An official website by Dream Creation has opened and announced a short TV anime series based on Hitoshi Yoshioka's light novel series Uchu Ichi no Musekinin Otoko Series (The Most Irresponsible Man in Space) titled Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor (Irresponsible Galaxy☆Tylor). The anime will air on Tuesdays at 9:55 p.m. for duration of 5 minutes per episode starting July 11 via AT-X, followed by TV Saitama, tvk, KBS Kyoto, and Sun TV. It will also be available online on platforms such as Nico Live and Bandai Channel.
Taking place in a very distant in future, the adventure begins when a boy meets a certain girl. The Pan Galaxy Republic has declined and so have many empires. This resulted to people in the galaxy being scattered. Living in the peaceful side of their world, Banjou, who picks up trashes at the spherical wall met a girl, frozen, in a broken spaceship. There are bad guys who chase her, and thus, the quiet galaxy suddenly became lively. Little did he know that the frozen girl is Goza 168th, the key to decide the destiny of the whole universe. Overcoming hardship, the two embarks on a trip to make the Galaxy Republic alive again. It may be a difficult challenge, but it's alright, let's progress slowly! A comedy of irresponsible galaxy trip begins!
Banjou Ueki Tylor: Hikaru Koide (Usakame)
Goza 168th (Azarin): Kanon Takao (Anitore! EX)
Director: Hiroshi Kimura (Danchigai)
Character Design: Natsuki Kita
Sound Director: Katsutoshi Shibata
Music: Kenji Katou (Super Lovers)
Theme Song Performance: "Smile♡Invitation" by Hikanon (Hikaru Koide & Kanon Takao)
Production: Dream Creation
Studio: Animation Studio Seven
Sound Production: DAX Production
Production: Musekinin Iinkai
Uchu Ichi no Musekinin Otoko Series is a light novel series starting with an unresponsive galaxy traveler that serialized between 1989 to 1991 via Fujimi Fantasia Bunko. It also received a sequel series featuring the initial main character's descendants: Musekinin Kids, Musekinin Quartet, and Musekinin Sangokushi between 1993 to 1998. The first series has previously received an 26-episode TV anime adaptation with a duration of 23 minutes per episode titled Musekinin Kanchou Tylor (The Irresponsible Captain Tylor) in 1993.
Official site:
Official Twitter: @anime_musekinin
Source: Moca News
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