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Mar 13, 2018 2:02 PM

Jun 2016
Do you think it deserves its current score? How much do you rate it and what you do think can change and improve it.
I know that the anime isn't even over yet but the current one is 6.96 and as I check the score I noticed that every weak it changes drastically to worse.
I give it a 3/10. The opening and the osts aren't something special. The story is edgy and badly-written. UMU's character development wasn't done right. The protagonist is HORRIBLE written just a blank dude that wins with the power of hate.

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Mar 13, 2018 2:49 PM

Apr 2014
LOL, because MAL's "Zero and UBW are the only good things of Fate, also Ufotable is GOD" people are the real fans of Type-Moon right?(Not referring to every fan on MAL, just those whiny loud ones)
Sorry if I offended anyone here but just because you don't like Extra doesn't mean it's bad, that's entirely subjective.

You're still entitled to your opinion though.

The reason this anime is "failing"(It really isn't) is because Nasu lied saying this anime could be appreciated even if you're new to Extra, when in reality no, not really, I mean, you CAN watch it for the mystery of the story but without the context behind the story of the original Extra, chances are more than 70% of people won't give a damn about the characters that get "killed off" every 2 episodes.

If you're used to Fate(Visual Novels, Extra, Light Novels or Nasuverse itself), then this anime probably won't really be surprising to you, because everyone knows OG Fate was never about "flashy fights" but about lore, characterization and story, all things Last Encore has. But if your only experience with it is because of DEEN, Ufotable, A1pictures, FGO, and the thing you love about it most is the fights and the Servants, then yeah, this most likely will be boring to you.

Last Encore focuses on the Masters instead of the Servants, but without knowing them from the game that will fly above your head.
Extra also isn't spoon-fed to you like other fate anime are, if you don't pay attention and use your brain, you will be lost.

Also aside from MAL and some people from /a/, this isn't even bad.
For the record if you really want to see Type Moon fans opinion of Last Encore, go check Beasts' Lair.
Mar 13, 2018 2:57 PM
Jan 2018
Implying MAL rating is relevant when it's filled with filthy secondaries.
Mar 13, 2018 3:13 PM

Nov 2014
This Anime is not for secondaries. It is a bad end/lost belt of the first Extra.
I gave it a 7/10 because I understand most of it.
Btw Hakuno is already a completed character. He got his characterization and development in the game.
So did Nero.
The only thing left is for them to adapt to the current situation, which they sort of did in the current episode.
Mar 13, 2018 3:13 PM

May 2016
Personally I kinda expected that MAL casuals will bury this show. It is after all what Fate really is about and originally it had a niche style. It's orientation changed once it got animated and people simply tend to like this basic fight- based type of storytelling. Also it's not as "newcomer friendly" as Nasu described it. At least up to this point but since it is a mystery I'd hold my judgment till it's completed.

As a Type-Moon nerd fan I'm having a lot of fun with it so far as are many others who actually have a basic idea about the universe.
Mar 13, 2018 3:19 PM

Nov 2014
I'm guessing it fits the usual fate spirit of "you have to consume 60 hours of mediocrity in order to appreciate it". Obviously I didn't and I don't like the show, that makes me a casual.

On a sidenote there's another fate series currently airing and it's the best anime fate series I've seen so that's cool.
Mar 13, 2018 3:22 PM

Apr 2016
But this time, this time its is deserved.

And i pray that Nasu will never do a remake of the original Fate.
SwagernatorMar 13, 2018 3:25 PM
Mar 13, 2018 3:31 PM
Jan 2018
Swagernator said:
But this time, this time its is deserved.

And i pray that Nasu will never do a remake of the original Fate.

No it's not, bullshit like UBW 2014 should be at 6, not LE.
Mar 13, 2018 4:11 PM

Apr 2010
It's so bad even the memesubers don't want anything to do with it anymore.
Mar 13, 2018 4:28 PM

Aug 2013
You can't be disappointed in any entry of Fate when you have Kara no Kyoukai to love.
Don't believe the hype.
Mar 13, 2018 4:34 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
as someone who didnt played the Fate/Extra game and tried because Nasu said it would be ok to start with it, i kinda feel cheated because it definitly doesnt feel like its fine to start here.
Mar 13, 2018 4:37 PM

Aug 2010
It's currently rated lower on MAL than Tsukihime, the anime that doesn't exist. This should tell you all you need to know about MAL's ratings.

The show is great so far IMO. You just need to get the good subs (Chyuu and/or APEX) and pay attention to the subtle nuances. The meme subs on streaming sites are crap you should never bother with.

It's a mystery show. It doesn't aim to wow you with set pieces or epic fights. It aims to construct an intriguing narrative and interesting world building.

The story and dialogue are great IMO. You just need to get it through competent subbers.
Mar 13, 2018 7:45 PM
Aug 2016
This show shouldn't even have a score yet, it's not done telling its story.
Mar 13, 2018 7:53 PM

Dec 2014
Yeah, the world building is slowly coming together and finally starting to make some modicum of sense. It's definitely a slow burn, but what's there is definitely intriguing and keeps me coming back for more. UBW was definitely a fun show with the fights and visuals, but that was all there was to it. The themes were handled questionably and dragged on for too long, and the show never gave me a reason to care about any of the characters despite making references to Fate/Zero to connect the two stories. Definitely agree that this show is more of a mystery.

This is coming from someone who hasn't played Extra, btw.
I need sleep.
Mar 13, 2018 8:07 PM
Nov 2015
As someone who has played Extra and loves most of the Type-Moon stuff... I don't really care for this. I can see why people enjoy it as a mystery, but it feels like a lot of unnecessarily complicated elements are being added. The final reveal in the story can correct this, but as it currently stands LE barely gets a 6/10 from me. Fate/Extra has a wealth of unique traits in the Nasuverse, and I feel that adding more to it makes it a mess, not a mystery. My main gripe is the Dead Face nonsense, but it COULD get better. I do enjoy the notion of the Moon Cell being hijacked by some other force, though, and that is what I'm holding out for.

I still won't forgive them making Blackmore a prick, though. He was Lancer-tier bro. (They actuay did explain his change in a way that I accepted, though).
Mar 14, 2018 3:06 AM

Aug 2010
PianoManGregory said:
This show shouldn't even have a score yet, it's not done telling its story.

Get that rational and logical thinking outta here. This is MAL, son.
Mar 14, 2018 7:51 AM
Feb 2017
For me is a MASTERPIECE, in my opinion its don't deserve his current score.
Mar 14, 2018 8:37 AM
Jun 2017
Its expected, as i am reading some comments, the one that is enjoying or appreciating it are the ones who played it already. But for those anime viewers and Fate lovers, this is for me a not so FATE series, MOST OF EPISODES ARE PURELY BACKSTORY OF THE BOSS with Little fight scenes on its 2nd episode, just like what is aired on alice story (episode 6 and 7)- episode 6 is purely alice backstory so i dont get it why still on episode 7 is still a backstory and this time its a detailed one. And the fight scenes (which make Fate series interesting) is again <5 mins. And sadly the fight scenes even arent that great...

Note: also the one thing that made me interested watching this series is the UMU counter... i just love it... (more than the fight scenes)

So for me the rating it gets is accurate. I doubt that anyone will give this an 8. Because if someone will give this an 8, im sure youre gonna rate Fate zero and UBW a 10. (If that is your standard). Hahaha...
Mar 14, 2018 12:38 PM

Jun 2013
7/10 so far. its not too bad nor its good.

its good for time killing at least kept me interested. some episodes are bad and boring some are good. its like that

its quite unfriendly to ppl who dont play the game tbh

one needs to play Fate Grand Order to appreciate this series and has to be a UMU fan

Mar 14, 2018 12:46 PM

May 2015
Does it deserve to be the lowest rated Fate anime? I'd say yes. It's definitely the worst Fate related thing I have seen.

Mar 14, 2018 1:06 PM

Feb 2015
Fate Grand Order was pretty bad. I like Nero as a servant but the story 8s an absolute dogs dinner.

Im watching to see where it ends up so I'd say at this point its deserved. I even prefer the Deen Fate to this.
Mar 14, 2018 1:20 PM

Mar 2010
lets break it down to how I rate shows
characters design 4/10 - almost cartoon level
enviroment design 1/10 - for the most part it seems dirty, like a blur image
BGM 1/10
SE 5/10
Script -2/10 - I dont feel any coherence, maybe only the ones that played the game can understand
the most important factor is Nero Saber, that is only a blur shadow of Artoria.
Mar 14, 2018 1:27 PM

Aug 2013
The show just feels like it is only meant for people familiar with the VN, which I am not. I feel like if the show had more episodes and "spoon-fed" more info to the regular viewers and also show more character development it would've scored much better. I like watching it just because studio shaft has nice art and it isn't like the show is unbearable, just average for anime-only viewers.
Mar 14, 2018 1:36 PM
Dec 2015
IMHO it's an alright show, the problem is it's aimed at a very specific group of people (who have played Fate/Extra and enjoy Shaft anime). The situation with it being licensed by Netflix (and people relying on subs) doesn't help it either.

PS: UMU Saber best Saber
Mar 14, 2018 1:50 PM
Jul 2018
This is ridiculous. I knew that MAL is full of bullcrap, but this is worse than I imagined. I know that people have their expectations with regards to the Fate franchise. I realize that Extra isn't a standard battle royale drama with lots of characters and amazing fight scenes. But this raw hatred is terrifying. For me almost everything works well so far. The premise is promising, characters are very good( especially Nero ) .The music is really powerful in emotional moments and works perfectly with more atmospheric parts of the show . The aesthetic is actually good, especially in later episodes. I don't understand why people dislike the visuals so much. Have you ever seen an ugly anime ? I don't think so. Come on, is the international community this stupid and fixated on Zero? Or is it just an excuse to spit acid on SHAFT ?
Mar 14, 2018 2:01 PM

May 2015
squirrvev said:
This is ridiculous. I knew that MAL is full of bullcrap, but this is worse than I imagined. I know that people have their expectations with regards to the Fate franchise. I realize that Extra isn't a standard battle royale drama with lots of characters and amazing fight scenes. But this raw hatred is terrifying. For me almost everything works well so far. The premise is promising, characters are very good( especially Nero ) .The music is really powerful in emotional moments and works perfectly with more atmospheric parts of the show . The aesthetic is actually good, especially in later episodes. I don't understand why people dislike the visuals so much. Have you ever seen an ugly anime ? I don't think so. Come on, is the international community this stupid and fixated on Zero? Or is it just an excuse to spit acid on SHAFT ?

Yeah, for YOU those things work well. For others, they doesn't. Trust me, I know first hand the amount of undeserved hate certain series get on not just MAL, but other sites as well. But this is not one of those cases. IMO, it is not that good of a show, and I can see why people don't like it. They aren't shitting on it just because it's Fate, or just because Shaft made it.

Mar 14, 2018 2:49 PM

Jan 2016
opposed to a lot of elitists here, I loved UBW. It was my favorite route in the VN and I know how hard it was for it get an adaptation that would please people, but seeing my favorite route animated the way it was an amazing feeling.

I thought that the Fate/Extra game was ok, don't think it was bad but not anything memorable, unfortunately, and the thing is that I don't approve of monogatari type of storytelling when it comes to Fate related animes. I thought I would but that seems to not be the case, Hakuno is boring asf and UMU is the only thing that keeps me entertained.

Funny thing is her characterization is better done in the opening than it is in the anime as of episode 7.

FireFistYKMar 14, 2018 3:16 PM
Mar 14, 2018 4:04 PM
Sep 2013
FireFistYK said:
opposed to a lot of elitists here, I loved UBW. It was my favorite route in the VN and I know how hard it was for it get an adaptation that would please people, but seeing my favorite route animated the way it was an amazing feeling.

I thought that the Fate/Extra game was ok, don't think it was bad but not anything memorable, unfortunately, and the thing is that I don't approve of monogatari type of storytelling when it comes to Fate related animes. I thought I would but that seems to not be the case, Hakuno is boring asf and UMU is the only thing that keeps me entertained.

Funny thing is her characterization is better done in the opening than it is in the anime as of episode 7.

Her and Hakuno characterization are already done in the games, Nasu said both new fans and Extra veterans would be able to enjoy but I think he's lying a bit.

Kittens-kun said:
squirrvev said:
This is ridiculous. I knew that MAL is full of bullcrap, but this is worse than I imagined. I know that people have their expectations with regards to the Fate franchise. I realize that Extra isn't a standard battle royale drama with lots of characters and amazing fight scenes. But this raw hatred is terrifying. For me almost everything works well so far. The premise is promising, characters are very good( especially Nero ) .The music is really powerful in emotional moments and works perfectly with more atmospheric parts of the show . The aesthetic is actually good, especially in later episodes. I don't understand why people dislike the visuals so much. Have you ever seen an ugly anime ? I don't think so. Come on, is the international community this stupid and fixated on Zero? Or is it just an excuse to spit acid on SHAFT ?

Yeah, for YOU those things work well. For others, they doesn't. Trust me, I know first hand the amount of undeserved hate certain series get on not just MAL, but other sites as well. But this is not one of those cases. IMO, it is not that good of a show, and I can see why people don't like it. They aren't shitting on it just because it's Fate, or just because Shaft made it.

Last episode receive a good amount of praise and was trending on japanese twitter and still get plenty of hate around here, everyone know Extra is far from perfect specially for people who didn't play the games and don't have context for a lot of stuff, but it's definetely not the worst thing ever.

Heard plenty of people saying this isn't what Fate is about but this show is so Nasu it hurts.
Mar 14, 2018 4:08 PM

May 2015
SpeedC said:
FireFistYK said:
opposed to a lot of elitists here, I loved UBW. It was my favorite route in the VN and I know how hard it was for it get an adaptation that would please people, but seeing my favorite route animated the way it was an amazing feeling.

I thought that the Fate/Extra game was ok, don't think it was bad but not anything memorable, unfortunately, and the thing is that I don't approve of monogatari type of storytelling when it comes to Fate related animes. I thought I would but that seems to not be the case, Hakuno is boring asf and UMU is the only thing that keeps me entertained.

Funny thing is her characterization is better done in the opening than it is in the anime as of episode 7.

Her and Hakuno characterization are already done in the games, Nasu said both new fans and Extra veterans would be able to enjoy but I think he's lying a bit.

Kittens-kun said:

Yeah, for YOU those things work well. For others, they doesn't. Trust me, I know first hand the amount of undeserved hate certain series get on not just MAL, but other sites as well. But this is not one of those cases. IMO, it is not that good of a show, and I can see why people don't like it. They aren't shitting on it just because it's Fate, or just because Shaft made it.

Last episode receive a good amount of praise and was trending on japanese twitter and still get plenty of hate around here, everyone know Extra is far from perfect specially for people who didn't play the games and don't have context for a lot of stuff, but it's definetely not the worst thing ever.

Heard plenty of people saying this isn't what Fate is about but this show is so Nasu it hurts.

Ok? Good for the Japanese Twitter crowd I guess. Don't see what that has to do with what I said.

Mar 14, 2018 4:45 PM
Sep 2013
Kittens-kun said:
SpeedC said:

Her and Hakuno characterization are already done in the games, Nasu said both new fans and Extra veterans would be able to enjoy but I think he's lying a bit.

Last episode receive a good amount of praise and was trending on japanese twitter and still get plenty of hate around here, everyone know Extra is far from perfect specially for people who didn't play the games and don't have context for a lot of stuff, but it's definetely not the worst thing ever.

Heard plenty of people saying this isn't what Fate is about but this show is so Nasu it hurts.

Ok? Good for the Japanese Twitter crowd I guess. Don't see what that has to do with what I said.

Misread your comment, anyway most people are shitting on LE for not being like other Fate's, it deserve plenty of criticism but most of what I read is stuff like this and it's dumb.
Mar 14, 2018 4:56 PM
Jul 2018
Here is my input on it, since I do want to put my fair share of cents here.

To me, MAL ratings are pretty much or mostly not the most reliant place for scoring systems, let alone everywhere. So in this case to answer the question a bit: Does it deserve the rating that it has gotten? My answer would be in between.

There are some things that I do like about this entry: Example being the character dynamics between Umu and Hakuno. This is the main central part since they're the main characters, and it is more focused on Hakuno's story. The Hakuno story is interesting which I'll give it that.

Another thing that I like about the series is some aspects of the lore of this entry which I find interesting on paper, as well as the music compositions being actually legitimately good...

But then there's the problem with it, some of the negatives here.

One of them being that while the main characters are pretty much nice and all, the rest of the characters feels rather dull or not much of investment, which is something that falls onto Extra's face a lot. It's only shaping up now just because we have gotten more of the lore and the mystery part of the series, but even then the characters have a weak center point.

Another thing that personally bugs me are the way the directing style is used within production. They look fine on paper, but when placed into practice aside from the later parts of the series so far: They look mediocre to off-putting at best. The character models don't blend well with the backgrounds at times, and some of these have derps as well. I understand that Shaft may correct these in the Blu-Rays and that's fine. But there have been series that have polished work in terms of their end in TV time than this. That's my point.

And I also believe this all comes down to the fact that Nasu gave a message that made a lot of people thinking they can get into this series because he said in the message that people can appreciate Extra as its own or without the knowledge of its original source. But its the exact opposite as far. Unless you have played the game (which I haven't btw) you will not have two jack shit ideas what's going on or to be more specific: Some aspects of the series and certain plot points that aren't completely explained.

This connects to a point of it being more of an expansion to the franchise rather than its own thing. Which isn't inheredly a bad thing, but it causes people to be disconnected with what's going on. People are being confused about what's even telling and what it's even portraying. Some others feel bored and felt uninterested. Some others think it's horrible, and I can't exactly blame anyone for thinking this way just because Extra: Last Encore doesn't give anyone that are watching it (for those that are confused and just feeling disconnected) a reason to give a shit what's going on.

It's not going to be the same for everyone yes, but at the same time it's not something that should be blamed on those members.

I gave it so far a 6/10 since the later parts of the entry are shaping up slowly for the better, however not enough to make me go and invest in it completely.

If I have to bring something up and maybe people can understand my point of view on this, and people will kill me for bringing this up but I want to bring Fate/Apocrypha here.

The reason why I want to bring Fate/Apocrypha here is just that they were announced at the same day as Fate/Extra, so I feel like it should be a fair idea to compare them since they both were a bit back to back.

Fate/Apocrypha has a vast decent amount of characters that people can feel invested in, and Apocrypha focuses more on the character stance while having one of the weaker stories up to date of the franchise for a lot of people.

Fate/Extra: Last Encore on the other hand focuses more on the mystery aspect of its lore and more story driven, but aside from very few characters a lot of these are weak and they don't really do much of an amazing job.

While the story aspect is interesting at best, the characters are weak to the point where it loses a bit of the reason why Fate was actually intriguing since Fate more or less incoperates story elements while adding character chemistry and development. Which is what both have a strength and a weakness. As far as that's concerned for the reason why people even like the franchise in the first place.

And I believe it is a shame that Extra suffered so far from this because it has potential, and it's not the worst for me at the very least (I still deem Zero being one of my least favorite entries), but I can't blame some people for thinking this way, in all honesty.


- My answer to the question: In between. I like some parts on the show, but some stuff I just dislike.

- Extra suffers mostly for its characters which is one of the main things aside from the story elements that makes Fate as a whole intriguing.

- Suffers from lack of explanation and left into false expectations as well considering how Nasu wrote his message to everyone. He might have not meant it, but so far it's not going well as intended.

- There's stuff that can be interesting on paper but on practice it doesn't work sometimes, making a lot of people feel and become so disconnected of what's going on.

You can TECHNICALLY call this the Rewrite S1 scenario because unless you either pay attention or checked the original source you won't understand jack shit. Not only that a misleading expectation from what it was going to be and lead to something different. And while I defend that series I won't exactly blame everyone for disliking it because it indeed had some problems that couldn't be fixed very well.
Mar 14, 2018 6:20 PM

Jun 2013
Crashmatt said:
Fate Grand Order was pretty bad. I like Nero as a servant but the story 8s an absolute dogs dinner..

One has to appreciate the characters as well as the new Waifus/ Husbando

the story is shit i agreed, ppl are there just for the Waifus

beside its a mobile game, so anyone not into that kind of gaming prob won't like it

gameplay wise its the same as kancolle pretty much

Mar 15, 2018 12:37 AM

Feb 2018
It definitely doesn't. But I expected this, even before it was revealed to have an anime-original plot. Fate/Extra the game was just kind mediocre at best. An adaptation of that wasn't going to really sell. This anime improves upon the game a lot, but in process, it confuses people that can't pay attention to the show, yet expect to understand it.
Hate_and_RageMar 15, 2018 12:48 AM
Mar 15, 2018 7:31 AM
Sep 2016
As a really huge type moon fan I tried to stay in denial after episode 1 but from ep 3 this trash whacked me over the head so hard ... I think that 6 it has is really high right now tbh (They better pull a Kara no kyoukai....and fast)

Hopefully once this is all over we can throw it in a sea of "It doesn't exist"fullness and go back to the good stuff

OK..people said this with Apocrypha but really can't get worse than this XD

Fate/stay night heaven's feel and that cooking one are still a thing
(oh wow...what studio is that again?...the only one that gives a damn? don't say...hmmmm...)

Even the Japanese are pretty like meh on this you know it's real bad
(but fortunately..or's Fate and it's really big in Japan so it's gonna do well no matter what.. especially thanks to the ufo fate adaptations , grand order and the visual novels... They aren't even trying anymore
... Nasu has a whole freaking tsukihime and a Mahoutsukai no Yoru but nope...nope...this is what he does... Sure....sure

(mahn I'm so salty about this anime you have no idea)

In the midst of all this though..a reminder..that one other studio also cared and made the freaking MASTERPIECE that is Carnival Phantasm (not exclusively fate...and also the Visual Novels all through to fate/hollow ataraxia are needed to fully understand and appreciate it's awesomeness...but other studio..actually gave a damn :3)

And lol... Those Tamamo fans...rejoice...she's not the main servant in this..would have been a total waste of her
(It's a total waste of Nero too but one still lives to fight another day in a better anime I suppose)

Still waiting for the day it'll hit type moon that they can straight up do a series with these servant's backstories...cause mahn they have interesting backstories
(I'd be surprised with all the spotlight they've given the knights of the round table and Artoria they wouldn't at least consider doing an adaptation of her backstory with Mordred and the I'm dreaming.... Then there's Gilgamesh and Medusa...and....dangit..stop.... :( :::: )

Gen Urobuchi had the idea much untapped potential in this series
JudoJDMar 15, 2018 8:07 AM
Mar 15, 2018 8:49 AM

Jun 2009
Guys, you overanilize it.

The score is low, because people have shit taste.
Mar 15, 2018 3:44 PM
Nov 2017
TakunDes said:
Crashmatt said:
Fate Grand Order was pretty bad. I like Nero as a servant but the story 8s an absolute dogs dinner..

One has to appreciate the characters as well as the new Waifus/ Husbando

the story is shit i agreed, ppl are there just for the Waifus

beside its a mobile game, so anyone not into that kind of gaming prob won't like it

gameplay wise its the same as kancolle pretty much

The story get way better late on, like one of the best writtens game that Nasu worked on, that's not exaggerating, but until London was pretty weak, the developers even felt ashamed by and the two mangas adaptations are changing things to be better
Mar 15, 2018 3:48 PM
Nov 2017
JudoJD said:
As a really huge type moon fan I tried to stay in denial after episode 1 but from ep 3 this trash whacked me over the head so hard ... I think that 6 it has is really high right now tbh (They better pull a Kara no kyoukai....and fast)

Hopefully once this is all over we can throw it in a sea of "It doesn't exist"fullness and go back to the good stuff

OK..people said this with Apocrypha but really can't get worse than this XD

Fate/stay night heaven's feel and that cooking one are still a thing
(oh wow...what studio is that again?...the only one that gives a damn? don't say...hmmmm...)

Even the Japanese are pretty like meh on this you know it's real bad
(but fortunately..or's Fate and it's really big in Japan so it's gonna do well no matter what.. especially thanks to the ufo fate adaptations , grand order and the visual novels... They aren't even trying anymore
... Nasu has a whole freaking tsukihime and a Mahoutsukai no Yoru but nope...nope...this is what he does... Sure....sure

(mahn I'm so salty about this anime you have no idea)

In the midst of all this though..a reminder..that one other studio also cared and made the freaking MASTERPIECE that is Carnival Phantasm (not exclusively fate...and also the Visual Novels all through to fate/hollow ataraxia are needed to fully understand and appreciate it's awesomeness...but other studio..actually gave a damn :3)

And lol... Those Tamamo fans...rejoice...she's not the main servant in this..would have been a total waste of her
(It's a total waste of Nero too but one still lives to fight another day in a better anime I suppose)

Still waiting for the day it'll hit type moon that they can straight up do a series with these servant's backstories...cause mahn they have interesting backstories
(I'd be surprised with all the spotlight they've given the knights of the round table and Artoria they wouldn't at least consider doing an adaptation of her backstory with Mordred and the I'm dreaming.... Then there's Gilgamesh and Medusa...and....dangit..stop.... :( :::: )

Gen Urobuchi had the idea much untapped potential in this series

I'm still waiting for the Tsukihime remake, Nasu actually did written the Chapter 6 to the last from Grand Order, that's considered to this day one of his better work, sadly Ufotable will probably never adapt to a anime, and the other's studios are not bad but they are not in Ufotable level
Mar 15, 2018 9:08 PM
May 2017
TakunDes said:
Crashmatt said:
Fate Grand Order was pretty bad. I like Nero as a servant but the story 8s an absolute dogs dinner..

One has to appreciate the characters as well as the new Waifus/ Husbando

the story is shit i agreed, ppl are there just for the Waifus

beside its a mobile game, so anyone not into that kind of gaming prob won't like it

gameplay wise its the same as kancolle pretty much

Nah. Since I've played it... Fate/Grand order actually has a pretty good story that legit gets people hyped you have no idea XD
(being good gameplay and characterwise doesn't hurt either)
It's just that the set up in the first couple of chapters is so slow but when it gets going... Trust me, people wouldn't let the story slide
It basically functions the same way manga chapter releases do (except it's more like a volume release on each story entry)

When people talk about grand order they obviously just watched the first order anime adaptation of the tutorial (which changed a bit of the story developments for..reasons?) and think they're familiar with it now and just keep talking out of their asses XD
Mar 15, 2018 9:09 PM
May 2017
Crashmatt said:
Fate Grand Order was pretty bad. I like Nero as a servant but the story 8s an absolute dogs dinner.

Im watching to see where it ends up so I'd say at this point its deserved. I even prefer the Deen Fate to this.

(I just copy pasted cause I have the same thing to say XD)

Nah. Since I've played it... Fate/Grand order actually has a pretty good story that legit gets people hyped you have no idea XD
(being good gameplay and characterwise doesn't hurt either)
It's just that the set up in the first couple of chapters is so slow but when it gets going... Trust me, people wouldn't let the story slide
It basically functions the same way manga chapter releases do (except it's more like a volume release on each story entry)

When people talk about grand order they obviously just watched the first order anime adaptation of the tutorial (which changed a bit of the story developments for..reasons?) and think they're familiar with it now and just keep talking out of their asses XD
Mar 16, 2018 2:31 AM

Feb 2015
AnnaHomura said:
Crashmatt said:
Fate Grand Order was pretty bad. I like Nero as a servant but the story 8s an absolute dogs dinner.

Im watching to see where it ends up so I'd say at this point its deserved. I even prefer the Deen Fate to this.

(I just copy pasted cause I have the same thing to say XD)

Nah. Since I've played it... Fate/Grand order actually has a pretty good story that legit gets people hyped you have no idea XD
(being good gameplay and characterwise doesn't hurt either)
It's just that the set up in the first couple of chapters is so slow but when it gets going... Trust me, people wouldn't let the story slide
It basically functions the same way manga chapter releases do (except it's more like a volume release on each story entry)

When people talk about grand order they obviously just watched the first order anime adaptation of the tutorial (which changed a bit of the story developments for..reasons?) and think they're familiar with it now and just keep talking out of their asses XD

I did refer to the anime. It felt like id missed something as nothing made sense. Couldnt give a toss about games or VN i just comment on what i watch.
Mar 16, 2018 2:56 AM

Nov 2011
There's nothing wrong with the score, people find it terrible (who can blame them?) so they gave it the rating it deserve. Nothing complicated here.

This is like Fate Extra √A , a story with the same characters but alternate storyline that is total shit compared to the original.

Imo, Nasu says newcomers can watch this so it won't turn off people who never played the game from watching, well, that's how you disappoint people.
Kaiser-chanMar 16, 2018 3:10 AM

Mar 16, 2018 12:30 PM
Jul 2018
astroprogs said:
It's currently rated lower on MAL than Tsukihime, the anime that doesn't exist. This should tell you all you need to know about MAL's ratings.

The show is great so far IMO. You just need to get the good subs (Chyuu and/or APEX) and pay attention to the subtle nuances. The meme subs on streaming sites are crap you should never bother with.

It's a mystery show. It doesn't aim to wow you with set pieces or epic fights. It aims to construct an intriguing narrative and interesting world building.

The story and dialogue are great IMO. You just need to get it through competent subbers.

I have been watching proper subs and no, that's plain wrong. Maybe it "aims" to construct a narrative to the people who played the game but certainly fails otherwise.

KaiserNazrin said:
There's nothing wrong with the score, people find it terrible (who can blame them?) so they gave it the rating it deserve. Nothing complicated here.

This is like Fate Extra √A , a story with the same characters but alternate storyline that is total shit compared to the original.

Imo, Nasu says newcomers can watch this so it won't turn off people who never played the game from watching, well, that's how you disappoint people.

Fully agreed, at least some fate fans can see what's wrong about it.
Mar 17, 2018 4:29 AM

Aug 2017
Because Studios: Shaft.... it needs UFOtable, they are best.
Fight scenes are "come and go".... no UFOtable-quality.
I like the futuristic time and environment.
Mar 17, 2018 5:19 AM

Mar 2017

At this point we can pretty much agree that MAL rating is a meme
Mar 17, 2018 7:04 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
it seems like its only 10 episode ... lmao.
Mar 17, 2018 8:43 AM

May 2012
I don't care about MAL rating anymore. I'm enjoying lot of low rating anime (like this one), and there is a lot of boring anime like Sora yori mo Tooi Basho and Cardcaptor Sakura that have high rating.

Mar 17, 2018 8:58 AM

Sep 2015
Using the MAL notes as a reference is like trying to believe that the Metacritic notes serve as something.

Centurionzo_12 said:
TakunDes said:

One has to appreciate the characters as well as the new Waifus/ Husbando

the story is shit i agreed, ppl are there just for the Waifus

beside its a mobile game, so anyone not into that kind of gaming prob won't like it

gameplay wise its the same as kancolle pretty much

The story get way better late on, like one of the best writtens game that Nasu worked on, that's not exaggerating, but until London was pretty weak, the developers even felt ashamed by and the two mangas adaptations are changing things to be better

This is a frequent problem in games where the story is updated over time. Granblue Fantasy improves later after meeting all the Primal Beast, Chain Chronicles improves after the fall of the black king. And it happens even in MMO, the story of Final Fantasy XIV has improved a LOT from patch 2.0 to the point of being considered one of the best in the series, but of course, this was thanks to Heavensward.
Mar 17, 2018 12:34 PM

Jul 2014
It's only got 3 episodes left, apparently, yet in the 7 we've had nothing has made sense, there's been nothing whatsoever to connect to or get excited about, and it's just been a tedious watch really. Only having 3 more episodes is the final nail in this inept series' coffin, as far as I'm concerned: I'll still slog through those last 3 episodes, but there's no chance it'll be anything worthwhile.
Mar 17, 2018 1:48 PM
Jul 2018
Atavistic said:
It's only got 3 episodes left, apparently, yet in the 7 we've had nothing has made sense, there's been nothing whatsoever to connect to or get excited about, and it's just been a tedious watch really. Only having 3 more episodes is the final nail in this inept series' coffin, as far as I'm concerned: I'll still slog through those last 3 episodes, but there's no chance it'll be anything worthwhile.

Oh come on. I don't know why MAL says it's 10 episodes but Anime News Network would surely inform about it. There's no information anywhere so it's just MAL misleading everyone
Mar 17, 2018 9:19 PM
Feb 2012
squirrvev said:
Atavistic said:
It's only got 3 episodes left, apparently, yet in the 7 we've had nothing has made sense, there's been nothing whatsoever to connect to or get excited about, and it's just been a tedious watch really. Only having 3 more episodes is the final nail in this inept series' coffin, as far as I'm concerned: I'll still slog through those last 3 episodes, but there's no chance it'll be anything worthwhile.

Oh come on. I don't know why MAL says it's 10 episodes but Anime News Network would surely inform about it. There's no information anywhere so it's just MAL misleading everyone

It says 10 episodes since the SAO spinoff takes the timeslot on that channel in 3 weeks.
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