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Dec 23, 2020 5:30 AM

Mar 2019
Last time we hear this opening, definitely feels weird
No surprises about this ending to me, the whole anime felt too classical, I was almost falling asleep at work, very ashamed to say this.

Berlin is at peace again neurois are gone, Miyafuji is better that way,, glad to see she recovered her powers.
They fought until the end, I repesct that
Dec 23, 2020 5:30 AM

Nov 2011
One of the most intense episodes of this season. We got all the characters fighting for the godo fight with no one giving up and vowing to protect what they treasure.

It's the final battle and although the overall world conflict isn't quite over, it established everyone as one equal unity in this conflict. Very proud of what these witches have accomplished.
Dec 23, 2020 6:25 AM

Apr 2010
Things ended for now but i wonder if we get some more stuff from the other units.
They have been featured over the course of the series and movie but so far we only had one anime about another unit while there is other media about the various other units.
I would like to see some of those.

Anyway Berlin is free for now and Miyafuji has her magic again for the time being.
Shizuka disobeying a order shows her growth as a person as well, she has been affected by Miyafuji and become more flexible.
Dec 23, 2020 9:38 AM

Apr 2018
Yeeees they saved Berlin!
I was very afraid for Shizuka at the beginning I really thought that Miyafuji wasn't going to get her powers back but she did it.
The final battle was definitely great, this season isn't too different compared to all the other ones but I still really liked it!
Dec 23, 2020 10:02 AM
Oct 2015
Enjoyed this season and the finale was great. I wasn't too happy they revisited Yoshika losing her abilities again and the MC was on the sidelines for a while. Thought for sure Shizuka had died with so much blood everywhere and no explanation of how Yoshika got her powers back and more. Would have been nice to show the girls in the 502nd helping but you can't have everything.

Still no explanation on why the Neuroi tried to mimic Sanya and Yoshika, no word either on where the Neuroi come from or why they invaded, and still the mystery of what happened to her Dad. Maybe next season they might get answered?
Dec 23, 2020 10:14 AM

Aug 2013
They really got me when Shizuka was shot by the Neuroi. Good thing Miyafuji was able to recover her magic power.

A great finale imo. They finally were able to take back Berlin from the Neuroi. I would love to see more of this series. I haven't watched Brave Witches so there is something for me to enjoy.

Dec 23, 2020 10:21 AM

Feb 2017
A great finalle!
Now onto Ostmark, and after that Orussia. There is so much left to this series that I just can't wait for the next season
Dec 23, 2020 10:32 AM
Oct 2015
Leo said:
They really got me when Shizuka was shot by the Neuroi. Good thing Miyafuji was able to recover her magic power.

A great finale imo. They finally were able to take back Berlin from the Neuroi. I would love to see more of this series. I haven't watched Brave Witches so there is something for me to enjoy.
Brave witches isn't quite as good as Strike Witches (in many fans eyes) but I still enjoyed it.
Dec 23, 2020 11:07 AM
Apr 2018
Karmafan56 said:
Leo said:
They really got me when Shizuka was shot by the Neuroi. Good thing Miyafuji was able to recover her magic power.

A great finale imo. They finally were able to take back Berlin from the Neuroi. I would love to see more of this series. I haven't watched Brave Witches so there is something for me to enjoy.
Brave witches isn't quite as good as Strike Witches (in many fans eyes) but I still enjoyed it.

Brave Witches has a really good story, only the CGI isn't really well done
Dec 23, 2020 1:24 PM

Feb 2014
That was a rather tense final episode. Once again, we get to see things getting done after a witch defies her superior's orders.

This time, it was Shizuka, who went full YOLO mode against the neuroi, but let her guard down and suffered a near fatal blow on her body. Seeing her like this was finally enough for Miyafuji to jump-start her magical powers and she went after the neuroi, pounding then left and right with her shield. Man, it was awesome to see her fighting like that! =D

Not just that, but she was able to use her burst mode long enough to help prevent the neuroi nest boss, Wolf, from escaping and made sure that Mina, Barkhorn and Hartmann got the final blows to finish it off and re-take Berlin.

Overall, this series feels like a nice nostalgic blast from the past with its character development and story structure. Not perfect, but it's still very well done and leaves me with a smile on my face.

The production values for this season was very good overall, too, and a big improvement over the issues that hurt Brave Witches when it aired 4 years ago.

8/10 is my final score. Hopefully we'll get another main story sequel soon. =3
Dec 23, 2020 4:29 PM

Apr 2015
I'm almost cry when i thought that Shizuka gonna die.. Yeah, i know that she's just joined the 501st this season. But i really like her character so far.

Not to mention, Yoshika flexing her shield after she got back her power. I think someone need to update Yoshika's Abilities in the Wiki. Lol. Probably put Boost/Accelaration and Multiple Shield.

I think this is probably the last of 501st? Hope that we can see what other Group could do especially the 506th. Too bad that they didn't get official translation. I would buy it in a heartbeat.

And i think in the manga (don't know if it canon or not). But, all the witches from 501st Strike Witches to 508th Mighty Witches band together to free Orussia. I hope we can see that.

Lastly, my one and only hope. If there's another season for the 501st, we can see that Yoshika became or act like an officer. Wearing the officer form. Importantly, no more lost power BS.
Dec 23, 2020 4:41 PM

May 2018
Damn that was great!
Shizuka almost died there! I was thinking to myself "please dont be dead pls" and of course Yoshika saves the day! Her using her shields to just annihilate those neruroi was so cool.
This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Dec 23, 2020 5:12 PM

Jul 2011
Was a very heroic episode. But more important, means we will have at least 2 more seasons(or movies)? Because they well could just finish them flying away, than having Miyafuji saying that they have more nests to destroy.
Dec 23, 2020 6:49 PM
Jun 2013
A bit of a plot armor with Shizuka taking the hit and Yoshika regaining her magic which wasn't fantastic. I did enjoy the fight scene following it where Yoshika uses multiple shields for both defense and offense. That was pretty neat. I think it would be very cool if she can train better control of her magic and can control the shields from a longer distance, then she can simply use shields instead of a gun as offense which should be way more versatile and way more effective than a gun firing bullets.

A bit anticlimatic at the end. I figured the core would be less predictable the second time instead of being inside the dome, but meh. I guess it couldn't adapt to the situation. It's still a very interesting "boss" Neuroi this season. Unlike previous seasons where the final boss is a battle of power, this one feels like a battle of attrition and the Neuroi simply could not keep up and was exhausted out of its resources leaving it to be an easy kill at the end.

Eila's reaction to Mina being so close to Sanya was priceless!

A lot of questions remain though like:
1. How and why does Yoshika randomly regain her magic power? Obviously she never lost it, but it's weird that she can't use even an ounce of it moments before trying to heal Shizuka, but is able to do everything perfectly minutes later.
2. What is the connection with the Wolf Neuroi and Germania? Is there a connection between Wolf and the former Karlsland Emperor? Why did the Neuroi take the form of the city? I know last season, a Neuroi fused with Yamato after colliding with it so I can see the possibility of the Neuroi taking other object shapes. But why only replicate the underground city? Why not the surface?
3. I still don't understand what Wolf Neuroi's objective is. What was it doing surrounding the city with walls and simply AFK when everyone left to regroup? It made it hard for humanity to save the city, but why didn't it nuke the city with lasers with all the walls around it?
Dec 23, 2020 6:51 PM
Dec 2020
Loved it so much. The producers must sure be excited for the next season(s), this is the first time they didn't disband after a major victory.
This series is my favorite
Dec 23, 2020 8:14 PM
Dec 2020
Great nostalgic ending to this series! Can't wait for another season! 8/10
Dec 24, 2020 1:25 AM
May 2012
I kind of hoped Shizuka would actually die, she was a major flaw in this season. Also - random magic regain. Also - random power overload. Also - what's the point of Wolf in the first place? Also - two times the same enemy (the city), with the same flaw (the dome). Also - Die Glocke very weak, not even fighting.

This is a weak episode, even for the standards of this season of this series, 3/5 at best (and 6/10 for the season).
Dec 24, 2020 9:10 AM

May 2016
And again This Season was Disappointed in terms of Ecchi scenes
The first Season has a lot of Great Fanservice
And also I didn't like how they ended this battle
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Dec 25, 2020 10:58 AM

Apr 2016
Look, like the whole series ain't nothing special we all know that ... but this specific season was just bad, too formulaic, to robotic. Half of the season starts with two witches from the gang having some time together, then some shit happens, they fight, they got mad at each other and at the end they overcomed that and made up, and thats like half of all episodes. Not even ecchi could save it this time cause there was like none. No joke the only unique episode was that boob grabbing deity.


And i can't imagine where they can still possibly move this series anymore.
Dec 26, 2020 12:43 AM

Mar 2020
Swagernator said:
Look, like the whole series ain't nothing special we all know that ... but this specific season was just bad, too formulaic, to robotic. Half of the season starts with two witches from the gang having some time together, then some shit happens, they fight, they got mad at each other and at the end they overcomed that and made up, and thats like half of all episodes. Not even ecchi could save it this time cause there was like none. No joke the only unique episode was that boob grabbing deity.


And i can't imagine where they can still possibly move this series anymore.

I agree! The forumla is getting stale, I was hoping this season would be more plot focused

also they didnt touch the origin of neuroi or research of professor miyafuji at all even tho previous seasons hinted at it being major plot points
Dec 26, 2020 11:06 AM
Nov 2019

Man, this was really nice. They fought until the end and they won. But apart from that, Miyafuji recovering her powers was totally cool. Also, how Shizuka protected her.

The Other thing that made my day was about Germania "designed by a tyrant who was expelled". I see what you did here.

It will feel sad, knowing that the next week I won't have strike witches. But... It was a good ending. I am glad they didn't ruin it.
Dec 26, 2020 4:54 PM

May 2017
Nice enough.

Hopefully get more series, perhaps with more focus on 504th. They're really cool. Albiet they're generally stuck in Romanga.

Mostly happy with it. Not sure if it's quite as good as season 2. Felt a little rushed, can't put my finger on it exactly. Think it was Yoshika's back and forth with her magic, and was stupidly overpowered at the end there. And what about Yoshika's dad plot?

Still, I'll probably throw some cash down for the DVD. It's solid enough on the character development, giving them all a bit of time to shine. And that's mostly why I like this series anyway.

Minna got the final shot in. Also best girl. Fite me. ;)
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Not even once.
Dec 27, 2020 8:51 PM

Jun 2010
I enjoyed this season very very much! Very emotional, entertaining, and fun throughout. While it could have been better... overall I think it was high quality both visually and in terms of character moments/story. Could have used a bit more ecchiness like the old days though, but oh well.. lol

As for possible sequels, I should mention that the original creator, Shimada Fumikane, commented on Twitter that he is interested in future content but there are no plans at all for future content at this time (other than whats already coming in 2021). In other words, its all up to the bluray sales to determine if we get to see more of the 501st or 502nd, or other JFWs in their own anime spinoffs... but considering how overpriced the volumes are right now on the main website... well... :/
JattsDec 27, 2020 8:56 PM
Jan 2, 2021 12:24 AM

Aug 2019
Miyafuji confirmed stronger than Goku
Jan 5, 2021 6:52 PM

Apr 2014
as always the last ep always amazing and Yoshika bringing the hype every time

this season was great not to mention is was amazing to have Shizuka fully this time around and moving forward i loved her in the movie and loved her this season it was nice to see her grow and nice to know she'll be around moving forward

with that said im honestly hoping that we get a world witches anime even if its a movie where all the witches fight together would be amazing and something im really wanting to see

im really looking forward to whats next with this series am hoping wont be to long till we get the next season

also lastly whatever is next hopefully Miyafuji power wont go missing again.... it was a nice little thing for the movie and for her to get it back and even in this season i was pretty ok with it but kinda annoyed but now with her power back again hopefully she dont lose it again
DazeFireJan 5, 2021 6:57 PM
"one step at a time"
Jan 7, 2021 4:52 PM

Feb 2020
Some peoples above just forget what they were watching, and expecting too much. Its Strike Witches. Ofc the formula of the storyline will be like that, Goddammu! What do you expect with this kind of fanservice type of series? Lmao.

Anyway, thats nice. The introduction of an nderground hanging city, Germania, was great. I was expecting they explore it more. But, its looks like its just served as a dome controller. Miyafuji deux ex machina was understandable. Neuroi was just too powerful, and they need to cleared it right away with the power of loli witch, Yoshika into her limit. In the result? Used that Shizuka-chan, dramatically, and bam, its over with the usual last combatant ala SW. Thats good. I don't wanna see those girls end with a sadness, never. And they must followed the hystorical storyline: the liberation of Berlin, Germania, out of the great dictator as well as the commander, 'the wolf'. Left aside some silly plot, in the middle through the end. This continuations proved its improvement with that kind of story, with that kind of good Neuroi design and power. Even though, i am kinda underwhelming with how lessen the ecchi element. Its still tolerable while their story wise kept improving.

Lets just hope, its not over yet. Cause they hinted many battles in the future, to be resolved. When i might considering this as the end too. Because of, yeah, the hystorical elemen already said, its end.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jan 9, 2021 8:21 PM

Nov 2009
Just marathoned through from ep 1 to ep 12 in a single day...

(cause apparently there's a "World Witches" coming up, which I am not sure what it's going to be about, and I want to catch up)

TBH tho, this season's Strike Witches had a lot of "plotholes" or "things that don't make sense" (from ep 1 to end)

Such as... why are they only using up to 10 witches? instead of having all other groups of witches from all over the world (since apparently this is a collab fight as we've seen the conference of different world's commanders...) (but I guess they were saving it for the next series? which is literally titled "world witches" LOL)

And as mentioned by others, where's the Land Witches? they could probably take on the "Walls" way faster than one giant tank and take out the core.

(BTW, the giant tank is most likely based on the Giant German tank that never got deployed in WWII, just this one in anime has a twin barrel)

And... (from ep 11) why did they even need to request reinforcements? where were the others heading to? I thought everyone was all heading to Berlin based on how they keep on pushing everyone for this Berlin OP... wha?...

___ ___ ___

Overall, this season isn't as good as previous season, maybe cause they just keep on doing the same things over and over with no actual change.

Where we end with Our MC going super saiyan again (Heart of the Protect, lol) and solo'ing majority of the Neurois again.

Also, Wolf Neuroi's design apparently looks similar to modern city eh?... and this was actually designed by the previous city's ruler? Which means if the Neuroi didn't invade, this world would have progressed a lot faster than our world in term of Technology and science development.

___ ___ ___

Also interesting thing that I am still wondering... they been calling the cloud Neurois the "nest" when in fact there's only 1~3 Neuroi at every single Nest... and every single Neuroi encounter they had is single units, there's no actual Groups (besides a few 2 unit groups). (carrier/controller-types don't really count as a group when you destroy 1 core and everything else also dies... I am talking about multiple core/ individual units)

You would think if the Neuroi had actual Groups, such as the Jet Neuroi we saw in the last 3 episodes, the Neuroi could easily defeat the Witches. Think of 10 of those Jet Neurois vs the Witches... who would win now? lol (but nope, they went with a single Jet Neuroi... and only reveal the 2nd one AFTER the 1st one is dead... so it's still a single fight)

Same as the Nest, why is there only 1 core? They keep on making it sound like it's a "factory" for Neurois... but it isn't? the entire fight is just against ONE CORE... where's the other Neurois at? (what, we counting the dead 2 Jet Neurois? lol, and maybe that Iceberg, Rocket and christmas decoration? still not a Factory, more like a Neuori Club, LUUUL) (I imagine a Factory like Car Factory that produces thousands of individual cars... it's not like one car is disabled, all other thousand cars are also disabled... lol)
amlgJan 9, 2021 8:34 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Jan 12, 2021 4:27 AM

Jan 2012
So... Another absolutely awesome season.

I lost a night's sleep to binge the entire season in one sitting. It was totally worth it. It was a fun ride.
Strike Witches remains my all-time favorite anime. This series really has everything.

I really appreciate the awesome HD video. This series seems to also get a visual upgrade each season to keep with the technology of the times. The soundtrack also didn't disappoint.

The only disappointment was that they had to handicap Miyafuji for almost the whole season so that she doesn't overshadow the others. I get that she's so totally OP that it would completely wreck the balance if they don't hinder her - but that could've been nice too.
I do truly hope we'll get another sequel at some point where they'll let her be an unencumbered wrecking ball for the whole season.
NyaaJan 12, 2021 4:32 AM
Jan 14, 2021 7:36 AM
Jun 2019
Jan 15, 2021 1:33 AM

Oct 2008
at this point, i think Miyafuji is already almost a god-tier witch!
i think she's stronger than the MC of the original (Brave) lolz

Jan 17, 2021 9:09 AM

Feb 2014
That mini-neuroi almost became a hero LoL

He suddenly got twice HP and even were able to shot Hattori down lol

After that Miyafuji awakened her ultra instinct mode xD

Well, despite a few plot conviniences that was a good ride. Animes like this usually manages to put a smile on my face regardless the plot or story.

Wouldn´t mind at all more of those cute butts xD

Feb 11, 2021 12:42 PM
Nov 2017
i watch this series after watching the world witch that airing this season then marathon all the series for a week..

idk why but this road to Berlin is kinda cringe and almost no military concept/thinking like the 2 season before. they make bakhorn into edgy teen, i really hate that.

but i really love that miyafuji goes berserk after gaining her magic again even though its kinda weird but after watching brave witch, i realize, "ah yeah it seems miyafuji family and herself is like a special case in this world."
Aqua_samaFeb 11, 2021 12:47 PM
Feb 23, 2021 6:33 PM

Jun 2010
Aqua_sama said:
idk why but this road to Berlin is kinda cringe and almost no military concept/thinking like the 2 season before. they make bakhorn into edgy teen, i really hate that.

The only thing "cringe" here is poorly written reviews like these.
Mar 15, 2021 6:47 AM
Jul 2018
I gotta say, that was a great ending! I would've liked for there to have been more ecchi and fanservice compared to the previous seasons. But the unfolding of events towards the end made up for it.
removed-userMar 15, 2021 6:58 AM
Apr 23, 2021 10:44 AM
Dec 2020
incredible last episode steady
Jun 10, 2021 12:19 PM
Jul 2018
I sure hope that if and when we get another sequel, there won't be anymore "Miyafuji can't use magic properly" problems. This whole season felt really tiring with all the focus on Miyafuji's magic problems for most of the episodes. Even when the episode focuses on another character, there would always be a small part about Miyafuji's magic problems. It felt like the whole thing was just dragged out to be able to fill up the whole 12 episodes.

First, Miyafuji can use magic in the beginning, then she can't because of her losing control of her "magic pressure", then she managed to control that and became able to use magic again, then she can't use magic again because her recovery rate became abnormally slow, finally she managed to recover because of her wish to save Shizuka.

What's worse is this season shows that it's totally possible for Miyafuji to again not be able to use magic properly because of some random BS magic lore the show's writer(s) comes up with. I hope this doesn't happen again ever.
removed-userJun 10, 2021 12:26 PM
Jun 10, 2021 3:22 PM

Nov 2013
I didn't expect, that this show would reference Germania, a new capital which Hitler envisioned.

Yoshika regaining her magic when Shizuka was injured was awfully convenient, but oh well. A nice finale nevertheless.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Jun 23, 2021 11:38 PM

Apr 2019
svet said:
I sure hope that if and when we get another sequel, there won't be anymore "Miyafuji can't use magic properly" problems. This whole season felt really tiring with all the focus on Miyafuji's magic problems for most of the episodes. Even when the episode focuses on another character, there would always be a small part about Miyafuji's magic problems. It felt like the whole thing was just dragged out to be able to fill up the whole 12 episodes.

First, Miyafuji can use magic in the beginning, then she can't because of her losing control of her "magic pressure", then she managed to control that and became able to use magic again, then she can't use magic again because her recovery rate became abnormally slow, finally she managed to recover because of her wish to save Shizuka.

What's worse is this season shows that it's totally possible for Miyafuji to again not be able to use magic properly because of some random BS magic lore the show's writer(s) comes up with. I hope this doesn't happen again ever.

totally agree. I'm glad she got her power back and all but IMO they nerfed her too much there… I wish they could just stop taking away her magic for plot and conflict.

Just that one OVA where she was completely powerless until the end was enough for me, I didn't need a whole season of it. The way it just dragged on and on made me so bored i even stopped paying attention at parts. If this was something that was a 3-4 episode issue, I would completely understand, but the entire plot line revolves around it.
I like this series, i first watched it a long time ago, and came back to catch up. That said, I feel like theres both too much and too little repetition. its always "the central elevator is in use" too the point where it got a bit annoying, but there hasn't been another "letter from father lost in the mail or scheduled for a later date" in a while.

While it from the Synopsis it looks like the next series of shorts (World Witches Hasshin Shimasu!) might be this, I'm kinda sad that there was only one crossover event in this series.

edit: also, IMO, while this series is all about fanservice, they need to cool it down a bit.
Jun 24, 2021 7:51 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
That Shizuka scene was so emotional. I almost thought she's going to die.

Once again, good job, girls! Berlin is finally saved.

Overall, a great finale to a great season.

SerafosDec 6, 2023 4:15 AM
Jul 24, 2021 9:57 AM
Apr 2018
matias067 said:
at this point, i think Miyafuji is already almost a god-tier witch!
i think she's stronger than the MC of the original (Brave) lolz

You realize that Strike Witches came before Brave Witches right? So technically she IS the MC of the original, since Strike Witches was first.
Aug 6, 2021 10:49 AM

Aug 2018
And I was waiting, when Shizuka finally won't follow the order.. Well.. It could have ended badly.. But well.. That is war..
Yoshika's awakening is just too emotional.. How this anime manages to do this so well?.. ;P
Girls managed to save each other.. Sweet.. ;P
Overall, it was a nice season.. And a great series overall.. ;P Hope we'll get even more in the future.. ;P
Aug 8, 2021 4:01 PM

Jul 2021
Gendolfas said:
And I was waiting, when Shizuka finally won't follow the order.. Well.. It could have ended badly.. But well.. That is war..
Yoshika's awakening is just too emotional.. How this anime manages to do this so well?.. ;P
Girls managed to save each other.. Sweet.. ;P
Overall, it was a nice season.. And a great series overall.. ;P Hope we'll get even more in the future.. ;P

Yeah, I was thinking that Shizuka might follow orders lol. I was kind of shocked that she got shot, and I thought she was going to be a goner.

I know this was also an emotional moment just like the movie was also an emotional moment when Yoshika regained her powers.

Yeah, I liked SW. I am watching the 501st spin-off series, then I will watch brave witches. I wonder if we will ever get more seasons of the 501st in the future?

Edit: I do wish in this season we could have seen more Yoshika and Lynette together :/
ColdBisquiTAug 8, 2021 4:06 PM
Aug 9, 2021 12:22 AM

Aug 2018
ColdBisquiT said:

Yeah, I was thinking that Shizuka might follow orders lol. I was kind of shocked that she got shot, and I thought she was going to be a goner.

I know this was also an emotional moment just like the movie was also an emotional moment when Yoshika regained her powers.

Yeah, I liked SW. I am watching the 501st spin-off series, then I will watch brave witches. I wonder if we will ever get more seasons of the 501st in the future?

Edit: I do wish in this season we could have seen more Yoshika and Lynette together :/

Shizuka's following orders was sometimes as if a mirror to some things girls did disobeying orders sometimes.. And it resulted for them in saving someone.. Mainly Yoshika did that.. Like saved that sailor in the beginning.. Or in the end used all her energy, when she was ordered to do nothing..
So kinda Shizuka disobeying order - I expected that anime would go same route.. That it would work out.. But in the end, I guess, it barely worked out.. But also did work out..

Yoshika awakening the best.. ;P

There is SW spinoff?..

I guess maybe writers wanted to not hit Shizuka even more.. And she was already either jealous or hurting herself that she's not good enough, comparing herself to Yoshika's and Lynne's relationship.. And that's why we didn't have too much of Lynne and Yoshika together..
I wouldn't mind seeing more yuri, though, including Lynne and Yoshika.. ;P
Aug 9, 2021 9:03 AM

Jul 2021
Gendolfas said:

There is SW spinoff?..

I guess maybe writers wanted to not hit Shizuka even more.. And she was already either jealous or hurting herself that she's not good enough, comparing herself to Yoshika's and Lynne's relationship.. And that's why we didn't have too much of Lynne and Yoshika together..
I wouldn't mind seeing more yuri, though, including Lynne and Yoshika.. ;P

Yeah, there is a SW spin off called Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu. There are two seasons and a movie, but the animation is not even close to what the main SW series has. The spin off is more like a parody of SW imo.

I agree that they relaxed on Yoshika and Lynette's relationship since Shizuka was introduced. Maybe if there is another season dedicated to the 501st we will see more between Yoshika and Lynette
Aug 9, 2021 10:54 AM

Aug 2018
ColdBisquiT said:

Yeah, there is a SW spin off called Strike Witches: 501 Butai Hasshin Shimasu. There are two seasons and a movie, but the animation is not even close to what the main SW series has. The spin off is more like a parody of SW imo.

I agree that they relaxed on Yoshika and Lynette's relationship since Shizuka was introduced. Maybe if there is another season dedicated to the 501st we will see more between Yoshika and Lynette

Hm, I might check spinoff later then.. After I watch something else.. I also think some other spinoff will come out as well..

By how Shizuka is being paired with Yoshika.. I'd expect threesome between Yoshika, Lynette and Shizuka probably, lol.. Well, it can literally go in any way.. Like triangle.. Or Shizuka becoming closer with someone else.. Or Lynne drifting more towards Perrine.. Or could be literally anything..
Aug 9, 2021 11:17 AM

Jul 2021
Gendolfas said:

Hm, I might check spinoff later then.. After I watch something else.. I also think some other spinoff will come out as well..

Or Lynne drifting more towards Perrine.. Or could be literally anything..

I think sometime this year we are going to get an idol type spin off called Luminous Witches. I am not sure if I am looking forward to it lol.

No! Anything besides Perrine and Lynette!!! Sorry but even though Perrine grew as a character I still do not care for her too much.
Aug 9, 2021 11:27 AM

Aug 2018
ColdBisquiT said:

I think sometime this year we are going to get an idol type spin off called Luminous Witches. I am not sure if I am looking forward to it lol.

No! Anything besides Perrine and Lynette!!! Sorry but even though Perrine grew as a character I still do not care for her too much.

Yeah, that idol spin off.. I wonder, how it will turn out.. I rarely watch idol anime.. But I'll check this one sooner or later, probably.. I'm just too curious not to check, how such strange idea will come out.. ;D

Also Perrine and Lynne feel more like comrades rebuilding their country together.. Or something like that.. They don't feel like couple now at all to me personally.. But them looking after children.. And how they spend lots of time together, because in one country.. Well.. I don't know myself, what I would personally want to see.. I have no idea, to be honest.. ... Fuck it, Gertrud x Yoshika - that's what we'll get.. ;D No idea, really..
Aug 9, 2021 11:40 AM

Jul 2021
Gendolfas said:

Yeah, that idol spin off.. I wonder, how it will turn out.. I rarely watch idol anime.. But I'll check this one sooner or later, probably.. I'm just too curious not to check, how such strange idea will come out.. ;D

Also Perrine and Lynne feel more like comrades rebuilding their country together.. Or something like that.. They don't feel like couple now at all to me personally.. But them looking after children.. And how they spend lots of time together, because in one country.. Well.. I don't know myself, what I would personally want to see.. I have no idea, to be honest.. ... Fuck it, Gertrud x Yoshika - that's what we'll get.. ;D No idea, really..

The trailer for the idol show I think has promise.

Usually, I don't care if any relationship occurs in cgdct, but SW is making me really want to see these girls get together. It's probably because of over the top fan service makes me feel this way lol.
Aug 9, 2021 12:07 PM

Aug 2018
ColdBisquiT said:

The trailer for the idol show I think has promise.

Usually, I don't care if any relationship occurs in cgdct, but SW is making me really want to see these girls get together. It's probably because of over the top fan service makes me feel this way lol.

Checked trailer.. Can't say much from it.. Not much fanservice.. But also it can be trailer thingy, maybe in anime there will be more.. Also not sure, how they will integrate Witches part.. Literally can be anything..

I feel myself that in ctdct anime usually there are pairings.. But they won't usually go further, yeah.. Still even friendship yuri is nice.. ;P
Jan 2, 2022 1:38 AM

Apr 2011
They finally captured Berlin.

It was funny the core was running away, then Yoshiko zoomed past the girls to reach
and block it, then shot down by everybody else.

It was a fun anime. I can still reminisce how I've watched the first season back then. And after the 2nd season I thought there where will be more. Glad it continued to this new season and glad they didn't disband.

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