Jan 31, 2017 3:58 PM
It is animated so badly most of the people who watched the 1st episode got motion sicked, which says a lot about how ass it was. Music, plot and art overall are subjective so I'd not really consider them as good/bad traits. |
Jan 31, 2017 6:19 PM
88expert said: CrazyFrogz said: Agree!! Why 5? Should 2 or 3. Is NOT the worst anime out there. There are far worst anime than hand shakers that got a 6-8. Like Yuri on ice, Fuuka, kuzu no honkai, Saijaku muhai no bahamut, Define worst. Yuri on Ice has good animation, plot and best dvd/bd sellers in last season. Kuzu no Honkai great art and directing. |
Jan 31, 2017 9:33 PM
88expert said: CrazyFrogz said: Agree!! Why 5? Should 2 or 3. Is NOT the worst anime out there. There are far worst anime than hand shakers that got a 6-8. Like Yuri on ice, Fuuka, kuzu no honkai, Saijaku muhai no bahamut, You must be trolling if you say Kuzu no Honkai is bad |
Jan 31, 2017 9:40 PM
Rin_Kitsune said: 88expert said: CrazyFrogz said: Agree!! Why 5? Should 2 or 3. Is NOT the worst anime out there. There are far worst anime than hand shakers that got a 6-8. Like Yuri on ice, Fuuka, kuzu no honkai, Saijaku muhai no bahamut, You must be trolling if you say Kuzu no Honkai is bad Is not bad but is uncomfortable to watch and the characters are too dense for my liking |
Jan 31, 2017 9:44 PM
CrazyFrogz said: 88expert said: CrazyFrogz said: Agree!! Why 5? Should 2 or 3. Is NOT the worst anime out there. There are far worst anime than hand shakers that got a 6-8. Like Yuri on ice, Fuuka, kuzu no honkai, Saijaku muhai no bahamut, Define worst. Yuri on Ice has good animation, plot and best dvd/bd sellers in last season. Kuzu no Honkai great art and directing. Good animation... Huh?? Plot is not good. I mean putting performances after performances after performances is NOT how a sport anime. I actually made a review of yuri on ice in MAL. Kuzu no honkai IMO is uncomfortable to watch and the characters are too dense for liking. Yes the art style is good but 70-80% of my scoring is in the characters and story |
Jan 31, 2017 10:43 PM
88expert said: Kuzu no honkai IMO is uncomfortable to watch and the characters are too dense for liking. Yes the art style is good but 70-80% of my scoring is in the characters and story I'm still watching Hand Shakers at the latest episode. Character and story is shit by the way. |
Jan 31, 2017 11:20 PM
CrazyFrogz said: 88expert said: Kuzu no honkai IMO is uncomfortable to watch and the characters are too dense for liking. Yes the art style is good but 70-80% of my scoring is in the characters and story I'm still watching Hand Shakers at the latest episode. Character and story is shit by the way. Kuzu no honkai are too dense. They only have 1 emotion which is sad. That's not enough. Take Yosuga no Sora for example. Well at least they are relatable than the characters in yuri on ice. I watched Yuri on ice and there isn't any positive comment I can think of beside the ice skating performances look like actual ice skating performances |
Feb 1, 2017 8:00 PM
im still debating whether i should give the 5 or wait awhile still. show is getting meh |
Feb 1, 2017 8:18 PM
Personally I would give it a 3/10 but I only have seen 1 episode. The problem with this show it has a lot of problems with the narrative now that I think about it, aside from the animation which is downright insulting in itself, and not only that but I think I remembered reading this one article further... It's really that bad from the technical stance. Going back to the narrative though, MY issue is mostly the execution for the first episode: The concept is okay on paper but the way that concept was executed is terrible, the reason as to why is because there was another Hand Shaker which he wasn't even holding the female's hand, and the way it portrayed that concept was shit because it treated her as a sex object as well. Also, this also leaves a big plot hole because wouldn't that suppose to mean that the other would die? The entire backstory with the MC seems pretty forced and even if it was just the start for any MCs, at least the main male character has to have a pique of interest of course, so that being said that's another issue. The drama just feels as a watered down soap opera. Then again, as I said, 1 episode of course for this show, so maybe my thoughts would change but, we'll see. It's not really the worst of the season (that for me goes to Fuuka and I dropped that show because of how painful it was), but, it isn't as deserving to get a 5-6/10. 3/10 at best, since it isn't really as bad as others are making, but its bad like, a 4. |
Feb 2, 2017 8:06 AM
like there are average shows that get overrated, in this case we have an average show that is underrated(by mal standarts) and this: people complain about the animation in this anime, but in K, it was fine? ergr........ |
Feb 2, 2017 8:49 PM
Yes, the CGI animation isn't the greatest, lots of flaws, some scenes are poorly and awkwardly done, yes the execution of the plot isn't the best (reason I said execution is because the plot itself doesn't seem to be AS bad as everyone else makes it), yes the characters are pretty dull and boring, but for some reason, I can't help but myself enjoying it.. LOL. But I really do like the OST tho ^^ |
♔ caught in the wonder ♔ |
Feb 2, 2017 8:51 PM
This show still is watchable for me, still giving a 6 for now |
Feb 3, 2017 12:11 AM
Actually Hand Shakers is pretty bad and a 5 doesn't surprise me. And I have plenty reasons to consider it a bad show:
I'm going to keep watching this, though. The show looks kinda experimental and I have no idea where the plot is going, and that actually entertains me. |
You just lost the game |
Feb 3, 2017 5:56 AM
Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. |
Feb 3, 2017 2:12 PM
I'm picking this show up just because people are trashing Kuzu no Honkai. |
>Ecchi na no wa ikenai to omoimasu!< |
Feb 3, 2017 4:57 PM
I haven't seen a lot of anime, but I know what SHIT looks like. I'd say it's the worst show I've ever seen. I WISH it were a 5 because a 5, by my standards, is average with no rewatch value. Not good but not crap. This is so beyond crap that it makes crap look good. |
Feb 6, 2017 7:10 AM
DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime |
Feb 6, 2017 7:20 AM
Cishet said: Actually Hand Shakers is pretty bad and a 5 doesn't surprise me. And I have plenty reasons to consider it a bad show:
I'm going to keep watching this, though. The show looks kinda experimental and I have no idea where the plot is going, and that actually entertains me. 1. Is a BATH SCENE. If you didn't see it coming there's something wrong with you 2. Well at least there are more likeable than Yuri on ice. 3. He's slowly develop and learning to uses and control his power. Those things take time. 4. WTF are you paying attention??? The doctor guy explain many shit in just 4 episodes 5. GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME. 6. I don't see any fan services after episode 1. 7. Pacing is slow for now as they need more time explain stuffs. 8. WHAT?? 9. Dude he is as confuse as us. Give the series some time to explain. |
Feb 6, 2017 7:23 AM
Chi_Ho_Lau said: Oh yeah 5 scores! It should be 2.21 scores because I watched Hand Shakers 3 episodes after the animation is crap and give me cancer. I really hate the characters and soundtrack like Forest Fairy Five. The episode 1 is worst animation! GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Can you give me 1 anime that have both?? |
Feb 6, 2017 9:20 AM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! |
Feb 6, 2017 9:24 AM
88expert said: Chi_Ho_Lau said: Oh yeah 5 scores! It should be 2.21 scores because I watched Hand Shakers 3 episodes after the animation is crap and give me cancer. I really hate the characters and soundtrack like Forest Fairy Five. The episode 1 is worst animation! GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Can you give me 1 anime that have both?? There are literally thousand of 'em: Free!, Hibike! Euphonium, Flip Flappers, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Kill La Kill, Space Dandy, Millennium Actress. Just to name what I could type out in under 10 seconds ... |
Feb 6, 2017 9:54 AM
Rin_Kitsune said: This show still is watchable for me, still giving a 6 for now Like, 5 is not a bad score, it's a "meh" score, bad scores are 4 and lower. I score an anime 5 when "Meh, i didn't hate it, but i could've not watched it and it would have been OK". Basically, a anime you don't regret watching, but rather don't care if you watched it or not. |
Feb 6, 2017 4:14 PM
88expert said: Cishet said: Actually Hand Shakers is pretty bad and a 5 doesn't surprise me. And I have plenty reasons to consider it a bad show:
I'm going to keep watching this, though. The show looks kinda experimental and I have no idea where the plot is going, and that actually entertains me. 1. Is a BATH SCENE. If you didn't see it coming there's something wrong with you 2. Well at least there are more likeable than Yuri on ice. 3. He's slowly develop and learning to uses and control his power. Those things take time. 4. WTF are you paying attention??? The doctor guy explain many shit in just 4 episodes 5. GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME. 6. I don't see any fan services after episode 1. 7. Pacing is slow for now as they need more time explain stuffs. 8. WHAT?? 9. Dude he is as confuse as us. Give the series some time to explain. 1-I wasn't even refering to that scene. Hand Shakers has a tendency to make characters explain verbally what's happening instead of showing. Is like watching one of your classmates recite a Power Point. 2-The quality of others series has no influence in the quality of this one. It's like saying every romance out there is a masterpiece because Boku No Pico exists. But if you tried to invalid my argument thinking that I liked YoI, let me disappoint you a little, because I actually kinda disliked it. 3-Not dull in the sense of no having development, but dull in the sense that he fills the stereotipe of "kind boy who always do the right thing and want to protect everyone. Also, he's really shy in front of the opposite sex", which makes him uninteresting. 4-And it was a very shallow exposition. How did the doctor learn all that information in the first place? 5-Animation is a part of the show quality, but not its entirety. Failing in the audiovisual aspect makes your show worse because music and visuals are a medium to convey messages, ideas and emotions. It indirectly tells you what do you have to pay attention to. Hand Shakers' camera direction is very distracting, and many things look straight ugly. An SSS tier animation is not necessary for a good show, but you can't make things look ugly or unappealing to the spectator eyes. 6-Bath scene. It was unnecesary, cliche, and gave 0 benefits to the plot. It was just a waste of time. Also, there's a girl with two giant melons. I don't dislike big boobs, but outside ecchi they seem pretty silly. 7-But this series is 12 ep long, they don't have such time. 8-Not because it has superpowers and that shit doesn't happen in real life, but because characters actions are way too convenient. And they don't question anything either (MC took really well the fact that he has to live with a stranger attached to his hand, for example). 9-Yeah, but at least they could tell us what is MC wanting to do when he wins all this., because he's actually fighting to win (otherwise Koyori would die). |
You just lost the game |
Feb 6, 2017 4:27 PM
agree, this doesn't deserve a 5, this deserves a 1. worst anime I've ever seen in my life |
Feb 6, 2017 4:28 PM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: Chi_Ho_Lau said: Oh yeah 5 scores! It should be 2.21 scores because I watched Hand Shakers 3 episodes after the animation is crap and give me cancer. I really hate the characters and soundtrack like Forest Fairy Five. The episode 1 is worst animation! GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Can you give me 1 anime that have both?? There are literally thousand of 'em: Free!, Hibike! Euphonium, Flip Flappers, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Kill La Kill, Space Dandy, Millennium Actress. Just to name what I could type out in under 10 seconds ... Free: I wish there can stop using this trope. ENDLESS FLASHBACK Hibike: Haven't watch it Flip flappers: Drop after episode 6 NGE: No. Just No Cowboy bebop: I like it but in term of animation others beats it Kill la kill: Haven't watch Space dandy: comedy not for me Millennium actress: Nah |
Feb 6, 2017 4:40 PM
Cishet said: 88expert said: Cishet said: Actually Hand Shakers is pretty bad and a 5 doesn't surprise me. And I have plenty reasons to consider it a bad show:
I'm going to keep watching this, though. The show looks kinda experimental and I have no idea where the plot is going, and that actually entertains me. 1. Is a BATH SCENE. If you didn't see it coming there's something wrong with you 2. Well at least there are more likeable than Yuri on ice. 3. He's slowly develop and learning to uses and control his power. Those things take time. 4. WTF are you paying attention??? The doctor guy explain many shit in just 4 episodes 5. GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME. 6. I don't see any fan services after episode 1. 7. Pacing is slow for now as they need more time explain stuffs. 8. WHAT?? 9. Dude he is as confuse as us. Give the series some time to explain. 1-I wasn't even refering to that scene. Hand Shakers has a tendency to make characters explain verbally what's happening instead of showing. Is like watching one of your classmates recite a Power Point. 2-The quality of others series has no influence in the quality of this one. It's like saying every romance out there is a masterpiece because Boku No Pico exists. But if you tried to invalid my argument thinking that I liked YoI, let me disappoint you a little, because I actually kinda disliked it. 3-Not dull in the sense of no having development, but dull in the sense that he fills the stereotipe of "kind boy who always do the right thing and want to protect everyone. Also, he's really shy in front of the opposite sex", which makes him uninteresting. 4-And it was a very shallow exposition. How did the doctor learn all that information in the first place? 5-Animation is a part of the show quality, but not its entirety. Failing in the audiovisual aspect makes your show worse because music and visuals are a medium to convey messages, ideas and emotions. It indirectly tells you what do you have to pay attention to. Hand Shakers' camera direction is very distracting, and many things look straight ugly. An SSS tier animation is not necessary for a good show, but you can't make things look ugly or unappealing to the spectator eyes. 6-Bath scene. It was unnecesary, cliche, and gave 0 benefits to the plot. It was just a waste of time. Also, there's a girl with two giant melons. I don't dislike big boobs, but outside ecchi they seem pretty silly. 7-But this series is 12 ep long, they don't have such time. 8-Not because it has superpowers and that shit doesn't happen in real life, but because characters actions are way too convenient. And they don't question anything either (MC took really well the fact that he has to live with a stranger attached to his hand, for example). 9-Yeah, but at least they could tell us what is MC wanting to do when he wins all this., because he's actually fighting to win (otherwise Koyori would die). 1. Did you watch occultic;nine before? There is one characters with a watermelon boobs but I called her the most important character in the whole show 2. Yuri on ice characters are DULL AND BORING. 3. Take time well at least he isn't that shy about people saying Koyori is his GF. 4. Through Koyori 5. I took animation in Uni. So if I have no problem in the animation of the show. Why must people have problem. Sure camera angle could be weird but it didn't make me sick unlike another show. 6. Koyori stitches and it shows the character adaptation in Tazuna character. 7. We still have time. Take orange, that series explain the blackhole and how the future self send the letter at episode 7-9. 8. He did question that. 9. Give it some time. Maybe he want to wish for his sis to be alive |
Feb 6, 2017 4:46 PM
gemanepa said: What can you expect of a website where the highest rated anime of the season is a shitfest of fucked ups irrational characters fucking and hurting each other whenever they can? Because yeeeah that's like deep stuff man! Considering that you could see the first Hand Shakers trailer 4 months before the anime started, if anything, the rating shows that MAL users can't watch a trailer to save their lives I really really like Hand Shakers. It's one of my favorite anime of the season. It's funny and sad at the same time. I like the art and colors the producers are using. Also, the seiyuus and music are seriously awesome Baseless KnH hate at it's finest. |
Feb 6, 2017 5:33 PM
I like how this thread is made up of people with equally shit taste calling each other out on their AOTS :D edit: dont forget |
SpaghettiSpikeFeb 6, 2017 5:38 PM
Oshii is probably the only director that loves dogs. He thinks he's a dog himself. That's right, its slime! It will dissolve your clothing slowly before my eyes! |
Feb 6, 2017 6:59 PM
88expert said: Cishet said: 88expert said: Cishet said: Actually Hand Shakers is pretty bad and a 5 doesn't surprise me. And I have plenty reasons to consider it a bad show:
I'm going to keep watching this, though. The show looks kinda experimental and I have no idea where the plot is going, and that actually entertains me. 1. Is a BATH SCENE. If you didn't see it coming there's something wrong with you 2. Well at least there are more likeable than Yuri on ice. 3. He's slowly develop and learning to uses and control his power. Those things take time. 4. WTF are you paying attention??? The doctor guy explain many shit in just 4 episodes 5. GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME. 6. I don't see any fan services after episode 1. 7. Pacing is slow for now as they need more time explain stuffs. 8. WHAT?? 9. Dude he is as confuse as us. Give the series some time to explain. 1-I wasn't even refering to that scene. Hand Shakers has a tendency to make characters explain verbally what's happening instead of showing. Is like watching one of your classmates recite a Power Point. 2-The quality of others series has no influence in the quality of this one. It's like saying every romance out there is a masterpiece because Boku No Pico exists. But if you tried to invalid my argument thinking that I liked YoI, let me disappoint you a little, because I actually kinda disliked it. 3-Not dull in the sense of no having development, but dull in the sense that he fills the stereotipe of "kind boy who always do the right thing and want to protect everyone. Also, he's really shy in front of the opposite sex", which makes him uninteresting. 4-And it was a very shallow exposition. How did the doctor learn all that information in the first place? 5-Animation is a part of the show quality, but not its entirety. Failing in the audiovisual aspect makes your show worse because music and visuals are a medium to convey messages, ideas and emotions. It indirectly tells you what do you have to pay attention to. Hand Shakers' camera direction is very distracting, and many things look straight ugly. An SSS tier animation is not necessary for a good show, but you can't make things look ugly or unappealing to the spectator eyes. 6-Bath scene. It was unnecesary, cliche, and gave 0 benefits to the plot. It was just a waste of time. Also, there's a girl with two giant melons. I don't dislike big boobs, but outside ecchi they seem pretty silly. 7-But this series is 12 ep long, they don't have such time. 8-Not because it has superpowers and that shit doesn't happen in real life, but because characters actions are way too convenient. And they don't question anything either (MC took really well the fact that he has to live with a stranger attached to his hand, for example). 9-Yeah, but at least they could tell us what is MC wanting to do when he wins all this., because he's actually fighting to win (otherwise Koyori would die). 1. Did you watch occultic;nine before? There is one characters with a watermelon boobs but I called her the most important character in the whole show 2. Yuri on ice characters are DULL AND BORING. 3. Take time well at least he isn't that shy about people saying Koyori is his GF. 4. Through Koyori 5. I took animation in Uni. So if I have no problem in the animation of the show. Why must people have problem. Sure camera angle could be weird but it didn't make me sick unlike another show. 6. Koyori stitches and it shows the character adaptation in Tazuna character. 7. We still have time. Take orange, that series explain the blackhole and how the future self send the letter at episode 7-9. 8. He did question that. 9. Give it some time. Maybe he want to wish for his sis to be alive 1-A character with big boobs can be relevant, I'm not saying the opposite. The problem is, unrealistic big boobs is not something that you can take seriously. It breaks the atmosphere of the show. 2-We're talking about Hand Shakers. Your hate for Yaoi on Ice has nothing to do with this. You're not even disproving my point. 3-The thing is, he doesn't stand out as a protagonist. He can improve, though, so I'll give you that. 4-It's not stated how he met Koyori, nor the conditions in which he did so. Could Koyori talk at that time? No one knows, and no one seems to care. The show didn't tell us that she have some kind of amnesia or whatever thing that left her in that status of barely knowing what's going on, so I asume he couldn't ask her for that information. 5-I actually don't dislike the animation. It's fresh and unique, but has many aspects to improve (i.e the framerate). 6-There were better options for developing their relationship. It kind of worked, but they forgot completely that most parents WON'T let their children take baths with someone of the opposite sex. 7-Orange is a different matter. In series involving fights the limits of the powers have to be clearly explained from the go, so characters don't come out with asspulls every second. Other matters can be explained in the last episodes, but there has to be some kind of hint about what is happening. 8-It was more like surprise from having to live with an stranger than questioning the matter. 9-The thing is, he's not even wondering what his wish could be. It's like he completely forgot that he has to make a wish. Just to point out, I don't dislike this show. At least it tries something different, unlike most shows of this season. I just think this has many things to improve. |
You just lost the game |
Feb 6, 2017 7:57 PM
Cishet said: 88expert said: Cishet said: 88expert said: Cishet said: Actually Hand Shakers is pretty bad and a 5 doesn't surprise me. And I have plenty reasons to consider it a bad show:
I'm going to keep watching this, though. The show looks kinda experimental and I have no idea where the plot is going, and that actually entertains me. 1. Is a BATH SCENE. If you didn't see it coming there's something wrong with you 2. Well at least there are more likeable than Yuri on ice. 3. He's slowly develop and learning to uses and control his power. Those things take time. 4. WTF are you paying attention??? The doctor guy explain many shit in just 4 episodes 5. GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME. 6. I don't see any fan services after episode 1. 7. Pacing is slow for now as they need more time explain stuffs. 8. WHAT?? 9. Dude he is as confuse as us. Give the series some time to explain. 1-I wasn't even refering to that scene. Hand Shakers has a tendency to make characters explain verbally what's happening instead of showing. Is like watching one of your classmates recite a Power Point. 2-The quality of others series has no influence in the quality of this one. It's like saying every romance out there is a masterpiece because Boku No Pico exists. But if you tried to invalid my argument thinking that I liked YoI, let me disappoint you a little, because I actually kinda disliked it. 3-Not dull in the sense of no having development, but dull in the sense that he fills the stereotipe of "kind boy who always do the right thing and want to protect everyone. Also, he's really shy in front of the opposite sex", which makes him uninteresting. 4-And it was a very shallow exposition. How did the doctor learn all that information in the first place? 5-Animation is a part of the show quality, but not its entirety. Failing in the audiovisual aspect makes your show worse because music and visuals are a medium to convey messages, ideas and emotions. It indirectly tells you what do you have to pay attention to. Hand Shakers' camera direction is very distracting, and many things look straight ugly. An SSS tier animation is not necessary for a good show, but you can't make things look ugly or unappealing to the spectator eyes. 6-Bath scene. It was unnecesary, cliche, and gave 0 benefits to the plot. It was just a waste of time. Also, there's a girl with two giant melons. I don't dislike big boobs, but outside ecchi they seem pretty silly. 7-But this series is 12 ep long, they don't have such time. 8-Not because it has superpowers and that shit doesn't happen in real life, but because characters actions are way too convenient. And they don't question anything either (MC took really well the fact that he has to live with a stranger attached to his hand, for example). 9-Yeah, but at least they could tell us what is MC wanting to do when he wins all this., because he's actually fighting to win (otherwise Koyori would die). 1. Did you watch occultic;nine before? There is one characters with a watermelon boobs but I called her the most important character in the whole show 2. Yuri on ice characters are DULL AND BORING. 3. Take time well at least he isn't that shy about people saying Koyori is his GF. 4. Through Koyori 5. I took animation in Uni. So if I have no problem in the animation of the show. Why must people have problem. Sure camera angle could be weird but it didn't make me sick unlike another show. 6. Koyori stitches and it shows the character adaptation in Tazuna character. 7. We still have time. Take orange, that series explain the blackhole and how the future self send the letter at episode 7-9. 8. He did question that. 9. Give it some time. Maybe he want to wish for his sis to be alive 1-A character with big boobs can be relevant, I'm not saying the opposite. The problem is, unrealistic big boobs is not something that you can take seriously. It breaks the atmosphere of the show. 2-We're talking about Hand Shakers. Your hate for Yaoi on Ice has nothing to do with this. You're not even disproving my point. 3-The thing is, he doesn't stand out as a protagonist. He can improve, though, so I'll give you that. 4-It's not stated how he met Koyori, nor the conditions in which he did so. Could Koyori talk at that time? No one knows, and no one seems to care. The show didn't tell us that she have some kind of amnesia or whatever thing that left her in that status of barely knowing what's going on, so I asume he couldn't ask her for that information. 5-I actually don't dislike the animation. It's fresh and unique, but has many aspects to improve (i.e the framerate). 6-There were better options for developing their relationship. It kind of worked, but they forgot completely that most parents WON'T let their children take baths with someone of the opposite sex. 7-Orange is a different matter. In series involving fights the limits of the powers have to be clearly explained from the go, so characters don't come out with asspulls every second. Other matters can be explained in the last episodes, but there has to be some kind of hint about what is happening. 8-It was more like surprise from having to live with an stranger than questioning the matter. 9-The thing is, he's not even wondering what his wish could be. It's like he completely forgot that he has to make a wish. Just to point out, I don't dislike this show. At least it tries something different, unlike most shows of this season. I just think this has many things to improve. 1. Big boobs doesn't disturb me I mean look at keijo 2. The characters in this show is wayyy more interesting than the characters in Yuri on ice. I remember Yuri, victor and that's it. 3. Ok then 4. She has a voice actress and a popular one too. She will talk but give some time as the professor say she has to adjust to the language and culture. 5. I took animation in Uni. I don't talk about the framerate why must people talk about it?? 6. The parents did say that "It bring back memories. So that means Tazuna and his little sister has been bathing with each other before. 7. They are hints in the series. Go watch all the 4 episode again 8. Like I say he did question that 9. As the series progress what he want to wish may get clearer. |
Feb 6, 2017 10:23 PM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. |
88expertFeb 7, 2017 1:42 AM
Feb 7, 2017 5:13 AM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. |
Feb 7, 2017 5:17 AM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: Chi_Ho_Lau said: Oh yeah 5 scores! It should be 2.21 scores because I watched Hand Shakers 3 episodes after the animation is crap and give me cancer. I really hate the characters and soundtrack like Forest Fairy Five. The episode 1 is worst animation! GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Can you give me 1 anime that have both?? There are literally thousand of 'em: Free!, Hibike! Euphonium, Flip Flappers, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Kill La Kill, Space Dandy, Millennium Actress. Just to name what I could type out in under 10 seconds ... Free: I wish there can stop using this trope. ENDLESS FLASHBACK Hibike: Haven't watch it Flip flappers: Drop after episode 6 NGE: No. Just No Cowboy bebop: I like it but in term of animation others beats it Kill la kill: Haven't watch Space dandy: comedy not for me Millennium actress: Nah Wow. That's quite a strategy. Asking for examples and then saying all of 'em are shit - Withou stating why. |
Feb 7, 2017 5:34 AM
DrBlock42 said: \88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: Chi_Ho_Lau said: Oh yeah 5 scores! It should be 2.21 scores because I watched Hand Shakers 3 episodes after the animation is crap and give me cancer. I really hate the characters and soundtrack like Forest Fairy Five. The episode 1 is worst animation! GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Can you give me 1 anime that have both?? There are literally thousand of 'em: Free!, Hibike! Euphonium, Flip Flappers, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Kill La Kill, Space Dandy, Millennium Actress. Just to name what I could type out in under 10 seconds ... Free: I wish there can stop using this trope. ENDLESS FLASHBACK Hibike: Haven't watch it Flip flappers: Drop after episode 6 NGE: No. Just No Cowboy bebop: I like it but in term of animation others beats it Kill la kill: Haven't watch Space dandy: comedy not for me Millennium actress: Nah Wow. That's quite a strategy. Asking for examples and then saying all of 'em are shit - Withou stating why. Flip flappers pretty colour only work if the story is good. Free: I like it but the endless flashback need to stop NGE: There is a reason why is a hold for 2 years Cowboy bebop: compare to modern animation. It lose Space dandy: Comedy is suggestive |
Feb 7, 2017 5:36 AM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things |
Feb 7, 2017 11:59 AM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: Chi_Ho_Lau said: Oh yeah 5 scores! It should be 2.21 scores because I watched Hand Shakers 3 episodes after the animation is crap and give me cancer. I really hate the characters and soundtrack like Forest Fairy Five. The episode 1 is worst animation! GOOD ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Can you give me 1 anime that have both?? There are literally thousand of 'em: Free!, Hibike! Euphonium, Flip Flappers, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Kill La Kill, Space Dandy, Millennium Actress. Just to name what I could type out in under 10 seconds ... Free: I wish there can stop using this trope. ENDLESS FLASHBACK Hibike: Haven't watch it Flip flappers: Drop after episode 6 NGE: No. Just No Cowboy bebop: I like it but in term of animation others beats it Kill la kill: Haven't watch Space dandy: comedy not for me Millennium actress: Nah Wow. That's quite a strategy. Asking for examples and then saying all of 'em are shit - Withou stating why. Flip flappers pretty colour only work if the story is good. Free: I like it but the endless flashback need to stop NGE: There is a reason why is a hold for 2 years Cowboy bebop: compare to modern animation. It lose Space dandy: Comedy is suggestive You're still doing the same - pulling an AnimeSnob. Saying that something is bad, without explaining why! Flip Flappers: What EXACTLY is bad about Flip Flappers Story? Flip Flappers is an exploration of Science Fiction and Fantasy in a narrative style reminiscent of the Mangaka Nihei. What is bad about 3Hz' execution of it? Free: What is bad about KyoAni's usage of flashbacks? And didn't you say you liked it anyways? You don't care about the animation, so that means you consider the story of Free! to be good! You yourself gave the perfect example of an anime with good animation AND story there. NGE: WHAT IS THE REASON? TELL ME, DON'T JUST STATE THAT YOU HAVE A REASON! Cowboy Bebop: There are a lot of animes that look far worse than Cowboy Bebop coming out every season. Like a lot! To give some quick examples from last season: www.Working!!, Long Riders!, Idol Memories, Fune wo Amu, ClassicaLoid, Brave Witches. And the list is so short because I haven't even watched most of the last season yet. Cowboy Bebop, on the other hand, has magnificent character designs, consistently good animation through out the hole show - sometimes even stunning (the starfish in action is brilliant or the fist fights) - and timeless art design. I don't even need to start talkin' about the amazing sound, don't I?! And even if this weren't the case - Not beeing the best-looking show doesn't mean it is not good looking; Not having the best story, doesn't mean the story isn't good. Space Dandy: What's bad about suggestive humor? Ignoring the humor - Space Dandy's animation is some of the best we got in years. I even consider it one of the best SiFi stories ever, as it encapsulates and perfects what makes SiFi so interesting - Exploration of new worlds - by embracing the concept in every way possible: Tone, animation style, directing, art design, character designs, themes, etc. shift every episode and present stories never even conceived by human kind before (the black-and-white time-travel episode). |
Feb 7, 2017 12:05 PM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. |
Feb 7, 2017 3:09 PM
Cishet said: 6-Bath scene. It was unnecesary, cliche, and gave 0 benefits to the plot. It was just a waste of time. Also, there's a girl with two giant melons. I don't dislike big boobs, but outside ecchi they seem pretty silly. why does it matter that it was a bath scene? would you be complaining if they were sitting at a table? probably not, you just didn't want to see a naked loli and ecchi isn't a genre, its an addition like anything else, a girl should be able to melon tits in any anime... girls irl with giant tits exist all over the world, not only at the beach |
Feb 7, 2017 9:34 PM
EcchiLordMamster said: Cishet said: 6-Bath scene. It was unnecesary, cliche, and gave 0 benefits to the plot. It was just a waste of time. Also, there's a girl with two giant melons. I don't dislike big boobs, but outside ecchi they seem pretty silly. why does it matter that it was a bath scene? would you be complaining if they were sitting at a table? probably not, you just didn't want to see a naked loli and ecchi isn't a genre, its an addition like anything else, a girl should be able to melon tits in any anime... girls irl with giant tits exist all over the world, not only at the beach Because as I said: parents letting their children bathe with an stranger of the opossite sex is pretty unlikely. Big boobs IRL don't work like that, tho. They don't jiggle like gelatin with every since movement, because girls actually wear bras. |
CishetFeb 7, 2017 9:37 PM
You just lost the game |
Feb 7, 2017 10:54 PM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. You can't compare american cartoon and anime. You just can't in term of content, in term of budget, in term of anything really |
Feb 8, 2017 2:21 AM
Cishet said: Because as I said: parents letting their children bathe with an stranger of the opossite sex is pretty unlikely. Big boobs IRL don't work like that, tho. They don't jiggle like gelatin with every since movement, because girls actually wear bras. ok? and?... this is anime.... ok? they do in anime... and that doesn't even address what i was saying i was saying, why does the type of anime matter when there are girls with huge boobs all over the world? it wouldn't make sense for there to be a particular anime world where that type of girl didn't exist saying "girls with huge jiggling boobs only belong in ecchi anime" is like saying that irl "girls with huge jiggly boobs can only be found at the beach" again, this is fiction... stop freaking out... oh and believe it or not, some girls do have boobs that move like that... but yea they usually wear bras... oh well... its sexy as fuck, who why are you complaining? |
EcchiGodMamsterFeb 8, 2017 2:25 AM
Feb 8, 2017 3:34 AM
1. The characters are horrible. Shirou-wannabe is generic. His sister doesn't even have a personality by the end of the first episode. The villain guy is just a throwaway scumbag with a stupid power. The lady doesn't have a personality. The powers are absolutely lame. The doctor is obnoxious. 2. There is no logic. The "hold hands or sis will die" thing is stupid beyond belief, not only in combat, but in regular life too. Why the MC was chides after just seeing his sister is beyond me. Chain guy couldn't even finish off the two protags with the chain (let alone hit them (he only grazed him once)) when they were STANDING STILL, DEFENSELESS!! Also, way to haphazardly introduce a villain. Wait, how did he find him? 3. The animation...whoooooo boy! The camera kills everything in every scene by moving way too fast and moving around uncontrollably and without reason other than "no one has tried this before". The frame rate of the characters is different from the camera which is different from some of the chains which is different than some of the other chains, and it is all a clusterfuck of multiple different frame rates clashing, which is a literal pain in the eyes. The hair designs are murder, andthe characters look so much younger than they're supposed to. The chains are revolting on their own, the flame and explosion effects look worse than in Mighty No. 9. The frame rate chugs in the very first scene. The later moments of the first scene (barring previews for the other battles) are played verbatim in the last scene of the show (right before the gear sword, which lions hideous). The choreography is murder, and that's partial due to the camera and the horribly inplemented artstyle that clashes heavily with the CHI backgrounds. The lighting is off as well. All of these things and more made for a first episode that is physically unbearable to sit through, making many of us more angry that we thought possible for an entertainment show to make us be. Mind you, this is only the first episode, be none of these are problems that look like they'll go away anytime soon. This show is a disaster piece. EDIT: The show keeps getting dumber, and it even tacks on tacky incest for the sake of it. This "death game" is the most horribly explained and horribly constructed death game in anime history. |
CodeBlazeFateFeb 15, 2017 9:06 AM
Being wrong is just an occupational hazard. Follow me on twitter. I have an anitube channel so feel free to check it out and subscribe if you like what you see. |
Feb 8, 2017 7:13 AM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. You can't compare american cartoon and anime. You just can't in term of content, in term of budget, in term of anything really 1) Budget has nothing to do with quality. One Punch Man, Fate/Stay Night UBW or any KyoAni show have a super small budget and look a thousand time better than all cartoons together. 2) I hope you're aware that Ajin is a Japanese production. Literally no non-japanese person has worked on it ... |
Feb 8, 2017 4:28 PM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. You can't compare american cartoon and anime. You just can't in term of content, in term of budget, in term of anything really 1) Budget has nothing to do with quality. One Punch Man, Fate/Stay Night UBW or any KyoAni show have a super small budget and look a thousand time better than all cartoons together. 2) I hope you're aware that Ajin is a Japanese production. Literally no non-japanese person has worked on it ... Fate/stay night UBW: Ufotable have unlimited budget One punch man: Is madhouse they can make something look eeh turn boom Kyoani work: Some of their work are eeh... Like chuunibyo season 2 and musaigen (In term of story and characters) And yet it look shit. However since my scoring is mainly on story and characters( Which is way important than animation). I give both of them a 7 and an 8 |
Feb 8, 2017 4:35 PM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. You can't compare american cartoon and anime. You just can't in term of content, in term of budget, in term of anything really 1) Budget has nothing to do with quality. One Punch Man, Fate/Stay Night UBW or any KyoAni show have a super small budget and look a thousand time better than all cartoons together. 2) I hope you're aware that Ajin is a Japanese production. Literally no non-japanese person has worked on it ... Please learn this: GOOD ART/ ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Look at SAO, musaigen and divine gate There are some bad animation but good anime. Look at shinsekai yori, aku no hana and ping pong the animation |
Feb 9, 2017 1:59 AM
88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. You can't compare american cartoon and anime. You just can't in term of content, in term of budget, in term of anything really 1) Budget has nothing to do with quality. One Punch Man, Fate/Stay Night UBW or any KyoAni show have a super small budget and look a thousand time better than all cartoons together. 2) I hope you're aware that Ajin is a Japanese production. Literally no non-japanese person has worked on it ... Fate/stay night UBW: Ufotable have unlimited budget One punch man: Is madhouse they can make something look eeh turn boom Kyoani work: Some of their work are eeh... Like chuunibyo season 2 and musaigen (In term of story and characters) And yet it look shit. However since my scoring is mainly on story and characters( Which is way important than animation). I give both of them a 7 and an 8 Ufotable HAS NO UNLIMITED BUDGET - THEY HAVE THE SAME BUDGET AS EVERYBODY ELSE! THIS STUPID MYTH STARTED BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW PRODUCTION WORK. Madhouse: I don't get what you mean with "something look meh turn boom". KyoAni: Well yeah, but why does that matter? You argued that budget is to blame for Hand Shakers looking shit and that having this smaller budget (Though it has the same budget as any other production btw) protects it from beeing critisized for it's visuals. We're not talking story here. A good story can be achieved with 1$ and with 10000000$. You have to work with your budget - KyoAni and Ufotable mastered this. Some other examples are the Yuasa-Anime Kemonozume; A show that masterfully handled it's small budget by using a simple to work with artstyle. |
Feb 9, 2017 2:34 AM
DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: 88expert said: DrBlock42 said: Because this is the worst looking shit every created by humankind. I get physical pain from watching it. Good animation =/= Good anime That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie. But it is could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. And even ignoring that. The animation, sound AND story are SHIT! Ajin has bad animation. You telling me that is a bad anime?? This is NOT a movie is a weekly series. Weekly series will have a lower budget than movie. 1. What I've seen of Ajin (PV) looks not too bad IMO - quite expressive animation. But if you think it has bad visuals - You should stop watching it, because it is, therefore, a bad anime. Looking at the manga - a different realization of the same story - it succedes in the visual department, ie. has the possibilty to be a good manga. Give it a try. 2. And of course I know that this is a TV Series - I'm watching it. The medium is called movie, you know? To quote Wikipedia: "A film, also called a movie [...], is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon." 3. Budget is no excuse for a bad product. I did watch ajin but the animation took me 5 episode to get use to it. While this took me 2 episodes to get used to it. In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things It took me one day of constant hearing to start liking Radiohead - and now it's my favorite band ever. If you're not used to a particular style, it takes to time. Especially in this visually-wise pretty homogeneous era (If that's bad is up to debate). Your argument that it took longer to get accustomed to Ajin, doesn't automaticly mean that it looks worse than hand Shakers. I don't get what you mean with: In term of budget wise those 2 are 2 different things Please explain yourself. You can't compare american cartoon and anime. You just can't in term of content, in term of budget, in term of anything really 1) Budget has nothing to do with quality. One Punch Man, Fate/Stay Night UBW or any KyoAni show have a super small budget and look a thousand time better than all cartoons together. 2) I hope you're aware that Ajin is a Japanese production. Literally no non-japanese person has worked on it ... Fate/stay night UBW: Ufotable have unlimited budget One punch man: Is madhouse they can make something look eeh turn boom Kyoani work: Some of their work are eeh... Like chuunibyo season 2 and musaigen (In term of story and characters) And yet it look shit. However since my scoring is mainly on story and characters( Which is way important than animation). I give both of them a 7 and an 8 Ufotable HAS NO UNLIMITED BUDGET - THEY HAVE THE SAME BUDGET AS EVERYBODY ELSE! THIS STUPID MYTH STARTED BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW PRODUCTION WORK. Madhouse: I don't get what you mean with "something look meh turn boom". KyoAni: Well yeah, but why does that matter? You argued that budget is to blame for Hand Shakers looking shit and that having this smaller budget (Though it has the same budget as any other production btw) protects it from beeing critisized for it's visuals. We're not talking story here. A good story can be achieved with 1$ and with 10000000$. You have to work with your budget - KyoAni and Ufotable mastered this. Some other examples are the Yuasa-Anime Kemonozume; A show that masterfully handled it's small budget by using a simple to work with artstyle. Wait let me ask something here. Since when animation is the determine factor on good anime?? There's still a lot of stuff we can talk about. There's still story, characters, plot, setting and etc. You can have good animation but a shit story and characters. Like SAO, Musaigen no phathom world and divine gate. |
Feb 9, 2017 3:32 AM
88expert said: [...] Please learn this: GOOD ART/ ANIMATION =/= GOOD ANIME Look at SAO, musaigen and divine gate There are some bad animation but good anime. Look at shinsekai yori, aku no hana and ping pong the animation 1) Well, that's quite pretentious of you to say that your opinion is the objective truth and completely neglect mine by saying I should "finally learn what's right". Have you even listened to what I said in the last few posts - I explained in a lot of detail why I think visuals are important in a visual medium like film (seems like a no-brainer to me) and how they are necessary to create a good film/tv show. 2) Divine Gate looks absolutly horrible. The black shadows don't work with the muted colors and backgrounds. Looks like garbage. Trava: First planet did the same style with far less budget per episode - still looks good - Another proof that budget isn't important, it's talent. 3) Visuals =/= animation! It's correct that Shinsekai Yori isn't especially fabulously animated (except for some scenes), but that's only in favor of the story. The visuals would've been worse if they'd pulled a One Punch Man - the blandness of the animation and the overly simple designs created a coherent visual foundation for the story. (Shinsekai Yori is a good example of why there are no rules in writing. From a traditional perspective, the writing is horrible: Messy, incoherent, loaded with exposition, even lazy at times - But it works, because there are, in fact, no rules to story telling) Aku no Hana's strongly conservative und unsettling rotorscoped animation (That isn't easier to pull of than traditional animation btw - another big missconception) creates, together with the stunning music (Never neglect the sound as it is 1/3 of the whole product), a dense atmosphere that gave the story it's emotional punch. And about Ping Pong - It's animation is f-ing great! Taket this shot for example - The animation is raw, powerfull and full of detail. Masaaki Yuasa stays away from correcting the animation and using complicated designs to leaves space for his animators to express themselves, something that you feel in the every frame of the show. In conclusion: All these shows have absolutely stunning visuals, coupled with great stories - That's why I like them so much. 88expert said: [...] Wait let me ask something here. Since when animation is the determine factor on good anime?? There's still a lot of stuff we can talk about. There's still story, characters, plot, setting and etc. You can have good animation but a shit story and characters. Like SAO, Musaigen no phathom world and divine gate. Did you even listend to what I said before?? let me repeat it for you: DrBlock42 said: That's right. But Bad Animation = Bad anime ! A movie consists of three elements. The visuals, the sound and the story. The first two are what seperates a movie from a mere story (aka. a book). If a movie has bad visuals or bad sound, it failed as a movie. The story could be a masterpiece but it'll always be a bad movie. A movie with great sound and animation on the otherhand is not automaticly a great movie, as these elements are only 2/3 of the product, but it could. Only if all three elements are great, a movie is truly perfect. [...] And I'm still waiting for an explanation WHY you find Flip Flappers, Free!, NGE, etc. to be bad; As it stands, you don't have a reason for it ... DrBlock42 said: You're still doing the same - pulling an AnimeSnob. Saying that something is bad, without explaining why! Flip Flappers: What EXACTLY is bad about Flip Flappers Story? Flip Flappers is an exploration of Science Fiction and Fantasy in a narrative style reminiscent of the Mangaka Nihei. What is bad about 3Hz' execution of it? Free: What is bad about KyoAni's usage of flashbacks? And didn't you say you liked it anyways? You don't care about the animation, so that means you consider the story of Free! to be good! You yourself gave the perfect example of an anime with good animation AND story there. NGE: WHAT IS THE REASON? TELL ME, DON'T JUST STATE THAT YOU HAVE A REASON! Cowboy Bebop: There are a lot of animes that look far worse than Cowboy Bebop coming out every season. Like a lot! To give some quick examples from last season: www.Working!!, Long Riders!, Idol Memories, Fune wo Amu, ClassicaLoid, Brave Witches. And the list is so short because I haven't even watched most of the last season yet. Cowboy Bebop, on the other hand, has magnificent character designs, consistently good animation through out the hole show - sometimes even stunning (the starfish in action is brilliant or the fist fights) - and timeless art design. I don't even need to start talkin' about the amazing sound, don't I?! And even if this weren't the case - Not beeing the best-looking show doesn't mean it is not good looking; Not having the best story, doesn't mean the story isn't good. Space Dandy: What's bad about suggestive humor? Ignoring the humor - Space Dandy's animation is some of the best we got in years. I even consider it one of the best SiFi stories ever, as it encapsulates and perfects what makes SiFi so interesting - Exploration of new worlds - by embracing the concept in every way possible: Tone, animation style, directing, art design, character designs, themes, etc. shift every episode and present stories never even conceived by human kind before (the black-and-white time-travel episode). |
Feb 10, 2017 3:30 PM
I am still giving it a 6 for now |
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