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Jun 3, 2020 4:04 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- Another moody episode and honestly, this arc/season has been pretty heavy with emotions. What I'm impressed by is how they're able to show the amount of human emotions with the cast. Momoharu and Madoka had some noticable screentime to catch up. |
Jun 3, 2020 4:11 AM
They're pushing the drama way too far, and I don't know why they made Madoka like Momoharu. |
Jun 3, 2020 4:51 AM
I am betting that the "main event" will be complains by ship warriors... What is funny about Madoka is that the real "message" about her won't be understood by people, especially if the 50 episodes will stop where I think that they will. Anyway, this is such a pity that censorship striked again, because in the manga, there is beautiful "cynical" stylistic device used by the author. Indeed, when the teachers are criticizing the students and making fun of Satsuki, all those who are criticizing are actually smoking in the room. As I repeatedly said since the last 4 episodes, their choice of accelerating the pace comes at the wrong moment in my opinion as they are cruising even at moments where a bit of silence would be useful. But anyway, next time: orange! |
Jun 3, 2020 5:01 AM
So, the club is disbanded, Sora's mom is already buried, Nao is dating some popular ikemen apparently (when did that happen?), and Madoka wants to go out with Momoharu? But then cries on Sora's bed. Because she's suddenly so bothered by how her own "obsession" with basketball has taken her out of circulation, so to say. ... Um. Ok then. |
Jun 3, 2020 5:06 AM
So much pain. That what this episode was. Probably should've braced myself for the team being disbanded but it really hit hard. Such a safe haven for them all where they finally felt accepted by each other is now gone. even if it was because they lit some cigarettes it hurts to see. The principal brought up good points but so did Mr Satsuki, I sort of hoped he could win them over but didn't go that way sadly. I liked how this episode kind of went around to all the members showing how they dealt with it. Momoharu obviously taking it the hardest. It was a really cute scene with him and Madoka before he lashed out. Which is pretty understandable if a bit much to take it out on Madoka. Kinda hinted too that she had feelings for him, that would be cool. Speaking of, Madoka going to see Sora grandma was great. Amazing she opened back up so soon but she is right we have to keep going. Sora being mostly shutdown after his mother's death made me sad too. I have an idea of what Sora bought with his dad but we'll see what it turns out to be. End scene brought it all home with Nanao going to see the locker room. She right that it's not as bad as you would think with a fire. Kaname trying to fix up the place. He provided some good laughs this episode to break up the sadness. Made me tear up when Nanao said she was sad because they lost their place to be together. I really hope the team can come back in unison. Lots of pissed off and saddened emotions whirling around but I hope they can bring it all back. At least for Sora just like Kaname said since he stated the basketball club. |
Jun 3, 2020 5:25 AM
yellowheartren said: So, the club is disbanded, Sora's mom is already buried, Nao is dating some popular ikemen apparently (when did that happen?), and Madoka wants to go out with Momoharu? But then cries on Sora's bed. Because she's suddenly so bothered by how her own "obsession" with basketball has taken her out of circulation, so to say. ... Um. Ok then. that was not Nao, it was just a random Madoka's friend (called Tama) lol not sure about Madoka, she supposedly said she likes Momoharu but was all like "oh this bed smells like Sora" , not sure if she actually likes both or just misses Sora as a friend, since she spent so much time with him recently due to the basketball practices and stuff... oh well, like someone said above, we probably won't understand her "message" for the crying, well, everything went badly for her and everyone else in the last few days, it's normal to cry when she remembered it all anyway, this episode was heavy, they threw every freaking bad emotion into it, geez i'm curious about what Sora bought tho on another note, i liked some of the hairstyles that Madoka and Nao had this episode, the small hair tie they had on the back (does this hairstyle have a name?) , as well as Madoka's more festive style when she was on the river :D |
winddevil1Jun 3, 2020 6:05 AM
Jun 3, 2020 6:03 AM
All those flashing scenes from the first opening, so this is where it happened :/ At least it's pretty certain that they will make a comeback sooner or later, let's wait and see. As for the thing Sora bought, I think I have a pretty good idea: I haven't read the manga, btw. Just a hunch from the first opening. |
Jun 3, 2020 6:09 AM
They left out some scenes with Yasu, Chucky and Nabe.. don't know if they'll go back to them, but if not it would seem like they weren't so affected by this, which isn't the case |
Jun 3, 2020 6:14 AM
Women... she likes Momoharu then goes to cry on Sora's bed and smells his sheets like wtf. |
Jun 3, 2020 6:56 AM
winddevil1 said: that was not Nao, it was just a random Madoka's friend (called Tama) lol Ah. My bad then, multitasking too hard I guess. Thanks for the heads-up! |
Jun 3, 2020 7:30 AM
A lot of things happened all at once this episode which is a little surprising considering the pacing of the actual matches. lol Madoka supposedly liking Momoharu was surprising but maybe more about this will be explored in the future. Looking forward to how things develop. |
Jun 3, 2020 7:53 AM
I think Madoka's friend name Tama gives her an idea that it's okay to date with multiple guys at the same time, which I fully agree on the fundamental level. And Madoka knows her stuff when she went straight to Sora's bed. The bed in the boy room has the most boy scent because the boy fap on their bed. When you visit your friend's room, if you don't like that person stay away from the bed, if you like that person go straight to the bed and sniff at the sheet and blanket, it's so simple! |
Jun 3, 2020 8:24 AM
So out of nowhere, Madoka likes Momoharu? I can understand this as an attempt to ease up, to escape from other bad feelings and she chose Momoharu because she thought it would cheer him up too. But the way she cried over it seemed real. I don't understand. |
Jun 3, 2020 8:38 AM
Damn... Is Madoka's self esteem really that low? |
Jun 3, 2020 8:51 AM
Jun 3, 2020 9:15 AM
Ten said: So out of nowhere, Madoka likes Momoharu? I can understand this as an attempt to ease up, to escape from other bad feelings and she chose Momoharu because she thought it would cheer him up too. But the way she cried over it seemed real. I don't understand. Ehh....if you look back, they actually set up her liking Momoharu for quite awhile. |
Jun 3, 2020 9:51 AM
I'm really curious of what's going to happen. Is Sora going to convince school that the club should be let go on and that its former members are let off suspension? Is Shigeyoshi going to found something that proves it wasn't the cigaretes? |
Jun 3, 2020 11:03 AM
Great episode. The basketball is just a plot device to move these coming of age stories forward. Things are low now for the entire cast but I feel like they're going to come out of this much stronger. |
Jun 3, 2020 11:18 AM
About Madoka's strange behavior, I think you need to take into account everything she's been through in the last few days. Her team lost in their first game even after all the hard effort they put into practice, the boy's team also lost their first game after all the help she tried to give them, Sora's mother died and she feels guilty for not giving Sora his mother's present, she returns to school and discovers that she feels left behind, and now that boy's basketball team is being disbanded she feels all of their efforts were just wasted and pointless. Because of all this she feels lonely and has no one to talk to. Sora's no longer there, her friend is now dating someone, Momoharu wants nothing to do with her at the moment, and her sister is busy with work. I don't know about her parents but if I were to guess they're either never at home or they're not close. Her suddenly asking Momoharu to go on a date with may seem out of the blue but I see it as her trying desperately to keep herself from going into a deep depression. What Madoka is going through right now is very similar to when a soldier returns home after being gone for so long. You expect to go back to your old life only to discover that the world you grew up in has either completley changed or is no longer there and you find yourself unable to fit in. In Madoka's case, she's built her entire world on the sport of basketball but in just two days it's all completely fallen apart, leaving her at a loss with no idea of what to do or where to go from here combined with the promise she failed to keep. She's desperately trying to keep it together but in the end she can't help but break down crying. |
DirectorKJun 3, 2020 7:11 PM
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Jun 3, 2020 1:57 PM
Does anyone knows about the background guitar music in the background ? It begins when Sora's grandmother tells Nanao about how Sora has been doing , with the flashback, and plays till Nanao cries on Sora's bed. Which song is it or where can I get that music ? |
Jun 3, 2020 2:12 PM
k3npac said: Does anyone knows about the background guitar music in the background ? It begins when Sora's grandmother tells Nanao about how Sora has been doing , with the flashback, and plays till Nanao cries on Sora's bed. Which song is it or where can I get that music ? It's an acoustic version of Happy Go Ducky, don't know it it's released yet though, I doubt it |
Jun 3, 2020 4:28 PM
RW0 said: Ten said: So out of nowhere, Madoka likes Momoharu? I can understand this as an attempt to ease up, to escape from other bad feelings and she chose Momoharu because she thought it would cheer him up too. But the way she cried over it seemed real. I don't understand. Ehh....if you look back, they actually set up her liking Momoharu for quite awhile. It probably was so subtle that I was under the impression that she liked Sora all along. |
Jun 3, 2020 4:29 PM
I was like "what the hell, Madoka?!", but after taking a pause and thinking it though, I believe that she was in a bad spot emotionally, with Sora's mom death (she carried some guilt from the wrist band incident), and the boy's defeat to some extent. The straw that broke the camel's back came when she found out that her friend is now dating someone and that made her feel that she's drifting away from the fun things teenagers usually do, like hanging out or dating. This random hook up attempt sounds like a coping mechanism TBH, since she hadn't shown previos interest in Momoharu before. A three pointer for Momoharu for not being a coyote there! That was a very realistic situation in my opinion, going for a "bad boy" during a crisis (haven't we all done something stupid during a rough patch?). It makes her look better as a character, with good and bad stuff going on for her, nobody's perfect and at some point we realize that life is full of greys. I guess she picked Momo because he's the best looking one from the pack lol |
Jun 3, 2020 7:32 PM
Jun 3, 2020 7:59 PM
I was under the impression Madoka liked Sora, so that whole scene just made me really confused. A depressing and serious episode, fits the mood. |
Jun 3, 2020 10:01 PM
I feel cheated after this episode. Don't lead me on, if all you're going to do is bait and switch later. I know technically it's not a bait and switch as they subtly implied that she like him, but still, all the interaction between her and Sora feel pointless to me now. It could've literally been anyone who was at Sora's side. |
Jun 3, 2020 11:08 PM
Unleashed_SM said: I feel cheated after this episode. Don't lead me on, if all you're going to do is bait and switch later. I know technically it's not a bait and switch as they subtly implied that she like him, but still, all the interaction between her and Sora feel pointless to me now. It could've literally been anyone who was at Sora's side. Why is it pointless? thats not true at all. So because she's not interested in him romantically it could have been anyone? Its not a bait and switch when they set it up beforehand. She's still an important character with her own goals and motivations, her not liking the MC doesnt change that. |
RW0Jun 3, 2020 11:12 PM
Jun 3, 2020 11:57 PM
Ashhk said: They're pushing the drama way too far, and I don't know why they made Madoka like Momoharu. It's not like some random thing that came out of nowhere, if you were watching closely, you would have noticed it was slowly building up. Ten said: So out of nowhere, Madoka likes Momoharu? I can understand this as an attempt to ease up, to escape from other bad feelings and she chose Momoharu because she thought it would cheer him up too. But the way she cried over it seemed real. I don't understand. Wasn't out of nowhere, there were multiple signs. |
Jun 4, 2020 12:44 AM
@Unleashed_SM @Ten @Ashhk @RW0 1. It was definitely subtle 2. Y'all know what's not subtle and very obvious? Madoka not seeing Sora as more than friends Chiaki --> Nao --> Sora --> Madoka --> Momoharu |
Haunt88Jun 4, 2020 12:48 AM
Jun 4, 2020 3:13 AM
This is getting too overdramatic. No bite and only barking, so far we didn't get a single decent game but the shitty drama is endless. |
Jun 4, 2020 7:21 AM
Sora dad is voiced by dio and the next episode is called "stando". |
Jun 5, 2020 9:04 PM
Madoka likes Momoharu? Colour me surprised lol. Madoka obviously sees Sora as a friend, nothing more than that. She became even more attached to him when she learned about her mom. And that was it. |
Jun 6, 2020 7:56 AM
Great episode for me. Pretty sad, very nice. I didn't interpret in a way that Madoka really likes Momoharu. I think she just wanted some attention and someone no matter who to date her or something, because she saw her friend going out with a handsome boy. She said she was kinda moving away from people because she was too busy with the basketball club, so maybe she os just needy. But if se really likes Momoharu this came out of nowhere. |
Jun 7, 2020 12:14 AM
I don't want to start judging characters with so little screentime but I really wonder what kind of game Kaname's female senpai is playing with him and the other dude she's dating... Well, the angst sure escalated even more in this episode but truth be told, I liked how most of the characters' inner conflicts were handled and I think the pacing couldn't have been more perfect considering how many characters were addressed. In particular, seeing Satsuki defending the team was truly heartwarming and besides, rather welcome in the characterization department since his character was almost non-existent throughout the series so far. Now, the only aspect I didn't enjoy that much was the addition of the "Madoka x Momoharu" drama. Many people say it came out of nowhere (and they couldn't be more wrong, by the way) but personally, I would have preferred to see how Momoharu has been handling this whole "letting everyone down" frustration he's feeling. The romantic tension between him and Madoka could have been addressed later on in the series but that's my mere opinion. |
Jun 7, 2020 9:44 PM
Leonardobs said: please watch the previous episodes. Madoka starts to be interested in Momoharu, it's not just looking for attention, but Madoka is starting to realize her feelings that she likes Momoharu, in the manga: Great episode for me. Pretty sad, very nice. I didn't interpret in a way that Madoka really likes Momoharu. I think she just wanted some attention and someone no matter who to date her or something, because she saw her friend going out with a handsome boy. She said she was kinda moving away from people because she was too busy with the basketball club, so maybe she os just needy. But if se really likes Momoharu this came out of nowhere. they are dating, but without being known by Sora Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details. |
Koito91Jun 10, 2020 7:31 AM
Jun 8, 2020 4:34 PM
Was there like.....any indication whatsoever that Madoka liked Momoharu? Or did I just miss something? Sora is like the only guy on the team she even seems to keep up why Momoharu? |
Jun 9, 2020 1:59 AM
SenpaiMars-Barz said: Was there like.....any indication whatsoever that Madoka liked Momoharu? Or did I just miss something? Sora is like the only guy on the team she even seems to keep up why Momoharu? There was. She blushed when momoharu forced himself to eat her food, and during that scene he was nicer than ever. She did try to go visit him to the hospital before finding Nabe and Chucky playing basketball against those middle schoolers. And she blushed again when he was the only one to notice she cried after losing the game. |
Jun 9, 2020 3:50 PM
I'm surprised to see so many people oblivious to Madoka liking Momoharu, but it's not like the show clearly spelled it out I guess. Just hints that this has been building since before the show started. Everyone is in a bad place right now and Madoka finally wants to do girly things. Such bad timing :c But overall another good episode. I really didn't expect such heavy drama beyond Sora losing his mother. No complaints from me! yuukigami said: Thanks for pointing this out! I went back and watched the first opening again and you're totally right there. Momoharu also had a new haircut there and I was recently wondering when that was going to happen.All those flashing scenes from the first opening, so this is where it happened :/ |
MonochromeJun 9, 2020 3:56 PM
Jun 12, 2020 11:02 PM
DirectorK said: This is so true. She just needs someone to talk toAbout Madoka's strange behavior, I think you need to take into account everything she's been through in the last few days. Her team lost in their first game even after all the hard effort they put into practice, the boy's team also lost their first game after all the help she tried to give them, Sora's mother died and she feels guilty for not giving Sora his mother's present, she returns to school and discovers that she feels left behind, and now that boy's basketball team is being disbanded she feels all of their efforts were just wasted and pointless. Because of all this she feels lonely and has no one to talk to. Sora's no longer there, her friend is now dating someone, Momoharu wants nothing to do with her at the moment, and her sister is busy with work. I don't know about her parents but if I were to guess they're either never at home or they're not close. Her suddenly asking Momoharu to go on a date with may seem out of the blue but I see it as her trying desperately to keep herself from going into a deep depression. What Madoka is going through right now is very similar to when a soldier returns home after being gone for so long. You expect to go back to your old life only to discover that the world you grew up in has either completley changed or is no longer there and you find yourself unable to fit in. In Madoka's case, she's built her entire world on the sport of basketball but in just two days it's all completely fallen apart, leaving her at a loss with no idea of what to do or where to go from here combined with the promise she failed to keep. She's desperately trying to keep it together but in the end she can't help but break down crying. |
Jun 14, 2020 4:17 AM
This was honestly a very weak follow up episode to the incredible last episode. I liked the part with the teachers and the basketball club but the drama between the characters felt so forced, especially with Madoka. The feelings for Momoharu from Madoka came outta nowhere. I've read people say that it was always hinted but if those are what you consider hints, then I think even Chiaki and Kite were hinted and a lot more hints with Sora than any of these 3. They're overdoing it with the drama I feel. Oh, and we also had the girl crying over Shigeyoshi. |
Inferno792Jun 14, 2020 4:24 AM
Jun 14, 2020 4:21 AM
lacters said: SenpaiMars-Barz said: Was there like.....any indication whatsoever that Madoka liked Momoharu? Or did I just miss something? Sora is like the only guy on the team she even seems to keep up why Momoharu? There was. She blushed when momoharu forced himself to eat her food, and during that scene he was nicer than ever. She did try to go visit him to the hospital before finding Nabe and Chucky playing basketball against those middle schoolers. And she blushed again when he was the only one to notice she cried after losing the game. I mean if we're considering these hints, then Chiaki also had a fair amount with her. I don't think she hadn't shown any clear hints towards one guy. She'd had her moments with 4 guys if we're talking about it. |
Jun 14, 2020 8:26 AM
Inferno792 said: lacters said: SenpaiMars-Barz said: Was there like.....any indication whatsoever that Madoka liked Momoharu? Or did I just miss something? Sora is like the only guy on the team she even seems to keep up why Momoharu? There was. She blushed when momoharu forced himself to eat her food, and during that scene he was nicer than ever. She did try to go visit him to the hospital before finding Nabe and Chucky playing basketball against those middle schoolers. And she blushed again when he was the only one to notice she cried after losing the game. I mean if we're considering these hints, then Chiaki also had a fair amount with her. I don't think she hadn't shown any clear hints towards one guy. She'd had her moments with 4 guys if we're talking about it. Has she? She's never blushed or felt nervous with anyone but Momoharu. All of her other interactions, including Sora's, portrayed a confident Madoka. I think the difference of blushing, being nervous and thinking to herself is enough of a difference in the interactions she's had. Also, they were all 'sweet' interactions (with comedic break at the end) intentionally. |
Jun 28, 2020 11:53 AM
Too bad that the second half of this anime the quality of the animation went downhill pretty fast, I hope they get more effort to the rest of it. |
Sep 27, 2020 12:13 PM
Unorganized thoughts Interhigh apparently out of reach The hints that Madoka was into Momoharu were there, albeit a bit ambigious at times. Lmao at Mokichi Satsuki a real sensei, but srew some of these other teachers And I honestly don't mind that the series is laying it on a bit thick with the drama. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Nov 18, 2020 1:10 PM
i have noticed some kind of NTR fetish this author has with his romances in his manga he did it first with Kaname love interest and then proceed to Sora love interest he always develop something then let some other guy to come and steal the girl kinda disgusting . either way i dropped the Anime the second Madoka invited Momoharu for a date just couldn't pass that point it was so fuckung confusing especially when she was heavily implied as Sora's love interest and her might having feeling for sora in all of the 30 episodes of the Anime yeah no author fuck off im out . |
Jan 8, 2021 8:12 PM
Momoharu lashing out at Madoka. He’s really not in the mood. I don’t buy that he doesn’t have feelings for her tho. Also don’t feel like it’s out of nowhere, they have hinted at the two of them for a while now. Poor Momoharu shouldering everything. He’s taking it all on himself. +1 for Satsuki sensei Kaname trying to fix up the club room was so cute. He’s so endearing. That was touching. I hope the boys get it together & move on already. It’s just after one loss, they have so much ahead of them! Love that little detail in OP1 being scenes of this arc & beyond |
ꕤ but i’ll probably remember over and over again you were there and everyone else was there — the day we all searched for just one thing ꕤ |
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