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Sep 15, 2016 6:27 PM

Dec 2014
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.
Sep 15, 2016 6:28 PM

Jul 2016
JizzyHitler said:
chiaki is dead as fuck, the flowers hinata was placing when he met naegi was definitely for chiaki

yeah i haven't forgotten that. still i'd rather her be alive and evil than dead :|

that said, there's still 4 episodes left and we don't 100% know what'll happen. i still got faith that either Kyoko or Chiaki or both are somehow alive :o
as long as at least one of em survives, i'll be fine ;~;

plus, Izuru IS the Ultimate Hope. and he practically has like everyone's abilities. placing my hope in em that he saves her or something cuz i'm pretty sure he's more than capable of saving her.

i also can't see the reason for them to keep hinting at the importance of the Remnants esp Hinata on Jabberwock (well not there anymore) if Chiaki wasn't involved in Mirai-hen or something because like Chisa, they've really pushed her importance to the series as a whole with Zetsubou-hen. i'm pretty sure it definitely won't be Chisa or whatev as the reason for the Remnants to head out so i'm just thinking of the different possibilities. i also doubt the Remnants want to just help Future Foundation out as thanks for saving their despair selves or whatevs.

but yeah 4 eps left. a lot can happen in 4 eps.
p3rf3c7ch405Sep 15, 2016 6:31 PM
Sep 15, 2016 6:36 PM

Apr 2012
p3rf3c7ch405 said:

plus, Izuru IS the Ultimate Hope. and he practically has like everyone's abilities. placing my hope in em that he saves her or something cuz i'm pretty sure he's more than capable of saving her.
He isn't.
Izuru's title of Ultimate Hope is just a title given to him by the people that believed that talent = Hope, which was disproved by the story/Naegi (who, while having a Luck talent, has a reasonable level of "luck") who embodies hope by believing in the "good" aspect of people and never gives up.
Sep 15, 2016 6:38 PM

Jan 2008
This episode hurt to watch. I was kinda hoping they'd play the theme used during her part in the game but I guess it would have been out of place.

MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

I'm not doubting you or anything but has there been any comparisons to NISA's translations to the orignal Japanese? NISA does have a tendency to modify things...
Sep 15, 2016 6:40 PM

Jul 2016
BluexMage said:
p3rf3c7ch405 said:

plus, Izuru IS the Ultimate Hope. and he practically has like everyone's abilities. placing my hope in em that he saves her or something cuz i'm pretty sure he's more than capable of saving her.
He isn't.
Izuru's title of Ultimate Hope is just a title given to him by the people that believed that talent = Hope, which was disproved by the story/Naegi (who, while having a Luck talent, has a reasonable level of "luck") who embodies hope by believing in the "good" aspect of people and never gives up.

well regardless of that, as Izuru Kamakura, he is pretty much the Ultimate Talent as he is broken af cuz he even has that SHSL Luck like Nagito too.

regardless, i still feel that it's defintitely in his ability to save Chiaki from such a terrible fate. but will he? idk. i just wanna hope for the best >_<
Sep 15, 2016 6:41 PM

Jul 2012
Props to this episode for making SO IN THE FACE that this Chiaki is a freaking human and not an AI (that should be obvious but I see A LOT of people trying to compare these two). AI Chiaki died giving a hopeful speech, she is, after all, a computer program. Human Chiaki didn't wanted to die, because she is human, she is afraid of dying, there is a lot of stuff she wants to do.

And this is what destroyed me. My poor pink baby ç-ç

MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

They are sad their assumptions were wrong, I guess.

Well, we are seeing what is happening in the anime, they are being brainwashed, so yeah, pretty sure there were no mistranslations.
What happened is the wording was REALLY AMBIGUOUS. But, that is that, being ambiguous works like this XD
taynisSep 15, 2016 6:45 PM

Sep 15, 2016 6:48 PM

May 2016
Man...People are ok with:

1. A single genius girl causing the whole world to start killing each other
2. Ultimate Bullshit Komaeda powers
3. Super advanced AI's
4. Virtual reality
5. Super advanced memory erasing/editing technology
6. Robots and automated machines of all kinds
7. 30% percent Hagakure powers (they're very low but they still there)
8. Toko's super overpowered alternative personality (She could jump like 100m no problem)
9. Fucking megaphone shaped weapon that can control eletric stuff in various ways (Even make them dance)
10. Komaru's hidden power to see, be possessed, and talk with spirits
11. Seiko's drugs that are capable of changing the physical capabilities of on individual and even instantly heal injuries

And much more...

But they can't handle some fucking brainwashing technics applied to a video, making people go insane...
HyperLSep 15, 2016 6:54 PM
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 15, 2016 6:52 PM

Apr 2014
HyperL said:
Man...People are ok with:

1. A single genius girl causing the whole world to start killing each other
2. Ultimate Bullshit Komaeda powers
3. Super advanced AI's
4. Virtual reality
5. Super advanced memory erasing/editing technology
6. Robots and automated machines of all kinds
7. 30% percent Hagakure powers (they're very low but they still there)
8. Toko's super overpowered alternative personatily (She could jump like 100m no problem)
9. Fucking megaphone shaped weapon that can control eletric stuff in various ways (Even make them dance)
10. Komaru's hidden power to see, be posessed, and talk with spirits
11. Seiko's drugs that are capable of changing the physical capabilities of on individual and even instantly heal injuries

And much more...

But they can't handle some fucking brainwashing technics applied to a video, making people go insane...

Exactly. I can't agree with this post more. Not to mention brainwashing is the most logical thing to do. How will anyone turn someone like Akane despair otherwise.
Sep 15, 2016 6:52 PM

Dec 2007
MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

I feel that people are clinging on to this as if it's some gaping inconsistency that tears the fabric of the DR universe. Seems more like a lot of people are TRYING to find reasons to have problems with the anime, because not only are there different explanations for the transcript, it is irrelevant to the fact of the matter.

I for one am satisfied with Junko using Chiaki's torture as a baseline for the brainwashing. Ya it might have been better if DR3 was 24 episodes and we get an episode for each character being brainwashed differently, but what we have is great in its own ways.
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Sep 15, 2016 6:52 PM

Mar 2014
im still mad that the fuckboy boxer just let this happen cause "feelings of affection from afar"

like, was that suppose to be funny? its japan so ima assume its suppose to be funny.

anyways, i would've liked for Gamer's Execution was for the Maze to be based around games a bit more... its kinda just a maze w/ hidden traps that test her physical capabilities more so than her mental ability. It didn't even incorporate Gamer's favorite game either. The maze was pretty bleak and murky too, would it kill to at-least color code it black/white?

otherwise okay episode consider almost all my problems w/ it were first placed in earlier episodes. Basically it made the most of the tools its given. A cool call back to the series w/ the execution too.

i pretty much assume that danganronpa's creator didn't have to resources/care enough to stay faithful/consistent with the material.
Sep 15, 2016 6:54 PM

Dec 2014
Paul said:
This episode hurt to watch. I was kinda hoping they'd play the theme used during her part in the game but I guess it would have been out of place.

MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

I'm not doubting you or anything but has there been any comparisons to NISA's translations to the orignal Japanese? NISA does have a tendency to modify things...

It is not the first time something likes this happened best example is Dark Souls and some Items.
The Anime has lot of contradictons compared to the games Also some Deus Ex Moments like Nagito knew everything about Junko even if he was outside the country or Juzo lost to Junko offscreen against some Students even if he has the force to beat them. Welp only Deus Deus Ex Ex Kamukura can beat Deus ex Junko.
We have only 1 episode left and no word of the NeoWorldProgramm and now that Chiaki is dead HOW will a AI Chiaki be born?
There is so much going on in the Anime besides all the brainwash stuff that it is not funny anymore.
Sep 15, 2016 6:54 PM

Dec 2007
HyperL said:
Man...People are ok with:

1. A single genius girl causing the whole world to start killing each other
2. Ultimate Bullshit Komaeda powers
3. Super advanced AI's
4. Virtual reality
5. Super advanced memory erasing/editing technology
6. Robots and automated machines of all kinds
7. 30% percent Hagakure powers (they're very low but they still there)
8. Toko's super overpowered alternative personality (She could jump like 100m no problem)
9. Fucking megaphone shaped weapon that can control eletric stuff in various ways (Even make them dance)
10. Komaru's hidden power to see, be posessed, and talk with spirits
11. Seiko's drugs that are capable of changing the physical capabilities of on individual and even instantly heal injuries

And much more...

But they can't handle some fucking brainwashing technics applied to a video, making people go insane...

Don't forget that the entire franchise is built on "amnesia" being a major plotpoint. You know, Amnisia, one of the most unoriginal plot devices ever.

But hey, who cares about the process right? It doesnt matter the content of the story, just whatever stupid catagory I can stick it in in order to judge it without thinking. /s
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Sep 15, 2016 6:55 PM

Jul 2016
Rukoudiora said:

Unless he has the ability to actually revive someone, I'd say no

but still, i wouldn't say revive as i don't believe her to be 100% dead yet. (at least fingers crossed >_<) like in SDR2, Nagito stabbed himself so many times everywhere, got impaled with the spear, and was practically burning himself alive and he was STILL alive until he kicked the bucket due to poison. same game, but Nidai also was pretty much dead but was converted into RoboNidai to save his life. but then again, tho those two were in the NWP so ya lol.

either way, as we've seen from Aoi in Mirai, what we may think is dead may not exactly be dead. it's possible she may be clinging onto the very last bits of life like Nagito did. i mean, she was alive enough to have like a full conversation with Izuru lol.

regardless, even if it's illogical, i like to cling onto some kind of hope in the midst of all this despair OTL
also, this is an anime, not real life. anything can happen :P
p3rf3c7ch405Sep 15, 2016 6:59 PM
Sep 15, 2016 6:55 PM

Dec 2014
HyperL said:
Man...People are ok with:

1. A single genius girl causing the whole world to start killing each other
2. Ultimate Bullshit Komaeda powers
3. Super advanced AI's
4. Virtual reality
5. Super advanced memory erasing/editing technology
6. Robots and automated machines of all kinds
7. 30% percent Hagakure powers (they're very low but they still there)
8. Toko's super overpowered alternative personality (She could jump like 100m no problem)
9. Fucking megaphone shaped weapon that can control eletric stuff in various ways (Even make them dance)
10. Komaru's hidden power to see, be possessed, and talk with spirits
11. Seiko's drugs that are capable of changing the physical capabilities of on individual and even instantly heal injuries

And much more...

But they can't handle some fucking brainwashing technics applied to a video, making people go insane...

You got that w-right?

Sep 15, 2016 6:56 PM

Jul 2012

I'm not crying, you are crying!

(but Kodaka is a big poopoo face, he didn't planned anything, buhuuu)

Sep 15, 2016 6:57 PM

Dec 2014
Ketuekigami said:
MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

I feel that people are clinging on to this as if it's some gaping inconsistency that tears the fabric of the DR universe. Seems more like a lot of people are TRYING to find reasons to have problems with the anime, because not only are there different explanations for the transcript, it is irrelevant to the fact of the matter.

I for one am satisfied with Junko using Chiaki's torture as a baseline for the brainwashing. Ya it might have been better if DR3 was 24 episodes and we get an episode for each character being brainwashed differently, but what we have is great in its own ways.

Problems are there you can ignore them or accept them. Nonetheless they are there forever.
Like why didnt Junko use the Despair Anime to turn everyone in despair? In DR2 she was trying to create Junko/Despairland.
Why not also use the Despair book? Or the despair disase.
There would be no Future Foundation with the Anime airing in the entire world the despair book going around and the freaking despair disase. There would be no normal person left if we go on with that logic about the despair Anime.
The next thing is they create despair air so we breath despair in and become badshit insane.
Sep 15, 2016 6:58 PM

Dec 2007
HyperL said:
Man...People are ok with:

7. 30% percent Hagakure powers (they're very low but they still there)
Actually, apparently Hagekure's predictions all come true in DR1 in some capacity. One of his predictions is that Makoto and his children have the same mother, which is true in the bad end.
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Sep 15, 2016 6:59 PM
Apr 2013
I wonder if next week opening it will show hinata 's becoming strong again in the opening.
Sep 15, 2016 7:02 PM
Jan 2012
Wasn't AI Chiaki created by Chihiro? Doesn't that cause inconsistencies? They don't even know each other lol. This anime is a train wreck. It's creating so much plot holes and mistakes.
Sep 15, 2016 7:03 PM

Dec 2007
MonoReaper said:
Ketuekigami said:

I feel that people are clinging on to this as if it's some gaping inconsistency that tears the fabric of the DR universe. Seems more like a lot of people are TRYING to find reasons to have problems with the anime, because not only are there different explanations for the transcript, it is irrelevant to the fact of the matter.

I for one am satisfied with Junko using Chiaki's torture as a baseline for the brainwashing. Ya it might have been better if DR3 was 24 episodes and we get an episode for each character being brainwashed differently, but what we have is great in its own ways.

Problems are there you can ignore them or accept them. Nonetheless they are there forever.
Like why didnt Junko use the Despair Anime to turn everyone in despair? In DR2 she was trying to create Junko/Despairland.
Why not also use the Despair book? Or the despair disase.
There would be no Future Foundation with the Anime airing in the entire world the despair book going around and the freaking despair disase. There would be no normal person left if we go on with that logic about the despair Anime.
The next thing is they create despair air so we breath despair in and become badshit insane.
Despair disease was only real because they were in a game in which she had control... She changed reality to make it exist.
KetuekigamiSep 15, 2016 7:06 PM
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Sep 15, 2016 7:06 PM

Dec 2014
Ketuekigami said:
MonoReaper said:

Problems are there you can ignore them or accept them. Nonetheless they are there forever.
Like why didnt Junko use the Despair Anime to turn everyone in despair? In DR2 she was trying to create Junko/Despairland.
Why not also use the Despair book? Or the despair disase.
There would be no Future Foundation with the Anime airing in the entire world the despair book going around and the freaking despair disase. There would be no normal person left if we go on with that logic about the despair Anime.
The next thing is they create despair air so we breath despair in and become badshit insane.
Despair disease was only real because they were in a game in which she had control... She changed reality to make it exist.

Say that to the DanganRonpaTogami Spinoff. There is this the real deal same with despair Anime.
Sep 15, 2016 7:07 PM

May 2016
MonoReaper said:
Paul said:
This episode hurt to watch. I was kinda hoping they'd play the theme used during her part in the game but I guess it would have been out of place.

I'm not doubting you or anything but has there been any comparisons to NISA's translations to the orignal Japanese? NISA does have a tendency to modify things...

It is not the first time something likes this happened best example is Dark Souls and some Items.
The Anime has lot of contradictons compared to the games Also some Deus Ex Moments like Nagito knew everything about Junko even if he was outside the country or Juzo lost to Junko offscreen against some Students even if he has the force to beat them. Welp only Deus Deus Ex Ex Kamukura can beat Deus ex Junko.
We have only 1 episode left and no word of the NeoWorldProgramm and now that Chiaki is dead HOW will a AI Chiaki be born?
There is so much going on in the Anime besides all the brainwash stuff that it is not funny anymore.

The problem is that you thinking that Chiaki and Chiaki AI have exactly the same personality, but there are many moments in this anime that show the two of them are different, and if i'm correct on that, then is not wrong to assume that the only thing the AI's creator really tooked from her was the appearance and some of her personality traits that the creator discovered somehow...

Now do you want to know my theory?

I think, Izuru himself created the Chiaki AI using his Ultimate abilities and what little he knows of her (maybe he even regained some vague memories of her at some point). When he uploaded Junko's AI (in other words, when nobody was looking), he also commanded Alter Ego to create a monitor that would work alongside Usami and made that monitor look and behave like Chiaki as best as he could remember...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 15, 2016 7:11 PM

Apr 2012
Ketuekigami said:
Actually, apparently Hagekure's predictions all come true in DR1 in some capacity. One of his predictions is that Makoto and his children have the same mother, which is true in the bad good end.

The only "bad" thing from it is that Hagakure still lives.
Sep 15, 2016 7:14 PM

May 2016
ImaginBreaker said:
Wasn't AI Chiaki created by Chihiro? Doesn't that cause inconsistencies? They don't even know each other lol. This anime is a train wreck. It's creating so much plot holes and mistakes.

Wrong! AI Chiaki is supposedly created by Alter Ego, I don't think the real Chihiro have anything to do with it...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 15, 2016 7:15 PM

Sep 2011
p3rf3c7ch405 said:
JizzyHitler said:
chiaki is dead as fuck, the flowers hinata was placing when he met naegi was definitely for chiaki

yeah i haven't forgotten that. still i'd rather her be alive and evil than dead :|

that said, there's still 4 episodes left and we don't 100% know what'll happen. i still got faith that either Kyoko or Chiaki or both are somehow alive :o
as long as at least one of em survives, i'll be fine ;~;
i do still think kirigiri is alive but i will admit seeing how they brutally killed chiaki like this does make me think giri really is dead.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Sep 15, 2016 7:15 PM

Dec 2014
HyperL said:
MonoReaper said:

It is not the first time something likes this happened best example is Dark Souls and some Items.
The Anime has lot of contradictons compared to the games Also some Deus Ex Moments like Nagito knew everything about Junko even if he was outside the country or Juzo lost to Junko offscreen against some Students even if he has the force to beat them. Welp only Deus Deus Ex Ex Kamukura can beat Deus ex Junko.
We have only 1 episode left and no word of the NeoWorldProgramm and now that Chiaki is dead HOW will a AI Chiaki be born?
There is so much going on in the Anime besides all the brainwash stuff that it is not funny anymore.

The problem is that you thinking that Chiaki and Chiaki AI have exactly the same personality, but there are many moments in this anime that show the two of them are different, and if i'm correct on that, then is not wrong to assume that the only thing the AI's creator really tooked from her was the appearance and some of her personality traits that the creator discovered somehow...

Now do you want to know my theory?

I think, Izuru himself created the Chiaki AI using his Ultimate abilities and what little he knows of her (maybe he even regained some vague memories of her at some point). When he uploaded Junko's AI (in other words, when nobody was looking), he also commanded Alter Ego to create a monitor that would work alongside Usami and made that monitor look and behave like Chiaki as best as he could remember...

Chiaki AI and Chiaki are not the same person. We dont know. We saw more from the AI Chikai than the reals Chiaki so far. And AI Chiaki acted different because she knew she was a AI and had a limited amout of knowledge how the "real" world works for humans with flesh.
The point is how will they explain it. 3 People worked on the NWP we only saw Matsuda in a 3 secound window as a cameo. Nor did we saw the real Miaya or our crossdressing friend form the 78th class.
How will the AI be created? Simple a random AI with the Chiaki skin? Maybe the dead brain from Chiaki is taken and used? Maybe as you said Izuru will try to create one? How will the FutureFoundation get it or how will it be implemented in the NWP and when?
I dont know. We dont know. Hopefully Kodaka knows.
Sep 15, 2016 7:16 PM

Dec 2014
HyperL said:
ImaginBreaker said:
Wasn't AI Chiaki created by Chihiro? Doesn't that cause inconsistencies? They don't even know each other lol. This anime is a train wreck. It's creating so much plot holes and mistakes.

Wrong! AI Chiaki is supposedly created by Alter Ego, I don't think the real Chihiro have anything to do with it...

Ingame she always referecned a big brother and a Dad. But we will never get answeres to this question.
Sep 15, 2016 7:17 PM

Dec 2007
MonoReaper said:
Ketuekigami said:
Despair disease was only real because they were in a game in which she had control... She changed reality to make it exist.

Say that to the DanganRonpaTogami Spinoff. There is this the real deal same with despair Anime.

Then by that logic why didn't she do that anyway? Now you have an issue with the entire DR universe and not just this anime it seems.

EDIT: correct me if I am reading you wrong. Not sure how genuine of a problem you have with the DR universe.
KetuekigamiSep 15, 2016 7:21 PM
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Sep 15, 2016 7:18 PM

Jan 2011
kodaka truly going full Urobuchi for this arc.. can't say i'm to happy i would of been fine with the classic danganronpa punishment which happened for a whole like 5 seconds but we always have to go so far in the name of despair

and i'm more torn on how the brainwashing happened then it actually happening seeing how people have brought it up more than once with evidence
Sep 15, 2016 7:20 PM
Jan 2012
HyperL said:
ImaginBreaker said:
Wasn't AI Chiaki created by Chihiro? Doesn't that cause inconsistencies? They don't even know each other lol. This anime is a train wreck. It's creating so much plot holes and mistakes.

Wrong! AI Chiaki is supposedly created by Alter Ego, I don't think the real Chihiro have anything to do with it...

Alter Ego and Chiaki were both created by Chihiro. It flat out states that in game.
Sep 15, 2016 7:22 PM

Dec 2014
Ketuekigami said:
MonoReaper said:

Say that to the DanganRonpaTogami Spinoff. There is this the real deal same with despair Anime.

Then by that logic why didn't she do that anyway? Now you have an issue with the entire DR universe and not just this anime it seems.

That is exaclty my point. Why didnt she use it? She wanted to a world of chaos and despair why not use the despair anime and all that other stuff?
This is the problem we have no a "weapon" than can transform anyone into a despair. No need for killing games. Just let them watch it and thann let the battle royal begin.
This is most likely the exact same case with the Mirai-hen attacker plot because in every dead scene so far the monitor besides the dead body was always red and had the Monokuma eye on screen. DESPAIR ANIME or better brainwashing TV will be the big plot twist for this killing game.
It just takes all the power from Junko because Junko didnt to a thing expect force them to watch a anime and let them go full despair.

Also there is a DanganRonpaKirigiri spinoff.
Sep 15, 2016 7:22 PM

May 2016
ImaginBreaker said:
HyperL said:

Wrong! AI Chiaki is supposedly created by Alter Ego, I don't think the real Chihiro have anything to do with it...

Alter Ego and Chiaki were both created by Chihiro. It flat out states that in game.

Chihiro obviously created Alter Ego, but when does it say that she created Chiaki? I seriously don't remember that...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 15, 2016 7:26 PM

Dec 2007
MonoReaper said:
Ketuekigami said:

Then by that logic why didn't she do that anyway? Now you have an issue with the entire DR universe and not just this anime it seems.

That is exaclty my point. Why didnt she use it? She wanted to a world of chaos and despair why not use the despair anime and all that other stuff?
This is the problem we have no a "weapon" than can transform anyone into a despair. No need for killing games. Just let them watch it and thann let the battle royal begin.
This is most likely the exact same case with the Mirai-hen attacker plot because in every dead scene so far the monitor besides the dead body was always red and had the Monokuma eye on screen. DESPAIR ANIME or better brainwashing TV will be the big plot twist for this killing game.
It just takes all the power from Junko because Junko didnt to a thing expect force them to watch a anime and let them go full despair.

Also there is a DanganRonpaKirigiri spinoff.

Well, Junko has the "power" to want all of this to happen, and actively kill people herself. The Joker as a character isn't just insane, his insanity fuels what he does, same here. Junko has the power of wanting mass slaughter, not a common trait I hope.

But that goes back to what HyperL posted. DR is about the process and the experience. DR is way too fkng crazy to look at under a microscope.

And side note, we know that a ton of people in the world are despairing anyway. We actually don't know if a lot of other people were influenced by anime, disease, or whatever. But theres always gonna be hope that resists it, those methods wont hit everyone.
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Sep 15, 2016 7:28 PM

May 2016
MonoReaper said:
Ketuekigami said:

Then by that logic why didn't she do that anyway? Now you have an issue with the entire DR universe and not just this anime it seems.

That is exaclty my point. Why didnt she use it? She wanted to a world of chaos and despair why not use the despair anime and all that other stuff?
This is the problem we have no a "weapon" than can transform anyone into a despair. No need for killing games. Just let them watch it and thann let the battle royal begin.
This is most likely the exact same case with the Mirai-hen attacker plot because in every dead scene so far the monitor besides the dead body was always red and had the Monokuma eye on screen. DESPAIR ANIME or better brainwashing TV will be the big plot twist for this killing game.
It just takes all the power from Junko because Junko didnt to a thing expect force them to watch a anime and let them go full despair.

Also there is a DanganRonpaKirigiri spinoff.

I'm preety sure that if she used the Despair disease, someone out there in the world would have created a Hope cure to stop the epidemic, after all in the world of DR, Despair can always be countered with Hope and vice versa...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 15, 2016 7:28 PM

Dec 2013
This episode was incredibly hard to watch. Cried like a bitch ;_;
Sep 15, 2016 7:29 PM

Mar 2015
MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

You're just misunderstanding what that screenshot you posted truly means

This episode wasn't about the remnants becoming Junkp's puppets, it was about them falling into despair. The screenshot you posted them says how she used that despair to turn them into her "limbs"

"taking advantage of their love" -> Mikan

"of their hate" -> Komaeda

"grudges" -> Izuru

She till does these thing after she recruit them individually one by one after they are brainwashing into loving despair

Futhermore when asked the question of how he truly turned the class into UD, Junko deflects it. Isn't that suspicious? Makoto also says that their real bodies were brainwashed

So I wonder who is the one denying evidence here
Sep 15, 2016 7:30 PM

Aug 2010
Calm down guys. You may realize by now that Kodaka has been successful with the despair he planted on this episode right?

As much I hate to say it, this episode has truly the most heart wrenching scene I have watch so far. So brutal, so heartless, so Junko.... well what can you expect?

If you have read Danganronpa Zero you may also know what Junko's action was towards the last scene with his beloved Matsuda right?

I was expecting a Chiaki death any moment, but this.. is too much ><
Sep 15, 2016 7:32 PM

Mar 2015
MonoReaper said:
Ketuekigami said:

Then by that logic why didn't she do that anyway? Now you have an issue with the entire DR universe and not just this anime it seems.

That is exaclty my point. Why didnt she use it? She wanted to a world of chaos and despair why not use the despair anime and all that other stuff?
This is the problem we have no a "weapon" than can transform anyone into a despair. No need for killing games. Just let them watch it and thann let the battle royal begin.
This is most likely the exact same case with the Mirai-hen attacker plot because in every dead scene so far the monitor besides the dead body was always red and had the Monokuma eye on screen. DESPAIR ANIME or better brainwashing TV will be the big plot twist for this killing game.
It just takes all the power from Junko because Junko didnt to a thing expect force them to watch a anime and let them go full despair.

Also there is a DanganRonpaKirigiri spinoff.

DR Togami isn't canon
Sep 15, 2016 7:35 PM

Feb 2013
ImaginBreaker said:
Wasn't AI Chiaki created by Chihiro? Doesn't that cause inconsistencies? They don't even know each other lol. This anime is a train wreck. It's creating so much plot holes and mistakes.

AI Chiaki doesn't really act like the real chiaki.
She was probably made with the info in her student profile
Sep 15, 2016 7:40 PM

Mar 2015
trannon1 said:
Because Junko is supposed to be Ultimate Despair so she needs to be the Big Bad? Because brainwashing through a video is just dumb, especially since Chisa had to be restrained while they stood dumbly watching their friend die? Because taking advantage of their insecurities would be more realistic than a video brainwashing people which makes it less pathetic than a Deux Ex Machina where a video literally changes the world? Because terrorists and armies have killed over insecurities of religion and leaders?

Ok. I dislike brainwashing by video, whatever. It won't change the fact that it happened, so bla.

UD is just a title she created, it just means she is crazy for despair. It doesn't gives her any crazy super power

"hurr durr brainwashing is dumb"

Do you even play DR? Brainwashing and other mind techniques in general are a staple in the series

Junko using brainwashing is better and more believable than her just purely manipulating a class of happy kids into edgelords who are addicted to despair and destruction

They had to stand still because they were already affected, try watching the episode again, okay?

And manipulating teenagers to become genocidal killers who crave despair through mere words will never be more believable than having to rely on an etabilished concept like brainwashing to kickstart their corruption
Sep 15, 2016 7:41 PM

Dec 2014
Ketuekigami said:
MonoReaper said:

That is exaclty my point. Why didnt she use it? She wanted to a world of chaos and despair why not use the despair anime and all that other stuff?
This is the problem we have no a "weapon" than can transform anyone into a despair. No need for killing games. Just let them watch it and thann let the battle royal begin.
This is most likely the exact same case with the Mirai-hen attacker plot because in every dead scene so far the monitor besides the dead body was always red and had the Monokuma eye on screen. DESPAIR ANIME or better brainwashing TV will be the big plot twist for this killing game.
It just takes all the power from Junko because Junko didnt to a thing expect force them to watch a anime and let them go full despair.

Also there is a DanganRonpaKirigiri spinoff.

Well, Junko has the "power" to want all of this to happen, and actively kill people herself. The Joker as a character isn't just insane, his insanity fuels what he does, same here. Junko has the power of wanting mass slaughter, not a common trait I hope.

But that goes back to what HyperL posted. DR is about the process and the experience. DR is way too fkng crazy to look at under a microscope.

From my standpoint of view DRs crazyness was always in his own universe-rules. It still was crazy as fuck. But it followed it own rules. Now instead of Junko being able to corrupt everyone she just force them to watch torture porn and with this they are mindless puppets/killing maschines? It was not that they were driven into despair by their own past and tragic circumstances? For what purpose had every DR2 character a dark and heavy backstory in some form? If not for the groundwork that Junko used to make them the RoD?
A despair anime/brainwash anime does not explain why they would listen to Junko and not going their own way of creating "despair". Why would they want to take her dead body parts? Why would they worshipp her like a goddness if all they saw was torture porn?
Yes they go full despair but than why listen to Junko and not act on your own?
This is just bothering me so much.
I played every game. I laughed, cried, felt anger and hatred. I had a lot of fun.
It was crazy it was colorful and the mystery was alway a great aspect of the series.
Some trials were easy and other totaly made a fool of me.
It liked Junko as a villian. She is evil because she likes it and not because of a tragic backstory that made her a despair drunk character. She just loves to watch the world burn.
But this just takes from Junko and her character and skills. We saw how she did drive Mitari without the anime into despair. Even Mukuro had no despair anime thing and she is loyal follower of Junko till the end of her life.
It is frustating to watch a franchise crumble on its own because it invents a super "weapon/plot" that explains everything or can explain eveything and destroys the logical reason behind existing content.
Sep 15, 2016 7:43 PM

Dec 2014
HyperL said:
MonoReaper said:

That is exaclty my point. Why didnt she use it? She wanted to a world of chaos and despair why not use the despair anime and all that other stuff?
This is the problem we have no a "weapon" than can transform anyone into a despair. No need for killing games. Just let them watch it and thann let the battle royal begin.
This is most likely the exact same case with the Mirai-hen attacker plot because in every dead scene so far the monitor besides the dead body was always red and had the Monokuma eye on screen. DESPAIR ANIME or better brainwashing TV will be the big plot twist for this killing game.
It just takes all the power from Junko because Junko didnt to a thing expect force them to watch a anime and let them go full despair.

Also there is a DanganRonpaKirigiri spinoff.

I'm preety sure that if she used the Despair disease, someone out there in the world would have created a Hope cure to stop the epidemic, after all in the world of DR, Despair can always be countered with Hope and vice versa...

That "HOPE" and "DESPAIR" can be a disase is in itself a idiotic concept and even for DR just outright stupdi/bad writing. That fundamental destory much more than it create answeres.
Sep 15, 2016 7:45 PM

Dec 2007
MonoReaper said:
Ketuekigami said:

Well, Junko has the "power" to want all of this to happen, and actively kill people herself. The Joker as a character isn't just insane, his insanity fuels what he does, same here. Junko has the power of wanting mass slaughter, not a common trait I hope.

But that goes back to what HyperL posted. DR is about the process and the experience. DR is way too fkng crazy to look at under a microscope.

From my standpoint of view DRs crazyness was always in his own universe-rules. It still was crazy as fuck. But it followed it own rules. Now instead of Junko being able to corrupt everyone she just force them to watch torture porn and with this they are mindless puppets/killing maschines? It was not that they were driven into despair by their own past and tragic circumstances? For what purpose had every DR2 character a dark and heavy backstory in some form? If not for the groundwork that Junko used to make them the RoD?
A despair anime/brainwash anime does not explain why they would listen to Junko and not going their own way of creating "despair". Why would they want to take her dead body parts? Why would they worshipp her like a goddness if all they saw was torture porn?
Yes they go full despair but than why listen to Junko and not act on your own?
This is just bothering me so much.
I played every game. I laughed, cried, felt anger and hatred. I had a lot of fun.
It was crazy it was colorful and the mystery was alway a great aspect of the series.
Some trials were easy and other totaly made a fool of me.
It liked Junko as a villian. She is evil because she likes it and not because of a tragic backstory that made her a despair drunk character. She just loves to watch the world burn.
But this just takes from Junko and her character and skills. We saw how she did drive Mitari without the anime into despair. Even Mukuro had no despair anime thing and she is loyal follower of Junko till the end of her life.
It is frustating to watch a franchise crumble on its own because it invents a super "weapon/plot" that explains everything or can explain eveything and destroys the logical reason behind existing content.

Mitarai isn't going to become despaired enough over this to mass murder people. I swear you want some Deos Ex level explanation for despair, because brainwashing is actually the most plausible way.

Saying the franchise is crumbling as a grossly subjective opinion. You have already decided you hate what the anime is, move on. I love how this anime is going, I will move on too.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 15, 2016 7:45 PM

Mar 2014
HyperL said:
Man...People are ok with:

1. A single genius girl causing the whole world to start killing each other

i mean i've always felt pause w/ this but people have been able to cause worldwide terror/death before. its just the "how" that's the problem for me here.

2. Ultimate Bullshit Komaeda powers

i think everyone considers it bullshit, that one episode with the drugs was entirely too godamn much.

3. Super advanced AI's

Adavnced AI's aren't that unrealistic in today's society, in danganronpa they establish that the literally best programmer in the world created them before they were used for the plot. Dont fully understand how junko's AI came about tho.

4. Virtual reality

More fiction but still, it's established to be done by the AI of the best programmer to live

5. Super advanced memory erasing/editing technology

questioned this since day one... but like they do have the Ultimate brain scientist at the school so i can't really complain, especially after reading how good his skills are.

6. Robots and automated machines of all kinds

i can accept this cause most of the machines are given an explanation in their cannon that doesn't really contradict the world they created. Same with most of the reasons here.

7. 30% percent Hagakure powers (they're very low but they still there)

i don't think anyone believes hagakure actually has talent in Clairvoyance

8. Toko's super overpowered alternative personality (She could jump like 100m no problem)

dont know how accurate those numbers are but okay, her alt personality's abilities are unexplained for the most part.

9. Fucking megaphone shaped weapon that can control eletric stuff in various ways (Even make them dance)

dont really know what the shape has to do with it

10. Komaru's hidden power to see, be possessed, and talk with spirits

ehh, felt stupid but atleast they gave it some footing before (she shoulda been the ultimate clairvoyant tbh)

] 11. Seiko's drugs that are capable of changing the physical capabilities of on individual and even instantly heal injuries

well... steroids do change the physical capabilities of an individual. clearly not to that degree but she is an established ultimate, who are established to usually have abilities that are stupidly powerful in their field.

And much more...


But they can't handle some fucking brainwashing technics applied to a video, making people go insane...

because the problem is different from most of the problems you listed. the brainwashing here not only contradicts the canon of the series but feels cheap and underwhelming because of it. Junko was suppose to be this calculating "genius" who was able to manipulate these children into serving her using her thousands of "despair techniques" but nope, randomly find a guy who know hypnosis and a book that tells you how to stab the brain and everything's GG.

the problems you listed are right in way, its all mostly cartoony, unbelievable stuff that would prolly never happen in the real world. the difference that they're explained in the danganronpa world so that we can accept it (or minor enough to not be that noticeable of a problem). This Hypno-mindbreak business is a major plot point in this show and whole series.
Sep 15, 2016 7:46 PM

Dec 2014
MightyM16 said:
MonoReaper said:
Wow so people begin to deny the existence of evidence from DR2. Heck replay the games or load up old saves to go trough the documents from the cases or as i said replay the game and have several references that it was always strongly suggested the class was 1 by 1 brainwashed and not all at once in one place. All were brainwashed and made into despair with different methods and everyone of them had other reasons to join the despairs.

You're just misunderstanding what that screenshot you posted truly means

This episode wasn't about the remnants becoming Junkp's puppets, it was about them falling into despair. The screenshot you posted them says how she used that despair to turn them into her "limbs"

"taking advantage of their love" -> Mikan

"of their hate" -> Komaeda

"grudges" -> Izuru

She till does these thing after she recruit them individually one by one after they are brainwashing into loving despair

Futhermore when asked the question of how he truly turned the class into UD, Junko deflects it. Isn't that suspicious? Makoto also says that their real bodies were brainwashed

So I wonder who is the one denying evidence here

This is like talking against a wall. Be ignorant and accpect everything that is trown to you as food.
MonoReaperSep 15, 2016 7:52 PM
Sep 15, 2016 7:49 PM

Dec 2014
Ketuekigami said:
MonoReaper said:

From my standpoint of view DRs crazyness was always in his own universe-rules. It still was crazy as fuck. But it followed it own rules. Now instead of Junko being able to corrupt everyone she just force them to watch torture porn and with this they are mindless puppets/killing maschines? It was not that they were driven into despair by their own past and tragic circumstances? For what purpose had every DR2 character a dark and heavy backstory in some form? If not for the groundwork that Junko used to make them the RoD?
A despair anime/brainwash anime does not explain why they would listen to Junko and not going their own way of creating "despair". Why would they want to take her dead body parts? Why would they worshipp her like a goddness if all they saw was torture porn?
Yes they go full despair but than why listen to Junko and not act on your own?
This is just bothering me so much.
I played every game. I laughed, cried, felt anger and hatred. I had a lot of fun.
It was crazy it was colorful and the mystery was alway a great aspect of the series.
Some trials were easy and other totaly made a fool of me.
It liked Junko as a villian. She is evil because she likes it and not because of a tragic backstory that made her a despair drunk character. She just loves to watch the world burn.
But this just takes from Junko and her character and skills. We saw how she did drive Mitari without the anime into despair. Even Mukuro had no despair anime thing and she is loyal follower of Junko till the end of her life.
It is frustating to watch a franchise crumble on its own because it invents a super "weapon/plot" that explains everything or can explain eveything and destroys the logical reason behind existing content.

Mitarai isn't going to become despaired enough over this to mass murder people. I swear you want some Deos Ex level explanation for despair, because brainwashing is actually the most plausible way.

Saying the franchise is crumbling as a grossly subjective opinion. You have already decided you hate what the anime is, move on. I love how this anime is going, I will move on too.

Hate? I dont hate it i enyjoy every moment of it. I love it. I enjoy it so much that i smile every time the OP starts and grin like a child.
But my love for it and the plot issues are two different things.
Sep 15, 2016 7:50 PM

May 2016
MonoReaper said:
HyperL said:

I'm preety sure that if she used the Despair disease, someone out there in the world would have created a Hope cure to stop the epidemic, after all in the world of DR, Despair can always be countered with Hope and vice versa...

That "HOPE" and "DESPAIR" can be a disase is in itself a idiotic concept and even for DR just outright stupdi/bad writing. That fundamental destory much more than it create answeres.

Actually i'm preety sure that the Despair in despair disease is just a name...The fact is that the disease create different reactions in the brain depending on the infected, making them change personality, but it's not like it is despair in disease form, is just the name it was given...
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Sep 15, 2016 7:52 PM

Dec 2007
AzuStar said:

because the problem is different from most of the problems you listed. the brainwashing here not only contradicts the canon of the series but feels cheap and underwhelming because of it. Junko was suppose to be this calculating "genius" who was able to manipulate these children into serving her using her thousands of "despair techniques" but nope, randomly find a guy who know hypnosis and a book that tells you how to stab the brain and everything's GG. .

1. You want Junko to be able to manipulate people into being mass serial killers without brainwashing? Through charisma and talent? DR was always crazy but that would have been way worse.

2. Amnesia plots feel cheap too, but not in DR. Brainwashing doesnt feel cheap to me here either.

3. The contradictions are irrelevant at best. Its like "this sentence here that has no bearing on the outcome of the story is different".
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 15, 2016 7:52 PM

Jul 2015
lol The score fell since Chiaki died. First Kirigiri in the Future version, now Chiaki.

Tbh, I expected her death, but this was still very painful. :( I loved it. lol The despair was so entertaining. So very painful and sad to watch her demise, Chisa became an Ultimate Despair, everyone else turning to Ultimate Despairs, and Kamikura crying. Junko and Mukuro are definitely the queens of bitches, namely Junko, of course.

Speaking of which, I didn't know Juzo was actually in love with Munakata. I thought that was just a joke shipping that fans love to do often when it comes to anime and manga but it was actually real. Lol How unexpected. In any case, I at least know why Munakata stabbed Juzo now. Forced to betray him by Junko? I wonder how he did.
Sep 15, 2016 7:53 PM

Nov 2011
Let's welcome Izuru to the

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