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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Mar 28, 2013 6:53 PM
Apr 15, 2013 9:03 AM

Jan 2012
Even if it was a filler recap episode. The last bit where hohenheim is talking to trisha, with Let it all out playing in the background made me shed a tear. Was really nice!
Jun 26, 2013 10:00 AM

Nov 2012
Skipping this episode because it's a filler and judging by everyone's comments it's an exceedingly poor episode.
Jul 31, 2013 1:59 PM

Jul 2013
A new opening with many unseen characters
Hate to watch recap episodes.
Sep 25, 2013 4:53 PM

Jun 2012
Despite what some of the opening people (from the thread) said, I really liked this episode. I really enjoyed seeing everything, since 26 episodes really is quite a lot. That ending was the best part, with the Let It Out soundtrack playing.
I like the OP song the least of the three so far, but I don't dislike it. As for the new ED, I place it second of the three ending sequences so far. A little too much Winry in it, though.

LOL my face when I saw this, o_o

Oct 18, 2013 1:40 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
How old are the people in MAL?! Do people really care about the OP or ED that much? They're just songs/credits. Who cares about them!

A recap was probably needed in a long TV series after 26 episodes.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 25, 2013 11:50 AM

May 2013
New op and ed songs.. not sure i like them.
anyway i liked this recap ep it reminded me of how awesome this anime is
Nov 21, 2013 11:09 PM

Oct 2013
not sure if hoemhimer is the legit 'fahter'
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
Dec 22, 2013 1:16 PM

Aug 2013
My god. That was one powerful scene. Especially with the song "Let it Out" in the background. So fucking powerful. Gawd, teh tears..
Fight Club > Anime
Scott Pilgrim > Manga
Death Cab for Cutie > Yuki Kajura

"Who'd you rather be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"

Dec 23, 2013 2:50 PM

May 2013
Dayummmm, Pinako ;DDD hahhaha
Dec 26, 2013 12:28 AM

Jul 2013
fuck... recap episode done 10000x right (compare to others) those scenes with that background song.. oh them sweat in my eyes.. I need to punch a wall 5x to feel manly again.. :D.

New OP is better previous ED was better. let it all out~
Mar 19, 2014 6:39 AM

Jun 2011
Wow, the last 5 minutes, when the previous ED song started playing "Let it all out, let it all out" Damn, from then on it was AWESOME! Glad to see more of Hohenheim here, and his "promise" with Trisha. The first 19minutes was meh. So, we have 2 Hohenheim? Hmm..

Now I am going to miss the previous ED so much.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
May 7, 2014 12:43 AM

Jul 2013
I'm a bit annoyed it was a recap with kinda important moments. I just planned to skip this ep but I couldn't because of the scene with 'the father(?)' every few minutes. Honestly, I didn't understand what was going on, it was very ambiguous and random.

I liked the ending of this episode, for some reason that song which was playing along with the ending really touched me.

The world really hasn't treated Pinako properly, she's aged really, really badly.

EDIT: The new OP and ED is awful.
Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!
- Doflamingo
May 26, 2014 6:10 PM

Jul 2013
Shame it's a recap episode. And it's not even a real recap. They just showed random scenes from all over the place and Hohenheim having a drunk dream.
May 31, 2014 5:05 PM

Mar 2014
first things first: if that was Pinako how did she shrink so much?
this episode confused the crap out of me, and this is the first fma ep i didn't like

how many Hohenheim's are there??

~im still not used to al's new english voice actor :(
Jun 9, 2014 8:51 PM

Aug 2013
That was a good recap episode. Well for someone who's doing a marathon, it's not really needed but I got to learn some stuff about Hohenheim. He doesn't seem like a bad person.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Jun 26, 2014 8:52 PM

Jun 2013
Best recap ep I've ever seen :v
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 6, 2014 5:44 AM

Jul 2012
what the fuck was that episode, and what the fuck happened to pinako?!
Jul 12, 2014 4:44 AM

Mar 2013
This episode is REALLY bad.
added the fourth most popular anime onto this site
Sep 20, 2014 12:56 AM

May 2009
It was confusing until you realized Hohenheim was seeing things / dreaming.

I was like, 'what is the timeline for this?!'
Sep 24, 2014 11:45 PM

Jan 2014
So a recap of sorts. Hmph.
"Let Justice Be Done!"

My Theme
Fight again, fight again for justice!
Nov 25, 2014 12:56 PM

Apr 2009
I cried. Beautiful Q___Q
Dec 28, 2014 3:20 AM

Aug 2014
Well that certainly was confusing...

New OP and ED look cool though.
Dec 29, 2014 10:45 PM
May 2012
New opening and ending song~
A filler, huh. Is that their mom, Trisha?? Just what the fuck is Hohenheim?? Seems like he has a clone or something. Is he human, homunculus, immortal?!?!
Well, I fell asleep after the ending song~
Feb 26, 2015 5:49 AM
Mar 2014
Typical recap episode.
Apr 19, 2015 12:22 PM

Apr 2013
A shitty recap, seriously?
Jul 18, 2015 6:42 AM

Jun 2015
next up
Jul 25, 2015 8:13 PM

Oct 2014
Recap episode, blegh. New OP and ED are way worse than the previous ones. Confused with the timeline of the Hohenheim conversations too. Were they all in his dreams? Oh well, back to the good stuff next episode.
Aug 16, 2015 2:07 AM

Jul 2014
The crappiest episode of FMAB. Let me down, seriously. I felt like falling asleep halfway through. I even skipped some parts, and I never do that.
Aug 30, 2015 5:40 AM

Jul 2009
A recap that somehow shows much, like how Ed's dad never gets old...
Dec 13, 2015 8:30 AM
Nov 2014
Should have kept the old ED.
Dec 28, 2015 7:27 AM

Nov 2011
Although a summary, this episode was done so as not to bore the viewer. Hohe finally makes its appearance, not only, new opening and ending, not bad but I preferred the previous ones indeed.
Feb 4, 2016 5:55 PM

Jul 2013
Hmm compared to the new OP and ED I liked the older ones much more.

Oct 11, 2016 9:02 PM

Jan 2012
what a perfect episode to come back from a 3 year on-hold anime
don't know if I calculated that or not but i'll take it!
My Guitar Covers:

Oct 24, 2016 5:09 PM

Aug 2013
What the hell
I'm rewatching the anime and after this perfect episode I came here expecting everyone to absolutely adore it, same for the OP (which is my favorite along with Period)
Well I guess my expectations were KINDA wrong rotfl
Anyway, absolutely loved the episode, to me this is a perfect recap, as well as probably my favourite episode so far. God do I love this series.
Nov 5, 2016 2:29 PM
May 2015
HoshizoraOdin said:
What the hell
I'm rewatching the anime and after this perfect episode I came here expecting everyone to absolutely adore it, same for the OP (which is my favorite along with Period)
Well I guess my expectations were KINDA wrong rotfl
Anyway, absolutely loved the episode, to me this is a perfect recap, as well as probably my favourite episode so far. God do I love this series.
this episode is the last one i saw,but for me it was damn good, best recap ep and the hohe dream was great
Jan 30, 2017 2:35 AM

Jan 2016
Kinda recap episode
didn't know there was filler besides first episode lol
Feb 11, 2017 4:40 PM

Oct 2013
Uhm...I don't get why people are so suprised at Pinako becoming shorter with age.
It happens in real life, actually. Don't you have grandfathers and grandmothers? Don't they have picture of their younger self? People DO become shorter when aging, it's normal.
Of course in anime the thing is exaggerated to the point that they become midgets, but that's just an hyperbole for something that actually happens.
Also, it's pretty common to represent old people as short in anime. Was FMA the first anime those guys ever saw? -_-

About last names, it's not unusual in Japan to take the family name of your mother, for various reasons. Mostly because the family of the mother is more socially relevant (don't forget Japan, unlike western countries, was still in a medieval society since relatively not long ago, therefore such things are still taken into consideration there). The family name of the father may also be rejected by the son due to him having some grudge on the father (that's often the case in anime).
ShendueFeb 11, 2017 4:45 PM
Apr 2, 2017 3:53 AM
Dec 2012
It's so fucking dirty when they have recap episodes mixed with content.

The bastards responsible for this shit should kill themselves.
This community is terrible.
Apr 10, 2017 9:30 AM

May 2016
At least the next episode gonna be great I know it, but for a filler it sure was great.
May 13, 2017 10:22 AM

Sep 2014
I cant believe people call this the greatest anime ever and give it 10/10
its quite mediocre shonen garbage so far.
Someone died? Dont worry, lets relieve the tension with some slapstick humor. Important battle? Dont worry, nobody ever dies except for boring side characters.

Maybe this is great as one of your first anime. But by now, after all the shit I watched, its garbage.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jun 4, 2017 10:39 AM
Apr 2017
Hate recap episodes -.-

Also, new OP is very confusing (I didn't read the manga).

And how come Pinako changed from that tall girl into a tiny old woman so quickly while H. looks the same?(I know it was a dream but I remembered Pinako showed Edward and Al a photo of her and Hohenheim at the beginning of the FMAB. She was young in that photo.)
ToriShimeJun 4, 2017 11:02 AM
Jun 19, 2017 4:03 AM

Jan 2013
That was actually a good recap episode.
I love how even in Hohenheim's dream Edward was still looking pissed :D

Also Winry looks hot in the new ED.
Jun 23, 2017 4:53 AM
Mar 2016
Even Recap Episode can make you cry
sasuga Brotherhood
Jul 26, 2017 1:30 PM

Jan 2014
jeez weird recap ep, didnt understood a thing regarding hohenheim
Feb 17, 2018 11:10 AM

Sep 2017
Recap, recap, recap

The stuff with Hohenheim was interesting though
Jan 12, 2019 11:17 PM

Jun 2015
this was a big recap, but adding on to it with more hohenheim backstory. didn't mind it actually.
new op is catchy, i like this more than the second opening, but the first one is the ultimate one.
i'm still fully expecting the "father" to be hohenheim though
Jan 27, 2019 2:36 PM

Oct 2013
I don't like recaps in general, but this one was quite okay I must say. At least we had some new scenes with Hohenheim and everything was entertaining to watch.
Apr 4, 2019 1:04 AM

May 2016
Aside from the new opening and ending which were pretty good, the episode's pretty much a recap with Hohenheim having a really trippy dream about how weak humans are while he tries to deal with some sort of existential guilt brought forth by his immortality.

Granny Pinako sure looked lovely back in the day and that revelation of Father actually being Hohenheim's twin brother, therefore technically being the Elric Brothers' uncle is insane! Alphonse is about to enter the room and confront the Homunculi's big bad daddy for the first time and it's not good.

Jun 4, 2019 7:22 AM

May 2015
There's so many whiny crybabies in this thread. xD

@Comander-07 And yours is probably the cringiest.

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