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May 28, 2008 7:03 PM

Apr 2007
Finally, one season's worth of episodes down. It's amazing that all of those events happened in just one year's time. This show has just been top notch so far.

Damn why did Siegfried have to die now? Then on top of that Reinhard's sister decided to leave also. Siegfried was always like that little angel on Reinhard's right shoulder giving him good avice. Oberstein on the other hand has played the quintessential devil on the left shoulder role. When someone like Oberstein actually stops for a second to question a bad act, you know that you've crossed the line. Reinhard went way beyond that line.

I'm looking forward to seeing how things will play out from here.

...even a saint needs a soldier to do the dirty work.
Jun 12, 2008 6:36 AM

Apr 2008
Season one, w00t? Glad Sieg is dead. Not that I disliked him at all, it's mjust that it's fair since Yang has lost a lot as well, tying in the similarities between them. Can't wait for more. :D


Season 1: 8/10

And the "Shadows must accompany their light. But if the light dims... Don't the shadows, too?" quote... I am sort of confused.

Does Oberstein mean that Reinhard was really following Sieg and that since Sieg is dead Reinhard will become weaker and it will be easier to control Reinhard for his own ambitions?

/Or/ that Sieg died because Reinhard is weak?

I dunno. They both make good sense, imo.
LoveWifeLunchJun 12, 2008 6:57 AM
wtfyourface said:
MistaCloudStrife said:
From 100-1000, how much do you love LWL?
OVER 9000!!!
Aug 9, 2008 11:05 PM

Sep 2007
LoveWifeLunch said:

And the "Shadows must accompany their light. But if the light dims... Don't the shadows, too?" quote... I am sort of confused.

Does Oberstein mean that Reinhard was really following Sieg and that since Sieg is dead Reinhard will become weaker and it will be easier to control Reinhard for his own ambitions?

/Or/ that Sieg died because Reinhard is weak?

No, I'm pretty sure that Obelstein is the shadow that follows Reinhard. He was saying that it's necessary for Reinhard to be strong, or Obelstein will also get weaker. In other words, we can't have the host getting weak, or the parasite won't have as much blood to drink...
Sep 3, 2008 1:06 AM

Feb 2008
I figured Siegfried was going to sacrifice himself at some point like that, but didn't really see it coming so quickly. I thought he was an excellent character, but I've always figured his death would be essential to Reinhard's growth and development. I can imagine that at some point Reinhard might cast away Obelstein, once he becomes stronger and more confident.

First season down I guess? Phew, it's been a blast. I can already tell this is probably going to make its way into my top 5.
Sep 14, 2008 7:22 PM

Apr 2008
KIRCHEIS NOOOOOO the locket at the end, it looks like Reinhard kept some of Sieg's hair in there. :o
PlateSep 14, 2008 7:41 PM
Sep 15, 2008 12:48 AM

Feb 2008
Plate said:
KIRCHEIS NOOOOOO the locket at the end, it looks like Reinhard kept some of Sieg's hair in there. :o

Yeah, I'm sure that's what that is.
Oct 14, 2008 4:07 PM

Aug 2008
Well with a lot more episodes left I would say that Reinhard won't completely collapse or anything. Although Kierchies death was shocking to me. Right after he was shot I knew he was done for. Although I am glad how everything ended this series with Reinhard still getting the support of his admirals. Can't wait to start season two cause season one was already filled with some awesome moments from start to finish.
Oct 23, 2008 10:07 PM

Jan 2008
I think that with Kierchies death, Reinhard would be able to attain success much faster. The total cost of his success might even be less, since he could then adopt actions which are might be morally unacceptable but utilitarian (think Westerland).

However, on another level, we all know that something would always be lacking in the new empire.
Oct 31, 2008 7:51 PM

Nov 2007
foreshadowing: Yang Wenli and Reinhard: what will be the relationship between the two??
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Nov 16, 2008 4:16 PM
Jul 2018
I always figured Kircheis had to go at some point but in the first season..?! ;_; He was a great character.

So much has happened and it's only been the first season; the pacing of this series sure is quick. Not that I'm complaining. I'm loving it so far.

tainteddonut said:
Siegfried was always like that little angel on Reinhard's right shoulder giving him good avice. Oberstein on the other hand has played the quintessential devil on the left shoulder role.

Perfect analogy.
Nov 24, 2008 7:10 PM

Feb 2008
Wow, I never expected Kircheis to die so fast. I'd say maybe halfway through the series, but only one quarter? That surprised me, that's for sure.

I'm looking forward to how the rest of this plays out now. This is by far one of the best shows I have seen so far.
Jan 25, 2009 2:09 AM

Jan 2008
Totally didnt see that happening, thanks to everyone at MAL keeping it a secret. Really affecting episode, coupled with the fantastic music, just greatness.

I love how the two main characters are always on each other's minds and how they're almost looking at each other for guidance, like lighthouses.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 14, 2009 6:26 AM

May 2008
Why make Kircheis die so quickly. To me he is the best character. But still it was a good episode. Of couse not the part where Keicheis died :(
Apr 3, 2009 1:00 PM

Sep 2007
I raged a lot when Kircheis died. Surely one of those "Why did he have to die now of all times." However, it brought up an extremely emotional episode which totally rocked.

26 episodes down and I'm absolutely loving how each episode turns out to be. Really awesome and the soundtrack is pure gold, despite it's age.
Apr 4, 2009 3:56 AM

Jan 2008
Massaki said:
and the soundtrack is pure gold, despite it's age.

Which is a couple hundred years old by now. :P
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Apr 6, 2009 4:48 PM

Oct 2007

Also, this man speaks the truth
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 13, 2009 10:14 PM

Feb 2008
Wow this one caught me off guard. I expected that Kircheis will live a long time and eventually battle Yang Wenlis pseudo son (forgot his name) or something along those lines.
Apr 14, 2009 11:32 AM

Jan 2008
Ah, so long ago I watched this... but still quite memorable. ^_^

Looking back, I pretty much had the expectation that Siegfried would be removed from the picture somehow. He brought a notable balance to Reinhard's personality, and it seemed logical that there would have to be a breaking there. I wasn't really expecting him to die though, until I saw the assassination plot developing. Prior to that I thought, perhaps, following the nuking incident he might choose to leave the service and disappear for a significant portion of the anime.
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May 29, 2009 10:30 PM

Apr 2007
I love Oberstein. He is amazing.

That was such a great episode. While I knew of Kircheis' death beforehand I didn't think it would happen so quickly! Now I'm really looking forward to the rest to the series.
MonochromeMay 29, 2009 10:35 PM
Jun 4, 2009 8:37 AM

Dec 2007
There goes the character on the Imperial side that I liked the most, I can't believe they killed him off this early. Now I guess I like Oberstein but mostly just because of how cynical he is. For awhile I was thinking that the relatively few people who have seen this were hyping it out to be better that it was but at around episode twenty I'm starting to understand. Since the next season had a gap in production hopefully the animation gets better.

Jun 5, 2009 10:09 AM

Apr 2009
The animation does get progressively better, just dont expect anything radicaly better.
Jun 19, 2009 12:14 PM

Apr 2009
I knew someone important had to die before the end of the first season, I just didnt think that it would be Kircheis. Its sad, but I bet that Reinhard will be much more aggressive in his attempts to seize the universe, now that he's trying to prove himself to his dead friend.

Anyway, an absolutely amazing first season. This anime will likely end up a 10/10 for me even if the next seasons are only half as good as the first.

Jun 19, 2009 12:18 PM

Apr 2009
Osaka117 said:
Its sad, but I bet that Reinhard will be much more aggressive in his attempts to seize the universe, now that he's trying to prove himself to his dead friend.
Not to mention Sieg was his moral compass and a restraining factor for his ambition...
Osaka117 said:
Anyway, an absolutely amazing first season. This anime will likely end up a 10/10 for me even if the next seasons are only half as good as the first.
Actually the next seasons are even better. ;)
Jul 15, 2009 9:01 AM

Jul 2009
That was a pretty sad episode, Siegfried was easily my favourite character and I really wasn't expecting him to go out like that.
Jul 19, 2009 5:33 AM

May 2008

I wasn't expecting Kircheis to die so early ;_;
Jul 28, 2009 2:36 AM

Apr 2009
An AMV dedicated to Sieg, Reinhard & their friendship... seriously this song by Iced Earth feels like it was written specificaly for them.

Note that although I dont consider it spoilerous it does contain a small glimpse of the awesomeness that follows the most defining moment(only rivaled by his sister's forced concubinage) in lord Reinhard's life...
Alas86Jul 28, 2009 2:41 AM
Jul 30, 2009 2:42 AM

Jun 2009
Before Siegfried managed to keep Reinhard in the morally gray area, i'm afraid with his death there will be no stopping him. I can't say how much I am looking forward to the next season, but i'm calling it a night.

Oh yeah, i'll give this season an 8/10.
Ston3_FreeN7Jul 30, 2009 2:49 AM
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Aug 5, 2009 3:41 AM

Jun 2008
RIP Siegfried Kircheis.


"Reinhard lost half of his other self."

Aug 6, 2009 8:20 AM

Dec 2008
RIP Kircheis
Aug 6, 2009 5:57 PM

Jan 2009

Why did he have to go? He was essentially Reinhard's other half. And what's worse is that Annerose moved away to the countryside. Reinhard got what he wanted in the end, but the price he paid for it was too high.
DeadBonesBrookAug 6, 2009 6:03 PM
Aug 16, 2009 6:58 PM

Jul 2008
Wow. I was starting to like Kircheis, but some guy had to just kill him. Like most people here in this thread, I was shocked that he suddenly died. (I was 95% expecting that he'll come back alive from his coffin.) Anyway, out of curiosity, Reinhard asked his sister if she loved Kircheis. Maybe I didn't notice her response, but was that a yes or no? I hope a good soul would answer my question before I dwell on this trivial matter... ;____;
Sep 12, 2009 5:22 AM

Jan 2009
Oh god I had to wipe away my tears for at least 3 minutes, I didn't foresighted Kircheis death at all, he was such a kind person, I wish I could at least know what was he thinking when Reinhard told him that he agreeded to let the prince nuke Westerland. Yet at the end he even shows the most loyalty to him, by saving his most dearest friend in front of his eyes. Farewell Kircheis.

I hope his death doesn't turn Reinhard into a dictator.

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Sep 12, 2009 6:39 PM

Jan 2009
I honestly am not happy with Kircheis death, not because i was sad(Which i was) but because it kinda seemed like a cop out to me. I understand that his death is huge for Reinhard but i was till upset. Upset at the fact that we won't really get to see the friction between Reinhard and Kircheis as the show goes on. As Reinhard gets progressively more "evil" and Kirchies doesn't, we won't ever get to the explore this which is kinda upsetting. All in all a good episode.
Sep 12, 2009 7:10 PM

Nov 2007
burntlettuce said:
I honestly am not happy with Kircheis death, not because i was sad(Which i was) but because it kinda seemed like a cop out to me. I understand that his death is huge for Reinhard but i was till upset. Upset at the fact that we won't really get to see the friction between Reinhard and Kircheis as the show goes on. As Reinhard gets progressively more "evil" and Kirchies doesn't, we won't ever get to the explore this which is kinda upsetting. All in all a good episode.

If you believe that Kircheis was the only interesting character then you are wrong. There are at least 10 characters more interesting than him in the next three seasons....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Sep 12, 2009 8:43 PM

Jan 2009
wakka9ca said:
burntlettuce said:
I honestly am not happy with Kircheis death, not because i was sad(Which i was) but because it kinda seemed like a cop out to me. I understand that his death is huge for Reinhard but i was till upset. Upset at the fact that we won't really get to see the friction between Reinhard and Kircheis as the show goes on. As Reinhard gets progressively more "evil" and Kirchies doesn't, we won't ever get to the explore this which is kinda upsetting. All in all a good episode.

If you believe that Kircheis was the only interesting character then you are wrong. There are at least 10 characters more interesting than him in the next three seasons....

That's not what i said at all. I sad i was upset that we wouldn't know how Kirchies and Reinhards relationship would've been as things progressed and i was upset about that.
Sep 13, 2009 5:25 AM

Jan 2008
We already saw the friction between the two, you're not missing out on anything. The only possible outcome from the friction is that they fall out or they make up. Infact, the friction would have been overcome quickly, because of their undying friendship, but now that Kircheis is gone, you actually will see Reinhard get more 'evil', as it were.

The story is primarily about two men, and those two men arent Reinhard and Kircheis. It's about Reinhard and Yang. The two will lose a lot on their journeys, and their loss is an important point of their journey.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Sep 19, 2009 1:25 PM

Jul 2009
don't click

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Sep 19, 2009 2:04 PM

Jan 2008
Indirect_Purple said:
don't click

Why even post a spoiler in this thread dude? Besides, I used quotation marks to imply the word shouldnt be taken literally.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Sep 19, 2009 11:41 PM

Jan 2009
Beatnik said:
We already saw the friction between the two, you're not missing out on anything. The only possible outcome from the friction is that they fall out or they make up. Infact, the friction would have been overcome quickly, because of their undying friendship, but now that Kircheis is gone, you actually will see Reinhard get more 'evil', as it were.

The story is primarily about two men, and those two men arent Reinhard and Kircheis. It's about Reinhard and Yang. The two will lose a lot on their journeys, and their loss is an important point of their journey.

Not once did i say that the show revolved around Reinhard and Kircheis, i was just saying that i was upset at the fact that Kircheis died. Seeing one episode of the inter friction wasn't enough in my opinion and i wanted to see how Kircheis would've dealt with it if Reinhard and Kircheis opinions kept getting futher away. That is all i am saying...
Sep 23, 2009 4:23 PM

Apr 2007
I'm pretty sure I was supposed to qq, but I didn't. I guess this pretty much solidifies the fact that I have no soul.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 24, 2009 5:49 AM

Feb 2005
Neverender said:
I'm pretty sure I was supposed to qq, but I didn't. I guess this pretty much solidifies the fact that I have no soul.
I didn't either to be honest. But there are far worse deaths to come ;__;
Oct 18, 2009 10:09 AM

Jul 2008
OMG Kircheis T.T I didn't expect that he would die this soon AT ALL!
he was one of my fav characters..I liked the relationship between him & Reinhard..and how he was like his "angel"...I really don't want Reinhard to turn evil after Kircheis' death =.=

it was such an emotional episode & an awesome first season..I'm glad that I started watching this..
Oct 18, 2009 11:25 AM

Mar 2008
Neverender said:
I'm pretty sure I was supposed to qq, but I didn't. I guess this pretty much solidifies the fact that I have no soul.

You might have a couple more qq chances in the future.
Oct 18, 2009 11:33 AM

Jan 2008
M_A said:
Neverender said:
I'm pretty sure I was supposed to qq, but I didn't. I guess this pretty much solidifies the fact that I have no soul.

You might have a couple more qq chances in the future.

To be honest, I didnt qq at his death either. I was very shocked and in awe at how good the anime was getting, constantly blindsiding me with its unpredictable awesomeness. However, I did qq at the aftermath of Kircheis's death, namely how it affected Reinhard and his conversation with Annerose afterwards. Very sad stuff.

M_A said:
You might have a couple more qq chances in the future.

Oh yes...
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Oct 18, 2009 1:34 PM

Mar 2008
I qq'd a tiny bit at the end of the series. >_>
Nov 12, 2009 4:32 PM

Dec 2008
That was a really moving episode. Marvellous stuff.

As tainteddonut put it, the good angel hovering over Reinhard's shoulder is gone. I wonder if Oberstein's questioning Reinhard's decision to kill off the former Prime Minister's family foreshadows the young marquis surpassing even that cold bastard in ruthlessness?

I was also a bit mystified by Oberstein's cryptic metaphor. naikou's interpretation is possible I suppose, but I wonder if the light might not have been Kircheis and the shadow Oberstein. In that case, Oberstein might be suggesting that without the softening influence of Kircheis to weaken Reinhard, his own position is undermined?

I'm not completely convinced by my interpretation either, even if it seems reasonable to oppose Kircheis and Oberstein as light and shadow. I wonder if anyone can come up with something more satisfying?
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Nov 29, 2009 12:52 PM

May 2009

And the next season is going to be even better? Shit's going to be so awesome.
Dec 11, 2009 4:57 PM

Oct 2009
Noooo! Not so soon!

I can't say i wasn't expecting Kircheis to die, but not in the first season. It's sooo sad...
Kircheis trusted Reinhard and was a loyal friend to him until his death. I just hope that Reinhard will not become a bitter tyrant with only hate in his heart.

Farewell, Kircheis, one of the galactic heroes, you surely were the best character!
Dec 16, 2009 7:29 AM

Jun 2009
Sorry about this stream of consciousness after watching eps 25 and 26, but that's what I actually think now:

Damn, he didn't have to say Reinhard to conquer the universe after all this! He knew that "old" Reinhard has already gone and now is even more a runaway from himself than he was before, a person with no real purpose for actions! And, IMO, no matter how pity it is, but Reinhard has to be stopped until he left no stone unturned... Annerose has understood all perfectly, but why did she say the same thing as Siegfried in the end?
Dec 16, 2009 10:14 PM

Jan 2009
After finishing the series

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