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The Seven Deadly Sins
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May 11, 2018 2:52 PM

Nov 2011
Welp, Gloxina's true identity revealed this episode. It turns out that he's the first Fairy King after showing his true form. I do kinda like how the anime made his wings stand out more with the colorful style. I think it's also noticable that Gloxina has impressive offensive abilities and a healing type too.

Looks like everyone got paired up this arc with some unusual teams. Meliodas and Ban, the dream team though :D

One of the other more noticable teams is Elizabeth and Elaine. (I think it's the first time they've offiically met) Seems the two are going to great friends. Meliodas and Ban made their opponents look like complete jobbers lul
May 11, 2018 5:17 PM

Nov 2007
First fairy king is one of the enemies?!

lol @ Pink hair guy and Sugita-san's character. That ex-fairy guy attacked Sugita-san's character when he's weak and cured him...

The girls got alone. The opponents attacked, but princess cured them because of history.

lol @ KajiKaji's character x Sugita-san's character pair while their flying opponents. They got defeated while they fight over their girls.

FukuJun's character getting damaged in because he's protected by titan girl's breast, so he got "damaged". Confession while fighting vs. their opponents, who seems like copies of one of fairies and OnoD's character?

Their fight continues.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
May 12, 2018 3:08 AM
Oct 2015
Love how Meliodas and Ban are in a state where they could completely ignore their opponents and defeat them with ease.
The puppet that Gloxinia made seems rather familiar, while the puppet that Drole made is literally himself.
Heckle was here...
May 12, 2018 4:01 AM

Nov 2016
Gloxinia's true identify, damn what a twist reveal. He being the first fairy king and an ally to the demons. His powers are impressing. His wings are colourful, nice touch. I don't know if King could beat him.

Elaine and Elizabeth are going to be good friends, there is no doubt of that. That comedy during Meliodas and Ban "fight" LOL. They really known how to entertain us, their interaction are really funny.

King, you pervert boy lmao. His scene in the end was cool, showing the true form of his weapon. The aura looks amazing!
May 12, 2018 7:41 AM

Jul 2015
Ban and Meliodas destroying the enemies while having a waifu fight, that made me laugh hard.

King was put in a very comfortable place ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
May 12, 2018 8:27 AM

Mar 2016
At least was a funny episode.
May 12, 2018 8:35 AM
Feb 2016
So the way the episodes are paced, there's no way the story and the last fight with the commandments will conclude this season. Damn.
May 12, 2018 8:38 AM

Sep 2017
Great episode.

This is funny xD

Aww cute.. Elizabeth and Elaine is Good friend.

Ban and Meliodas is my favourite lol

May 12, 2018 8:49 AM
Mar 2018
lol, Elizabeth healing was looking just like Asia Twilight-Healing from High School DxD.
The ep itself was awesome
May 12, 2018 9:09 AM

Dec 2014
Nice episode again.

Interesting that one of the Commandments is the first fairy king, wonder how he became on of them.

Did they ever release the slow version of 'Perfect Time' that was played this episode and in quite a few episodes before this one? Is it named differently or is it just unreleased?

Ban and Meliodas totally wrecking their enemies during their little argument was great. xD

When King chocked blood, I thought something was seriously going wrong until I saw the bigger picture that is. XD
Time for King to show his powers against those servants.

May 12, 2018 9:22 AM

May 2017
This show is trash, strength is so broken that it would make fairy tail a run for its money lol but forget about broken strengths, King ruined this series with his asspulls and for being such badly written character, probably worst written character in a battle shounen ever
May 12, 2018 9:38 AM

Jul 2017
I thought this episode was pretty mediocre until Ban and Meliodas were "accidentally annhialating" 2 geeks in the middle of their waifu fight. That was fucking amazing.
May 12, 2018 9:39 AM

Feb 2013
Lol, Ban and Meliodas didn't even notice when they defeated those demons.
King was lucky, really lucky.
May 12, 2018 9:39 AM

Nov 2016
Lmao, Meliodas and Ban are one of the best duos in shounen. Great episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

May 12, 2018 11:02 AM

Apr 2014
King has got the best spot in this season. But could not handle the heat. XD
May 12, 2018 11:55 AM

Dec 2011
the only legitimate parts worthy in this episode are elizabeth's smile and the ban and meliodas waifu war gag, other than that it was mediocre at best. don't like King, never did and probably never will
May 12, 2018 1:07 PM

Jan 2016
Somehow I'm enjoying this Diane more than the real Diane.......
King was pretty darn epic at the end
May 12, 2018 2:01 PM

Aug 2013
Escanor is vulnerable at night and could easily die (I guess).
Nice flat vs plot fight between ban and meliodas.
The closer you get to the light,the greater your shadow becomes.
May 12, 2018 2:20 PM

Jun 2014
I liked the reveal of the first Fairy King, Gloxinia, being one of the Commandments, and Ban and Meliodas' "fight" was hilarious. It was also nice to see that despite her appearance, Elaine can hold her own in a fight when she gets serious.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

May 12, 2018 2:52 PM

Mar 2013
I'm excited to see King go all out next episode. It would definitely be a good fight he if were to go against Gloxinia.

Typical of Meliodas and Ban talking about which girl is best mid fight, their duo will be hard to beat.

I wish Diane would get her memories back soon, I'm not sure what the point was in making her lose her memories in the first place as it just seems to be delaying her and King's relationship development. They might as well just confess to each other already.
Mastery through endless repetition.
May 12, 2018 3:19 PM

Oct 2017
Good episode. But I’m a bit annoyed at how gloxinas demon mark on his chest looks like meliodas’s when it SHOULDNT. In the manga, gloxinas demon mark was different.

Loved seeing ban and meliodas accidentally killing their opponents while they were arguing.
May 12, 2018 3:38 PM

Apr 2018
Kind of a funny episode. Although idk why they don't just fight the 10 commandments right away and say screw the tournament thing. Legit, they can all just attack the two commandments together and win. Meliodas and ban alone would be enough to take them I feel like. I don't see the point of them doing this whole lame tournament, like what's stopping them from just killing the commandments? Some vine magic? like really?
May 12, 2018 5:20 PM

Nov 2016
Ban&Meliodas best duo :D Tears were falling during whole episode because of laughing.
May 12, 2018 6:33 PM

May 2015
Those last moments I was chanting like this was both the Eastern & Western NBA conference finals... Let's go King! *Clapping & reap eating the chant*
May 13, 2018 2:43 AM

Aug 2011
I had a bad feeling a couple days ago and I think this episode all but confirmed my worst fears. The anime staff fucked up, again. This fuck up though might be the worst. The pace the anime went in was too fast and adapted too many chapters too quickly. And its not like there wasn't enough material, the idiots skipped a lot of important dialogue. The end of this tournament arc was the perfect ending to the season. It would've perfectly sets up the next season by ending in such a great cliff hanger. After that cliff hanger its basically a whole new arc with no good ending point in sight. How do they even expect to end it then? This entire season is mainly set up for what comes next.

I'm amazed they could screw up this badly, I have no clue how they're gonna end it but I know it'll be disappointing. Maybe they might add Vampires of Edinburgh (which is actually important plot wise) to extend this arc but I have no clue how they're gonna fit it in. It's such a shame to see such a great manga ruined by such an incompetent anime staff.
May 13, 2018 2:50 AM

May 2015
Leave it to Ban and Meliodas to have a waifu fight in the middle of the battle lol
May 13, 2018 3:01 AM

May 2018
The girly chit chat about men they love and waifu war that is more important than the tournament. Yeah I like this episode.
May 13, 2018 3:25 AM

Jul 2013
The waifu war between Ban and Meliodas was the highlight of the episode.
Seems King evolved his Stand, maybe this time they could have a chance.
May 13, 2018 3:51 AM
Nov 2017
Woo everyones together. Into teams eh. Should be interesting.

Elaine and Elizabeth are fast becoming friends. Ban and Meliodas' waifu war was great. Taking out their opponents by mere happenstance was awesome too.

King and Diane are kind of going somewhere maybe? We shall see. Interesting that Glonixa's servant looks somewhat familiar huh..
May 13, 2018 5:07 AM

Dec 2016
This ep was good , not too rushed and not going everywhere with new plots every 2 mins like previous eps, 5/5
Signature removed. Please have a positive iq.
May 13, 2018 7:13 AM
Dec 2010
Was it me or were the assassins voiced by two of the regular cast seiyus? Fairly certain one of them was Sugita with his voice distorted.
May 13, 2018 7:32 AM

Apr 2018
Ahahah that fight with Meloidas and Ban make my day :)
May 13, 2018 11:30 AM

May 2016
Escanor was sure done for if it wasn't for that Gloxina I don't know why she even revived him? Anyone know please tell me.

Ban and Meliodas argument was the mvp of this episode.
May 13, 2018 3:51 PM

Feb 2017
Raizel said:
Escanor was sure done for if it wasn't for that Gloxina I don't know why she even revived him? Anyone know please tell me.

Gloxinia is a guy. Also I guess he didn't want to kill a candidate beforehand, since they would've had an uneven number of participants then.

When you swim in the sea and an eel bites your knee, that's a moray!
May 13, 2018 4:53 PM

Dec 2008
Melodias and Ban are OP AF :V Those bird characters had no chance! XD
May 13, 2018 5:58 PM

Feb 2015
Cool progression and fairly good interactions. It's slow-moving but we're getting somewhere. But:

For some reason I was feeling cynical again this episode. The shounen cliches really started to get on my nerves, as well as the overly-cheesy "funny moments". I feel like Nanatsu no Taizai's humour is usually more unique and interesting than this? Or maybe I'm just kidding myself. Either way, the ultra-generic-modern-shounen feels were a bit bad this time, and the slow progression, lack of real dramatic intensity, no feeling of high stakes and not seeing more than one battle at once for some freaking reason, definitely worked against it. I can see why this episode has a low 5/5 approval rating. I still care about this anime though, and hope it improves!
May 13, 2018 9:47 PM
Jun 2017
This episode is so cute as it highlights the battle scenes of the couples in this series...

Elaine and Elizabeth- Elaine just show her skills in this one. amidst having a battle they are just talking about Meliodas and Ban

Ban and Meliodas- same as above they are just arguing which is the best girl between Elaine and elizabeth. while arguing they are not noticing that they have already defeated the enemy..

Diane and Harlequin- this one has a real battle among the mentioned pair, as they have shown some of their battling skills. i like though how king is talking to diane and that near confession... hahaha (CLIFFHANGER fight scene)

and the surprising one, upon seeing some of the skills one of the 10 commandments, i have said it looks like its same as King's skill because the way the name of attack has been stated. and well it is indeed the 1st king of fairly land. im so excited on how the 1st king and the present king will battle it out...

May 14, 2018 4:43 AM

Jan 2017
This episode was great... That argument between Ban and meliodas was hilarious; and the catching up of the characters was really strange. Can’t wait to see how next week goes
May 14, 2018 5:56 AM

Dec 2015
King just managed to make every man watching this episode fucking jealous...
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
May 14, 2018 11:49 AM
Dec 2017
epic episode is epic
May 14, 2018 12:08 PM
Mar 2015
Ban and Melodias win while quibbling about who has the best woman without even noticing their attackers Hilarious
May 14, 2018 9:51 PM

Dec 2014
okay so why has the most powerful beings are the ten commandments in the first place.... they got the fairy .. the giant... the demon and what not
May 15, 2018 9:14 PM

Jul 2016
Great episode, the reveal of the two jikkai are fairy king and legendary giant. Escanor was killed but healed by the enemy. Elizabeth and Elaine tag team was good,Meliodas and Ban was hilarious bcuz they fighting who was best waifu between Elizabeth and Elaine.

Hype for next episode PRAISE THE SUN!

May 16, 2018 12:21 AM

Dec 2013
Meliodas and Ban having their own waifu war was hilarious.

King and his teddy bear are looking badass at the end.
May 16, 2018 12:05 PM

Apr 2016
Ban and Meliodas were paired up, so as their waifus.

King is enjoying his giant oppai ride. XD

One of the stand-ins made looks like Gerheade, but with legs? Well, it will make sense since she is like an adviser of the fairy king.

May 16, 2018 7:31 PM

Oct 2008
awesome episode again!
let the tournament games begin!
That was an easy win for Elizabeth & Elaine!
LOL at Meliodas and Ban not giving attention to the blue flying fodder monsters!
King is hilarious, can't fight because of nosebleed he got in-between the oppai of Diane! but damn! if King gets serious, we're gonna talk different here!
Cool 2nd form of King's Guardian!

May 17, 2018 6:15 AM

Jul 2013
I don't get Meliodas. "Don't worry Elisabeth, you fought well" so she shouldn't worry about two humans she tried to save seconds ago, that just fell to their death? People who Elaine could have easily saved with her wind magic btw. And why does nobody give a fuck about all the dead people in the labyrinth? At least Houser and Gil could have shown a bit of shock or anger. Also, that little girly giggle talk felt extremely out of place. This anime feels like Samurai Flamenco all over again, a great start, good characters, than suddenly, they only show emotion if the story needs them to, the humor gets worse over time and supposed to be heroes don't give a fuck if people die right in front of them. Anime fans would spit on shows like Fairy Tail or Black Clover if they did something stupid like this :/
May 19, 2018 5:39 PM

May 2015
Eleine and Elisabeth already become besties. :D

Meliodas and Ban just don't give a fuck about their enemies.

Escanor is alive. Yay. :DD

Also first fairy king is scary. :(

Also: Does anybody know the ost when Gloxinia being introduced?
FrozenRaiderMay 19, 2018 5:43 PM
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
May 20, 2018 4:11 AM

Jan 2015
The way Ban and Meliodas beat their enemies was funny and epic.
So I guess in the remaining episodes we won't see the final fight between the Ten Commandments and the Seven Deadly Sin.
May 20, 2018 8:54 AM

Apr 2016
The girls team won the combat!!!
The Meliodas and Van combat was hilarious!!!
Harlequin was the luckiest in the middle of the "mountains"!!!
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