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Dec 22, 2016 1:12 PM

Jun 2015
My reaction to 3 eyes and evil-all-along:

Dec 22, 2016 1:20 PM
Apr 2016
Damn i saw somebodys prediction couple weeks back that pudding is evil and planing all this bullshit and that guy was right :D
Dec 22, 2016 1:26 PM

Mar 2014
Am I missing something or is it just me? It seems like Pudding is reading Reijuu's mind and has her in a dream-like state.

MoonStar9 said:
Why is everyone saying this twist was masterful? It was so obvious that it can't even be called a twist. The majority of people considered this at one point or another. I was honestly hoping Oda wouldn't go this route but he did. Instead of making it a conflict where Sanji would have to choose between Pudding, the SHs and Zeff's lives, and his freedom and friends' wishes he simply made Pudding evil to null all of it. I'm sorry, I love One Piece but that was simplistic writing. Fairy Tail level writing.

I'd say a decent amount of people in the beginning, including myself, thought pudding was evil. Then Oda gives a lot of chapters building onto the fact that she's a good person. Then we get to the chapter where Luffy and Nami freak out and it's 1 of 2 choices, Pudding is extremely evil, or she's planning on actions that are practically suicide against Big Mom. Thanks to all the buildup, especially the Lola flashbacks, it leads the readers, including myself, to think that she's going to reject the wedding. Then we see Reijuu hurt so then we assume she's going to break off the alliance by hurting the vinsmokes aka rejecting the wedding.

tldr; Oda purposely misleads readers multiple times into thinking Pudding's an angel.
AnimeAdamOPDec 22, 2016 1:33 PM
Dec 22, 2016 2:16 PM

Dec 2011
Man finally a plot twist, has made the Whole Cake Island arc way more interesting, now this will give reason for Germa to team up with Luffy and the others... but I wanna see if Oda does something a bit different, like seriously having Big Mom crew to have a lot of deaths from battling the Germa as they are a battle country too.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 22, 2016 2:22 PM

Nov 2013
TrashDax said:
My reaction to 3 eyes and evil-all-along:

same. Oda completely got me there ...

5/5 good job. Now we have a solid chance to see Vinsmoke faamily + Straw Hat vs Big Mom

But now Oda will have to stick with the idea of Pudding beeing evil. If he makes her good again it would be stupid.
short_reviewDec 22, 2016 2:27 PM
Dec 22, 2016 2:33 PM

Oct 2015
jeanseberg said:

There's literally no substance to anything you posted here. Why even bother responding to me if all you were going to do is respond like this is WhatsApp? You're wasting my time with semantics.

HalibelTheEspada said:

Of course 100% of something is not certain, why even bring that up? It goes without saying? And I never senselessly bashed anything. I pointed out what I had a problem with and why. That is constructive criticism. Now I think it's because maybe Pudding was actually putting on an act this chapter and it's a red herring by Oda.

AnimeAdamOP said:

I'm actually starting to believe this myself. It would resolve all my issues with this plot twist.

First of all, she whispered it to the SHs. Why go into the book to whisper it and then pretend she crying as she walks away if her whole family knows of the massacre and her terrible personality? Also, she kept the fact that she planned to meet up with the SHs in the Seducing Woods a secret from her family. Furthermore, I don't believe someone as seemingly powerful as she is doesn't have Observation Haki to sense Sanji outside her window. And again, we've seen her talking earnestly with Lola about her running away so that wasn't there for no reason. I think there's more to this than Pudding is just evil. That's too simplistic.
Dec 22, 2016 2:59 PM
Apr 2012
Eh.. Hope pudding is not evil and doing this for some other reason.
Dec 22, 2016 3:08 PM

Oct 2015
My theory is that Pudding is acting.

All the information regarding the massacre of the Vinsmokes and her killing Sanji is coming directly from Pudding alone in closed doors.

She claims all her family knows of her true side yet she goes into the book to whisper into Luffy's ear about the planned massacre. She does the same with Reiju, behind closed doors. Why wouldn't she just say it out loud in front of her family if it was true? She even continued to fake cry as she left the book. Why continue to act if her family already knows she's evil and she just told Luffy she's evil? She even kept it a secret from her family that she had scheduled a meeting with the SHs on coast of the Seducing Woods. Why would she do that? She told them the secret passage two and Big Mom was confused about how they got there. Furthermore, why tell Reiju about it. Fair enough the SHs can't leave the book but won't Reiju tell her family? What is she gonna kidnap Reiju and cause suspicious? And does she really not have any Haki to sense Sanji outside her window? I'm not convinced.

Big Mom has shown she's negotiable. She said it before to Sanji and to Luffy, and even displayed it in this weeks chapter. She kept dropping the amount of years she'd take away from Pedro showing she's no completely evil, and this is someone who robbed her, so why lie to Sanji about it?

Would Peckoms welcome the SHs into certain death after showing them the level of gratitude he did?

Big Mom has married off her daughters so why would now be the one time she breaks her diplomatic customs and murder everyone? Does she even know how the cloning works? Why would killing the Vinsmokes grant them the loyalty of the Germa army and their technology after the wedding? Why not just do it now?

The readers are the ones who got duped this chapter. Sanji already realises. That's actually why his face is shaded out on the last page, Oda doesn't wants to keep it hidden that Sanji isn't shocked. Do you remember when he fought Viola and he said he can tell when a women is faking her tears? Same when he heard Tashigi crying with Observation Haki on Punk Hazard when Vergo was killing his own men.

She's acting to get both the Vinsmokes and Straw Hats to leave. Then she'll run away like Lola did. That flashback between the two of them has to have some merit.

MoonStar9Dec 22, 2016 4:48 PM
Dec 22, 2016 3:34 PM
Dec 2016
MoonStar9 said:
My theory is that Pudding is acting.

I didn't bother reading all the arguments people had back and forth in this thread. But I agree with your theory, that Pudding is putting on the evil act. I was about to post something too, having just finished the chapter, but you cited reasons for this theory much better than I ever could. Kudos!

Plus if Pudding is purely evil, the plot 'twist' would really be too simplistic for Oda's standards. I believe Oda is prepping us for a much more heart-wrenching conclusion to this arc. There is no reason to believe Oda would suddenly fall short here.

Pudding is trying to rile up Luffy, get the Vinsmoke to turn against Big Mom, and Sanji to abandon her.

In the panel extract where she was seen next to Big Mom, unless she was still acting then (with her third eye exposed?), she didn't appear evil or pleased then but was instead seen shutting her eyes and distancing herself with her hand raised at the violence unfolding before her eyes. And as good as an actress she claims herself to be, her shedding of tears at the end of last chapter seemed heartfelt and genuine. Rather than her kindness, her display of evil before Reiju was what seemed to be the overt and exaggerated act here.

So my point: Pudding is genuinely kind and caring, pretending now to be evil in order to save Sanji and SHs.

Prediction: Sanji will not realize Pudding's true nature (genuinely kind) until it is too late. Pudding will sacrifice her life for Sanji and SH toward the end, and that selfless sacrifice will be key to allow SH's to overcome/escape unscathed from the otherwise insurmountable Big Mom. "I really am a good actress, aren't I?" --> last words to Sanji, as Sanji cries out while weeping bitter and painful tears.
KazieraDec 22, 2016 3:57 PM
Dec 22, 2016 4:12 PM

Oct 2007
the twist isn't masterful nor predictable

it's simply nonsensical / irrational / illogical

it doesn't make any fucking sense, all of a sudden i see a turn around, it's so stupidly boring and lacking in logic that i was thinking 'cut the bullshit, are you serious about this?' as i was reading the last bit o the chapter

this is worse than the 'it was all just a dream' plot twist
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 22, 2016 4:30 PM

Nov 2010
Peralisc said:
the twist isn't masterful nor predictable

it's simply nonsensical / irrational / illogical

it doesn't make any fucking sense, all of a sudden i see a turn around, it's so stupidly boring and lacking in logic that i was thinking 'cut the bullshit, are you serious about this?' as i was reading the last bit o the chapter

this is worse than the 'it was all just a dream' plot twist

half the fandom predicted it

maybe you're just not smart enough, duh
Dec 22, 2016 4:47 PM

Dec 2014
Lol lol another so-called 'twist' which in fact just a forced one lol can't stop laughing lol.

That's why this series been going on for so long and becoming boring & repetitive.

I wouldn't be surprised either if actually it was all act by pudding, she actually tried to save Sanji cs by being an evil. And people will call it another 'twist' lmao.

Does Oda even think before making another page? All those cliche nothing so impressive about, and yet he's being worshipped lmfao.

"Wielding one's blade out of duty alone is what it means to be a captain. Wielding one's blade out of hatred is nothing more than petty violence. That is not what we would consider battle."
Dec 22, 2016 4:49 PM
Jul 2018
tkrisz2 said:
Topinho said:
wtf, oh well, sanji will save luffy and vismoke family with luffy and allies ( i think they gonna show up) will destroy big mom, i think the father of sanji and luffy will fight big mom and win

There are about 20 chapters left of this arc according to an interview with Oda. Big Mom is one of the yonkou, Luffy is weakened, there are still some things that need to be finished in this arc (stealing the poneglyph somehow). I am also not sure if Luffy can beat Big Mom so early in his current state, especially if he barely won against Cracker.

yes thats its true but luffy can use the awake the gomo gomo no mi, but nor controller as well, only in that battle.. and then probably most be a years of train to train gear 4 and awakening and then save the land of samurais and defeat kaido
Dec 22, 2016 4:54 PM

Oct 2015
Kaziera said:
MoonStar9 said:
My theory is that Pudding is acting.

I didn't bother reading all the arguments people had back and forth in this thread. But I agree with your theory, that Pudding is putting on the evil act. I was about to post something too, having just finished the chapter, but you cited reasons for this theory much better than I ever could. Kudos!

Plus if Pudding is purely evil, the plot 'twist' would really be too simplistic for Oda's standards. I believe Oda is prepping us for a much more heart-wrenching conclusion to this arc. There is no reason to believe Oda would suddenly fall short here.

Pudding is trying to rile up Luffy, get the Vinsmoke to turn against Big Mom, and Sanji to abandon her.

In the panel extract where she was seen next to Big Mom, unless she was still acting then (with her third eye exposed?), she didn't appear evil or pleased then but was instead seen shutting her eyes and distancing herself with her hand raised at the violence unfolding before her eyes. And as good as an actress she claims herself to be, her shedding of tears at the end of last chapter seemed heartfelt and genuine. Rather than her kindness, her display of evil before Reiju was what seemed to be the overt and exaggerated act here.

So my point: Pudding is genuinely kind and caring, pretending now to be evil in order to save Sanji and SHs.

Prediction: Sanji will not realize Pudding's true nature (genuinely kind) until it is too late. Pudding will sacrifice her life for Sanji and SH toward the end, and that selfless sacrifice will be key to allow SH's to overcome/escape unscathed from the otherwise insurmountable Big Mom. "I really am a good actress, aren't I?" --> last words to Sanji, as Sanji cries out while weeping bitter and painful tears.

Sanji already realises. That's actually why his face is shaded out on the last page as Oda doesn't want to give away that he's not shocked by the revelation. Do you remember when he fought Viola and he said he can tell when a women is faking her tears? Same when he heard Tashigi crying with Observation Haki on Punk Hazard when Vergo was killing his own men. He knows she's lying. I just want to know what he'll do with the information.
Dec 22, 2016 6:30 PM

Oct 2010
I wouldn't call it a completely unpredictable plot twist, because it was always a scenario that hadn't been ruled out, however it's a pretty solid one. Some fans predicted it for a reason, it makes sense. The few drawbacks I have seen mentioned talk about her attitude in other chapters, and they covered it with the acting thing. Convenient? Yes, but it explains the scheme fairly well.

And there are details here and there that may have a major relevance. When Pudding tells Luffy and Nami that she is going to kill Sanji, her third eye can be seen. When she cries after that, it is covered again. And she does not cry through it. Every time Pudding has been shown acting kind to people and as a legitimately good person... she had her third eye covered. I wonder if there's some significance, if this ability of faking a personality is achieved in some way through this third eye, and whenever it's uncovered, it shows her true colors no matter what.

Poor Sanji indeed. His year had to be fucking 2016.
Dec 22, 2016 7:00 PM

Aug 2008
What a horrible twist. Oda really surprise us. This arc keeps getting better.
ZapredonDec 22, 2016 7:31 PM
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Dec 22, 2016 7:43 PM

Jan 2015
MoonStar9 said:
There's literally no substance to anything you posted here. Why even bother responding to me if all you were going to do is respond like this is WhatsApp? You're wasting my time with semantics.
it's not only bcoz semantic if you can't define what lazy writing is, what shoddy writing is, then why your accused something to be thing that you can't even explain what it was, how you can distinguished it in the first place? my ad hominem for asking your occupation not for reason to not work, at what point of layman-ness you can judge it as legit "bad writing" ?

She's acting to get both the Vinsmokes and Straw Hats to leave.
the only sensible thing from you in this place, tho' I don't agree with certain point of your elaboration, sound overanalyze or something, but well that's unnecessary to confront about.
I just come to this right now that before, you really think and generalize ppl, that they will be all that simply as that ? To believe her an "absolute evil" and not expect or even hope for 2nd twist smh

la critique de l'intention pure
Dec 22, 2016 10:34 PM

Jun 2012
MoonStar9 said:
Well I brought that up just because you mentioned that it crossed many people's minds. I suppose I responded more harshly than I intended... but I guess I really just meant that although it crossed just about everyone's mind, I think overall there were very few left who actually still thought she was bad before this chapter. And that even if 100% weren't convinced, I really don't think many people still doubted her... therefore making it not so obvious. The amount of people surprised by this chapter only confirms that, I think.

As far as you giving constructive criticism, I didn't mean to say that your points were completely invalid, however it came across like you were saying that anyone who was surprised by this is just a mindless fan who is pleased by anything. I don't consider that criticism, but merely trying to belittle others for not seeing something you did. I don't think it's a weak twist just because there are some who predicted it. It's rare that no one at all predicts anything in any popular series like this. And I think if the majority is surprised, then it's a pretty good twist. And if you're right about your theory, then I feel like that makes it a stronger twist, simply because she really never showed any signs that she's actually evil.

Aside from all that, I really like your theory that you have going there, and I think I'm also gonna assume that's what's actually going on, for the moment. Because I did think it was strange that she was crying, while not looking menacing about it whatsoever... basically all you said in your theory, I agree with.

My only thing I kind of disagree with, that you said from before, is that this scene takes place after she's walking down the hallway. It crossed my mind as well, and I do think it's still possible, but I don't think it's the case. I feel like it would be very uncharacteristic of Oda to just write things all out of order like that. Sanji was shown cooking her meal just before Reiju was seen stumbling down the hall. It seems more likely that Pudding was the one who found her all bloody on the floor, seeing how she's already bleeding in this chapter. Not to mention, how would she just escape with Pudding being in top condition, while Reiju is severely injured... unless Pudding let her go to throw the Vinsmokes into a panic.
HalibelTheEspadaDec 22, 2016 10:56 PM
Dec 22, 2016 10:47 PM

Jun 2013
O__O ........!!!!!!!!!! I F**KING KNEW IT!!!! I F**KING KNEW IT!!!! S*IT I AM NAIVE THAT I ACTUALLY STARTED TO THINK PUDDING AS GOOD PERSON IN LAST CHAPTER!!! SHE WAS THE BITCH I WAS EXPECTING!!! I Was Suspecting Her the MOMENT She said Something about "Maybe Mom will marry me with even more Wonderful Guy next Time" in chapter 828

Unless....Pudding is actually just not putting up the show....nah..most likely just a evil Bitch.

Tough that would be just like Goda to Troll us like this...and make Pudding really trying to Sacrifice himself...

POOR Sanji T_T
JarjaxleDec 22, 2016 10:56 PM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Dec 22, 2016 10:53 PM

Apr 2009
The twist was fine. It made the current arc much more interesting. I was wondering how the strawhats could face the mom, but now that vinsmokes can be on their side, we can see some real destruction.
Dec 22, 2016 11:01 PM

Jun 2013
MoonStar9 said:
My theory is that Pudding is acting.

All the information regarding the massacre of the Vinsmokes and her killing Sanji is coming directly from Pudding alone in closed doors.

She claims all her family knows of her true side yet she goes into the book to whisper into Luffy's ear about the planned massacre. She does the same with Reiju, behind closed doors. Why wouldn't she just say it out loud in front of her family if it was true? She even continued to fake cry as she left the book. Why continue to act if her family already knows she's evil and she just told Luffy she's evil? She even kept it a secret from her family that she had scheduled a meeting with the SHs on coast of the Seducing Woods. Why would she do that? She told them the secret passage two and Big Mom was confused about how they got there. Furthermore, why tell Reiju about it. Fair enough the SHs can't leave the book but won't Reiju tell her family? What is she gonna kidnap Reiju and cause suspicious? And does she really not have any Haki to sense Sanji outside her window? I'm not convinced.

Big Mom has shown she's negotiable. She said it before to Sanji and to Luffy, and even displayed it in this weeks chapter. She kept dropping the amount of years she'd take away from Pedro showing she's no completely evil, and this is someone who robbed her, so why lie to Sanji about it?

Would Peckoms welcome the SHs into certain death after showing them the level of gratitude he did?

Big Mom has married off her daughters so why would now be the one time she breaks her diplomatic customs and murder everyone? Does she even know how the cloning works? Why would killing the Vinsmokes grant them the loyalty of the Germa army and their technology after the wedding? Why not just do it now?

The readers are the ones who got duped this chapter. Sanji already realises. That's actually why his face is shaded out on the last page, Oda doesn't wants to keep it hidden that Sanji isn't shocked. Do you remember when he fought Viola and he said he can tell when a women is faking her tears? Same when he heard Tashigi crying with Observation Haki on Punk Hazard when Vergo was killing his own men.

She's acting to get both the Vinsmokes and Straw Hats to leave. Then she'll run away like Lola did. That flashback between the two of them has to have some merit.


This...might be true.....I hope it actually...but <i was literally exploding after the last few Pages....but You are saying couple things I thought after calming down....about that she might be actually just acting...and Yes...if Mom just betrayed the Families she is Marrying her Daughters...would the New Sun Pirates be Dead then?
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Dec 22, 2016 11:20 PM

Apr 2012
Oda really shocked me with this chapter
Dec 23, 2016 12:13 AM
Feb 2015
After reading this chapter I can understand why some people would say it is both masterful and bland. From a teenager perspective, the idea of betrayal, family and friendship/camaraderie are plots that often trigger the emotional phase of their minds which are quite volatile in that age, while teenagers perfectly understand the concept of blood and death, the idea of moral gray and there is no absolute right or wrong its difficult for them to say the least. To those who peaked at the age of 20 the story would been considerably plain in terms of plot development where each and every arc follows a typical set up to end in a climatic finale and emotional farwell.
That being said, I can appreciate the effort Oda puts into crafting each and every arc, it takes a great deal of preserverence and ingenuity to keep up a work that is already 10 years in the running (i remember picking it up at 13 years old).

All in all, I think some people are having unrealistic expectation of what they are expecting to get. For all intends and purposes it is a shonen manga, aimed at the age group of 13-19 years old. So of course it will contain elements that appeals to that age group. Someone us that had grown up with One Piece may be forgetting that this work was not done for us and us alone , but rather for a specific group that we were once part of. If Oda rankles you on the simplicity of the plot, there are other mangas out there that carters to a more mature age group.
For all its purposes, One Piece does deserve its popularity despite its flaws.
Viktor_OtakuDec 23, 2016 12:23 AM
Dec 23, 2016 12:22 AM
Apr 2016
I might be the only one but something is still off about Pudding being psycho and trying to kill Sanji. Yes she told Luffy, Nami and Reiju it was all an act and she never would marry him. But some things still don't add up.
I went back a couple chapters and wrote down some thoughts about it.

1.) When she was first seen in chapter 851, she had a really concerned look on her face. Almost as if she doesn't want the marriage to take place. Maybe she was inspired by Lola to follow her own path ?

2.)in the same chapter Big Mom says she became interested in luffy (maybe because of his guts to stand against a Yonkou) and that she'll direct her whole wrath from Fishman Island to him. I think Big Mom wants to test the Strawhats for whatever reasons. On the other side her mental state is REALLY unstable, so we might not no what her real plan is.

3.) In chapter 827 when Chopper and Luffy ate a whole Cafe, Pudding fooled the citizens and the police by stating, they were just deconstruction workers that she hired. (another situation were she putting on a Fassade to fool people around her.)

4. In chapter 828 she states that her mother could be very stubborn sometimes and that her daughters, including Pudding, have given up any hope long ago of freely choosing a partner to marry. When talking about Lola and how she followed her own path , she has a yearning expression on her face. ( she wants to be free to?)

5.) Pudding looks concerned about meeting up with the Strawhats in chapter 834.

6.) If Pudding should be truly evil it doesn't make sense at all that she is having a flashback of big mom telling her to always obey her. It seems Pudding wants to be as free as Lola. Her Maid's trying to keep her from going outside in the rain shows that she's probably getting pampered all the time. (Chapter 848)
Random thought: What's up with her dress. Maybe there's something she planned that has to do with it.(hidden dynamite inside?)

7.)in the latest chapter she even states that big moms pampering her and that she's sick of her.

So to round everything up:

In my opinion Pudding could play a double act to fool big mom. She wants her mother to believe that she's on her side. I think the reason Pudding is acting the way she does is that she doesn't want her Mother to totally loose it. We all know how Big Mom reacts when she doesn't get she wants. And she also doesn't like to make compromises.
She also tries to push the tension between big mom and the vinsmokes. Maybe she found out about pekoms and maybe jimbei joined in to make this plan.

When dealing with Oda anything could happen and you can't predict what's gonna happen next but I think this makes most sense when looking at previous chapters.
But besides that I really also want Pudding to be good. 😊

I'm done with my theory. Have a wonderful day!!! #PuddingSquad

PS: it's a bit late but I just noticed something:
Germa 66
Germa= Germany
66=order 66

So is Sanji now German or French if he would live in the real world? Oda wrote in a SBS that he would be French. Ima leave it at that. ✌
Dec 23, 2016 12:56 AM

Oct 2007
Dahaka_ said:
Peralisc said:
the twist isn't masterful nor predictable

it's simply nonsensical / irrational / illogical

it doesn't make any fucking sense, all of a sudden i see a turn around, it's so stupidly boring and lacking in logic that i was thinking 'cut the bullshit, are you serious about this?' as i was reading the last bit o the chapter

this is worse than the 'it was all just a dream' plot twist

half the fandom predicted it

maybe you're just not smart enough, duh

ironically you lack reading comprehension and don't realize you are in no position to tell someone he isn't smart, especially when you throw in random statistics, bring 0 arguments and clearly didn't read the thread

people in here said she might not be evil and just pretending, so then that half the fandom you imagine is simply wrong and your argument is beyond retarded

anyways my point was that it's illogical, i don't care about your kiddy grade level of reasoning, there is no point behind this nonsensical revelation, you aren't smart enough to understand at least that, think about it
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 23, 2016 12:57 AM

Oct 2007
LifeAlpha said:
Lol lol another so-called 'twist' which in fact just a forced one lol can't stop laughing lol.

That's why this series been going on for so long and becoming boring & repetitive.

I wouldn't be surprised either if actually it was all act by pudding, she actually tried to save Sanji cs by being an evil. And people will call it another 'twist' lmao.

Does Oda even think before making another page? All those cliche nothing so impressive about, and yet he's being worshipped lmfao.

well said, it was definitely forced
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 23, 2016 12:59 AM

Oct 2007
jeanseberg said:
MoonStar9 said:
There's literally no substance to anything you posted here. Why even bother responding to me if all you were going to do is respond like this is WhatsApp? You're wasting my time with semantics.
it's not only bcoz semantic if you can't define what lazy writing is, what shoddy writing is, then why your accused something to be thing that you can't even explain what it was, how you can distinguished it in the first place? my ad hominem for asking your occupation not for reason to not work, at what point of layman-ness you can judge it as legit "bad writing" ?

She's acting to get both the Vinsmokes and Straw Hats to leave.
the only sensible thing from you in this place, tho' I don't agree with certain point of your elaboration, sound overanalyze or something, but well that's unnecessary to confront about.
I just come to this right now that before, you really think and generalize ppl, that they will be all that simply as that ? To believe her an "absolute evil" and not expect or even hope for 2nd twist smh

here's my argument: you can't write properly, you even confuse your with you're
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 23, 2016 1:09 AM

Jan 2015
Peralisc said:

here's my argument: you can't write properly, you even confuse your with you're
thing that I won't denied when u attack my grammar.

la critique de l'intention pure
Dec 23, 2016 2:25 AM

Jul 2014
This arc has been Hell for Sanji.
Dec 23, 2016 3:07 AM
Apr 2016
Ha, I knew it. People doubted, but I knew it. :P
Dec 23, 2016 4:12 AM

Nov 2010
Peralisc said:
Dahaka_ said:

half the fandom predicted it

maybe you're just not smart enough, duh

ironically you lack reading comprehension and don't realize you are in no position to tell someone he isn't smart, especially when you throw in random statistics, bring 0 arguments and clearly didn't read the thread

people in here said she might not be evil and just pretending, so then that half the fandom you imagine is simply wrong and your argument is beyond retarded

anyways my point was that it's illogical, i don't care about your kiddy grade level of reasoning, there is no point behind this nonsensical revelation, you aren't smart enough to understand at least that, think about it

There's been plenty of hints pointing us towards that twist. Pudding mentioning her conversation about marriage with Sanji that made no sense or her sending SH's to a forest where the enemy was already waiting for them and then not meeting them there(wth the reason being she had to try her dress, which should turn on all the red lights in anyone's head). It makes perfect sense. People are even saying that Oda went with the most predictable way ,and you think it makes no sense lol. Don't care much for people in this thread. Most of the fans here are fairly casual. Go to any OP dedicated forums and you'll find everyone was calling this. Some people didn't, but only because they thought it was too obvious.

Also lol at 0 arguments. You're talking about yourself? Because I see no proof that the twist makes no sense. It's just you spewing bullshit because you're not smart enought to follow the story. Maybe you should try Fairy Tail if One Piece is too much?
Dec 23, 2016 4:49 AM
Apr 2016
Poor Sanji man. I feel really bad for him. I did see this coming, but, it was quite emotional for me seeing Sanji react that way. I hope he won't be the same old ladies man after this arc. He should be tough. 5/5.
Dec 23, 2016 6:01 AM
Oct 2013
Dahaka_ said:

There's been plenty of hints pointing us towards that twist. Pudding mentioning her conversation about marriage with Sanji that made no sense or her sending SH's to a forest where the enemy was already waiting for them and then not meeting them there(wth the reason being she had to try her dress, which should turn on all the red lights in anyone's head). It makes perfect sense. People are even saying that Oda went with the most predictable way ,and you think it makes no sense lol. Don't care much for people in this thread. Most of the fans here are fairly casual. Go to any OP dedicated forums and you'll find everyone was calling this. Some people didn't, but only because they thought it was too obvious

While it´s true that there were lots of foreshadowing that Pudding is evil it creates a paradox with the second last chapter. Chapter 448 can not make sense if Oda isn´t preparing another plottwist in which it turns out that Pudding is good again,

If she truly is evil chapter 850 is a copout akin to this one
from Naruto for the sole sake of creating a twist. The difference being however that in Naruto you get told the twist immediately after a pageturn where in One Piece it requires a week of waiting. Oda more or less confirmed to his audience that Pudding is good just to have her make a heelturn a week later.
A twist for the sake of a twist.

This development can only be well written if it turns out that she actually was on Sanji´s side, because her crying with a sad face, makes no sense in context except she has a weird fetish. Her acting infront of Luffy Nami and her Jelly brother whose name escapes me doesn´t make any sense either.
Those panels are drawn that way for the sole purpose of deceiving the audience if she turns out to remain evil. Making this a bad twist given the buildup towards it.

However there aren´t many good ways to justify her as Sanji´s ally either. Her motivation at best can be the "I wanted to kill you but I fell in love with you cliché ". Which is bad writing in itself if you aren´t new to media and haven´t seen it yet.
IsterioDec 23, 2016 6:05 AM
Dec 23, 2016 6:15 AM
Dec 2011
LifeAlpha said:
Lol lol another so-called 'twist' which in fact just a forced one lol can't stop laughing lol.

That's why this series been going on for so long and becoming boring & repetitive.

I wouldn't be surprised either if actually it was all act by pudding, she actually tried to save Sanji cs by being an evil. And people will call it another 'twist' lmao.

Does Oda even think before making another page? All those cliche nothing so impressive about, and yet he's being worshipped lmfao.

Said the Bleachtard fan!!!! Lol.
I heard that Bleach is being used to advertise porn industry!


IMP, This is not Oda style of writing.
I mean after Raizo twist there is no way Oda will give this simplistic twist.
Also, why would pudding inform Luffy, Nami, and Reiju about their plans. That would just complicate their scheme .

Anyway, Considering the arc is still halfway through, I'm sure Oda will reveal something huge as a way to end this Yonko level arc.
Dec 23, 2016 6:21 AM

Dec 2012
WHAT THE# FFFFFFFF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

How wonderful Oda-sensei to turn the flow, I though Pudding crying in from of Luffy because she is gonna suicide to save sanji and straw hat crew, Oh lord, Reiju still have a good side I think
Dec 23, 2016 6:23 AM

Nov 2010
Isterio said:
Dahaka_ said:

There's been plenty of hints pointing us towards that twist. Pudding mentioning her conversation about marriage with Sanji that made no sense or her sending SH's to a forest where the enemy was already waiting for them and then not meeting them there(wth the reason being she had to try her dress, which should turn on all the red lights in anyone's head). It makes perfect sense. People are even saying that Oda went with the most predictable way ,and you think it makes no sense lol. Don't care much for people in this thread. Most of the fans here are fairly casual. Go to any OP dedicated forums and you'll find everyone was calling this. Some people didn't, but only because they thought it was too obvious

While it´s true that there were lots of foreshadowing that Pudding is evil it creates a paradox with the second last chapter. Chapter 448 can not make sense if Oda isn´t preparing another plottwist in which it turns out that Pudding is good again,

If she truly is evil chapter 850 is a copout akin to this one
from Naruto for the sole sake of creating a twist. The difference being however that in Naruto you get told the twist immediately after a pageturn where in One Piece it requires a week of waiting. Oda more or less confirmed to his audience that Pudding is good just to have her make a heelturn a week later.
A twist for the sake of a twist.

This development can only be well written if it turns out that she actually was on Sanji´s side, because her crying with a sad face, makes no sense in context except she has a weird fetish. Her acting infront of Luffy Nami and her Jelly brother whose name escapes me doesn´t make any sense either.
Those panels are drawn that way for the sole purpose of deceiving the audience if she turns out to remain evil. Making this a bad twist given the buildup towards it.

However there aren´t many good ways to justify her as Sanji´s ally either. Her motivation at best can be the "I wanted to kill you but I fell in love with you cliché ". Which is bad writing in itself if you aren´t new to media and haven´t seen it yet.

Except she isn't crying with a sad face. She is crying from laughter. Yes, the whole scene was made to deceive the audience, but it still makes sense.
Dec 23, 2016 7:25 AM

Jun 2008
I wonder if Sanji may be close to actually vileting his rule of hitting a woman for the first time.
Maybe he can hit her and say something like "You are not a woman but a monster" or something.
Probably not gonna happen though with how Oda does things.

tkrisz2 said:
Topinho said:
wtf, oh well, sanji will save luffy and vismoke family with luffy and allies ( i think they gonna show up) will destroy big mom, i think the father of sanji and luffy will fight big mom and win

There are about 20 chapters left of this arc according to an interview with Oda. Big Mom is one of the yonkou, Luffy is weakened, there are still some things that need to be finished in this arc (stealing the poneglyph somehow). I am also not sure if Luffy can beat Big Mom so early in his current state, especially if he barely won against Cracker.

Yes but this scenario now actually gives the strawhats the ability to have a chance to bring down big mom because alone they had no chance but if a fight occurs between big mom crew and the Vismokes then the Strawhats may have a chance.
Imagine the chaos if the Vismokes release all their clone soldiers in an attempt to fight big mom and her crew and put the bomb surprice from fishman island arc on top of that and Jinbei may be appearing to help the Strawhats etc.
In all that chaos we may actually end up getting a chance for the Strawhats to bring her down.
Dec 23, 2016 7:34 AM
Oct 2013
Dahaka_ said:

Except she isn't crying with a sad face. She is crying from laughter. Yes, the whole scene was made to deceive the audience, but it still makes sense.

Well excuse me that I doubt this as a happy face.I mean people like you obviously can distinguish anguish from glee obviously Oda is such a genius artist that his happy faces look like sad faces and still are convincing to "true fans"
Like i said it could make sense if it get´s revealed that Pudding has some weird crying fetish, which i wouldn´t put past Oda. The poiint remains it´s horribly cheap and can only be there for the sake of deceiving the audience and the audience only. The behaviour makes no sense in universe.

Even if I was lenient and assumed that they are tears of joy, it makes zero sense for her to act so happily infront of her brother and the Strawhats and only show her psychotic self to Reiju for no reason. Why is she psychotically happy infront of Reijuu and cheerfully happy infront of the Strawhats?

Chapter 848 can not make sense the way it is drawn.
My problem with it isn´t the twist in itself, but the fact that Oda lied to us and didn´t gave us the option to predict this twist post chapter 848.
IsterioDec 23, 2016 8:06 AM
Dec 23, 2016 7:39 AM

Apr 2014
To be fair, most fans know that Pudding might be evil and expect her to be one, but no one stupid enough to said "Ha! I predicted it!", simply because they don't predict it, they just simply prepare for the worst. Unlike some people who strangely take pride in it and goes as far as to brag about how they "predicted it" right, when the only prediction left is Pudding being evil because Pudding being good was already a fact up until this chapter.

The same thing happened right now, Pudding is Evil right now, you either believe it or not and the only Prediction left regarding her true nature is "Pudding is Good" because Pudding being Evil is not a prediction anymore, because it is already become a fact.
Everyone expect her to be actually good while still accepting the fact that she is currently evil, but still when the chapter come when Pudding revealed to be good, I know some smart ass will act like "meh, I predicted it a mile away how predictable" yada yada. Smh.

What make this twist masterful is the route Oda takes.
After all the shit Sanji take in this arc lately, instead of making it easier for Sanji, Oda actually choose to shit on him even more.
There's no peaceful way out of this since no matter which side he choose, there will be someone trying to kill him.
Dec 23, 2016 9:01 AM

Oct 2010
Isterio said:
Dahaka_ said:

Except she isn't crying with a sad face. She is crying from laughter. Yes, the whole scene was made to deceive the audience, but it still makes sense.

Well excuse me that I doubt this as a happy face.I mean people like you obviously can distinguish anguish from glee obviously Oda is such a genius artist that his happy faces look like sad faces and still are convincing to "true fans"
Like i said it could make sense if it get´s revealed that Pudding has some weird crying fetish, which i wouldn´t put past Oda. The poiint remains it´s horribly cheap and can only be there for the sake of deceiving the audience and the audience only. The behaviour makes no sense in universe.

Even if I was lenient and assumed that they are tears of joy, it makes zero sense for her to act so happily infront of her brother and the Strawhats and only show her psychotic self to Reiju for no reason. Why is she psychotically happy infront of Reijuu and cheerfully happy infront of the Strawhats?

Chapter 848 can not make sense the way it is drawn.
My problem with it isn´t the twist in itself, but the fact that Oda lied to us and didn´t gave us the option to predict this twist post chapter 848.

The hell? This part was tackled in the chapter. We were shown the point of view of Luffy and Nami and it's clear that they interpreted her crying as mockery. She told Reijuu that she was a great actress and great at faking her feelings, so yes, it's perfectly plausible, actually perfectly in character from the little we've seen through this chapter, that she cries and gives that last cheerful/innocent look with the sole purpose of mocking the Straw Hats and their trust. "For no reason" almost sounds like there's never been sadistic villains who take delight in revealing their plot schemes to the heroes and making fun of them. It's not like it's a common battle shonen trope or anything :P

Oda didn't lie to us. Oda tricked us, which is substantially different. We didn't read the conversation Pudding had with Luffy and Nami, so we were missing crucial information to interpret that scene.

About that scene, by the way. I wrote this yesterday. Just a scenario that could be considered:
jal90 said:
And there are details here and there that may have a major relevance. When Pudding tells Luffy and Nami that she is going to kill Sanji, her third eye can be seen. When she cries after that, it is covered again. And she does not cry through it. Every time Pudding has been shown acting kind to people and as a legitimately good person... she had her third eye covered. I wonder if there's some significance, if this ability of faking a personality is achieved in some way through this third eye, and whenever it's uncovered, it shows her true colors no matter what.

tiagra said:
Also, why would pudding inform Luffy, Nami, and Reiju about their plans. That would just complicate their scheme.

Extreme self-confidence combined with sadism. Lots of shonen villains suffer from this. She may just not see a way this can complicate their scheme since Luffy, Nami and Reijuu are tied and don't seem to have a chance to escape.
jal90Dec 23, 2016 9:22 AM
Dec 23, 2016 10:31 AM

Nov 2015
Holy SHIT THIS CHAPTER! Pudding is such a bitch for acting like that.

Dec 23, 2016 11:34 AM
Dec 2011
jal90 said:

Extreme self-confidence combined with sadism. Lots of shonen villains suffer from this. She may just not see a way this can complicate their scheme since Luffy, Nami and Reijuu are tied and don't seem to have a chance to escape.

But why did she showed a sad face when she told both Luffy & Nami about her plans.
No way in Hell Oda will try this cheap method just to sell her as a good innocent character.
Also, her remembering Lola and not showing her real face when she's alone doesn't make any sense.

Again, no way in hell Oda will try these amateur and predictable methods just to deceive the readers.
Dec 23, 2016 11:56 AM

Oct 2010
tiagra said:
jal90 said:

Extreme self-confidence combined with sadism. Lots of shonen villains suffer from this. She may just not see a way this can complicate their scheme since Luffy, Nami and Reijuu are tied and don't seem to have a chance to escape.

But why did she showed a sad face when she told both Luffy & Nami about her plans.
No way in Hell Oda will try this cheap method just to sell her as a good innocent character.
Also, her remembering Lola and not showing her real face when she's alone doesn't make any sense.

Again, no way in hell Oda will try these amateur and predictable methods just to deceive the readers.

I answered the bit about her crying in the same post. I'm surprised that both you and Isterio mention it considering that it's been brought in this chapter as well, and it sounded like straight-up mockery from the point of view of Luffy and Nami.

We don't know about Pudding's relationship with Lola and if she knew about her third eye. At this point we can't know if Pudding was being serious with her or just pretending. And even if she was, that doesn't make her any more or less deceitful in the current scenario. They are different conflicts with different actors.

I don't remember the bolded.

OT: Dude your sig is too distracting. Well played.
jal90Dec 23, 2016 12:01 PM
Dec 23, 2016 1:14 PM

Oct 2007
tiagra said:
LifeAlpha said:
Lol lol another so-called 'twist' which in fact just a forced one lol can't stop laughing lol.

That's why this series been going on for so long and becoming boring & repetitive.

I wouldn't be surprised either if actually it was all act by pudding, she actually tried to save Sanji cs by being an evil. And people will call it another 'twist' lmao.

Does Oda even think before making another page? All those cliche nothing so impressive about, and yet he's being worshipped lmfao.

Said the Bleachtard fan!!!! Lol.
I heard that Bleach is being used to advertise porn industry!

so you have no counter argument and became hysterical out of desperation
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 23, 2016 1:32 PM
Apr 2016
Isterio said:

lol I keep seeing the member berries way of talking used in so many places in many ways. Always gets me.
MareepYayDec 23, 2016 2:13 PM
Dec 23, 2016 5:15 PM

Dec 2014
tiagra said:
LifeAlpha said:
Lol lol another so-called 'twist' which in fact just a forced one lol can't stop laughing lol.

That's why this series been going on for so long and becoming boring & repetitive.

I wouldn't be surprised either if actually it was all act by pudding, she actually tried to save Sanji cs by being an evil. And people will call it another 'twist' lmao.

Does Oda even think before making another page? All those cliche nothing so impressive about, and yet he's being worshipped lmfao.

Said the Bleachtard fan!!!! Lol.
I heard that Bleach is being used to advertise porn industry!


IMP, This is not Oda style of writing.
I mean after Raizo twist there is no way Oda will give this simplistic twist.
Also, why would pudding inform Luffy, Nami, and Reiju about their plans. That would just complicate their scheme .

Anyway, Considering the arc is still halfway through, I'm sure Oda will reveal something huge as a way to end this Yonko level arc.
Hahahah what does it have to do for me being, as you said, 'Bleachtard fan'.

This is review / comment topic. And that's my comment. That's what I was thinking. Everyone has their different opinions, and apparently that's something you failed to understand.

Peralisc said:
tiagra said:

Said the Bleachtard fan!!!! Lol.
I heard that Bleach is being used to advertise porn industry!

so you have no counter argument and became hysterical out of desperation
Lmaooooooooooaoaoaoaoaoaoao. Ey, be easy on him ight. He most probs the type of guy to get braincramps easily.

"Wielding one's blade out of duty alone is what it means to be a captain. Wielding one's blade out of hatred is nothing more than petty violence. That is not what we would consider battle."
Dec 23, 2016 5:28 PM
Dec 2011
Peralisc said:

so you have no counter argument and became hysterical out of desperation

Did he perhaps nominated you as his layer?!
(Let's assume you're)

"Hysterical" you called it, I call it "A steps down to their level".
If he brought a legit criticism like a mature being I would of respected him, well maybe.(putting the fact that Bleach is his favorite manga.
Criticizing the whole series in a one of One piece chapters discussion gives you an immediate idea of the person intention.

You want a legit argument give a legit criticism.
tiagraDec 23, 2016 5:43 PM
Dec 23, 2016 5:42 PM
Dec 2011
LifeAlpha said:

Hahahah what does it have to do for me being, as you said, 'Bleachtard fan'.

This is review / comment topic. And that's my comment. That's what I was thinking. Everyone has their different opinions, and apparently that's something you failed to understand.

It does, you mocking the whole series while being a Bleach fan is a sarcasm.

Nah, it's Chapter 850 review not your opinion on the series.
There is a whole section dedicated for that, did you know?
So, you get it or should I enlighten you more on how does Mal works?
Dec 23, 2016 5:57 PM

Dec 2014
tiagra said:
LifeAlpha said:

Hahahah what does it have to do for me being, as you said, 'Bleachtard fan'.

This is review / comment topic. And that's my comment. That's what I was thinking. Everyone has their different opinions, and apparently that's something you failed to understand.

It does, you mocking the whole series while being a Bleach fan is a sarcasm.

Nah, it's Chapter 850 review not your opinion on the series.
There is a whole section dedicated for that, did you know?
So, you get it or should I enlighten you more on how does Mal works?
You don't expect me to take you seriously after this post, do you? 'cause no way someone can take you seriously after this.
But hey, what do I know. Apparently chapter discussion only limits the discussion to the chapter itself, and being a 'Bleachtard fan' means your opinion on OP doesn't count.
You can just chill out tho. Help yourself by sayin' whatever can make you sleep better at night. :)

"Wielding one's blade out of duty alone is what it means to be a captain. Wielding one's blade out of hatred is nothing more than petty violence. That is not what we would consider battle."
Dec 23, 2016 6:05 PM
Dec 2011
LifeAlpha said:
tiagra said:

It does, you mocking the whole series while being a Bleach fan is a sarcasm.

Nah, it's Chapter 850 review not your opinion on the series.
There is a whole section dedicated for that, did you know?
So, you get it or should I enlighten you more on how does Mal works?
You don't expect me to take you seriously after this post, do you? 'cause no way someone can take you seriously after this.
But hey, what do I know. Apparently chapter discussion only limits the discussion to the chapter itself, and being a 'Bleachtard fan' means your opinion on OP doesn't count.
You can just chill out tho. Help yourself by sayin' whatever can make you sleep better at night. :)

Were you serious?!
I mean it's the internet people can be assholes, mean, etcs, you shouldn't take them seriously.
So don't' let it bother you, you mocked one piece I mocked bleach.
The End.
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