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Oct 6, 2017 10:19 AM
Sep 2017
Solid first episode. Very crazy. Pretty bloody.
If the show is good or bad will depend on how well the fight scenes are animated and most importantly if there's an interesting story with some unexpected twists apart from just insane people with questionable fashion sense slaughtering each other....
Oct 6, 2017 10:58 AM

May 2009
Interesting start. Never seen anything like it before. I kind of hope they will tell more about why they put twelve people up there to kill each other. Yeah sure the whole "wish" thing from the Fate series, but is there more I ask myself.

check out my twitch:
Oct 6, 2017 11:03 AM

May 2015
Yes! Japan animates a story from my culture! Damn that was brutal, Really liked the new bloody twist to the original race and the designs are cool, especially the rabbit, I only hope it doesn't follow the original story completely but judging by the possible first death of the boar, they might, I will continue to watch this one!

"The difference between a Weeaboo and an Anime Fan,
a Weeaboo wants to marry their favourite characters, a True Anime Fan wants to see them happy"
-inspired by some guy in the comments section of gogo
Oct 6, 2017 11:54 AM

Nov 2012
Wasn't expecting Boar to die so quickly, but I'm really excited to see what happens in the next episode. Really liking Rabbit so far, especially since Nobuhiko Okamoto is voicing him.
Oct 6, 2017 12:04 PM

Dec 2016
very impressive first episode. i hope they keep it very violent and disturbing
Oct 6, 2017 12:13 PM

Apr 2013
All that effort to turn her imouto into a crazed killer who kills herself, and she goes and becomes the first one to die. Well, technically second i guess, but that first guy was part of a duo. That's what happens when you get too over-confident.
Oct 6, 2017 12:18 PM

May 2015
I think this will be a fun series to keep up with, but I'm not getting "good" "very good" or "great" vibes from this series so far. It was nice to have a backstory presented, but I never found myself getting attatched to Boar. The character designs are fun and the action scenes are very well animated and choreographed. Story wise, I'm still waiting for it to surpise me.
Oct 6, 2017 12:38 PM
Dec 2014
Kenel said:
A bit predictible but quite entertaining. Let's see who wins this Battle Royale.

oh.. what exactly you've managed to predict? just curious
Oct 6, 2017 1:34 PM
Jul 2017
I admit that the first chapter of this anime I like to be the director of mirai nikki, I have not read the manga so I can not know if he is going to commit the same shit he committed mirai nikki in that ALL take turns to go against him protagonist.
it's too edgy to admit that.
Oct 6, 2017 1:57 PM

Aug 2015
genk1sudo said:
Kenel said:
A bit predictible but quite entertaining. Let's see who wins this Battle Royale.

oh.. what exactly you've managed to predict? just curious

For example, after showing that scene where Boar explains how she is going to kill the bunny (i don't know their names xd), it was obvious that her plan wasn't going to happen like that and it was clear that something bad was going to happen to the Boar (although I wanted to believe that she wasn't going to die in the first chapter). Or the story of the Boar's sister, that you can predict from the begining that her sister is going to die, to be closed in someplace or something like that.

I mean, there's nothing new in its plot, but it was amusing enough to leave me wanting more.
Oct 6, 2017 2:08 PM

Nov 2008
Bunny is pretty hot, so I'll keep watching.
Oct 6, 2017 8:41 PM

Oct 2014
This anime is going to be fun. Nothing too epic or unique, but fun.

I'm glad the most annoying character is already dead.
Oct 7, 2017 12:44 AM

Oct 2008
That was a bit cool!
feels like hunger games lolz!
the brutality is nice!
I think all of them are supreme warriors and only few gaps in overall strength/power...
never read the novel but looks nice.
Is Boar really a fodder!?
matias067Oct 7, 2017 12:50 AM

Oct 7, 2017 3:09 AM

Apr 2016
Snake already dead? wtf! 1/10 anime!!! bring back snake!

"If it made you happy, then everything’s okay."
- Haruka Kasugano

Oct 7, 2017 7:24 AM

Apr 2012
"I am a badass who forced my sister to kill herself, no one can defeat me"

-dies at the end of the episode-

Huh, was not expectng that...
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Oct 7, 2017 7:24 AM
Aug 2014
Had a feeling this show was the kind with various player perspective and story, so her death was no surprise.

And the Cat will show up at end and go "Surprise b*tches".
Oct 7, 2017 7:40 AM
Nov 2015
I'm a sucker for personifications (seven deadly sins, zodiac, etc.) so this was definitely a must-watch and it didn't disappoint. As expected, it was edgy as f*ck but hey, as long as it's entertaining.

Based on the order of the focus of the episodes, which started from Boar and then moving onto Dog according to next week's preview, I think we can assume the episodes are going in the actual Chinese zodiac's order backwards?

Episode: Character
1: Boar
2: Dog
3: Rooster
4: Monkey
5: Goat (I'm assuming this is Sheep)
6: Horse
7: Snake
8: Dragon
9: Rabbit
10: Tiger
11: Ox
12: Rat

It kind of makes sense because first of all, we had Boar's episode as the first then Dog's next week, which is entitled "Tricks Both Mongrel and Fowl", which clearly means Dog as the "mongrel" and Rooster as the "fowl". Then we have Ox who was mentioned by Boar as "one of the favorites to win", but we all know in animespeak, it means he'll become extremely close to winning but won't. Meanwhile Rat seems like someone to watch out for. Even though Snake was killed by Rabbit, the assumption of this order still makes sense as if it were so, Snake, Dragon, and Rabbit will take up 3 consecutive episodes, which probably consists of all 3 of their backstories and Dragon and Rabbit killing each other off.
gloryruinOct 7, 2017 7:48 AM
Oct 7, 2017 7:47 AM

Dec 2008
Boar was such a bitch, but she was kind of growing on me. Killing her off at the end after spending most of the episode on her backstory was very unexpected. So far, I like this anime.
Oct 7, 2017 7:48 AM

Sep 2017
I liked how they focused this episode on the boar then at the end she appears to die. I'm hoping we get a character or so focused every episode. I think this was a good start, lets see were it goes.
Oct 7, 2017 8:48 AM

Jun 2015
Promising, if bit predictable...Hopefully it will turn out to be a proper Battle Royale.
Oct 7, 2017 11:00 AM

Apr 2014
Despite the awful looking trailer and the ridiculousness of the character designs, a friend and I decided to give it a shot anyways. The first episode does little to explain anything and instead gets right to the point of just killing everybody. Instead of a real explanation or an introduction to what's going on, we instead get the random backstory of the first lady to get killed. Because obviously this is needed in the first episode... Dropped on the spot.

[Artist] • [Streamer] • [Writer]
Seasonal Anime Watcher!
Oct 7, 2017 11:08 AM

Dec 2016
based off a light novel

inb4 massively unsatisfying season finale that teases a season two that never comes
Oct 7, 2017 12:20 PM
May 2013
dunno why but i've already see this anime somewhere
Oct 7, 2017 12:47 PM

Nov 2015
I kinda saw that coming, the title of the episode give it all away
Oct 7, 2017 2:03 PM

Feb 2013
Oct 7, 2017 2:05 PM

Jun 2016
i liked it, this anime wil make a lot of twists i just know it
Oct 7, 2017 2:12 PM

Jun 2016
This show had an amazing start. I wasn't expecting someone to die right away, but we got a lot of deaths here. Boars backstory had death flags and she was talking too much, but I didn't expect her to get stabbed in the end. I did, but at the same time I didn't.

I wonder if someone was smart enough to not swallow the poison and only pretend to.
Oct 7, 2017 3:10 PM
Oct 2017
Episode 1 was really great!
I dont think the rabbit is necromancer. (Because he dont have any data in the official website).

Can anyone help me to translate (or tell me) their data in please? :")
Oct 7, 2017 4:24 PM

Jul 2011
Will be looking forward to the fights and animation if nothing else. I'm also really interested in everyone's backstory.
Oct 7, 2017 5:52 PM

Feb 2013
Why is Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) dressed like a bunny rabbit?

Anyways... they give backstory on a character to make you think they are the main, then kill them off. Had it coming but... whatever. At least the action/violence is decent.
Oct 7, 2017 9:14 PM

Nov 2013
I'm not too fond of the character design, but it's alright.

How Inou dealt with her sister was pretty savage. I'm surprised, that she got killed already. If she is dead, that is.

Overall a good start. I'm curious about the apathetic guy.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Oct 8, 2017 5:21 AM

Apr 2016
I love how the snake guy died before the tournament even started
Also why did Kaneki Ken become a weird bunny stripper?
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Oct 8, 2017 8:14 AM
Apr 2011
Boar appears to first dislike her father and killing. Then gets jealous about not being able to enter the killing match. Takes it out on her sister (instead of father).
Gets in the 12 person battle royale and the first thing she does is, right after all of them were together, that the fight is going to be one on one.

I really dislike having the main focus of the very first episode killed right away, but I also really disliked boar for her stupidity. So I'm rather conflicted about this...
Oct 8, 2017 8:24 AM
Oct 2015
I think that this anime has great potential, but sadly it also still has the chance of being a major let down

Boar's younger sister was chosen for the game at first, but she became jealous and kinda manipulated her sister into becoming a murder machine who ended up killing all their maids/servants along with many others.
However, she becomes overconfident and cocky in the killing game, which ends up getting her eliminated.

axelrxseOct 8, 2017 8:34 AM
Oct 8, 2017 8:54 AM

Apr 2010
Why they had to make rabbit look like a stripper from gay club? :(
But after all great episode, it was better than I expected, if this goes on we can get one of the best anime of this season
Oct 8, 2017 12:29 PM

Mar 2015
That was quite okay... but the character designs are really questionable lol... like the fuck is wrong with the rabbit.

Anyway, I'm curious that they adapted a 1 volume LN into a seasonal anime. So I guess the pacing is like 1 death per episode? Since there's 12 of them?

Oct 8, 2017 12:38 PM
Dec 2014
Kenel said:
genk1sudo said:

oh.. what exactly you've managed to predict? just curious

For example, after showing that scene where Boar explains how she is going to kill the bunny (i don't know their names xd), it was obvious that her plan wasn't going to happen like that and it was clear that something bad was going to happen to the Boar (although I wanted to believe that she wasn't going to die in the first chapter). Or the story of the Boar's sister, that you can predict from the begining that her sister is going to die, to be closed in someplace or something like that.

I mean, there's nothing new in its plot, but it was amusing enough to leave me wanting more.

OK, thnx. .I guess I need to read between the lines more ;D
Oct 8, 2017 4:57 PM
Jan 2016
At first, it seems like the boar girl's the protagonist. She's a pretty significant person in the game, we can hear her thoughts, everything's shown from her perspective, we even get a back story.
But she's dead now.
So there is no protagonist anymore. We are free to pick our horse in the race. That also means no one has any plot armour, which just makes the death game more thrilling.
KababiNov 3, 2017 2:21 PM
Oct 9, 2017 2:13 PM

Feb 2014
Boar just had to push her cute sister to madness real shame :(

Betting on my own zodiac rat
Oct 9, 2017 2:35 PM

Aug 2015
So we have another Kaneki. I really thought the girl was going to be the protagonist. Although what she has done, I found interesting and beautiful, it is a pity that the protagonist is a child psychopath.
Oct 9, 2017 6:35 PM
Jul 2016
First episode. Worst girl dies.

Oct 9, 2017 8:01 PM
Dec 2015
This whole episode could have been stretched out more maybe into its own full series. it's moving too fast not that I'm complaining but this could be milked more. This isn't the first show with this concept but the character development it could have had would set it apart by far.
Oct 9, 2017 8:12 PM
Dec 2015
Akiimitsu said:
So we have another Kaneki. I really thought the girl was going to be the protagonist. Although what she has done, I found interesting and beautiful, it is a pity that the protagonist is a child psychopath.

More like if juuzo became a ghoul and accepted it ( which he probably wouldn't and kill himself or let himself get killed but the points there.)
Oct 9, 2017 8:36 PM

Mar 2017
Great first episode! I love the Boar's character.

Finally! it's been awhile since new game/battle royale themed series have been created. Definitely my all time favorite genre.
LunarPisces1Oct 9, 2017 8:40 PM
Oct 10, 2017 12:20 AM

May 2017
I dunno why people are assuming she's dead already, she just got stabbed, she's the protagonist (looks like it, felt like it) and her internal monologue definitely implies something, like that girl she knows and hate would probably save her

I like boar a lot
Oct 10, 2017 12:30 PM

Aug 2015
BlueEclispe said:
Akiimitsu said:
So we have another Kaneki. I really thought the girl was going to be the protagonist. Although what she has done, I found interesting and beautiful, it is a pity that the protagonist is a child psychopath.

More like if juuzo became a ghoul and accepted it ( which he probably wouldn't and kill himself or let himself get killed but the points there.)

It makes sense, I will take into consideration: 3.
Oct 11, 2017 8:14 AM

May 2016
I'm surprised people surprised on the ending. Maybe because it's NisiO? I feel it gave enough feeling for what gonna happen to the boar. One thing is NisiO's straightforwardness in writing (point to Katanagatari), another is Zodiac ranking. But eh, the tears from getting trick by NisiO's narrative is delicious.

I was an enjoying episode. Love the directing and the fight scenes are cool. I'm positive regarding the ending. Are we going to get each Zodiac backstory in every episode? Looking forward to future episodes.
Oct 13, 2017 7:43 AM
Mar 2012
Holy war every 12 yrs. OP so cool. Didn't know Graphinica could do such good fights & art. Like that natural linework.
Show seems like usual mindless deathmatch. But the Boar backstory, character changes, even detailing the parents, & breaking her sister were quite something. Might turn into 1 backstory per deathflag tho, like MahouIkusei. Boar's thorough planning nice but disappointing just lost to Bunny w/o a real fight. The inner monologue helps a ton but not sure how that'll work out when anyone can die.

Oct 13, 2017 1:53 PM

Jul 2009
I was not expecting the Boar to die so soon! After all she handled and all she did to her sister to be able to be in the battle, it was kinda sad...
Oct 13, 2017 5:02 PM

Dec 2010
This was the definition of edgyness. I was just confused watching those sisters killing some mercenaries, who were working for sisters` father. It sounds really stupid, doesn`t it? Why would anyone accept such a work? It was thrown to show us "OMG this is a bad family, they have no mercy". Such an easy and ridiculous way.

Plot twist was quite good, but necromantist? This sounds really stupid. Big Order vibes(not a good indicator).

Over the top and crazy.

It was pretty obvious that Boar is going to die/lose. Who the hell fights in high heels? She should have her legs broken when they fa... oh wait there is no logic in this anime. Just bloodshed.
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