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Oct 25, 2019 3:38 AM
Aug 2018
Final. Arc. Hmmm.

Many will probably be disappointed about this recent development. I did enjoy the chapter so I'm looking forward to what Furudate's planning.

P.S Dragon Ball and One Piece reference was pretty neat.
Oct 25, 2019 4:42 AM

Oct 2018
Yachi looking great can't wait for next chapter and yeah I'm kinda disappointed with sudden timeskip but I can see why he did that, looks like we're finally entering in final arc.
Ri22rkOct 25, 2019 4:50 AM
Oct 25, 2019 4:57 AM
Mar 2019
Can anyone explain me what happened in the end... Did hinata came back to japan ?? Or was the last scene ( where hinata receives kageyama's serve) done before hinata went to Brazil??
Avd_2002Oct 25, 2019 5:15 AM
Oct 25, 2019 5:16 AM

Oct 2018
Avd_2002 said:
Can anyone explain me what happened in the end... Did hinata came back to japan ?? Or was the last scene ( where hinata receives kageyama's serve) done before hinata went to Brazil??
probably before going to Brazil.
Oct 25, 2019 5:48 AM

Nov 2016
Not just a timeskip, but we've also entered the last arc. Quite the daring move considering how other recent shounen manga ended after pulling this off. And Hintata switched to beach volleyball. I dunno, I'm still kinda hyped, but the fact that we apparently won't have much focus on the other Karasuno guys is a tough pill to swallow.

Also those blue balls recapping what happened during the other years of high school. I know it would've been too much to ask Furudate to give us another 100-200 chapters for that, but dang, kinda feels like missing out.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 25, 2019 6:47 AM

Sep 2014
This "timeskip" is pretty much an ending epilogue. I get that all good things must come to an end, but the stuff that Yachi summarized, I wanted to see them play out. Now it's hard to get excited for anything that happens after this. This final arc feels like i'm just waiting for a terminally ill relative to die. Karasuno's story has pretty much ended.

And, oh shit! Yamaguchi became captain!? The hell kinda character development happened with him!? I always thought that Tsukishima would be the be captain in their 3rd year. Guess not.
Oct 25, 2019 7:15 AM
Jul 2016
I know some people might be disappointed with the recent development - and that's fair enough - but I don't know why, but I started crying at the end of the chapter. Maybe it's because the series is now on it's final arc or seeing all the characters all grown up. But I'm going to be devastated when Haikyuu does finally end - so please Furudate-sensei, make it a good one!
Oct 25, 2019 8:12 AM

Oct 2017
I’m just crying about this gomen :-( I’m not ready at all. I miss everybody already :(((
Oct 25, 2019 8:58 AM

Mar 2012
Nooo, he did go for the curviest of curve balls and commit to the full skip! D: Was so excited to see the second year of Karasuno. That and we're in the final arc. T-T

Oh well, this is sorta unique and exciting in its own way. Hope we at least see some sort of a Karasuno reunion in the future since this arc seems like it'll focus on Hinata 100%.
Oct 25, 2019 9:57 AM

Jul 2013
final arccccc???

also yamaguchi becoming captain was totally called by a bunch of ao3 writers lolol

edit: pls kageyama, get a better haircut ._.
Oct 25, 2019 10:01 AM
Nov 2016
It's oke but i feel disappointed just i want look hinata win the Nations competition with karasuno
Oct 25, 2019 10:29 AM
Mar 2015
Was not expecting the timeskip since we are facing a hiatus Our heroes separate Kagayama to the Olympics and Hinata to beach volleyball in Brazil The new manager looks hot and has a great job Too bad Karesuno never won the interhighs while they were there since we followed that team for years
Oct 25, 2019 11:24 AM

Sep 2013
I wonder what the final arc will entail. I'm sure it won't be entirely beach volleyball practice, but there's so munch information that's up in the air that I can't even speculate what the end game is here.
Oct 25, 2019 11:31 AM
Aug 2019
Guys, stop complaining. You keep looking for a reason why Furudate would do such rush thing as a timeskip. Remember what Hinata promised Kageyama at the very beginning of the story? There. That's the reason.
Oct 25, 2019 11:59 AM
Oct 2019
Yamaguchi is the captain? Tsukki is wearing the ace number? Just wow. Wished I could've seen that, but looking forward to what's coming.
Oct 25, 2019 12:14 PM

Jul 2012
alicjakopec said:
Guys, stop complaining. You keep looking for a reason why Furudate would do such rush thing as a timeskip. Remember what Hinata promised Kageyama at the very beginning of the story? There. That's the reason.
:O my mouth literally dropped thinking about that! Didn't even cross my mind

I am disappointed in not at least seeing them as third years, playing their last game together.. or something.

Glad that Yachi and Hinata kept in touch tho <3 Also more so, they're older, closer to around my age.
and i thought Furudate just wanted to go to Brazil for secret vacay

mitsumi iwakura

awc mrc
set by titanween
Oct 25, 2019 12:57 PM
Nov 2014
I might perhaps be one of the few people who are absolutely in love with this new chapter, the time skip, the new (final) arc... just everything. Or as J.K. Rowling once said before publishing the last of the Potter books: "For some to love it, others must hate it."

I love that we are now diving into a new setting with perhaps new characters and (friendly) opponents; new things to discover and ... learn?

But one thing I truly hope/wish and I am asking all the manga-gods up there to grant me this very wish: LET OIKAWA AND KUROO MEET! PLEASE! We're literally missing out sooooo much content...

Oct 25, 2019 2:02 PM
Mar 2015
Now I'm thinking about my sensei, Hinata probably speak brazilian portuguese just like he did when alive <3

Hoping for at least more 50 chapters :3
*Jungon* kawaii lover ^__^
Oct 25, 2019 3:22 PM

May 2008
The chapter was actually really nice, kind of refreshing even and I really liked the details (such as Hinata having Dragon Ball in portugese possibly for language learning purposes). Also seeing Yamaguchi as captain really made me so proud.

But at the end of the day, I really just want to cry, I'm so disappointed. I kind of get why Furudate would do this, but I cannot help but feel devastated about how everything turned out. I just feel so sad. I'm not complaining 'cuz it's probably going to be just as fun as it was before, I'm just mourning all that possible character growth we couldn't get to see.
Oct 25, 2019 10:46 PM
Apr 2015
FMmatron said:

Also those blue balls recapping what happened during the other years of high school. I know it would've been too much to ask Furudate to give us another 100-200 chapters for that, but dang, kinda feels like missing out.

That means there is a possibility for some spin-offs about their 2nd and 3rd years of high school. Same goes for spin-offs for other members of Karasuno team
Oct 26, 2019 1:13 AM
Jul 2018
A five year timeskin and the (used to be) first years are still younger than me, even though they were older than me when I started being a fan---

This story spin... I don't want HQ!! to end. I didn't keep up with the last games because a story which is just game after game, especially against a team I don't give a fuck about, cannot keep me on my chair on a weekly basis. I liked the bits of added Karasuno character development, but it wasn't enough. And even though I'd have loved to see them in their second and third years on paper, I can't promise my boredom wouldn't have reached new levels as the story goes on another hundreds of volleyball game chapters.

Also, I am convinced we will be getting flashbacks of the second and third HS years. We might get the juicy bits without the tiresome parts.

Furudate has been struggling because he couldn't make the newer teams as endearing as the ones previously introduced, and for fans it's bad to feel the writing take a dip.

Hinata wanting to take his sporting career to beach volleyball makes my heart swell with pride. He has grown so much, beyond what even as a fan I'd have ever envisioned. He is dead serious about his sport. To see him have a meditating on the beach routine, fluent in portuguese, his diet and physiology books... Hinata is on top of his shit. He is hustling and wow the change he has been undertaking...

(I am rambling but HQ!! has been my favorite for years now and Hinata one of my favorite characters ffhfjj)

"There isn't anyone who has higher expectations of Hinata Shouyou than I do". This KILLED me. I know he is right when he says it!! Shiratorizawa's coach and Hinata's parallels and relationship is one of the most thrilling things about HQ!!. Seeing its evolution through the Shiratorizawa vs Karasuno game, the training camp, and now...
Oct 26, 2019 8:23 PM

Apr 2011
Why is it feeling so much like it's been cancelled?
Oct 26, 2019 9:24 PM
Apr 2016
yhunata said:
Why is it feeling so much like it's been cancelled?

But it's not. Haikyuu has always been like, the 3rd most popular Jump series and is super big in Japan and East Asia. It's not being cancelled, it's deliberately planned to be like that. I bet the final arc's going to be 200 chapters long anyway.
Oct 26, 2019 9:56 PM

May 2018
Lynn86 said:
Yamaguchi is the captain? Tsukki is wearing the ace number? Just wow. Wished I could've seen that, but looking forward to what's coming.

I didn't notice that Tsukki was wearing the ace number... But I really loved that Yamaguchi was the captain! They grew up so much :')

Anyways, I'm waiting to know what happened with the rest, I mean, Daichi, Suga, Asahi and Kyoko, I really hope they appear eventually. And, of course, the rest of Karasuno and what will happen in this new arc.
Oct 27, 2019 4:24 AM
Oct 2013
Reading last week's chapter, I realized how much longer the manga would have to be to lay out the next 2 years for Hinata and Kageyama...building up new first years, getting the audience connected with them, watching Tanaka, Nishinoya, Ennoshita and co. would have required I would guess at least 50-100 more chapters unless they rushed through the next 2 years. I actually prefer the route we have taken. Excited to see what happens with Hinata in Brazil and how Kageyama does in the Olympics 😀
TokyoCrazyPXDOct 27, 2019 4:31 AM
Oct 27, 2019 10:04 AM
Oct 2019
I didnt dislike it but I have say those things ; wtf?wtf? What happened to same old japanese sport mangas and animes where main team lose first then win next year ? This development caught me soooo unguarded I am still like wtf sorry though writing such stupid stuff but couldnt contain myself , and there is no one following haikyuu near me so that I can shake their head and say ; 'wtf is going on'
Oct 27, 2019 12:52 PM
Oct 2019
I am hyped because I know that this is not the end of Hinata and kageyama. I am gonna admit, I was looking forward for more development in Hinata and kageyama’s realtionship. But don’t get me wrong, I am still so excited for what he has planned for the future of haikyuu :)!
Oct 27, 2019 2:36 PM

Nov 2018
Because next year is olympic then we will have hinata stand on bigger stage than a highschool nationals, furudate-sensei amazing..
However all i want to know is whether bokuto win the nationals or not. Damn it.
Oct 31, 2019 3:50 AM

Oct 2016
I'm really excited to see in which direction the story is going for its final arc.
Furudate-sensei usually never disappoints.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 31, 2019 8:33 AM
Apr 2013
I don't understand how ANYONE can be excited about this damn mess. The manga went from 8 points straigt to 6 after the last 3 chapters. The mangaka literally did everything wrong he could. Makes me wonder if this is on Jumps initiative to simply axe Haikyuu, or whether the mangaka jumped onto the deathtrap rollercoaster called 'Subverting expectations'. Well, anyways. Haikyuus art was never good, and the story and characters got completely thrown out of the window. I don't really know if I even want to continue this shit, when apparently every promise the writer makes is irrelevant anyways.

Uuh, yep, thought about it, I'ma drop it.
Rest in Pieces, Haikyuu, I will remember your 365 chapters,
which weirdly enough were open ended.
But don't worry, I can imagine my own ending.
Nov 2, 2019 9:49 PM
May 2018
A 5 year timeskip. let's see how this goes.
“If to be truthful is to be cruel, then lying must surely be an act of kindness. And so, kindness is a lie.”
Nov 3, 2019 1:33 AM

Mar 2016
I really like this progression.

Having the stories told with the same groups in their 2nd year or 3rd year as the main plot line will most likely burned out the mangaka. We can only go so far with high school level tournaments.
Nov 3, 2019 1:51 AM

Mar 2016
Play2X said:
Well, anyways. Haikyuus art was never good,

Saying Haikyuu art was never good is a bit of a stretch. Of course art is a subjective matter, but if you disregard the preferences of style, Haikyuu actually excels in panel compositing and angles. The line of action are also readable and Furudate knows where he/she want the readers eyes to look at.

I don't say Haikyuu has the fukking best art, i know you could bring up other examples that has lots of great details, but it just comes down to understanding what your reasons are to trash the visual elements when you're actually disappointed with the development?
Nov 3, 2019 3:58 AM
Apr 2013
Sheragin said:
Play2X said:
Well, anyways. Haikyuus art was never good,

Saying Haikyuu art was never good is a bit of a stretch. Of course art is a subjective matter, but if you disregard the preferences of style, Haikyuu actually excels in panel compositing and angles. The line of action are also readable and Furudate knows where he/she want the readers eyes to look at.

I don't say Haikyuu has the fukking best art, i know you could bring up other examples that has lots of great details, but it just comes down to understanding what your reasons are to trash the visual elements when you're actually disappointed with the development?

For once, the art style is in my oppinion just unappealing, with the characters specially just looking really rough and undetailed. This is in part of course because it is a weekly, but manga like Naruto had cleaner character design. Also, I don't really agree with you on panel composition. In fact, Haikyuu is probably one of the only manga where I have trouble following the order of the panels because they are all over the place. Don't get me wrong, Haikyuu's art is not BAD, but it isn't that good either. For manga, it is in my oppinion actually on the lower average scale of art.
Nov 3, 2019 7:34 AM

Mar 2016
Play2X said:

For once, the art style is in my oppinion just unappealing, with the characters specially just looking really rough and undetailed. This is in part of course because it is a weekly, but manga like Naruto had cleaner character design. Also, I don't really agree with you on panel composition. In fact, Haikyuu is probably one of the only manga where I have trouble following the order of the panels because they are all over the place. Don't get me wrong, Haikyuu's art is not BAD, but it isn't that good either. For manga, it is in my oppinion actually on the lower average scale of art.

Both mangakas did a collaboration in the past

Your opinion is yours, if you don't like the style / art there's no other way around it other than for you to change it yourself.
Nov 3, 2019 10:13 AM
Apr 2013
Sheragin said:
Play2X said:

For once, the art style is in my oppinion just unappealing, with the characters specially just looking really rough and undetailed. This is in part of course because it is a weekly, but manga like Naruto had cleaner character design. Also, I don't really agree with you on panel composition. In fact, Haikyuu is probably one of the only manga where I have trouble following the order of the panels because they are all over the place. Don't get me wrong, Haikyuu's art is not BAD, but it isn't that good either. For manga, it is in my oppinion actually on the lower average scale of art.

Both mangakas did a collaboration in the past

Your opinion is yours, if you don't like the style / art there's no other way around it other than for you to change it yourself.

Amazingly enough I find Furudates drawing better, when comparing those two.
But that aside, obviously art is something subjective. However, I think that points like low details especially in the drawings, that are not in the centerstage. Or the unclear order on some panels.
Mar 12, 2020 12:09 PM
Mar 2020
The panel of Hinata meditating, waking up his roommate warning him his going to late and even offering him breakfast, his room nicely organized and even making his own healthy meal. Although in such short panels Haruichi perfectly displays how Hinata has grown and matured for the past 2 years he lived in Brazil. His character has definitely changed just looking at his lifestyle.
I knew he was already pretty good in volleyball given the in his senior year they were able to place 3rd in the nation. I mean he came from just jumping around with good reflexes, to one of best top high school players in just 3 years.
Also, am I the only one surprised the Kageyama and Hinata gratuated? I mean they're good in volleyball but their academics? They probably had Yachi tutor them all the time.
With Hinata travelling in the other side of the world is a way for him to see the bigger picture of how he can become volleyball player. He needed to be in whole different environment so that he can achieve on becoming better than he already was.
When I was reading chapter 369, I was heartbroken and literally crying about how they lost the nationals on their first year. It gave me the the same feels when they lost to Aoba Josai in the InterHigh. But the bitter ending of not being able to see Karasuno as a team to win the nationals, Haruichi gave a sweet beginning of how Hinata and Kegeyama finding ways to be better at what they love doing.
I look forward to this new arc. It's very refreshing to see new techniques and styles of play and character development.
Oct 16, 2021 6:04 PM

Jun 2014
Wasnt expecting Yamaguchi to be captain, but it totally makes sense.
Also Washijou-sensei saying he has the highest expectations of Hinata -- i like how much character growth the old coot has gone through.
Aug 3, 2022 1:14 AM

Apr 2021
I'm not disappointed in the time skip at all. Also Kageyama and Hinata separating is sad to see but I'm really happy that hinata gets to go to Rio and work on his own development. It's nice to see and I hope we get to see them together sometime.
Oct 21, 2023 12:03 AM

Nov 2018
I'm already missing other characters.
Way too much attached to them.
"When they're alive, you can enjoy watching them struggle. When they're dead, you can enjoy tearing out their guts. Tales are things you get to enjoy twice."
Oct 29, 2024 6:17 PM
Apr 2017

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