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Jan 30, 2019 1:02 PM

Jun 2017
sasalx said:
Swagernator said:

If people can say "BEST SHOW EVER !!!", "Raphtalia BEST GIRL !!!".

Then people also can say "omg worst show ever" or "shitty writing full cliche".

It works both ways.

Lol. A very good way to summarize human psychology.

- I like this show. Everyone should too. 
- I hate like this show. Everyone should too.

Because if not, I will feel stupid.

Meanwhile here I am just watching a show without creating a circlejerk. Ah, then neutrality.

Btw I think the main problem is people usually don't expect a reasoning if you say something is good but they will very much expect a solid reason if you don't like it.

I think that the problem is no one actually wants to discuss, the only important thing is to shout your opinion as loudly as possible while saying the word :"Clichè" and some imprecations to attract people
May our sweet and Merciful Madoka be with you
Jan 30, 2019 1:02 PM

Apr 2007
ttcchen said:
"then where r ur slaves?" .

I mean, she did say that...Does it have to be in those exact words?
Jan 30, 2019 1:04 PM
Jun 2016
Natsuki_Hyundai said:
Well the worst arc of the series is out of the way, but we're still not out of the woods yet.

Oh yeah :> I've been waiting for her for a while.

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenJan 31, 2019 6:50 PM
Jan 30, 2019 1:14 PM

Aug 2015
I rolled my eyes and groaned at Spear initiating a duel.
But man, they really turned it around at the end.

This show is so goddamn good.
Jan 30, 2019 1:19 PM

Aug 2011
Well that was a rage inducing, lip biting episode. The angry I felt when reading this part in the WN is all coming back to me. Everything else someone may have found wrong with this episode took a back seat for me there and this episode; a 10/10.
Jan 30, 2019 1:20 PM
Mar 2018
when I Read this in the manga I didn't even cry or something I thought that It was Awesome that naofumi could taste food but I Just watched today´s episode and I cried a lot I didn't expect this episode to be so amazing I thought that today's episode was gonna be at least the duel between motoyasu and naofumi and naofumi buying firo but I Really loved that they did such an awesome job with this
Jan 30, 2019 1:25 PM
Jan 2018
Can someone explain to me what 14:33 was all about when the screen glitched?
Jan 30, 2019 1:26 PM

Aug 2011
kevin_video said:
-Stray said:
I wonder if they plan on Raph not having the slave curse anymore, but I think she will since either way they're going back to the slave dealer, manga part was more touching and genuine than anything.

And in a way I felt a lot more impact on Nao's thoughts in the manga than the anime as well.

Overall it was a good episode, was still able to piss me off even after knowing what's about to happen, the fight was also well animated hands down.

I agree. Having read the manga I found it much more impactful than the anime. I would have also preferred an instrumental ending instead of the lyrical one we got. It pulled me out of the moment.

Note, the anime adaption of a manga isn't amde to out do the manga or LN for that matter, it's just to in simple terms, create a buzz for the original. Any comparision to be made isn't to say which is better as the manga/LN will always be better but to say what was added or removed.
Jan 30, 2019 1:27 PM

Nov 2014
I actually like all the heroes including the Spear Hero, he seems to be genuinely misguided and not malicious, if you look at things from his side he is absolutely in the right. I think that if the princess wasn't whispering in his ear all the time and leading him to believe the lies about the Shield Hero then he would be a pretty decent guy.

This was a good episode and I'm glad Shield Hero won the duel through his cunning, he's never had it easy and had to always rely on roundabout ways to fight rather than brute force and that shines through in this episode.
Forum Signature
Jan 30, 2019 1:27 PM

Dec 2018
Swagernator said:
The over victimization of our MC is getting pretty overused pretty fast, this is 4th episode and im already sick of it. Like yeah, we got it ... everyone hates him, can we please move on onto something more interesting, please. was very good in the first 2 episodes but is becoming overused, in my opinion. It almost ruined a good episode like this
Jan 30, 2019 1:27 PM

Apr 2015
That spear hero needs to die so god damn quickly... He pisses me off so much

Personal hate aside, the fight was really nice. Still impressed that Naofumi can do so much with just a shield. As one said in the past "The best Defense, is Offense". He absolutely dominated the spear hero, until his "shag" (ok still hating a bit), started interfering. Such corruption, meh!

I am very glad that the other two hero's stepped up for Naofumi. There's still hope for the other two!

The final scene was very emotional! Great episode!
Jan 30, 2019 1:29 PM

Apr 2007
DxStevoxD said:
Can someone explain to me what 14:33 was all about when the screen glitched?

Special effects for the curse shield. The requirements were met for it but it wasn't used this episode. It almost activated though.
KilluanJan 30, 2019 1:34 PM
Jan 30, 2019 1:29 PM

Dec 2018
iliyanski89 said:
Cliches, after cliches etc. Sounds like a broken record. Am i suppose to feel something after watching this? Jesus Christ!!!! Is there a show that don't run only on overly used, repeated a thousand times scenes which are supposed to make me feel better or to think like, oh the world is such a hideous place but through the power or friendship and blah blah blah we can overcome this. Bullshit. Its all bullshit!!! High expectations blown out!!! And i thought this show was different. Yet again i assure myself to not have big expectations. Nothing personal though. Just some thoughts.

let's give it one more shot, but what you said actually describes my feelings about this show
Jan 30, 2019 1:32 PM
Feb 2017
What a powerful episode. Shows that Shield>Spear as a weapon. Really glad Naofumi finally understands that Raphtalia genuinely cares about Naofumi.
Jan 30, 2019 1:36 PM

Dec 2018
I may sound cynical, but the hate towards the Shield Hero is becoming was cool in the first two episodes, but I am becoming really tired of it. And one more thing, the red-haired girl (daughter of the king) is not making me feel anything; not a single feeling of hate or anything else, because also she is becoming overused and actually bored the s°*t outta me. Sorry for the vent, I am actually sad about the way they are throwing a possible very good anime away, making episodes which are all similar... I wish the next episode brings something new...
(not a mother tongue, sorry for my really awful English).
Jan 30, 2019 1:38 PM

Jun 2012
This was a very difficult episode for me to watch. How dare they touch Raphtalia like that! I'm glad the other heroes called everyone out on their bullshit. Didn't even realise the king was in on it, I thought he was literally stupid enough to follow everything. I know that Spear Hero is really just being used by Myne, but he's still just so stupid...

I love Raphtalia even more now. <333

But seriously Myne needs to die, I cannot STAND her and how she gets away with everything she does.
Jan 30, 2019 1:38 PM

Aug 2011
iliyanski89 said:
Cliches, after cliches etc. Sounds like a broken record. Am i suppose to feel something after watching this? Jesus Christ!!!! Is there a show that don't run only on overly used, repeated a thousand times scenes which are supposed to make me feel better or to think like, oh the world is such a hideous place but through the power or friendship and blah blah blah we can overcome this. Bullshit. Its all bullshit!!! High expectations blown out!!! And i thought this show was different. Yet again i assure myself to not have big expectations. Nothing personal though. Just some thoughts.

You know, life is a cliche. You hear the same story over and over. Can you tell someone who is going through their own cliche experience after you have redicule them that it's nothing personal?

It is during those very cliche times that the power of friendship is most needed. A single word can either build you or break you when your at your lowest. If anime is to reflect real human to human relationships, then very well expect those cliches moments. It will always be there.
Jan 30, 2019 1:39 PM

Jun 2015
Hmm if anything the spear hero isn't just talk and his spear skills really are impressive. Raphtalia's heartfelt words as she defended her master sure was heartwarming. Seeing her push back spear hero with her words was so entertaining. It was also nice to see Ren and Itsuki appear to call out the bitch for interfering in the dual. Naofumi's denial of his good deeds against Raphtalia's observations sure was interesting. If anything this showed just how much Raphtalia actually values and trusts her master. Still it seems spear hero still see's Naofumi in bad light. An interesting ep that featured a great blend of action via the dual and character development in the form of the development for Naofumi and Raphtalia's ever increasing bond.
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Jan 30, 2019 1:46 PM

Aug 2011
Swagernator said:
The over victimization of our MC is getting pretty overused pretty fast, this is 4th episode and im already sick of it. Like yeah, we got it ... everyone hates him, can we please move on onto something more interesting, please.

How long do you think has passed in the anime so far? Do you think he has gotten over it as yet or that it's not there? If you can't wait for it to pass as you are so easy to get bored or impatient for the new arc, you can skip out a few episode or just drop the series you know.
Jan 30, 2019 1:47 PM

Jun 2014
Damn what a hectic episode. Also, i legit thought there was something wrong with the video player when the episode distorted.

I feel like the goal of this show so far is to make us hate everyone as much as humanly possible, so that we end up liking Naofumi and Raph a lot more lol.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jan 30, 2019 1:48 PM

Oct 2015
Really happy with the characters so far. When you hate a character as much as the spear hero or the princess, you know that they're decently written. I also really like how Naofumi reacted after the duel. His inability to trust anyone in the world might be annoying but it also matches up well with the events that happened to him. It's also super refreshing to see the other two heroes going against the spear hero. Hopefully that means they're going to get their own character development down the road. I love this series
Jan 30, 2019 1:48 PM

May 2010
why does the shield guy has to be the biggest pussy possible.
i simply cant stand this shit anymore after 4 episodes.

Jan 30, 2019 1:49 PM

Jan 2008
To everyone who doesn't like the first episodes because of the overused cliches, two-dimensional heroes, the red-haired princess Myne, and hate towards the Shield Hero, etc, etc, etc, well you need to either buckle up and sit through everything to find out WHY this is all happening the way it is or drop the show here and now, because you're going to have all of the above for quite a while long. As in, these were chapters 7 and 8, and you're going to be waiting until chapter 31. Or just speed read through the manga and maybe pick the anime back up later.

It's your choice.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Jan 30, 2019 1:49 PM

Jul 2015
Ryuketsuna said:
This ep make you guys angry like the HELLLLL

Only first half.

Rapthalia is officially Rem 2.0

Jan 30, 2019 1:50 PM

Jan 2013
Could some source material reader explain why Naofumi was seeing Raphtalia as a kid up until now?

EDIT: Okay I saw someone explaining this. In case you also didn't get it, apparently it was because Raphtalia in the adult form was reminding him of Malty so he subconsciously blocked that image.
fuyukiJan 30, 2019 2:28 PM
Jan 30, 2019 1:52 PM

Jan 2008
fuyuki said:
Could some source material reader explain why Naofumi was seeing Raphtalia as a kid up until now?

Maybe the light novel or web novel. It's not really explained in the manga. Same thing for his inability to taste food. In the manga it's really just guess work.

Kerozinn said:
why does the shield guy has to be the biggest pussy possible.
i simply cant stand this shit anymore after 4 episodes.

And what would you have done in his shoes? What could he have done differently?

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenJan 31, 2019 6:49 PM
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Jan 30, 2019 1:55 PM

Apr 2018
I have doubts about Naofumi's character developement. Is he kinda... dumb ? Why does he not try to defend himself more ? Why does he do everything to be hated ? Why does he call Raphtalia a traitor near the half of the episode while she did litterally nothing ?

I know what's intempted is to tell how he became mad and digusted by this world and thus rejects everything but it's not a success in my opinion. Maybe the anime adaptation requires some cuts or what, but Naofumi just seems to be idiot to be honest.

Nice episode still, but my expectations were higher for this anime. I hope the characters and the plot are getting better in the next episodes.
AbderikoJan 30, 2019 2:01 PM
Jan 30, 2019 1:56 PM
Sep 2011
Whiteknighting and people getting away with false rape allegations hmm... Why're you guys freaking out over it? Shit like that happens in reality on a regular basis.
Jan 30, 2019 2:00 PM

Jul 2016
KotoriMinami said:
BEST EPISODE SO FAR! HOLY SHIT! I'm fkn mad at these bastards goddamnit! fkn hell!
Raphtalia Best Girl, the last scene kinda reminds me of Rem

Exactly, damn I was just about to comment this!
Jan 30, 2019 2:01 PM

Jun 2017
Holy shit, this episode was great on so many levels. Kevin Penkin's compositions just raise the climaxes of this show so high.
Snot-nosed_BratJan 30, 2019 2:04 PM
Jan 30, 2019 2:02 PM

Jul 2014
Holy shit this episode was better than I imagined it. The fight was much better than the LN actually. In the manga the way Motoyasu won was very lame, while here he actually beat up Naofumi at least after Myne cheated.

Animation and music were great, Noafumi's rage and hatred was shown very well after they cut it from last episode and they actually showed that Naofumi is an unreliable narrator and he has many things going on in his head.

But F*ck they actually cut out the kiss, what the hell!!? Also, I am not sure if Naofumi will make her his slave again like in the manga here. Well we will have to wait until next episode.

Jan 30, 2019 2:06 PM

Dec 2014
They just changed/skipped too much in this :( ... it didnt have the impact it should have :( . I was looking forward to : You can get little fat etc. :D ... The duel was nicely done tho, but the scenes after were kinda "bad" , they changed the meaning of why he cried etc...
Jan 30, 2019 2:10 PM
Apr 2016
Shiro_cze said:
They just changed/skipped too much in this :( ... it didnt have the impact it should have :( . I was looking forward to : You can get little fat etc. :D ... The duel was nicely done tho, but the scenes after were kinda "bad" , they changed the meaning of why he cried etc...

If they changed it, then it was deemed by the author to be appropriate. After taking another look at his series IN MOTION and WITH SOUND, he might have received a revelation on what could make it better, more profound. I can't compare it to the original material, but here it was a very well approached mental breakdown.
Jan 30, 2019 2:11 PM

Apr 2007
Devil_Slayer said:
Holy shit this episode was better than I imagined it. The fight was much better than the LN actually. In the manga the way Motoyasu won was very lame, while here he actually beat up Naofumi at least after Myne cheated.

Animation and music were great, Noafumi's rage and hatred was shown very well after they cut it from last episode and they actually showed that Naofumi is an unreliable narrator and he has many things going on in his head.

But F*ck they actually cut out the kiss, what the hell!!? Also, I am not sure if Naofumi will make her his slave again like in the manga here. Well we will have to wait until next episode.


There is a lot of significance in her being his slave so I hope they don't do that. Multiple scenes even focus on that dynamic(plus the fighting bonuses for being/having a slave.). Well he's got to get the egg next episode, hopefully that parts is added in.
Jan 30, 2019 2:18 PM

Jul 2014
Kerozinn said:
why does the shield guy has to be the biggest pussy possible.
i simply cant stand this shit anymore after 4 episodes.

Yup. The whole "you betrayed me" thing was so far over the top. They had to bind and gag her. What a joke.
Jan 30, 2019 2:21 PM
Aug 2018
This episode was fucking amazing, Naofumi finally got the break he ever-so-long deserved.
Jan 30, 2019 2:22 PM

Nov 2011
Kerozinn said:
why does the shield guy has to be the biggest pussy possible.
i simply cant stand this shit anymore after 4 episodes.

Bye Felicia

justasadguy said:
I may sound cynical, but the hate towards the Shield Hero is becoming was cool in the first two episodes, but I am becoming really tired of it. And one more thing, the red-haired girl (daughter of the king) is not making me feel anything; not a single feeling of hate or anything else, because also she is becoming overused and actually bored the s°*t outta me. Sorry for the vent, I am actually sad about the way they are throwing a possible very good anime away, making episodes which are all similar... I wish the next episode brings something new...
(not a mother tongue, sorry for my really awful English).

It's called a plot point, there is a reason why they all hate the shield hero and its the same reason why the tower in episode 3 only had the sword, spear, and bow on it. Put two and two together, and you can surmise what's going on.
Jan 30, 2019 2:22 PM

Jul 2014
Daniel_Naumov said:

The spear hero is not even that bad, you can see he does not want to accept the fact that he played into the hands of framers and did bad things to Naofumi and Raphtalia. If he accepts it he is also a bad guy. He will surely come around and be an exemplary hero, but his redemption path has only just began.

If he was a good hero he'd tell the king to end slavery, not try to fuck over the shield hero.
Jan 30, 2019 2:24 PM
Apr 2016
Sokah said:
Kerozinn said:
why does the shield guy has to be the biggest pussy possible.
i simply cant stand this shit anymore after 4 episodes.

Yup. The whole "you betrayed me" thing was so far over the top. They had to bind and gag her. What a joke.

You might have failed to understand a crucial thing, but her "betrayal" is how he saw it after his mental breakdown. If you carefully examine the episode again you will see that some scenes are "metaphorical", as in they do not represent actual reality, but rather are inner workings on how Naofumi is experiencing the whole episode. Even though she evidently did not betray him, to him it looked like everyone did. That was an important moment to show how heavily the whole framing affected him, and how grateful he is for Raphtalia to still be around.

Sokah said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

The spear hero is not even that bad, you can see he does not want to accept the fact that he played into the hands of framers and did bad things to Naofumi and Raphtalia. If he accepts it he is also a bad guy. He will surely come around and be an exemplary hero, but his redemption path has only just began.

If he was a good hero he'd tell the king to end slavery, not try to fuck over the shield hero.

I never said he IS good. I said he will be.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button. Removed baiting
DeadlyRavenJan 31, 2019 6:48 PM
Jan 30, 2019 2:30 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
AwesomeAlfie27 said:
Tokoya said:
Seeing Naofumi wreck the Spear cunt was so satisfying, but of course, that fucking bitch and her fuckboy of a father had to go and piss me the fuck off again

I honestly want the entire country to fucking burn and I want that inhumane disgusting bitch of a princess to have every worse thing in the book done to her before meeting a horrible death and I don't give a fuck

But I'm glad that at least the sword and bow heroes called them out on their bullshit, there might be hope for their self-righteous asses yet....Also, I'm glad that they managed to wreck the whiners from episode 1 in regards to this show supposedly "gloryfying slavery"

But thank god for Raphtalia, she is truly best girl TwT

YES!Let them BURN!
They deserve nothing, maybe the archer and the sword hero deserve something because they were honest
and maybe that blacksmith
Agreed in regards to the blacksmith at least
Jan 30, 2019 2:56 PM

Jun 2014
this just gets better and better
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Jan 30, 2019 2:58 PM

Jul 2014
Wait, people are seriously giving Naofumi shit for crying? Lol
Jan 30, 2019 2:58 PM

Dec 2015
Naofumi should pick Goblins next as the monsters he keeps with him and let them have their way with that red haired girl.
Jan 30, 2019 2:59 PM

Nov 2017
really pisses me what happened to raphtalia and naofumi in this episode...eventho i already read the manga haha fck those 3 losers and the bitch and Trash king...kill it with cursed flames!
Jan 30, 2019 3:13 PM
Dec 2017
And I thought the 1st episode made me mad... This episode is just something else. I loved everything about it. The Spear Hero, Myne, and her father really upset me because the way the treat Naofumi is just horrible. Honestly, I couldn't stand another second of it... But, man, Raphtalia slapping the Spear Hero was so cool. I love how she stood by Naofumi and defended him.

(Also, 1 person can only deal with so much... Naofumi crying and calling Raphtalia a traitor are just effects of the way most people treat him. I don't blame him for doing any of those things, especially not crying.)

Anyway...his mind state caused something called curse magic (I think) to appear though. I wonder when this will come into play in the future...
Sakurai_AoiJan 30, 2019 3:22 PM
Jan 30, 2019 3:15 PM
Jan 2016
Awesome episode, first half was painful to watch, honestly, but it ended in a way that let me truly satisfied!

Of course they just can't let Naofumi be alone in peace, the disgusting princess had to strike again!

Naofumi against spear hero was so satisfying to watch, Naofumi completely won that duel! And of course that fucking bitch had to intefere the duel helping spear hero to win, and of course the retarded king would intefere aswell!

Thank god, Bow and Sword heroes have two eyes to see that bullshit of duel that happened there and called them out, maybe my opinion of them is changing!

I really feel bad for Naofumi, but Raphtalia proved to be best girl, defending Naofumi and stayed leal to Naofumi as she promised, with or without curse, they scene between them was so heartwarming, Naofumi deserved her words for sure! Raphtalia slpap on spear hero was priceless!

I was first half of episode thinking "kill them all Naofumi, just kill the all", i am really hating that kingdom!

Btw, each episode Raphtalia is more beautifull!
Jan 30, 2019 3:24 PM

Dec 2016
I have got to hand it to this show, what I was worried about the most faded away as soon as this episode started, I was expecting it to be a while since we get any interesting roll downs, but they know how to steer the action it seems, right after the hyped up raid, we get a freaking satisfying duel, this is the spirit, never a lame turnout.
Man, I almost choked midway through the episode at that massive scale of L's they were giving my man Naofumi, I could have sworn I would accidentally punch whomeever was close to me in anger, it was unimaginable, so glad the strides changed courses, I hope the other heroes make up with their beef with Naofumi now. That thot and her piece of shit of a father can all rot for all I care.
I'm willing to bet that Naofumi's shield is possessed or something, whatever that was, it's evil, it looked like it was trying to bring out the worse in him and make him a villain figure, who knows, maybe that's the king's plan.
I guess Raphtalia officially eneterd that “legal” zone I guess, it's safe for now you scum bastard, for the record, it does make you a furry.
Jan 30, 2019 3:24 PM

Jan 2017
Massive, massive improvement over the previous episode.

The fight choreography was much more exciting and dynamic than last episode's. Maybe because there were only two combatants to focus on? Either way, I actually felt like people were fighting this time.

Also better? Naofumi's attitude. Or rather, it's much worse. This - betrayed, bitter, angry, closed-off - is how I'd have liked to see him for the last two episodes. I mean, it came to a head here, but it should have been a lot more obvious than it was before now. Still, this was great to see, because this part of Naofumi's character is what makes him him, and what defines this early arc.

I'd also have liked to see him viewing Raphtalia as a child before now. I'm glad we got it, but even one scene from his perspective last episode showing her in child-form would have stopped it feeling like it came out of nowhere.

Speaking of Raphtalia, she continues to be, just, a ray of freaking sunshine. Although like someone upthread, I wonder why her big breakthrough line wasn't "You didn't do it" rather than "I am your sword". The former is a very powerful thing for Naofumi to hear. Still, we can't blame Raphtalia for what the writers choose to alter - keep being Best Raccoon, Raphtalia!

And I don't want to dip my toe into the slavery discussion (because I do NOT have the energy for that), but Naofumi, when someone confronts you about having one, maybe don't passive-aggressively reply "So what, it's legal". See how Raphtalia handled it? By saying she was basically a slave in name only? Be more like Raphtalia. (Advice that literally everyone should follow.)

Also, holy moly reading these discussion threads is exhausting. Somehow both sides make me annoyed - apart from @mecegirl who's put the slavery issue in better words than I ever could and whom I 100% agree with, so thanks for that.
Jan 30, 2019 3:24 PM
Dec 2009
nina4life said:
aa_bumi said:
I cant really enjoy this episode, that cursed kingdom need a meteor of justice above their city. not just the king and his family even all royal is rotten. at least, the bow, sword keep their righteousness. something off is why are they being so evil for no reason? threatening people who use slave while legalized slavery (even put a tax on it maybe), victimized a hero who help them? what are they gain? they need 4 hero to face the up coming wave and now they want him dead?

See mate, that's exactly what I said after first episode.

There is a REAL threat to their whole world, one that will destroy whole kingdom, as in, they die. They actually die, they're not video game characters.

And then they treat one of the prophesied heroes, one of the mandatory heroes to succeed in saving their own skins, like the biggest piece of shit.

It is so incredibly annoying it's really reducing my enjoyment for the show. As if he's not nerfed enough by not being able to attack and no one wanting to be in his party (another bullshit, but hey), he also has to be constantly treated like shite to hammer the point these people are idiots.

Now, some people commented it's only going to get worse and there's actual reason for that. To each his own I guess, I can't really enjoy a show where almost no one has an ounce of brain.

I wonder if Naofumi will be the new EMO of this season, he has a reason to. the way the shield evolving "Curse Series" is the EMOest Yami no Chikara.
and the next time he face that kingdom will be like "CRAAAAAWLIIIIING IIN MY SKIIIIIIN"
Jan 30, 2019 3:26 PM

Mar 2012
everytime he tries to touch a sword, all i hear is

"....... get this man his shield...."
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