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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 17, 2019 12:34 PM

Sep 2014
Dakira barely showed up but that was realy badass damn, unlike that green hair knight who ran away.
Alice was really beautiful in the end.
Nov 17, 2019 1:08 PM

Sep 2007
Well the battle was impressive with a great demonstration of the human army power. The heroïc and bloody sacrifice of the background side character is quite something.

Now i'm just wondering about Kirito. What is he doing here? Have they skipped a concrete explanation of the light novel? No because I do not see what a comatose wheelchair person is doing on the battlefield. And I would be surprised if Alice allows it.
Nov 17, 2019 2:55 PM

Jun 2014
Another crazy episode
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Nov 17, 2019 3:13 PM

Sep 2016
Primo_Itoko said:
you don't get much of why the power ups are happening because the incarnation system and almost any link with Accel World is missing...

ina-astral said:
Wow, full blown Incarnate system being used. Fanatio's sword light looks exactly like Kuroyuki-Hime's Vorpal Blade Incarnate system attack.

I kinda skimmed the light novel because I was looking forward too much to Asuna's entrance, so I didn't remember most of the current fight story; But if I had to guess, that Giant's rampage was probably made full use of Incarnation system, a technique where their 'Willpower' overwritten the entire reality, and that made Fanatio unable to move at all. Same goes with Deusolbert's and Fanatio's desperate attack.

Accel world s2 when?

To be fair, anyone familiar with Accel World would know that we got already hinted about this system since S1 (aincrad, not alicization, alicization is s3...), when a certain someone used pure willpower to overcome his health being zero and manage to pierce an impierceable shield at the same time. (yet people still refer to that scene as "it doesn't make sense" "asspull" etc, lol)
FullyChargedNov 17, 2019 8:55 PM
Nov 17, 2019 5:18 PM
May 2015
Goddammit A-1....I love you but I also hate you right now. Stop with the 5 min. episodes!! They were not 24 mins, I swear to God!!

Definitely one of the best episodes for Alicization yet but the only downside was Dakara's character. Was she supposed to play an important role in this season? Was I supposed to give a shit about her? Fanatio started weeping for her and I'm here, all like, "Damn bro, she died..I feel so sad /s". I didn't know a thing about her until that moment she jumped in front of Fanatio to save her. Other than that though, great episode

I can't wait for the next episode!! The tease at the end there with Alice was just too much; I couldn't stop smiling xD xD xD


Nov 17, 2019 5:29 PM

May 2019
Geshtinanna said:
The visuals were most impressive (just a touch behind Fate UBW IMO) and the OST was pretty, epic, and emotional. My only gripe is that I don't feel so involved with any of the characters - not that much anyway. They only one on the field that I hold any real attachment to is Alice. Imagine if Kirito, Asuna, Sinon, Klein, Silica, Lisbeth, Suguha, Yui (LOL), and Agil were all on the battlefield, and you felt as if their lives were really on the line - and maybe even 1 or 2 of them really didn't make it! It would be sad of course, but it would really ratchet up the excitement, the tension - and the euphoria, for those that did make it. There were some great action scenes, but without enough emphasis on the characters, and the characters I care about, it doesn't quite do it for me. That being said, there was nothing bad about it, and there were some cool, thrilling moments like when that Giant totally lost it, and even his Fluctlight Cube thingy went berserk! I hope no one is offended by my opinion, I'm still a fan and I understand this is an adaptation from the light Novel, and that Kawahara is introducing a whole new situation and set of characters - it's just I can't help but feel nostalgic for the warm, fuzzy, good old days :D

The same feel here, but i dont absolve Kawahara for doing this.

He lost the focus of the series a lot, because everytime you add new characters to take the place of the old ones, you are just throwing all their development the series took so much to obtain, in the garbage.

I'm not saying an author can't add lots of new important characters through the series, sure he can, but in a right pace. For example, adding Eugeo and Alice, perfect, lots of screentime and devenlopment, putting Asuna and gang on hold but (at least looking like) without forget them.

But now the plot is all about the Knights of Cubic Table... COME ON!
Nov 17, 2019 5:52 PM

May 2018
@Rob7 I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone with my reservations concerning the new direction SAO has taken, and I like the parts that you highlighted from my original post as it pretty well sums up the crux of the matter.

I agree that focusing on The Knights of the Cubic Table (LOL) feels like a misstep on Kawahara's part. There's just not enough depth to them. They have a name, a number, and barely anything else!

Alice and Eugeo were two good, and nicely developed additions - like Sinon and Yuuki in season 2, but neglecting the main cast, the core of the franchise for too long seems like a big mistake. Do we REALLY care that much about what happens to Eldrie Synthesis Thirty-One?
Nov 17, 2019 9:02 PM
Jan 2016
Damn, what a masterful episode!

I was really awesome seeing the first encounter between Knighs and lords from dark territory! and it was so epic seeing evryone past beyond their limits!

Deusolbert fire arrows were so awesome, and using her sword to eliminate goblin lord was so perfect, their arrows efect and animaiton were top notch!

Fanatio's part was awesome, the giant lord's cube aweaken from his fear, and it was really well done that disturbance, and it also afected Fanatio's cube, RIP Kagura, that save was really glorious and brave, and the scene really described well how strong was that giant's blow!

What are twins planning, hope that twins don't try to kill Kirito!

Alici is gathering a lot of energy and creating that thing in the air, looking foward to see what is that suposed to do!

Also still waiting for my Asuna! <3
Nov 18, 2019 12:09 AM

Oct 2008
why the heck is Alice summoning a silver coated sphere imbued with her gold blosoms? lolz

Nov 18, 2019 4:17 AM
Apr 2012
The animation was on point, direction was pretty high up too.
It was crazy for 2 seconds I actually was impressed by a side character, I was like "Where were you all season, a good build up on you would've been so powerful". I mean Darkira, her death was kind of amazing.

I'm telling you if this and last season didn't have Kirito and was 100% focused on Eugeo and Alice, this saeason would've been fantastic. But nothing is impactful now.

Anyways, great premise, poor story telling, excellent direction/animation 3/5

But boy, Darkira deserved more for that astounding death. (I just realised I didn't really care for the knights themselves).
Nov 18, 2019 8:35 AM

Oct 2017
Chiibi said:
Ventus_S said:

So sad anime community has fallen this low to even compare F/Z to this laughable episode...

We got it; you hate the series; maybe you could stop being a dick and let others enjoy things?

It doesn't hurt you.

If I truly hate the series I'd have dropped it halfway lolz.

Just find it sad people nowadays rate popcorn fun level of trash as some sort of masterpiece just because of animation and music.

Also it doesn't hurt you either if you can't take criticism.
I had an indepth analysis why the presentation of this episode is kind of garbage in one of the above posts. All it has is animation + epic music and nothing more.

Even some of the earlier episodes which some people hate is done better.
Fun fact, I actually gave the very first arc of Alicization (first 10 or so episodes) a 8 out of 10, however it slowly goes downhill after the climbing tower part, and keeps going downhill up until now because more and more SAO-style of stupidity slowly starting to unpeel itself.
Ventus_SNov 18, 2019 8:40 AM
Nov 18, 2019 9:09 AM

Nov 2008
Ventus_S said:

Also it doesn't hurt you either if you can't take criticism.

I think it's fine to criticize the show but when you stoop to making fun of an entire community, that's simply going too far.

Address the series, not the fans. And it's not necessary to repetitively make fun of them if they like it. One post is enough. I actually wouldn't have said anything at all had you not come off with this condescending attitude like "wow people who like this episode are total losers and I pity them".

Because that's no longer 'constructive criticism', that's just being an asshat. :/
ChiibiNov 18, 2019 9:20 AM

Nov 18, 2019 9:29 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode, one of many fights in the novel thats adapt faithfully. They going all out with this episode. The CG is jarring but its short so its ok. And some backstory is cut, but its ok bcuz its gonna drag this episode. Overall its better than past 5episodes. To the next week

Nov 18, 2019 1:14 PM

Nov 2016
Dakira had more character development than more than half of characters in the 2 first SAO season, respect to her.

The animation, music and everything about the characters is perfect and in point. It's incredible if you remember the fact that we are talking about SAO, and everybody knows that SAO is: GIRL GIRL GIRL GIRL GIRL GIRL KIRITO KIRITO GIRL about the character development, so far this season is perfect.
Nov 18, 2019 3:08 PM

May 2012
now that we have read all those sweet review of the episode, its time for me to ruin it.
there are two things imo that could improve this episode:
1. don't try to highlight all the integrity knights. we don't even know who they were until this season. just focusing on fanatio and the flame guy is good enough. knight number 1 can get his own highlight later on in the war.
2. use less cliche when trying to highlight the knights. dont make too many flashback. we dont need two integrity knight goes "berserk" mode after being saved by their soldier. i mean, really? the exact same scenario in one episode?
if you want good story, read novel. if you want good graphic, read manga. anime is beyond that.
Nov 18, 2019 4:56 PM
Jan 2019
Mediocrity of the source material begins to show more and more. Pacing is all over the place and a couple of surprisingly interesting moments are easily outshadowed by the progressing autism of literally everyone involved. The only thing that saves this series from being below average is its superior graphics quality.

While the first double cour was solid in terms of its writing (about 7), I cant justify giving this season anything above 6 so far.
Nov 18, 2019 6:28 PM

Apr 2015
I seriously did NOT expect to see Dakira literally shattering apart like that, I had to pause for a moment right after. Especially following the berserk moment the giant leader had. Insane episode, this season is obliterating (no pun intended) most of what has come before it.
Nov 18, 2019 6:31 PM

May 2019
I'm very disapointed with this season, and it is not fault of the production or direction. It is the story itself, the direction that the story took.

The real problem is that this season become (and will be, even if Asuna comes in next episodes) "The War of Knights of the Cubic Table".

NOBODY CARES. Kirito become a human swordstand, his old friends are absent, and the worst, the ONLY good MALE friend, real friend, Kirito had in his whole life (no, not u klein)... WAS KILLED in the end of last season throwing all the devenlopment in the trash. Just to gift us in the next season with a knight plot no one cares about.

Have you thought about how terrible was that move in the plot? I mean, the 1st Alicization season was built to be the FMA Brotherhood of SAO, and the male true friendship between Eugeo and Kirito really was adding something new and good to the "harem" series.

Dead. Everything thrown straight in the garbage.

"Let's change the scene, now, audience, you must care about Arthurius Synthesis Sixty-Ninth... if you ask, it is because we must find a excuse to give screentime to the newest harem girl. Yay!"

A little bird told me that the future events will get the plot back to the right rails... but just in the next season. So, this season is doomed to be possibly the worst evaluated in the SAO series.
Rob7Nov 18, 2019 7:59 PM
Nov 18, 2019 11:30 PM

Sep 2011
God this episode sucked.

Who is Dakia and why should I care? Who is the other guy and why should I care?

Why do we need flanks when we can clearly see this canyon is barely thirty men across?

Why is this pussy an Integrity Knight if he pees his pants at the first sign of danger?

Why is this whole "arc" this one pointless battle full of characters no one should care about cause they're all AIs that (with the exception of Alice) we can all tell aren't going to appear after Alicization ends. It's like watching a bunch of AIs fight it out in Smash Bros. Sure the action might be visually stimulating from time to time but there's ultimately no tension or stakes to anything.
Nov 18, 2019 11:48 PM
Aug 2017
Red_Ranger_Wien said:
God this episode sucked.

Who is Dakia and why should I care? Who is the other guy and why should I care?

Why do we need flanks when we can clearly see this canyon is barely thirty men across?

Why is this pussy an Integrity Knight if he pees his pants at the first sign of danger?

Why is this whole "arc" this one pointless battle full of characters no one should care about cause they're all AIs that (with the exception of Alice) we can all tell aren't going to appear after Alicization ends. It's like watching a bunch of AIs fight it out in Smash Bros. Sure the action might be visually stimulating from time to time but there's ultimately no tension or stakes to anything.

Well, wait then. More will kick the bucket.
Nov 19, 2019 12:10 AM

May 2018
@Rob7 Kirito (has) become a human swordstand

One of the funniest things I've read about Kirito's decline was in a review of War of Underworld by a MAL user with no thumbs up of his review yet. He said Kirito used to duel wield, now he duel wheels.......hehe :D
SuperGreenTeaNov 19, 2019 12:39 AM
Nov 19, 2019 1:19 AM

May 2019
I like that it was uncensored. It provided a brutal, gritty tone to the battle.

The fight scenes looked spectacular, and I'm pretty interested in the Dark Territory, I mean - a pugilist guild?

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Nov 19, 2019 1:27 AM
Aug 2017
liamhabib said:
I like that it was uncensored. It provided a brutal, gritty tone to the battle.

The fight scenes looked spectacular, and I'm pretty interested in the Dark Territory, I mean - a pugilist guild?

Good for you, you will definitely like Iskahn soon enough.
Nov 19, 2019 2:26 AM

May 2019
liamhabib said:
I like that it was uncensored. It provided a brutal, gritty tone to the battle.

The fight scenes looked spectacular, and I'm pretty interested in the Dark Territory, I mean - a pugilist guild?

Good for you, you will definitely like Iskahn soon enough.

I'm actually really liking this season, much more than I thought I would

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Nov 19, 2019 4:25 AM

Jun 2019
The episode is action pack.

Good episode.
Nov 19, 2019 9:16 AM

Nov 2011
Holy shit Fanatio is a badass!
And when Deusolbert used his sword as a bow I was going crazy!

The music in this episode was so good.

While I have loved the Alice arc this anime IMO is about to take a turn for the worse when Asuna comes into the world. First of all where is she? She entered the game before the other two and the other two are already waging war.
Second this arc should only focus n Alice. Asuna is honestly uninteresting and she's only going to come into the anime to be OP and save the day which is stupid IMO (again if this even happens) Im just not looking forward to Asuna and even the other characters (who lets face it will be in this game) showing up to the battle field.
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Nov 19, 2019 10:14 AM

Mar 2014
This is probably the best episode yet !!!
Nov 19, 2019 3:13 PM
Sep 2016
FullyCharged said:
Primo_Itoko said:
you don't get much of why the power ups are happening because the incarnation system and almost any link with Accel World is missing...

ina-astral said:
Wow, full blown Incarnate system being used. Fanatio's sword light looks exactly like Kuroyuki-Hime's Vorpal Blade Incarnate system attack.

I kinda skimmed the light novel because I was looking forward too much to Asuna's entrance, so I didn't remember most of the current fight story; But if I had to guess, that Giant's rampage was probably made full use of Incarnation system, a technique where their 'Willpower' overwritten the entire reality, and that made Fanatio unable to move at all. Same goes with Deusolbert's and Fanatio's desperate attack.

Accel world s2 when?

To be fair, anyone familiar with Accel World would know that we got already hinted about this system since S1 (aincrad, not alicization, alicization is s3...), when a certain someone used pure willpower to overcome his health being zero and manage to pierce an impierceable shield at the same time. (yet people still refer to that scene as "it doesn't make sense" "asspull" etc, lol)

Incarnation doesnt exist in Aincrad/ALO/GGO, its only posible in Project Alicization thanks to the STL technology. What Kirito did in Season 1 was indeed an asspull.
Nov 19, 2019 9:30 PM

Nov 2019
Kirito still away from keyboard.

Nov 19, 2019 11:25 PM

Jun 2010
Gorochu said:
Finally some decent actions. So is Alice going to do EXCALIBUR with those power she collect?

Looks more like she's channeling her inner Goku for a Spirit Bomb or something heh

leonida99 said:
The music kept reminding me about Fate Zero and UBW.

Yuki Kajiura's music (as epic as it is) does kind of sound the same after awhile...

Decent episode with some good action, goes to show the Integrity Knight aren't gods (well maybe that sword of light one is..) and could be defeated. I hope for more Alice next episode though as this episode was lacking her doing much.. and hopefully Asuna appears soon!

Nov 20, 2019 1:54 PM

Mar 2017
OOOOOH, Alice is getting ready to rain some powerful shit down on the enemy.

I'm really hoping that Kirito will wake up during this battle and fuck shit up in the most Kirito way ever or that Asuna dives into the game and shows everyone how a bad bitch gets it done!
Nov 21, 2019 3:33 AM

Jul 2017
LET THE FINAL LOAD TEST WAR, BEGIN! Dark Territory vs. Integrity Knights. And we're going all-out action! The most intense of the series yet with the start of Part 5: Alicization Exploding.

The Integrity Knights with their insane obtuse powers and the Dark Territory with their weapons of tricks. Sure is a battle of insane proportions, and THANK YOU for UNCENSORED violence! That made it all the worthwhile.

And HOLY SHITTTT Lady Fanatio is just OP-ing mind-blowing. Her mindplay forging her forces forward, along with arrow-spearing Sir Deusolbert. They're Integrity Knights for nothing. But the coward Sir Renly, he's not just a scaredy-cat, but the war has ravaged his soul even before it started.

And when the enemy has aerial forces, therein lies Alice's involvement. She will play the biggest role to change the tide of this war.
Nov 22, 2019 3:48 AM

May 2016
That cliffhanger wants me to punch my screen...

epic episode I'm glad I waited 4 weeks and now to enjoy all together.

FMmatron said:
That's what I'm talking about. No bullshit, just straight action and war drama.
Thats what we like ain't xD
Nov 22, 2019 4:36 PM

Dec 2013
A really good episode. The block from the random female Knight was so badass! I’ve already forgotten her name but she has my respect.
Nov 23, 2019 12:39 PM

Mar 2013
Ok, I'm sorry but those knights are stupid. Let's just let our boss handle things and-- wait, she's frozen? Oh no! Let's all go and help-- oh no, let's just have one of us go and help, then get killed, and *then* we'll all rush in to help! Buncha fools, I tell ya.

Anyway, the rest of the episode was pretty great, but that was my big gripe.
Nov 24, 2019 7:36 AM

Jul 2009
Great battles here
Nov 24, 2019 9:28 PM
Aug 2017
I honestly didn't know who Darika was before this episode, but I do now.
Her moment...
It was beautiful.
It gave me a hint of surprise feels.
*place fist over heart*
She went out like a champ.
“You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Things more important then what your hunting for, could be right there on the side of the road.”

Nov 27, 2019 1:02 PM
Case is closed!

Jan 2019
I miss Kirito's energetic activity..
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Nov 27, 2019 2:34 PM

Sep 2019
Cries in Quinella
Dec 4, 2019 2:52 AM

Aug 2017
The green-haired guy is a pussy lol.

I really liked this episode. Decent action, no bullshit censorship and everyone is going beyond their limits.

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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 5, 2019 8:34 PM
Aug 2012
This has to be one of the best anime episodes of the year
Jan 1, 2020 9:58 AM

Aug 2017
Oh hell yeah Alice going to drop a soul nuke on them! Little green haired pansy cannot die soon enough

Jan 15, 2020 7:28 AM

Aug 2016
Kinda feeling like seeing Battle of Winterfell all overagain, amazing on effects, barely scrap together but non-military fans, but it's fun on SAO standards.
Feb 15, 2020 12:45 AM

Jan 2011
Honestly couldn't find myself giving a shit about anything that happened this episode.
Apr 12, 2020 2:42 PM

Mar 2010
kind of sad that they had to lose their loyal subordinates to wake up from their sleep of comfort. Like what are you guys fighting for? and what are you waiting for before attacking with your full strength? But man I loved the loyalty they showed.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 12, 2020 2:42 PM

Mar 2010
kind of sad that they had to lose their loyal subordinates to wake up from their sleep of comfort. Like what are you guys fighting for? and what are you waiting for before attacking with your full strength? But man I loved the loyalty they showed.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Apr 26, 2020 1:35 PM

Jan 2013
Dakira's moment was badass and Fanatia following it up with her lightsword ... O_O
Animation looked stellar for sure.

The fights were actually good, normally it'd feel like something they have to get done with quick but this actually felt like it had some thinking behind it.
Jun 2, 2020 5:16 PM

Mar 2019
Great fighting episode, the attacks were so good to watch
The giant's leader glitched into existence because of fear, awesome
Jul 3, 2020 5:21 PM

Dec 2016
I can't believe that green-haired coward run away.
Hype episode, great fight scenes and big moments for side characters also.
Aug 8, 2020 5:46 PM

Sep 2011
Some good action scenes, with the random knight stopping the giant hammer and bow guy launching his own sword as an arrow being the highlights.
The random knight girl... I'm sorry but I really can't feel bad for someone who I've never even seen before like that. I guess she was probably shown more in the novel, but appearing like this doesn't make much sense.
Wtf was that guy glitching and then his glitching affecting Fanatio as well? Doesn't seem to make much sense. All these new glitches and lightcubes (along with the person) going berserk seem to come out of nowhere. I hope this will be explained, unless it's about the final load test making everything go out of control.
I wonder what Alice is going to do with that giant silver ball.
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