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Nov 19, 2013 2:47 PM

Nov 2011
Dat apologies.

I guess mostly everything is settled now then. Poor Shiki though ;.; 8/10
Nov 19, 2013 4:25 PM
Jan 2008
i did not understand the ending
"Forged in darkness with wheat harvested from Hell's half acre. Baked by Beelzabub; slathered with mayonnaise beaten from the evil eggs of dark chickens, force-fed to dogs by the hands of a one-eyed madman. Cheese boiled from the rancid utters of fanged cows. Layered with 666 separate meats from an animal which has maggots for blood."
Nov 19, 2013 4:43 PM

Apr 2011
I think I'm going to have to re-read this to understand it :|

So Yan (The driver) was spotted. The church has donuts.
It's over now :(
KomomoNov 19, 2013 6:01 PM
Nov 19, 2013 6:49 PM

May 2012
God this ending is awful in so many ways. I was enjoying this series so much and they had to ruin it with such horrible ending.
Nov 19, 2013 7:45 PM

Dec 2008
Wow. So was the Priest actually the one behind it all? So, Erika was taking orders from him? I doubt things like this are coincidences, but god. Anyways, it was pretty sad. I hope they don't inevitably end up going after Itsuki or Makihara.

Good series. Enjoyed it to the end. 9/10.
RIP Shiki & Kuzumi ;__;
Nov 19, 2013 8:43 PM

Aug 2008
I knew I would hate this manga at the end after I started to read this and I did. I loved the start, and within a few chapters and the consequence they had to face after their crimes I knew by the end this would all add up and end up bad.
I liked reading it, but again did not feel content with the end.
It felt like the whole time I watch watching a episode of a detective show where the Main character in the manga really just guest stars that appear for 1 episode and by the end some one is dead someone connected to them finds peace after what happened. And the Detectives move on to the next chase next episode.

this will not get a good rating from me>
Nov 19, 2013 10:28 PM
Dec 2010
This series is quite hard to me to rate. I loved it up until the end. The ending leaves more loose ends open than desired. It was a good read though.
Nov 20, 2013 1:39 AM

Dec 2012
Basically, the bad guys win. The priest at the church is one of the bad guys, possibly even the mastermind (seen from donuts at the very, very end! So thats how they manage to get information on how to conduct hits. Listen to confessions!), and Shiki practically donated all the money he earned back to the church after he died, back to where he got the money from in other words. Makihara ends up in jail, Itsuki is the only one among the gang with a slightly better ending, although she will certainly be depressed since Shiki died. Hosaka ended pretty well too, since he got to spend quality time with his wife... RIP Shiki and Kuzumi, you two were awesome.

It was a really good read, I appreciate that the author really pulled off something different at the end although the bad guys won. There are no loose ends if you just think that the bad guys won.

A solid 7/10 for this one. It started off really well, got slightly bland later but certainly made up with it for that twist at the very end.
ClawViperNov 22, 2013 2:38 AM
Nov 29, 2013 8:02 PM
Nov 2012
finnally Shiki and Itsuki wont be together, i thought Shiki and Kuzumi die is best for them, the most hearted is Itsuki. How about the ending that they were arrested and after the time of beiing jailed. they have a new life?
Dec 10, 2013 11:24 PM

Jun 2012
Disappointed with that ending. M Night Shyamalananananana could have done a better job.
I'm also filled with pure-hearted ulterior motives.

Apr 17, 2014 1:58 AM

Oct 2013
I had known it wouldn't end in happy ending after reading for some time, but I feel like it could have been executed better. And Utako was annoying. I hoped her issues would be solved in the end, and there was no hope left after she killed Shiki. Ah, and Kuzumi's background wasn't explored either. Kinda disappointed about them.

I'm just glad Itsuki & Shiki's sister are alive. 8/10
Apr 27, 2014 3:16 PM
Jan 2010
It was clear from the beginning that there wouldnt be a happy ending but considering how tightly plotted the first half of the series was the second half was just a mess. More or less from the mission to kill the couple on everything wasnt so much grim as just jarringly nonsensical.
UthredJul 12, 2014 4:19 AM
Jun 29, 2014 8:15 AM

Aug 2013
aw. just aw.
i guess it had to be an ending like this after the past few chapters, dangit.

nevertheless, i still enjoyed this manga a lot.
a shikixitsuki ending woulda been nice.
Nov 9, 2014 9:48 PM

May 2010
i feel bitter really bitter, i was hoping for another ending TT^TT
Nov 18, 2014 8:47 AM
Oct 2013
Very good manga. Enjoyed it.

The coordinator must be the priest. He gets the information from confession so that's why some job details they've received were erroneous. Shiki unknowingly gave back the money back to them. The doughnuts at the end proves this preposition. At the end, the woman also said she needs to be somewhere at "Sunday" (Sunday Masses). That's how they meet and plan out the killings.

The commission which Shiki/Kuzumi gets are probably money from donations to the church or somewhere else. The father sarcastically said "Good for you, the Yakuzas are all dead" which implies that the whole Yakuza killings is for that detective. Yep it all started because of what happened to that detective. The priest enacted revenge for his wife. Shiki and Kuzumi simply got entangled on it by chance, failed and silenced.

It's actually a nice twist so I gave it 9/10. I enjoyed the story.
Jun 28, 2015 9:26 PM

Dec 2014
Ah, I knew it. The priest was in involved with the missions after all. It's sad to think about, but the money Shiki entrusted Hosaka with will probably never go towards his sister's treatment. The truth of the matter is that Shiki basically repaid the church what he earned through the missions. In other words, the cycle will go on. Those same funds will be used in the future to pay those who undergo the same types of missions.

Great manga, I loved it from start to finish.
Jul 18, 2015 12:37 AM

Jan 2014
I really hate the ending. And there is also one major loose end not tied up neatly.

If the priest was the mastermind of the assassination group after all, then what happens to the money Shiki donated?!? That was supposed to pay for his sister's future treatments, right? But if the priest was the evil mastermind, can we trust him to actually hand the money over to the hospital?

I think as far as vigilante stories go, this is a really sucky one. Why did Shiki and his Kuzumi have to die? Why not have them pull off one last job and then retire gracefully from the scene? Makihara could maybe change his looks and identity and start a new life. I mean, by that point in time, they already amassed millions of yen. Should be enough for fake IDs and cosmetic surgery AND still with enough left over for treatments.

Also, another loose end with Makihara. He's in prison at the end so the evil priest probably couldn't send hitmen after him. But what happens when Makihara is released? Are they going to continue to go after him?

Tie up the loose ends, man.

My advice to all Japanese mangaka who wish to write vigilante stories is to read all the Jack Reacher novels out there. Author is Lee Child. Now that's a bestselling author who knows his vigilantes. :)
Jul 18, 2015 12:41 AM

Jan 2014
To those of you who felt bad at the terrible ending, go check out Dendrobates. It is also a manga with a vigilante theme. But with a much better ending. Much better.
Jul 29, 2015 10:56 AM

Jun 2014
I was expecting a tragic ending but happy ending is still better.

Makihara is fvcking lucky, he can still live happily.
The girl with one-eye is a bitch, I want her dead!

Itsuki and Shiki should have at least kiss before parting.

Kozumi is a real bro, but the author didn't give him some backstory. (Or I just forgot? )

decent crime/thriller, but the ending was unsatisfying.

Mar 29, 2016 12:06 AM

Nov 2014
hate that eye-patch girl. want to know what happened to her. wish she could die...diediediedieideidiediediediediediedieideideideidie.....
TheHeart said:
God this ending is awful in so many ways. I was enjoying this series so much and they had to ruin it with such horrible ending.

seriously, guys. not every story is a fairy tail. if you want happy endings, go watch disney movies. this manga is serious and realistic; it showed that the good guys don't always win. That's why this manga is a masterpiece. 10/10
Jul 16, 2017 9:29 AM
Jul 2016
Teckmeister said:
I really hate the ending. And there is also one major loose end not tied up neatly.

If the priest was the mastermind of the assassination group after all, then what happens to the money Shiki donated?!? That was supposed to pay for his sister's future treatments, right? But if the priest was the evil mastermind, can we trust him to actually hand the money over to the hospital?

I think as far as vigilante stories go, this is a really sucky one. Why did Shiki and his Kuzumi have to die? Why not have them pull off one last job and then retire gracefully from the scene? Makihara could maybe change his looks and identity and start a new life. I mean, by that point in time, they already amassed millions of yen. Should be enough for fake IDs and cosmetic surgery AND still with enough left over for treatments.

Also, another loose end with Makihara. He's in prison at the end so the evil priest probably couldn't send hitmen after him. But what happens when Makihara is released? Are they going to continue to go after him?

Tie up the loose ends, man.

My advice to all Japanese mangaka who wish to write vigilante stories is to read all the Jack Reacher novels out there. Author is Lee Child. Now that's a bestselling author who knows his vigilantes. :)

The priest did sent the moneys that shiki gave to the hospital. It was mentioned by the hospital worker to shiki that a church donated some moneys for his sister.
Sep 12, 2017 12:57 PM

Mar 2017
I really enjoyed this manga but the ending wasn't that good, I knew that Shiki and kuzumi would die but I wanted at least Erika to get captured.
Oct 29, 2017 3:36 AM

Dec 2013
Too much to say about this manga, which just so happens to also be the main problem since the beginning. Simply put, the author tried to do too much and failed to execute.

- Three Goddesses allusions, but the idea never really materializes throughout in the manga.

- Itsuka's power. Interesting at the start, but author never did anything more.

- Kuzumi's background is never explored.

- Eye-patch girl is never explained either.

- Itsuki's romance is explored but not even close to happening.

I'm sure a lot of others have much more to add to this, but I'll leave it at this. It's unfortunate because this manga had so much potential, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
Mar 14, 2018 7:32 PM

Jul 2013
The damn donuts....
May 20, 2018 10:55 AM

Jan 2013
There is certainly a feeling of unused potential in this manga. Plot lines and characters are introduced and some of them are never picked up again. A certain case of mystery fills the air - The origins and functions of the heroine's powers are never explained nor relevant. Does it really matter if she had the powers in the first place? Who was right in the end? The allegedly hitmen trying to earn money for their own reasons (may they be good or bad) or the police in trying to solve these apparently unconnected almost random cases? Neither. Even if you try to defeat the criminal - Another will take his place. Sometimes, the criminals never appear as evil. They won all along. Poor Kuzumi.
Sep 25, 2018 8:38 AM

Aug 2018
I think that the mastermind is that Priest?
Dec 18, 2018 1:03 PM

Jul 2014
Those donuts at the end, does that mean the priest was the mastermind all along? I just hope Shiki's sister got all the money Shiki donated. Now what I didn't like about the ending was that both the black-haired woman and the mastermind got away scot-free...!
Oh, and one more thing I didn't like about the ending - Itsuki didn't get to have Shiki's baby
Onii-nyanDec 18, 2018 1:08 PM
Feb 12, 2019 7:58 PM

May 2010
lol I didn't even catch that is what the donuts meant. But I am upset my man Kuzumi died for nothin'!
Mar 19, 2020 10:01 AM

Dec 2015
Not the perfect ending, but a very good one nonetheless. MC finished what he set out to do, and suffered the consequences of his actions. It's not the ending we want, but the ending it deserved.
Nov 18, 2020 11:23 AM
Sep 2019
I have some problems accepting the ending , I'm not talking about the death of Shiki and Kuzumi (who were really awesome , RIP) , but I felt the end was rushed ? Maybe...
Anyway , I enjoyed reading this story. Everything was revealed at the end , if anything I wanted to be added in this story , it was a conversation between Hosaka and Shiki or let's say Shiki confessing everything to Hosaka. Good end for Hosaka , Makihara and Itsuki's end is depressing a little.
In the end ; RIP Shiki and Kuzumi. You two were the real victims. 8/10
Nov 7, 2021 2:52 AM

May 2020
I thought the ending was a bit abrupt but reading the theories here, it makes sense that the Priest is involved in this. Although the exact specifics of how a Priest in a mostly atheist/irreligious country like Japan would receive confessions from such a wide range of individuals is better left to imagination.

Nevertheless, a pretty solid series, held back by plot points that go no where and loss of direction after the first few murders.
Apr 13, 2022 11:17 AM
Jul 2021
If you ever feel stupid, remember that some people rated low this manga just because of the ending.

By the way, I loved it.
Sep 9, 2022 7:51 AM
Jan 2015
My problem with this is not that we got the "bad" ending (because the last 15-20 chapters were leading to that). The problem is more complex: the artificiality in the narrative construction in the two last chapters, the plotlines whithot conclusion (Itsuki's powers, for example), the use and caracterization of allmost all female characters (but this is a bit tricky, because all the extension of this manga has that problem) and the uneasy feeling of rushing and chrunching writing that imprints all the climax. The dramatic tension is different, like it was created by another artist. Underwhelming ending for a really decent thriller.
HachedehelpSep 9, 2022 11:57 AM
Apr 23, 2023 8:04 PM
Aug 2013
Y'all trippin' that priest just liek donuts
Mar 6, 12:48 PM

Oct 2012
Not counting the somewhat pointless fantasy elements - it was a pretty solid thriller.

Ending felt really fitting, albeit understandably not something many would enjoy.
But it's a good ending with enough hints for most unexplained plot details without really ruining anything the manga was aiming for.

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