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The Flowers of Evil
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Sep 1, 2016 12:42 PM

Aug 2016
I just finished this show and i actually liked it, i didnt really mind the animation either, but after finishing and checking to see if their is a season two i couldnt find one, then found out this was made in 2013.. i think. Also those flashes of a possible season 2 made it seem like it was gonna happen but maybe not? anyone know or should i just try reading the manga..? i really liked this show but i see alot of people didnt.. would help if anyone knew some info.. couldnt find anything about season 2 on google.
Sep 1, 2016 1:28 PM

Jun 2012
-The manga ended 2 years ago. There are no more manga sales that can be promoted with a new anime.
-This series was a commercial failure. A gigantic, massive, cosmic commercial failure.
-Manga fans and anime-only viewers, in Japan and the rest of the world, hated this series. There is no fanbase that is hoping for a second season.

So no, this series is never going to get a second season.
I suggest you to go read the manga.
Andan210Sep 1, 2016 1:35 PM
The only True Ending is the Harem Ending.
Sep 1, 2016 1:37 PM

Aug 2016
Andan210 said:
-The manga ended 2 years ago. There are no more manga sales that can be promoted with a new anime.
-This series was a commercial failure. A gigantic, massive, cosmic commercial failure.
-Manga fans and anime-only viewers, in Japan and the rest of the world, hated this series. There is no fanbase that is hoping for a second season.

So no, this series is never going to get a second season.
I suggest you to go read the manga.

i knew it did pretty bad but i didnt know it did awful xD i guess it takes a certain type of person to enjoy it.
Sep 1, 2016 2:24 PM

Jun 2012
Sywed said:
Andan210 said:
-The manga ended 2 years ago. There are no more manga sales that can be promoted with a new anime.
-This series was a commercial failure. A gigantic, massive, cosmic commercial failure.
-Manga fans and anime-only viewers, in Japan and the rest of the world, hated this series. There is no fanbase that is hoping for a second season.

So no, this series is never going to get a second season.
I suggest you to go read the manga.

i knew it did pretty bad but i didnt know it did awful xD i guess it takes a certain type of person to enjoy it.

Yeah, it sold around 283 Blu-ray copies. Totally catastrophic sales.

And it's not like that. This anime had everything to be at least a moderate success and guaranteed a complete adaptation of the manga. But this series was dead the second they decided to use rotoscoping instead of the original, superior art style of the manga.
The only True Ending is the Harem Ending.
Sep 1, 2016 5:16 PM

Apr 2013
I'm so sad I loved this show so much.
They could've,,,,, at least,,, not teased us.

Sep 1, 2016 5:26 PM

Aug 2016
kumooo said:
I'm so sad I loved this show so much.
They could've,,,,, at least,,, not teased us.

yea.. im actually glad im in the small percent of people that really enjoyed the show though, feels unique!
Sep 29, 2016 6:43 AM

Jan 2013
Sywed said:
kumooo said:
I'm so sad I loved this show so much.
They could've,,,,, at least,,, not teased us.

yea.. im actually glad im in the small percent of people that really enjoyed the show though, feels unique!

Right, it's amazing the amount of hate I've seen on the discussion threads and reviews ...
I really liked the show's realism.
Sep 29, 2016 9:03 PM
Sep 2016
Andan210 said:
Sywed said:

i knew it did pretty bad but i didnt know it did awful xD i guess it takes a certain type of person to enjoy it.

Yeah, it sold around 283 Blu-ray copies. Totally catastrophic sales.

And it's not like that. This anime had everything to be at least a moderate success and guaranteed a complete adaptation of the manga. But this series was dead the second they decided to use rotoscoping instead of the original, superior art style of the manga.

Well, I just went trough the trouble to sign up so I can make a comment cuz this is pathetic, by that I mean the general anime community, being this one of the biggest and bests sites I sadly noticed how most of the threads about AnH are hate filled about the way the animated the anime.
There is definitely a fanbase, one that wants a 2nd season, I also bought the american bluray release soo yes, I just want to encourage people who loved the anime to search for other sites where you can find lots of analysis, discussions and opinions without the general otaku rage, most of them are simple blogs by simple people, but even better, people that try to find the meaning of a work, sorry for my english :)
Oct 3, 2016 7:08 PM

Jan 2014
It's a shame there won't be a second season yet we get stuck watching all this trash that is released these days. You would think the Second season was finished seeing as they teased us by showing most of what happens.
Oct 3, 2016 7:11 PM

Jan 2014
ffzzzuuumm said:
Andan210 said:

Yeah, it sold around 283 Blu-ray copies. Totally catastrophic sales.

And it's not like that. This anime had everything to be at least a moderate success and guaranteed a complete adaptation of the manga. But this series was dead the second they decided to use rotoscoping instead of the original, superior art style of the manga.

Well, I just went trough the trouble to sign up so I can make a comment cuz this is pathetic, by that I mean the general anime community, being this one of the biggest and bests sites I sadly noticed how most of the threads about AnH are hate filled about the way the animated the anime.
There is definitely a fanbase, one that wants a 2nd season, I also bought the american bluray release soo yes, I just want to encourage people who loved the anime to search for other sites where you can find lots of analysis, discussions and opinions without the general otaku rage, most of them are simple blogs by simple people, but even better, people that try to find the meaning of a work, sorry for my english :)
The Anime community in general has become complete garbage imo, people only want things that are simple and done many times over, shows like Sword art online will continue to thrive because of how simple minded anime fans are. it's a shame tbh.
Oct 3, 2016 8:21 PM

Jun 2015
This show was fantastic. Based on the little "teaser" at the end of the last episode I was SO pumped for a second season... my disappointment was pretty crazy when I learned it had done so badly :(

I know tons of people hate on the art, but... I thought the art style was completely appropriate and very unique and beautiful. Why does everything have to just look like copy and paste digital fluff to be accepted? A good adaptation should push the boundaries imo and Aku no Hana did a great job!
Oct 6, 2016 9:16 AM

Jun 2012
ffzzzuuumm said:
Andan210 said:

Yeah, it sold around 283 Blu-ray copies. Totally catastrophic sales.

And it's not like that. This anime had everything to be at least a moderate success and guaranteed a complete adaptation of the manga. But this series was dead the second they decided to use rotoscoping instead of the original, superior art style of the manga.

Well, I just went trough the trouble to sign up so I can make a comment cuz this is pathetic, by that I mean the general anime community, being this one of the biggest and bests sites I sadly noticed how most of the threads about AnH are hate filled about the way the animated the anime.
There is definitely a fanbase, one that wants a 2nd season, I also bought the american bluray release soo yes, I just want to encourage people who loved the anime to search for other sites where you can find lots of analysis, discussions and opinions without the general otaku rage, most of them are simple blogs by simple people, but even better, people that try to find the meaning of a work, sorry for my english :)

Dude, calm down. The OP wanted to know if there would be a second season of this show, and I just gave him the reasons why there won't be one.
If you and other people liked this atrocity of an adaptation then good for you. That doesn't change the fact that it was a complete financial failure and that it's never going to get a sequel.
The only True Ending is the Harem Ending.
Oct 6, 2016 10:05 AM
Jul 2018

Seems like there are no plans for producing S2 and we would know anyway from MAL.
Haven't read the manga but I'm fine with the open ending of anime and I actually like it.
As for those who criticise rotoscopic style.. They should just stick with other material,
since they don't appreciate realism and don't even have decent arguments against it.
Oct 16, 2016 1:29 AM

Sep 2016
It's a massive shame that there is no second part. I will read the manga but the feeling is not the same, and I actually prefer the rotoscoped style of the anime. The atmosphere was beautiful and so was the soundtrack, especially the different versions of Hana by Asa-Chang and Junray.

It is like no other. Nothing will ever compare to this. No other anime, TV show, film, whatever will ever come close to the brilliance that is Aku no Hana.
I will not say it's the best thing in the world, but it's up there with one of the best things I have ever seen, in any media. Yes, there were things that made me slightly confused, and I will look for the answers in the manga, but again, there is no soundtrack, no feelings of dread and a myriad of other emotions like the anime had, so I'm not sure if I'll enjoy the manga the same way.
The art style fit perfectly, and could not have been done any other way. I am sad that people hate this adaptation. As someone else has said before, maybe in a few years, Aku no Hana the anime will turn out to be critically acclaimed. It's great social commentary.

Maybe if we beg for a second season and say "pretty please with a cherry on top" they will make it? It's highly unlikely, but we could try :(
Reminds me of Firefly...

The ending is why I hate cliffhangers...

Aku no Hana will stay with me forever.
kenjanopropellerOct 16, 2016 1:44 AM
World's dumbest hikikomori.

Proud supporter of Koichi Makigami.
Mar 12, 2017 6:18 PM
Jul 2018
It was possible to make a movie... I think movie could been suit better if this anime could had high sales but also there is unfortunate since there is one xxx scene that plays important role for the story continuation and it is impossible to show up one on usual TV or Movie series and hence 2nd season... no chance if only they plans a original ending.
Anyway manga ending was really unsweet imo.But middle story... oh well I won't utter a single letter spoiler for that~
Mar 25, 2017 5:00 PM
Apr 2011
Aku no Hana manga has a huge potential to be a cult hit. The director squandered it by being "artsy". FYI the author of the manga has unique blend of anime and realism art style. There is no reason to do rotoscope. I still cringe that this adaptation is bad. Oshimi Shuuzou could have been hailed as a genius mangaka like ONE or Isayama if only Aku no Hana adaptation was decent. I just hope that his latest series Boku wa Mari no Naka will have a good director if it gets adapted because that manga also has a huge potential.
Apr 16, 2017 2:13 AM

Aug 2015
Pretty sad that there's no second season. I really enjoyed this anime. I guess ill read the manga then
Apr 16, 2017 2:23 AM

Jan 2011
I wish, the anime improved on what it adapted in every way.
May 8, 2017 7:58 AM

Jan 2013
Lord_Lamington said:
Pretty sad that there's no second season. I really enjoyed this anime. I guess ill read the manga then

It's what I did and I was not disappointed.
I tend to read the manga of shows that arent getting new seasons, like Deadman Wonderland for example.
Jan 24, 2018 11:15 PM

Jan 2013
It's such a shame cause the manga is so shit compared to the anime, and everything from chapter 33 just feels like a lazy fan fic, they should have done a 20 ep anime and end it there

The show gave me a slight Story of the Eye vibe, in some chapter kasuga even says he's read Bataille(reading bataille at 14, bad idea). Clearly influenced by literature and more serious themes, this anime stands out, which is why it did bad in sales, I guess it's kind of weird to be in MAL forums saying this but, for me most anime nowadays is shit, I don't even watch it anymore, since 3 or 4 years, so yeah, I only liked this because it was very non-anime like, with a very mature approach, was set to fail.
ConfusionHazeJan 26, 2018 4:49 AM
May 2, 2019 11:06 AM
Aug 2018
I agree with the praise for the series.

It is completely possible to make a movie out of Aku no Hana, the adult themes are not a problem. Japan is the land of "pinku eiga" (erotica), and there are violent and crazy films made by well known directors.
Besides, the anime was a Seinen.

I read the manga, and it was good. But years on, I still miss the atmosphere of the anime, and the rotoscoping made it unique and very interesting to look at. I am actually not an otaku and I'm more interested in anime as a means to present new stories, serious ones.

It is just another medium for me, though I have to admit that due to the stigma associated with fans and because of moe, I thought that all anime was the same, and it took me ages to take it seriously.

I believe that if Aku no Hana was rendered in a normal style, it would not be as impactful. The manga is rendered in this way, and it is great, yes, but the rotoscoping complements the story and the music adds another layer. Aku no Hana is much like a film released in 13 chapters.

Sawa is a favourite character of mine and the ending of the story is relatable, although I won't say why as it might spoil something. I was sort of disappointed at how the story changed, but at the same time, I liked to see Kasuga becoming more mature.
TetsuyaBURSTMay 2, 2019 11:11 AM
Jan 28, 2020 4:31 AM
Sep 2015
Quick update Live Action film is already released in September 27 at japan last year♥

look google or asianwiki
Feb 2, 2020 8:58 AM

Jun 2019
nelson_a said:
Quick update Live Action film is already released in September 27 at japan last year♥

look google or asianwiki

Yes, thanks, but for those of us not in Japan and since it's now February, do you happen to have any information as to when this will either be in limited release internationally with subtitles (at least for me in the U.S., since I live in a suburb of NYC in the northeast and we get a lot of foreign films in independent theaters) or available online, similarly subtitled?

I've been looking for information on it periodically since last September but haven't really found anything conclusive or concrete.
Feb 21, 2020 10:26 AM
Sep 2015
WatchTillTandava said:
nelson_a said:
Quick update Live Action film is already released in September 27 at japan last year♥

look google or asianwiki

Yes, thanks, but for those of us not in Japan and since it's now February, do you happen to have any information as to when this will either be in limited release internationally with subtitles (at least for me in the U.S., since I live in a suburb of NYC in the northeast and we get a lot of foreign films in independent theaters) or available online, similarly subtitled?

I've been looking for information on it periodically since last September but haven't really found anything conclusive or concrete.

i can't find anything release online or outside japan except in Poland.
Jun 15, 2020 8:21 AM
Jun 2020
signed up the account just to comment as well

loved the anime, disappointed with no season 2, read the manga, it's not as good as the anime (i agree that the rotoscopic art, music, and atmosphere made it really special)

anyone can recommend another anime as dark as this well? thanks
Jun 20, 2020 12:44 PM

Dec 2016
does anyone know from which chapter should I start if I'm to pick up after the anime?
Jun 25, 2020 5:27 PM
Apr 2018
its chapter 21 onward
Nov 9, 2020 4:31 AM
Jan 2020
I really wish there was a season 2. This anime actually has a message that I can relate to and a lot of people. It really is unique and I think the animation actually suits the theme, a normal anime style wouldn't give the same feels. And fuck everyone that hates on this series. You don't have to like it, but don't be dick about it.
Nov 19, 2020 9:57 PM

Apr 2007
Thanks for following up on this show. Please post more info if anything new comes out.

For those interested, I feel that the anime Monster has a similar feel to this show.
Dec 20, 2020 5:08 PM
Apr 2020
So I recently like just now finished the anime and it might be weird but this is like one of the first anime I've watched in a long time that made me so invested in watching this I fucking loved it I disliked the artstlye at first but I really like it now and the music is good and the plot in general is really good it annoyed me at times I cringed at times I got sad at other times but this anime was amazing I love how other people are talking about this and I might be the only person in 2020 watching it but I don't care its amazing and right at the end when they gave us a glimpse into season 2 I was like holy shit it's happening and I thought and I realised that it said end of part one I was saying yes can't wait and realised that it came out in 2013 and so I searched it up and everyone was saying no it's not happening because it was a disaster and I was like is it really that bad I know loads of people I could recommend this too and they would love it but I guess that's not going to happen at all just one day I hope the creators or someone sees this and realises that they do have a fan base even though it may be small people still believe in them one day really i hope one day they find a way too figure it out and make a second season oh and if anyone read this thank you for taking your time to read my rant on this underrated anime arigato
Dec 20, 2020 5:14 PM
Apr 2020
So I made a comment and it was way too long and it didn't post so I'll try simplyfy the para so I just finished the anime and I thought it was amazing and it made me annoyed happy sad and I cringed during the anime I one day hope the creators see this and realise they have a fan base even though it may be small they still do I loved it soooo much and I disliked the artsyle at first but it grows on you I wish there was another season pain I love it soo so so much and its a shame it was a flop but I don't understand why it was really good and I had hope for when then scenes played but I still wanted saeki and kasuga didn't like nakamura at all haha and the plot was really interesting and you get invested in the anime if you have time to read this even though I might be the only one in 2020 too watch it please someone try and figure out how we can get a season two arigato
Jan 25, 2021 5:00 PM
Nov 2020
Dewy said:
kumooo said:
I'm so sad I loved this show so much.
They could've,,,,, at least,,, not teased us.

yea.. im actually glad im in the small percent of people that really enjoyed the show though, feels unique!

It's my favorite anime now for several years- superb. The problem is that it deals with profound Dom/sub subject matter, and pushed a lot of buttons with viewers insecure with such content.

I read about 3 or so of the manga, and it was absolutely different from the director's spin on it, and at the time, I didn't like it. The manga leaned more into the grotesquely violent, cold unstable angle... psychosis rather than the elegantly sensual flavor of the anime.
Apr 8, 2021 4:21 PM
Apr 2021
It's 2021. I just had to sign up when I found out that I wasn't the only big fan of Aku no hana.
So I was wondering if the live action movie covers the whole story.
On an unrelated note I really agree that most anime fans are disappointing. Sword art online didn't do it for me. It was just another part of the monotonic zeitgeist I've come to despise. The boring isekai and co. trope without any unique twist.
I'd like to say much more but I really shouldn't bore anyone. Thanks.
May 22, 2021 1:55 AM
Jun 2015
I've been on MAL for ages, never posted anything in the forums, but felt I needed to toss my hat in the ring as a fan of AnH. It really changed what my idea of what anime could be. Personally, I'd say that the anime and the manga are on equal grounds, there are things the manga did better (continuing the story for one *coughcough*), and there are things the anime did better (artstyle made it feel a touch more human, for example).

Austine03 said:
So I was wondering if the live action movie covers the whole story.

The film does cover all 11 volumes. It had to be pretty cut down to fit into 2 hours, though, so expect there to be changes here and there to create a more solid consistency.
Oct 13, 2021 11:17 AM
Jun 2019
As every other AnH fan, I loved this show and was sadden because there won't be any 2nd season.
I'm actually surprised everyone is praising the artstyle and OST but not the tension it created. It was astonishing!
That 10 minute walking scene was the most kino scene I've ever watched, with the doorknob one being the second kino-est and one of the tensest. It's unbelievable how the manga didn't build tension. Maybe why I'll suffer a bit from it when I get to read AnH seriously.
For those who hate the show and are trashtalking it, why did you watch it then lol? Spread love, not hate.
Oct 30, 2021 7:54 AM
Jul 2020
MOORVI said:
As every other AnH fan, I loved this show and was sadden because there won't be any 2nd season.
I'm actually surprised everyone is praising the artstyle and OST but not the tension it created. It was astonishing!
That 10 minute walking scene was the most kino scene I've ever watched, with the doorknob one being the second kino-est and one of the tensest. It's unbelievable how the manga didn't build tension. Maybe why I'll suffer a bit from it when I get to read AnH seriously.
For those who hate the show and are trashtalking it, why did you watch it then lol? Spread love, not hate.
MOORVI said:
As every other AnH fan, I loved this show and was sadden because there won't be any 2nd season.
I'm actually surprised everyone is praising the artstyle and OST but not the tension it created. It was astonishing!
That 10 minute walking scene was the most kino scene I've ever watched, with the doorknob one being the second kino-est and one of the tensest. It's unbelievable how the manga didn't build tension. Maybe why I'll suffer a bit from it when I get to read AnH seriously.
For those who hate the show and are trashtalking it, why did you watch it then lol? Spread love, not hate.

I love this show too . As you said That walk n getting into her room man that was pain for eyes to wait
I just finished it n seen there's no S2 after for teasing n giving lot of mental stress. Made me sad Maybe I'll read the manga.

Even if it's small fan base I feel better that they're not like other some % of other anime fan base who belittle other.
Have a good day brother.
Dec 19, 2021 8:26 PM

Aug 2018
Fool2020 said:
its chapter 21 onward

Thanks, helping people since 2020 xD
Jun 30, 2023 12:54 PM
Jun 2017
The rotoscoping was central to the appeal of this anime for me. It is unlike anything I've ever seen. It added a touch of realism. Most times, anime struggles to convey emotions in a subtle, realistic way. This anime was the exception. I suppose it was ahead of its time. Anime fans have grown up, many would give this show the appreciation it deserves if it were released today.
Dec 19, 2024 2:53 PM
Sep 2024
Just wanted to join the fanbase!
Watched the anime for the first time a few months ago and it blew me away! Loved it from start to finish! The rotoscope, the music, the uniqueness!
Coming to know there will never be a second season was frustrating like few other things!
Bought the manga and finished it a few minutes ago. I devoured it in half a day. It made me even more frustrated because knowing now how the story unfolds, a second season of the anime would have been just epic!!!
Some mentioned Firefly. I really hope also Aku No Hana will at some point find its Serenity, but i really doubt that!!! What a pity!!!
Jan 7, 12:48 PM
May 2014
It's weird how the world works sometimes. From what I've read here, the majority of watchers hated it when it came out, but after over 10 years it seems to slowly garner a bigger and bigger group of people who like the show, including me. I didn't watch it when it came out and didn't know about the controversial adaptation history. It'll be interesting to see the discussions from back in the day. After finishing the show, I'll be checking out some of those discussions. It'll be interesting to see if people have anything more substantial to say aside from 'I don't like the art style / animation style'. Cannot comment on how well it adapts the manga as I haven't read it (yet).

But the more time passes, the more unique this show will be compared to the thousands of shows produced today (and ones that will be produced). I'm watching Tower of God S2 as its airing and that show is one step above a powerpoint presentation. Absolutely atrocious. Just keep your eye out for anime that try to trick you into thinking you're watching 'animation' when what you're actually seeing is sprites being moved across the screen wholesale without animating any movement in characters at all. Add generic-looking digital backgrounds with little detail, and flashy (CG) visual noise on screen to mask the fact that almost nothing is being animated, and you have the recipe for tons of shows that are mass-produced right now. You'll notice it everywhere.

I'm not saying this is a new phenomenon - you can easily find 80's and 90's shows with barely any animation at all. It has always been this way. I just think that as the industry continues to pump out more and more shows, the more unique ones will stand out more, and it wouldn't surprise me if this adaptation will slowly grow in terms of appreciation over the coming decades. It'll be a hidden gem in the sea of Isekai powerpoint presentations being dumped on streaming services.

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