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Jul 24, 2019 5:33 PM
>That shower scene at the beginning. I think Zack's a sperg. -I really didn't expect them to shout "Aye, yeah!" all at once. That was pretty funny. -Charce was being really weird with those animals lol. -Ulgar's a jerk. I wonder if Yunhua's gonna snap... -Yep, she snapped. >"This planet is ruled by...mushrooms!" By God... Another average episode. So far, I would rank the episodes (from greatest to worst): 1 3 4 2 I felt kind of bad for Yunhua. She's not even fat, she just has an "Amazonian" body (tall, thick thighs, big titties). She can't help all that. The "singing to dying people" thing was kind of awkward. I feel kind of stupid for not realizing sooner that Shummoor=Mushroom I'm starting to not look forward to each episode, but I personally am going to push through anyway. |
PikslapJul 24, 2019 5:57 PM
Jul 24, 2019 6:09 PM
Spaceship said: Thoughts: - This show is such a weird mixture of the genuinely dramatic and the absolutely ridiculous that I'm not sure what to make of it. - It's obviously targeted at a younger viewing set b/c the "science" is really tenuous, but on the other hand, the show takes great pains to (over)explain actions/concepts... - So I guess this was Yunhua's episode. - We got the requisite Quitterie fanservice in the first couple minutes of the show. - I wish all the planets didn't look the same: Brown ground with occasional green vegetation, pale sky, etc. - The moon in the sky was a nice touch, but it needed more contrast to really become beautiful like Aries reaction dictated. - I almost laughed at the concert fantasy near the end. Not a good sign... Losing steam folks. I really wanted this show to be something other than what it's turned out to be, and the show's tone is just a challenge to acclimate to every week. For me, the real proof of a quality show is that I want to rewatch scenes and whole episodes, but I have no desire to do that with this show. It's "decent episode, next" every week. 6/10 for ep.4. >- I almost laughed at the concert fantasy near the end. Not a good sign... It was pretty ridiculous. Especially considering everyone was close to death. I wonder what that looked like without all the effects and whatnot lol. gebels said: how much adapted chapters this episode? 17 chapters have been adapted so far. 2 in the first episode, and 5 apiece for episodes 2, 3, and 4. (I'm reading the manga alongside the show) Kimurah said: Tsukizono said: Kimurah said: Focusing on Kanata, his suicidal choice by taking down his helmet goes completely against his character. phantomfandom said: I know plant is intelligent but not to the point where it can detect low vital signal from human and decide to give antidote. What Kanata did is just stupid, though I like his stupidity LOL that mean I can easily lure him to love me It was established that the mushroom will only produce the flowers if a being is poisoned. Otherwise the plant wouldn't spontaneously produce flowers only for no one to eat it. Wich just brings a plethora of questions like How are these plants able to read vital signs of living creatures? And if they only produce the antidote when a dying creature is close enough to dying, why produce so many at once in just a matter of seconds? isn't the antidote just bait and they prey on these chocobo like creatures. Also, why did Yun Hua found a single antidote fungus the first time? the groupie they saved seems to be a bit larger than a human their size, yet they only found one fungus. You make a lot of good points. I guess the only real answer is plot convenience, unfortunately. Shotttooo00_0000 said: All the character moments are great, like Yunhua's. It was kind of strange that she decides she is going to be a singer, regardless of mom, now.......where all of her companions are poisoned and dieing. I get it that her singing is calming everyone down which reduces the heart rate, which in turn reduces the poison circulation but still it was weird to see her go full la la land. Anyway, this episode did piss me off though. Previously our group was stranded in space thanks to a black hole ball that appeared out of nowhere, they were lucky that they had their helmets on. Then again on another planet they encountered the same thing but managed to escape. So it should have been clear that nowhere is safe. Still all....bloody ALL of them decides to just go out in their pajamas and get poisoned to death. Heck Kanata who actually goes out first had time to wear the entire thing but the rest just stared clueless. Come on.... I thought everyone said this was a masterpiece. The alien animals being instant friends and getting kanata to the exact place he wants to is something I can accept because this is other worldly biology(It's sci-fi so we can't be like "how does that work?"), but human stupidity at this level is not acceptable. Still the show is fine, I'm not bashing the entire thing, I just want a level of maturity from the group. Oh also, the plot point of you need to be infected to get the medicine really felt like the writer going : "How do I make Kanata more badass?". No hate, just came to mind. >Come on.... I thought everyone said this was a masterpiece. Yeah, this is definitely a disappointing experience so far. No matter how good the 2nd half of the story is, I can't see myself giving this show anything higher than a 7. Smudy said: Can anyone provide me with another option to save the crew from Kanata's perspective and with the information given in this episode (if you paid attention of course)? I'm all ears. Also episode 1 established the planets that have breathable air to them and that they can fly to, for those saying they should keep their helmets on. Also Kanata's mindset is still to enjoy the ride they've been given and it affects the crew to go with the flow and not drown in their worries, therefore not to grow suspect of anyone. Convenient writing opinion is used as a bad thing which i don't agree with. Before anyone asks i'm a manga reader and this is IMO the worst part (episode) of the series, yet still enjoyable for me. >Can anyone provide me with another option to save the crew from Kanata's perspective and with the information given in this episode (if you paid attention of course)? I don't think that's what people are upset about. It's the idea that he would risk dying for a hypothesis that had little ground. How did the plant sense his vital signs? How did it know the poisoning suddenly worked after Kanata took off his helmet? How did Kanata guess that's what he had to do? Thinking from his perspective, I can't see me risking death for something that has a little chance of working. In this case, it did work, but my previous questions still stand. Now from a nature perspective, what would make more sense is the fungus poisoning and then placing the cures to lure, but we know it waited for him to take his helmet off. How did it know he did that, and how did it know the poison was effective afterwards? dannymilk said: i honestly had hoped they kept the ostrich around for helping Kanata at the end lol Same here. I guess it would just be too much work, feeding it, cleaning up after it, etc. |
Jul 24, 2019 7:19 PM
Pikslap said: Another average episode. So far, I would rank the episodes (from greatest to worst): 1 3 4 2 I'm starting to not look forward to each episode, but I personally am going to push through anyway. Agreed with the above. The show has turned out far more juvenile than what I signed up for---and what the trailer promised us. ChildLIKE done well I can handle---think Toy Story---but childISH/juvenile is another matter. |
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man. |
Jul 24, 2019 7:59 PM
It's a good thing I read the manga first. I liked all the stuff with this planet a lot more in the manga. At least the song was nice. Next arc is one of my faves so hopefully they won't skip much. |
Jul 24, 2019 8:03 PM
Smudy said: No other solution given to how Kanata could save the crew AFTER they were poisoned and when he was at the plant (didn't actually feel like i should mention ''after'' but it seems like it was necessary). Also kids, explained, don't need anything else when the show's giving me that and i highly assume they'd rather breathe fresh air than keep their helmets on 24/7. Different mindset, i enjoy myself with what the anime is throwing at me (that's not bad, mate), you don't, no need to go on here. Dumb cause you don't like it. Anime establishes the nature, your logic is irrelevant. Once again only decision that could have been made at the time, without that, everyone dead. Dumb now? They aren't dead though, what now, couldn't have been that dumb to make it here. I'm awaiting ''convenient plot is bad, durr''. Yun Hua drama subjective, nothing to see here. Also you're technically right about no relation to your two mentioned topics but it's relevant, i'll tell you that much. I'll also end this here, i don't go on in MAL forums as much anymore because it's not worth seeing the usual. I'll take a look at your response though. Ok, after everyone was poisoned, no, there was nothing else Kanata could do. Try to survive to the poison without that antidote could be a possibility, but a weird one with Kanata's personality. In 4 episodes they have like 6 or 7 situations where at least one of them was very likely to die, they always managed to survive after not very clear or logic solutions. (Teleported to the space, perfect condition spaceship near them, avoid dangerous animals and plants in the first planet and killing one dinosaur in a weird way, spaceship failures before second planet, poisonous mushrooms). Convenient plot? Well, until now it's like they won lottery buying just one ticket, everything in this story match perfectly. Ok, Yun Hua drama is subjective. I like to criticize everything I watch, I'm always trying to find errors on the plot, inconsistencies or just general bad things. For me Kanata no Astra is still enjoyable despite not having the qualities I used to search in an anime, like plot logic or consistent behaviour of the all characters. |
Jul 24, 2019 8:41 PM
Beautiful Singing by Yunhua, that sure calmed the situation. I didn't think she was useless in the first place, those two were fucken jerks to her with those remarks. That trap is a loud mouth and that emo bastard should just kill himself already. I like Yunhua! I still think this must be a test or something, but I'm not completely certain though. But it is quite an enjoyable series so far, I like the intensity of the situation. I wish it could get tenser, but regardless I'm happy with this one. |
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove |
Jul 24, 2019 8:58 PM
Quitterie bath scene and Hayami Saori (Yunhua) singing in one episode, truly good civilization. XD I really liked the episode, I can see why people are taking issue with this but I honestly really liked it. I love Kanata's straightforward optimistic attitude and it's always nice seeing him try hard. His decision to deliberately poison himself to get the cure may be seen as stupid but based on what we were told, what else could he have done? Yunhua needs more love. :( The Groupies reminded me of Chocobos from Final Fantasy. xD |
Jul 24, 2019 9:02 PM
Episode was alright. The mushroom thing was interesting. Yunhua got some development after a few bits of teasing in the past episodes. People seem to like to criticise a shounen for being unrealistic and childish. I don't know what people are expecting out of this. |
Jul 24, 2019 9:11 PM
Oh boy, Kanata will get himself killed one day if he continues with this stupid logic of his... or maybe not since he's the protagonist with a "shounen" heart... Average episode overall. Yunhua's drama felt flat and uninteresting and the way everyone were saved from the verge of death was... quite beyond convenience to say the least. Not gonna say much about how mediocre the story progression was since a lot of people have already pointed that out so I'll leave my comment as it is. P.S.: Not gonna lie, Yunhua's voice was indeed gorgeous. Such a shame for her character to be so dull. |
Jul 24, 2019 9:46 PM
I loved this episode, so much. And I'm so surprised that so many people don't seem to like it. This episode makes amazing sense. The way the ecosystem on the planet works, how Kanata needed to sacrifice himself in order for the antidotes to appear, how music evokes soothing emotions, how shitty parents and external voices are real... I could go on and on. This manga is a masterpiece, and this is an absolutely stellar adaptation. |
Jul 24, 2019 10:08 PM
Spaceship said: Maybe u can sign better lolThoughts: - This show is such a weird mixture of the genuinely dramatic and the absolutely ridiculous that I'm not sure what to make of it. - It's obviously targeted at a younger viewing set b/c the "science" is really tenuous, but on the other hand, the show takes great pains to (over)explain actions/concepts... - So I guess this was Yunhua's episode. - We got the requisite Quitterie fanservice in the first couple minutes of the show. - I wish all the planets didn't look the same: Brown ground with occasional green vegetation, pale sky, etc. - The moon in the sky was a nice touch, but it needed more contrast to really become beautiful like Aries reaction dictated. - I almost laughed at the concert fantasy near the end. Not a good sign... Losing steam folks. I really wanted this show to be something other than what it's turned out to be, and the show's tone is just a challenge to acclimate to every week. For me, the real proof of a quality show is that I want to rewatch scenes and whole episodes, but I have no desire to do that with this show. It's "decent episode, next" every week. 6/10 for ep.4. |
Jul 24, 2019 10:30 PM
I could feel my IQ dropping while watching this episode. |
Jul 24, 2019 10:34 PM
Wow! What a great episode, he was very tense. It is one of my favorites so far. This is a true space adventure. Not everything is fun and laughs, these boys and girls are on the verge of death in every attempt they make to survive. A misstep, and they are lost. That is why it was very important that Kanata will make it clear to the crew that they should not lose their job and team confidence. Kanata plays his life for his crew, he showed it by taking off his helmet, he could have died with the others. He has my respect. It is a sadness the childhood that Yunhua had to live next to his oppressive mother. Damn it! How I hate those kind of people. I hope that Yunhua can fulfill his dream of being a singer in the future, and that from now on he will be more sociable with the crew and not be afraid to say what he thinks. Ps: It was obvious that if there are fungi, there is danger of poison 😅. Thank heaven they survived. The problem now is finding more food. By the way, I loved the Gruppies, they are adorable. It's a shame that mushrooms eat them :'v. |
Jul 24, 2019 11:21 PM
So yunhua has the talent for singing, I guess it's a useful one as it might help in psychological department. Though I don't think the show is going to focus on that. Coming to the episode, it was meh 6/10. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jul 25, 2019 2:13 AM
This episode is purely Yunhua's to go. And although this episode is alright, really praise her VA Saori Hayami's voicework. The threat that the group is having in new grounds is indeed real, anything could happen within an instant. However, I can understand with everyone and take note that Kanata and crew are still in the comfy stage, thinking that nothing really happens, making this for a pretty lame sequence of events. Gruppies remind me of Final Fantasy's Chocobos BTW. And the insert comedy is trash, but I love it. To the character development of Yunhua, her scaredy-cat self and wanting to be invisible resonates a lot for me, regarding her involvement and her closed self. |
Jul 25, 2019 3:02 AM
I'm sorry but I couldn't take this episode seriously. I didn't watch this series for big tits to bust out singing while her crew is dying around her. I feel like this episode was wasted on her. I'm sure it's in the original manga, which I haven't read yet, but still, that was so fucking dumb. Her comrades are dying and instead of going outside to help Kanata out, she just sings. I don't care if it's supposed to raise morale or some shit like that, Kanata was fucking dying outside if he wasn't saved by that alien chocobo and she's moping inside wallowing in her insecurities. I've loved the previous episodes but this one was more of a 2/5. I hope this episode will be the worst one. I seriously had high hopes for Yunhua's character and turns out she's just some aspiring singer. Sorry, she seems incredibly misplaced in this series. I don't see any use for her. Honestly, I don't feel sorry for her or anything. She'll just be a background busty megane character from now on unless she proves otherwise. |
臭い- |
Jul 25, 2019 3:31 AM
The last part when kanata went to find the cure synced with the song was godly.This really is my fav of summer.Just freaking love this. |
Jul 25, 2019 3:58 AM
i actually waited to see yunhua's character's story and it was just fine for me.. all that mystery that was around here just faded a way in a really silly |
Jul 25, 2019 4:07 AM
The bath scene with Quitterie was lovely, but when Zach walked in on her, he didn't show any change in his facial expression at all. Still, it's good that Quitterie didn't go down the well-used trope route of slapping him at first sight and instead misunderstood the whole reason Zach came in. XD Yunhua, bless her, didn't deserved to be raised by such a shitty Mother like that. If your child has a drive for a sport or job that they inspire to do, then you should encourage them to follow their dreams and make it into reality. However, Yunhua's mother did the opposite and made sure that Yunhua never pursued singing and now she's become very shy and depressed. Poor girl. D= At least Kanata got through to her and gave her the encouragement she needed. When Kanata went off to find the medicinal mushrooms, Yunhua's singing voice was able to keep the rest of the crew, who're poisoned by the spores earlier, very clam and relaxed. Sure, Kanata's logic for getting the mushrooms is a little dumb, but that's to be expected from a shounen-type of show, so I honestly couldn't really care less about it, just as long as it's done decently well. Good episode overall and I really like those Gruppies. They remind me of the Chocobo from Final Fantasy. =3 |
Jul 25, 2019 4:27 AM
if they had a brain they would kill those big animals for meat instead of eating plants. |
Jul 25, 2019 5:13 AM
My girl Yunhua finally got her time to shine! STOP BULLYING HER PLEASE!!! Good episode and those Chocobos Gruppies were pretty cute shiori09 said: I loved this episode, so much. And I'm so surprised that so many people don't seem to like it. This episode makes amazing sense. The way the ecosystem on the planet works, how Kanata needed to sacrifice himself in order for the antidotes to appear, how music evokes soothing emotions, how shitty parents and external voices are real... I could go on and on. This manga is a masterpiece, and this is an absolutely stellar adaptation. I agree with you. There are deeper meanings in this show and it's more then just comedic outtakes. |
Listen to my podcast Follow my twitch. Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
Jul 25, 2019 6:13 AM
the power of Uta saved them...well part of it... d'awww those camel like creatures! so adorable and harmless! 4/5. |
Jul 25, 2019 6:42 AM
Pikslap said: I don't think that's what people are upset about. It's the idea that he would risk dying for a hypothesis that had little ground. It was either that or leaving his entire crew to die. Which would also doom him, since he can't make the journey alone (Also he'd have to live with that burden for the rest of his life) Pikslap said: Thinking from his perspective, I can't see me risking death for something that has a little chance of working. That's what his character is about. He's trying to get over the death of his teacher (which he believes was his fault) by risking his life for his friends. I hope the show manages to address that as a flaw at some point - nothing bad about being decisive, but sticking your neck out all the time can only work so long. Pikslap said: How did the plant sense his vital signs? How did it know the poisoning suddenly worked after Kanata took off his helmet? Yeah, that was BS. |
Jul 25, 2019 7:17 AM
shiori09 said: I loved this episode, so much. And I'm so surprised that so many people don't seem to like it. This episode makes amazing sense. The way the ecosystem on the planet works, how Kanata needed to sacrifice himself in order for the antidotes to appear, how music evokes soothing emotions, how shitty parents and external voices are real... I could go on and on. This manga is a masterpiece, and this is an absolutely stellar adaptation. Most people are very simple and don't think about things. And most of the people who are complaining in each thread have already made their mind up about the show, so you can ignore them. |
Jul 25, 2019 7:47 AM
Nim0174 said: @JuuzouXIII soon, 2-3 eps kater_tot said: I was blown away by Yunhua's singing... her voice is so beautiful! I also feel like i've never related to an anime character more in all my life haha In my opinion this is actually one of the best anime of the season; it just so perfectly balances the tension, comedy and adventure so well and the characterisation is so amazing. I care about every character and they're all likeable in their own way. There isn't a single character that feels unnecessary. I'm definitely going to read the manga too if you want to read the manga wait for the anime to finish :P it will be enjoyable picking up the extra jokes and details in the manga so definitely read through it ! and yeah totally agree with all of what you said ;_; and her singing was indeed beautiful.. Ah, thanks for the advice! Have u read the manga? |
Jul 25, 2019 7:50 AM
Tsukizono said: If they continue with this pace, how possible is it for them to fully adapt the manga?gebels said: how much adapted chapters this episode? 4.5 chapters. This ep adapted the rest of Chapter 12 all the way up to 17 as well as the first 2 pages of 18 which just shows the team recovering. |
Jul 25, 2019 8:13 AM
I think i teared ip a little hearing yunhua talk about how she feels useless. To me she seemed at that moment the most relatable, as loneliness and the feeling of uselessness/ wandering with no direction is more common than not. To me the characters , so far seem like actual teenagers, kind at times, with no filter from their thoughts to what they speak out loud. The planet itself was a bit cheesy but who doesn’t love a bit of cheese once in a while. I guess the last thing to say is that yunhua’s voice is beautiful and , i hope that they all become closer with one another. Also, please don’t make Charce the traitor, I’m begging you anime gods! |
Jul 25, 2019 8:13 AM
kater_tot said: Nim0174 said: @JuuzouXIII soon, 2-3 eps kater_tot said: I was blown away by Yunhua's singing... her voice is so beautiful! I also feel like i've never related to an anime character more in all my life haha In my opinion this is actually one of the best anime of the season; it just so perfectly balances the tension, comedy and adventure so well and the characterisation is so amazing. I care about every character and they're all likeable in their own way. There isn't a single character that feels unnecessary. I'm definitely going to read the manga too if you want to read the manga wait for the anime to finish :P it will be enjoyable picking up the extra jokes and details in the manga so definitely read through it ! and yeah totally agree with all of what you said ;_; and her singing was indeed beautiful.. Ah, thanks for the advice! Have u read the manga? i have indeed Klad said: Tsukizono said: If they continue with this pace, how possible is it for them to fully adapt the manga?gebels said: how much adapted chapters this episode? 4.5 chapters. This ep adapted the rest of Chapter 12 all the way up to 17 as well as the first 2 pages of 18 which just shows the team recovering. with this pace they will finish the whole thing pretty much guaranteed |
You son of a .. turtle |
Jul 25, 2019 9:04 AM
ExplodingGirl said: Some people are saying the show turned "juvenile" or "childish" when even before it aired, it clearly has Shounen as its genre. Not only that, they're a bunch of teenagers, not adult. What did you expect? All I can say is: Welcome to Shounen everyone! Attack on Titan is shonen Kimetsu no yaiba is shonen Fire Force is shonen The Promised Neverland is shonen Dororo is shonen BOOOM your argument was blow to smithereens P.S. shonen is not a genre my dear ignorant friend, it's a demographic |
KimurahJul 25, 2019 9:09 AM
Jul 25, 2019 9:15 AM
I just realized it now but Quitterie is actually a cutie when she's not being a bitch. And I liked that fanservice of her at the beginning but I would liked it better if it was Aries. |
Jul 25, 2019 9:53 AM
@ExplodingGirl ignore his existence, he is a troll misterkafuuchino said: I just realized it now but Quitterie is actually a cutie when she's not being a bitch. And I liked that fanservice of her at the beginning but I would liked it better if it was Aries. i'd prefer Yun Hua, don't mind Quitterie though she isn't that big of a bitch anyway, she was before ep2 though all she really does is complain a bit more than the others tbh |
You son of a .. turtle |
Jul 25, 2019 9:53 AM
Jul 25, 2019 11:27 AM
I know the writing is super simple and rather juvenile, but I'm liking the show. This was a good episode despite it's slightly forced melodrama. |
Jul 25, 2019 11:31 AM
misterkafuuchino said: I just realized it now but Quitterie is actually a cutie when she's not being a bitch. And I liked that fanservice of her at the beginning but I would liked it better if it was Aries. Judging by your photo and profile I was expecting you to say Funicia. Knock knock knock, open up. |
Jul 25, 2019 1:17 PM
A new planet bringing a new sense of adventure, discovery, and danger in the unknown! I love that pretty much the whole food chain of that planet, or at least of that area, was thought out. Those mushrooms were definitely dangerous rulers. I like that Charce was able to explain what he knew even after being poisoned, and that Yunhua connected the dots, and realized what was the natural antidote. Kanata was brave, and crazy risking himself like that to get it, but it's not like there was much else he could have done. He had to save his crew. I also liked his talk with Yunhua by the way. The way he instantly said that she didn't really want to be "invisible." I don't know why her mother raised her like that, cutting her wings and conditioning her to cower in a corner. But thankfully wanting to soothe her teammates was enough to make her want to sing again. This journey is going to change them forever, hopefully for better, and they are already changing. |
Jul 25, 2019 5:50 PM
Oh, man, can they be even more stupid? (Kanata especially with taking his helmet off). Are they even thinking about how to preempt those dangerous situations instead? (by not behaving so recklessly on every new planet?) There would be no problem if they kept those helmets on from the start. Even worse they were rescued by deus ex machina, yet again. Well... The episode actually wasn't as bad but the devil is those details. Also, Yunhua had nice backstory but what the hell she even did to save them... like nothing just singing? (however I did like her song as it's Hayami Saori voice afteall) Where was the actual developement of her character? (aka her stepping out of her comfort zone and saving the day by herself?) Also, that "moon" on the orbit (or even lower) was pure nonsense, yeah, rule of cool again but we are breaking the laws of physics here. |
Mich666Jul 25, 2019 5:56 PM
Jul 25, 2019 6:29 PM
Mich666 said: Oh, man, can they be even more stupid? (Kanata especially with taking his helmet off). Also, that "moon" on the orbit (or even lower) was pure nonsense, yeah, rule of cool again but we are breaking the laws of physics here. 1. Kanata had no choice, if zack and the others had died ( especially zack ) he would have no way of piloting the spaceship back and even if he did kanata was wiling to gamble for his friends on charces theory as for why they took them off in the first place, probably because the helmets automatically scan the surroundings and it was judged as safe because the mushrooms hadn't spread their seeds at that point, who wouldn't like to breath some fresh air they just didn't expect the atmosphere to become poisonous within seconds they don't really show the details sadly 2. also if you are gonna complain about breaking laws of physics you might as well complain about the existence of drives that go faster than light because thats impossible as well xD or about a microwave time machine that can send emails back to the past.. |
You son of a .. turtle |
Jul 25, 2019 7:19 PM
Holy shit is that blond bitch fucking annoying, could she like STFU for a minute? She sucks in every aspect while having no redeeming quality at all, yet she doesn't miss any chance to criticize or make fun of the others with or without an occasion. There is also this generic abusive tsundere-like attitude she has towards the MC except that she doesn't like him, neither does he, neither do anyone else except her brain-dead step-sister, so why the hell does no one conspire on her ass and leave her die in some trap? or at least call her out on her bullshit? |
Jul 25, 2019 8:08 PM
Jul 25, 2019 11:56 PM
kanata really sure acts as the captain and the hero of their team, i like how he did his best just to get those medicinal mushrooms.. and yunhua's story this time has been shown. how sad for her that such type of parents exist.. lets see the next episode.. |
Jul 26, 2019 12:20 AM
I don't understand the negative reactions. The humor isn't my cup of tea but the show executes its dramatic setpieces fantastically... |
Jul 26, 2019 2:37 AM
Kimurah said: What a load of crap, and I'm not just talking about the rotting corpses. The humor is just as stale as those candy flowers quickly deteriorating. Kanata is even more annoying than before with his loud screams for pretty much anything, either he's overjoyed or being bossy, it looks like he has to be a stand in for someone like Asta from Black Clover or Taiju from Dr Stone. How many times can the author pull out the same excuse "they are kids" therefore they are meant to be stupid in order to create cheap drama. In a very similar and orchestrated way as episode 2 where the retard Kanata has to go hunt a dragon in order to demonstrate he's some barbarian leader to his pack, Yun Hua has to isolate herself from the group because she's some bullied suicidal kid and her party has to look out for her. I feel it tries too hard to copy Arima from Your Lie in April, but YLIA had the advantage of having a smaller cast and longer running time, therefore it was able to flesh out it's characters rather than give each character an episode and let it be forgotten afterwards. Such a shame Hayamin has to voice such a spineless character. The survival instincts on these kids are the lowest along with the creatures in this planet. They have faced more than once the perils of running out without their full space suit and helmets before, but they keep exploring uncharted planets with the least amount of protective gear. The groupies as they named them, feel completely farfetched, not only are they completely tame when facing a whole new species that probably has never placed a foot in their territory, but they are also great samaritans and carry Kanata back to the ship with the right amount of medicine mushrooms (boy these bridlike creatures are probably smarter than the kids if they know where the spaceship has landed). Speaking of the spaceship, if they reached veredict that the planet is covered in some sort of soft moss, how come Kanata was the only one that sunk with his jump or after being kicked, but the weight of a whole spaceship doesn't even create the most minuscule hole in such a soft surface. Focusing on Kanata, his suicidal choice by taking down his helmet goes completely against his character. He was already stablished as the leader type that would keep his peers safe and would even slay a dragon with a spear, but he crumbles with an even lesser chore to find these magical mushrooms, wich btw it was so contrived that Yun Hua found one in the right moment to heal the groupie in order to explain these trained monkeys in suits where was the medicine for the poison spores. All these reeks of pure contrived convenience writing. Can't wait for next episode to keep shitting on this fanfic level title. I'm not saying this series is anything special because it isn't, but it never irritated me so much as to be as vocal as you in these discussion threads. I believe you're genuinely just having fun dunking on this series weekly in here and getting reactions out of people. |
Jul 26, 2019 4:21 AM
Nim0174 said: 1. Kanata had no choice, if zack and the others had died ( especially zack ) he would have no way of piloting the spaceship back and even if he did kanata was wiling to gamble for his friends on charces theory as for why they took them off in the first place, probably because the helmets automatically scan the surroundings and it was judged as safe because the mushrooms hadn't spread their seeds at that point, who wouldn't like to breath some fresh air they just didn't expect the atmosphere to become poisonous within seconds they don't really show the details sadly 2. also if you are gonna complain about breaking laws of physics you might as well complain about the existence of drives that go faster than light because thats impossible as well xD or about a microwave time machine that can send emails back to the past.. I'm just saying there is awful lot of plot armor constantly flying around them even though they don't act any clever to deserve it. And so far that they solved most of the problems not by wits but by sheer luck. And this time, by power of friendship and music too. This series actually tries to look like sci-fi set in space so it's only obvious it's judged by similiar criteria. Speaking of S;G - it's all about in-universe explanations and how those are made believable rather than if something actually possible in the reality.. and S;G did great to create its own lore and theories with ties to reality and it built its own story upon that. In comparison, in this show they already established it's a bad idea to take off their helmets on allien planet, yet they are constantly repeating the same mistake again and again. 'In universe', Kanata is looking dumb and reckless not by taking off his helmet to save his crew but by doing something that was already established as bad idea before. So no wonder both anime are miles apart. Where S;G actually explained its core things so that the reader was in no doubt when finding parallels, the Kanata no Astra is always introducing new elements on go as it sees fit. And without proper explanations the only thing the viewers can do is to project the parallels from our own reality into the story and try to make a sense of things by themselves. Also, people often says that this is a shounen show so not to expect much and they are right. But the shounen genre is actually NOT defined by its target demographics (even though it's focused on it) but by the principles and tropes it uses (the best example would probably be from zero to hero motive). And shounen doesn't really mean 'dumbed down' in any way. Also, the frequent sentence 'This is a shounen so don't care about the logic' would be always flawed as it's usually used in apologetic way to excuse some story flaws. Not to mention that there actually were some space shows aimed at children that remained very consistent about its lore and character actions and dabbled into some heavy topics even with some comedy elements around. I simply can't see anything like that here. I'm not criticising the manga in any way as I have not read it and it's totally possible the things are explained better there and it's just the adaptation that's bad (wouldn't be the first one). If they omit or change something critical it's very possible the show would consequently look dumb for it viewers in the comparison. But we are not talking about the manga here and the anime should be judged by its own merits. |
Jul 26, 2019 7:56 AM
seikanyuuki said: This is a fiction show, some of you complain about every detail as if every other anime always made sense in a scientific way. Yeah. I struggle to understand people like this. And it's not even about how shounen-ish it is. It's just a fiction. We didn't find a planet with even the most primitive life forms yet (and I doubt that we even find) IRL and these people are arguing about someone's else idea about fictional ecosystems. Just wow. |
Jul 26, 2019 10:55 AM
C'mon Quitterie, why not just say that you want Zack to bang you in a more private place???? That some balls that Kanat did, it may have jilled him , but he did got the job done. I kinda fell bad for Yunhua, for having a mom that wasn't supportive of her talent, |
Jul 26, 2019 3:12 PM
not reading any comments before me :) no spoilers! this show is so interesting how there's so much exploration involved and we even have a planet that has a plant that acts as the "antagonist" rather than a person. i think this confirms yunhua isn't a villain? she's way too weak to be one. |
Jul 26, 2019 3:23 PM
the premise of traveling between planets was an interesting one...and some of the characters are ok... but some stuff, specially the way they found the cure plant, was just too much... and since i need to stop watching so many seasonals at the same time, this is the 1st sacrifice lol dropped. 4/10 at least my experience with this anime ended with a very pretty song by the chinese girl, will save it as a nice memory from this anime lol the song - |
winddevil1Jul 26, 2019 3:39 PM
Jul 26, 2019 5:09 PM
@winddevil1 i urge you to watch till ep 8, you will be surprised at this point the plot of the show hasn't been revealed so you have no idea whats actually going on it will become more apparent in ep 7 and 8 |
You son of a .. turtle |
Jul 26, 2019 7:40 PM
Great episode, as always. I really like the design of the planet. It was nice to see Yunha get some character development, I hope all of the characters will also get their chance to develop as well. Yunha isn't the most well structured character in existence, but I still like her. The Gruppies were really cute and funny. |
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