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Taboo Tattoo
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Sep 5, 2016 10:28 AM

Nov 2011
This episode...

Nope, couldn't take that beach segment seriously. Also, how come Izzy always get the insane opponents? lol. Sigh, too bad the episode ended without a conclusion of the fight although we'll probably see more of it next time. I miss BB already.
Sep 5, 2016 12:13 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That background character segment was probably the funniest of the series WTF LOL

Everything else, i gave up on, i watch for comedy.
Sep 5, 2016 12:14 PM

Sep 2015
I have to admit that the comiket part was actually funny, it's been a while

If Seigi can save the world, that's bullshit
Sep 5, 2016 12:16 PM

Sep 2015
A bad end for Lisa at the end:(
valvravetruthSep 5, 2016 12:22 PM
Sep 5, 2016 12:17 PM

Jan 2015

Living in the forest, eating insects, a video from the princess at the beach with Lisa and Rope-wear Ilutmish wearing. Plus Tama-chan proposing with that "Otaku" talk to Yumi which makes Tom totally surprised. This episode is surely hilarious.
[url=]convert gambar online
Sep 5, 2016 12:33 PM
Jul 2018
The comiket part was quite funny!

The second half of the episode was so rushed!
Sep 5, 2016 12:35 PM

Oct 2014
I love this anime, one of the better comedies I've seen for sure.
Sep 5, 2016 12:42 PM

Jul 2012
That was some Big order level, don't need to say anything more than that ...
Sep 5, 2016 12:42 PM

Nov 2014
This episode made me feel indifferent. So, a year has passed, Seigi has gotten stronger and taller, Blusey hasn't changed much aside from losing an arm, and Lisa has gone to the dark side. An abundance of yelling, fighting, and exposition, but there wasn't an opening to emotionally connect with any of it. It was just a lot of noise. At least it's done with the flashbacks.

Sep 5, 2016 1:08 PM
Mar 2008
I'll need to get drunk to be even able to go through the final episodes. This shit is Triage X level, tries to be something but doesnt know how to be something, acknowldges it (somewwhat) and hides it with some fights and half naked teenagers. Basically this Anime is actually nothing disguised as something.
Sep 5, 2016 1:13 PM

Dec 2014
Very very mediocre episode. So that was it for the flashback, They could have just fit it into the last episode.

Did anyone notice the animation the very beginning where Cal's running animation changed into this cheap slide animation? I'm pretty sure that wasn't intended for comedic purposes.

Anyhow, I laughed when I heard that there was a 1 year time skip. Obviously Seigi has become strong now(?), Cool, but the trophy winner was clearly this line where he explained his new strength with "I can see it all somehow, That's all" XD 5/5. I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this. :( They could have quoted or shown some intensive training to at least make it seem believable.

So Seigi hates Arya and wants to take revenge, I suppose that's to be expected.

The best thing about this episode was easily Tom, Him and Tamaki watching hentai on TV was hilarious, That doujin present XD and Tom's reaction to Tamaki getting married were hilarious as well XD

Transition into second half was quite fast, We're in the grand canyon all of a sudden. Lol at that guy who got killed immediately. What a location to have a tattoo xD, She even pierced it with a needle? :o

Arya owned that sergeant dude at the end, Cal is still alive :D

As for the plot, The bottomline is Arya wants to change the world, Seigi wants revenge, so he goes after Arya and ends up saving the world in the process. Hopefully I got that right.
Show has really derailed hard, It's become a complete mess.
Lelouch0202Sep 5, 2016 1:17 PM
Sep 5, 2016 1:50 PM

Feb 2015
JC Staff have pretty much thrown in the towel with this series. The animation was full of shortcuts and looked clunky and don't even get me started on the dialogue. I thought Qualidia Code was the worst this season has to offer but Taboo Tattoo has overtaken it.

Also whats the point in Blusey loosing an arm when it can be replaced with a mechanical one that looks exactly the same? Its a useless plot device.

In short this is an embarrassing pile of shit. I'm gonna need alcohol to get through next weeks episode.
Sep 5, 2016 2:34 PM
Mar 2016
Oh great they just added a new protagonist and antagonist at the same wrong time. Especially when there are just 2 more to go.
Sep 5, 2016 2:55 PM

May 2015
Bad episode is bad episode. Only two more episodes!

Sep 5, 2016 3:00 PM

May 2016
I had hopes this series wouldn't end up like this, but its just became a pile of garbage. The animation is lousy and it is way to fast paced, for a manga that is still publishing they sure are rushing the plot along; if they played it right it may have been good enough to get more seasons but I highly doubt that at this point. My main problem however is with the characters, especially the female characters. Lisa has essentially just become a fodder character and I had hopes that she would get her revenge on Il but no Il has turned Lisa into another of her puppets and we all know how that ended for Touko, Izzy (Bluesy) has slowly became a less interesting character and at this point only serves for the purpose of a female protagonist, we hardly have any character development for her (Apart from her relationship with B.B) I don't think that this anime can be saved but if they do manage to salvage the last few episodes the highest it can get is a 5.
Sep 5, 2016 3:13 PM

Mar 2012
Stark700 said:

Nope, couldn't take that beach segment seriously

implying that this show is supposed to be serious

death/blood/gore =/= serious show
Sep 5, 2016 3:20 PM

Sep 2014
That Tamaki segment with him as a background character was actually pretty funny.
Sep 5, 2016 3:58 PM

Jan 2013
What a god awful episode.
Sep 5, 2016 4:12 PM

Jan 2008
This episode was hilarious, I was having a good time until the fighting started. Love the portrayal of the US Armed Forces. >_>
Sep 5, 2016 4:51 PM

Aug 2014
Its painfully frustrating how useless the Americans are in this show. Show someone doing something, anything useful please for the love of christ.
Get your shit straight Brenda
Sep 5, 2016 6:58 PM

Aug 2011
It almost feels like as if the animators were super lazy when making this episode. Garbage episode
Sep 5, 2016 7:45 PM

Jan 2016
fun stuff
so Seigi is busted now, kind of needed to be to face the kingdom
wonder how this is going to work out, funny how he can implant a virus into the source or...
I don't know, but im enjoying whatever the fuck is going on.

Sep 5, 2016 7:48 PM
Aug 2011
The actual score for this anime couldn't be more right.

Also the stuff is getting pretty convoluted there... can't still figure who is main villain in this show. If it's the princess it'll feel so wrong...
Sep 5, 2016 8:17 PM

May 2010
episode wasnt worth shit.
Sep 5, 2016 8:30 PM

Feb 2016
i am pretty sure that Bluesy lost one of his arms, what the fuck is she doing with both arms? am i missing something?
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 5, 2016 8:50 PM

Jun 2015
This episode made me confused because of the time skip. Nothing made sense.
The beach scene segment was weird to watch.
Action was decent I guess. It was cool to watch.
The scene where the background character was proposing to his girlfriend was the best part of the episode.
Sep 5, 2016 8:56 PM

Aug 2012
Jack_Corvus96 said:
i am pretty sure that Bluesy lost one of his arms, what the fuck is she doing with both arms? am i missing something?

She got an artificial arm. They mention it before the opening.

Walowizard said:
Its painfully frustrating how useless the Americans are in this show. Show someone doing something, anything useful please for the love of christ.

BB was the only one. Awful shark Dean Carter got rekt so fast

One year time skip. Jeeze that felt awful.

Wow there's a lot of fat people in that Californian beach.

There goes Tamaki
Sep 5, 2016 8:59 PM

Dec 2015
The Princesses, BB, and Izzy are the best on this show. MC crying about revenge but he's the idiot that got her killed make sense..
Sep 5, 2016 10:04 PM

Feb 2014
Like honestly people if you hate this anime so much why do you continue to watch it? Like seriously go watch something else rather than criticize the anime. On topic, I thought the episode was funny because of the way Tom acted.
Sep 5, 2016 10:07 PM
Jul 2018
Sadly I don't want to be "that person" but in all honesty I really can't even enjoy the series at this point I guess. Everything feels fast paced and out of place, and it just seemed like JC Staff decided to do their worst yet and this is coming from a person that loves J.C Staff. It just seems more like they just won't give a shit about it and they will focus on the other stuff they have, mainly this is just like some sort of blatantly cash-grabbing, and I haven't caught up to the manga even so I do wanna go and check the manga afterwards at least...

I mean I haven't caught up to Amanchu and Soma and I am not caught up to Saiki (which is garbage tbh imo) But, exception of Saiki Kusou (I despise this anime short for reasons), this is probably their weakest work up to date, or at least, one of the weakest. I don't think its their worst work since there are a few that I consider the worst from their end (I personally believe Majimoji Rurumo its their worst show in their entire lineup), but it really, really doesn't make it any better. At this point I will probably give it like a 4. I don't hate it per say (if I did I would have given it a 3) but it was so much that I can't stand it in the end.
Sep 5, 2016 10:12 PM
Jul 2018
kenshin562 said:
Like honestly people if you hate this anime so much why do you continue to watch it? Like seriously go watch something else rather than criticize the anime. On topic, I thought the episode was funny because of the way Tom acted.

I don't hate the series at all in all honesty, I thought it was fairly entertaining, but in the past few episodes, they were just some sort of chore that it's really not that entertaining to see. Maybe I can pass it off as maybe a funny time series, but even then, it's just mostly purely fast paced and just not even trying to put any effort at least entertainment wise. I don't care if it is cliche or generic (because you can't escape it in all honesty) but, at least make it entertaining and fun rather than really cringe worthy, or at the very least making it look as a chore.

By the way, I can't really drop anything, since I am an completionist so.
Sep 5, 2016 11:43 PM

Oct 2011
Segi got strong omg
lol at Comikik
Sep 5, 2016 11:58 PM

Mar 2014
wait wat people actually defend for this crap? if the first blu ray volume can sell more than 500 copies i will consider this series succeeds
Sep 6, 2016 12:47 AM

Sep 2015
ButtSlapper said:
wait wat people actually defend for this crap? if the first blu ray volume can sell more than 500 copies i will consider this series succeeds

This anime is bad. But I think its best you delete your post thou because its stupid and it shows how much you know about anime and the market. Consider the amount of people watching anime and the amount of crazy anime fan who collect anime blu-ray, 500 copies are easy to achieve.

Everyone preference is different, you don't like it doesn't mean others think so too. No offence to you but think before you write.
Sep 6, 2016 1:22 AM

Sep 2013
The only reason I'm finishing watching this thing is because it's on my list for the 2016 anime challenge. I'm 10 episodes in and only have 2 more to sit through so I figure I can grin and bear it. It's really...realllllly.....REALLLYYY bad though.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Sep 6, 2016 3:28 AM
Aug 2016
Talon184 said:
The only reason I'm finishing watching this thing is because it's on my list for the 2016 anime challenge. I'm 10 episodes in and only have 2 more to sit through so I figure I can grin and bear it. It's really...realllllly.....REALLLYYY bad though.

Me too

One things are good in this anime and this dies already BB.
Sep 6, 2016 3:58 AM

Jul 2013
I thought nothing would surpass Mayoiga as best comedy of 2016, but I was totally wrong.
I hope Tamaki survives, I want to think those deathflags self-aware comedy was introduced to foreshadow he will survive against all odds, but I really doubt it.
I only care for him and Tom at this point.

I'm glad to not be American, because how the show portrays them as useless barbarians and fodders is frustrating.
That dark skinned chick has her tattoo in an interestign place...

I hope this get finished by the 12th episode and we don't have a second season. JC Staff, you better would made Index III instead of this.

Also, RIP shark Dean Carter, saddest death of the series.
IllyricusSep 6, 2016 12:26 PM
Sep 6, 2016 5:11 AM

Sep 2014
Well.. if you want a serious show you should have dropped it earlier. Im staying for the comedy and fan service.
The guys raising red flags in the back lol. These are indeed deathflags.
I dont even think this anime is bad, its just that it could have been actually good considering the first few episodes.
That touko actually died is a shame. Maybe she will also come back like lisa?
That princess is actually the only reason im still watching ^^
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 6, 2016 7:05 AM

Jun 2013
that beach video was so stupid and poor Dean Carter lool
Sep 6, 2016 7:25 AM

Jan 2013
Aaaaaaaaaand I change my opinion on this show from "stupid fun" to "awful."
Sep 6, 2016 7:33 AM

Feb 2016
Necromia said:
Jack_Corvus96 said:
i am pretty sure that Bluesy lost one of his arms, what the fuck is she doing with both arms? am i missing something?

She got an artificial arm. They mention it before the opening.

i'll blame the rush then lol
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Sep 6, 2016 7:34 AM

Jan 2014
Well basically we're for the final battle now? A year has passed and the situation is more shitty than before.

The otaku parts were funny although they felt sudden '-' the cosplayer is bae.

The beach segment was weird but then again we know Arya does not make much sense on her free time.

The action as usual great (that giant bullet destroying the show-off was gruesome) and I definitely had a genuine laugh at Izzy telling our sadistic fella that he speaks and shits from the same orifice.

So many broken opponents around. How will they ever win I wonder.
Sep 6, 2016 7:50 AM

May 2012
How did Izzy get her hand back ?!
Sep 6, 2016 8:36 AM

Jun 2014
This is the greatest trainwreck I've ever seen, this is so incredibly dumb I can't believe my eyes.
Sep 6, 2016 9:03 AM

Mar 2014
valvravetruth said:
ButtSlapper said:
wait wat people actually defend for this crap? if the first blu ray volume can sell more than 500 copies i will consider this series succeeds

This anime is bad. But I think its best you delete your post thou because its stupid and it shows how much you know about anime and the market. Consider the amount of people watching anime and the amount of crazy anime fan who collect anime blu-ray, 500 copies are easy to achieve.

Everyone preference is different, you don't like it doesn't mean others think so too. No offence to you but think before you write.

where are those crazy anime fans?are u one of them?from the amazon pt list it doesn't seem like it can break 500 copies lol (***161pt)
Sep 6, 2016 9:19 AM

Sep 2015
ButtSlapper said:
where are those crazy anime fans?are u one of them?from the amazon pt list it doesn't seem like it can break 500 copies lol (***161pt)

Then maybe its good that now you learn Amazon is not the only place you can buy certain stuffs from.
Sep 6, 2016 9:38 AM

May 2014
This anime continues to make no sense and have no consistent tone.

Seigi got hot though after the timeskip lmao.
Sep 6, 2016 11:07 AM

Nov 2012
It was a good episode :DDDD
Sep 6, 2016 11:20 AM

Apr 2016
wow, what a surprise, sometimes i have smiled in this episode (not about the things they have done badly).

but I see no way to repair these diced pictures. Now we have a completely new MC... (only saying, its one year later, didn't work imo).
FencSep 6, 2016 11:27 AM
Sep 6, 2016 12:22 PM

Aug 2012
Illyricus said:

I hope Tamaki survives, I want to think those deathflags self-aware comedy was introduced to foreshadow he will survive against all odds, but I really doubt it.

Absolutely agree on that.

Wouldn't have been surprised though if that US soldier would've just shot him in the back.

Lelouch0202 said:
Anyhow, I laughed when I heard that there was a 1 year time skip. Obviously Seigi has become strong now(?), Cool, but the trophy winner was clearly this line where he explained his new strength with "I can see it all somehow, That's all" XD 5/5. I'm sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at this. :( They could have quoted or shown some intensive training to at least make it seem believable.

I think that was probably meant in a sort of "BB now lives on within me and therefore I can use his techniques" way, or some bs like that.

Illyricus said:
I thought nothing would suprass Mayoiga as best comedy of 2016, but I was totally wrong.

Pointed that out to a friend as well, glad I'm not the only one who saw the similarities.
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