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Jan 8, 2020 12:43 PM
Jul 2018
Why do people rate shows like this 6 when they’ve only seen one episode? Honestly I only score the show after watching the whole thing.
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Jan 8, 2020 3:42 PM
Apr 2013
Because not everyone is as logical as you.
Jan 8, 2020 4:25 PM

Apr 2019
It happens with a lot of anime when they first start airing, I'm expecting it will probably increase as the season goes by. Though the original source was not that highly commended and neither was the original adaption, if you didn't know this is a remake for it's 25th anniversary. I haven't personally watched or read the previous media, but I've heard it's pretty average, has some nostalgic 90s vibes though which is nice, but yeah I don't really know why people bother rating stuff when it just starts it's kinda dumb to me but hey ho.
Jan 9, 2020 2:01 PM

May 2009
Because kids can't stop themselves from rating after one episode.
Jan 9, 2020 2:20 PM

Mar 2015
people should only be able to vote after like 3 episodes. Low rating an anime after only 1 episode is stupid.
Jan 9, 2020 3:36 PM

Dec 2016
Because MAL gives the option and some choose to take it.

I do believe though that the current score is ilogically low.
Jan 9, 2020 5:19 PM
Apr 2019
bastek66 said:
Because kids can't stop themselves from rating after one episode.
absolutely true,it is extremely irritating
Jan 9, 2020 7:21 PM

Nov 2019
Because MAL has a stupid rating system.

For me rating it should be available when the series is over or at least surpass the half.
Jan 9, 2020 10:41 PM
Aug 2017
Because we are on MAL. Orphen is one of the most important fantasy on the Japan history. In the 90's it was one of the most popular light novel, with a total seels until today of 14milion copies sold. Orphen was a series that influenced fantasy alongside Slayers.
Jan 10, 2020 3:29 AM
Apr 2018
[IMHO] people give rating after watch one episode is ok,is like give your first impression, after half of season or end of season you can change your rating and think "why im such a fool give this anime only 6 even it's so cool"
Jan 10, 2020 12:08 PM

Oct 2008
I was recommended to watch the OG anime.
Because, as i was told, "it is a lot better than (Slayers)"
It really was not, not even remotely as good as the worst character in Slayers.

But then again, there is only up from where the original adaptation stood.
The first episode alone is plenty different already.
So you can expect the score to rise a bit.
Never take mal scores to heart, many people i know rate shows from 1 to 5.
Meaning the shows they liked the most are sitting with a score of 5.
Jan 11, 2020 4:15 PM

Dec 2014
because i can. its my list, i'll do what i want with it

btw ratings don't matter and complaining about them is dumb
Jan 14, 2020 12:13 PM
May 2016
AnimeDane said:
Why do people rate shows like this 6 when they’ve only seen one episode? Honestly I only score the show after watching the whole thing.

priorities. the first episode can be quintessential in deciding whether it's right for you. If I rate the first episode a 9, I'm definitely gonna like it unless it really jumps the shark. if I give it a 6, it was okay, a bit rough, but I think I'll give it some time, probably three episodes. if the first episode is a three, then there's no coming back. I won't like it. 6 first episode can get better, but a 3 probably won't.

firther more, the initial rating is always a first impression, so don't take it too seriously. It is true however, that the overall rating can set expectations, but having a 6 can work in a series favor, because expectations are lowered as opposed to an 8 where they're high.
Jan 15, 2020 3:33 AM
Feb 2017
Vargr said:
I was recommended to watch the OG anime.
Because, as i was told, "it is a lot better than (Slayers)"
It really was not, not even remotely as good as the worst character in Slayers.

But then again, there is only up from where the original adaptation stood.
The first episode alone is plenty different already.
So you can expect the score to rise a bit.
Never take mal scores to heart, many people i know rate shows from 1 to 5.
Meaning the shows they liked the most are sitting with a score of 5.

I rate my scores 1-5 +5. So 1 is six and 5 is 10 that way I don't heart the scores lol
Jan 15, 2020 6:35 PM
Sep 2016
"its my list and I'll do what I want with it"

And people wonder why this website has such a bad scoring system. *facepalm*
-Mooners-Jan 15, 2020 6:53 PM
Jan 15, 2020 6:54 PM
Sep 2016
At least wait until the show stops airing to use that logic. This is what gives people the excuse to do what they did to Chihayafuru S3. People are so eager to hype up and downvote shit on this website prematurely that they fuck up the ratings for others. At least think outside of yourself for once.
-Mooners-Jan 15, 2020 7:10 PM
Jan 15, 2020 7:28 PM

Dec 2014
Weezneez said:
It happens with a lot of anime when they first start airing, I'm expecting it will probably increase as the season goes by. Though the original source was not that highly commended and neither was the original adaption, if you didn't know this is a remake for it's 25th anniversary. I haven't personally watched or read the previous media, but I've heard it's pretty average, has some nostalgic 90s vibes though which is nice, but yeah I don't really know why people bother rating stuff when it just starts it's kinda dumb to me but hey ho.

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.
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Jan 16, 2020 3:00 AM

Apr 2011
The amount of 'Nu Anime' snobbery in here is exactly why I say that MAL is a trash site.

Sure, I might be called an elitist for loving 90s and 80s anime (even though I regularly watch new and current anime so alrighty then), but at least I don't have weird ass shitty taste and call magic use in an anime 'outdated' what the hell does that even mean???
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Jan 16, 2020 10:14 AM

Nov 2008
aLotQuestion_ said:

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.

That's dumb; making magic "look old" only makes it more believable. Do you not watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Of course magic is old. It's ancient, okay? Magic lore has always been that way!

@AngelicTotoro: Totally agree on the snobbery. If Orphen was animated by Ufotable or Madhouse, people would be praising it left and right. xD

Jan 16, 2020 10:50 AM

Apr 2019
aLotQuestion_ said:
Weezneez said:
It happens with a lot of anime when they first start airing, I'm expecting it will probably increase as the season goes by. Though the original source was not that highly commended and neither was the original adaption, if you didn't know this is a remake for it's 25th anniversary. I haven't personally watched or read the previous media, but I've heard it's pretty average, has some nostalgic 90s vibes though which is nice, but yeah I don't really know why people bother rating stuff when it just starts it's kinda dumb to me but hey ho.

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.

Eeeyup hahaha, I think a lot of folks are just here for the nostalgia.
Jan 16, 2020 11:07 AM

Nov 2008
Weezneez said:
aLotQuestion_ said:

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.

Eeeyup hahaha, I think a lot of folks are just here for the nostalgia.

We are here because we like the story and characters; get that through your heads.

Jan 16, 2020 12:01 PM

Apr 2019
Chiibi said:
Weezneez said:

Eeeyup hahaha, I think a lot of folks are just here for the nostalgia.

We are here because we like the story and characters; get that through your heads.

Dude you're welcome to like it, I'm just saying nostalgia is a big part of why this was even created and therefore why people will watch it. Good for you if you like it !
Jan 16, 2020 12:34 PM

Nov 2008
Okay sorry I went off on ya. It just sorta came off like you guys were making fun of us...that's all.

Jan 16, 2020 1:17 PM

Dec 2016
AngelicTotoro said:
The amount of 'Nu Anime' snobbery in here is exactly why I say that MAL is a trash site.

Sure, I might be called an elitist for loving 90s and 80s anime (even though I regularly watch new and current anime so alrighty then), but at least I don't have weird ass shitty taste and call magic use in an anime 'outdated' what the hell does that even mean???

Lol I asked myself the same question. Perhaps, since he is so well-versed in the matter, he could tell us and enlighten us how can a magic design be "modernized" to adjust with contemporary standards... lol

Weezneez said:

Dude you're welcome to like it, I'm just saying nostalgia is a big part of why this was even created and therefore why people will watch it. Good for you if you like it !

This is nonsense. It's a remake to bring in new audiences of younger generations. Of course the previous fans can jump in to revisit a new version of a series they previously watched and liked, but calling this as something that was created primarily for those audiences is too much of a stretch. Sequels or spin-offs do, but remakes don't.
Jan 16, 2020 4:20 PM

Apr 2019
Chiibi said:
Okay sorry I went off on ya. It just sorta came off like you guys were making fun of us...that's all.

Sorry if it came across that way, it was meant to be a criticism towards the anime rather than the fans themselves, I mean though I recognise a lot of it seems dated I'm still quite enjoying watching it. So yeah, sorry if it seemed that way <3
Jan 16, 2020 4:27 PM

Apr 2019
Ferien said:
AngelicTotoro said:
The amount of 'Nu Anime' snobbery in here is exactly why I say that MAL is a trash site.

Sure, I might be called an elitist for loving 90s and 80s anime (even though I regularly watch new and current anime so alrighty then), but at least I don't have weird ass shitty taste and call magic use in an anime 'outdated' what the hell does that even mean???

Lol I asked myself the same question. Perhaps, since he is so well-versed in the matter, he could tell us and enlighten us how can a magic design be "modernized" to adjust with contemporary standards... lol

Weezneez said:

Dude you're welcome to like it, I'm just saying nostalgia is a big part of why this was even created and therefore why people will watch it. Good for you if you like it !

This is nonsense. It's a remake to bring in new audiences of younger generations. Of course the previous fans can jump in to revisit a new version of a series they previously watched and liked, but calling this as something that was created primarily for those audiences is too much of a stretch. Sequels or spin-offs do, but remakes don't.

No i agree, I don't think that was the sole/primary reason, I'm just saying it was a big part of it. From the amount of people I've seen excited for this who were prior fans of the old series, I definitely think it was a big reason, as well as the fact that it was the shows 25th anniversary which is I guess you could say the primary reason for the revamp. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, either. Just from what I've seen, the show original source material nor the original adaption was that highly acclaimed, which is why I'd say nostalgia plays a larger role in the revamp. But I do see your point, and this show will probably draw in some new fans for sure.
Jan 16, 2020 5:02 PM

Dec 2014
Chiibi said:
aLotQuestion_ said:

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.

That's dumb; making magic "look old" only makes it more believable. Do you not watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Of course magic is old. It's ancient, okay? Magic lore has always been that way!

no one use magic circle like that in 2k20, even Harry potter with histories don't do that.
Signature removed. Check your inbox
Jan 16, 2020 6:12 PM

Nov 2008
aLotQuestion_ said:
Chiibi said:

That's dumb; making magic "look old" only makes it more believable. Do you not watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Of course magic is old. It's ancient, okay? Magic lore has always been that way!

no one use magic circle like that in 2k20, even Harry potter with histories don't do that.

Don't be ridiculous; Orphen doesn't take place NOW. It was obviously a long-ass time ago?

Jan 16, 2020 6:33 PM

Nov 2010
aLotQuestion_ said:
Chiibi said:

That's dumb; making magic "look old" only makes it more believable. Do you not watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Of course magic is old. It's ancient, okay? Magic lore has always been that way!

no one use magic circle like that in 2k20, even Harry potter with histories don't do that.

What the heck are you on about ? Your comment makes no sense. Magic doesn't exist so there is no real example of how magic should look like. The rule in fantasy anime has always been to make it look ancient and mysterious because that's what magic is and that' the appeal of it. Of course,there are animes that have tried the modern-day magic rule but even then they still kept some of the ancient fantasy look to it.
Also, like someone said Orphan is obviously taking place in an alternative version of the dark ages so it has been drawn to fit that area's image in people's mind.
Jan 17, 2020 2:03 AM

Apr 2019
Chiibi said:
aLotQuestion_ said:

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.

That's dumb; making magic "look old" only makes it more believable. Do you not watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Of course magic is old. It's ancient, okay? Magic lore has always been that way!

@AngelicTotoro: Totally agree on the snobbery. If Orphen was animated by Ufotable or Madhouse, people would be praising it left and right. xD

I just wanted to comment on this, I personally don’t mind the kind of oldish techniques used to represent magic in this anime, in fact I quite like the nostalgic feel. I don’t necessarily think it makes it look any less or more real, since magic is presented differently in different medias. Though lotr and harry potter also use magic they use it very differently. Not really sure if I get the comparison there, but that wasn’t really what I wanted to comment on.

I don’t agree with judging an anime before it’s fair time or the snobbery behind a lot of comments, but I can tell you now that even if this was done by Ufotable or Madhouse I’m pretty sure it would have the same reception. Yes there might be more pre hype but after watching it I think a lot of people may have been disappointed. Ufotable are generally a golden studio and have a high rep, which also means the standards are higher. It’s just not the kind of thing they’d choose to adapt anyway. And madhouse has had mire than their fair share of flops, I don’t know if you saw the game adaption they did last year, I can’t remember what it was called, but my god it was bad. And it got plenty of flack for being bad. Probably more so than it deserved because of the reputation that madhouse has. I actually quite like a lot of Studio deens works which is why I picked this up in the first place, so I don’t think the studio has much to do with it. The anime itself I’d say is alright, but it doesn’t push the boat out, which I think is why it’s not so popular or recognised.

Sorry for such a long response dbddjhdjhd but that’s just what I personally think.
Jan 17, 2020 9:44 AM

Nov 2008
Weezneez said:
Yes there might be more pre hype but after watching it I think a lot of people may have been disappointed.

Why do you think that? What is so "wrong" with the first two episodes of this series? Tell me.

Jan 17, 2020 4:28 PM

Apr 2011
^there is nothing wrong with the first two episodes, they were solid and not badly paced or anything.

Look, bottom line, there is no rational or reasonable explanation for why people are quick to judge this anime.

Maybe it's that the newer audiences prefer the cliches of anime today vs the anime of the past (why they would baffles me but whatever), their bias and immature need for instant gratification, having every little thing spelled out for them, and their apparent lack of understanding anything that isn't a current trope or copy of something from the past 5 to 6 years is why anime like this one suffer and get a quick and merciless bad rating.

Tldr; MAL users have semi shitty taste and don't like unique anime or old skool styles.
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Jan 18, 2020 2:09 AM

Mar 2018
Humor is unfunny, the story is stupid and I hate the main characters voice. It is twenty years behind every other anime and I dont like it because of that. For the fans of the Original anime and fans of older anime in general this will be fun for them but for everyone else it is just meh.
Jan 18, 2020 2:23 AM

Feb 2019
Because there are kids who think rating an anime is fun and hence they do it without giving a second thought about the series. I am pretty sure the ratings will go up as the series goes on.
Jan 18, 2020 5:32 PM

Feb 2018
because people are stupid: they downvote good shows for not giving it due attention. I don't think this is the case, but in some cases, a nerd creates many bots to downvote a particular show because they have nothing better to do - like happened to Chihayafuru
Jan 18, 2020 5:37 PM

May 2009
Weezneez said:

Ufotable are generally a golden studio and have a high rep, which also means the standards are higher.

You mean like gacha game adaptations?? Yeah, their standards are totally higher. They weren't totally panned when they made Tales of Zestiria and God Eater either, even though I liked those ones.
Jan 18, 2020 5:44 PM
Dec 2019
Same, if i rate an anime is because i watched all the episodes.
If i'm not enjoying an anime at all and i drop it, i just add a note with my score for those episodes i watched.
Jan 18, 2020 6:43 PM

Nov 2017
People rate things as they see them nowadays.
I hope the score does rise,as so far this hasn't been that bad.
Jan 18, 2020 11:05 PM

Mar 2009
Why do people make these same threads over and over again for every single new anime?
Jan 19, 2020 2:01 AM

Apr 2019
Chiibi said:
Weezneez said:
Yes there might be more pre hype but after watching it I think a lot of people may have been disappointed.

Why do you think that? What is so "wrong" with the first two episodes of this series? Tell me.

I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with them! They’re just, average. For me personally from what I’ve watched at the moment I don’t think it’s going to leave an impression on me once I’ve finished. That of course could change as the series goes on, but as of right now I’m finding it pretty okay. Basically once this anime ends i’m not gonna think ‘oooo wow his was the gem of the winter season‘, it’s just, okay. Nothing really bad about it, nothing really great about it. That is of course is just my opinion.
Jan 19, 2020 2:05 AM

Apr 2019
PaulNamida said:
Weezneez said:

Ufotable are generally a golden studio and have a high rep, which also means the standards are higher.

You mean like gacha game adaptations?? Yeah, their standards are totally higher. They weren't totally panned when they made Tales of Zestiria and God Eater either, even though I liked those ones.

Well that’s fair, I haven’t heard of these but I’ll take your word for it. I just know that a large sum of their work has been very well adapted and chosen. If anything the fact that they have made some duds only further proves my point at the fact that the studio taking it on doesn’t matter. People will judge by what they see mostly and though it might seem like there’s some bias I really don’t think that’s the case. I guess when you think of ufotable you only think of their great works, but almost every studio has their flops, so yeah my bad; but thanks for enlightening me on some of their worse stuff haha
Jan 19, 2020 2:05 AM

Apr 2019
PaulNamida said:
Weezneez said:

Ufotable are generally a golden studio and have a high rep, which also means the standards are higher.

You mean like gacha game adaptations?? Yeah, their standards are totally higher. They weren't totally panned when they made Tales of Zestiria and God Eater either, even though I liked those ones.

Well that’s fair, I haven’t heard of these but I’ll take your word for it. I just know that a large sum of their work has been very well adapted and chosen. If anything the fact that they have made some duds only further proves my point at the fact that the studio taking it on doesn’t matter. People will judge by what they see mostly and though it might seem like there’s some bias I really don’t think that’s the case. I guess when you think of ufotable you only think of their great works, but almost every studio has their flops, so yeah my bad; but thanks for enlightening me on some of their worse stuff haha
Jan 20, 2020 10:52 AM
Jul 2018
Vargr said:
I was recommended to watch the OG anime.
Because, as i was told, "it is a lot better than (Slayers)"
It really was not, not even remotely as good as the worst character in Slayers.

But then again, there is only up from where the original adaptation stood.
The first episode alone is plenty different already.
So you can expect the score to rise a bit.
Never take mal scores to heart, many people i know rate shows from 1 to 5.
Meaning the shows they liked the most are sitting with a score of 5.

Rating from 1 to 5 is kinda dumb and destroys the purpose of the numbers, if they go like "5 is not average, but pretty good." But kay. I don't understand that.

I didn't like Slayers from what I have seen and I'm not so sure why the comparison comes from, but that trailer here looks not that bad and could catch my interest. I'm in and give it a try.

Chiibi said:
aLotQuestion_ said:

oh what? this is a remake? no wonder the magic design is so old and outdated.

That's dumb; making magic "look old" only makes it more believable. Do you not watch Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Of course magic is old. It's ancient, okay? Magic lore has always been that way!

@AngelicTotoro: Totally agree on the snobbery. If Orphen was animated by Ufotable or Madhouse, people would be praising it left and right. xD

I don't know either... people are quite unimaginative and want explainations for everything. There are different soft to hard magic systems and they just look differently. If you could explain everything about it, it would be science and not actual magic.
From the trailer, the magic at 01:00 looks like some types of magic look like. Don't know where the problem is.
Jan 20, 2020 10:55 AM

Dec 2018
People shouldn’t rate things so early. If it has a low score so far it just means people haven’t really liked the first couple episodes, although I think they should hold off on their rating until at least half way through a series.
Jan 20, 2020 6:54 PM
Jun 2019
Maneki-Mew said:

Rating from 1 to 5 is kinda dumb and destroys the purpose of the numbers, if they go like "5 is not average, but pretty good." But kay. I don't understand that.

I didn't like Slayers from what I have seen and I'm not so sure why the comparison comes from, but that trailer here looks not that bad and could catch my interest. I'm in and give it a try.

Yeah, agreed. MAL rating system can throw people off you don't know the system. 6 or 7 in opinion in MAL is closer to average, 5 is not so good but watchable, and 4 above is bad. I think MAL scoring system will change the score of series because I believe there is some rule if you only seen a small percentage of the series or no more then three episodes then your score is either weighted low or don't count at all.

I can see the comparison, both Slayers and Orphen broadcast not too far apart from each other. While fantasy was a common genre, high fantasy was not as common. The only high fantasy I'd seen in the 90s and 00s was Slayers, Escaflowne, and Record of Lodoss War ( OAV ), but you still had Bersek which I didn't see until 10 years ago. Beside being high fantasy like Slayer and Orphen both use magic as their primary sources to fight and that's not so much the case with the other high fantasy anime that I'd mention. Lastly I believe Slayer and Orphen did across over novel. I believe also Slayer original source came from novels, but I'm not sure if Orphen came from novels.

Jan 21, 2020 7:52 AM
Feb 2017
I feel i can see why it might be lower rated

1. The main character's voice doesn't seem to fit his body and its honestly pretty annoying.

2. the magic is kind of bland. i mean of what ive seen the coolest part was when the main charactor beet 5 prople to a pulp without using magic... its a show about magic the coolest part should be the magic.

3. Story? Its not bad but its not amazing eather.

but yah i 6.3 might be a little to low but i can sort of understand it even though i like it and will cuntinue to wathch it.
Jan 21, 2020 8:01 AM
Dec 2015
becouse this is bad show

the 3rd epside was shit like wtf?
Jan 21, 2020 10:27 AM
Jan 2016
kun_kirito said:
becouse this is bad show

the 3rd epside was shit like wtf?

Yeah I am just not feeling it anymore. I loved the classic anime but this is just bland and disappointing
Jan 21, 2020 12:27 PM
Dec 2015
prrgangsta said:
kun_kirito said:
becouse this is bad show

the 3rd epside was shit like wtf?

Yeah I am just not feeling it anymore. I loved the classic anime but this is just bland and disappointing

i didnt watch the classic

this anime is bad
i gave 3 epsiode of my life
but drop
Jan 22, 2020 3:27 PM
Feb 2017
I didn't like the 1st episode at all, 2nd epi was so so & now i find the 3rd epi quite ok. I'll continue to watch it. This show atleast deserves 7 right now.
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