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Jan 8, 2019 9:37 PM

Oct 2008
okay..the way they do this is non-linear..that's why it's confusing...

Jan 9, 2019 12:51 AM
Sep 2013
I thought this ep was much better than the first. Is there any reason why the first ep didn't draw faces but this ep did?
Jan 9, 2019 3:51 AM
Jan 2018
TrashIsMyWaifu said:
Boogiepop Ep 1&2

The episodes were stylish, but really that was it.

The way it's presented is killing it because it's too fast. We have interesting characters but too little time.

The way it overlaps is nice but if when it happens so fast I can't help but feel that it's too forced.

Ep 1

What I liked about this episode was the fast pace. It may seem hypocritical but in the first episode of a mystery you want fast and confusing so that you won't forget it.

Unpopular opinion but the relationship between Boogiepop and Keiji was interesting. It was confusing at first but if you look at it closely there's a passage of time which is integrated into the second episode.

The dialogue in this episode is confusing however but it only happens if you watched it once and without context of the next episode which for a first episode of a mystery is great because it makes me think about the story, it makes me invested in what I'm watching...

Ep 2

The investment is gone.

I'm not saying that this was a bad episode but Jesus was it unsatisfying.

You know how you can tell that there is a really interesting story in this show and how you liked having to think for that story... welll we decided to plainly show it to you hope you like it!

If you wander how they take away the brainpower that you used they basically do it through the girl-who-found-Echoes death.

Through dialogue in the first episode you know girl-who-found-Echoes is gone althoigh you think that she was just another victim but we are basically robbed , an exageration, of working out she wasn't through the plot needing to plot so we just glance over her death and move on to more interesting stories...

I'm not saying that this is a bad episode, in fact I like the three characters they fleshed out; Manticore, Manticores-owner and Blue-haired-dectective but, and this is a big one, this episode has a flaw... it has the same illness that B:The Beginning has... it isn't mainstream material.

Let me explain my research. The first episode was a roller coaster, fast and fun, but it was a mind fuck. The second episode was a shitier, not shit but worse, roller coaster fast... but predictable. Why? Because the main demographic, that they need to make a profit on can't handle a mind fuck like the first episode.

I'm not saying that if you don't get the first episode you're stupid, I didn't get it either, I'm saying that the people producing this need people to get it.

If Manticore wasn't introduced so early then the show would be confusing and it may put some people off and that isn't good for a show like this because Madhouse can't merchandise it as it isn't the most merchandise-producing setting, apart from Boogiepop I'd buy her any day, so they have to make sure people love this show more than anything else in the season so they have to create intrigue at the cost of good story direction.

Both episodes are guilty of this so I'll give examples of what I'm talking about.

Ep 1- The cuts to Manticore, I'm very sure it's her|him but I'm happy to be wrong, dead.

In Ep 1 when I first saw the cuts I first thought 《Another girl has been killed but she's strung up and only two people are know to use strings = Boogiepop and Girl-in-OP, who I can tell which person that is》but then Boogiepop said she didn't do shit... now that was were my investment reached peek but... they introduced Manticore officially and Echoes as Manticores hunter. If they hadn't killed Echoes-owner I would have thought that First-year was the reason why but by killing off Echoes-owner that was all I needed to know that the two aliens were going to fight and if Echoes lost then Nagi was going to do it.

Ep 2 - The relationship between Manticores-owner and Blue-haired-dectective.

God was it interesting when Manticores-owner just grimaced at Nagi for no reason, it still isn't really explained properly as that was a very emotional response for a manipulative charecter, but I hate the fact that that scene was useless. Why? Because the whole reason for that scene, I know it's two seconds but it pulled me out of the show for its complete lack of subtlety, was to show a friction or conflict... a conflict that we see fleshed out in the same damn episode and with more subtle nuances as when Nagi narrowed her eyes we can tell she's onto them and they are going to have their own little story just about them but! The madman who decided that he needed to physically grimace at her in that start of the episode pulled me out of the story when you rewatch it...


And that's the problem with the show so far... it doesn't have any rewatch value when a problem is explained in quick succession to the problem being set.

I can understand there being somethings that you have to rewatch after finishing the season but if a mystery is explained so quickly, an episode later, then that's bad pacing.

But it's not that I hate the show in fact I would probably say that there are more positives; the OP, Direction, Background music, tone and a mystery that can be intriguing but the negatives; the pacing, the lackluster ED and the obviousness, in my shitty opinion, are way too glaring to miss.

So that's why I think this deserves a 8/10

Madhouse are rushing it . 2 epiosdes in and it's already covered almost the whole first vol with like 10% cuts or more
Jan 9, 2019 10:24 AM

Sep 2017
Hm okay so this was mostly events happening before the last episode and also from a different perspective. A decent amount of things are coming together. One thing I'm slightly confused about is when Satome and one of the echoes had the first encounter. Was that the original echo that then took on the form of Satome? If so then doesn't that mean that the manicore (fake echo) has been working with the real echo disguised as Satome. That would be interesting since manticore seems very afraid of real echo.

I'm pretty sure that it was actually manicore that encounter Satome that time tho, and that's why they are working together today. I mean real echos wouldn't have been able to speak to Satome as he was chocking him, and also hasn't been portrayed as violent or anything.
Jan 9, 2019 10:28 AM

Nov 2017
I was a bit scared at first but the story turned out to be pretty easy to follow, it's intriguing as hell so I'll continue the show.
However I'm not reassured by the fact that people think this adaptation is rushing things, I hope they're not skipping to much stuff

Jan 9, 2019 12:00 PM

Aug 2013
Well after re-watching the 2 episodes everything seems clear now, it's really confusing to start a new anime without knowing how it really goes i mean non-chronological events ,people who didn't the idea just re-watch don't drop it's good.
Jan 9, 2019 1:43 PM

Jan 2015
Wow that was confusing but more interesting than first episode. I don't understand the score at all.
Jan 9, 2019 6:05 PM

Jun 2015
the story is confusing but it's intriguing . i dont get the low score as of right now like many others, i think it might get better.
Jan 9, 2019 10:27 PM

Jan 2017
milkclub said:
TehManiac said:
Man i watched baccano which is supposed to be one of the hardest out there to follow and i got it the first time but now im confused...

So our protagonist after his girlfriend became normal again sided with the man eating clone? Why? Can someone explain it to me?

The protagonist from the first episode isn't the same guy that sided with Manicore (the clone), they just look alike because good character design. As to why he sided with the Manicore it's not really clear yet, but he seems to want to use her to "conquer the world" or something along those lines.

I think the guy has the hots for the man-eating girl and the cannibalism is a bonus for him. Kek.

Also, the manticore/man-eater is a clone of the white haired bum who both escaped from a government lab? That answers some questions, but adds so much more.
Jan 9, 2019 10:43 PM

Feb 2015
Kyoko asks Suema to go back from school together, but Kyoko seems stressed by the feeling that she is gonna be attacked; suddenly Kirima (kind of a warrior or hunter) appeared and submitted her. There is a humanoid monster called Manticore eating a girl in the school, helped by a guy named Saotome. Later Kyoko and Suema are talking, so Kyoko told her about the incident where a few girls disappeared, which all started by a friend of her called Akiko starting to offer drugs to her friends, that eventually escaped/disappeared, including Akiko; and she thinks that Kirima killed them all. Suema went to visit Kirima, where she discovers that the author of the books she read is Suema’s dead father. One day, Saotome found the manticore eating a girl, so the manticore attacked him, he managed to persuade it and convince it to let him help. Saotome went out with a girl named Akiko (Kyoko’s friend) and drugged her, offering her to the manticore, who turned her into a slave with the only purpose to offer a self-generated drug (in manticore orders). Saotome was discussing with the manticore about what they are gonna do about Kirima hot on his heels, and suddenly a girl appeared (looking for Echoes); manticore reacted too stressed and violent and killed her (that girl is Kamikishiro). Kimikishiro was the girl that found a man in very bad conditions and helped him, he revealed that his name is Echoes, he’s from outer space and is an alien race that came to judge humans; she helped him and asked Kirima for help to take him to school (somewhen before this, Echoes got captured by humans and a clone of him was created, that clone is the manticore). Kirima went with Echoes to ask him about Kamikishiro, she is disappeared.

Very very confusing episode, it took too much time to realize what was going on. The scenes are like scene, cut, another not related scene, cut. Also, a bunch of characters were introduced this episode, which made it harder to remember each one, cause everyone has an importance for the story development. Lot of things happened in this episode, too hard to connect everything at once.

Why to do everything in a school?
Jan 9, 2019 10:57 PM
Jan 2017
Considering that everything is a bit confusing for me, should I watch Boogiepop Phantom before I continue watching this one? Thanks
Jan 9, 2019 11:55 PM
Jan 2017
Golden_Rectangle said:
Considering that everything is a bit confusing for me, should I watch Boogiepop Phantom before I continue watching this one? Thanks

No. Boogiepop Phantom takes place after and it;s a spinoff. It's set between Vol 1 and Vol 2 as far as I heard. And if you are confused , then it's in a good way since it's purposefully written in an non-chronological way.
Jan 10, 2019 12:00 AM
Apr 2012
Golden_Rectangle said:
Considering that everything is a bit confusing for me, should I watch Boogiepop Phantom before I continue watching this one? Thanks

No Phantom is a spin-off-Sequel to the first Act of this anime an the first book. Episode 3 will probably conclude this act but phantom also has scence from book 6. It would be safer to watch phantom after the whole anime. Well I heard that phantom is non-canon sooo it's different from the whole books.
Jan 10, 2019 12:13 AM

Oct 2018
Golden_Rectangle said:
Considering that everything is a bit confusing for me, should I watch Boogiepop Phantom before I continue watching this one? Thanks

Not necessary, I think you'll have a better grasp of what's going on if you keep watching.
Jan 10, 2019 1:10 PM
Jun 2017
I want to give this anime a chance but it's making it very difficult. The animation is so-so, we've seen better from Mad House. The sound and music is really good. The story has potential but I feel like it's being solved for me. I feel like I'm being spoon-fed answers. It's only the second episode and we know who the killer is, what their goal is, and who they are working with. One high-school student has special-ops training and can access school records from the looks of it. MC acted like he was losing his lover at the end of episode one and he just met Boogiepop. Aliens? I don't have any interest in any characters because they are all probably going to die immediately (especially it it's a woman). The characters we are supposed to care about had very small introductions. All the girls look similar and their intros were so short that I don't know who's who. I just can't find a good reason to stick with this show. The source material is probably really good but this adaptation so far is a 6/10 or so.
Jan 11, 2019 3:40 AM

Apr 2017
Another unimpressive episode. This one was rather confusing, especially since it was doing random time skips without explaining when is what happening, so it was quite difficult to make out things. Due to bland character designs it was also quite difficult to differentiate who is who in some of those scenes. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but it's a rather bad way to execute this kind of thing. Story telling of this show is rather mediocre so far. It seems like it might have potential, but I don't think that it's going to live up to it. I will watch few more episodes, but this seems like a drop to me so far.

Art by ギャット GFX by aryandil
Jan 11, 2019 3:46 AM

Dec 2015
This series is really weird. Weird in a good way, and it just feels like everything is out of place in their world. The only character that looked normal to me was Nagi Kirima.
Jan 11, 2019 2:32 PM
Jan 2017
So, since episode 3 is out now I decided to run through the first two episodes again before I watch 3.

I paid more attention to the dialogue and characters and sorta started to piece things together and it made a bit more sense for this second watch. Still confused on some things but its making more sense. Time to dive into episode 3! :D
Jan 11, 2019 9:55 PM

Nov 2016
Interesting concept with good atmosphere, but some of the expositional dialogue felt really heavy handed. I wonder if it's partially the translator's fault?

At least there was no Keiji in this episode, he is by far the flattest character the show has shown us this far.
Jan 12, 2019 3:38 PM
Apr 2016
Damn this is hard to follow, so far really interesting though.
Jan 13, 2019 1:10 AM
Mar 2012
Most confusion is with similar character designs, and mostly brown/dark eyes, dark hair.
The achronological plot is ok since we kinda following at least 3 groups/povs of the same timeline (Boogiepop, Kirima & Manticore). But some flashbacks etc really should be marked clearer, or captioned, like the raining part where psycho guy first met Manticore in white hair.
So there's basically nice alien Echoes helped by Boogi, then his clone Manticore the maneater. They went Trigger a bit too soon eh?
Jan 13, 2019 9:57 AM

Jul 2008
So this is following the Durarara model of storytelling. Good to know so I'll have to pay more attention than usual to this.
Jan 15, 2019 3:07 PM

Jul 2014
Ok, 2nd episode explained a lot, now I know what's going on more or less
Jan 19, 2019 7:34 AM

Jun 2015
Between the first and second episode I feel like I'm watching a whole different series.
This episode made a lot of things clearer but it completely disconnected Boogiepop (the character) from the story. I hope they will explain this very soon.

Jan 25, 2019 9:04 PM
May 2017
Okay sociopath guy is helping the man-eater because he wants to be Light Yagami 2.0: become a god and whatever. But how does simply helping with murdering innocent people help him achieve that? Like, there's no logic behind what he's doing. I guess I'll have to wait and see if his plans are explained further, otherwise, what
Feb 6, 2019 11:43 AM

Jul 2017
emilscherbe said:
There are two types of people in this world: those who like Boogiepop's non-linear storytelling and those who do not. So far I'm one of the former

Same here. Keeping me intrigued for now at least.
Feb 19, 2019 9:15 AM

Nov 2017
Very literal adaptation, some could argue too literal. I'm intrigued though, it radiates waves of Serial Experiments Lain.

Is the studio going to go too serious on adapting? Is that a bad thing? We will find out, huh?

Intrigued by the depth though.
Mar 10, 2019 9:31 PM

Aug 2017
Much better than the first episode. So, the crying guy from the first episode is an alien and Manticore is a clone of he/she/it.
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 10, 2019 9:33 PM

Mar 2019
Nurguburu said:
Much better than the first episode. So, the crying guy from the first episode is an alien and Manticore is a clone of he/she/it.
I think you'll enjoy the second arc more as well.
Mar 23, 2019 3:08 AM

Mar 2012
people keep talking about horrible animation and i don't know if it's the release they're watching or my eyes, but i don't have much of a problem with it. of course there are ugly scenes, but it's mostly good in my opinion.
on the other hand,the character design kinda irks me. the characters are good looking enough but they all look the same...? and i'm not talking about hair colour, but their face features... the girls have all the same face with different hair.

about the storyline, i bet we'll soon have a plot twist that'll make everyone who thinks this is too spoonfed feel mindfucked. i really hope so.
Apr 12, 2019 12:09 PM

Oct 2012
OK, so nearly as confusing out of the gate as the first series. I really wish they would have learned a lesson and tried to define the characters more. Somehow make them easier to tell apart. On the other hand it's sorta what some people seem to like about the franchise... deep confusion followed by incremental bits of clarity.
Dec 14, 2022 12:09 AM
Jul 2018
The only thing I can say right now is that this adaptation is helping me understand the 2000 series, Boogiepop Phantom a little more. The man-eating Manticore is a copy of Echoes, an extraterrestrial sent to determine if humankind is worth saving. However, Echoes is currently suffering the fact that his copy is actually destroying humans. Got it.

Despite the clarity of the storyline, this anime doesn't feel as dark and psychologically entangled as Boogiepop Phantom.
Jan 29, 2023 6:03 AM

Jul 2022
Really like it so far, i don't know why the first eps are rated quiet low. Ost is really good and i like how they explain things.
Jun 20, 2024 3:22 PM
Oct 2017
what is the point of telling you things in a disorganized manner
it just kinda pisses me off
like your anime doesnt have enough mystery so you just tell things at random
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