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Euphoria is a series that I come to to be impressed. To be shocked and surprised. In this day and age where PC rules all, it is absolutely refreshing to see a series try to depict the most depraved of acts. While there were meh episodes in the past, in this particular one, there was literally nothing out of the ordinary in terms of sexual content. Because of that, it's the worst episode of all of them for me. Seriously? There wasn't even a birthing scene? That would have at least made it somewhat interesting. I guess the branding was okay, but they didn't even go to the logical extent of that.
Actually, nobody but Rinne and her mother knew he was her brother, so to everyone they were just teenagers that had a case of teen pregnancy and decided to live together.
Yeah, I was probably overthinking it. Doubt the mother would want people to now that her daughter came from a VERY young boy.
I can say this HENTAI was great ... It is one of the best I 've seen, I did not think the day which would give it a 10 to a series of this genre would come , and it got me thinking ..
At the end you are satisfied with its history , a good context and also rikolinas things and zhukulhenthas ....
PS: I translated this because there is no English so I apologize an error
Just to clear this up... when its status is "Finished Airing", does that mean there will not be anymore episodes? Also this way could the "alternative route" episodes 4 & 6 then be considered as just OVAs?
This seems to be more low budget compared to the other episodes. The camera angles used wasn't great at all. For Kanae's h scene, 26 seconds was spent on a camera view of the guy just groping Kanae's breasts...
Alright so, I like Majin Label for every single release they have so far. Euphoria is probably my favorite, except that hardcore stuff like the scat, asphyxiation, etc. Their animation is quality in my opinion and if its wrong thats fine. What I want to talk about though is whether or not an episode 7 will come out. Since I'm a plebeian and can't read Japanese for shit, I'm hoping someone will keep an eye on the Majin Label twitter to see if they talk about it or not.
Kanae still best girl, but an incest is wincest episode is always nice to see.
Cute grandkid.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
No but the carousel rape of the main male character was f*cking hot. Especially the 3rd "follower" girl with the huge bouncy fake tits and the tender voice "please give me the savior..."
Nemu could've called out their bullshit for laughs by pointing out that Byakuya was all super fine about getting "raped" with that very mild performance and ordered the guys to screw both the girls at the same time. It wouldn't have happened because her sex cult's ambushing them immediately anyway but it would've been a nice touch.
So you find out that the dried-up corpse over there raped you and gave birth to your daughter that you ended up raping throughout the game only to have her and other girls rape you non-stop and fill you up with viagra steroids in the span of 9 months. That's a lot to take in considering I wouldn't even last half a week. It's funny that she just straight up gave up on the cult the moment she gave birth to a girl and how she successfully gave birth in the first place after all that prodding and filling up of the place where the baby's supposed to be.
Little girl carried on a part of their memories somehow and with the teacher and lolita adopting the cult, it wouldn't be long until the kid gets dragged into their mess. Blowjobs were really sexy here so this warrants a 7 but -1 coz of all those scat scenes are really not my type ewwy
Hey, does someone know the name of the piano theme played in the ending of the episode 6 of Euphoria? (Yeah it's strange to ask a question like that on a hentai topic LMAO)
The story feels rushed as hell since the studio compressed a mountain of lore into six episodes, but they did a great job animating the sex scenes. Love how the character designs stay faithful to the game too.
Overall a decent adaptation for those curious about the erotic bits. I still recommend playing the game since the narrative is more than it seems.
Knew Byakuya was best girl. Probably the best episode of the bunch. Isn't saying much but eh.
Overall, people hyped this as something crazy and it wasn't, not really? Most of the wtf comes from how butchered the plot is, not due any of the sex scenes. Glad for people spoiling the plot on this forum so I don't have to bother playing the VN.
A perfect example of a meh hentai that becomes memorable due to shock value.
I see everyone came to the conclusion that Rinne is Keisuke's daughter but overlooked the obvious plot hole that if that was the case, she should have been much younger than him, younger than Rika for sure. It just doesn't add up!
Little girl carried on a part of their memories somehow and with the teacher and lolita adopting the cult, it wouldn't be long until the kid gets dragged into their mess.
Their daughter is not real and is part of simulation. As per VN's plot breakdown in the previous episode's discussion thread:
formis_sage said: Her good ending is also the only one I believe ends in virtual reality.
From what was explained the only way to escape the simulation was to kill Nemu. Since Keisuke didn't do it in this episode, i think it's fair to assume the former statement to be true. Also in the final scene the teacher and Rika didn't appear to have aged at all.
The anime is such a mess, i decided to re watch it after finishing the visual novel and man the adaptation is really shit compared to the original source. The visual novel is really good and the story development is great. It's not only porn, rape and scat scenes there's so much more, one of the best visual novel i ever played.
Can anyone tell me like what happened in the ending of ep 6?? like did it finished like rinne and keisuke living together like is it a good ending or no, and also can anyone explain me wtf those cults are doing in the ending of 6 are they like just roaming and shit or finding rinne and her family....pls someone explain......I just need someone to tell me what happened did they have a good ending and if thats a good ending ill be satisfied...
I haven't yet played the visual novel, but I'll have a brief explanation of my understanding on all episodes. The anime was an adaptation of it's visual novel also titled Euphoria. Now I'm guessing within each anime episode, has their own different routes/arcs/endings that depends on what choices the player makes in the visual novel. So I do recommend for anyone who plan on watching this to play the visual novel beforehand, that way they can understand the plot and can see how things progress more conveniently. In my case, I'll just be guessing what happened on the vn based from the anime adaptation.
1st Episode (?)
•On the 1st episode, it's just mostly introduction and basic mechanics for the sadistic game forcing them to play in exchange for them staying alive. In this episode, Kei chooses to violate Nemu and gets a door unlocked for them. (I guess that this must be a part of a Nemu route in the vn. Though it doesn't seem to have enough detail to be concluded as a Nemu route since the episode already ended with only 1 out of 5 doors unlocked, not to mention that there are no trails of ending scenes.)
2nd Episode (a Bad Ending?)
•At the 2nd episode, Kei redid his choice from the 1st one. Starting again where he gets to choose a girl to violate, Kei himself chooses what seems to be a Kanae route. He gets to violate Kanae 5 times in a row to get their main exit from the game. Everything went going well until the ending comes with the sensei, the kouhai dead (for some reason) leaving Kei, Kanae, and Nemu alive as shown at the post-credit scene. The scene also shows Nemu being the game-master having Kei as her brainwashed slave and Kanae pregnant with Kei's child concluding the episode a Kanae Route that may be a bad ending.
3rd Episode (another Bad Ending?)
•For the 3rd episode with a different route, again, Kei choosing a girl to violate. He picked Rinne and violated her several times and eventually, the two were starting to have feelings for each other upon the moment they were served with a deluxe hotel room and had passionate sex. Along with the episode, Rinne also noticed a possible exit way at the bathroom (where in it has details for a different route at the next episode). But with the ending scene, just like in the 2nd episode, they were greeted by the culprit Nemu once again, but now having Rinne the one pregnant to Kei's child. The other's whereabouts are bound to be unknown.
4th Episode (Good Ending)
•At the 4th episode, Sensei and the Kouhai was involved, they both were chosen to be abused by Kei, however not at the same time. The episode has 2 different timelines with either Sensei or Kouhai. Scenes where each of the 2 routes is being violated are alternated. A different arch comes as they had a chance to escape through the escape way Rinne has found below an opening of the bathroom. While they're on their way out, chased by some guards that Kanae was left behind because of. Nemu suddenly stopped them, making her (again) the obvious culprit and later on was shot by Sensei resulting in a successful escape with Kei and the Kouhai. Just about then, the ending scene where Kei woke up in a beach together with Sensei and the Kouhai happily, where he also impregnated both of them. (I'm assuming they'd had to combine the 2 routes in a single episode since both route just ends up with the same conclusion.)
5th Episode (Good Ending?)
•Episode 5 - 6 is kinda messy when it comes to plot details. That's definitely why i recommend playing the vn before watching the adaptation (for me at least). 5th episode starts having Kei in a room with Nemu, this scene acts as a different progress of arch from the part they were attempting to escape. In this case, Kei while escaping, gets injured and has loss consciousness with him to fall behind from the others. Kei without knowing anything, just suddenly awoken with Nemu in a room where they hid themselves together. Nemu also states that she grabbed Kei when he was injured. Nemu said that Kei was asleep for a long time and that while he was, she recovers his injuries from the escape attempt. With Kei having his' mind processed completely, and injuries recovered, he now then touches Nemu later on having sex and afterwards taking the leave from the place they'd hid themselves. They soon found Kanae this time the culprit with an organization that ensembles a fuck-fest, Nemu was taken hostage and was abused by Kanae in-order to assert Kei's Sadistic side. Rinne, Sensei, and the Kouhai was beheaded by Kanae, Nemu was more abused by Kanae. While later on, Kanae injects some kind of drug on both Nemu and Kei making them fuck each other like animals. The ending dictates that Kei assassinated Kanae by gun and has escaped with Nemu having her memory erased. (I thought to this as a Good Ending but rather a sad one, the fact that Kanae erased Nemu's memories with Kei and killing the others is depressing.)
6th Episode (Good Ending?)
•The last episode of the anime adaptation starts with them attempting to escape (same as the last episode's continuation arc), and again, Kei was injured, left, and dropped dead till Rinne, this time, was the one replacing Nemu's actions from the 5th episode. They both then stood outside from where they hid themselves as they ran into Nemu (this time) the culprit with her fuck-fest organization having Kanae as hostage. Rinne on the other hand, had a backup that what seems to be a cult where she is the cult leader. The cult killed all of Nemu's group excluding Nemu, a captive of the cult, also being tortured by the cult with Rinne's orders. Kanae eventually escaped as Kei remained with Rinne in the cult structure. (The story beyond this point is really confusing that is why i really recommend playing the vn). The ending dictates that Kei took away Rinne from the cult and escaped to live a normal life making this episode a Rinne route.
These are my guess for the routes & endings on the vn version through the anime adaptation.
I really wish i got to play the vn before watching, then i wouldn't have to make this stupid long post hehe. I'm in-love with Rinne and Nemu's personality the most, they both outlined most of the series and both are cute and kinky af!
That must be one of the strangest and most fucked up hentai I have ever watched Yes, I searched for the top 10 most disturbing hentai, but the plot was all over the place. Like wtf?
Ah finally, the 2nd part of Rinne's route. I didn't like this route in the VN, since Rinne became possessed and unlikable and it didn't end well too, but nonetheless this is my fave ep. Rinne is so my type and all the new sex scenes she have here is feast to my eyes. Also, I'm glad they changed her "good" ending and added a sex scene. This should've been the ending in the VN. It's still bittersweet, but I love it!
This hentai is a good supplement for the people who finished the VN. If you watch this without finishing the VN you'll just end up getting confused and frustrated, unless you're just in it for the sex scenes. 7/10
Not really like how the hell they are in the same age......maybe half??idk
Keisuke was the one who impregnated her mother when he was a child which eventually led to Rinne being born, so I think the age gape between them is fairly small.
So they can do it then... a near perfect adaptation of...
Rin's 2nd half with good scenes that were added like Rinne's mom's design and what happened when they went through the door... it felt more complete than the abrupt ending of Rin's Route in the VN. I like how even knowing that Rinne is his daughter he still continues to have sex with her lol.
But episode 5 was a mistake and should never have been made. This episode was way better than I expected. I wish they made this into a 12/24 episode anime instead of a hentai... I know it won't have worked because of the nature of the VN but seeing the story (which was the best part) properly adapted would've been great.
Hopefully another studio picks this up one day (lol) and gives it a proper adaptation but it's nice to finally finish this series after so many years.