feb 9, 2021 8:25 PM

May 2019
And yet again i must praise the Accas. The best Kyubey ever.

No lies, no deceivements, no pression. Sometimes even giving wise advices.

They really don't mind if the girls quit and stop doing this death game.

They are just there chilling and playing their go, while the eggs keep being purshased.

Feb 9, 2021 8:44 PM
Oct 2017
So far there is nothing that I dislike about the show. This was the best episode so far.
Absolutely 10/10 potential for me
Feb 9, 2021 9:09 PM

Nov 2017
Hey Nico, let's go bowling!
Feb 9, 2021 9:26 PM

Jan 2020
Informations we collect from wonderkiller busting job :
-the victim can participate too
-there are more substitute weapon other than main weapon , ask the victim to get one
-you won't always attack wonder killer directly , there are some special place that are core of wonder killer

Looks like , there will be time that Ai will be frozen like Rika in eps 3 , then she will be trapped in egg, and she will solve her problems herself with the help of other egg user
TierraRobadaFeb 9, 2021 9:30 PM
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
Feb 9, 2021 9:53 PM

Apr 2020
Out of the girls, we got to focus more on Neiru this time. Looks like her sister is the statue, and the gashes that she put on Neiru is one of the driving factors of why our girl is saving her. Also Rika is rebelling this time. It's obvious that she's going to be the one who will initiate it, and I get why she's voicing this out to the group. This sets off a realization to the four of them, and had actually build some character in themselves and trust as a whole. This is why I love these girls, folks.

Now if we're talking about the Sensei...I see that Rika agrees with me. I just don't trust that teacher, I mean he's creepily looking into Ai's room. But unfortunately, him and Ai's Mom are on great terms, so who knows how Ai is going to break that barrier. Lastly, that picture of Momo and's beautiful, that triggered the two's ship. MOMOE X RIKA...I'll let that sail.

We're around halfway of the show, if CloverWorks want to make this show a great one, they have to do some twists now or else this will fall flat to our faces. And I don't want that since I can call Wonder Egg Priority one of my favorites of this season.
Feb 9, 2021 9:58 PM

Dec 2015
Neiru got the coolest weapon so far, and a total badass. Squeler did something wrong this time

So, that girl was her sister right? Holy shit that scar! It's more like she stabbed Neiru, and dragged the blade down lol

A lot of girls would want to date you Momoe regardless you're a girl or boy.

I hope if no one dies, one of the main girls will hook up with her

Feb 9, 2021 10:37 PM

Jul 2016
Rika may be intense and pushy but she's the one asking the real questions here. Why risking your own life in bringing someone back from the dead when said person didn't want to keep living in the first place? In the end, it's mostly a matter of personal interest.

Also, that same discussion about risking one's life was such a death flag hint. That's it, one of the girls will eventually die and I'm guessing her death will be quite tragic.

Overall, another pretty nice episode. More info about Neiru was revealed and damn was she ruthless with that superficial girl she was trying to save. So far, she seems to be the most complex character out of the group so I hope she receives even more focus in these upcoming weeks. That scar on her back is huge and it was made by her younger sister before jumping off a bridge... yep, can't wait to know more about their past together.

As for other scenes, seeing the girls having some fun together was pretty wholesome and it also seems that the fact of Momoe being the teacher's niece won't cause any major issue between her and Ai as I was anticipating.
Momoe described his uncle as a very decent man but I'm still on guard considering the arguably amount of time he used to spend with his female students. Though being honest, this episode's clues gave a certain implication that Koito was the one seeking something more from the guy and ended up getting rejected in the end.
SouthRzVaFeb 9, 2021 10:44 PM
Feb 10, 2021 12:10 AM

Feb 2018
Neiru action is most badass from all main cast

Feb 10, 2021 12:26 AM
Sep 2019
I'm... sensing that Ai too, had some interest to the Mr. Sawaki. Maybe Ai felt some kind of jealousy towards Koito who seems closer to him than Ai herself. that makes another reason why her emotion was weaker than that's of Rika on ep 3 but she didn't want to acknowledge it.

kunieda said:

It feels like the story, overall, is playing with the notion of unreliable narrators. Be it through the Acca, that segment of Rika leading the brainstorming of theories about Koito

I guess "outsiders can only speculate and say all kind of absurd things without knowing the truth" is one of the message this show is trying to convey. Baseless rumors make a good cause for mental breakdown after all.
Feb 10, 2021 12:39 AM

Oct 2016
Another fantastic episode, more on the chill side except for Neiru's egg fight. Rika theorizing and stuff was cool, she said some things that we were thinking ourselves, though I am not quite sure anymore if Sawaki sensei is actually bad with all the new info we got. Koito apparently likes Sawaki sensei, maybe Koito got jealous of Ai because of the attention he was giving Ai. I really hope not, that would suck for Ai and she'll feel even more shit.

Rika was very vocal this episode, I like it. She might come across as insensitive but everything she said on the picnic were on point. Neiru though, that fucking scar is b i g. She's protecting eggs for herself, that's very interesting. Acca and Ura-Acca are very sus though, they're manipulating the girls, what for though, we'll find out eventually. The main 4 are really fucking great characters. I am really looking forward to the next episode.
Feb 10, 2021 12:56 AM

Feb 2020
This episode, its about time, Neiru's revealed her motive and how he fought against the traumas and the wonder egg girls. Its no good, i may describe it as a revenge take-over order. That was truly a fucked up moment of her against her own sister, a cursed stab, well. The temptation of death, and the taste of revenge, well. I hope Neiru can get pass over it to reach her one and only goal on that wacky place.

Meanwhile, a girls talk revealed many things. Group therapy, eh? Good point. Rika wanted to finish her scavenger egg hunt thing, but she obviously can't stop the wheel that has been spinning fast. Momoe was indeed that advisor teacher niece. She mentioned that a popular girl among the girls was a difficult matter, which led those Haruka girl into did something heavier. I may suggest that Momoe actually can't resist, but just shocked about that (i dunno, so thats why she wanted to look after her again, revive her, to repeat that time she wasted way, again. Dunno).

About the advisor teacher, idk why he looked like that toward Ai and her new friendship. I can't blame Ai at all with those flashback. She pretty much got a little touch by that talk. Indeed, the next goal to portray the truth behind why Koito died, will be the only relevant thing to do, before its become too late....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Feb 10, 2021 1:02 AM
Jun 2020
setsunie said:
I'm... sensing that Ai too, had some interest to the Mr. Sawaki. Maybe Ai felt some kind of jealousy towards Koito who seems closer to him than Ai herself. that makes another reason why her emotion was weaker than that's of Rika on ep 3 but she didn't want to acknowledge it.

kunieda said:

It feels like the story, overall, is playing with the notion of unreliable narrators. Be it through the Acca, that segment of Rika leading the brainstorming of theories about Koito

I guess "outsiders can only speculate and say all kind of absurd things without knowing the truth" is one of the message this show is trying to convey. Baseless rumors make a good cause for mental breakdown after all.

Totally loved your take on this mate, I didn’t catch that but I think you’re right! I’m glad I picked up this show when I did. It is very well written in that sort of Dementia type storyline, this show may go down as anime of the season behind the classic in the making.
Feb 10, 2021 1:10 AM

Jun 2016
Nice visuals, but feels like a Madoka Magica rip off. I wish it would be more different, but all I see are similarities. On it's own could have been a pretty good show.
Feb 10, 2021 4:33 AM

Jul 2017
OK, this time, it's Neiru facing her trauma with the cracked Wonder Egg with a geometry compass as a weapon. Other than a wacky fight scene, it's the basis of give-and-take.

It's the first time that all 4 Wonder girls are together, and in Ai's house. The imagery of Sawaki-sensei with Koito leaves everyone hanging on speculation and theories, even I'm beginning to suspect that Sawaki-sensei may be related to all 4 girls in some way or another, specifics to each girl. Otherwise, them hanging out together are sweet moments, though it won't last long. A world where everything can be purchased using Eggs, yeah I can live with that.

I probably have realized this late, but the victims pertaining to each girls can also wander in the Wonder Egg world, the extraction of the happening trauma right in front of their eyes.

Rika enforcing to others about people being responsible for their friends' death, it happpens so differently with the rest, given how wrecked Rika's life is. Interesting that Ai wants to know what happens to Koito, but it's also so with Neiru trying to BOTH save and drive her sister to death with those back scars. It's each to herself.

Curiosity killed the cat? More like curiosity brings persuasion to settle the matter to rest. The screwed-up identities will keep throwing us on and off.
Feb 10, 2021 4:37 AM
Jul 2018
Kosmonaut said:
eastsip said:

Rika's character is whatever the show wants or needs it to be at that moment but in the most out of place way possible. It bothers me the way she blurts out things to the audience and not to the others. This is what I wanted to say by atmosphere. Wonder Egg uses a subtle narrative to show backstories but Rika is there to just... blurt it all out in case the audience didn't understand what was going on.
Hm, I see what your complaint is and I don't exactly think it's completely unwarranted. I wouldn't say she's exactly a plot device to explicitly tell the audience what's going on. Rather, I'd say she seems to be the carrier of red herrings and throw-away lines that don't go anywhere, precisely because of her impulsiveness in spur-of-the-moment interactions. She basically uses the other girls as sounding boards for whatever came up in her mind, to gauge others' reactions, they could very well be anyone, sure.

In a way, I guess one could see that as 'being whatever the show wants or needs her to be at the moment', however I'd have to disagree, because that impetuous, borderline brazen 'rudeness' has been the focal point of her personality from the start, as a means to distract others from how she actually feels and thinks. Not all spontaneous characters are necessarily a sign of poor character writing, specially when there's in-universe reasons for it to believed fake or exaggerated. I mean, isn't that the character flaw that lead her to overreact to finding out about her fan's shoplifting? It might be annoying to you and others, but it isn't exactly far from her estabilished character so far.

Rika is spontaneous and whatever but how she is and what she says is up to the writers to decide... And they decided that she is going to spell things out for the audience because they don't think the audience is going to understand otherwise. It is patronizing and she is the main tool they use for it, not the only one. A tool for cheap exposition and repeating info they already gave through other means but don't think stuck with viewers. It is like explaining a joke makes it no longer funny. Making her "rude", "brazen", "impetuous" is only an excuse.
Feb 10, 2021 4:47 AM
Dec 2019
Well someone had to say it. They don't have to but they do. Beautiful as usual.
Feb 10, 2021 5:16 AM

Aug 2017
nice character bonding this time around. finally get to see Neiru fight, too. she's pretty aggressive, no wonder she ended up in the hospital so badly earlier.

tbh Rika's right. sometimes to be a good friend you gotta tell them what they should hear instead of what they want to hear. they shouldn't feel responsibl for the others' deaths. at the nd of the day they all made their own choice. but Neiru's reason of doing it for herself is good too.
Feb 10, 2021 7:12 AM
Apr 2019
Glad that those four girls are now hanging around with each other. They really have some dark past behind them especially Neiru. I'm still curious what's the deal with that creepy teacher of Koito and Ai.
Feb 10, 2021 8:51 AM

Oct 2019
Neiru is a badass; I really like her weapon (a compass?). Her motive is also an interesting one so I'm excited to see that develop more!

not as much action compared to previous eps - loved seeing our four friends having more fun and being normal teens in their 'group therapy' sesh lol how cute. I've only thought about this now but it's nice to have a change in anime characters' social intellects.

I'm now even more set on the idea that momoe doesn't like the fact that girls only liked her because of her traditional masculine looks after her saying that haruka saw her as a girl. Hopes hopes
She's also still the only one who's reason of wanting to save her person has not been expanded on.

Looking forward to next week's ep!!

Feb 10, 2021 8:59 AM

Sep 2020
apple-pie said:
Nice visuals, but feels like a Madoka Magica rip off. I wish it would be more different, but all I see are similarities. On it's own could have been a pretty good show.

This show is nothing like Madoka magica
Characters in Madoka magica were one dimensional with no depth and the story was not even that dark while one the other hand WEP is more mature in it's story telling and character interaction , it doesn't step back in exploring the dark reality of the present world
Feb 10, 2021 9:34 AM
Mar 2015
Poor Neiru She needs to go for her own sake not the girls she is saving She and Ai still don't know why their object took their own life At least Momo and Rika know what happened
Feb 10, 2021 9:41 AM
Sep 2013
Kosmonaut said:
deg said:

ye im expecting the girls will have quarrel and even do a battle royal sakuga fight in the dream world
Well, I don't know how it's going to go down, but I feel like this episode was just a look how happy they are setup before shit hits the fan. Also, the sixth episode is a good halfway point to change the tone of the show if they so wish.

eastsip said:
Tbh I think the show is losing the charm from the first episodes. The atmosphere isn't consistent and I think Rika's character is the one that doesn't fit with the rest of the cast.

Acca and Ura-Acca are almost Kyuubey at this point, in no time we're getting the condescending speech about morality and utilitarianism again.
I personally understand what's the purpose of Rika's character (to be the against the grain, proactive character that's a direct counterpoint to the others' wallowing self-indulgence) and it doesn't bother me a whole lot, but yeah, I can see how she can come across as annoying, although I don't see how she's messing up with the 'atmosphere'.

I mean, I know it's really damning evidence towards a Kyuubey remix, but I hope they stray away from it in one way or another or, at least, give it a new spin. Although, hitting part of the premise, red herring or not, over our heads isn't really a good sign.

Ah fuck, I didn't even think about that but now that you mention it, this really seemed like the "look, all is well" episode before shit goes down. And if I had to guess, if anyone's gonna die it's probably gonna be Rika so we feel extra bad that she made good points in mentioning why they're still buying eggs, and got killed as a consequence of the others not listening to her. I really hope I'm wrong with all of this though, but I can't shake this feeling...

JuuzouXIII said:

I hope if no one dies, one of the main girls will hook up with her

Either I'm falling for this absolute of a red herring or she might as well be dead already.
BenedictiFeb 10, 2021 9:52 AM
Feb 10, 2021 10:40 AM
Dec 2019
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