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Jun 17, 2020 10:59 AM
Mar 2020
Amazing episode. 10/10
Just the friendship feels forced like hell. If in a brutal world, you can become friends in half a month, then in our world it should take just 15 minutes, which is not the case.
That friendship line should have been said by Shibisu.
Except that, it was wonderful.
I hope Crunchyroll gets a budget increase next season so that all episodes could be like this and not just the last 2 episodes. Of course, the last episode will be awesome too. But 3 good animated episodes of 13 total is just not hitting the mark.
Jun 17, 2020 11:03 AM
Mar 2019
Pochi9 said:
Finally something happens to Bam, I was getting tired of him getting saved by his own talents rather than by his own training. No shit Rachel betrayed Bam, super predictable.
that only shows how good all that foreshadowing was, you could predict what's going to happen but that doesn't mean it's not fun to see the events play out, over all i think it was a pretty good episode.
Jun 17, 2020 11:19 AM
Jan 2019
OI, the heck is this?! Now I finally get it why everyone hates Rachel. Fucking bitch. Trash of society. I’m disgusted.
Jun 17, 2020 11:20 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Nycro said:
Lmao. This is the most forced friendship I've ever seeen.

I felt so too. No way she of all people can say that with all the crap she's been giving Bam. I felt we needed more time for this to happen organically. I assume it's an adaptation thing and is probably better solved in the source material.

That said, this is the best episode to date. Good action, fitting soundtrack and that cliffhanger at the end. I don't know reasons Rachel has for doing what she's doing, but it's hard to sympathize with her with these kind of scenes.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jun 17, 2020 11:33 AM

Jan 2015
Farabeuf said:
Nycro said:
Lmao. This is the most forced friendship I've ever seeen.

I felt so too. No way she of all people can say that with all the crap she's been giving Bam. I felt we needed more time for this to happen organically. I assume it's an adaptation thing and is probably better solved in the source material.

That said, this is the best episode to date. Good action, fitting soundtrack and that cliffhanger at the end. I don't know reasons Rachel has for doing what she's doing, but it's hard to sympathize with her with these kind of scenes.

That Anak line was cringe. It never happens in the manwha and this scene is contrary to her personality. Overall, ToG anime is a weak adaption but still a fairly good anime as a standalone.
Jun 17, 2020 11:33 AM

Oct 2018
Man, best episode till now!

I really loved almost every scene, except the "we are all friends and will climb the tower together" bullshit and the bull fight (did they have to change it ?).

But they really did justice to the push scene.

All board the Fuck Rachel train! The train has finally left the station! And for all the anime only who think this is the sole reason manwha readers hate Rachel, think again. Season 2 is in a league of its own.

All in all, a great episode.
Jun 17, 2020 11:35 AM

Apr 2020
I KNEW IT. I KNEW SHE WAS BAD. A lot of the webtoon readers hated on Rachel early on, now I know the reason.

I'm not a webtoon reader but the anime foreshadowed something like this was going to happen since Rachel was trying to avoid Bam because she knew it would make her weak.

Go back to your friends, Endorsi, and Yuri, Bam. They all love you for who you are and were willing to give their lives for you to pass this test for the girl you love. She knew that and she betrayed him anyway. Fuck this bitch
Jun 17, 2020 11:36 AM

Jan 2020

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Jun 17, 2020 11:46 AM
Sep 2016
Dukino said:
That's it? Really? That's what has webtoon readers so pissed off? Didn't really do anything for me, probably cause webtoon readers haven't shut up about "hating Rachel" since the anime was announced, but still. It was really random and felt like Rachel pushing Bam was merely for shock value. Didn't elicit any real response from me other than ok I guess that just happened. Kinda weird how the Bull can reach into that bubble, thought it was protecting them, how'd water and fish not get in but the Bull did, too convenient. Bam himself hasn't been much of a character other than being a sweet guy so I'm not invested in him enough to care about him being "betrayed", if we can even call it that. Now if it was Khun or Rak or Shibisu then I'd be messed up over it but nah, it's just Rachel. Who hasn't done much to make me feel any kind of way towards her either. Like I said felt like that moment was only there to shock us or something dumb like that. Gonna need some major explaining for me to come around, and I doubt the finale will be enough.

In part, yes, most webtoon readers have seriously spoiled this so the impact is of course not as big.

As for people hating Rachel, this is just one reason, she has made a list of reasons of why to hate her during season 2 of the webtoon.
Jun 17, 2020 11:51 AM

Nov 2010
This episode was a culmination of all the problems of the adaptation.
The two worst parts of the adaptation so far have been Yuri and her group and the pacing in general, not giving enough time to breath for the cast to organically grow the way they are supposed to and not giving enough context in world building to build a coherent framework, and all these problems culminated in this incoherent mess of an episode.
Everything on Yuris group was changed (not just in this episode but from episode 1) and the only parts that resembled the source material this episode was Yuris fight and Evans interactions.
From cutting out two whole characters of her group from the start, to squandering Khuns genius interaction with his 'brother' and Kurudans nonsensical attack (he is a wave controller they brought for a specific reason and it wasn't because he can hit things with his hammer and also not teleportation).

All these smaller problems made this episode hard to watch, because of all these small changes the puzzle pieces that fit together so nicely in the source material feel forced and don't make much sense in this adapted 'finale'.
I wasn't disappointed in the adaptation so far, because I think some changes made sense or even improved on the source material, while other didn't detract that much, but with these changes you can't just barrel the finale the way they did. They changed stuff beforehand, so they had to live with the consequences, but instead they tried to fit the changed square shape into the round hole of the source material and while the round shape fit for the source story with all the small changes made the square did not fit at all.
This episode was a disaster adaptation wise, I hope anime only viewers could at least take away a little bit from that chaos.
zwolf12Jun 17, 2020 11:55 AM
Jun 17, 2020 11:58 AM

Mar 2016
i really loved this episode! the soundtrack and animation was everything :)

i know this anime isn't the best, but something just keeps forcing me to come back every week~

let's see what episode 13 has in store!

<p.s. i have a massive crush on Yuri>

Jun 17, 2020 12:00 PM

Nov 2019
If that's why everyone was saying they hated Rachel, then go f*** yourselves. Seriously? That's it?
This could have been way more impactful if webtoon readers didn't spoil everyone everywhere
Jun 17, 2020 12:05 PM

Aug 2016
Even tho mr simp got yeeted out of the bubble we all know that with his power of friendship and never giving up hell make it to the top to watch some sparkly yellows.

Jezus christ this series is so basic it makes naruto and bleach look complex.
Jun 17, 2020 12:08 PM
Oct 2015
nanashi796 said:
if they want to change something at least they have to make sense,how tf kurudan arrived there in a metter of seconds.
btw garbage adaptation,everything is fucked,world building,characterization, and characters personalities are different from the original ,plus bad animation,art style and direction.

its not as bad as i would think it would be, because the anime gets over some webtoon censors and we get to actually see lots of blood or wounds, korean censors are just fucking stupid.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
anime-primeJun 17, 2020 12:41 PM
Jun 17, 2020 12:09 PM

Mar 2017
I knew that little bitch wasn't to be trusted! FUCK RACHEL! My heart completely broke for Bam when she pushed him 😭

Yuri is... such a bad bitch! She is just so awesome!

Can't believe there's only 1 episode left! This weeks ep was shocking enough, how the hell is the entire season gonna end?! Hope there will be a season 2.
Jun 17, 2020 12:10 PM
Aug 2019
So Rachel betrayed Bam, I mean it was predictable not shocked at all since the webtoon readers couldn't shut up about how much they hate Rachel.
Princess Yuri to the rescue.
Hansung Yu I think he's becoming one of my favorite characters of this show.
Oh looks like someone from the Khun family showed what is he up to was that really it, hope to see him more next episode.

Jun 17, 2020 12:12 PM
Oct 2015
Dukino said:
That's it? Really? That's what has webtoon readers so pissed off? Didn't really do anything for me, probably cause webtoon readers haven't shut up about "hating Rachel" since the anime was announced, but still. It was really random and felt like Rachel pushing Bam was merely for shock value. Didn't elicit any real response from me other than ok I guess that just happened. Kinda weird how the Bull can reach into that bubble, thought it was protecting them, how'd water and fish not get in but the Bull did, too convenient. Bam himself hasn't been much of a character other than being a sweet guy so I'm not invested in him enough to care about him being "betrayed", if we can even call it that. Now if it was Khun or Rak or Shibisu then I'd be messed up over it but nah, it's just Rachel. Who hasn't done much to make me feel any kind of way towards her either. Like I said felt like that moment was only there to shock us or something dumb like that. Gonna need some major explaining for me to come around, and I doubt the finale will be enough.

Rest of the episode other than the Rachel and Bam segments was cool. Loved seeing Yuri come rescue Anaak and Endorsi. The latter being a badass still with not turning on Anaak to begin with. Yuri toying with the royal cop made me laugh. She's super powerful I love it. Makes me wish she was around more. Some other things I noticed is that I'm agreeing with Lero Ro a lot about the attitude of Hansung. Why's he so damn laid back. Doesn't make sense. There was way more than one intruder during that test but he didn't care until Yuri was about to actually finish the cop. Which I'm glad he still got squashed by a giant hammer but I don't get Hansung being that carefree until the last moment. A lot of weird things that need explaining that I'm pretty sure won't be.

ok first of all, this isn't even close to what rachel has done in the series so far,
this is just what started it,

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
anime-primeJun 17, 2020 12:41 PM
Jun 17, 2020 12:12 PM

Mar 2017
Supercueca_ said:
If that's why everyone was saying they hated Rachel, then go f*** yourselves. Seriously? That's it?
This could have been way more impactful if webtoon readers didn't spoil everyone everywhere

There's clearly more to Rachel's betrayal than just sabotaging the test for Bam. But I totally agree about Manwha readers keep posting spoilers... it's not cool and it ruins the anticipation and enjoyment of watching the series
Jun 17, 2020 12:13 PM
Apr 2020
I liked this episode. Everything was likable except Anak part and Where's Rachel's op dialogue? Anyways good episode.
Jun 17, 2020 12:14 PM
Oct 2015
G_Aker said:
laurathelizard said:

At this point I have simped for way too many TOG characters to even bother labeling myself as straight. There is just too much attractiveness within the 10 families.

yeah!!! All the princess are so good.

My personal fav is Kaiser/Elaine though.

Needs more screentime.

Jdr1 said:
Soooo, for a non-reader... all that hate for Rachel was because of this little push everyone knows will do nothing to the MC? Ah, give me a break.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
anime-primeJun 17, 2020 12:38 PM
Jun 17, 2020 12:25 PM
May 2020
After odd 21 mins into the episode, I thought "Okay, it is good but... it is getting a bit cliched now." After a few moments, "huh... never mind".

I don't care what were her reasons but RACHEL IS A BITCH.
Jun 17, 2020 12:25 PM

Feb 2019
Well, Rachel is now worse than Malty in my book. I knew it was going to happen since I have read it but still was emotional.

Hopefully, they will continue to adapt this.
Jun 17, 2020 12:41 PM
Apr 2020
StereoDissonance said:
Decent past 2 episodes, the overall show feels more coherent now.

  • While somewhat predictable, Endorsi and Anak getting over their differences and fighting the pillow was nice, but they seemed to get stomped too easily.
  • Yuri Jahad getting a role was nice to see as well, although I wonder why Yuri is so much stronger than Endorsi when their both chosen princesses.
  • Coffee Tester is as indiscernible as ever, or I'm just confused.
  • Khun's brother seems interesting, and glad to see Khun has completely given up on the princess that betrayed him so harshly.
  • Not really sure how I feel about the Rachel turn. Earlier it seemed like she wanted Bam to not be weighed down by her (even before she faked injury). But now she wants to sabatoge him? I don't really get it.
  • The navigator tried to kill Rachel specifically ... I wonder why.

The show is picking up, but I still feel it's suffering a bit from introducing too much complexity earlier without properly explaining it. The last 2 episodes have also kept the tension more consistent, which really improved the show for me. Hopefully the last episode answers some of these questions.

Just to say no regular can beat a ranker even the strongest regular vs the weakest ranker, and Anaak and Androssi combined strength are extremely far from the strongest regular.
Jun 17, 2020 12:42 PM

Oct 2019
even though I read the first season of the webtoon and knew this was going to happen, I couldn't help but shiver when Rachel pushed Bam
Jun 17, 2020 12:42 PM

Jul 2019
That came out of nowhere... except it didn't. Her escort during the crown test, the uniform they were wearing, her behaviour until she was exposed. She already had firm believes in something else as well as a different goal. Going by the smirking administrator disposing of Bam the irregular was a win-win situation for the monarchy and whatever Rachel is part of.

Pretty epic episode that is at least on the level of the previous one. What an epic fight between enforcement and the princesses. The discrepancy in terms of power was quite incredible. Bam killing the Bull when in it was in its element was also astounishing. The bit about the Khun family was fairly interesting. Seems like they have a princess called mary protegeeing the family.
Jun 17, 2020 12:44 PM

Jul 2014
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck?!

Source readers (as always) had already expressed their hatred for Rachel but I would never have imagined it would be for something like this. I'm still in shock. And reading the comments, it's true that she's the only one with those reptilian eyes... huh. The thing is, I don't hate her, at least for now. On the contrary, I'm rather interested in why she did it.

Leaving that aside, Yuri is here and what an entrance, what a fucking beast! Too bad as soon as she arrived, she left.

Endorsi is best girl by far and now we've seen a little more of Yuri... I love my princesses!
Jun 17, 2020 12:52 PM

Jun 2015
Damm Endorsi's comment in that tense moment sure was a fun one. Still it served to provide the perfect cover for the counterattack of the princesses. Though the enforcer's strength sure proved to be overwhelming even for them. The intervention of Yuri and Laure sure proved to be timely in saving the team though. Khun's strategy as ever though sure proved to be effective. The combat ability of Yuri though sure was impressive. She made the fight against the enforcer look like she was fighting children. The fight between Bam and the bull though sure proved to be quite the tense one but Bam sure delivered an impressive victory. That betrayal in the end sure was an unexpected one. Curious to see how this series will end next week though.
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Jun 17, 2020 12:52 PM

Nov 2017
This episode was quite hype! Especially that ending I was like lalala wait what

yuri what a cool appearance.

so lots of things are going different then was the test shouldve been normally. I quite like how everything gets serious and fcked up, so exciting. im hoping for some crazy unexpected things to happen next week in the final last episode, lets go
Jun 17, 2020 1:00 PM
Apr 2018
This was the most likable episode for me compared to previous ones.
For better or worse, nice turn of events for BAM.
Doutei-kunJun 17, 2020 1:22 PM
Jun 17, 2020 1:04 PM
Apr 2016
Dukino said:
That's it? Really? That's what has webtoon readers so pissed off? Didn't really do anything for me, probably cause webtoon readers haven't shut up about "hating Rachel" since the anime was announced, but still. It was really random and felt like Rachel pushing Bam was merely for shock value. Didn't elicit any real response from me other than ok I guess that just happened. Kinda weird how the Bull can reach into that bubble, thought it was protecting them, how'd water and fish not get in but the Bull did, too convenient. Bam himself hasn't been much of a character other than being a sweet guy so I'm not invested in him enough to care about him being "betrayed", if we can even call it that. Now if it was Khun or Rak or Shibisu then I'd be messed up over it but nah, it's just Rachel. Who hasn't done much to make me feel any kind of way towards her either. Like I said felt like that moment was only there to shock us or something dumb like that. Gonna need some major explaining for me to come around, and I doubt the finale will be enough.

Rest of the episode other than the Rachel and Bam segments was cool. Loved seeing Yuri come rescue Anaak and Endorsi. The latter being a badass still with not turning on Anaak to begin with. Yuri toying with the royal cop made me laugh. She's super powerful I love it. Makes me wish she was around more. Some other things I noticed is that I'm agreeing with Lero Ro a lot about the attitude of Hansung. Why's he so damn laid back. Doesn't make sense. There was way more than one intruder during that test but he didn't care until Yuri was about to actually finish the cop. Which I'm glad he still got squashed by a giant hammer but I don't get Hansung being that carefree until the last moment. A lot of weird things that need explaining that I'm pretty sure won't be.

Oh, believe me, your questions will be answered. TOG doesn't follow the "give me the whole plot now" type story. It slowly builds while giving you important information that ends up being useful later or it answers past questions. The whole web of stuff that's coming is much more complicated than a linear plot, and in my opinion, quite amazing storytelling from SIU. :)
Jun 17, 2020 1:07 PM
Jan 2017
Fuck Rachel, all my homies hate Rachel
Jun 17, 2020 1:10 PM

Aug 2015
I really liked the push, even though it will be explained later. Also the scene of Bam drowning was cool.

I wonder if JVG will appear, and I hope he sounds more mature.
Jun 17, 2020 1:25 PM

Jul 2016
Well, I didn't expect to stick around since I never found the concept of the series intresting yet here I am watching the whole anime form epo 1 till this one, I liked what they are doing so far.

AddaeAkono said:
After all that hard work Bam did to protect Rachel, she kicks him to the curb again.

Stop simping Bam.

I think some people here needs to give Bam a brake already, He is still just a kid and most likely have never been betrayed by anyone till now, lets not forget that it was Rachel that saved him when he was alone in the cave , I don't like simpping but I cannot say that Bam is doing so, He is only acting his age and don't know better yet , that being said .......

I hope Karma hits Rachel so hard that she well lose her head.
Jun 17, 2020 1:25 PM

Jul 2016
Well, I didn't expect to stick around since I never found the concept of the series intresting yet here I am watching the whole anime form epo 1 till this one, I liked what they are doing so far.

AddaeAkono said:
After all that hard work Bam did to protect Rachel, she kicks him to the curb again.

Stop simping Bam.

I think some people here needs to give Bam a brake already, He is still just a kid and most likely have never been betrayed by anyone till now, lets not forget that it was Rachel that saved him when he was alone in the cave , I don't like simpping but I cannot say that Bam is doing so, He is only acting his age and don't know better yet , that being said .......

I hope Karma hits Rachel so hard that she well lose her head.
Jun 17, 2020 1:26 PM

Nov 2018
All I have to say is this episode was the best episode of the series so far!

[font="\"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"]I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.[/font]

Jun 17, 2020 1:32 PM
Jul 2019
People be saying fuck Rachel without understanding why she pushed him. Just wait till next episode to see why we hate her so much. The push is just the spark to this hatred
Jun 17, 2020 1:38 PM

Jun 2015
Is there any info on when the OST releases?
Jun 17, 2020 1:40 PM

Apr 2014
This aniem skcs ass, they completely skipped any mention fo the irregulars enryu phantaminum and urek mazino.

Fck this anime its getting a 3 rating from only cause of the animation and ost.

Everything else scks ass fcking hate the director who helmed this skipped everything with the oni princess to.
"Even villains have standards"

Jun 17, 2020 1:42 PM
May 2019
Ahhhhh...... finally. All that time Yoru(Bam) was just devoting his life for Rachel and then Baaaam(no pun intended)... Rachel betrays. Seriously this is what I was hoping for to happen. The next episode which is technically the final episode of the season will truly be a nail bitter to watch.
Jun 17, 2020 1:47 PM
Jul 2018
A bad anime somehow gets worse. I can't understand how anyone who hasn't read the manhwa likes this shit.
removed-userJun 17, 2020 1:52 PM
Jun 17, 2020 1:54 PM

Sep 2019
At least this episode has gotten my attention again by introducing new characters and events. The last four or so episodes have been so damn bland and uninteresting that I almost considered dropping ToG.
Jun 17, 2020 1:56 PM

May 2019
As a webtoon reader, I'm very satisfied with this episode. Penkins did god's work.
If you read Eleceed you're automatically my friend.
Jun 17, 2020 2:00 PM

Sep 2015
Well that's what you get for simping!
Despite the whole "We gonna climb this tower together" being corny and outta place... IMO this was the best episode of the series so far.
Jun 17, 2020 2:05 PM

Dec 2015
Since it had a slower pace, the Kevin Penkin OST style fitted better, so paying attention more to music than the story made the episode more watchable I guess. Since everyone who love this shitshow hates Rachel, she will probably become my favorite character. Oh, but the good news is it will finally end next episode. Hopefuly it won't recieve as much attention it had if it has a 2nd Season
Jun 17, 2020 2:09 PM

Jan 2008
Great sound. I have no idea why they scrapped Rachel saying "You have to die here". Also, a lot of stuff important for future character building is thrown out, but Rak jumping with Paracule is there. Overall, 4/5. It was good, but I still heavily disagree on their decisions what to prioritize. It just feels like something that has zero potential to ever be close to the webtoon with this studio.
Jun 17, 2020 2:09 PM
Apr 2020
Nik03178 said:
Dukino said:
That's it? Really? That's what has webtoon readers so pissed off? Didn't really do anything for me, probably cause webtoon readers haven't shut up about "hating Rachel" since the anime was announced, but still. It was really random and felt like Rachel pushing Bam was merely for shock value. Didn't elicit any real response from me other than ok I guess that just happened. Kinda weird how the Bull can reach into that bubble, thought it was protecting them, how'd water and fish not get in but the Bull did, too convenient. Bam himself hasn't been much of a character other than being a sweet guy so I'm not invested in him enough to care about him being "betrayed", if we can even call it that. Now if it was Khun or Rak or Shibisu then I'd be messed up over it but nah, it's just Rachel. Who hasn't done much to make me feel any kind of way towards her either. Like I said felt like that moment was only there to shock us or something dumb like that. Gonna need some major explaining for me to come around, and I doubt the finale will be enough.

Rest of the episode other than the Rachel and Bam segments was cool. Loved seeing Yuri come rescue Anaak and Endorsi. The latter being a badass still with not turning on Anaak to begin with. Yuri toying with the royal cop made me laugh. She's super powerful I love it. Makes me wish she was around more. Some other things I noticed is that I'm agreeing with Lero Ro a lot about the attitude of Hansung. Why's he so damn laid back. Doesn't make sense. There was way more than one intruder during that test but he didn't care until Yuri was about to actually finish the cop. Which I'm glad he still got squashed by a giant hammer but I don't get Hansung being that carefree until the last moment. A lot of weird things that need explaining that I'm pretty sure won't be.

Yo calm down, anime only. You still have no idea why we hate Rachel. This is merely the beginning.

get off your high horse its because of your guys that anime onlys didnt felt any impact at all at the betrayal
all these "i hate rachel posts" totally ruined it
Jun 17, 2020 2:13 PM
Sep 2014
as a not webtoon reader, I'm really mad at you all for the constant spoilers. I'm sure it could have been an impact full and jaw dropping moment, but no, tens of spoiling comments from the first chapter till now prevented it. there was no running away from it and I'm mad. stop spoiling stuff!!!
Jun 17, 2020 2:15 PM
Apr 2020
can you really blame rachel?
there is some annoying boring guy who keeps following you even when you said to leave her alone

she dosent owe him anything

Jun 17, 2020 2:16 PM

Apr 2015
Nice battles this episode! Endorsi and Anak briefly turned the tables on this hairball/riceball guy before getting overpowered again. They put up a good fight up to the point where Yuri showed up! She's crazy strong though, holy shit and I feel like she's not even trying!! Riceball is done in by an ally of Yuri! I WANT MORE OF YURI

Khun's plan comes in clutch again, with help from Lauroe and the small girl! Surprise to see another member of th khun family show up!

That cliffhanger though! Well, now I understand why Rachel is not much liked by the community....

Can easily say, best episode for me!
Jun 17, 2020 2:20 PM
Apr 2020
was anyone actually surprised at that betrayal?

i never really cared about bam anyway so actually found it funny how he was holding her hands talking about staying together forever and then baaam

thats what you get for simping
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