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Which girl do you think Molester should have picked?
Jan 6, 2013 11:23 PM

Sep 2008
Just wondering what people think was the best girl for Molester.

5layerJan 6, 2013 11:45 PM
Jan 6, 2013 11:26 PM

Sep 2012
Spoiler much?
Jan 6, 2013 11:46 PM

Sep 2008
Red_Keys said:
Spoiler much?
Yeah well the thread title should have already made it obvious there were spoilers inside. Nevertheless, I changed it now to make it even more obvious.
Jan 7, 2013 3:04 AM

Nov 2010
Technically he picked Miss Understanding first but failed and then went for Kansai.

Anyway I too would have liked to see him with Loli more than Kansai but that's personal taste.

Sachiko > Loli > Miss Understanding >> Kansai

But that's just me. He picked the one he fell in love with so that's fine, I don't think they're a particularly bad match.
Jan 7, 2013 3:12 AM

Nov 2011
I liked Sachiko a lot, but it doesn't seem like they had that kind of relationship.(More of a friendly-chummier one.) Loli would have definitely been interesting since they share the same hobbies and is apparently attractive, but I think he made the right decision to go for Kansai. At the time he loved Kansai, so I think he did good to not be with her with half-assed feelings.

Damn, Miss Understanding though. Apparently she looks like a model?! So I can see why he fell for her, but it seemed like it didn't get that far besides a physical attraction. They got deeper into their relationship, but that was a friend-basis after he figured out she didn't like him.

Loli was good, but became somewhat of a nuisance. It's like even though he told her how it is she would have been okay with Molester even when he didn't really like her like that and resented Kansai. Although in the end she really turned herself around and made me really like her again.

I liked Kansai, so have no problem with how it ended.
So for me it's:
Kansai>Sachiko>Loli>Miss Understanding
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jan 7, 2013 7:02 AM

Jun 2012
Kansai was the best choice. She compliments his personality a lot.
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Jan 7, 2013 7:55 AM

Mar 2012
Kansai was the best for him, and it's not even close.

Miss Understanding was too passive and noncommittal; to the point where he'd likely feel irritated towards her quite soon if they had gotten together.

Loli was decent, but she didn't really suit him that well, and it's clear that he never really saw much in her beyond a mere attraction.

Kansai complemented his personality incredibly well, which was partially highlighted by their fantastic interactions, and it just seems like they understand one another on a level that others don't. She also provides the best opportunity for a lasting relationship. Him picking anyone else would have felt cheap and unconvincing.
Jan 7, 2013 7:56 AM

Sep 2012
Lelouch22 said:
Kansai complemented his personality incredibly well, which was partially highlighted by their fantastic interactions, and it just seems like they understand one another on a level that others don't. She also provides the best opportunity for a lasting relationship. Him picking anyone else would have felt cheap and unconvincing.
Completely agree with this. Kansai, no competition.
Jan 7, 2013 8:59 AM

Sep 2008
Lelouch22 said:
Kansai complemented his personality incredibly well, which was partially highlighted by their fantastic interactions, and it just seems like they understand one another on a level that others don't.
Sachiko understood him the best.
Jan 7, 2013 3:28 PM

Sep 2011
Kansai, like honestly i dont understand how anyone can read those last 10 chapters and not think they were meant for each other in like every way. Though I'm ok with the sachiko pairing, thinking about it is just funny.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jan 7, 2013 5:24 PM

Jan 2012
Help! I was mistaken for a molester.

... and that's how I met your mother. Hope Molester and Kansai have a happy life together (their counterparts)
Jan 8, 2013 3:20 PM

Sep 2011
leesan said:
Help! I was mistaken for a molester.

... and that's how I met your mother. Hope Molester and Kansai have a happy life together (their counterparts)
Well son All i did was masturbated rigorously alone in my house, spied on a chick in the shower, and talked to a bunch of anonymous people over the internet. And that is how i got into the dating life. Hope that helped son.......

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jan 8, 2013 10:10 PM

Apr 2011
Poor Miss Understanding hasn't gotten any votes yet.

Kansai was the friendliest and most awesome out of all the females in this manga. If Sachiko was a real girl, I would've totally voted for her though. She is the perfect companion. (Someone needs to add her onto the character list. [sarcasm]She was vital for the last few chapters![/sarcasm]. But seriously, someone put her on there.)
Jan 15, 2013 12:55 PM

Jun 2012
I wanted him to pick Kansai before he even bothered to pick up Miss Understanding. I'm just drawn to those types of characters/people, so yeah.
Jan 31, 2013 6:37 AM

Aug 2010
DJIzzyIzzyHitler said:
Kansai, like honestly i dont understand how anyone can read those last 10 chapters and not think they were meant for each other in like every way. Though I'm ok with the sachiko pairing, thinking about it is just funny.

Jan 31, 2013 9:00 PM

Jun 2011
Barion-Zara said:
DJIzzyIzzyHitler said:
Kansai, like honestly i dont understand how anyone can read those last 10 chapters and not think they were meant for each other in like every way. Though I'm ok with the sachiko pairing, thinking about it is just funny.


Feb 12, 2013 11:37 AM

Aug 2007
I love that this is based on a real story and he picked the girl type I feel the hero would always pick in the end if most stories were real. He was a lonely guy, it is easy for lonely guys to fall for someone who shows them kindness and understands them. Kansai was just a great human being who was always there for her friends and really cared about molestor man. How could you not like that heart? I mean the girl gave him validation when he was insecure about being a snake otaku when most girls would have ran away and thought he was a creep. It would be real weird for him not to like her after that.

To be fair, I really got to hand it to him for not going for loli. The guy had no experience with women and she was literally throwing herself at him not once but twice. To choose not to take advantage of a girl in that situation just for a chance with another girl is really something. He very well could have ended up with no one and after that incident with loli, it would be likely he would never be able to see or be friends with any of the others ever again. He totally wrecked the group's dynamic and kansai being apprehensive about accepting his love should have been expected so he was really taking a long shot there.

If I were him, when kansai was hesitating over their relationship and couldn't decide, I probably would have pointed out how it was tough to make that decision but he liked kansai so much that he'd give up all his newfound happiness just for a chance at being with someone like her. That was a really big deal. That being said, I'm pretty sure if telling the truth, 9 out of 10 guys would have just went with loli in his situation.

The real problem though, when it comes to the different shipping lanes is the lack of attention given to other characters besides kansai. You aren't really given much information about miss loli until she blindsides him with the "i love you." If they expanded on the interactions with her that led up to that situation people might have felt differently. The same thing with Miss Understanding, you aren't given that much information about her so it was hard to feel anything for her. The story really seemed to revolve around Kansai though as almost everything that happened in the story was due to her meddling. It is really a rare thing to have several viable shipping lanes in a story with characters who are well developed instead of relying on typical archetypes.

After all that, I think a sachiko ending would have been the most realistic. He got a fairy tail ending and that never happens lol. For real, I still doubt a girl would instantly go 180 and selflessly tell her friend to go for him like that.
Feb 12, 2013 11:48 AM
Jul 2011
It's true that Miss and Loli aren't given a lot of description of information abouth them.
But i think it's pretty normal since it's just a story that was drawn, entirely based on the real story. We don't have any information about them except what Molester man knew and said in the 2ch thread.
The mangaka didn't invent anything about theses characters with the sole excpetion of their appearances.
Kansai is the one who talke the most with MM and she's the one who opened herself to MM. Pretty normal that we have a lot of info about them.
Loli's life is described, but that's one on the only thing we know about her, and it isn't even big.
Feb 12, 2013 12:18 PM

Aug 2007
Nicinic said:

But i think it's pretty normal since it's just a story that was drawn, entirely based on the real story. We don't have any information about them except what Molester man knew and said in the 2ch thread.
The mangaka didn't invent anything about theses characters with the sole excpetion of their appearances.

I agree, you're totally correct. This is based on the perspective of MM and the guy clearly had tunnel vision for Kansai early on. That's probably why he didn't include as much information on the other girls. It just kind of threw me off when he said he talked to loli the most after kansai yet the first we are hearing of it is when she confesses. Just felt like there was more to it than MM let on. Not to say that this is any fault of the manga or author though. It would be bad for the author to make stuff up just for the sake of having a better characters for the story.

I was simply trying to rationalize the lack of votes for other characters and how the audience isn't really given much of a choice as everyone other than kansai seemed like mere side characters rather than heroines.
Jun 14, 2013 2:25 AM

Sep 2011
My vote goes to Loli
Jul 1, 2014 9:48 AM

Feb 2014
I prefer him choose Loli first since she is cute and made the first move.
Loli shows Mr. Molester how madly she likes him, to the point she even wanted to have sex with him twice. Seriously, who wouldn't want that?
But MM probably picked Kansai over Loli because, IMO, Loli isn't that attractive in his eyes. He probably chose Kansai because she is hot. I guess that's why he was able reject Loli's offer.
Furthermore, Kansai is the only girl who can talk to him straightforward.

I shipped Loli in my first read. After re-read, and believing my statement above, I guess Kansai was a good choice.
Counteraction rising
Yeah we are ready for the punch line
There's no use with all your gimmick
So check this out!
Jul 1, 2014 9:52 AM

Dec 2012
I wanted Loli Jugs.

Would have been more unpredictable. Kansai is my second pick. I didn't like Missunderstanding at all.
Nov 22, 2014 1:38 AM

Sep 2014
Lets go with Sachiko.
(From corpse party cx)
Dec 1, 2014 8:38 PM

Oct 2013
Kansai. They had the best chemistry.
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!"

"Aah? Of course I won't miss!"

"My blood tastes like Iron."

"Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!"
Feb 10, 2015 3:43 AM

Aug 2014
kansai kansai kansai
Feb 11, 2015 7:53 AM

Dec 2014
Either loli or kansai.. The only problem i have with kansai is the "pity sex"... Wow.
Uncharacteristic... ๐Ÿ˜‘
Aug 3, 2015 2:26 AM

Feb 2015
Both Loli and Kansai are great, but Kansai is perfect for MM.
Aug 18, 2015 9:57 AM

Jul 2015
testamentKAISER said:
Either loli or kansai.. The only problem i have with kansai is the "pity sex"... Wow.
Uncharacteristic... ๐Ÿ˜‘

I don't think it was actually pity sex. Remember how MM's sister said if lovers truly love each other, it's almost impossible to hold yourself back one you're put into a sexually tense situation? The confession to Kansai lead to a kiss, and Kansai loved MM so much that she couldn't help herself. She wanted it. One thing led to another and then THAT happened.
Nov 12, 2015 3:59 AM
Sep 2015
For MM's interest - I think Kansai was the perfect choice. Asides from the fact that he's the type of loser that needs a woman to kick his ass into shape, quite early in the manga it's clear that he only has eyes for her. So in that respect, I'm glad that he ended up getting the girl of his dreams. May they both be happy together or something, right? :)

sometaters said:
testamentKAISER said:
Either loli or kansai.. The only problem i have with kansai is the "pity sex"... Wow.
Uncharacteristic... ๐Ÿ˜‘

I don't think it was actually pity sex. Remember how MM's sister said if lovers truly love each other, it's almost impossible to hold yourself back one you're put into a sexually tense situation? The confession to Kansai lead to a kiss, and Kansai loved MM so much that she couldn't help herself. She wanted it. One thing led to another and then THAT happened.

This was my take on it as well. Once you find out the entire story around her and Loli fighting, then it's clear that she's struggling between wanting to preserve her friendship and just wanting to give in to her feelings. It's really sad, but it's also great how MM finally gets his act together and resolves the problem for her.
Dec 11, 2015 8:41 PM

Dec 2014
Malhavok said:
For MM's interest - I think Kansai was the perfect choice. Asides from the fact that he's the type of loser that needs a woman to kick his ass into shape, quite early in the manga it's clear that he only has eyes for her. So in that respect, I'm glad that he ended up getting the girl of his dreams. May they both be happy together or something, right? :)

sometaters said:

I don't think it was actually pity sex. Remember how MM's sister said if lovers truly love each other, it's almost impossible to hold yourself back one you're put into a sexually tense situation? The confession to Kansai lead to a kiss, and Kansai loved MM so much that she couldn't help herself. She wanted it. One thing led to another and then THAT happened.

This was my take on it as well. Once you find out the entire story around her and Loli fighting, then it's clear that she's struggling between wanting to preserve her friendship and just wanting to give in to her feelings. It's really sad, but it's also great how MM finally gets his act together and resolves the problem for her.

That's why i added " between the words......

She should have done something with loli first, and not make it MORE complicated with her actions. doing it with MM.
Jan 15, 2018 11:27 PM

Jul 2015
Its already tough to differentiate between your own taste and whats best for the MC, well at leas what you think its best for him, based of what char your mind has created.

For myself: Loli > Kansai > Miss U > Sachiko, but 2 things:

1. Miss U didnt get much time to present her character in the later part of the series and after he was rejected it was obvious this wouldnt go anywhere. So I have too little information of her character. MAybe she would be higher, if the chemistry would have been different? After all im not Moelster

2. Sachiko. Damn, never cared so much about a make believe character than her. ^^ I know there are these type of "mangas" with Onahole incarnation chars in all forms, but she actually was very likable. Too bad I didnt met one with an awesome female MC as her. ^^

For Molester. I actually have to say Loli and Kansai are at the same level. Both of them are suitable for him, but he just loved Kansai and also their chemistry was just too awesome, whats probably one of the main reasons, why this manga is so popular. @ Miss U: Typical onesided affection and not compatible enough. Also it was Molester's first girl he really talked a lot to. Ofc you are imaginging more then.

What bugs me a bit, that her fear of men issue never got resolved and I would have liked to read a "Spin Off" with her as the f MC.

Anyways, im 100% happy with the ending of the manga (RL events) and hope that the RL couple is still together. ^^
PirateMadrykJan 15, 2018 11:31 PM
Feb 22, 2018 12:57 PM
Feb 2018
Well you cant have a spin off on a story based on a real life event of someone who doesnt know about her life now can you
Oct 18, 2018 10:51 PM

Jan 2013
he should have picked his sister over anyone elese tbh. im dumpfounded how nobody suggested her for #1. otherwise both loli and sachi suffice together at the same time. kansai sucks in many ways. rude and annoying.
Jun 23, 2020 9:46 PM
Apr 2018
I am with the protagonist, so any girl would have been fine.

And as for the entertaining characters, KANSAI & LOLI JUGS are the ones i will choose. Either of them is fine. I can't choose between them.
But as for this story, we have seen much of KANSAI with MOLESTER, so i liked KANSAI more in this case.

Every other female character is fine ; its just Protagonist which matters the most.
Doutei-kunJun 23, 2020 9:56 PM
Jun 30, 2020 11:26 AM

Nov 2008
Any answer other than Sachiko is a blasphemy! Otaku aren't supposed to have girlfriends, especially cute ones! <- the largest collection of anime Openings & Endings on the Web <- guess an anime from your list by it's Opening/Ending music browser game
Sep 18, 2020 9:11 AM

Nov 2016
Kansai hands down is the best for him. They had great chemistry with each other.
Dec 25, 2020 2:21 AM

Jun 2014
Kansaiiiiii. No contest!

Apr 23, 2021 9:16 AM

Oct 2017
Kansai is the perfect girl. The rest would've just been a consolation prize.

I like loli and miss understanding as well. But Kansai is just way better.
Apr 23, 2021 9:19 AM

Jan 2021
I personally think he should’ve picked Kansai.

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