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Jul 25, 2017 4:51 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, the teasing this episode.

That Sushie girl sure is having fun. Looks like we got some dungeon exploration this episode and they found some ancient relics. Pretty typical fantasy stuff you'd see in almost any type of show.

The action came in the way I had expected to, nothing really impressive about it tbh. I wish this show poured more budget into that.
I'm guessing that cliffhanger will be expanded into the next episode.
Stark700Jul 25, 2017 6:42 AM
Jul 25, 2017 6:36 AM

Aug 2013
Will they ever fight those slime monsters?

Some ancient relic that absorbs mana. Quite the trouble. There could be some clues in the dungeon about why the Royal Capital was moved.

Jul 25, 2017 6:52 AM

Oct 2010
Got up "early" on my day off just to watch this. Pretty delightful first half, but as I expected, less fun once an actual challenge appeared in the form of a neuroi tick. Typical Japanese attention to detail with the critter choice, a tick for a monster that parasitizes your magic.

Laughed at the pimp coat being a magic buff item.
Jul 25, 2017 6:57 AM

Aug 2013
the plot finally moves
and the action actually done well, it's not crappy like the previous episode
Jul 25, 2017 7:05 AM

Jun 2015
Decent episode. Will be interesting if they face more adversity or maybe the smartphone malfunctions or smthg along those lines. New char next week!

Jul 25, 2017 7:14 AM
Jul 2017
So for this Episode...

- Alma and Olga has arrived!
- Boo! They skipped the part where Touya bought those clothes.
- It almost seems like he's magically invincible since he has affinity to all Elements.
- Oooh, Modeling is shown now too, huh.
- Just wait until what sorrts of stuff Touya will make. *Kriing! Kriing!*
- Lol, the grown-ups became obsessed with Shogi.
- Aha! And so did the Duke... now, all that's left is... you know... the King...
- Sue is so adorable.
- Oh yeah... Slime Fanservice again...
- Wow, the fighting scenes are awesome... wait...
- Is that the Dullahan Kazuma and co. fought?! XD jk.
- Oooh, the Spears of Light. Those will come in handy in the future.
- Explosion... Megumin is that you?! Oh wait... she can still move. I guess she's not Megumin.
- Lol, scared by the flash...
- Yosh! The Fureizu (Fraze) monsters are here! Absorbs Magic and is Extra Hard? Tough if you ask me.
- Drawing Magic + Smartphone Pictures. Talk about convenient.
- Regicide!!! The King!!!
Dammit... but still enjoyed it though.
Jul 25, 2017 7:56 AM

Sep 2015
Oh there is some blood here.

Into the Internet!
Jul 25, 2017 8:06 AM

Jun 2011
A Dullahan, an impromptu dungeon exploration, EXPLOSION the whole episode is Konosuba-lite.

Ah well, at least no snarky MC in this one.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Jul 25, 2017 8:11 AM

Jun 2015
The Duke's daughter was annoying. So Touya and the girls found a magic beast that absorbs magic. It put up a fight, but they managed to beat. They also found a clue as to why the Royal Capital was moved. The action was okay.
Jul 25, 2017 8:45 AM

Aug 2012
megumin is disappointed by that EXPLOSION!

someone else always have what you want, but it usually means nothing to them...
Jul 25, 2017 8:52 AM

Nov 2016
An improvement compared to the previous episodes, still boring.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 25, 2017 8:53 AM

Jun 2017
Meh, a fairly average-to-good episode. Looks like we are finally getting a progression in the storyline, though, so that's a positive aspect heading in to the episodes due to come. Considering elsewhere, the action scenes seems to have improved a touch up but is still fairly average in all honesty. It will be rather interesting to see how the show reveals all the unanswered questions it stimulated from this episode in the future episodes to come.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Jul 25, 2017 9:07 AM

Sep 2010
As smartphone fan I am satisfied with this episode.
Jul 25, 2017 9:10 AM

Oct 2015
Way better than the previous episode. The story has finally moving on, that Dullahan and Explosion. This anime is definitely a Konosuba ripoff. Seems Sushie and the girl with blue and green eye color (her name is Yumina) are cousins. Toya will obviously the duke's brother, and that Yumina girl will be thankful to him and join his harem. Hopefully the series will get a little bit more serious.
Jul 25, 2017 9:18 AM

Jun 2014
A lot of stuff in this episode was pretty much what you'd expect from a fantasy show. Nothing really stood out, except for the MC getting a new item that makes him more OP.

Based on the way this episode ended though, things might be getting more interesting.
thebrentinator24Jul 25, 2017 9:43 AM
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 25, 2017 9:20 AM

Sep 2015
Maruko-san said:
that Dullahan and Explosion. This anime is definitely a Konosuba ripoff.

No offence to you, but you do realise both dullahan and explosion are not invented by Konosuba and Megumin right? Tons of series have either dullahan or explosion way before Konosuba even created. To say it roughly, Konosuba is also a rip-off.
Jul 25, 2017 9:22 AM

Jun 2017
Hey, lets make the main character even more OP for no reason. Give him the coat!
Jul 25, 2017 9:25 AM

Jun 2013
Not a bad episode exactly, but the audio felt super wonky and the episode just wasn't very engaging.
Jul 25, 2017 9:26 AM

Sep 2016
Pretty average episode again. As I expected from watching even the trailer itself, this anime reminds of konosuba a lot.
Jul 25, 2017 9:33 AM

Dec 2014
wellso melancholy this series is...I hope we get to see some real action later on
Jul 25, 2017 9:40 AM

Apr 2013
God awful. And what's with this scene?

Every other instance they used this, they just walked out like normal... or floated in the air BUT it was still standing vertically.
Also... what happens if his gate magic gets cancelled while someone is making their way through? This can be the most dangerous and broken spell the character has used thus far.
Other broken spells added in this episode are search. Like wtf...

Also, how much more broken can a MC be?

Insert Kirito's Coat in white 2 minutes into episode 3 with no backstory on how he found it. Just that he did...

Jul 25, 2017 9:41 AM

Jun 2014
valvravetruth said:
Maruko-san said:
that Dullahan and Explosion. This anime is definitely a Konosuba ripoff.

No offence to you, but you do realise both dullahan and explosion are not invented by Konosuba and Megumin right? Tons of series have either dullahan or explosion way before Konosuba even created. To say it roughly, Konosuba is also a rip-off.

I forgot to say this in my comment but I'm glad someone else did. I like Konosuba as much as the next guy but people need to stop acting like it revolutionized the game by inventing these concepts that have been around for a while.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 25, 2017 10:04 AM

Jan 2015
Aaww, they have Sue too in this episode. >_<
Aside with the smartphones, I guess the girls is more likely to know what in Touya's mind whenever he think about Slime-involved quest, huh? Not good, Touya. LOL
And that fight against the blue tick-like thingy, means it's time to get serious. Well, maybe just a bit serious.
[url=]convert gambar online
Jul 25, 2017 10:30 AM

Feb 2011
Episode was very jumpy. Don't know if it was rushed or they felt everything in between held little importance. On another note, what were they laughing about at the beginning and why did he run away? Made it seem like he was swindled and they have no intention of telling him.
Give me at least 5 minutes to modify my post before quoting me. (refreshing page advised)
Jul 25, 2017 10:40 AM
Aug 2016
I dont really think the anime is a comedy, kinda is a konosuba wanna be but not funny, lot of konosuba rip offs
Jul 25, 2017 10:53 AM
Jul 2018
Looks like we got two references to other anime. First is the Megumin-esque explosion and the second, which isn't so obvious, is the boost, while is very similar to the boost used by Yuma Kuga (from World Trigger).
Jul 25, 2017 11:01 AM

Aug 2016
oooh, light novel animes you never fail to be as formulaic as humanly possible. this anime brings nothing new to the table and is mediocre at best but yet I can't stop watching it . I don't know if I'm just waiting for some sort of real conflict in this anime that's not solved by our protagonist just being as magically inclined as fuck. For example, durring this episode I was kinda worried for our main cast when they were attacked by the regenerating monster thingy... for like 3 seconds then I realized Mr.OP-light-novel-protagonist will come and save the day by using something previously mentioned in the episode which was shogi. normally I would drop a series like this by episode one. This series has no real conflict, mediocre animation, a cast with no real discernable personality (really I don't know the difference between the sisters other than one has short hair and uses fire and ice magic and one has long hair and punches things and don't get me started on the samurai the only character trait she so far has is she eats a lot and s to quote bobs burgers bland boring protagonist if he was a spice he'd be flour) (if you can't tell I don't know any of the characters names except sushi, fucking sushie ill get to her later) things happen only because it's convenient to the plot (like just as the Dukes brothers poisoned the protagonist shows up to convenient ) and my biggest complaint is fucking sushie CAN SHE STOP FUCKING WHINING she's only been in barely two episodes and she has made me want to stab the everloving shit out of her because of her obnoxious whining and crying and being a brat in general. Even with all these complaints I still don't plan on dropping this anime and I don't fucking know why. overall mediocre episode.
live dreams,

make memes,

eat cereal.

Jul 25, 2017 11:20 AM

Nov 2016

He Knows where he came from
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Jul 25, 2017 11:23 AM
Jun 2016
I'm enjoying the show, but it's pretty apparent they appear to be rushing it, stuff where it's likly the novel added more details *and thats not just from having read the first episodes worth* but they did like a episodes or two worth of stuff right up till they went up to the ruins, then it slowed down more.

Nice to see the MC using the phone a bit more, it seems probably like a small pet peeve, but the whole premise is it's a smart phone, and I think he used it more this episode then all the rest combined.
Jul 25, 2017 11:42 AM

Nov 2014
This episode felt better than previous 2. Especially the first part. I think this anime wouldn't be bad if it focused more on SoL parts.
Jul 25, 2017 11:52 AM

Sep 2015
MaliPiksi said:
I dont really think the anime is a comedy, kinda is a konosuba wanna be but not funny, lot of konosuba rip offs

Your comment amazed me? Why do you think this series is a comedy when it never stated anything about being a comedy, plus you seem to think all Isekai series should be a comedy like Konosuba? Just so you know Explosion doesn't originate from Konosuba and of course Megumin. Plenty of series have the skill Explosion way before Konosuba even created. So using your own word, Konosuba is also a rip-off.
Jul 25, 2017 11:54 AM
Dec 2011
when they say stuff in "engrish" I just go like
Jul 25, 2017 12:12 PM

Feb 2015
Linze's "explosion" is not gonna sit well with some people. 😂

RailtracksJul 25, 2017 12:15 PM
Jul 25, 2017 12:28 PM
Aug 2016
valvravetruth said:
MaliPiksi said:
I dont really think the anime is a comedy, kinda is a konosuba wanna be but not funny, lot of konosuba rip offs

Your comment amazed me? Why do you think this series is a comedy when it never stated anything about being a comedy, plus you seem to think all Isekai series should be a comedy like Konosuba? Just so you know Explosion doesn't originate from Konosuba and of course Megumin. Plenty of series have the skill Explosion way before Konosuba even created. So using your own word, Konosuba is also a rip-off.
yea but, the knight that holds his head, iv seen that only in konosuba, also the presentation of the explosion spell is the same as konosuba and yes, in the anime genre, it says comedy
MaliPiksiJul 25, 2017 12:33 PM
Jul 25, 2017 12:41 PM

Aug 2015
Another mediocre episode of Jesus and Friends.
Jul 25, 2017 12:46 PM

Sep 2013
Konosuba done right, touya has op skills but brute force still works against him since that tick gave him trouble.
Jul 25, 2017 1:04 PM

Sep 2015
MaliPiksi said:
yea but, the knight that holds his head, iv seen that only in konosuba, also the presentation of the explosion spell is the same as konosuba

There are nothing we can do then if you never see Dullahan and explosion spell in other series before Konosuba, I mean even some games have both of them too.
valvravetruthJul 25, 2017 1:15 PM
Jul 25, 2017 1:20 PM

Apr 2017
valvravetruth said:
MaliPiksi said:
yea but, the knight that holds his head, iv seen that only in konosuba, also the presentation of the explosion spell is the same as konosuba

There are nothing we can do then if you never see Dullahan and explosion spell in other series before Konosuba, I mean even some games have both of them too.

I don't think the problem is about not seeing explosions or dullahans anywhere else, but you saw both of them at once pretty recently and now you see them after a little while again in the same pisode? I guess that is the reason.
Jul 25, 2017 1:48 PM

Jan 2016
I don't even understand how someone can green light an anime like this? I mean selling points for an anime is probably how good it is or how much fanservice it has, this has none of it!
Jul 25, 2017 2:10 PM
Mar 2016
Jul 25, 2017 2:32 PM

Sep 2015
Dam they are leaving details out of the LN and making it kind of confusing for ppl who havent seen the LN.
Jul 25, 2017 2:32 PM

May 2015
That explosion immediately reminded me of KonoSuba, lol.

Jul 25, 2017 2:45 PM

Jan 2014
Still waiting on the 25 product tie ins.
Jul 25, 2017 3:45 PM

Jan 2016
It's a fiiine episode I guess.
Finally some action but still nothing special~
Jul 25, 2017 3:48 PM

Jan 2015
Before the season started i would never thought that I would love Isekai smartphone so much actually. Well i didnt know its gonna be about another incarnation of Jesus but in Isekai world this time, curing blindness, creating shogi and multiple other Godly deeds.
And i wanna say its the most realistic harem ever, for once im not gonna question how someone fell in love with the MC, who wouldnt fall in love with Jesus?

Also i think its the only harem anime i've seen where girls dont get angry at MC and hit him, here everyone ADORES Souya

Continues being very very enjoyable and fun anime and i love characters, Jesus-kun especially.
Jul 25, 2017 4:41 PM

Dec 2016
Haha again with the slime monster fantasy.


I wasn't expecting Shogi to have an influence like that.

I had a feeling we would see the heterochromia girl soon.
Jul 25, 2017 6:31 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I was a bit surprised to see blood drawn in that type of way in this lol

MC continues to get more OP with that jacket that makes him immune to pretty much every type of magic lol

This episode was fun overall though
Jul 25, 2017 8:15 PM

Sep 2013
Another average episode, the first half was just random scene after scene, and the strawberry jam to spray out of that stab wound was surprising.
Jul 25, 2017 8:16 PM

Apr 2011
It was funny to see MC fantasizing the girls getting slimed and the girl's angry faces as well. I got surprise by the blood scene but all's well with his healing magic. It was a nice boss fight.
Jul 25, 2017 8:42 PM

Jun 2017
Another average episode.

It was nice to see a fight that was actually challenging for them (him) and requiring some strategy.
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