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Apr 8, 2020 12:10 PM

Mar 2008
meredissuu said:
this manga has been in my to-read list for quite a while, and I thaught watching the anime adaptation would be a good way to start it since I never took time to read the manga. however, i feel like i should read the manga instead of watching the anime? it feels like it has a pace and a vibe that would be better conveyed as manga than as anime... but then again it might be just me, I'm from the manga is better than anime unit, and this first episode is objectively pretty good

Watch the anime, leave the manga to after.
Waiting a week for the next episode is the ideal "pace" for this story.
Apr 8, 2020 1:39 PM
Jul 2014
I’ll have to get used to Haru, she is too lively for my liking.
The first episode hooked me in and reminded me why I love slice of life anime, seems like a very mature anime about a guy figuring himself out. For me this is especially relatable because I’m graduating in a few months and don’t know what to do in life.
Apr 8, 2020 2:22 PM

Oct 2017
i hate how I can relate to the mc in some ways haha. Definitely gonna keep watching
Apr 8, 2020 3:36 PM

Aug 2014
Sounds interesting for me, a Lazy man and weird girl having a crow ;)
Apr 9, 2020 3:21 AM

Aug 2017
I loved this first episode. It was slice-of-life at its finest in my opinion. It was quite mysterious too, thanks to Haru and the ravens. It was good that Rikuo finally confessed to Shinako, although the outcome was not what he had hoped for. I guess the old Beatles' song from the title fits really well here... I am looking forward to the next episode for sure!
Apr 9, 2020 5:05 AM
Mar 2012
Bit of just because vibe with the rare realistic dialogue among adults.
Rikuo has a fun group of friends so far but everyone feels internally troubled. Camera directing & characters just has this natural drama feel.
Rikuo should know even w/o a real job he's now deemed an 'essential worker'.
Apr 9, 2020 6:17 AM

May 2009
ParsaAr said:
I'm legit having Domestic na Kanojo flashbacks

How? It's not even starting with fucking like DomeKano.
Also DomeKano is ending soon.
Apr 9, 2020 4:59 PM
May 2017
the first episode was good and i have high hopes. and i’m already in love with haru
kanibalizmApr 9, 2020 5:03 PM
Apr 9, 2020 11:16 PM

Feb 2019
Damn I can already tell this one is gonna hit me hard. The soundtrack is really nice so far
Apr 10, 2020 5:28 AM
Oct 2007
This is surprisingly good for the first episode. I'm not sure what to think of having 2 females into the main character right from the start and the kind of impact moving forward. Just have to wait and watch the rest!
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Apr 10, 2020 12:37 PM

Jun 2015
I really enjoyed the first episode, it was a breath of fresh air for me. Also, I think that
this series could be Kdrama material, too.
ok :p
Apr 10, 2020 4:03 PM
Apr 2019
I really liked this first episode. Animation and atmosphere are good and the story seems quite realistic. Looks very promising, it could one of my favorites of the season if it keeps it up. Avidly looking forward to the next episode.
Apr 10, 2020 7:17 PM
Mar 2020
well.. sorry but i did not understand the relationship between Rikuo and Shinako. Synopsis says “ The days pass by uneventfully for Rikuo until he meets his former girlfriend“ but.. did they date? I thought they’re only classmates and he likes her but never talked with her about it. someone can explain me? thank u!
Apr 10, 2020 9:03 PM

Mar 2008
badgaliv said:
well.. sorry but i did not understand the relationship between Rikuo and Shinako. Synopsis says “ The days pass by uneventfully for Rikuo until he meets his former girlfriend“ but.. did they date? I thought they’re only classmates and he likes her but never talked with her about it. someone can explain me? thank u!

Yes, you're right, the synopsis is wrong.
Shinako was never his girlfriend.
Apr 10, 2020 11:31 PM
Apr 2020
as a fan of Toume Kei, im insane happy about how they keep any little moment in manga and animate them so smoothly.
Apr 10, 2020 11:38 PM

Apr 2015
MadSc said:
Also, I think that
this series could be Kdrama material, too.

I'm likely passing this show due to this- I'd rather watch Kdrama if I want Kdrama material.
Apr 11, 2020 10:43 AM
Nov 2016
So relatable it hurts, I even got rejected on a similar manner
Apr 11, 2020 3:57 PM
Apr 2020
I already love this anime. Because rikuo uozumi's voice actor is the same as legoshi from beastars and uozumi's face remind me haruki's face from I want to eat your pancreas.
Apr 12, 2020 12:30 AM

Dec 2008
Such a great start, this is now my favorite show for this season.
Apr 12, 2020 3:10 AM

May 2016
Sing "Yesterday" for me even the title has nice vibe to it, I remember reading the first few
chapters last year and I believe they did a great job with the adaptation.

romance after college can pretty enjoyable to watch as well.
Apr 12, 2020 5:08 AM
Aug 2017
Can someone explain what happened in the end? He proposed and the girl said she likes him too but he ran away? And in the new ep he was saying he was rejected, how?
Apr 12, 2020 9:10 AM

Apr 2015
animes like this should be discussed further but I do get the feeling that the author is trying to sidestep so hard the idea of "education is pointless and just a money grab". and I hate it so much. all the characters are aimless to say the least and this is the fruit of the education system.

"you shall know them by their fruits" as the bible says. and the characters here are the "fruits" of the education institute. and yet the author is just sidestepping this. I'll give this another episode.
>I had no brain when I was 12
>Then everyone must had no brain when they were 12
>I experimented 100 samples and proved that they had no brain when they were 12
>Therefore children cannot consent

This is what science has done to humanity.
Apr 12, 2020 10:37 AM

Sep 2017
I have the feeling this will be relatable...
My candies:
Apr 12, 2020 1:36 PM

Nov 2007
Monarch9 said:
Can someone explain what happened in the end? He proposed and the girl said she likes him too but he ran away? And in the new ep he was saying he was rejected, how?
She basically said "I like you as a friend. Let's not let romantic feelings get mixed up in our friendship." which is a way of her rejecting his romantic confession. He was discouraged and realized she didn't feel the same way.
Apr 12, 2020 1:40 PM
Aug 2017
Danish said:
Monarch9 said:
Can someone explain what happened in the end? He proposed and the girl said she likes him too but he ran away? And in the new ep he was saying he was rejected, how?
She basically said "I like you as a friend. Let's not let romantic feelings get mixed up in our friendship." which is a way of her rejecting his romantic confession. He was discouraged and realized she didn't feel the same way.

Oh I must have missed the line or have seen wrong subs. Thanks bud.
Apr 12, 2020 1:47 PM

Nov 2007
Raizel said:
romance after college can pretty enjoyable to watch as well.
Yeah, I agree. It's refreshing to see a (mainly) adult-centric cast. School-oriented settings allow for a convenient way for characters to meet/interact but adulthood doesn't necessarily have that.

I do hope Haru doesn't end up as a "manic pixie dream girl." She definitely seems to have her own issues like Misaki did in NHK ni Youkoso, though.
Apr 12, 2020 7:40 PM
Mar 2017
I quite liked this first episode, especially because it comes from Doga Kobo and the anime they create never disappoint me.

The characters are quite interesting, I see Rikuo the most real within the characters, someone pessimistic and having trouble finding his way.
Haru for her part is the most beautiful girl and I love her mischievous personality, but with Shinako I felt that perhaps she will be a difficult character to deal with and personally I think I will not be very fond of her.

The episode worked very well to show us the relationship between these three characters, Haru likes Rikuo and Rikuo likes Shinako, but also Shinako was Haru's sensei and she feels responsible for the expulsion of her student.

Personally I liked the chemistry of Haru and Rikuo, since they are both marginalized and feel that life has failed them.

the character design is sensational, the expressions of the characters are so well done that they manage to reach the viewer, the art style was one of the things that encouraged me the most to see this anime, is beautiful and the night scenes are very well accomplished and provide a lot in dialogues like the ones that Rikuo and Shinako had

Anyway, I will definitely watch this anime until the end, I already want to know why Shinako rejected Rikuo, but I am sure it will be somewhat complicated, on the other hand I want to see how Haru will make Rikuo fall in love with her, especially now she knows that Rikuo loves her old sensei.

The only thing I can say is that this anime is not for everyone.
Apr 12, 2020 11:40 PM

Sep 2014
Bruh, the protagonist is voiced by the same VA as Legoshi's and the girl hitting on him is called Haru. That's one hell of a coincidence.
Apr 13, 2020 12:29 AM

Sep 2018
A truly encouraging start, in which many things happen. The narrative has a cut purely dedicated to the male protagonist and describes the psychology quite well, but also the other characters, a very varied overall picture comes out from many points of view; how not to become attached immediately to the protagonist, who is far from perfection, the same thing for the character of Haru and beyond. Excellent drawings and animations, even the backgrounds are very beautiful. This first episode invites a lot to follow the next.
Apr 13, 2020 6:35 AM
Sep 2018
This is a very promising anime. Hope it goes on like this!
Apr 13, 2020 6:55 AM
anime pervert

Apr 2013
Kinda relatable, but also kinda boring
Apr 14, 2020 12:52 AM
Oct 2018
I see. After finished on Seton Gakuen, now Jin Mazama recruited for another anime 😂

Anyway, i kinda like his kind of show. Drama romance. Glad i could watch atleast 1 decent anime for this season, since other good animes are posptoned.
Bingki-sanApr 17, 2020 6:55 PM
Apr 14, 2020 4:20 AM

Mar 2009
Seems like it's going to be a decent romance. Will make a nice complement to the funny rom-com that is Kaguya-sama. Haru is already best girl, which means she's going to lose. Of course... :(
Apr 14, 2020 6:50 AM

Jul 2014
It's funny how everyone keeps saying the show is realistic, cause it sure doesn't feel real to me. A sad Shinako contemplating cherry blossom at night is a nice picture but I don't buy it, and I don't buy how characters talk so openly about feelings most people would barely be aware of. What I usually don't like about romance or drama anime is that everything has to be beautiful or meaningful, every dialogue has to be deep, every shot has to be iconic and it all seems fake. Like Haru declaring war on Shinako is powerful, it is also cringe as hell and would never ever happen in real life.

In the end, I guess I'm just too simple or maybe too introvert/reserved to relate to this kind of characters and this kind of story.
Apr 14, 2020 12:54 PM
Feb 2018
All the “Welcome to the NHK” comparisons are right on. It’s definitely more of a generational drama as millennials are notorious for being in the mc’s position professionally (at least in the West). It’s darker tones give it a good brooding feel that I think does more to reflect mass depression, existential dread and anxiety gen z and millennials live with these days. The gritty animation style is reminiscent of the better aspects of “Gran Blue Fantasy” (but it suceeds here where it failed in GBF because it matches the tone better), while the character design has the quality and overall sharpness of “I Want to eat Your Pancreas”. The color scheme is realistic to how people actually dress in Japan which gives it a really grounded feel that I’m always satisfied with seeing.

It’s definitely not a title for anyone looking for an escapist slice-of-life show to distract from the current apocalyptic situation we’re collectively facing, but a mature cast of interesting, promising characters with at least one confession out of the way is a great opening to a show I’ll be keeping up with closely and I hope others will consider give it a serious go for these reasons as well.

9/10 so far for me.
Apr 14, 2020 6:09 PM
Apr 2019
- I really like Rikuo, he seems like someone I'm gonna be seeing myself a lot in lmfaoooo
- idk how the hell hawk girl thought he'd remember her from that one two second encounter but he did :')
- rikuo yelling out he wants to quit life is ME!!!
Apr 15, 2020 4:45 AM

Jan 2018
Yesterday wo Utatte shares a lot of similarities with Welcome to the NHK, which is something I was expecting. I've been excited for this one for a while and so far it still looks promising.
Apr 15, 2020 5:43 AM

Sep 2019
Well, I'm automatically rooting for Haru. Just her look and personality work for me.

Certainly excited to see how things evolve, and man, I guess after he got rejected the phrase "go fast, eat ass" (although with more concrete) might be more realistic than I thought.
"You know you've reached peak quality when a doujin is better than the actual source series." (Eg. To LOVE-Ru)

Just to list a couple of biases.
Likes: A good story, characters, writing, romance, a good plot twist or something that breaks expectations (In a good way), 'backstory' and justice.
Dislikes: Bad romance, too much fanservice, the harem genre, yuri, yaoi, and bad writing.

Apr 15, 2020 4:30 PM

Jun 2012
For me perfect first episode, an adult anime that promises well
Apr 15, 2020 9:25 PM
May 2016
Yeah relatable and string NHK vibes for thus one.
Apr 16, 2020 9:52 PM

Sep 2018
Everyone can relate to Rikuo! You have a friend you like for a long time but afraid to confess but when you get the courage, you know that it's a rejection. I will be shocked if the girl will reciprocate. Prolonging friendship always result to friendship "only", I guess.

But Shinako seems have a crush to Rikuo.
erenmeiiApr 16, 2020 9:56 PM
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Apr 17, 2020 6:11 AM

Mar 2018
I really liked this. It looks quiet, realistic yet charming - perfect for our current times because - quite frankly - I really cannot stomach any show that is full of death and drama. Life is shit enough as it is.
Apr 17, 2020 6:57 PM

Mar 2010
Hmm I feel like this dude is a bit hard on himself, like dude sometimes you just need to ride with the end and then when you figure yourself out start to move forward on your own. Not everyone become succesful when their young sometimes your 50 years old and then become a millionaire and if not then shit live out your life anyways. Caring about society makes you worse than trash honestly lolz

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 18, 2020 5:25 AM

Mar 2008
Six pages of comments...
This will be a fun ride to watch.

Apr 18, 2020 10:59 AM
Mar 2020
Never have I felt so relatable with an anime character this much in my life. A solid 9/10 for a first episode compared to the seasonal harem trashes. I hope the story has a satisfying conclusion.
Apr 19, 2020 6:00 AM

Jun 2017
Really surprised at the first episode, it's so painfully realistic I can't help but feel related to it
Apr 19, 2020 7:49 PM

Apr 2015
One of the few promising shows this season. The first episode gave me a gloomy vibe. The characters are interesting, especially Rikuo.
Apr 19, 2020 9:39 PM

Aug 2013
This show seems pretty good to me.
I don't know why but the characters are very interesting.
Apr 21, 2020 12:14 AM

Sep 2017
Wow, nice episode, they did a good job in cutting short the chapters, it did feel a little fast but it's better for anime viewer's sense. I expected Shinako to have more mature voice, she kinda seemed more girly, well it doesn't matter. I am glad they adapted this series, this has some of realistic characters I have ever seen, though they did mess up the ending in manga, I hope the anime would be good.
Apr 21, 2020 5:05 AM

May 2018
You know it will be good when a series gets a confession at episode 1
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