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Sep 19, 2017 10:19 AM

Nov 2011
Eh, I guess that's the end of the quiz games..

Still felt the episode was kinda intimidating though even after the conclusion. In regards to the episode, it felt strange as a finale imo.
Sep 19, 2017 12:32 PM

Mar 2017
The story had potential, but they didn't deliver.


They should've focused more on the Koshiyama x Mikuriya rivalry.
OPObsessedSep 19, 2017 8:17 PM
    have a berry

    good day lol
Sep 19, 2017 1:17 PM

Aug 2013
Mikuriya won against Koshiyama in their round. The way Akira used foul play to get the answer was smart. In the end, Sasajima won.

I liked the way Mikuriya was encouraging Koshiyama. Their rivalry is still continuing.

LeoSep 19, 2017 1:20 PM

Sep 19, 2017 1:33 PM
Jul 2018
It was nice episode overall... wait! this is over already! Damn it felt really short journey that we get to know Koshi's quest to become master. Should been a long running show(just like as Ash aiming to become pokemon master) orelse I can only say this was just a manga promotion video :\

Rating this generous 7/10. It had some fun and intense moments(but yeah cant forget the unintense middle episodes). But it wasn't that bad for me in terms of entertainment. Some characters were likable (didn't mind wimpy MC as great shows started mc as being wimpy). Also the art was consistent throughout the show(as expected from TMS). Anyway it was quite dissapointment to end so earlier! I know this could get better and the journey was just started :/

Sep 19, 2017 1:45 PM

Jun 2015
Pretty good finale. Mikuriya won against Koshiyama for that round, but he didn't know about Koshiyama's answer. He learned something. Sasajima won the meet. I like how Mikuriya encouraged Koshiyama to aim higher. Their rivalry has gotten stronger. A decent show overall. 5/10
Sep 19, 2017 2:14 PM

Jan 2014
This felt like Pokemon all over again but in a cringy way; who calls someone their "rival" out in the open? It's kind of weird lol.. The ending was ok.. it could have gone further with it, though.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 19, 2017 2:23 PM

Mar 2016
This show had some great moments through the season and was solid throughout... this finally felt sorta off but it was still a good episode. I don't know if I would watch a season 2 tho...

I'm giving it a 6/10
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Sep 19, 2017 2:25 PM

Dec 2011
I am a bit disappointed they didnt adapt the finals. To anime watchers out there, I think you should read the manga to see Sasajima actually dominate.

Still glad they animated this.
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Sep 19, 2017 2:37 PM

Jun 2014
Akira dropped out after getting the right answer in a cunning way, Mikuriya beat Koshiyama in that round, and Sasajima won the whole thing.

Decent finale I guess, but the way this series played out and ended made it obvious that it was promotional material. Well, it was fun to play along and try to answer the questions, so that's probably what I'll miss most about the show.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

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MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 19, 2017 2:55 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I hate Akira lol, he is way too annoying

But other than that, the final semi-final was great and I was really happy for Mikuriya....However Sasajima the GOAT waxed everyone in the finals and honestly I kinda expected that lol

Overall, this series was pretty enjoyable and it surprised me by how much I ended up liking it as it went on....I might pick up the manga
Sep 19, 2017 3:09 PM

Mar 2012
I didn't love it but I enjoyed it, enough that it was actually the only show I finished this season. I checked out the manga once years ago but couldn't get into it then. Maybe I will check it out again now and see if I fare better. I feel like hearing the questions read aloud and the buzzers and all that makes it more exciting than it would be in print, though.

Also too bad they didn't show the finals but good to hear that is in the manga, maybe I'll check it out just for that. Or maybe they'll release an OVA or something of it.
Sep 19, 2017 4:50 PM
Aug 2015
Quite liked that anime, but a bit disappointed with the ending... And I wasn't too keen on Koshiyama's character as a whole. If they had made Mikuriya the main character the show would have been so much better.
Sep 19, 2017 6:34 PM

Sep 2016
the scenes during ending seem to be content of the next arcs. looks really exciting, too bad manga scanlation is stuck right after this arc finished.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Sep 19, 2017 7:12 PM
Jan 2013
The moment I saw Mikuriya won , I stopped watching the episode , and I would rate this anime 5 instead of 7 because I really hate Mikuriya
Sep 19, 2017 8:09 PM

Dec 2014
Very nice finale.

Pretty tense quiz round, Mikuriya winning was expected but I love how Koshiyama tried his best. The part with Mikuriya asking Koshiyama what his answer was about was nice.

Akira might be an unlikable guy but I like how they contrasted him with Koshiyama in the beginning of the series towards the end.

Sasjima wrecked everyone. xD

Overall, this was a surprisingly good show. I most certainly did not expect it to end up liking it as much as I did. The quiz games were fun and exciting to watch and the characters were a fun bunch as well. I'd love for their to be a second season or something/

Sep 19, 2017 10:12 PM

Jul 2013
I think the MC was too fucking genious to sort that info out on his head at the start of the episode.

If he is that smart then maybe he should be doing other things.
Sep 19, 2017 10:14 PM

Oct 2012
The ending was a bit anticlimactic. I guess I would have liked a bit more feeling or growth from the characters - at least something new. It was a good show though. I'll never look at quizzes the same again. 7/10.
Sep 19, 2017 10:57 PM

Oct 2013
I'm glad this anime gave me more respect for quiz-bowlers. I've always thought that professionals and kids who do quiz bowl are pretentious dicks
Sep 20, 2017 2:16 AM

May 2017
Not bad, learned a few things too like accentuation and some tips on classics

Sep 20, 2017 2:22 AM

May 2017
Kuruwin said:
I think the MC was too fucking genious to sort that info out on his head at the start of the episode.

If he is that smart then maybe he should be doing other things.

Nah MC's club president is the Genius, like Mikuriya and female MC's brother, those guys are Geniuses. Koshiyama is just a bookworm

EDIT: forgot Akira, he too is a Genius if he actually tries and take Quiz seriously
LairucremSep 20, 2017 2:26 AM
Sep 20, 2017 3:11 AM

Nov 2016
The final felt a bit lackluster,but overall I really enjoyed this show, so I think it wouldn't be fair to give it a lower score due to that.


Season 2 would be very nice.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 20, 2017 3:39 AM

Mar 2013
Good finale.

The new scenes in the OP of the anime were nice touch. Loved them.

Overall, it was actually quite fun watching the anime. Sure, it could've been better with OST and execution but I still had fun nonetheless.

FinalFlash18Sep 20, 2017 3:54 AM
Sep 20, 2017 4:21 AM

Nov 2014
It was a good episode but it shouldn't have been the LAST episode, it seems disrespectful that they wouldn't show the final round just because the MC lost in the semi's, it really should have followed through with the competition. That said it was a good series and they set up a lot of questions and material for a potential second series which I would happily watch.
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Sep 20, 2017 4:51 AM

Dec 2013
That was a great watch. Nothing spectacular but it was fun to sit down and watch every week.
Jinko and Fukami with short hair looked amazing in the credits scene.
On my mind is BY FAR the opening of the season, so addictive and so HYPE

[size=90]Signature by Nate-chan[/size]
Sep 20, 2017 5:46 AM

May 2015
It was very interesting to watch but there was too much Akira and not enough Mikuriya x Koshiyama rivalry. Actually it felt like a warm up for something bigger. I'd like to see how they all evolve after this and more story about Sasajima and Fukami's brother would be nice too.
Sep 20, 2017 6:51 AM

May 2010
Kinda glad its over since i didnt really enjoy it cause i have lost interest midway through the season. 6/10

what really bothered me is how these kids seem to absolutely know everything.
Sep 20, 2017 8:32 AM

Jan 2015
SENPAI TOO OP. Thats the problem for sports to be 1-cour, you just get to introduce the sport and characters and you dont have much time to dive into competition and character development which is very important for sports, but still was good anyway, just isnt great. I think pretty much majority of people gave it a 7, good anime but could've been much better with more episodes. Great concept too. Potentially very good characters, i still liked some Senpai, Koshiyama,Mikuriya,Akira,Mari.
Sep 20, 2017 8:57 AM

Oct 2015
I enjoyed the series really much. Characters arent really.memorable but I enjoyed it. 7/10
Sep 20, 2017 8:59 AM
Nov 2016
The ending just made me go meh...

The show had potential but the story telling didn't live up to the base concept. 6/10
Sep 20, 2017 9:34 AM

Aug 2016
I like the show, I didn't except so much, so, that will be a 7. But seriously, how they can answer so much difficult questions, I feel stupid compare to them.
Sep 20, 2017 9:36 AM

Jun 2016
I agree with the others, the show had potential but it felt like something was missing here. I kind of wish it had a bit more episodes, or at least another cour to fully flesh things out.
Sep 20, 2017 10:16 AM

Jan 2015
The show was nothing great but at least above average. 6/10
Sep 20, 2017 2:04 PM
Aug 2017
Now Nanamaru San Batsu or 703X comes to an end with having Mikuriya as the one who pass the 3rd round with an epic comeback but sadly loses by a landslide in the finalround. Poor Koshiyama tho, he gave everything he have but not enough to stop Mikuriya but at least Sasajima their Captain won by a wide margin lol and now the Annual Meet up is Over , it's time for Summer where all foreign countries are gonna join on this and we might see that if a 2nd season happens. Overall it's a 7/10 anime and love the Quizzes so much
Sep 20, 2017 4:57 PM

Jan 2008
Didn't expect him to win, pretty common routine among sports/competitive themed stories to lose the early tournments and whatnot. Was expecting a bit more hassle from Akira but I guess that's all we get from him.

The BL service sure got strong in this show.

Not expecting a 2nd season but who knows I guess.
Sep 20, 2017 5:09 PM
Nov 2008
Read the manga to the ongoing since 8th ep.
This series is like super meh with boring characters and boring story.
That seiyu was bad to the last episode.
I'm laughing at noobs who gives this something higher than 6. You're pathetic.
Sep 20, 2017 6:49 PM

Jul 2017
I will protect Akira and make sure she never cries again.

Sep 20, 2017 9:48 PM

Jun 2009
this kinda felt like an advertisement for the manga with how it ended. watching the show after it was done made it far easier to watch then if i was watching it weekly
Sep 21, 2017 8:15 AM

Aug 2013
I picked it up accidentally, but it turned out to be an okeish tier series.
Sep 21, 2017 11:06 AM

Nov 2011
Wasn't expecting anything initially and left me decently surprised in the end, enjoyed it. 7.

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Sep 21, 2017 11:54 AM
Mar 2016
Not both a bad nor good ending, it was more like an incomplete ending;

Ya know it would have been good if he get's smacked in his face.
Sep 22, 2017 10:07 PM

Jun 2012
That was a gay way to end it, I like this anime slightly more than I normally would have just because of the great OP song.
Sep 23, 2017 4:12 AM

Jun 2015
I was bored by this series around halfway, still it was okay enough to finish it. Nice idea but mediocre execution, though a game mostly based on luck(in RL at least) not much can be made of it. It was way annoying that everyone knew so much, unrealistic even. I gave another plus for great opening and also the lack of moe girls the only somewhat decent had annoying voice, this is rare.
Still overall it was boring show and I hoped for better flow, and more plot.

Sep 24, 2017 2:11 AM

Oct 2008
Sasajima still truly OP as ever! that's only thing that i'm gonna say...they didn't even showed it! and won my a margin? no challenge at all? damn!!!

Sep 24, 2017 6:53 AM

Jul 2016
Yep. Good, realistic endings, where the main characters don't always get what they want.

It was a great show, because it was different. I hope there's a second season coming!

Overall: 7/10
Sep 24, 2017 6:06 PM

Mar 2009
I liked those fujoshi girls.

I don't know. Feels like the show just started, really. We didn't really see much and it never went anywhere. Definitley needs another season, but I doubt it will get one.
Sep 24, 2017 11:22 PM

Oct 2011
Season 2 Please omg 😭
Sep 25, 2017 10:18 AM
Nov 2016
This anime was quite good actually, I didn't think that at first
Sep 25, 2017 4:35 PM

Dec 2016
A fun watch but one that will probably never get a season 2 :(
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Sep 25, 2017 6:24 PM

Jan 2011
This show was okay

doing a shounen sports anime about Quiz's is hard, 90% of the time i felt completely clueless to all the questions asked which lead me to just being like "i wonder who got it right because i have not a single idea" i'm not booksmart lol.

6/10 be amazed if this got another season it did have a great OP and the characters were alright
Sep 26, 2017 10:12 PM

Jul 2013
TsundeReaper said:
Kuruwin said:
I think the MC was too fucking genious to sort that info out on his head at the start of the episode.

If he is that smart then maybe he should be doing other things.

Nah MC's club president is the Genius, like Mikuriya and female MC's brother, those guys are Geniuses. Koshiyama is just a bookworm

EDIT: forgot Akira, he too is a Genius if he actually tries and take Quiz seriously

I would say that most of the big shots in the game are. Koshiyama isn't just a bookworm if he can make such ridiculous connections. It's big deal in the show that the game is not played by just having lot of trivia crammed into your head. If Koshiyama was just a bookworm he wouldn't have made even this far.
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